#zooms in on my nice textured feathers
the-angel-hare · 10 months
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The Gargoyle of Babyls
[ID: a digital drawing of Balam Shichiro from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun crouching with one hand on the ground in front of him and the other resting on his thigh. His feathery demon wings are spread out behind him as he stares intently towards the viewer. The photo below it is a close up of the same artwork.]
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So I finished FFXV ages ago, but I've been thinking about it lately bc you know, I elaborated the chocobros' story far further than it was meant to go and got way more attached to them than I should have. So here're some things that the game did really well and some of the things it didn't. (you don't have to agree w anything here; I'm not trying to corrupt y'all w my opinions; I just feel like talking)
Let's start with the bad to get it out of the way:
CINDY. I swear to everything holy her character had the potential to be So Cool if she hadn't been so overtly over-sexualized. Like, I'm a woman-liker too and I get it, lady mechanics are hot af, but you know what else is attractive? Safety in the workplace. Cindy's outfit was not something any mechanic would be caught dead wearing. Yeah, it was designed to be sexy, but do you know how many burns she would've accumulated from the hot oil and metal she works with? There's a reason mechanics typically wear clothing zipped up when they're actually working on something. If anything, Cindy's character design just made me uncomfortable. Her character itself? Great. No qualms there. Her design? Please acquire more than two square feet of fabric I'm begging you. I just feel like Cindy deserved to be so much more than fan service.
Luna's brief time on-screen. Yet another potentially incredible and deep female protagonist who got short change from this game. People joke a lot that Luna wasn't at all an important character because the game never really treated her like one. She was MEANT to be important, clearly, but it felt like she existed just for her tearjerking death scene? Like there was SO MUCH overlooked potential to bring her into the storyline as more than Tragic Love Interest In White, and yet?? Idk it frustrated me.
The emotional aspect of the game felt rushed. There were a lot of emotional scenes covered throughout the plotline ranging from King Regis's death to the deal with Prompto at Zegnautus Keep. I feel like the game TRIED to cover them realistically and show the characters' grief, but it didn't quite get there. It was just sort of an "Oh, how sad. I'm so upset and angry. Hm, what's that? My friends believe in me without truly understanding and I can kill someone to ease my pain? Oh okay I'm better now." I get that realistic healing cycles are kinda hard to portray within a set timeframe, but having some lingering effects of the blatant trauma inflicted would've been nice. You don't recover from shit like that in a week's time.
Character personalities tended to be one-sided. Noctis was edgy, Prompto was happy-go-lucky, Gladio was tough-guy, and Ignis was... nevermind, Iggy was great--- HE had some on-screen depth. Personally, I've developed these characters myself far more than what the game gave us, but I wish we'd gotten more canon depth beyond their surface-level traits. I love them with my whole heart and they deserve genuine complexity.
Now the things I actually really enjoyed:
The graphics were on-point. The amount of detail put into character design and into monsters was insane. You could zoom in and see individual textures on skin and hair and feathers, bringing a level of realism to the game that I personally enjoyed.
All of the Latin and Norse mythological references!! As a Latin nerd, I found little gems everywhere in this game. Esp in the names--- (Noctis Lucis Caelum = Of-the-night Sky-of-light (the genitives in there make the literal translation kinda a mouthful ik) Gladiolus Amicitia = Sword-flower Friendship (the gladiolus is an actual flower that gets its name from the Latin word gladius, meaning sword, for its sword-like shape) Ignis Scientia = Fire Knowledge; Prompto Argentum = Ready Silver (the word prompto is actually in the dative (possibly ablative), making the literal translation nonsense, but if they'd made his name Promptus, it would've sounded awkward, so I can see why they picked the dative/ablative form of the adjective for stylistic reasons and I put the rough translation instead)) WOW THAT WAS A LOT OF PARENTHETICAL INFO WHOOPS
Ardyn's character. I'm not saying this bc I'm one of the fans who fawn over him---Ardyn is DEFINITELY NOT MY PREFERRED FLAVOR OF MAN, but character-wise, he made an excellent antagonist. He was witty, slick, and classy in an I'm-gonna-outstep-you-like-it's-hopscotch sorta way. He was a poetic villain done well, which made him an antagonist you could both sympathize for and absolutely detest given the situation. He was both the master manipulator and the pawn one space away from the edge of the board. He can sway a crowd, but you know deep in your gut just by the cunning greed in his eyes that You Cannot Trust The Man. He was definitely Not a good person (tragic backstory isn't an excuse), but he was a good villain.
I loved the bond between the chocobros?? This is probably bc I'm a sucker for the found family trope, but their interactions were so amazing to me?? Like, not even the cutscene stuff. Just their little sidebar conversations during fights or while you're walking around or driving the Regalia. They're Roadtrip Buddies™ and I think that's excellent.
THE FOOD. By god, the food in this game looked absolutely scrumptious and I would like to partake. The Daggerquill Soup? Give it to me I'll pay you. The Creamy Crustacean Omelet? Stop it right now I'll eat that so fast it'll be a criminal offense. Like I know I touched on the graphics earlier, but broski I was not kidding. I guess I know why the game took so long to make it to the market bc the detail that went into these recipes is absolutely mouthwatering.
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iffoundreturntosea · 6 days
May 7, Day 127/128
Day 127 2015
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Watching my boys before bed.
#supernatural #hotties #tv #bestshow #samanddean #winchesters #picoftheday #project365 #day127
Day 128 2016
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Laundry...never ending!
#laundry #clothes #itsclean #brights #colors #shadesoftherainbow #may #picoftheday #project365 #day128
Day 127 2017
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Read Em and Weep
#read #books #busyweekend #reading #lovebooks #niece #papa #reademandweep #meatloaf #songs #music #may #picoftheday #project365 #day127
Day 127 2018
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Not tired of May yet!!
#create #imagine #art #tires #grass #outdoors #trash #nature #getoutside #explore #kaleidoscope #may #picoftheday #project365 #day127
Day 127 2019
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Fractions of a Century! I’m 33.3333333333333 today! 🥳
#fractionsofacentury #celebratethelittlethings #newspaper #print #nationalpasteupday #may #may7 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day127
I brought cookies for everyone in the office. It's nice to break up the normalcy of the everyday.
Day 128 2020
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#rose #flower #pink #mood #petals #delicate #vase #bricks #texture #hangingon #goinggoinggone #may #may7 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day128
Day 127 2021
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Finely feathered @fortworthzoo
#fortworthzoo #feathers #light #shadow #texture #flamingo #pretty #animal #bird #may #may7 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day127
Day 127 2022
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Even if it keeps you up past your bedtime, if you have the chance to go to a star party….do it. Last night was way cool!
#starparty #thomsenobservatory #moon #upclose #zoom #craters #may #may7 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day127
Day 127 2023
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You tend to Seemore if you look OUT the window!
#workviews #bayside #spring #texas #sohumid #seemore #getoutside #may #may7 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day127
Day 128 2024
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I love being able to soften the world around me with my earplugs.
#e #dailytheme #thingsthatstartwithe #ear #earplug #loops #lovethem #may #may7 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day128
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thebluelemontree · 3 years
One thing I stopped to think after seeing a mention was about Clapton saying that Sansa's coronation dress reminds Margaery because she was the only queen she liked. And again comes the question of "showing vs. talking", how will the viewer know? She never praised Marg, even after she left KL, how do we know about the tribute? Ironically, it is Cersei she mentions and seems to ... admire.
So I had to look this up because this Margaery thing was new to me. It’s on Michele’s Instagram post, but I’ll quote it here:
QOTN Sansa. The dress was made in the same fabric as the dark Sansa dress, which was the same fabric dyed that was used in Margaey’s wedding dress to Joffrey.. Sansa had a bond with her. It has falling leaves as its pattern. There is a feathered and embroidered dire wolf across her shoulder and not seen here but beautiful red beaded leaves falling from one sleeve. The sleeves are textured like the fur on the first sigil. The metal bodice features the growing branches of the weirwood tree. The Crown is two howling Dire wolves. Nothing is created without meaning...in the final scenes it’s my hands dressing Sansa!!Thank you David and Dan for making that possible..  
I don’t know what Michele is smoking, but how would the audience even be able to tell what fabric this is to make that connection if it’s supposed to call back to her friendship with Margaery? I looked closely at some pictures of Margaery’s wedding dress and I can just barely make out the same quilting pattern if I really zoom in and squint. All the other cultural and symbolic elements on the coronation dress are easily understandable and really come through on screen. As I recall, some people did pick up on the same fabric being used in the jarringly fugly “dark Sansa” dress, but Marg’s wedding gown??? The connection seems way overstated in my opinion because we would have no practical way of knowing without being explicitly told. And you’re right. I can’t recall the last time show!Sansa even mentioned Margaery. I mean, show!Shae was an objectively better friend to Sansa than Marg so this tribute doesn’t make a lot of sense. For all we know, they just had a ton of this fabric in storage from previous seasons and they decided to use it up for the final season. And it just worked out nicely that it was the same used in two other gowns. Now talk it up like it’s imbued with this special friendship that was in reality only superficial and underlined with a hidden agenda to use Sansa as a pawn, but go off I guess.  
I take word-salady things Michele says with a grain of salt. She likes to draw from the well of her own headcanons that don’t always line up with what the show actually presented.
