#zoom - 300 mm
no-name-publishing · 11 months
Tiny Book? Tiny Book. Pt1.
Idk yall I just felt like writing a little how-to of how-I-do my tiny A9 books! So if you've ever been interested, I hope this will be helpful. This will be neither a beginner typesetting nor beginner bookbinding tutorial; as I go through my process I will only be showing my process and providing a few tips, assuming you already have the basics understood. We can worry about the rougher technical skills in another post.
Also keep in mind that this guide includes images of fic I've bound, and you're zooming into these fics at your own discretion. I am not responsible if you read something yucky. I know you have a lot of options out there but thank you for flying No-Name Publishing.
Tiny books part 2; Tiny books part 3
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Just like with regular ficbinding, there are layers, and they are:
1 - Typesetting and Imposing 2 - Printing 3 - Cutting, Folding, and Sewing 4 - Gluing, Rounding/Backing, Endbands 5 - Building the Case and casing in 6 - BOOK
In this part we will be focusing on steps 1 and 2. Please feel free to skip to the area you're interested in most.
1 - Typesetting and Imposing
Okay, so this area has some nuances that you don't have to consider so closely with typesetting for more traditionally sized books. To me, these tiny books are not about readability, they are about novelty. As such, I do not prioritize readability. Instead, I try to achieve something that is closer to scale. That said, neither do I want these illegible. But we'll begin from the top.
You want to make a tiny book, but you're wondering, what would be an appropriate word count for a tiny book? Tiny books are the perfect medium for the ficlettes, the shorties, the one-shots. They are also perfect for the mid-sized, 10-15-20k fics, in my opinion. Here we can see,
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On the left we have a fic that is exactly 12,771 words, typeset on a 1.5" x 2" (37 × 52 mm) document, with .3" margins, 6pt Garamond font, and 5pt line spacing. This book is only approaching 1/2" (13mm) wide, and only took 5 sheets of Letter paper to print. On the right we have a fic that is exactly 1,939 words, typeset to the same specifications. This book is only 4-5mm wide, and took only 1 sheet of Letter paper.
In my opinion this format of book begins getting unruly around the 300-page mark. However, making any combination of margins, fonts size, and line spacing will yield different page results for different word counts. For example:
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Like the above, in each of these examples I typeset in Garamond font @ 6pt size and 5pt line spacing. Typesetting on an A9 page, this is about as small as I felt comfortable sizing my font while still being legible. But notice the rivers between the words--the rivers of white space bisecting the lines, due to the Justified alignment battling the admittedly tiny work surface. At this scale, with the font at this size and alignment, those will be unavoidable. Over time I began disliking this in my own work, so I pursued a different method, which was typesetting on a quarter letter page (4.25" x 5.5" / 108mm x 140mm), and allowing my imposer to scale the PDF down.
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Have you ever seen anything sexier. THIS looks like a tiny book. Little to no rivers, still legible (hand-wobble), and preserves the novelty feel that I desire from a tiny book. This method of scaling down (specifically from quarter letter to A9) does change the final shape of the book, from A9 to A9-ish in this case. Specifically, from 1.5"X2" (37 × 52 mm) to 1.625"X2" (41.3mmX52mm). You're achieving something closer to a square shape, which is delightful to hold. All this to say, you have some freedom with word count, with font size, with page size. I've done as many pages as 376 and as few as 17. The fantastic thing about tiny books--their structure will not be load-bearing, meaning--the only thing stopping you are your tastes.
Quickly, some more examples of features in a regularly sized typeset and their tiny counterpart after the imposer has scaled them down. First, scaling half-letter down to A9, a little-over 4X shrinkage:
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And from B6 to B9, smaller by 3x:
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You notice the compression of every element, and too how entirely unparcable the text in the first example is, sometimes not horrible, sometimes very. Make your decisions dependent on your tastes!
You have decided on the fic you'd like to bind into a tiny book. I will be using my own fic as the typesetting example, and I will be using Word 365 for PC. I'm sure many of my pointers during this process might not apply 1-to-1 if you are using a different word processing software, but hopefully you can adapt the concepts to your program of your choosing.
