#zootopian horror story
9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
rohan’s backstory part 1: alone on an island
hey everybody. here’s rohan’s backstory; at least the first part out of three. i thank everyone who liked and reblogged rohan so far, i appreciate this. it means so much to me. so, without further addo, it’s story time!
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When Robyn and Hannah were on their their honeymoon at the canaries, they’re left stranded during a sea trip on a seemeingly unreachable island, not before being brutally shot by who turns out to be the last drowned agent, who received the order from Fuli to terminate Scarlet and Bullet, or every member of team ceartais in case of failure of the “snow day” attack. Robyn survived thanks to her healing factor, but Hannah died from blood loss. Robyn was distraught, but when she went to hug her, the steel blood nanites interacedt with each other and instinctively merged to repair Hannah’s damage. This triggered a literal merge in robyn and hannah’s bodies, who then waked up into one being. At first being shocked, the two wives managed to separate each other and kept living on that island for seven days.
During those days, Robyn and hannah couldn’t resist being separated, so, once per day, they decided to fuse together for a few hours and then separate back in fear of being stuck into one. This led to the discovery of unkown abilities from both girls, secrets and stuff being kept hidden due to a mental link and hidden traits none of them were aware of: for example, robyn became more romantic and loving than she usually was, hannah discovered she got her sight back and could control whether she went blind or not and, most importantly, both hybrids became fertile. Unfortunately, said secrets the couple held were discovered during the links and once a day, Robyn and Hannah would end up having arguments and fighting with each other, before apologizing temporarely. On the fifth day though, after so much time considered impossible to bear for normal beings, Robyn and Hannah understood that their fusion (whom they nicknamed Rohan by combining their names) and all the troubles thew went through didn’t divide them, but kept them united more than ever, since none of the two ever gave up on the other; they apologized permanentely that day and promised to never lose love and hope for each other and the world in general, even at their darkest hour.
That same day, a small comet splashed into the water waking up the girls. Since Hannah was too tired from everything she went through to check, Robyn went into the water and picked the melon sized rock. After smashing it to check if there was anything suspicious, she noticed six colored fragments popped out of the rock and got all of them in her hands at the same time. What happened next could be described as raw immense energy flowing rapidly through Robyn’s body. Robyn squealed with horror and she would have been disintegrated if Hannah hadn’t woken up and run in her help and fused once again into rohan to stabilize the immense energy. It didn’t take long for them to figure out those were fragments of the infinity gems, since they wathced the recent marvel movies and got informed later about their story on the internet (despite never reading any comic book related to them) which granted them even more superpowers than before. After the fusion, the girls managed to handle easily the fragments while being separated and fused. What they couldn’t understand was why all the six fragments dropped by them out of all the living beings in the universe.
The seventh day their killer returned with the local police, trying to get rid once and for all of the superheroines; unluckily for him, Robyn and Hannah thought out a plan when they saw him arrive and managed to trick him and reveal his assassination plot and allignment by using the mind fragment. The criminal was taken into custody and the zootopian police was allerted. Robyn and Hannah then went back home and were greeted by all their friends and family, who heard about them being stranded for a week immediately after the capture of the criminal. The next days, Robyn and Rannah decided to meet in secret and train with their newfound powers and form and agreed to reveal everything at the right moment.
next time on rohan’ au: small facts about this part of the backstory
please, reblog, like and share as much as you can. 
see you soon fellow zootopian
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Idol Chp 2 Journey to the Sahara
A/N: A special thanks to kt_valmiri for editing (and adding the bunnies!) and ScaraMedn for beta reading! Thanks for helping me every step of the way, my friends :)
                                                                (\/)                                                                 (00)                                                                (“_”)o
It seemed as though Judy had barely closed her eyes before morning arrived. Rena undid the rope that attached her to the support beam and helped her to once again clean herself. Through this she held vague wisps of her dream, but really all she remembered was the color green.
A bowl of oats and berries was placed in her paws and fresh water was given to her. Once her hunger was sated, Judy was lead to an open wagon pulled by a wolf several times larger than his kin. She said not a word as Rhea lifted her up next to supplies for the long journey.
Dorian brought the cushions she had slept on and set them to the floor. The bunny followed the wolf’s motions, barely listening as he described the journey to Sahara Kingdom.
“We will be passing through the borders of the Savanna. King Adrian Bogo is attaching his gift to the prince with our convoy. His majordomo, Lionheart, will be escorting us to the palace.” Dorian reached over the side of the wagon to adjust the cushions.
With a  paw, he patted one invitingly. Judy, having stood at the edge of the cart, stared blankly at them. Were it not for the she wolf’s paws on her shoulders, she would have bolted.
