fixitlikeswomen · 4 months
If you got a real mess and want to clean like the pros, then you’ve got to see this! Hi, Billy Mays here with Zorbeez, the most absorbent material I’ve ever used. It has the strength and the muscle to pick up and hold over 20 ounces of liquid. Look at this! Zorbeez attracts liquid like a magnet! It doesn’t matter if it’s coffee, soda, even red wine! Watch as this powerful vacuum action pulls and cleans the stain from out of the carpet – just that quick. The secret's in the X27 fiber technology, making Zorbeez over 27 times more absorbent than cotton! Forget towels that just drip. And, unlike sponges that smell, Zorbeez is odor-free and leaves a path of clean. Now, you could clean and dry and never leave anything behind! You’ll be amazed at just how much they absorb – and they’re machine washable. Dry your entire car, even your dog! Use any cleaner for a streak-free window. An average family uses up to two rolls of paper towels every week. That’s cash in the trash! Save money and even help save the environment. You get two jumbo Zorbeez plus three extra large for only $14.99. But call right now and I’ll send you another five Zorbeez absolutely free! That’s 10 Zorbeez for only $14.99! And as a special bonus, we’ll also include our Micromen Microfiber Dus
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lady--thornhill · 2 years
9pm not sure of this morbius fellow. I prefer zorbius, the docudrama about the person that invented zorbing
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zorbius15 · 6 years
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Cthulhu calls. 430am and drawing. Insomnia. No stencils. 20 mins. All freehand and imagination. Embrace the darkness. 😜#macabre #cthulhu #shadowpriest #purple #madness #tentacles #mindbender #beholder #autodesksketchbook #adobephotoshop #photoshop #pentel #graphicdesign #creepy #comicart #fanart #deviantart #z15 #zorbius https://www.instagram.com/p/BqjuTcbhMMW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4fwi1lqdoejy
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messmersflame · 2 years
morbius worbius zorbius blorbius
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ourlittleband · 4 years
Pòl Before I say a thing or two I know about Dr Roy, I should bring Sol Edwin (his writer) in to explain more about the character and his origins.
Unrepentant Parallel stories, by Sol Edwin.
‘Before they became who they are, Dr Roy Zorbius along with Shay 5, Russ Zizipiow, and Michelorbe were Brad Carrington’s mnemonic interpretations of Robby the Robot, Johnny 5, C-P30, and Robocop, respectively.’
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‘Brad, as a director, wanted to create a collaboration between robot and human characters. His desire was to get them all working together on a soundtrack for a stop-motion animation based upon a poem called The Flannan Isles, by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson. His project started in the mid 1990s but then just fell away. However, when he restored all the characters, from 2012 onwards, I began to find that the robots were not the famous characters Brad had intended them to be but were actually closely related individuals. My backstory helps to explain this better.’
‘All four of the celebrity robots [Robby the Robot, Johnny 5, C-3PO, and Robocop], from their acceptance of never being able to have young or close relatives of their own, decided to put their minds together to find another way of passing on their traits and attributes. Their project initially involved creating an imaginative world called Waxy’s Planet but it soon turned into an imaginative universe with earth in it. Over time, a young Roy Zorbius was created as the son of Robby the Robot, Shay 5 as the daughter of Johnny 5 [J5], Michelorbe (Michael O’Brien) as either a friend or cousin of Robocop (Alex Murphy), and Russ Zizipiow as a Russian friend or relative of C-3PO.’
‘I have recently discovered that Waxy’s Planet is actually where the character Billy Forest is from. He was born and brought up on an extraordinary island on this planet, where lots of extraordinary peoples work together and it’s where he got to meet Gerry Marra, Blake Green, Angus MacLean, and Reynaurd. However, it’s also a place that Dr Roy now knows very well since going back and forward from Earth to the island in order to test the teleportation capabilities of a pod he was creating for Billy to travel back to his folks on the island in good time for the Quadrennial taking place this year. Dr Roy discovered during these visits, much to his concern, that there are monsters in the centre of the island very similar to the monsters of the id that feature in his father’s tales about The Forbidden Planet. However, much to his relief, the civilisations living on the island have discovered a way to accommodate, restrict, and channel the fearful energy of these invisible creatures, although the desert lands in which they inhabit are just as dangerous.’