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The Great Mystery
Author: AppaDarling
Year: 2010
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Howince
Naboo allows a lisped sigh to escape him as he comes to the bottom of the dusty box and his hand finds the textured surface of an old VHS. He blinks languidly, an almost imperceptible frown pulling his mouth, and retrieves the tape, replacing the collection of odd socks, empty record sleeves, childish drawings, and little creatures fashioned from stationery supplies into the cardboard box. He closes it, glancing once more at the label of strange hieroglyphs which read clearly to any Zooberonian native "ballbags," and retreats from the loft. In the sitting room he slides the tape into the VCR, plops onto the settee, and takes a long draw from his hookah. Their is static on the screen, then a large, angular face is grinning back at him. Naboo blinks and takes another drag from his hookah. "'oward, this is genius!" The frame wobbles and tilts as Vince plays around with the buttons on the camera, little pink tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration. "How d'you turn it on?" Another voice with a familiar soft northern accent comes from further away. "Whoa whoa, little man. Let's cool the jets and take a look at the directions, shall we." A rustling of paper. "Have you put in the batteries?" "S'recording! Look at that, Howard!" Vince's face leaves the frame as the camera is jostled and eventually settles on an uncomfortably close shot of his crotch clad only in electric blue pants. "Vince, don't hold it like that. Here, put your hand through the strap so you don't drop it." Mercifully, Howard's face looms into view. It zooms in and out for a bit while he's looking over the directions and eventually settles on a tight shot of his mustache, moving along with the words as he reads under his breath. A soft giggle from out of frame. "Hey, 'oward. From this angle it looks like you've got a jazzy caterpillar under your nose." Howard frowns. "Oi, look! He's wavin'!" "It says each of those tapes can hold 5 hours of video." Naboo glances at the monkey face clock on the wall and takes another drag. On screen, the frame wobbles and settles onto a view of two pairs of naked, hairy legs surrounded by a sea of festive wrapping paper. Vince's thighs are pressed to Howard's calves as the older man is hugged around his chubby middle where he is sat on the settee. "Aw, Howard, this is the best Christmas present ever!" Howard's voice sounds a little strained, but the familiar teasing lilt is detectable. "Even better than that vintage flapper gown worn by Louise Brooks?" "The best Christmas present this year!" Vince corrects. Then his body drops back into view as he shuffles towards the camera on hands and knees, grinning madly. "I'm goin' to make a movie about our band like David Bowie with Ziggy Stardust! It'll be brill-" The screen goes to static for a few seconds in which Naboo rubs discretely at his nose and, not one to disappoint, takes another drag from his hookah. The static is replaced suddenly by a side view of Vince and Howard on stage, obviously filmed from behind the curtain. The spotlights are bright and the screams of the crowd are distorted and static. Several objects fly from the crowd onto stage, obviously aimed at the two performers. They duck and run off-stage towards the camera. The frame changes abruptly as if the previous segment had been taped over. It shows a row of boots in various colors and shades of glitter set up neatly in front of a wardrobe. The camera pans across them. Then it cuts to a view of Howard's back as he faces the stockroom downstairs. He bends over to pick up a box and the camera zooms in on his round bottom. Then it changes to a pile of candy spread out across a bright blue and silver duvet. A hand comes into view and grabs a lollipop. Then it cuts to static again. The room is plunged into silence for a few long seconds wherein the only noise is the dripping of the faucet in the kitchen. Naboo sinks further down into the cushions. There is a crackling and the screen shows Vince backing away and ducking behind a makeshift booth. The blue curtain decorated with hearts and rainbows waves with unseen movement before parting nicely and being pulled to the sides. The camera is presented with a view of two sock puppets, one brown and pinstriped and the other bright orange and blue polkadotted, both with buttons for eyes. The brown one has a tuft of brown yarn over its mouth that Naboo assumes is a mustache and the orange has an arrangement of black yarn that is a perfect model of Vince's feathered coiffure. The orange sock shakes its head at the brown one. "Look what you've done now, y'muppet! Those girls were well into me, didn't you see the little striped one givin' me the eye! I could've gone for the puppet threeway!" Despite himself, a small laugh escapes Naboo on the settee. The brown one speaks in a poorly imitated northern accent. "You don't know what those girls were about, Vin. They were no good." "Aw, How, don't start in with this again. I weren't goin' to marry 'em!" "Well, I should hope not! The one wasn't even a sock, she was a stocking. And her eyes were on backwards; they weren't looking at anyone but herself." The orange one shakes angrily. "What are you sayin'?" "Only that you should choose your girlfriends with more care! What if they were some kind of serial murdering duo or a couple of double agents on the run. What if they weren't even puppets!" "Oh, here we go again wiv your conspicuous theories!" "Conspiracy." "Wotever. Look, How. If you were jealous I could've put in a word with the pretty yellow one." "Her? She was the worse of the two!" "What d'you mean? I thought she was pretty." "It wasn't that, she- Nevermind, I'm goin' home. I don't want to argue anymore." The brown one turns and moves away. The orange one bounds over to him. "No, How, what did she do?" The brown one didn't answer, but looked distinctly constipated. "Howie, was she mean to you? Did she say something?" "It doesn't matter." "She did! I won't be havin' that! Where'd she go, I'll give her what's for! I'll take her boots and come at her like rabbit, like a long-toothed rabbit with gingivitis-" "Now, hold on, little man! If anyone's coming at anyone it'll be me, sir." "I know, I just wanted to try it once." The brown one shakes its head and turns away again. "It wasn't just that, though. Maybe I was jealous a bit." "Oh, Howie, you should've said something." "I couldn't." "But we're best mates, you can tell me anything!" "Not this. You don't understand." "What don't I understand?" "The situation. The whole point of it!" "Well, then make me understand! I can't do anything about it if you won't talk to me!" The brown one whips around suddenly and attacks the orange one. At first Naboo thinks they're fighting, but the moans and breathy little noises give it away. They're kissing. Or something. After a few very gratuitous moments of the puppets snogging and rubbing, they disappear and Vince's head pops up. "And that's how it happened! Mad, huh?" He smiles and moves around the little stage towards the camera and it cuts to static. Naboo draws on the hookah and tilts his head slightly, a thoughtful little wrinkle between his brows. A loud, familiar voice breaks the silence of the flat. "Oi! I'm Vince Noir and this is a day in the life of me, Vince Noir, rock 'n' roll star." The TV shows Vince's reflection in the bathroom mirror holding the bulky camera in one hand and grinning like a kid who's just found candy mountain. The words "Vince Noir rock 'n' roll star" are superimposed in red lipstick over his image. There is a pounding in the background and a muffled demand. "Vince, you've been in there for two hours!" The frame turns to the bathroom door where Vince unlocks it and it swings open to reveal a rather disgruntled Howard in a dressing robe who becomes flustered when he spots the camera in Vince's hand. His eyes dart to the side and his cheeks flush pink. "Erm, I need to get in there." The frame moves past him and out into the hall, turning just in time to see the bathroom door slam shut. "That's me best mate Howard; he's a grumpy bugger in the morning." It moves down the hall to show the closed door of Naboo's room. It cracks open and through the gap Naboo himself can be seen sitting cross-legged, floating a few inches above the carpet. A whisper from out of frame. "That's Naboo, my landlord. He's a shaman, imagine that! He's pretty cool, but if I don't pay rent he'll turn me into a frog and smoke me." The door closes and the camera turns to an open doorway. It moves inside with a few bounces to an internal view of the room. There are two beds on opposite sides of the room. One side is bright and messy with an eyesore of coma-inducing color and glow-in-the-dark stars pasted all over the walls and ceiling. There's a large mirror beside the bed and an overflowing wardrobe. The other side is plain and neat with a bed and a chest of drawers in various shades of brown. The only personal touch seems to be a stack of old records on the chest. The camera surveys the room. "This is mine and Howard's room, you can tell which one's mine." The bed moves closer and one can see that the duvet is brown tweed woven with threads of tan and muffin. "Jazzy freak" The tone is fond and tinged with a smile. A hand moves over the material. "He's sorta like tweed, Howard is. He's sorta plain to look at and prickly and rough, but he'll keep you all warm and safe tucked up in-" "Vince, what are you doing?" comes Howard's voice and the screen goes black then cuts to a view of the living room. The next scene is of Bollo dozing on the couch. "That's my flatmate Bollo," Vince whispers. "He's a gorilla and a DJ. He helps Naboo out with shaman stuff, too." The kitchen comes briefly into frame and then it moves down the stairs and into the shop. Howard is sat at the counter flipping through a magazine. "Say hi to the camera, 'oward!" Vince chirps. The older man looks up briefly then turns from the camera bashfully. "Aw, don't be like that," Vince says. The camera pursues an annoyed looking Howard who tries his best to avoid eye-contact with the contraption. "S'wrong, Howard?" He clears his throat and hunches his shoulders a bit in an attempt to draw in on himself. "Nothing's wrong. You should put that thing away. If Naboo catches you mucking about on the job-" "Aw, Naboo's up in his room conversing with nature an' that. H'ain't worried about me." "Communing, Vince." "Same thing, innit?" "Yes, but you don't usually say 'conversing-' Just, look, put that away for a while, yeah? Here come some customers." The camera swings to the door where two elderly women are entering. It cuts to static. On the couch, Naboo puffs on the hookah and sniffs. The next frame opens up on a fuzzy, dark figure as it backs away from the camera. It's difficult to tell, but the skinny silhouette could be Vince. It moves around a dark block and a light is switched on, revealing the scene. It is the bedroom, more specifically Howard's side. The camera is facing the bed and Vince takes a seat on the edge. He looks out of frame. "You ready?" Howard slowly enters the frame, moving cautiously towards the bed and throwing nervous glances towards the camera. Vince pats the seat beside him and Howard takes a seat. "Is it on this time?" Vince nods with a small, comforting smile. "Vince, I don't-" "It's ok. It's just us, yeah? No one else is going to see it. It's just us." Their voices are soft and the words can just barely be made out. Vince is stroking Howard's arm soothingly as the older man takes a deep breath. Vince pushes him to lie back on the bed. He leans over him and rubs his chest through the material of his shirt. He looks seriously into Howard's eyes. "We don't have to. I'll turn it off if it's too much." Howard shakes his head. "No, I want to." He grins self-consciously, his teeth flashing in the low light. "We'll have something to remember this when we're too old to shag." Vince laughs and smiles. "Nah, we'll never get old. I'm like Peter Pan, I am. You can be Wendy, but only if you promise never to go away and grow up." There is a seriousness behind his mirthful smile. Howard lifts a large hand to cup Vince's cheek. "Never, little man." Vince smiles and lowers his lips to the older man's. They kiss softly and begin pulling at eachother's clothes. Howard's hand moves down Vince's back to cup his bottom. Vince moans and grinds his hips into Howard's. The screen goes black as Naboo darts forward, moving faster than he ever has, to hit the power button. After it goes off, he sits frozen on the edge of the seat, his dark eyes slightly widened. The hose of the hookah lies forgotten on the floor, having been dropped in his surprise. After a few silent moments in which Naboo and the TV engaged in a staring contest, he leans back into the couch with a shake of his head. He snatches up the hookah again and puffs on it vigorously. "I didn't need to see that," he lisps, but there is no one to hear.