Kay, next you will do your typesetting. Since this is not a typesetting guide I'm trusting that you have your preferred methods, but I will go through my key steps for setting up a tiny typeset:
First, for every typeset I delete each default Style, create mine own, and dictate the document size. For this example I will be doing my preferred quarter letter method, setting the custom page size to 4.25" wide and 5.5" tall, and .5" page margins all around (except Gutter; leave 0"). On the Multiple pages dropdown I will select Mirror margins (however, as all my margins are the same size, this is redundant, though may not be the case for you). My body text style will be Cardo font @ 11pt size and Exactly 15pt line spacing, with a .2" first line indent and Justified alignment.
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You can use whatever body font you like, I only encourage you to do many many test prints to refine your preferences. Your favorite font for half-letter books might not translate to tiny books. After ~30 tiny books I've found I like Cardo at this size and spacing. And if you're using A-paper sizes, consider doing quarter A4 instead of quarter letter, which is technically A6--4.1"X5.8", or 105mmX148mm. Follow your heart~~nyah 🐱♥
Now I will go to my fic and download the HTML file. I hugely prefer copying from the HTML file rather than the browser itself. It kind of standardizes any goofy formatting that might try to make its way over otherwise, while still preserving the italics and bolds, etc, and makes for an easier editing process. It was important I made my body Style in Word first, so that once I paste the text into my document that Style is automatically applied in one fell swoop (if not, you can change that in your Word settings. Advanced -> Cut, copy and paste -> Merge Formatting. It is a huge time saver.)
Now you've gone through your typesetting process, you have a liddle quarter letter Word document that you're happy with. Gets real close to you. Listen to me--listen, you're going to Export as PDF. Not Save As PDF. Not Print to PDF. Export. It's in--listen--it's in File, then Export, then Create PDF/XPS. You need to Export. Especially if you selected Bookfold instead of Mirror margins in your page settings because we need an unimposed PDF in order for this to work right and exporting to PDF is going to solve 99% of your pdf formatting woes with Word. Okay, I love you 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Now, your EXPORTED pdf should look something like mine. Straight, unimposed.
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Now what we're going to do is take this PDF back to my penthouse and freak it. Go to this link for the Renegade Bindery-created and -curated imposition tool. This has been will be is such an incredible FREE asset to you, maintained by a crew of intelligent, skilled Renegade Bindery members who understand the importance of community and accessibility. If you find someone hiding this link behind a paywall of any kind it is not with the creators' permission, so shame on them.
Anyway I will be assuming that you know what imposing your document means. If you've never used this site before, it's very straight forward, and here are my settings for making Tiny Books.
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1 - Upload your unimposed exported pdf. 2 - ignore 3 - Select the paper size you will be printing on. This is not the FINAL size of the book, this is what paper you are printing on. These instructions are for Letter sized paper. Don't change any of the other settings right now, I will explain more about the Single-sided vs Duplex option in a bit. 4 - Skip aaalllll the way down to Signature Format. Under Wacky Small Layouts, click on the bubble next to Little. You'll notice there are a lot of options here. I encourage you to play with these settings later on as well, there are so many things you can make with this tool.
Once that's done, scroll down to the very bottom. You'll see the Signature Info area, telling you the results of your imposition. In the case of using the Little option we've selected, 1 sheet of our paper will make 40 book pages. 3-signature-sets of 3/3/4 folio configuration. That's a lot of pages per page.
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Anyway for our document today it will cost us 2 sheets of Letter paper, and will make 6 signatures. Math says that's 80 pages. Now, you may be concerned because your typeset PDF is not formatted in a number equally divisible by 40. And why would it be. The imposer is doing that math for you in the background, organizing your pages regardless. In my case, my finished typeset is 62 pages, which means that from my second page, I will only be using my 3 folio segments, and discarding the 4 folio segment. This will make more sense later. Click the Generate button, and save the zipped folder wherever you want. Don't change the name of it.
Unzip that baby, and inside you'll notice 2 files--(filename).pdf_little_packed_backs, and .pdf_little_packed_fronts. Appropriately named as one file contains one side of the sheet that will be printed, and the other file the other side.