“Will it be a long journey?” Her voice was still hoarse with tears, the bunny sank once again to her knees onto the soft cushions. Dorian gently placed a paw upon her ears to sooth the still distressed rabbit.
“About three days. Two if the weather holds. I have meet King Adrian and Lionheart. They are both kind, Lionheart especially, if a bit loud. He may bring his assistant Benji.” The wolf smiled at the thought, though his friend did not smile back. “He will make the journey much more enjoyable.”
When she didn’t respond, Dorian lifted his paw away and joined Rena at the back of the convoy with a small defeated sigh. The cart jerked, it’s wheels giving a light groan as the wolf began to pull. With the motion of the cart, Judy’s eyes grew heavy and very soon she drifted off once more.
                                                               (\/)                                                                (00)                                                               (“_”)o
Judy slept most of the way through the Savanna, her dreams more vivid this time. She sat atop the grassy hills not far from the royal burrow. With smell the sea on the wind, her hilltop granting her a beautiful view of it, her mind grew peaceful as she took it in.
The canine whom had visited her previously, came once more. Still and silent, he merely sat with the homesick bunny and observed the comings and goings of the distant tide and birds. After a time, the stranger, with his green eyes and fiery fur, turned to her and smiled.
And to her surprise, she smiled back.
It was then that her body began to ache with the need to move, her consciousness drawing her into the waking world. The… whomever he was, faded as her eyes blinked open. Under a small awning that had been placed over her, she sat up and stretched. Her tired mind registered the voice of another and the stillness of the cart.
Perking her ears up to catch snippets of the conversation, she peeked her head out of her make shift shelter.  A large cheetah was telling an animated story to a group of young wolves, their muzzles hanging open as they watched him act out his story.
Lips curled up as she watched the cat make faces and mannerisms for each different character of the story he was telling. The main character of the story was drawing his bow, only to have the string snap. One chubby paw when to his eye in mock hurt, while the other flailed the broken weapon at whomever he was aiming at.
Before she could stop herself, she giggled. Six sets of ears stood straight and flicked in her direction. The cheetah, his arms now raised over his head, turned his big brown eyes to her.
They grew wider the longer they stared at the bunny who stood frozen in front of the crowd of predators. Paws dropping to his chubby cheeks, his expression went from shock to a beaming smile of complete adoration.
Scampering to the side of the cart, he gripped the edge to haul himself half way over the side. Judy had ducked back under her awning in alarm, starting at the paw jutted out to her.
“Oh. Em. Goodness…” He squealed in delight again as she overcame her trepidation and crept closer to cautiously shake his paw. “They really did find a bunny. Oohhh! You’re even cuter than I imagined!”
As she had grown up in a kingdom whose population was almost completely bunny, the term ‘cute’ was used to describe only the most desirable. Beautiful, handsome, and gorgeous were used, as well, but to be called cute was for another to admit attraction beyond the physical. Someone being called ‘cute’ was a high compliment.
It was something she had never been called.
Having a mammal who was most likely ignorant to the meaning bunnies had for it only made her feel patronized. She wanted to correct him, but how could she, knowing that he meant no harm by the statement? The silent debate she held in her head did not get far before the cheetah’s face dropped in horror.
“Oh, that’s right!” His other paw lifted to trap hers. She was suddenly pulled forward into a tight embrace, the air being crushed from her lungs as he squeezed.
“I am such a ditz! Everyone knows you can’t call a bunny cute! And here I go, insulting the guest of honor. Me, Benji, whom everyone thinks is just a flabby, court jester.”
The doe extracted herself, taking in a deep gulp of air once free.
“It’s quite all right,” she gasped out, rubbing her ribs. Looking around at the dusty land, she turned back to the cheetah. “Where are we?”
“The Savannah!” another booming voice called out. “At least, within the outskirts of it!”
Judy felt her eyes go wide at the sight of the mammal approaching. She had never seen a lion before and found herself unprepared for it. Towering over the little bunny in her cart, he stood proud as he beamed at her. One paw, easily the size of her whole body, stretched down, though it hesitated when he realized just how small she was.
Deciding just finger would have to do, the lion’s grin grew when she accepted it.
“Welcome to the convoy, my long-eared friend!” He laid his paw flat, allowing her to cautiously climb onto of it. Raising it eye level, he winked at her before turning his attention to everything around them. Her gaze followed his, a little gasp escaping her at the sight.
Giraffes as tall as trees carried large baskets and picked ripened fruit from the trees surrounding them. Rhinos carried spears that they brandished at each other, always prepared to protect the travelers, while graceful gazelles and antelope practiced intricate dances with their long limbs and mesmerizing sways of their hips.
And, of course, the wolves.