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waltzofthewifi · 4 years
Kota Chapter 16: Bringing The Light
Beginning | Table of Contents | Next
Lacy was hunched over her homework, a billion small light sources aimed at her desk, when Ladybug arrived.
"Two heroes in one day," Lacy said nervously, as she let Ladybug in. "I'm honored."
"You were a big help today during Wailer's attack," Ladybug said. "Now we need your help again."
Lady's eyes widened. "My help?" Sure, she was strong swimmer, but how was that supposed to help against an akuma like this?
Ladybug grinned and held out a box. "Lacy Hatzi, this is the miraculous of the rooster, which gives its wielder the power of light. You will use this power for the greater good. When we are finished, you will return your miraculous to me and tell nobody - not even Chat Noir - your identity. Can I trust you?"
Lacy hesitated, looking at the miraculous with caution. She approached it warily.
A miraculous? How had Ladybug - why did Ladybug want her help? Was she even fit to use one? How was she supposed to help?
"You want me to use a miraculous?" Lacy questioned.
Ladybug looked completely confident in her. "You are a great fit, both to be a hero and for this particular miraculous."
Lacy nodded. If Ladybug, the person more familiar with the miraculous thought so, then maybe she was right.
Lacy nodded again. "Okay. I'll do my best."
She slowly grabbed the box, opening it carefully.
With a burst of light, something burst out of the box. Lacy recoiled at the blinding light, eyeing the creature.
"Are you some kind of Nymph?"
The creature flew up to Lacy's face. "Ooh, a Greek one. I haven't had one of those in a long time." He turned to Ladybug. "By the way, it's the power of dawn, not light."
Ladybug rolled her eyes. "I know. But we need your light today."
But the creature was already gone, zooming around the small room.
"Everything's a mess in here," he noted. "Ooh, did you take these pictures?"
"Um, yes?"
Lacy turned to Ladybug in bewilderment.
"Orikko is your kwami," Ladybug explained. "He's what powers your miraculous."
"That's right!" Orikko confirmed, flying back towards Lacy. "All you have to do is say 'sun beam' and you'll start to glow. Five minute timer, but you probably figured that out already. Your glow is extensive, you'll be able to provide light for your entire team for the battle."
"Okay," Lacy said. "But this darkness seems magical?"
"Oh, nothing can dull the rooster's light!" Orikko said. "Okay, well, technically the turtle can. And the fox. And the black cat, of course - but not the butterfly! Or peacock. Or bee, for that matter - though I don't know how one would try-"
"Orikko, focus," Ladybug said.
"Right! I'm focusing! To transform, all you have to do is say, 'sun up'!"
"Okay," Lacy said. "Anything else I should know?"
"You'll figure the rest out as you go," Orikko replied. "Oh! Your kite - that's your weapon - is expendable. You can use it as a glider, or a shield, or a kind of a push dagger. It also reflects light. And you can use the string to wrap it around stuff like a yo-yo, but it's not really supposed to do that, so don't. And I hope you've come up with a cool name! Like Harpy!"
"No," Lacy decided. "Anything else?"
"You're very patient," Orikko noted. "But I think that's everything."
"Go ahead and transform," Ladybug said.
It didn't seem like enough information, but Lacy still nodded. She slipped on the thumb ring, and took a deep breath.
"Orikko, sun up!"
The transformation felt warm, and Lacy felt a burst of energy come from the ring. She could feel the texture of her clothes change around her, and something on her back.
"Woah," Lacy said.
Ladybug looked her over, impressed by the outfit.
Most of it was brown. Lacy had a brown shirt with a loose red infinity scarf over her chest and shoulders. The shirt trailed down in the back, bordered by a red and gold hem. She had red leather gloves that came up to her elbows, and her ring now had a feather imprint with five main sections. She had brown pants, and gold combat boots that came up to mid-calf. Her hair was now brown, with a red stripe that stuck up like the crown on a rooster, and while it was still braided, the braid was much neater. Her mask was brown with gold edges, and she had gold lipstick. On her back was a large, gold kite.
Lacy slipped the kite off of her back and held it up like a shield. One edge of it was covered in a hard, gold-like edge. There were four small buttons on the inside handle, and she experienced with each of the buttons. It shrunk to the size of Carapace's shield, though it kept its diamond shape. Then it shrunk smaller, until it only came half a foot from Lacy's hand. Lacy mimed striking someone with the kite.
It felt strangely natural.
"It's really easy to maneuver," Lacy noted.
"Good," Ladybug replied. "Let's go. I'll tell you when to activate your powers."
Lacy nodded, and the two superheroes headed out.
Ladybug moved fast, but Lacy found it easy to keep up as they ran across the rooftops. Lacy held her shield up to provide light as the two of them delved more and more into the darkness.
Chat Noir was waiting on the rooftop that Ladybug said he'd be. He perked up when he saw Lacy.
"Another superhero?" He asked.
Ladybug nodded. "The rooster miraculous will give us the boost we need to win this."
Chat Noir nodded and turned towards Lacy. "Nice to meet you. Have you chosen a name yet?"
"Oh, um, no, not yet," Lacy replied. "But I'm working on it."
"Alright, feathers," Chat Noir said. "Thank you for not actually having feathers, by the way. I'm seriously allergic."
"Of course," Lacy replied. "Not that I chose this outfit or anything. Combat boots aren't really my thing."
"You look great," Ladybug said. "Okay, so here is the plan-"
Lacy and Chat Noir fell into their positions across the street from Ladybug.
Ladybug raised her yo-yo as high as she could, and the meager light spread across the street below.
"I'm here to negotiate," She yelled. "I come in peace."
"I doubt that." The akuma stepped into the light. "But fine, we'll talk. As long as you stay up there."
"Who are you?" Ladybug asked.
"Call me Nightroach."
Nightroach was dressed in dark blue. She had a skin-tight suit with sneakers, and her hair was now a dark blue and pulled up in a bun. Her face was covered in dark blue makeup.
"What do you want, Nightroach?" Ladybug asked.
"Your Miraculous, for one," Nightroach said. "And to be stop being treated like an idiot for being left in the dark. Dona Rossi was a busy woman - I didn't have time always check on Lila!"
Ladybug flinched. "That's horrible! You are her mother!"
"Do you know how hard it is to be a single mother?" Nightroach argued. "Especially with a job as demanding as mine!"
Chat Noir gave Lacy the signal, and they started to creep up on Nightroach.
"No wonder Lila was so desperate for people to like her," Ladybug replied. "If she didn't feel like you loved her."
Nightroach recoiled. "I love her. She's my daughter."
"Then you should have acted like a mother!" Ladybug shot back.
Nightroach snarled, and in her hands, two blue nunchucks formed.
"Come down here and let me squash you like the bug you are!"
Chat Noir gave Lacy the second signal.
Lacy politely tapped Nightroach on her shoulder, and he akuma whirled at her.
"Sun beam!"
Warmth spread throughout Lacy's body as she began to glow. The whole street lit up from the light. Nightroach screamed, shielding her eyes, and Chat Noir pounced. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into a lock.
Ladybug landed on the street below and walked up to her.
"I never thought someone could make me feel sorry for Lila," Ladybug admitted.
Nightroach screamed and threw Chat Noir over her, sending him crashing into Ladybug.
They both bounced back into their feet immediately.
Lacy moved in and whacked Nightroach across the face with her kite. Nightroach stumbled back, and Lacy pressed her advantage. As Nightroach reacted, Lacy found herself naturally blocking and parrying the blows.
"On her chest, there's a locket," Ladybug called out. "I think that's where the akuma is!"
Chat Noir nodded. "Let's finish this."
Nightroach swung with her nunchucks and Lacy blocked with her kite. She shrunk it down to its smallest size, and struck right under Nightroach's chin. Nightroach grabbed Lacy by the arm and flipped her into the pavement.
Lacy recovered just in time to dodge a strike from Nightroach.
Ladybug took advantage of her forward momentum and used her yo-yo to swipe Nightroach's feet from under her. Nightroach collapsed on the ground, and Chat Noir moved to block her from getting up.
Lacy's ring beeped.
Nightroach flipped, knocking Chat Noir backwards, and struck with her nunchucks. Chat Noir blocked with his baton. Chat Noir pushed Nightroach back towards Lacy, who swept her feet from under her. Nightroach rolled back onto her feet, readying herself for another bout.
"Lucky charm!"
A giant bottle of fast-drying glue fell into Ladybug's hands.