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And when you open them up, they will look like:
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2 - Printing
We are manually duplexing this bad boy, because working at this scale amplifies and compounds every millimeter of difference. Manual duplexing will keep printer skew to a minimum, as the printer will not have to perform gymnastics in order to print on the reverse side of your page. Here are some examples:
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Two auto-duplexing examples of skew, one horizontal and one vertical, dependent on which direction my paper was loaded into the feeder. There is significant skew. Not a horrible issue on full-sized books but these will matter much more on our tiny books, the key issue being that we do not have much to work with in the margins department. Trimming 5-6-7mm of margins of your half-letter sized textblocks might not be much of an issue; however, here, in order to remove all the trim lines during the cutting process, you will be significantly impacting the margins of your tiny textblock.
Now here is an example of the skew from manual duplexing:
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MUCH subtler. Your skew with manual duplexing will range from this--less than .5mm--to no skew at all, and you will have to cut off far less of each page to remove the trim lines, maintaining the consistency of appearance of your tiny, beautiful pages. This is why during step 3 of the imposing process we selected Single-sided (which is MANUAL duplexing), and not Duplex (which is AUTO duplexing) appropriately. This will result in you either getting two files for manual duplexing, or one auto duplexing file.
Your next consideration when it comes to printing your liddle book will be whether you want to use an inkjet printer or a laser printer. I've until recently only had a laser printer available to me. I can say after about 6 or 7 little books on an inkjet printer that I prefer the laser printing on tiny books. Here is an example of why:
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On the left you have a tiny book printed from an inkjet printer printed on the highest quality setting, and on the right is a tiny book printed from a laser printer. These were both printed at the same scaling, same font size, same line spacing, everything. The inkjet printer, printing at this scale, introduces pretty glaring feathering on the letters, whereas the laser printer is crisp as can be. I've said before that to me tiny books are more for novelty rather than readability, however I do still want to make out the word I'm looking at, you know what I mean? For this reason I prefer printing my tiny books from a laser printer. Use what you got though, you'll get a tiny book regardless. Make sure you're flipping on the short edge with these tiny books too, and double check to make sure your page numbers line up. And when you're done you got...
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Continue on to part duex.
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baileebm03 · 8 months
"Imprisoned by Time"
Last semester, my photo series was about the place in between comfort zones. It conveyed the feeling of being stuck in place frozen by fear but ready to move on. “Imprisoned by Time” was about the paradox of longing for something new but still clinging to the past. The bittersweet mix of joy and sorrow, past and future, childhood, and adulthood. I captured this feeling by making my subjects look outwards towards the right in the future. I had the fawned objects bathed in glorious sunlight to show pure nostalgia. 
Additionally, to convey the various feelings the change brings — good, bad, and all the in; I used warm, cool, and neutral light sources. As for composition, this series features framing techniques that are used to isolate the subjects from the background. I used backlighting to emphasize the characters' lonely silhouettes. Moreover, I used an 85 mm lens to compress space and give a suffocating feeling of entrapment. I photographed many of my subjects through/in the reflection of a mirror or window to represent the feeling of being stuck in place. Lace represents the fragile state of uncertainty and change. The windows were a symbol of hope—something to look forward to when you are trapped in a world of mirrors. 
For my next photo series, I will continue to use interesting wistful light as a source of inspiration. I would like to capture the way it illuminates forgotten insignificant objects and spaces. Instead of being stuck inside, I will step outside of my comfort zone and highlight the beauty of the simple unimportant things outside in nature. 
My subjects will be delicate glowing things like raindrops, snow flurries, shimmering water, etc. I plan to use a 300 mm lens to zoom in on small, unusual details often overlooked by the naked eye. Furthermore, this lens will give the impression of compressing space. On the one hand, I want to continue with the soft colour palette and glow. However, on the other hand, I will only feature neutral to warm lighting instead of a variety of tones. Finally, these elements will make my next series about blissful hope, new beginnings, and the magical wonders of life. 