Back to Pòl Dr Roy Zorbius is the musical percussionist for Irsmodhochas. His instruments include vibraphone, marimba, xylophone, and occasionally the tubular bells. However, he is also capable of creating lots of different sounds and beats from himself to enrich the sound of a performance.
Roy received his doctorate from The University of Warywick after he had bamboozled leading pioneers in the world of cybernetics when finding a way to re-assemble Shay 5, after she had been violently assaulted by a malevolent character called Skelter Hales. Roy was also recognised by the university for his love of astronomy. He is indeed respected, throughout Sol’s parallel universe, for his arguments that the night sky belongs to everyone and that everyone should have the opportunity to explore it if they so wish, regardless of status.
Roy is also the builder and repairer of crafts, devices, and musical instruments for Irsmodhochas (our Q). But despite this, he is unable to make things for himself due to restrictions imposed by the Three Robotic Laws, and this has led to major difficulties for the band wanting to fulfil one of their goals. Before creating the pod for Billy (mentioned by Sol), Roy had already designed a teleportation couch for Chief 23.
The most amazing thing that has happened in recent times is that Roy himself now has a son called Zuki, who is adopting the mantra of ever evolve.
Roy chose the Bristlecone Pine as his favourite plant for Irsmodhochas’ Botany Project, in 2015. This plant features in David Attenborough’s three-part documentary called The Private Life of Plants, made in the 1990s. One of my remits for each post of this project was to facilitate a photograph of the characters standing beside their chosen plants. There’s no way I could have found a Bristlecone Pine, for Roy’s post, but I did manage to purchase a Dwarf Pine. I tried hard to care for this plant afterwards but it unfortunately died, possibly because of the salt-sea air in the environment where I stay. This has happened to all the conifers I’ve tried to plant out.
When The Flannan Isles project (mentioned by Sol) paused for a couple of days, the tide caught everyone out and washed the band’s musical instruments into a stormy sea, including Roy’s priceless marimba. Since 2012, Roy has been on a mission to re-create all the instruments for the band. Photographs on some of his results features on the band’s website, under Projects-A pat on the back for Roy. Although he is unable to make one for himself, Roy would love to have the opportunity of playing the marimba again someday.
A thing or two I know about Dr Roy Zorbius Pòl Before I say a thing or two I know about Dr Roy, I should bring Sol Edwin (his writer) in to explain more about the character and his origins.
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Silver Ranger In Space Simplistic Wallpaper
by Zorbius of @Deviantart
#PowerRangers #TurboRanger #PowerRangersMovie #PowerRangersLegacy
#SamuraiRanger #SpaceRanger #TimeForceRanger #MightMorphin #PowerRangersForever #OverdriveRanger #NinjaStormRanger #PowerRangersFan #MegaForceRanger #WildForceRanger #ZeroRanger #LostGalaxyRanger #DinoChargeRanger #SpdRanger #DinoThunderRanger #MysticForceRanger #RpmRanger #JungleFuryRanger #NinjaSteelRanger #SuperSamuraiRanger #PowerRangersforlife
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zorbius15 · 6 years
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Skully sketch. Samsung Galaxy Note. #samsung #galaxy #skullyjuly #skullyjuly5 #skull #horror #macabre #zorbius #z15 #pentel #autodesksketchbook #sketch #drawing #digitalart #symmetry #android #deviantart #fortnite #fanart #skulls #graphicdesign
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ourlittleband · 4 years
Gerry Marra is the cornetist and trumpeter for Irsmodhochas. He loves all sorts of music, from roots to orchestrated, but is especially fond of Jazz. He enjoys exploring the blues styles of soloists like Buddy Bolden, Louis Armstrong, Alex Welsh and Humphrey Lyttelton and the cool, unconventional styles of Miles Davis and Charlie “Bird” Parker. Yet he also enjoys listening to contemporary musicians like Alison Balsom, who embraces the trumpet as an instrument for playing melodies in the genre of western classical music. When Gerry himself is working with Irsmodhochas, however, he prefers just to play accompaniment. One of my fellow beautiful selves, Sol Edwin, is more of an author on his backstory.