The pack rested amongst the travelers, exchanging stories of past glories and feasts. Even a few young ones who were making their first trek towards the Sahara were allowed to challenge the rhino guards to spar. Others played music for the dancers, helped prepare food or challenged each other to spirited games of tug of war using only their muzzles. It was quite humorous to watch a grown wolf become frustrated when their opponent refused to concede.
“Are they all here for-” Judy’s words were cut off as the lion navigated the crowd.
“For Prince Nicholas’ birthday?” His laugh was more roar as he threw his head back at her nod. “But of course, my dear! The whole of the Zootopian Market comes together for moments like this. It is an honor to representing King Bogo. Oh! You would love the king! Fine male, he is!”
“Why are we stopped here?”
“This is the Watering Hole!” Came the voice of Benji. The friendly cheetah grinned up at her as he pointed towards the small body of water not far from them. “Not the main one, mind you. But traders who head towards the Market stop here.”
“Indeed!” The mighty lion came upon the water, lowering himself to allow her to hop off his paw. “Here, we shall await Emperor Big and his entourage. When they arrive, we carry on to the Sahara.”
“And how long until we arrive?” Judy stepped into the cool water, paws dipping down to scoop up a healthy drink of it. Her body relaxed at the sensation of it trickling down her throat and refreshing her body. Already she felt more alive.
“This time tomorrow.”
“Lionheart!” Turning their heads, the trio looked to see Liam striding towards them, a large smile on his muzzle. “My wolves spotted the emperor. They estimate his approach to be over the pass, within the hour. Have your mammals refreshed and ready to move!”
“Aye, Liam, you old dog!” Lionheart reached back down and scooped Judy up once more. He turned them both towards the alpha who gave a polite nod to the young doe. “Benjamin and I were just enjoying the company of your bunny. A fine gift for the prince, I must say!”
At his words, her ears dropped as she was carried back to the waiting cart. Liam’s expression went slightly dark, though he did not comment, instead leaving to ensure everyone else was ready to move out. Benji seemed to understand the sting she felt as the oblivious lion lowered her once more. He gave the fur on her head ruffle before heading off to gather his group. The chubby cheetah stood beside her just outside the cart.
“I apologize for Lionheart,” he said nervously. “He’s a good mammal, really. He just doesn’t think before speaking.”
“He’s right though.”
Judy crawled back under the bit of canvas that had shaded her thus far. Curling up in misery, she buried her nose into the cushions, paws over her head to hide herself further.
“I am to be nothing more than a glorified pet,” she mumbled.
“No!” Exclaimed Benji pulling the canvas back to let the sunlight shine down. “No, no, no, no, no.”
He gently took her paws and tugged her to her feet.
“I’m guessing you were brave before this. Back in your homeland.” He smiled at the nod she gave. “But what I know of rabbit clans, your life was never your own. Had you been born a buck, you would be a prize amongst your family. As a doe, you are a burden.”
Her eyes rose to meet his, silently conveying the truth of the matter.
“And now!” The cheetah huffed and quite suddenly tossed her into the air, pulling an undignified squeal of surprise from her. Catching her with skill, she was twirled around as her happy new friend brought her away from her cart once more.
“Now! You are on an adventure! The sights you shall see, the new foods you shall try, mammals of every species, coming together in harmony! And you shall meet them all! Just look at what this world has to offer you!”
They paused by a giraffe, who smiled down at them before leaning over slowly to present them with a basket of figs. Judy accepted one and groaned in delight as she took a big bite. She smiled her thanks at the strange creature, who beamed back.
“Figs for a bountiful harvest and healthy future,” the giraffe explained. With a final nod, the tall creature passed the basket a group of meerkats waiting for them.
Benji pulled her away towards the rhinos, eyes wide as they wielded their weapons and readied themselves to march once more. One paused mid-stretch and made eye contact with her. His resting scowl made her ears drop with nerves as he tugged his helmet off and strode towards the pair.
Judy was placed on the ground in front of him, the large mammal considering the doe for a moment before plopping the head piece on her. It completely covered her small form, much to everyone’s amusement, though Judy felt flushed she was given a chance to try it on.
Amidst the chuckling, the rhino leaned down to peek at her through the opening.
“A fierce warrior needs a fierce war face,” he explained, showing off his own with deep growl. “Show me what you got.”
Trying to swallow her nerves, she scrunched up her face and gave a timid growl. The others watching only laughed harder. Even Benji couldn’t resist the squeal of delight.
“Oh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover.” The rabbit scowled at that, only for the rhino scoff. “Show me your real face!”
She took a deep breath and jumped forward, teeth bared and eyes narrowed.
“That’s a little better.”