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A New Lens
2024 08 03
Sony a6000
Polaris 55-300 mm tele zoom lens
San Diego, California
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almadangems · 2 months
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issoimporta · 3 months
Características do ProdutoCom o Projetor Flex CO-W01 da Epson suas reuniões de trabalho não serão mais as mesmas. desenvolvido para trazer mais facilidade e conveniência ao seu dia de trabalho, o CO-W01 oferece uma imagem widescreen de até 300".O recurso Best-in-Class Color Brightness exibe imagens de forma nítida e brilhante, e a resolução WXGA é ideal para salas de aula porque permite maior legibilidade de documentos, planilhas e muito mais.Portátil: perfeito para qualquer ambienteMuito mais imersão: 3.000 lúmens de brilho em cor/brancoEntrada HDMI® e alto-falante integrado: assista filmes, programas de TV e muito mais.Elegante e compacto: transporte em bolsas e mochilasEspecificaçõeSProjetorSistema de projeção: Tecnologia Epson 3LCD de 3 chipsModo de projeção: Frontal/Traseiro/Instalado no tetoNúmero de pixels: 1,024,000 dots (1280 x 800) x 3 Resolução nativa: WXGARelação de aspecto: 16:10Brilho em cores: 3.000 lúmensBrilho em branco: 3.000 lúmensRelação de contraste: Até 350:1Reprodução de cores: Até 16.77 Milhões de coresAlto-falante: Mono 5WRuído do ventilador: 29 dB/38 dBLente de projeçãoTipo: Zoom Digital / Foco(Manual)Número-F: 1,44Zoom: 1,0-1,35Distância focal: 16,4mmRelação de alcance: 1,19-1,61Tamanho da imagem: 25" à 378" (0,91m-10,42m)Distância de projeção para imagem padrão 60": 1,64mCorreção de Keystone: Vertical: +-30 graus , Horizontal: +-30 grausQuick Conner: simEnergiaTensão da fonte de alimentação: 100 V à 240 V AC +/- 10%, 50hz/ 60HzTipo de fonte de iluminação: Lâmpada / 188 W UHEVida útil da fonte de iluminação: Eco Mode - 12.000 hrs / Normal Mode: 6.000 hrsConsumo de energia: Eco Mode - 223 W / Normal Mode: 284 WConectividadeHDMI: x 1USB Tipo A ( adaptador wireless, atualização de firmware, copiar config OSD): x 1USB Tipo B: x 1Dimensões e PesoDimensões (Sem Embalagem) (L x A x P) - mm: 295 x 87 x 211 mmDimensões (Com embalagem) (L x A x P) - mm: 381 x 156 x 381 mmPeso (Sem Embalagem) - Kg: 2,4kgPeso (Com Embalagem) - Kg: 3,0kgGarantia24 Meses
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haikuckuck · 6 months
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This was taken with canon sx 530 hs,the other with pentax k50 and tamron zoom 70-300 mm,more details are seen i think by the pentax tamron.
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viperallc · 6 months
Top Kaspa Miners of 2024: Software, Pools, and Mining Resources
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Welcome to the forefront of Kaspa mining in 2024! As we dive into the realm of digital currency, Kaspa stands out with its lightning-fast proof-of-work and decentralized nature. Boasting the revolutionary blockDAG architecture, Kaspa ensures greater mining decentralization and effective solo-mining for lower hash rates. With its fair launch in November 2021, no pre-mine, pre-sales, or coin allocations, Kaspa champions a 100% decentralized, open-source, and community-managed ethos. With a total supply of 28.7 billion coins and a unique emission schedule, the journey of Kaspa mining is as intriguing as it is rewarding.
Kaspa’s mining process is anchored in the kHeavyHash algorithm — a modified, energy-efficient version of HeavyHash optimized for GPU and future mining technologies. This innovative approach promises a fair and accessible mining experience for all.
Block Reward: 123.47 KAS Circulating Supply: 23.01B KAS Hash Rate: 180239.0 TH/s Market Cap: $3.4B
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Diving into Kaspa Mining Software
For those looking to join the mining adventure, choosing the right software is crucial. Popular options include:
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Exploring Kaspa Mining Pools
Solo mining or pool mining? That’s a question many miners face. Here’s a list of current pool options to help you decide:
Joining a pool can streamline your mining efforts, offering a more consistent payout.
Top Kaspa Miners of 2024
Let’s zoom in on the cream of the crop — the mining machines that are setting benchmarks in 2024.