  Sol Edwin. ‘Gerry Marra is one of the characters along with Billy Forest who invigorates the mythology of Irsmodhochas. He is the band’s pioneer, their captain of the twilight seas, and a man full of wondrous tales from life experiences. Gerry himself was orphaned from birth. He believes his parents may have been killed in a conflict or in an accident at sea but has always wanted to learn more about them. Through advances in DNA research, combined with his own socio-historical findings, Gerry was able to uncover his father’s surname as ‘Marra’ and trace his paternal links to Sicily and his maternal ones to Ireland. Although he has numerous stories about who took care of him from childhood, he always maintains that he really just grew up at sea since starting out as a cabin boy. I’ve recently been discovering a parallel story about a collaboration between Gerry Marra and Roy Zorbius’ pop, Robby. Gerry and Robby at some point worked together in order to construct a boat that would allow the young man under his captain to not only travel the world but also to sail beyond into the universe. It was this boat that made it possible for him to visit Billy’s island, initially, and later to rescue characters like Blake Green, Angus MacLean and Reynaurd from their difficult times on earth, taking the three of them to Billy’s island which in turn led to them deciding to stay and take up jobs on the doors of the Flock Inn for several years. On his first visit, however, the boat got caught in a storm, smashed off rocks, and capsized. He along with most of the crew was saved by Merfolk but his Captain unfortunately perished. He met Billy Forest during his convalescence on the island and the two have been best of friends ever since.’
  Gerry is the one I feel I’ve failed the most. As the group’s facilitator, I’m expected to authenticate the instrumental sounds and playing styles of all the characters. But I’ve repeatedly hit the rocks when trying reproduce a decent sound for Gerry’s cornet so far. I don’t play any brass instruments but I was hoping to try and muster up samples on a keyboard or computer software, similar in a way to what Mike Oldfield did for his album Tubular Bells. So far, I haven’t been able to organise this and in my deadlines to facilitate a couple of songs, a few years ago, I had to try and impersonate his sound with my voice. My efforts on tracks like Blasted Clouds, to my ears, sound more like a cat meowing than the sound of the instrument. I do have a cornet and a book on how to play trumpet in the house but heaven knows if I’ll ever manage to master the embouchure and learn enough to facilitate Gerry’s sound and style properly.
In his travels, Gerry has met many religious people and has learned to be appreciative and tolerant of the different faiths. However, he’s no fan of Creationism because it refuses to believe there was dinosaurs on earth. Lots of religious people may have a fixed mindset or dogma because of their faiths but for Gerry this type of fixation is the worst. In his opinion, it perpetuates denial about the beautiful history of the planet and the heritage of life upon it.
In a post for the botany project, Gerry chose Entada gigas known more commonly as The Monkey Ladder Vine, Cœur de la Mer, or the Sea Heart Sea Bean Vine. It’s a type of large bean plant that drops its pods into the river to get carried out to the sea, drifting for long distances and sometimes washing up on a very distant shore. The plant was featured in David Attenborough’s documentary called The Private Life of Plants.
Pòl A O’Roideain
A thing or two I know about Gerry Marra… Gerry Marra is the cornetist and trumpeter for Irsmodhochas. He loves all sorts of music, from roots to orchestrated, but is especially fond of Jazz.
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ourlittleband · 4 years
Chief 23
Our Chief 23 with wand
Appreciation for Pink
Billy Forest seconds on Nouvelle Morphique
Chief 23 is probably the most complex yet simple and lovable characters I facilitate. He hardly ever speaks and whenever he does say something he tends to use just a few words in a polite Irish-Scottish accent with an American twang to it, although I’m sure I’ve also heard him say a word or two in Japanese.