With a grunt, the helmet was picked back up and put into place, the rhino’s expression never changing. Though she could have sworn he gave her wink before rejoining his team. Her half smile was more genuine as she was pulled and tugged from mammal to mammal, each gifting her with a warm smile.
With shy eyes, she paused in front of the group moving in such beautiful ways to the music. She watched their hips shake, hooves and sashes moving as one, while they smiled at their diminutive audience. One young gazelle bent over to grasp Judy’s paw, pulling her in line with them. Tentative at first, the dancers taught her their steps, applauding as she mastered them quickly. The rabbit doe grinned as she followed their lead, until she eventually misstepped and landed in a laughing heap on the sidelines.
“The wee rabbit can dance!” Cried a wolf with a loud, barking laugh. “So let’s see if she can play! My mandolin, Gari!”
To her astonishment, the instrument was plopped into her lap. It was far to large for her, but the wolf guided her through a few simple chords. Liam himself applauded her performance, stating what a pity it was Garrett would not be able to learn from her. And, as she was placed back in her cart and they started moving again, Benji told her stories of how their world was formed.
At the dawn of time, greats gods and goddesses, in their fury and pride, each tried to outdo the others in their creations. A powerful god pulled the earth up by its roots in anger at his daughter’s elopement, creating the mountains that framed their view. A little goddess, proud of the tiny pond she made, cried the oceans into being when the others tormented her for it. The stars were fire arrows, shot up by the first wolf alpha when he lost his way in a snow storm. And the winds were those who lived before them, reminding those still living of their presence.
Judy felt her sadness melt away for the time being as Benji told her story after story. So different they were from the ones she grew up with. And stories of the goddess Serendipity were what really held her attention the most. She had heard whispers about her; the goddess of fortune and random occurrence. Stories of her painted the rabbit goddess as playful and influential.
Her clan, when it was first formed, had celebrated the goddess. Does especially had followed her example, being spirited, headstrong and ready to take chances. From her sprouted Easter, who brought fertility and life to the land they called home.
But the bucks feared the strength their does found in the powerful goddesses and, in their fear, had toppled the statues and destroyed the shrines devoted to their matrons.
Texts were burned from the meager collections the clan had gathered…
But they were not forgotten. Whispered was the correct word for how the stories were now told. Judy had listened as she grew from a little toddling kit to potential pawn within her kingdom. It was to Serendipity that Judy spoke her prayers. And it was she who received the best offerings the doe had.
The messenger god may had been called upon for council the night before, but she was a servant of Serendipity. Although, the canid who had been visiting her dreams was cause for curiosity.
“Benji,” she called softly. The cat had fallen into silence as his brown eyes focused on the still approaching entourage of the emperor. “Do you know of a dog or wolf god or goddess?”
He actually shuddered slightly at the question. “Several, actually. A few of them the wolves hold dear. But the foxes of the Sahara prefer Karma, Goddess of Balance.”
With an absent nod, Benji kept his eyes on the on the large polar bears approaching. They were due to join paths and carry on to their destination.
“Indeed.” Once again, the cheetah shuddered. “I’m not too fond of the canine gods. They always make me nervous.”
“You get on quiet well with Pack Wolford.”
“That is only because I have known them all my life.” He leaned over to her as he walked, paw held up to keep his words a secret. “And usually Lionheart or King Bogo is around, so I know they won’t try anything.”
Judy giggled at his expression.
“His imperial majesty, Emperor Big!”
The call brought their attention to the polar bears they were now marching next to. The two largest carried a litter between them, a heavy looking thing that the pair bore without a single hint of fatigue. Pausing, another stepped forward to swing the door open, revealing a small, plump shrew.
Finely dressed in lighter layers, he allowed the bear to lift him up. The marching was paused, allowing the heavily dressed bears to shed their winter clothing. Lionheart and Liam were both greeted as the crowed fell into low bows.
“Oh…” Said Judy in low voice.
Benji looked up from his bow towards her. “What?”
“I was expecting someone….” She paused on the next word. “Well, bigger.”
He grinned at her while straightening as the three leaders conversed quietly. Before he could respond, however, a low nasally voice was raised.
“Bring the rabbit to me,” was all she heard before her vision was swallowed by the polar bear in front of her. In her surprise, she scrambled back only to be scooped up by the scruff of her neck and carried over to the minute emperor.
An uncertain glance was cast towards Liam, who gave the shrew a disapproving look at the way she was being handled. With a small wave of his paw, she was set before them, Lionheart beaming down as Emperor Big regarded her.
“My child,” he began, obviously still appraising her. “You are a creature of beauty. A fine prize for the prince. I feel you shall bring much fortune to my godson.”