Nightroach and Chat Noir exchanged blows. Chat Noir got close to hitting the locket several times, each time Nightroach barely dodging at the last moment. Nightroach swiped at his legs, forcing him to back up.
Lacy slammed her body into Nightroach's side, knocking her off balance. She smacked Nightroach with the side of her kite in the face, and Nightroach stumbled backwards.
Chat Noir pressed the advantage, striking with his baton and nearly hitting the locket. Nightroach doves at the last second, and raised her nunchucks to strike again.
Ladybug fired the glue bottle.
The glue hit the chains of the nunchucks, drying instantly. Nightroach scowled and tried to break the glue off by herself, but they wouldn't budge.
With another scowl, Nightroach swung at Chat Noir with her nunchucks, not caring that they were now ineffective.
Chat Noir grabbed both nunchucks at once, and they both disintegrated.
Nightroach yelled and tried to tackle Chat Noir, but Lacy interfered, throwing her full body weight at Nightroach and trapping her on the ground under her kite.
Ladybug approached Nightroach, and smashed the locket under her finger. A butterfly flew out.
Ladybug captured the akuma, successfully sending the purified butterfly off.
"Miraculous Ladybug!"
The ladybugs rushed by, and the natural light returned.
Lacy willed her light off, now that the streetlights and sunset were providing enough light.
Ladybug gestured for Lacy to join the two superheroes.
"Pound it!"
Lacy couldn't help be grin.
"Good job, you two," Ladybug said. She looked at Lacy. "You really adapted to your powers quickly. You were a big help."
Lacy felt herself blush.
For once, she had been able to help. Not just stand on the sidelines while an older sister, or a more combat-trained demigod did the fighting. And even with her heart still pounding, and the fatigue she was beginning to feel, it felt nice.
"Thanks," Lacy replied. "I'm glad I could help."
Ladybug gave her a big smile before turning to her partner. She gave Chat Noir a playful punch on the shoulder.
"Did you cataclysm two objects at once?"
Chat Noir shrugged it off. "It's no different than Hawkmoth akumatizing multiple people who are touching the same object. I was touching them both, so they both were cataclysmed."
"Still, good job," Ladybug replied.
Lacy's ring beeped again.
"Alright, I've got to collect her miraculous. See you later."
Chat Noir bowed dramatically. "Until next time, my lady."
Ladybug watched as he bounded off before taking Lacy back towards her place.
The two landed in Lacy's room just as Lacy detransformed. She plopped down on her bed, watching her kwami spin out of the ring.
"Now that was cool!" Orikko said. "You're an impressive chick." He turned to Ladybug. "You sure we can't keep her?"
Ladybug shook her head. "You know the rules." She turned to Lacy. "Are you okay?"
Lacy smiled a little crazily. "That was fun. I mean, I know it was serious and everything- oh! You've had a busy day - can I get you something to eat? I have emergency granola bars or I could grab something from downstairs."
Ladybug began to decline. "Thanks, but I'm-"
"Yes! Granola please!" Orikko interrupted eagerly.
Lacy gave the kwami a warm smile and moved to where she had stored her emergency snacks.
"She even feeds me!" Orikko said. He flew up to Ladybug. "I like her."
"I noticed."
Lacy came back with a granola bar for Orikko and one for herself, and Orikko downed his instantly. With her kwami fed, Lacy handed the miraculous back to Ladybug.
"Is there anything else I should know?" Lacy asked. "I mean, I know you reuse the temporary heroes, so if there's anything I can do to help out..."
"I'll let you know if I need you," Ladybug replied. "But sometimes the most heroic we can be is in everyday moments. The best way to help us is to help others around you."
Lacy nodded.
Ladybug made to leave, but hesitated at the window.
"Tomorrow the news will be all over the appearance of a new hero," she stated. "They'll probably be asking Chat and me about you. What can we call you?"
Lacy frowned in thought. "Umm... Kota. Call me Kota."
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marinsawakening · 5 years
Dunno if you know Haikyuu, but Kageyama? Or maybe Howl from Spirited Away?
I don’t know Haikyuu (I mean I know the basics; volleyball sports anime, protag is the Actual Sun) (or at least he’s designed like it) but I love and support your headcanon although I sadly cannot write a fic for it.
THAT SAID I’m pretty sure you meant Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle bc I don’t think Spirited Away has a Howl (hmu with a second ask if I’m wrong), and I DEFINITELY love and support that one! Loud characters like Howl are very rarely headcanoned as autistic, and so I’m absolutely STOKED about this one as a loud ADHD autistic, and I really really love this especially in the book context bc in the book Howl is from Wales and moved to Ingary to be a dramatic wizard, and as an autistic with a special interest in fantasy I can confirm I’d ABSOLUTELY become a weird, dramatic, flamboyant wizard recluse with rumors that I’m going to eat women’s hearts if I had the chance. Also the reason his room is Like That is because he’s constantly understimulated and he needs lots of things to visually stim with.
I’m pretty sure you’re talking movie!Howl (bc of the Spirited Away mention), which is valid as all hell, but Diana Wynne Jones happens to be one of my fave authors of all time and I’m a massive fan of the book, so this is mostly based on the book (also sorry if this is not entirely canon compliant, it’s been a while since I’ve read the book/seen the movie) (feat. comorbid ADHD):
It was one of those days where boredom reigned and everything seemed to be too little and too much at the same time. His clothes itched, and he wondered if it would be worth Sophie’s complaining to magic them into non-itchy clothes. Only, he knew that at the moment, there was no clothing that wouldn’t itch, no clothing that would sit right and feel comfortable against his skin, and so he tried his best to ignore it, drumming his fingers and lazily conjuring up miniature fireworks over his head.
As it turns out, he would have done well to be worried about the fireworks causing Sophie’s irritation more than the chance of clothing.
“What on Earth are you doing in here?” she grumbled as she opened the door. “I can hear your explosions all the way down in the kitchen.”
“Miss Hatter, I’m afraid I’m dying of boredom,” he replied, making a blue star burst so loudly that Sophie jumped. “And if the boredom doesn’t do me in, my clothes will surely do it instead.” He picked up one of his coattails. “It itches to no end, and nothing I do will help.”
“Can’t you just magic yourself a new pair?” she asked, unimpressed. 
“Alas!” he cried, throwing one arm over his face. “I know from experience that nothing I wear will be any different. It’s the texture of the fabric, I’m afraid. Cotton doesn’t sit right with my skin.”
“What about wool? Or satin, even?”
“Wool is even worse, and the way Satin slides against my skin -” he broke himself off and shuddered. 
Sophie crossed her arms. “Surely there must be something you can handle? Your skin can’t possibly be that sensitive?”
For a moment, Howl considered explaining the concepts of autism, ADHD, and sensory difficulties to her. Then his sleeves rubbed against his shoulders wrong, and he decided that he really wasn’t up for that today.
“No, there is nothing. Simply the act of wearing clothes at all is torture.” He sighed, and let a bright yellow bee zoom through the room, following it with his eyes. 
He barely heard Sophie say “Well, don’t go around running naked, and keep the noise down or you won’t get any supper.” Then, he heard the sound of a door slamming shut. 
“Cruel,” he muttered under his breath, then sat back and tried to focus on the little glowing blue flies.
A week later, Sophie threw a suit at his face. “Since you insist on being dramatic,” she added, then grabbed a broom and headed off to sweep.
Blinking, Howl held the suit up to his face, inspecting its integrate diamond pattern and soft, pink fabric. He let it slide through his fingers. It felt almost... good?
Quickly, he changed clothes, and immediately, he realized that Sophie had weaved magic into the fabric. It didn’t feel like cotton, or satin, or wool, or anything else he’d ever worn; it was feather light, floating instead of weighing him down, and a brush with the sleeves gave him a nice, pleasant, tingling feeling. He did an experimental twirl, and to his surprise, he noticed the coattails leaving behind a glittering trail of stars.
“And to think she probably didn’t even do this on purpose,” he muttered, swinging his tails back and forth.
He stood there for a while, just rubbing his sleeves and stimming with his new coat, before running off to ask Sophie to make another ten of these. 
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scottdavenportphoto · 3 years
ON1 Announces ON1 Photo RAW 2022! Sky Swap AI, Time-Lapse, And More
If you are trying ON1 Photo RAW, the ON1 plug-ins like ON1 Effects or ON1 HDR, or upgrading your ON1 software to a newer version, please consider using my affiliate link. There is no extra cost to you and it helps support ON1 tutorials like this one. Ready to buy? Use the offer code SDP20 at checkout and SAVE 20%!
ON1 Photo RAW 2022 Is Coming
ON1 has announced the next major update to its flagship photo editor ON1 Photo RAW 2022. ON1 Photo RAW 2022 is an excellent all-in-one photo editing application. It is definitely professional-grade - a robust photo organizer, a raw processor, a layered editor, and a photo effects app. It also has mobile and cloud integration. ON1 delivers photographers a complete desktop and mobile workflow ecosystem. I’ve used ON1 products in my photo workflow for years, and I’ll continue to do so with ON1 Photo RAW 2022.
ON1 has packed a number of new features and improvements into this update. Quite a bunch, actually. My friends at ON1 were kind enough to share a pre-release copy of the new release with me, and I am definitely liking what I’m seeing. In this article I have some details about my favorite new features as well as the full list of what’s coming in the 2022 update. First, let’s cover the basics - when can you get this software and what does it cost?
Pricing & Availability
ON1 Photo RAW 2022 will be available around the end of September. ON1 offers photographers the choice to purchase with both perpetual or subscription license options for ON1 Photo RAW.
ON1 Photo RAW 2022 is $99.99 for a perpetual license.