According to Brad Carrington, the Creative Director of Irsmodhochas, Chief 23 as a character emerged from a fusion of Three Little Pigs by Green Jelly and The Elephant Man as directed by David Lynch. Brad discovered that Chief, like the three little pigs and elephant man, also had the misfortune of drawing attention from bad sorts but that he had this extra ability of manipulating their attitudes and so was never afraid of welcoming them into his abodes. Instead of a story about three little pigs and a big bad wolf, Brad found himself working with a palette of three big bad wolves and an even badder-assed little pig (Chief 23). One of the stories soon to emerge from this was a camaraderie between Chief and a character called Zonkers (featured in the centre of the picture, top left), who was once a very big bad wolf himself. The two of them discovered they shared a mutual love for Rock ‘n’ Roll and Jack Daniels and have been best of buddies ever since, in recent years meeting up at Brad’s for an annual four to six-day party to celebrate St Patrick’s Day and Chief 23’s Birthday.
Chief 23 has been living in Brad Carrington’s home for the last few years but he was brought into the band by Bobby Jò. Bobby and Chief once rented flats in the same block in the Greenwich Village area of New York. Their first meeting however was shrouded in a cloud of anger after Chief had nearly set fire to the building. He had fallen asleep in a drunken stupor and accidentally pushed a rug too close to the fire. After initial bouts of rage, Bobby eventually calmed down when he discovered that his neighbour was extremely depressed. Instead of venting his anger Bobby decided to befriend the young man with the hope that even though he might be intoxicated with alcohol every other day at least he wouldn’t be alone. Bobby asked Chief to join him for the next meeting with the band and told him it was okay if he wanted to bring a couple of bottles of moonshine. This went on to become a regular event and the guys in the band started to view Chief as a beautiful person and a great dancer. They encouraged him to delve into his natural sense of rhythm and take on a conductor role with the baton, as they discovered that this was helping performances. Being included in the group dramatically improved Chief 23’s mental health and he’s never looked back.
Shay 5, from her awareness of input about a structure called ‘The Triad of Impairments’, reckons that Chief is on the autistic spectrum and can suffer from sensory problems while Dr Roy Zorbius reckons he may also suffer from the extreme form of a condition called neurofibromatosis or Proteus syndrome, similar to what the late 19th century man called Joseph Carey Merrick (labelled The Elephant Man) may have experienced. From their sociological collaborations, Shay proposes Chief may have been raised on a farm where he could have formed a closer attachment with animals than with people while Roy adds that he may have undergone plastic surgery, at some point, not only to change his appearance but also in order to look like some his childhood companions.
Chief has a thing for brown couches and he loves the one that Dr Roy Zorbius made for him, a few years ago. For many years he didn’t have a couch and his fellow band mates, especially Dr Roy and Shay 5, speculated that his being without a couch may have been the distress trigger that caused him to accidentally set fire to his abode in Greenwich Village. The different coloured buttons, later added onto the arm of the couch, allows Chief to teleportate to different environments but he very rarely uses them.
Chief and Shay occasionally get together to practice Karate moves and would like me to take them to Okinawa someday.
For the group’s botany project, during 2016, Chief wanted to feature the daffodil plant for his post. But at the last moment, he changed his mind and decided to feature the dandelion plant.
Pòl A O’Roideain (our facilitator)
A thing or two I know about Chief 23 Chief 23 is probably the most complex yet simple and lovable characters I facilitate. He hardly ever speaks and whenever he does say something he tends to use just a few words in a polite Irish-Scottish accent with an American twang to it, although I'm sure I've also heard him say a word or two in Japanese.
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ourlittleband · 4 years
Pòl Before I talk about a thing or two I know about Dr Roy, I’ve decided to bring Sol Edwin (his writer) in to explain more about his origins.
Unrepentant Parallel stories, by Sol Edwin.