Bitmain Antminer KS5 Pro 21TH/s 4,000W (KAS)
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✓ Model: KS5 and KS5 Pro ✓ Algorithm / Cryptocurrency: kHeavyHash / KAS-Kaspa ✓ Hashrate: 21 TH/s ±3% ✓ Power efficiency on wall @25°C, J/T: 190 ±10% ✓ Power supply AC Input voltage, Volt: 200~240 ✓ Power supply AC Input Frequency Range, Hz: 47~63 ✓ Power supply AC Input current, Amp: 20 ✓ Networking connection mode: RJ45 Ethernet 10/100M ✓ Miner Size (Length x Width x Height, without package): 430 x 195.5 x 290 mm ✓ Miner Size: 570 x 316 x 430 mm ✓ Net weight: 16.1 kg ✓ Gross weight: 17.7 kg ✓ Operation temperature: 0~40 °C ✓ Storage temperature: -20~70 °C ✓ Operation humidity (non-condensing): 10~90% ✓ Operation altitude: ≤2000 meters
iBeLink BM-KS Max 10.5Th/s 3400W (KAS)
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✓ Manufacturer: iBeLink ✓ Model: BM-KS Max ✓ Release Date: February 2024 ✓ Size Without Packaging: 340 x 190 x 293 mm ✓ Size With Packaging: 424 x 289 x 388 mm ✓ Net Weight: 12.2kg ✓ Voltage: 190–240V ✓ Noise Level: 75 dB ✓ Fan(s): 4x 5,000 RPM Delta ✓ Power: 3,400W ✓ Interface: Ethernet ✓ Operating Temperature: 0–45 °C ✓ Humidity: 0–95 % ✓ Warranty: 6 months manufacturer repair, parts or replace
Bitmain Antminer KS3 9.4TH/s 3188W
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✓ Manufacturer: Bitmain ✓ Model: Antminer KS3 (9.4Th) ✓ Release: August 2023 ✓ Size: 195 x 290 x 430mm ✓ Weight: 16100g ✓ Noise level: 75db ✓ Fan(s): 2 ✓ Power: 3188W ✓ Interface: RJ45 Ethernet 10/100M ✓ Temperature: 5–40 °C ✓ Humidity: 10–90 %
IceRiver KS0 Pro Quiet 200GH/s 100W
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✓ KAS Hashrate: 200GH/s (±10%) ✓ Wall Power: 100W/h (±10%) ✓ Algorithm: kHeavyHash ✓ Dimension: 200x194x74mm ✓ Net Weight: 2.5kg ✓ Connection: Ethernet ✓ Noise Level: 10db ✓ With PSU: 100–240V AC ✓ Without PSU: 19–20V DC ✓ Operating Temperature: 0~35 ℃
IceRiver KS3M 6TH/s 3400W
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✓ KAS Hashrate: 6TH/S (±10%) ✓ Wall Power: 3400W/h (±10%) ✓ Specifications: 6TH 3400W ✓ Dimension (with packaging): 490×300×400(mm) ✓ Dimension: 370×195×290(mm) ✓ Gross Weight: 17.1kg ✓ Net Weight: 14.4kg ✓ Connection: Ethernet ✓ Voltage Input: 170–300V AC ✓ Operating Temp: 0~35 ℃
Embarking on a Kaspa mining adventure in 2024 opens up a world of opportunities. With the right equipment, software, and mining pool, you can maximize your mining efforts and contribute to securing the Kaspa network. Remember, the key to successful mining lies in choosing the tools and resources that best align with your goals and capabilities. Happy mining!
M.Hussnain Visit us on social media: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube TikTok
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months
File: OC 13
Code Name: Agent Thompson's Glock/ Agent Clef's Glock
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AEZ is kept in a personal safe within Agent Thompson's new room at Site-AM. Agent Thompson is only authorized to take out SCP-AEZ during a containment breach or when assigned to a mission. Should Agent Thompson break this rule SCP-AEZ is to be taken from her custody and she is to be under house arrest for 5 days to a month depending on the severity of her misdeeds. 
Should this ever happen, SCP-AEZ is placed within a safe owned by Site Director Pérez. The safe in question is placed in the Site Director's office and locked behind a DNA identification lock. Only Level 5 Clearance Foundation staff can bypass this lock. 