Owners of any previous version of any ON1 products can order version 2022 for the upgrade price of $79.99. A free 14-day trial will also be available to download at the end of September.
ON1 Photo RAW subscribers will automatically receive the new ON1 Photo RAW 2022 as part of their plans. ON1 Photo RAW subscription plans always include the latest version of ON1 Photo RAW for computers and mobile, the ON1 Photo RAW cloud syncing, and each of the ON1 plugins. Starting plans are available as low as $7.99 per month or $89.99 per year.
A single purchase of any ON1 product includes Windows and macOS versions for use on two computers and support for 11 languages.
For a limited time, any purchase of the new ON1 Photo RAW 2022 includes bonuses of 100 additional ON1 Autumn Brushes, Textures, LUTs, Presets, and Skies.
5 Features In ON1 Photo RAW 2022 Worth Knowing About
There are a whole bunch of new features in Photo RAW 2022. These 5 are the ones that bubble to the top for me.
Note: Screenshots in this article are from a pre-release version of ON1 Photo RAW 2022. The product is not yet available for public download. It will be available around the end of September 2021.
1. Use ON1 Photo RAW as a Photoshop Plugin Host
This is the most exciting feature to me. We photographers use many tools to create our images. New in ON1 Photo RAW 2022 is the ability to run plugins made for Adobe Photoshop right inside the Edit module. Most photo applications come with a Photoshop plug-in. Now you can tap into those seamlessly in your ON1 workflow. Best of all… you do not need to launch Photoshop. Heck … you don’t even need to subscribe to Photoshop. For a whole lot of photographers, this is the workflow you’ve been waiting for.
2. Replace Skies with Sky Swap AI
Swapping skies in ON1 has been possible for years because it has a layered workflow. Now, Photo RAW automatically detects the sky in photos and creates a mask to replace that sky. Select from one of the over 100 included skies or import your own. The Sky Swap AI tools give you plenty of controls to adjust the blend with your foreground, adjust lighting to match the replacement sky, and add reflections to water.
What is especially nice about Sky Swap AI is the mask it creates is a standard filter mask. You have complete control over the auto-generated mask. All of the masking tools in ON1 you are already familiar with can be used to refine it as needed. And yes … you can copy and paste the mask to other filters and layers, too. You have total control.
3. Complete Integration of ON1 NoNoise AI
In the summer of 2021, ON1 released NoNoise AI, an incredibly fast noise reduction application. This powerful, AI-based noise removal is now built into the core raw processing in ON1 Photo RAW. In the Details panel of the Develop module, you can access NoNoise AI, use it on the fly and non-destructively, just like any other raw processing adjustment. There is no need to create intermediate DNG or TIF files.
4. Create Time-Lapse Videos in ON1 Photo RAW 2022
ON1 Photo RAW 2022 can quickly create time-lapse videos from still photo sequences. Preview your results right in the dialog and create quick proof versions or high-quality final results. The Time-Lapse feature detects when the camera is bumped and can filter out misaligned frames. It also detects changes in exposure and can even them out automatically, making day to night videos possible.
The estimated duration of your time lapse is also shown, with controls to adjust the speed to make rapid time lapses or longer, smooth videos. The Time-Lapse feature creates an MP4 file along side your stills.
5. A Retooled Export Experience in ON1
ON1 has rebuilt the Export experience in Photo RAW 2022 from the ground up. There are more options for everything, including the ability to create DNGs or export originals. File renaming is much more flexibility - dare I say, infinitely flexibly. Export destination folders are customizable as well. So is the metadata included in exported files. Want to strip out location data or rating information? No problem. Add text or graphic watermarks on export - or add both! The Resize options are enhanced to scale and resize the exported image, or limit it based on a megapixel count.
Export presets are more powerful. Know which export preset you want? Skip the export dialog and run it directly from the File menu. In the Export dialog, select multiple presets and let ON1 go to work in the background.
More Features In ON1 Photo RAW 2022
There are even more features coming in Photo RAW 2022.
Line Mask Tool - It’s back! Similar to a polygonal lasso or pen tool, it can quickly create masks using straight lines. You can now curve the lines, add and remove points, or change the feather and opacity of the shapes you create anytime, even after creation. They are entirely non-destructive and work hand-in-hand with the other powerful masking tools in ON1 Photo RAW.
Backup and Restore - Prepare for the worst and recover easily with the backup and restore features. They back up all your work, settings, albums, presets, and extras. You can use the restore feature to recover from a disaster on your computer or migrate everything to a new computer.
Favorites in Browse - A Favorites pane is added to Browse to help you access frequently used folders easier. Drag and drop a folder you often access to the Favorites pane to create a shortcut to it. You can navigate through the favorites subfolder quickly in the Favorites pane without having to worry about all the folders above it.
Customizable Thumbnails - You have more flexibility over the appearance of the thumbnails in Browse. Control what is displayed, how big the labels are, and when they appear. You can choose between light or dark themes and also between regular or square thumbnails.
Gestures - Zooming, panning, and changing photos is more natural with a smooth, animated experience, with full gesture support on macOS trackpads and Windows touch-screen devices
Apple Silicon Native - ON1 Photo RAW now runs natively on Apple Silicon-based macOS computers.
ON1 Photo RAW 2022 will be available around the end of September 2021.
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dazombi3fari3 · 4 years
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Hey doll hey!!! Hope all is well with you today. I have for you a product review on Charlotte Tilbury Cosmetics. I gotta say that I waited a very long time to purchase her line. It’s expensive and I was afraid I wouldn’t like the products. I purchased all these products from Beautylish and took advantage of the split pay option so that I could purchase a full face of products.
I’ve always been curious about her makeup line I was just afraid it would end up being another high priced, semi Ok quality makeup like a few others I had tried. Boy was I wrong!!! The quality of her makeup is amazing!
Now, I had a doctor’s appointment today so I rushed through my makeup routine today… but even with that I could tell it was a great purchase.
  Let’s get started with the review….
  Magic Away Liquid Concealer A++!!!                                                                                                First of all can we talk packaging??? It is so luxurious, the tube is heavy and you can tell a lot of pride went into it’s design. I paid $32 for .13 fluid ounces of product. It comes in 20 shades with 9 of those shadows for deeper skin. This concealer threw me a little. It has a sponge tip wand and I expected that it would deposit a lot of product…. It didn’t. A very small amount was dispensed and I thought no way was this going to cover my under eyes… just that little bit of product not only covered, but also brightened my eyes… It set down wonderfully…. no need to set this concealer. Normally when you have a concealer that sets down itself it is drying under the eye or will settle into the fine lines…. this is not the case with the Magic Away Liquid Concealer… it’s a thin formula with high coverage that sets but stays nourishing. It blends into the skin so well you can’t even tell you are wearing concealer.  This is the concealer you want to have in you arsenal for those days were you want to spot conceal but not wear a ton of makeup….. I can see using this under the eyes, around the nose, and blemishes and nothing more…. it melts into the skin so seamlessly that you wont be able to tell where you have placed it…. I already reordered a back up so I don’t run out. I am in the color 5.5 Medium (Light olive for medium skin with neutral undertones)  however I think 5 Medium (Sand for light and medium skin with all undertones) would be better for my under eye… not that 5.5 looked bad, I just like my under eye just a tad more peachy toned.
Magic Foundation A+++!                                                                                                                This is a frosted glass bottle with a plastic pump. I paid $44 for 1 fluid ounce. It comes in 20 shades with 8 shade dedicated to deeper skin. I had heard nothing but good things about this foundation… It’s billed as a full cover foundation. It is in fact a full coverage foundation but the difference between most full coverage foundations and Magic Foundation is that while it does fully cover the imperfections of the skin it blends in almost to nothing …. I used the zoom side of my mirror and still couldn’t tell I was wearing anything … my skin just looked flawless. This foundation doesn’t set down so you will need to use a powder, but even with that my face still looked like skin not makeup. The color I have is 4.5 Medium (Golden yellow for light to medium skin with warm undertones) and it is spot on the perfect foundation color for me. For being a full coverage foundation my face feels amazing. I normally shy away from full coverage foundations because I hate the way my skin feels in them… like I’m wearing a face mask… with Magic Foundation my skin just feels like skin, it feels like it can breath. The skin feels flexible. I tested my face after setting it with powder to see if there would be any transfer and there was none. How I test this is I take a tissue and separate it so that it’s only 1 ply and I press the tissue into the side of my nose, my forehead, and my chin. If product comes off onto the tissue then I know that there is transfer with that foundation. There was no color, no grease, no product on the tissue when I tested it…. I am in love with this foundation…. I have only used it once and I can already tell it will be that foundation that I reach for all the time. If there was a grade higher than A+++ I would totally be giving it to this foundation! Definitely will be repurchasing this one.
Airbrush Flawless Finish Skin Perfecting Micro Powder C-                                                         I would have given this a high grade if there were more shades in the range. There are only 3 shades and none of them are for women of color. I also am not sure how I feel about this product yet… I’m in the color 2 medium (Sheer medium beige). We all know I am a ride or die lover of the Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder and that one not only has more product (1 ounce verses .28 ounces of the Charlotte Tilbury one) , it’s also $6 cheaper. I paid $45 for this product and I couldn’t find anything all that special about it. It does melt into the skin but so does the Laura Mercier powder. It’s finely milled and silky, but again so is the Laura Mercier powder, however with that said where I did see the big difference was when I used it to set my under eye (which I totally didn’t have to do I was just doing it to test the product). With the Laura Mercier powder it leaves my under eye a bit chalky…. the Airbrush Flawless Finish Powder left my under eye looking flawless…. now with that said I don’t fell as if the price tag is worth the outcome.  I’ll use it more and see if there is anything special about it, but I don’t see me repurchasing this compact.