‘Before they became who they are, Dr Roy Zorbius along with Shay 5, Russ Zizipiow, and Michelorbe were Brad Carrington’s mnemonic interpretations of Robby the Robot, Johnny 5, C-P30, and Robocop, respectively:
Brad wanted to create a collaboration between robot and human characters. His desire was to get them all working together on a soundtrack for a stop-motion animation based upon a poem called The Flannan Isles, by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson. His project started in the mid 1990s but then just fell away. However, when Brad restored all the characters, from 2012 onwards, I began to find that his robots were not the famous characters Brad had intended them to be but were actually closely related individuals. My backstory helps to explain this better. All four of the celebrity robots (Robby the Robot, Johnny 5, C-3PO, and Robocop), from their acceptance of never being able to have children, or any more children in Robocop’s situation, decided to put their minds together to find another way of passing on their traits and attributes. Their project initially involved creating an imaginative world called Waxy’s Planet but it soon turned into an imaginative universe with earth included in it. In the context of Roy Zorbius, he was created as the son of Robby the Robot while Shay 5 was created as the daughter of Johnny (J) 5, Michelorbe (Michael O’Brien) as either a friend or cousin of Robocop (Alex Murphy), and Russ Zizipiow as a Russian friend or relative of C-3PO.’
‘I have recently discovered that Waxy’s Planet is actually where the character Billy Forest is from. He was born and brought up on an extraordinary island on this planet, where lots of extraordinary peoples work together and it’s where he got to meet Gerry Marra, Blake Green, Angus MacLean, and Reynaurd. However, it’s a place that Dr Roy now knows very well since going back and forward from Earth to the island in order to test-trial a pod he was creating for Billy to be able to travel, through distant space, back to his folks on the island in good time for the Quadrennial taking place this year. Dr Roy discovered, much to his concern, that there are monsters on the island very similar to the monsters of the id that feature in his father’s tales about The Forbidden Planet. However, in contrast to what the Krell and Dr Morbius were able to cope with, the civilisations living on this world discovered a way to accommodate, restrict, and channel the fearful energy of these invisible creatures.’
Back to Pòl Dr Roy Zorbius is a percussionist for Irsmodhochas. His main instruments include the vibraphones, xylophones, and occasionally the tubular bells. However, he is also capable of creating lots of different sounds and beats from himself to enrich the overall sound in a performance.
Roy received his doctorate from The University of Warywick after he had bamboozled leading pioneers in the world of cybernetics when he found a way to re-assemble Shay 5, after she had been violently assaulted by a malevolent character called Skelter Hales. Roy is also the builder and repaired of crafts, devices, and musical instruments for Irsmodhochas (our Q) but despite this he is unable to make things for himself due to restrictions associated with the Three Robotic Laws, and this has led to major difficulties for the band wanting to fulfil one of their goals. Roy was also recognised by the university for his love of astronomy. He is indeed respected, throughout Sol’s parallel universe, for his arguments that the night sky belongs to everyone and that everyone should have the opportunity to explore it if they so wish, regardless of status.
The most amazing thing that has happened in recent times is that Roy himself now has a son called Zuki, who is adopting the mantra of ever evolve.
Roy’s choose the Bristlecone Pine as his favourite plant for Irsmodhochas’ Botany Project, in 2015. This plant features in David Attenborough’s three-part documentary called The Private Life of Plants. One of my aims during each post for this project was to facilitate a photograph of the characters standing beside or amongst their favourite plant in real life. There’s no way I could have found a Bristlecone Pine, for Roy’s post, but I did manage to find a Dwarf Pine. I tried hard to look after this plant since 2015 but it unfortunately appears to have died, possibly because of the salt-sea air in the environment where I stay. This is happened to all the conifers I’ve tried to plant out.
When The Flannan Isles project paused for a couple of days, the tide caught everyone out and washed the band’s musical instruments into a stormy sea, including Roy’s priceless marimba. Since 2012, Roy has been on a mission to re-create all the instruments for the band. Photographs on his work on this features on the band’s website, under Projects. Roy would love to have the opportunity of playing the marimba again someday.
A thing or two I know about Dr Roy Zorbius Pòl Before I talk about a thing or two I know about Dr Roy, I've decided to bring Sol Edwin (his writer) in to explain more about his origins.
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