kendrixtermina · 9 months
Misleading Claims about Gaza I’ve seen flying around
So I want to speak to a set of claims I’ve seen flying around that, while not 100% lies, get presented in a hugely misleading way.
I, a rando with an internet connection, was able to find with a simple google & wikipedia search that they were severely taken out of context.
1. They threw a gay person off a roof
Never happened.
This is a clear echo off of roof-related execution done by ISIS meaning to conflate the orgs in the mind of an uneducated westerner who doesn’t know how ME political groups are different.
There was indeed one (1) case of a person being accused of being gay & then executed (not by being thrown off a roof) – but that was among a long list of other crimes, & their relatives say it’s a pretext/slander to cover internal hamas power struggle.
Not great, part of a larger tendency to be repressive toward some rival factions, but hardly „systematic persecution and executions of gays“.
While it’s not exactly Amsterdam, there is no systematic or legally encoded persecution. There are cases of ppl being shunned or kicked out by their family, but you can say the same about, say, Alabama.
I’ve come across various posts by LBTQ people who travelled there and were not especially harassed. One even wore a flag pin.
A common thing you hear is that ppl are too busy just surviving & ending their more general oppression to worry too much about stuff like holding a pride march.
2. It’s forbidden to teach the holocaust in Gaza
This should have you very suspicious if you’re aware how little control Palestinians actually have over their education system and how they’re often handed textbooks with pro-zionist curriculums that present the Nakba as good (!) - to the point that arab students in mixed town hear their teachers call them the „enemy“ & younger palestinian educators often have not heard of famous palestinian writers & poets.
Indeed the claim probably goes back to a single dispute about a single UN course on human rights where Hamas officials expressed concerns about a curriculum that might include the holocaust for fear of indoctrination & zionist propaganda.
(Not an unreasonable fear, if you’re aware of the racist textbooks issue.)
During the discourse, there was an individual Hamas official who made some statement to the effect that the holocaust was probably just another lie made up by the Zionist to justify taking their country.
The man hasn’t been in power for years, btw (a good thing, seeing as he seems ignorant & incendiary) – genuine L for that guy & Hamas for hiring him. Not defending him at all, that guy is an idiot. But its NOT a comprehensive ban on the subject at all (indeed many Palestinians you see online seem quite well-informed)
But note how the claim is often presented in a way to evoke western neo-nazis who have long been motivated to explain away the biggest argument as to why their ideology is a bad idea.
Can you really compare these situations, though?
Make no mistake: The holocaust defo happened.
But why do I know this? Because I’ve read books by survivors as well as accounts of US & russian soldiers who found the mess. I’ve been to Dachau on a school trip & the walls of the gas chambers still had nail marks on them. I’ve been to that house in prague where all the walls are covered in victim’s names. My grandmother saw the infamous auschwitz human skin lamp with her own eyeballs. Heck, her father in law narrowly survived by jumping out of one of those death trains.
Now, does an older arab guy in a besieged, impoverished enclave have access to that proof? It’s not like he can travel to europe & go to a museum.
Also, as someone who went to an european school, I remember being told precious little about the middle east and some of it was stereotypic bullshit. So why would an arab guy living under a much worse-funded education system know much more about european history?
He’s used to the zionists spouting 2+2 = 5 lies, propaganda & spin all the time, so if he doesn’t know a lot about europe, he might jump to the conclusion that this thing they use to justify the conquest of his home is probably a lie as well.
Quite different from an european neo nazi denying mountains of proof out of wounded pride. (or because he actually thinks it was nbd but can’t say so publicly)
It’s kinda like the way radfems refuse to believe that men aren’t making up all their problems...
Again, it’s an L for that hamas guy, kids have nothing to fear from learning accurate facts about foreign countries, I'll always be against censorship & pro free information.
But one (1) idiot politician saying something offensive does NOT equal the subject being explicitly banned from discussion in all gazan schools.
The claim also leaves out the context that since Hamas also provides schooling & welfare there’s a bit of a rivalry/power struggle between it & the aid orgs (golly gee, I wonder why a population utterly abandoned by the international community would distrust foreigners...)
Something that was very telling about the post is „liberate gaza so they can finally learn about the holocaust!“ like its this all-important thing - I mean, it IS very important… if you’re european or jewish, cause in that case it massively impacted your civilization and your own family history. But it wasn’t the only mass murder nor the worst by method (rwanda) or number (stalinist purges) & doesn’t have this magic objective value, europe isn’t the navel of the earth & the ppl aren’t wrong not to want eurocentrism shoved down their throats.
I do think everyone should be taught about the evils of discrimination but probably a more natural place to start might be the armenian genocide, since Palestine used to be Ottoman. Or examples of discrimination in the arab world (including against jews)
I mean in that instance the guy was most likely being paranoid & advancing some power strugle agenda, & I’d say he was in the wrong, but the touchiness & concern about indoctrination has a reason & one instance of complaining about one course does NOT equal a general ban on the subject in schools. (many of which, are, after all, run by international orgs)
Frankly, a people living in a walled ghetto probably already know more about the evils of discrimination than anyone who doesn’t.
Also, it’s very ironic for Israel to go accusing others of denying atrocities when even mentioning the Nakba can cost you your academic career.
There’s no Israeli teens going to Nakba Museum and indeed school books portraying it as good that are forced on the arabs as well.
Imagine if a Romani, Jewish or Polish person in modern day Germany were forced to look upon textbooks full of common Nazi apologia like „Hitler built the Motorways“, „But Dresden!“ and „We only lost WWI cause the socialists backstabbed us!“ (For the record, all of those are all bullshit.)