Instant Look in a Palette A+++!!!                                                                                                        I was having a hard time pulling the trigger on this product. The price for this product is $75 and you get 0.07 ounces of eye shadow and 0.21 ounces of face product. I thought it was a deep price to pay for a limited edition item. But after using this product I changed my tune. Now I thought this was a neutral brown palette, in fact it is a plum based palette. You get 3 eye shadows, 2 blushes, a highlighter, and a bronzer in this palette. I was in a rush today so I skipped a few steps in my makeup routine, like eye liner, drop shadow, and super blown out crease colors…. but even with that this palettes eye shadows are amazing… They have other eye shadow palettes that have 4 colors for $53 and I thought no way will I pay that kind of money for just 4 shadows…. but after trying this palette I have already ordered 2 eye palettes… these shadows are so buttery and glide on so beautifully that even when you are pressed for time, like I was today, you can put together a great eye look. The shadows blend so effortlessly that it took me 5 minutes to do my eye look today, The rest of the palette was equally amazing. The Bronze shade is a demi matte that leaves your bronze look glowing. The highlighter is hands down my favorite highlighter of life, and I have only used it one time. It’s so creamy and so beautiful. It glows so nice without emphasizing texture on the face, and the best part there is zero glitter in this highlighter.  The blushes in this palette are so pigmented, they do not skip, they do not pull or pill. This palette was well worth the high price tag.
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The Classic Eye Pencil B-                                                                                                                      I didn’t get to use this pencil today since I was running late. I had tested this pencil on the back of my hand…. I paid $22 for .04 ounces of product. I purchased the color Audrey ( a deep brown). Now this pencil glides on smoothly and blends nicely, however it does not set. I was able to draw a line and blend it away to nothing. This pencil would be good for a smokey eye but not to line the eyes unless you set it with a shadow. Since I really smoke out my eye line I chose to give this a B-. But make no mistake, this still is a great eye pencil. It’s creamy and pigmented. It only comes in 2 colors, both are browns. I’ll have to play with this pencil a bit more before I decide if a repurchase is in order or not.
Full Fat Lashes A++                                                                                                                              If you have been reading my blog posts you know my die hard favorite mascara is Loreal Voluminous Carbon Black. I wear it on no makeup day… high fashion look days… just any day of the week. However This Charlotte Tilbury mascara is so damn good!!! It builds beautifully. I paid $29 for .287 ounces of product. You get a natural look to your lashes with this one… there was no transfer, no crunchiness, no lash clumping. I really love this mascara so much. This will definitely be my go to mascara for light makeup and no makeup days. And yes, I have ordered a back up so I don’t run out.
Lip Cheat A+++!!!                                                                                                                                   I have already purchased this product. I paid $22 for .04 ounces of product. This pencil comes in 15 colors, I own 2 and will be purchasing more. They are so creamy and go on smoothly with no skips or pulling. There is no smudging or transfer with this lip pencil. Everyone knows my favorite lip pencil was NYX Suede Matte Lip Pencil… but Lip Cheat is definitely my top favorite. It’s super pigmented… I don’t need to cancel out my lip color to get color payoff with these pencils. I have already stocked up on my 2 favorite colors in this line.
K.I.S.S.I.N.G A+++!!!                                                                                                                                 I can’t say enough about these lipsticks! I paid $34 for .12 ounces. These lipsticks are so creamy and so pigmented. There are 10 shades in the line, of which I own 4. They wear down evenly and remain shiny. There is no feathering with this lip product. These are not long wearing lip products because they do transfer to coffee cups and what have you but that’s OK for me. I really love the colors in this range.
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  Hollywood Lips A++                                                                                                                             I changed to this lip product so I could review it for you. I paid $34 for .24 fluid ounces of product. This is the first liquid lipstick I own by Charlotte Tilbury. There are 10 colors in the range. Out of all my liquid lipsticks, this by far is my favorite formula. Again, I didn’t need to cancel out my lips to use this lip product. It went on true to color. It doesn’t feel drying on the lips. It’s not sticky. Upon drying down it does not transfer. It does emphasize my lines but the color and formula is good that I don’t even mind. I will definitely be purchasing more colors.
Final Thoughts…..                                                                                                                                  I was apprehensive in purchasing any products in the line, but after trying them I am full blown in love with this line. There is such great quality and such pigmentation and the the packaging is so well done that I now understand the price tag that comes with her products. Charlotte Tilbury is luxury makeup and it’s finest.  I have tried many luxury brands and normally their products are hit or miss for me. This is not the case with the Charlotte Tilbury line. I am looking forward to purchasing more products in her line.
Well thanks for sticking with me dolls… as always save a spoon for a bit of makeup.
        Charlotte Tilbury Product Review Hey doll hey!!! Hope all is well with you today. I have for you a product review on Charlotte Tilbury Cosmetics.
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HummingBird (part 2/?)
Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: readers first official day at school and first crime
word count: 2090
Part One
The first class of my day was pretty uneventful. I had precalculus with Mr. Evans which was fun. Who are you kidding dude you took calculus last summer. It’s not like I was gonna say that? I don’t wanna be that show off kid that knows all of the answers. Yeah well not participating makes you have conversations with yourself so sucks to be you nerd.
Jeez I really was having a conversation with myself. I was that bored with APUSH that I was arguing, with myself. Of course I loved US history, but the whole class made me miss Mr. Star Spangled Banner. Maybe I could just check my phone for any alerts of crime in the city.
“Ms. Carter,” Mr. Jameson said, catching my adrift attention, “Could you tell me about the Maryland Colony?”
I heard a few snickers come from behind me, clearly thinking I didn’t know a thing about history and unaware that Steve used to read history books to me at night instead of story books.
“The Maryland Colony was founded in 1634 by Lord Baltimore. It was to be a place for persecuted Catholics to find refuge, a safe haven. Made as an act of toleration.”
“Very nice Ms. Carter,” he continued. I turned back to find the boy who had laughed at me and gave him a real, genuine smile which really threw him off guard.
The rest of the class went well and before I knew it was lunch time. I was honestly surprised that for the first two classes, no one really thought to introduce me or guide me anywhere and as much as I didn’t need it, I did need to make friends. It was already lunch and I had nowhere to sit, or rather, no one to sit with. I scanned over the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit when I found a relatively empty table.
“Thats a lot of food you’ve got there,” the girl adjacent to me commented, “not like it’s a bad thing. You should be able to eat as much as you’d like.”
“Oh no it’s fine,” I laughed, “I just have a condition.”
“Diabetes?” She asked, probably feeling worse about her comment. She seemed like a nice girl.
“No-no, I just have like,” I paused, thinking about a lie, “A really abnormally high metabolism. If i burn more calories than I eat I pass out.” Well, I guess that was only half a lie. My powers entailed that I needed to consume more sugar than regular so I don’t black out. It wasn’t pretty. “Anyways, I’m Aurelie, but my friends call me Bird. What’s your name?”
“Michelle, and I don’t have any friends” She responded. I was going to say something back but by the time I figured out what to say enough time had passed that a response would just be awkward and sad. Lunch soon ended.
Physics was my next class, I sat next to this kid named Ned. He was pretty cool actually, we were lab partners and I helped him with the worksheets.
“So what school are you transferring from?” He asked, scribbling down some notes.
“Oh, I was homeschooled. Parents thought I ought to be socialized or something.” I responded with a chuckle.
“Like in meangirls?” He asked.
My last class of the day was P.E. with that same kid who had made fun of me in APUSH. Apparently his name was flash or something? LAmE. It appears that me totally owning him earlier on in the day wasn’t enough for him and so he decided to try and own me on a physical level as well.
“Twenty bucks that new kid drops out of the pacer before it hits twenty,” he announced, the teacher either not knowing or not caring.
“Four hundred bucks said that the new kid is gonna be the last person still going,” I childed, another genuine smile flashed at him. He and most others burst out in laughter.
“What are you doing?” Ned asked me (He was in this class too.), “this is a mixed class, seniors regularly score over the hundreds.”
“Oi Ned, chill dude. Trust me.” I put my hair up into a ponytail, the kids that had made it a point to beat me were showing real game by doing pushups and sit ups. Some of the girls had began to do stretches too to show off.
“Maybe you should.. Um.. show off too,” he suggested. I shot him a look. “I mean look at them! They’re practically asking for it!”
“And who am I to give those meanies what they want,” I chirped.
“Are you even sure you can do this? Four hundred dollars is a lot of money…” Ned gulped. I only gave him a knowing look.
“The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.” I began to run to the beat of the weird elevator torture music and one by one people began to drop out. When Ned left (around 23) the group cheered and encouraged me to follow my friend. I gave him a look that said I will avenge you and I hope he got that message. By the time we hit one hundred and thirty two, the last of them had basically dragged themselves off the floor, giving me wicked glares as I lightly jogged across the way, a small smile on my face. Flash had dropped out around one hundred and twenty seven, and I was pretty sure that Ned was recording me. I was pretty sure the teacher was going to turn off the tape but he didn’t and I began to think that he had heard my little bet with Flash.
As the numbers increased the other students got angrier and angrier and eventually the tape stopped. I had ran all 21 levels, all 247 laps.
I walked off the court over to Flash, a cheerful grin on my face. I was sorta out of breath and definitely sweating more than I’d like but hey, it wasn’t that awful.
“Hey Flash” I greeted with a friendly smile. He handed me the four hundred.
“This isn’t over, Carter,” he spat, a grimace on his face as the teacher gave a blind eye to us.