He beckoned her closer, reaching out his paw for her own. She cautiously accepted, her ears blushing as he pressed a kiss to the back hers. The emperor simply smiled as he released her.
“I have a daughter your age,” he continued. “She rests in our litter. Once the princess awakens, she shall keep you company for the remainder of the journey. I feel you will get on well with her.
“Go now my child,” he gave a regal nod as Dorian stepped forward to escort her back to her spot.
Casting a glance back, she met the hooded eyes of the Emperor one last time. He gave her a nod before gesturing the lion and wolf closer to him. The awning was replaced and the wagon began to move once more. Benji went back to walking and talking as she laid back and observed the clouds moving over head.
All the while, she pondered the life she being brought to.
“I recognize her…” Emperor Big had been moved to Liam’s shoulder. The alpha kept his head high and ears straight as his companion mused out loud. “There’s something you’re not telling me and it makes me nervous. Why do I feel she is not some random rabbit found as all the others were? I shall organize my mammals after the celebrations, on the off chance the Sahara needs them. Should the need arise, we march beside King Taiem. Remain alert when you and your wolves return to the meadow lands.”
“Already done, your imperial Majesty.” Liam cast his eyes towards the shrew as he walked.
The group marched well into evening, torches lit to guide the way. Most of the predators stayed in the lead, using their night vision to best advantage. It was late when they stopped to make camp, the emperor’s daughter having woken up hours before.
She and Judy had spent the time dancing in the back of the bunny’s cart, the music having played nonstop during the march. As Big had predicted, the two got along beautifully. And as Francesca had never traveled to the Sahara either, they speculated on what they would see.
Princess Francesca jabbered away with the chubby cheetah while Judy lay half listening in her cart. Once more, she was secured to her sleeping spot, with a wolf standing guard to keep her from sneaking away. Though they needn’t have bothered.
The Savanna was long gone. Daunting sand stretched for miles making the doe positive she would not get far. No matter how tempted she was. Instead, in an attempt to draw her thoughts from escaping, she allowed her eyes to close and her mind to be consumed with green eyes and red fur.                                                        
                                                             (\/)                                                             (00)                                                             (“_”)o
A ragged creature pulled himself out of the cave he had taken shelter in. When the sudden storm had released it’s fury, the miserable little thing had been battered by it. The winds blew leaves, dust and tree branches into his face. The latter caught him sharply on his long ears with their jagged ends.
He was left with only a shallow scratch and mild pain, but in the darkness such a thing only heightened his confusion. Pure luck had him stumbling into the cave, effectively sheltering him from the heavy rain and deafening thunder. After a day and a half of sleep, he stepped out into the sun and scanned his surroundings.
Days had passed since he and seven others had left the Burrows in separate directions, each in search of the missing princess. All had expected to find her within hours of departing. She was, after all, just a doe. Pampered and spoiled and raised to be obscenely obedient. The buck was entertaining the thought of the price she would have to pay for putting him through this. He was a male with needs and, for her disobedience, she would satisfy them.
The thought becoming more and more appealing, he traveled over the cragged landscape, ears up and listening for signs of his prize. Having never ventured far from home himself, he figured that he was in the outskirts of the Savanna. The old Pride Lands they had been called, before the lions that ruled it were conquered by the cape buffalo.
Sounds of loud, jovial voices, jumbled though they were, bounced off the dry ground and rocky terrain. Angling his ears towards the noise, the scout dropped to a crouch, creeping along the ground until he came to rest upon a steep incline. Peeking over the edge, his wide eyes watched a curious procession of mammals.
Several carts, all pulled by strong mammals that would easily tower over the bunny, were dragged across the Savannah. Three were loaded with casks and barrels, no doubt filled with liquors, while others were filled with baskets of fresh produce and others foods to sustain the travelers.
What looked to be a full pack of wolves pulled a cart at the end of the line, this one smaller, as an enormous cheetah walked by its side. His animated voice and laughter echoed up to the unknown observer, who was unwilling charmed in spite of the creature’s species. But the sight of a familiar face poking out from the back of the cart in response to the predator’s antics, caused the feeling to evaporate.
Brown eyes narrowed greedily upon Judy, watching as she smiled and laughed back at whatever was said to her. A voice called out to both, causing her to straighten and look towards the speaker. Taking in her small curvy form, the hidden bunny cursed the group that found her before he did. His pleasure would have to wait to be sated until he returned to the king.
Knowing there was no way to sneak in and take the princess back while surrounded by all those noses, he turned and left in the direction of the Burrows.
“Gotcha,” he muttered with a grin.