3. When Israeli settlers pulled out of Gaza, the first thing they did is raze the synagogues
Again, this is deliberately phrased to remind westerners or diasporic jews of neo-nazis throwing molotovs and the like (if only our governments did as much against those as they’re presently doing to slander anti-war protesters… ), to trigger immediate sympathy for Israel & portray gazans as a bunch of vandalizing hatecrimers.
As the previous claims, this is „very loosely based on a true story“ as in it technically did happen but there’s a lot of context missing, such as:
Israel demolished TONS of Mosques & Christian Churches during the Nakba, or worse, turned them into warehouses bars & factories.
Settlers did horrific violence to ppl in Gaza. In one example, a house was burned with a toddler still inside. Settlers mocked & harassed the kid’s grandfather
When they pulled out, they destroyed the entire settlement, infrastructure & farming equipment so the locals couldn’t use it
They even considered destroying the synagogues themselves but then left them as the only buildings standing & tried to have them declared unesco heritage (possibly a ploy to maintain a presence in the strip after all or leave a backdoor to return, creating a strategic incentive to destroy them so the settlers wouldn’t have an excuse to come back)
We are talking about blocky cement structures a new as the settlements, NOT historic buildings (unlike the destroyed Mosques & Churches)
religious symbols & cultic objects were removed when the settlers left. Obviously. Why would they possibly leave it?
So what do we have left?
Some people vented their rage at empty concrete buildings that had no religious items in them, had no history and were never going to be used again. - which they were somewhat justified as seeing as symbols of domination leaving their mark on „their“ home, like a cat’s territorial piss markings, so it might as well be interpreted as an act of defiance against colonial power.
Still technically vandalism against a religious building, not very diplomatic, do not recommend etc.
but at the same time rather different from the idea suggested by „the first thing they did is raze the synagogues“… for once thing, there was nothing else left to raze cause the Israelis already did it themselves, it was retaliation for Palestinian sacral buildings being trashed & a response to finding out that israelis would destroy good farm tools rather than let them have it, and it was an interchangeable concrete block empty of actual synagogue stuff. - whereas without the context you are probably imaging hooligans singling out the synagogues out of useful, intact buildings, a unique historic building being thrashed or the cultic objects & holy books being broken & desacrated, similar to historic cases of nazi arson or russian pogroms. That just didn't happen.
The double standard, too, is very telling: This act of vandalism means gazans are evil hatecrimers out to get all the jews & means they can't be negotiated or made peace with, but Israelis’ much more widespread & systematic destruction of churches & mosques is assigned no such interpretation. Golly gee I wonder why.
Again, the point here is NOT to portray local government as perfect & flawless (what government is?) or to say that none of this stuff was bad. But sporadic events are being inflated into nonexistent systemic patterns, as well as misrepresented to appeal to very particular tropes & cliches to blatantly manipulate ya'lls emotional reactions.
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pansyboybloom · 4 months
why are trans men still giving spacelazarwolf the time of day. so the blatant transmisogyny, bio essentialism, and hatred of trans women is ignorable to you as long as he talks about trans male issues? how about the zonism?
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timomoe · 5 months
One thing I do wanna say about my previous post, because I saw some stuff pertaining to it in the tags, well two things actually.
1. Anti-zonism is not antisemitism, however, an increasingly large amount of people use anti-zonism as a justification to be antisemitic. It is an attempt on their part to make their hatred of Jews more acceptable and logical, but as we all know, bigotry is not justifiable and it is not logical, no matter how hard they try to make it seem so. You see this a lot when Israel does anything. You can look at statistical evidence across the board RIGHT NOW and see that antisemitism in the US is rising. Hate crime is rising. Harassment is rising. Vandalism against memorials, graveyards, and synagogues are rising, and this is almost certainly linked to the actions of Israel. People are using the actions of the country as an excuse to torment Jews, who likely do not have any connection to Israel themselves. Being anti-zionist is fine, but I'm begging y'all to be careful, because for some it can be a slippery slope into antisemitism, especially bc people who already use antizionism as an excuse for their Jew hate try to market their antisemitic talking points as fully antizionist, and this is leading more people to say antisemitic things under the guise of it being pro Palestinian.
2. People are not semitic. Languages are semitic. Calling people semitic is outdated and incorrect. Antisemitism was coined in the 1800s by a guy trying to argue with a French man about the way Jews are viewed and treated, and then it was picked up by Wilhelm Marr and popularized in his work "The Way to Victory of Germanism over Judaism" yeah. The reason people still use it is because it is a recognizable, easily understood term, but a lot of Jews use the simpler term "Jew hate" to describe the same thing. Just depends. So please keep those 2 things in mind, thank you <3
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neechees · 8 months
So I'm in a kind of double-think about the Cameron Avatar movies (watching colonizers get iced is very soothing to me), but in the fandom twitter that I lurk around fandom content has almost completely stopped and now it's nothing but Falastinian liberation and anti-Zonism.
Not to be mean, but you could have posted this on your own blog instead of sending me essentially the same anon twice
Like good for the avatar fans I guess but I think we should raise the bar a little that people who watch an appropriation wet dream movie of Native Americans shouldn't be praised for being against genocide towards Indigenous groups
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zongear-blog · 8 years
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There are thousands of options.... if you can see them 🤕😵🙃 #skatomas #vibratedifferently #alternativerealities #zonism #bcfu
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m4a1-shermayne · 8 years
completely forgot why i blocked you. i think it had to do with you defending zionism? but hey; have fun with your band of brothers BBQ
You thought I was defending zionism when in fact I don’t support Israel or zonism. You also said that they sunk the USS Liberty which is F A L S E
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