“Hey, it’s okay,” I comforted in a sickly sweet voice, “What really counts, is that you tried! You did your best. Did you break your own record today?” he nodded, “See! There we go. With the right motivation you can do anything.” I booped his nose with the tip of my finger.
With that, I walked over to Ned, handing him the four hundred. “Here you go sir, four hundred dollars.”
“What? I can’t take it from you!” He exclaimed, clumsily trying to give it back.
“Dude, I have a lot of money, I don’t need it. Just use the money to make something cool and then show it to me.” I reassured him.
“A-are you sure?” He asked, still wary of accepting such a large quantity of money.
After school I busted through the doors and down the street as quickly as possible, people looked at me weird because my hair was still wet from my post pacer shower but I didn’t care. I was ready to fite™ some crime. The only other person who was out of school by now was that kid that ned sat with at lunch.
I went into an allyway and began to strip, which was something that probably came out of a bad porno. I put pulled on my suit that Tony had made and hid my backpack in an empty garbage can. The suit matched my alter-ego The Hummingbird™ with its dark iridescent fabric. The fabric was also very lightweight and feather like in texture. I had my own AI built in that I named Orzo. I pushed off the floor and flew up into the sky at high speed, shaking my head like a dog to dry off my hair. Hopefully the local vigilante wouldn’t mind some company here on the streets.
I flew higher into the sky, hoping to get a good scope of whatever was going on. This was my first chance at action since, well, ever. Tony never let me help him whatsoever (though he knows I am fully capable.) He didn’t even let me help him in Germany! He let Spiderman, a vigilante he’d never even met join but not the girl that he practically raised! Not only that, but I didn’t even get to meet him. I’ve only ever heard about him through the news and other media. Anyways sorry I got a little bit heated.
Though I expected New York to be just busting with crime 24/7 it honestly was pretty calm. There wasn’t much to do for a while. Very minor things to do. A couple of people stealing purses, I helped a homeless person move to a different street?? Ralph now lived on 22 and third. By seven o’clock not only had I done nothing that day, but I also hadn’t even encountered the spiderkid! Then, almost like the world was answering my prayer (not saying that I wished for crime and anarchy but I was bored) I heard a crash come from not more than down the block. Fresh crime, crime so fresh that my police tracker app hadn’t even gone off yet. I took flight, zooming across the city, trying to stay out of sight. The, yet darkened, streets were filled with life and pedestrians, some checking to see what the commotion was and many fleeing in the other direction.
I entered the store that was currently being robbed. It looked to be some type of antique jewelry store raided by the average thieves.
“Pals, I don’t think they’re open. Maybe you should come back later,” I said to the men, making them aware of my presence. They were taken aback by my appearance and probably my voice as well. By vibration my vocal chords at a different frequency, I could modify my voice to sound louder and have a similar reverb to that of a hum (at normal human pitch).
“And who are you? Spiderkids protege?” One of them snickered.
“I’d hardly say that,” I seethed bumping my head on the ceiling. I silently cursed myself. When I get excited or really invested into something I begin to hover which isn’t that helpful.
Two of the three men charged at me while the other one tried to grab their belongings and leave. I used my speed to use their strength against them, quickly finishing the job and knocking them out. I grabbed onto one of the feather/scales of my suit and pulled it out which transformed it to a larger, sharp feather which I used to pin them both to the floor. I darted out of the store and into the alleyway that the third thief had escaped.
“You come any closer and I’ll have to stab you!” He bellowed, pointing his knife at me. Wow, dude didn’t even think to bring a gun. I put my hands in the air and began to sob.
“Oh my god, you found my one fear, small knives.” I hung my head claiming defeat.
“Wait really” He asked, a look of genuine surprise on his face. I pulled out another feather and threw it, pinning his sleeve to the wall.
“No,” I chuckled out in disbelief, “anyways, I’ms sure when the cops get here you’ll have had enough time to figure out a reason why you’re stuck in an alleyway with lots of fun jewels in your bag, good day sir.”
I flew back into the sky just to see the one and only spiderkid zooming towards the shop.
“Hey dude! I already got it, you’re good. See ya” I hollered, waving good bye and flying around a bit to ward off any arachnids if I needed to. Maybe I shoulda talked to him? 
TAGS: @sushidoesntneedtoknow (comment if you wanna be tagged) 
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clairepphotoblog · 7 years
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"Birds of a Feather" Street Assignment Again with the birds I know, I can't help it I just love them. For my black and white image I chose this particular picture because of the textures of the birds feathers. With my zoom lens I was able to capture the essence of the bird up close; the intensity in the eyes, and curve of the beak, and the intricate matted feathers. I think that those elements are really what brought the photo to life, all I really had to do was play with contrast and detail extracting. One thing I have been trying recently with my photography is a more refined and simple approach. I take and edit photos in a certain kind of way and people never really see this other, more purist side of my photography. It was nice to show that I can do more than piece together pictures, even though that is my beloved concentration. 
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Highlighted pictures
Here are some of my favourite images from 20/09/17. I used a Nikon D3300 DSLR camera to get these pictures.
1. DIRT 
This is one of the more interesting pictures that I gathered. I think that it is not necessarily attractive, however, it is unusually intriguing. I framed the image looking down into this dingy corner to emphasize the unimportance and how it’s not worth much time looking at for commuters, perhaps why it’s been left to get so dirty. It was in a dimly lit area too as id the accumulation of rubble, new papers and general crap were irrelevant. The area was really dirty which contrasted the white starkness of the rest of (the most of) the station. It feels like that old dirty corner is a forgotten relic in the station.  2. CEILING
I don’t particularly think this image is as interesting however I do think it looks quite pleasing and it has some amusing angles. I took the image looking up over the platforms from the middle of the station. It shows the beams of the ceiling and the panels of material (plastic/glass?) laying over the top of the panels making the roof. Over time the roof has become so dirty, that the panels have clouded over with dirt and the light that comes through the panels is dispersed to give a soft light. I think that this image has a good balance of light and dark and it has enough going on as the shapes cut by the light look amusing however it’s not my favourite picture as it doesn't really have any focus or subject.
Near to the front of the station, there was an undiscovered corridor where there were some empty shops and crumbling walls and I definitely wanted to investigate. There was a cove which was made from some sort of brick and where it had crumbled away, revealed a piece of wood, perhaps from a beam in the building. I thought it would be quite nice to get an image of the wood poking through the brick. I could zoom in well with my lens and I managed to get a really detailed close up of the lovely fibrous texture of the wood. The only thing I dislike about this image is the fact that the colours of the wood and the wall are fairly similar and some variation would be nicer.
The focus of this image really wasn’t the text. The text, to me feels like an extra feature however the real focus was the sign itself. Taken from an up looking angle, this photo shows the contrast between the red underneath and the black front of the sign. It’s so close to the sign that you can even see the rows of individual rows of LEDs. The sharp and nearly cutout angles are appealing and I find the subtle reflections in the surface of the sign to be more interesting than the actual text which reads “4 coaches…Anglia”. I like that the sign is cut off as it puts more emphasis on the fact that the image is focusing on the detail rather than the unit as a whole. If I were to take this picture again, I might move further away as to get a little bit more background to make the image more diverse.
I seem to have a fixation on pigeons. Honestly I think they are so interesting. These birds have adapted to live among humans which I think is very efficient and clever in fact. This image makes me happy as I caught a pigeon in the action of walking about the station as if it were a commuter itself. It’s headed towards the door to go about its daily business and I think that really caught the spirit of London Liverpool Street station as it seems the pigeons have taken it as their shelter. I think this photo is almost like a glance. It is framed downwards looking straight that the pigeon which is very central. Since the pigeon is completing a split second action it looks like something you’d see at just a quick glance. I think it’s amusing to see that moment captured. I think if I was to criticise I would say that it is quite far away and I would be able to see more of the detail in the feathers had I been closer.
Just outside the “back” of Liverpool Street station in Broadgate Circle, the Fulcrum stands at roughly 55ft tall. This is an interactive piece commissioned for a small space and designed by Richard Serra. This structure was built in 1987 and going inside shows its wear. This was one of the corners that was inside the structure and it showed it’s age. The steel sheets have collected so much water over the years that it’s caused mass rusting all over and in this corner particularly. This corner was damp and rotting. I wanted to capture that (going with my theme of decay and age) so as to show what the station and areas around it are like now. I like the rusty deep reds, oranges and browns in this image since they’re so different from what you’d expect from steel. I don’t like however, that the image is not symmetrical or level anywhere. I think a tripod would have been good to use if I were to retake this to get a stable and precise angle.
(Information on “the Fulcrum, Broadgate” taken from http://www.broadgate.co.uk/art/Fulcrum at 20:11 on 04/10/17, Website last updated: No date)
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photoshoponlineblog · 7 years
Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create a Filtered Border
Photoshop is an extremely diverse program that can allow you to do many things. Whether you’re a Photoshop beginner, intermediate, or advanced user, there are numerous things you can do within the program to edit your photos, create web graphics and logos, and much more.
One thing you can do in Photoshop adds a border to your photos. Photos look great with borders. In fact, it makes them look sharp, sleek, and professional. While many people opt to make just a solid colored border, there are tons of other neat borders you can add to your photos as well.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to add a filtered border to your photos. You can choose absolutely any photo to work with. Additionally, you can choose absolutely any filter at the end. I went with the Stained Glass Filter, but there are literally dozens of filters to work with!
So let’s begin!
Step 1) Open up your picture in Photoshop by going to File > Open and searching for your photo like you would any old document. If you’re copying and pasting off the web, go to File > New. The canvas size will automatically adjust to the size of the picture on your clipboard. After the canvas is open, go to Edit > Paste, this will paste your picture on the previously blank canvas.