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
Rohan’s backstory
Beware that the read more option may not work, both in the app and in the computer
History in the TAS world: when Robyn and Hannah were on their their honeymoon at the canaries, they’re left stranded during a sea trip on a seemeingly unreachable island, not before being brutally shot by who turns out to be the last drowned agent, who received the order from Fuli to terminate Scarlet and Bullet, or every member of team ceartais in case of failure of the “snow day” attack. Robyn survived thanks to her healing factor, but Hannah died from blood loss. Robyn was distraught, but when she went to hug her, the steel blood nanites interacedt with each other and instinctively merged to repair Hannah’s damage. This triggered a literal merge in robyn and hannah’s bodies, who then waked up into one being. At first being shocked, the two wives managed to separate each other and kept living on that island for seven days.
During those days, Robyn and hannah couldn’t resist being separated, so, once per day, they decided to fuse together for a few hours and then separate back in fear of being stuck into one. This led to the discovery of unkown abilities from both girls, secrets and stuff being kept hidden due to a mental link and hidden traits none of them were aware of: for example, robyn became more romantic and loving than she usually was, hannah discovered she got her sight back and could control whether she went blind or not and, most importantly, both hybrids became fertile. Unfortunately, said secrets the couple held were discovered during the links and once a day, Robyn and Hannah would end up having arguments and fighting with each other, before apologizing temporarely. On the fifth day though, after so much time considered impossible to bear for normal beings, Robyn and Hannah understood that their fusion (whom they nicknamed Rohan by combining their names) and all the troubles thew went through didn’t divide them, but kept them united more than ever, since none of the two ever gave up on the other; they apologized permanentely that day and promised to never lose love and hope for each other and the world in general, even at their darkest hour.
That same day, a small comet splashed into the water waking up the girls. Since Hannah was too tired from everything she went through to check, Robyn went into the water and picked the melon sized rock. After smashing it to check if there was anything suspicious, she noticed six colored fragments popped out of the rock and got all of them in her hands at the same time. What happened next could be described as raw immense energy flowing rapidly through Robyn’s body. Robyn squealed with horror and she would have been disintegrated if Hannah hadn’t woken up and run in her help and fused once again into rohan to stabilize the immense energy. It didn’t take long for them to figure out those were fragments of the infinity gems, since they wathced the recent marvel movies and got informed later about their story on the internet (despite never reading any comic book related to them) which granted them even more superpowers than before. After the fusion, the girls managed to handle easily the fragments while being separated and fused. What they couldn’t understand was why all the six fragments dropped by them out of all the living beings in the universe.
The seventh day their killer returned with the local police, trying to get rid once and for all of the superheroines; unluckily for him, Robyn and Hannah thought out a plan when they saw him arrive and managed to trick him and reveal his assassination plot and allignment by using the mind fragment. The criminal was taken into custody and the zootopian police was allerted. Robyn and Hannah then went back home and were greeted by all their friends and family, who heard about them being stranded for a week immediately after the capture of the criminal. The next days, Robyn and Rannah decided to meet in secret and train with their newfound powers and form and agreed to reveal everything at the right moment.
The right time came the year later when Nick organized a memorial evening for the anniversary of the “snow day” attack being foiled, but also as the anniversary of his parents’, Robin sr and Marian Wlde, death. After Robyn and Hannah gave a speech about how tragic the wave was, but nobody never lost hope against such a disaster, they fused right in front of everybody. Everybody was shocked, but not as much as hearing what happened at the canaries, about their infinity-based powers and about Robyn and Hannah keeping the secret and training their new abilities in secret for about a year. After Rohan answered everybodys questions about her, she finished her components’ speech by saying that as a gift for everybody who loved them, cared about them and would never stop, she would have made something impossible; then she snapped her right hand and the whole universe was engulfed by white light for a second. After the snap, Rohan fell unconcious to the floor, unable to move and intangible, but at the same time everyone discovered what the snap did when robyn’s dead siblings, Ryan Ronan and Reginald materialized in front of them from a small whirlind of dust, then Robyn’s grandparents came along materializing in the whirlind, followed by Hannah’s eponymus grandma, Little John, and old family friend, the former mob boss Mr Big and his guard Koslov and ,in the end, victoria todd, the biological mother of robyn’s sister luna. The snap had taken back to life everyone who died between the incursions of the underworld trio, from the last days of the wave disaster, all in perfect health, having aged as if nobody died and with full memories of what happened. Unfortunately, rohan was still unconcious and immaterial and the only way they could carry her was through an electrostatic box invented by their old friend Olivia which was able to catch all the molecules. They brought her to the mayor office believing it woud have been a safe place.