Description: SCP-AEZ is a heavily modified Foundation pistol made specifically for Agent Thompson. SCP-AEZ is divided into two parts being the main gun labeled SCP-AEZ-1 and the ammo cartridge labeled SCP-AEZ-2. SCP-AEZ-1 greatly resembles the classic Desert Eagle design of pistol thought is reinforced with Foundation steel making it half as light but twice as strong. The grip is outfitted with an anomalous rubber, created by the Foundation to be as sturdy as regular steel but have the cognitive effect of causing no discomfort to the holder no matter how long they hold it. SCP-AEZ-1 has a scope with a Cognito effect allowing the holder to look through it at any angle and can psychically link with the scope to zoom in and out with a maximum of 300 meters with clarity. 
SCP-AEZ-2 is similar in appearance to a typical ammo cartridge of a classic Desert Eagle design but also made of Foundation steel. SCP-AEZ-1 was given the anomalous property to condense any material it comes across into pellets as ammunition for SCP-AEZ as a whole. SCP-AEZ-1 can only do this while being held by the user and can only do it to any nonliving material the user places SCP-AEZ-1 next too. Regardless of the material, SCP-AEZ-1 converts them into the same anomalous material that greatly resembles steel orbs of 6 mm in diameter. Though these pellets are small each one is as hard as five times harder than titanium and weights 20 pounds. SCP-AEZ-1 doesn't increase in weight no matter how many of these pellets it holds, its maximum capacity is 200 pellets. 
When loaded SCP-AEZ-1 can fire its ammunition at a range of 300 meters, a speed of 4,000 feet per second, and fires 20 rounds per second. Furthermore, when both SCP-AEZ-1 and 2 are combined they are the anomalous ability to be able to float towards their most recognized user and place itself comfortably within their grasp. In the case of Agent Thompson, by using SCP-AEZ consistently she is able to not only summon SCP-AEZ to her by raising her hand, but she can also make it float in the air and fire whenever she desires. 
Update 1999 - SCP-AEZ has been modified to be able to fire its pellets through pictures manifested by SCP-AFH. Doing this has allowed Agent Thompson to take out targets form any location and multiple targets at once. 
SCP-AEZ was created in 1990, given to Agent Thompson in 1995 on her 12th birthday as a sign of trust during the beginning of her training under the Anomalous Employment Department. It has been modified on a annual basis to ensure that it always is the best fit for her and helpful no matter what situation she is in. Agent Thompson did show some distress upon seeing SCP-AEZ but learned to utilize it for protection and during missions thought even today, she doesn't enjoy using it as much as using SCP-AFH. Still, she never abuses her power with it, nor does she take it for granted, especially since it has helped her on many missions. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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Week 11 - Photoshop Notes from Cornelius and Emil (Catch Up)
Photoshop Notes - Cornelius
Set up preferences in Photoshop (Not default settings)
To do this…
Go to Photoshop - settings - units & rulers (pixels - mm) - print resolutions (set 300) - performance - raise history levels ( - to 1000) - 
Edit - colour settings - adobe RGB (1998) - colour management policy ( turn off) - Ask when opening  - intent (perseptual) 
Use histogram in Camera Raw
(do not have too much information on the ends in histogram
White (250 - Do not go over!)
Black (0)
Color sampler in Camer Raw
Export as .TIF for Photoshop processing 
Do not have 2 numbers under 5 - black
Camera raw - photoshop - optics (user profile)
Detail - no sharpening only if printing. 