Step 2) Once your picture is opened up in Photoshop, we need to designate the area that is to be the border. Do this by choosing the Rectangular Marquee Tool on the vertical menu bar. Choose the inside of the picture, leaving a space around the photo, about 10% of the photo’s size inward.
Step 3) Invert the selection by going to Select > Inverse. This will make the selection around the soon to be border instead of the inside picture.
Step 4) Next, feather the selection by going to Select > Feather and choose 10 pixels.
Step 5) In this next step, we’ll be adding the filtered border. Now this is the point where you can add any filter you want. In my picture, I used the Stained Glass filter by going to Filter > Texture > Stained Glass. You can choose any filter you want to get the desired effect. In the newer version of Photoshop, you can zoom out and get a nice preview of what you’re going to get.
Step 6) When you’re happy with the filter you have chosen, click OK and the filter will be applied to your Photo around the border.
Step 7) Once you’ve got your filter selected and applied, we need to deselect the photo. Do this by going to Select > Deselect.
And there you have it! A filtered border in 7 easy steps.
echo $variable;
The post Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create a Filtered Border appeared first on Photoshop Online.
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foodgemsg · 7 years
http://ift.tt/2jLnOKe Read on our visit to Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner 2017 Buffet | Why Eating At A Buffet Never Goes Wrong by FoodGem
Chinese New Year Media Tasting
Are you having a big question mark on where to make a reservation for Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner 2017? It’s one of the biggest questions faced during Chinese New Year period particularly, the organiser. The parents prefer traditional dishes; the siblings can’t leave without seafood and the cousins looking forwards to beautiful and delicious desserts. Whereas for friends, having very specific requests like durian or huge oysters. Moreover, you can even reinvent your personal dish with all the ingredients available at the buffet. As this is a reunion dinner, we have to make sure that everyone’s taste bud is satisfied. The best solution is having a buffet style with a sumptuous feast. In this post, I will do a comparison between 2 buffet restaurants that not only offer delicious Chinese New Year dishes and also value for money!
Ellenborough Market Cafe @ Swissotel Merchant Court
Prosperity Salmon Yu Sheng in Chinese New Year 2017 holds the shape of rooster with beautiful feathers and prominent comb. Comprises a wide variety of ingredients and the meanings behind yu sheng such as:
Salmon salad with lemon and plum sauce (年年有馀 – Abundance throughout the year)
Pickled melon
Sour ginger
Sweeten ginger
Gourd Wax
Peanut crunch (金银满屋 – Longevity and eternal youth)
Sesame seeds (生意兴隆 – Flourishing business)
Pomelo (大吉大利 – Luck and auspicious)
Shredded carrot (鸿运当头 – Blessings of good luck)
White raddish (步步高升 – Prosperity in business and promotion at work)
Green raddish (青春常驻 – Eternal youth)
Purple cabbage
Pok Chui (遍地黄金 – Wealth and fortune literally fill the whole floor)
It is in the spirit of Chinese New Year, I personally feel that if yu sheng is important and not to be missed. Toss to prosperity, good fortunes and good health! If you can’t finish the yu sheng, not to worry, a small amount is left behind to signify abundance in the coming new year.
My mother has placed strong emphasis on fish and a “must have” on every Chinese New Year. 年年有“鱼” meaning abundance in the coming new year. This is one of my favourite Chinese New Year dishes, Red grouper with Hong Kong Sauce. It is delicate, tender yet firm white flesh in light sauce. Sea cucumber has a gelatinous texture and is almost tasteless however it is well-soaked in the flavours of minced meat, spinach and black mushroom.
BBQ bak kwa citrus spiced alongside with soft shell crab with Thai basil sauce. I like it that it is not so oily and comes with yummy roes inside!
I wish that there were lesser bones in this pot of goodness. The baked rice with wax duck and chinese sausage is simply superb!
Quadruple happiness with roast pork, honey char siew, roast duck and crispy chicken. These roasted meats are tender, leaving a layer of fat benealth the skin.
Poon Choi (Pen Cai 盆菜) is a luxury pot full of Chinese delicacies comprising 10 premium ingredients such as baby abalone, sea cucumber, XO Chinese sausage, dried oyster, dried scallop, roasted pork belly, tiger prawn and more. Baby abalone, one of the key ingredients in Poon Choi, remains tender and easy to chew.
Don’t miss out this live station with handmade dumplings. The handmade dumpling wrappers are thin, silky and filled with extra-juicy minced meat. The live station offers different dishes (dumplings, la mian etc) on random basis, so there’s a little surprise on your alternative visits.
Not a fan of sze chuan seafood soup. The taste is a bit plain and doesnt taste like sze chuan sour and spicy food style.
Desserts are eye-candy and also tummy! Do you look forward to the dessert corner in a buffet? Irresistible handcrafted festive goodies Pineapple tarts, Mandarin Cake and Chinese New Year Pralines. Pineapple tart is buttery and flaky whilst the pineapple jam has a nice balance acidity and sweetness. Don’t miss out these handcrafted pralines cuties! Efforts are taken care of not to overpower the taste of the chocolate.
Compared to my previous Christmas post with Ellenborough Market Cafe at Swissotel Merchant Court, service has improved and is speedy in clearing plates and topping up glasses of ice water.
Feast Of Prosperity sumptuous feast with signature dishes such as Teochew Steamed Cold Crab and Nyonya dishes Ayam Buah Keluak, Homemade Kueh Pie Tie. Not to miss these handcrafted festive goodies, Crispy Battered Nian Gao and also Mandarin Orange Chocolate Fountain.
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Lunch (Monday to Sunday)
High Tea (Saturday, Sunday & PH)
Dinner (Monday to Sunday)
Feasts of Prosperity at Ellenborough Market Cafe is available from 2 January to 28 February 2017.
*Service charge(10%) and GST(7%) applicable.
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How to go Ellenborough Market Cafe @ Swissotel Merchant Court
var map_fusion_map_5878a6da797a4; var markers = []; var counter = 0; function fusion_run_map_fusion_map_5878a6da797a4() { jQuery('#fusion_map_5878a6da797a4').fusion_maps({ addresses: [{"address":"20 Merchant Road Singapore 058281","infobox_content":"20 Merchant Road Singapore 058281","coordinates":false,"cache":true,"latitude":"1.288571","longitude":"103.84586999999999"}], animations: true, infobox_background_color: '', infobox_styling: 'default', infobox_text_color: '', map_style: 'default', map_type: 'roadmap', marker_icon: '', overlay_color: '', overlay_color_hsl: {"hue":0,"sat":0,"lum":6}, pan_control: true, show_address: true, scale_control: true, scrollwheel: true, zoom: 14, zoom_control: true, }); } if ( typeof google !== 'undefined' ) { google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', fusion_run_map_fusion_map_5878a6da797a4); }
Buffet Timings
Lunch: 12PM to 2.30PM (Daily)
High Tea: 3.30PM to 5.30PM (Weekends and Public Holidays only)
Dinner: 6.30PM to 10.00PM (Daily)
Address and Contact
20 Merchant Road Singapore 058281
Contact: 6239 1847/1848
Reservation allowed.
10 At Claymore at Pan Pacific Orchard
Extravagant indulgence of festive delicacies, abounding with a rich spread of freshly shucked oysters from five different countries (US, France, Canada, Ireland and Australia), succulent lobsters and more. Chinese New Year signature dishes such as Eight Treasure Lotus Leaf Rice, Fatt Choy with Sea Cucumber and Superior Fish Maw soup.
A little disappointing as the live oysters were quite salty. I would prefer Canadian oyster as it was less salty. Nevertheless, there are few dishes that left a good impression: sashimi salmon, lobsters and hot crepe with cold durian paste. If you have been reading my posts, you should be aware that I’ve a light taste bud. This review might be objective, if you are one with strong flavour on salt. Perhaps I’m the only one. Another point to note on service, it seems to be understaffed as my plates were stacked high to 4 before they were cleared.
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Mon to Fri
Sat and Sun
CNY’s Eve
CNY’s Day 1
CNY’s Day 2
CNY’s Day 3
Mon to Sun
CNY’s Eve
CNY’s Day 1
CNY’s Day 2
Spring Time Oyster Rhapsody at Pan Pacific Orchard is available from 2 January to 28 February 2017.
*Service charge(10%) and GST(7%) applicable.
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How to go 10 At Claymore @ Pan Pacific Orchard
var map_fusion_map_5878a6da7f566; var markers = []; var counter = 0; function fusion_run_map_fusion_map_5878a6da7f566() { jQuery('#fusion_map_5878a6da7f566').fusion_maps({ addresses: [{"address":"10 Claymore Rd, 229540","infobox_content":"10 Claymore Rd, 229540","coordinates":false,"cache":true,"latitude":"1.3076066","longitude":"103.83012080000003"}], animations: true, infobox_background_color: '', infobox_styling: 'default', infobox_text_color: '', map_style: 'default', map_type: 'roadmap', marker_icon: '', overlay_color: '', overlay_color_hsl: {"hue":0,"sat":0,"lum":6}, pan_control: true, show_address: true, scale_control: true, scrollwheel: true, zoom: 14, zoom_control: true, }); } if ( typeof google !== 'undefined' ) { google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', fusion_run_map_fusion_map_5878a6da7f566); }
Buffet Timings
Lunch: 12PM to 2.30PM
Dinner: 6PM to 10.30PM
Address and Contact
10 Claymore Road, Lobby Level Pan Pacific Orchard, Pan Pacific, Singapore 229540
Contact: +65 6737 0811
Reservation allowed.
The post Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner 2017 Buffet | Why Eating At A Buffet Never Goes Wrong appeared first on foodgem: Food & Travel.
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