After nearly eight hours, Rohan started to show signs of recomposing and gaining her conscience back, she would have been back in ten minutes, but unfortunatelty, there wasn’t time to celebrate, as a giant rift opened in the sky above the city hall bringing out a giant starship. Everyone knew that sign was no good and instinctively hid Rohan, hoping no one would find her until she was back. After a few seconds they hid her in the boiler room and squadron of eight green, strange looking aliens smashed into the roof inside the mayor’s office. They identified them as skrulls: alien mutants who could camouflage themselves as any other living species and mimic superpowers. The drop team was lead by a skull called Kl’RT, although he wanted to be called Super Skrull; he claimed to be in search of the fragments of the infinity gems to rebuild the skrull empire and bring glory to it. Nobody knew what was the green leader talking about and remained silent, but when the super skrull mentioned that six fragments dropped into that dimension and listed some of their abilities, after hearing one of said powers was to bring back to life anyone with a snap, everyone (especially Robyn and Hannah’s friends, Kodi, Kion, Olivia and Alice and Robyn’s sister luna) immediately connected the dots and locked the door, while managing to fend off the skrulls; unfortunately the skrull were no match for them, beating everyone and leaving them unconcious, except for Robyn’s mother, Judy and Hannah’s mother, Skye, who they wanted to use as a bait to lure their daughters out.
Meanwhile, Robyn and Hannah found themselves into a strange world composed by a large speck of marble and some ruins, greeted by six spirits, each one colored as the fragments. Those spirits identified themselves as the infinity gems, leaving the married couple astonished for two reasons: 1) they couldn’t believe something tecnically invented could exist, 2) they discovered to be invented charachters from a fictional universe themselves by talking to the spirits. The most important discovery though was why they had basically all the power in the universe, or the multiverse after their discovery of multiple dimensions: in another universe, a group of the most powerful superheroes called the Illuminati, formed by six powerful superheroes of the marvel universe: Iron Man, a genius playboy philantropist millionare turned hero, namor, king of atlantis and the sea, Mister Fantastic, leader or the fantastic 4, Professor x, protector of all mutantkind, Doctor Strange, the sorcerer supreme and Black Bolt, king of the inhumans. They used the gems, wielded by Captain America, the first avenger, to avoid the collision of their universe with a parallel one, but since time ago it was declared the gems could not act together this led to the destrucion of all the gems, especially the time gem whose fragments were scattered through time. In the end Robyn and Hannah learned that the fragments couldn’t find a better possessor over time, but then the infinity spirits found them: during the time of the wave, they were living in a corrupt world, on the brink of collapse, where everybody lost itself, but not them; Robyn and Hannah stayed true to themselves despite all the madness such a disaster could bring, had the power to go through such a situation for so long, they lost loved ones, their minds were torn, but they never gave up, neither stopped loving each other and, literally, they had superpowers. Those feats were more than enough for the spirits to consider the two hybrids worthy. And that was why Robyn and Hannah had the powers of infinity. They thanked the spirits and those greeted the wives back, claiming they could have changed everything. Then they started gaining their concioussness and physical form back.
When they woke up into Rohan, she felt a giant headache and then she heard the scream of Judy and Skye being held. She ran out of the boiler room, only to find everyone lying numb on the floor, except Judy, Skye and the skrulls. Kl’Rt debreifed them about the situation and ordered them to hand him the gems. He was unfortunate not to know he shouldn’t have messed up with the giant hybrid: rohan seemingly gave in, asking for her mothers to be freed; the request was fulfilled, at the terms that Rohan should have gone with the skrulls. As Rohan started advancing to the leader, she quickly started a fight with him, punching the green baddie in the chest and breaking his ribcage; the other skrulls quickly dropped into the fight only to have their ass handed by rohan, one with subdued by rohan’s fighting skills, the other six soldiers were killed, each one by a different power of the fragments. The Super Skrull was not willing to give up and plummeted onto her enemy, seemingly gained the upper hand, until Rohan reunited the fragments into a single gem on her fist and punched it against the super skrull, this time though Kl’Rt was invested by a surge of energy he couldn’t contain. As Rohan kept pressing, the skrull’s body kept flowing energy within, at the point it couldn’t contain anymore. Rohan finished him by blowing his body and soul up. The explosion also blew up the roof of the city hall, but, fortunately, no one else was harmed. The helicopters with the journalist were quick to arrive on the scene when they saw the explosion and started asking questions to rohan. Thinking about what the spirits said, Rohan deicided to take a risky gamble: tired of hiding secrets and knowing said secrets would have been discovered afterwards by die-hard conspirationists, Robyn and Hannah unfused right in front of everybody, revealing to the whole Zootopia their secret identities, their fusion nature and told everything happened inside the city hall: from the drop squad breaking in to the leader blowing up. They clamied to have done so because they felt zootopia needed to know the truth and didn’t want to cover up everything with some half-assed excuse. The only thing they didn’t give away was their companions secret identities, which were safe… or so they thought.