Export as .TIF -USE File
.XMP Raw file
.TIF Open with Photoshop
Width - original times 3.5
Info - RGB use the numeric values
Photoshop Notes - Emil
Save as PSD… 
Turn into Layer 0
Duplicate layer and lock
Healing brush to fix details
Take out distracting things
Continue to save
Add adjustment layer
Start with exposure
Exposure - Subtly adjust exposure number
Can make new adjustment layer to change offset more accurately
Another layer for brightness and contrast -space between black and white levels
Use vibrance as an adjustment layer
Zoom in and out and look globally at the image to see changes
Do not go over 15 on vibrance and saturation
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Godox Flash V860III
Numéro Guide 60 (ISO100@200mm) Pour Les Caméras Canon Température De Couleur (K) +/-  200K 5600 Dimensions En Cm 195 x 75 x 59 mm Poids En Kg 0,530 Durée Du Flash 1/300 to 1/20000s Zoom 20-200mm Déclenchement hot shoe, bouton de test, system X Le Temps De Charge Maximal En Sec 1.5 HSS yes Groupes /Canaux 5/32 Flash Stroboscopique yes Options De Déclenchement TTL / Multi / M / S1 / S2 / Master /…
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guncelkal · 1 year
Webcam Logitech Brio 300 Black
If you’re passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don’t miss even the slightest details, buy Webcam Logitech Brio 300 Black at an unbeatable price. Depth: 45 mm Resolution (px): 1920 x 1080 px 1080 px Colour: Black Grey Type: Webcam Material: Glass Characteristics: Zoom Noise reduction Built-in microphone LED in operation indicator Plug &…
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pkuecuekyan · 2 years
Grounded — with a love of flying
Learning how to spot and snap
I love to fly. Onboard a 340, a 777, a 350, and, of course, a 747 are some of my favorite places to be. Just before the pandemic, I spent almost 22 hours flying from Singapore's Changi Airport to Newark on the world's second longest flight.
With the pandemic, I found myself grounded. But to rekindle and continue my love of all things aviation, I soon discovered Dockweiler Beach, Clutter's Park near LAX, Bayswater Point State Park and the Costco parking lot near JFK, and Bayfront Park near SFO to safely snap pics of my favorite planes. (Ironically, El Segundo named the perfect place to spot at LAX after a councilman who fought to limit the expansion of the airport).
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To spot and snap most of these, I used a fairly simple toolkit:
My trusty Fujifilm X-Pro 3 
A Tamron 18-300 mm — an absolutely terrific, fast, and lightweight zoom lens (that, for a crop sensor such the Fujifilm X series cameras, works out to a maximum length of ~ 400mm).
Other tools that may come in handy to see what kinds of planes are coming and what runway they will land on, I can highly recommend:
Plane Finder
And listen to Live ATC online or via the app
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brad0305 · 2 years
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#nikon #nikon70300mm #鏡頭 #相機食先 #二手相機 Nikon AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED(已停產) 分類 遠攝變焦鏡頭 焦距 70 - 300 mm 光圈 f/4.5 - f/5.6 視角 8° 10' - 34° 20'(對角) 鏡片組 12 組 17 片, 2 塊 ED 鏡片 光圈葉片數 9 最小光圈 40 最近對焦距離 1.5 米 放大倍率 1:4.8 對焦系統 SWM IF 變焦系統 轉鏡 濾光鏡尺寸 67 mm 直徑 x 鏡長 80 x 143.5 mm 重量 725 克(在 佑昌相機專門店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjkFLBMP9Uq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raretrust · 2 years
Benq ht2050a projector
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#Benq ht2050a projector movie
#Benq ht2050a projector 1080p
#Benq ht2050a projector full
#Benq ht2050a projector series
I could use the Keystone adjustment but the borders get a bit larger when using Keystone compensation. I wish it had a bit more vertical lens adjustment to bring the image higher on the wall when front ceiling mounted (projector inverted) without tilting the projector. The default brightness was just right with some ambient light however. The image is so bright I actually turned down the brightness for night viewing. I also played some Star Wars Battlefront and it felt epic on the huge screen! We connected our old Wii console and the image upscaled well for an awesome family gaming experience. I love that it had lots of input sources including old analog sources. The image is currently 120 inches diagonal and sitting 8 to 12 feet back it looks incredibly sharp and vivid. I am projecting on a white wall with no special screen and it still blows me away as well as very much impressing our guests. The colors, contrasts, and brightness seem nearly perfect out of the box. I really didn't expect such an amazing improvement. I upgraded from an old Benq DLP that still had a great picture at only 768p.