Over the next week following the skrull assault, zootopia was torn in two: the politicians wanted to declare superheroes and superpowered mammals illegal, while the public fought in rallies, protests and riots standing by their thought that zootopia didn’t need control, nor order, but just to be safe and free, no matter who protected them, also chastising the governement, calling it corrupt, unfair and old. While there were tensions inside the wilde family and their friends, everybody did their best to comfort each other, especially Robyn and Hannah, who received the most hate. Nick was not willing to give up on her daughter despite all the accuses against him, but every attempt to calm down the city was vain. But suddenly, a chance of redemption popped up: unbeknownst to everyone, the skrull that wasn’t defeated by Rohan by the power of the infinity fragments, silently escaped on the ship (which was invisible the whole time) and this time he brought back up: another alien race, called the kree. The two armies broke in the middle of a protest, capturing everybody: men, women, politicians, normal people, kids; then, they called in a massive ship/orbital cannon, capable of destroying an entire planet. The skrull threatened Rohan to come out and surrender, otherwise he would have erased the city from the planet. Rohan was trapped: either she went there and die for the whole city or she would have fought at the risk of losing many innocent lives. Believing she runied the city and everyone’s life, in the end she did come out and was ready to die for who she loved and seeking for redemption. She waved goodbye to her family and friends and she faced a public execution, where there kree leader, Ronan, blasted her to smithereens with his hammer.
The skrull then went to pick up the fragments, gloating over his revenge and claiming to be the only true keeper of the universe; but the infinity spirits had decided: Robyn and Hannah were the only worthy to keep all that power. They immediately rejected their impostor and reformed Rohan form the ashes; this time though Rohan was determined to end to skrull threat once and for all. she called in her allies: the famous team ceartais: andraste, spitfire, roar, the mage and yurei (respectively Luna, Olivia, Kion, Kodi and Alice), the ZPD, the MCB and the task force Camelot; no matter who the enemies were or what others thought about her, she was going to end everything.
After a long 10 hours battle, Rohan, ceartais and their allies finally defeated the skrull/kree army, not without casualties: almost 50 percent of the city was dead. Ronan, the kree leader, though was not willing to lose against a bunch of animals and in an act of rage, he activated the cannon at full power: he wanted to wipe out the whole planet if he couldn’t conquer it. When the cannon fired, every hope seemed lost, but rohan, uncapable of giving up and now unwilling to let everyone die, concentrated and unlocked the full power of the infinity fragments enetring the infinity state: she had all the powers in the universe and could have been able to alter the whole structure of the universe itself; after nullifying the cannon’s beam, she completly erased the cannon itself out of existence; then, after facing ronan one last time and killing him when he cheated and attempted for his loved ones lives, she brought back from the dead everyone who died in the recent skirmish and recreated back the entire city: every building that was knocked out or demolished during the wave or the skrull/kree invasion was fully rebuilt. Then Rohan passed out again, falling unconcious and incorporeal, this time only for two hours.
When she woke up, there was her family celebrating her victory, alongside almost the rest of Zootopia; only a few mammals still distrusted her. But soon a problem came out: the energy emitted by Rohan in the infinity state started to give superpowers to random citizens, no matter if they were rich or poor. To solve this problem, Rohan asked for a super’s therapy centre to be created, so that powered mammals could be able to control their powers to fit better into society, without class or power differences and for who wnated to become a superhero. She also asked for every super that would come to be registered as an ally of the zpd, but able to fight free, without law many restrictions. At last, she said that every super was free to mantain it’s secret identity if he or she wanted. Every request was taken with joy from everyone, aside the opposers; that same day team ceartais followed Rohan’s example and revealed their secret identities to zootopia, without fear. Wether this situation was good or bad it’s still discussed today, but two things were for sure: Robyn and Hannah did indeed change everything and even if the alien threat was defeated, many other villains would come out to take the fragments for themselves or for other villanous purposes and those bad guys weren’t just some vigilante level threat: they were superpowered and even came from other universes. Things had to changes so Rohan’s and ceartais’ arsenal grew up, combining the latest tech with the infinity powers, while staying true to their vigilante nature.
In the end, since the “revival” (how the skrull/kree invasion, their subsequent defeat and the revitalization of Zootopia was dubbed) Rohan, despite being a fusion has gained full full rights and it’s considered a civilian just like everyone, Robyn and Hannah are recognized as superstars, just like their teammates, but even with all the fame, the two hybrids live a fairly humble life with their eight children, while also protecting zootopia and other dimensions from evil forces.
for who is intrested in the main bio here’s the link
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