#Benq ht2050a projector 1080p
Advanced Game Mode and low input lag for ultra-smooth gamingīenQ's HT2050A is available now for an MSRP of $749.Style:Normal Throw w/ Better Color Accuracy Main Specifications Resolution - 1080p (1920 x 1080)? Brightness (ANSI lumens) - 2200 ANSI Lumens? Contrast Ratio (FOFO) - 15000:1 ? Speaker - Chamber Speaker 10W x 1 All Specifications Display Projection System - DLP Resolution - 1080p (1920 x 1080)? Resolution Support - VGA(640 x 480) to WUXGA_RB(1920 x 1200) *RB=Reduced Blanking? Brightness (ANSI lumens) - 2200 ANSI Lumens? Contrast Ratio (FOFO) - 15000:1 ? Display Color - 1.07 Billion Colors? Native Aspect Ratio - 16:9 Light Source - Lamp Light Source Wattage - 240W? Light Source Life - Normal 3500 hours, Economic 5000 hours, SmartEco 7000 hours? Optical Throw Ratio - 1.15 - 1.5 (100" 2.5m)? Zoom Ratio - 1.3x Lens - F/# = 2.59 - 2.87, f = 16.88 - 21.88 mm Lens Shift - Vertical : +10%? Keystone Adjustment - 2D, Vertical & Horizontal +/- 30 degrees? Projection Offset - 105%ñ2.5% Clear Image Size (Diagonal) - 60"~180" Image Size - 30''~300'' Horizontal Frequency - 15 - 102KHz? Vertical Scan Rate - 23 - 120Hz ? Picture Picture Mode - Bright / Vivid TV / Cinema / Game / User 1 / User 2 / ISF Night / ISF Day / (3D)? Color Wheel Segment - 6-Segment (RGBRGB)? Color Wheel Speed - 6x (50Hz), 4x (60Hz)? Rec.709 Coverage - 96% Audio Speaker - Chamber Speaker 10W x 1 Interface PC (D-Sub) - 1 Composite Video in (RCA) - 1 Component Video In - 1 HDMI ? 2 ,HDMI-1 (1.4a/HDCP1.4) HDMI-2 (1.4a/HDCP1.4) USB Type A -1 USB-1 (2.0/ Power Suppy) USB (Type mini B) - 1 (Service) Audio in (3.5mm Mini Jack) - 1 Audio L/R in (RCA) - 1 Audio out (3.5mm Mini Jack) - 1 RS232 (DB-9pin) - 1 DC 12V Trigger (3.5mm Jack) - 1 IR Receiver - 2 (Front/Top) Security Bar - 1 Special Feature ISF Night/ Day - Yes CinemaMaster Audio + - Yes Compatibility HDTV Compatibility - 480i, 480p, Short-Throw Projection Vertical lens shift with 1.3X big zoom for easy installation New 10W stereo speakers with BenQ CinemaMaster Audio+ 2
#Benq ht2050a projector full
Here's a full rundown of key specs and features per BenQ: 3D playback support is also offered and the projector offers a low 16.67ms input lag and a special Game Mod. In addition, the HDMI/MHL port also allows users to stream full HD content from any MHL-enabled smartphone or tablet. A 10W CinemaMaster Audio+ 2 speaker is integrated as well, along with two digital HDMI ports (HDMIx1, HDMI/MHLx1) for connecting external devices like a Google Chromecast, Roku or Amazon FireTV. Likewise, the unit features BenQ's CinematicColor technology to deliver more refined color reproduction. In addition, the device uses a 6X speed RGBRGB color wheel to achieve >96% Rec. The HT2050A offers support for full HD 1080p resolution. From a captivating picture to immersive audio, video game modes, and installation flexibility, the HT2050A is a great choice for any home theater or entertainment room."
#Benq ht2050a projector movie
"The BenQ CineHome HT2050A was engineered to provide a big-screen experience in small to medium media spaces for movie enthusiasts. "Just because a space is small doesn't mean viewers should lose any part of the cinematic experience," said Jeffrey Hsieh, business manager at BenQ America Corp. The new Full HD HT2050A serves as a successor to the award-winning HT2050.
#Benq ht2050a projector series
A new Full HD projector has been revealed.īenQ has announced its latest CineHome Series projector.
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haikuckuck · 7 months
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Sorry,the editor( me) and my pentax k50 with Tamron 80-300 mm zoom did the best they were able to...today,february 25, it was a nice weather ,not so windy,nearly 15 celsius..
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