#zrs4 radio mode
fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Ok so we’re in between season of ZR and I’m not so much “out of things to listen to” as I am “caught up”. I like the main story line and that’s all I’ve ever really followed, but I was following along with season 10 and now that’s done and there’s no season 11 yet. So I’ve gone back and I’m listening to ZR Season 4 Radio Mode, which is interesting. I had been listening to it wayyy back but accidentally restarted it halfway through and didn’t care enough to listen all the way through to get to the bits I hadn’t heard yet. So now I’m relistening to it and remembering that I only ever cared about Don and Bas! And I haven’t heard from them in WEEKS! Where are Dom and Bas!! Are they coming back?? Last I heard was not good :( and I’d like them to live happily ever after with the two-headed dog. I’m sure Hugh and Elouise are very nice but they are getting in the way of me listening to Afterlife On Earth 😭
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I decided to take this prompt about a lovesick person pining for their loved one and turn my attention to the most underrated pining duo I’ve met in zombies run so far. Anyone remember Dr. Domhnall Barra and Dr. Basil Hibler from season 4 radio mode? I fell in love with them because Domhnall is an animal nerd like me, but then I stuck around because it’s obvious these two are head over heels for each other but don’t realize it.
Special thanks to @zombiesmake for putting this on tonight! I missed this a lot and I’m glad I joined in tonight!
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limepigeon · 7 years
Can someone help a confused runner out? [SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4 RADIO MODE] Okay, so, I’m listening to Radio Abel Season 4 (again) and I’m a little bit confused. Does it end with the Demons & Darkness guys at the pub? I get to the point where they’re ready to take on the zombs and that’s it, then it says “no more clips available” (or something along those lines) and I’m just sort of confused if it’s supposed to end there? I’ve done season 4 of the regular missions so it shouldn’t be an issue with not having caught up. I guess I’m just expecting Phil and Zoe as the last clips, not the “cliffhanger” with the D&D people. Can anyone help me figure out if I’m missing something before moving onto Season 5′s Radio Mode? Much appreciated!
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shalebridgecradle · 7 years
Re: ZR S5 Radio Mode
Soooo apparently S5′s Radio Mode is just really goddamn short, because I completed it twice by the time I’d hit M33. (I was expecting to get more clips the second time through, assuming some were time/story gated, but nope! That’s really all there is. Wow.)
It was also, IMHO, disappointing. And not just for its brevity. It’s so completely detached from the main story that I felt like I got whiplash every time I finished a mission.
Basically, S5 Radio Mode feels a lot like:
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And that’s jarring and irritating and the editor in me’s itching to fix it. So I started brainstorming some ideas for a better S5 RM. What-could-have-beens that keep to the “random other broadcasts” premise S4 started while making them...actually relevant and connected to the main season the way S1-3 Radio Mode was.
The idea isn’t to make Radio Mode required listening, but rather make it better supplement the main story and get some world-building on. ...This is probably way too ambitious and outside of S2S's budget, since it’d require a larger voice cast and pulling in some of the cast from the main season, but I can dream.
It’s also a slight hot mess, but this is just brainstorming. 
Major spoilers follow under the cut for S4 and 5 through S5M32! Also a very minor spoiler for S6M1.
1) pirate radio from Fort Canton. (Seriously, what is going on over there? I need answers.)
2) this one proves I’ve been watching entirely too much Babylon 5, but: in S4 of that show, the protagonists start a “Voice of the Resistance” newscast to combat a propaganda and misinformation campaign aimed at them by a hostile, fascist government and its state-run media. ...Sound familiar?
I think I would’ve sold my soul to have Phil and Zoe do something similar--actual news and anti-propaganda, not...a true or false game that ends, abruptly, the second it starts actually going somewhere. Sigh.
3) every so often, the signal gets hijacked/reclaimed by the Ministry for news bulletins and thinly veiled propaganda. 
(“The Ministry has again dismissed rumors of starvation and other deprivation measures being used against Abel Township residents. We continue our work to rebuild and stabilize Abel. For reasons of public safety, the township and surrounding area remain off limits to all civilian traffic.”)
Bonus if these are narrated by Viv, and double bonus if she sounds exactly as Done™ as I imagine her to be.
EDIT: since I first drafted this post, I’ve made it to S6M1 and...yeah, a lot like that, basically.
3.5) some of these should obviously be tied to certain in-season events and not run until the player’s passed those points. I’m thinking specifically of some Runner Five-related announcements that could be done around the mid-season story arc.
4) broadcasts from the King, either highly edited and released by Ministry PR or an unedited copy released by the resistance. (Or both! Although obviously not different versions of the exact same broadcast.) We know the Ministry’s been forcing Jamie to address the nation; I want to hear at least one of those. C’mon. I’ll take any additional Jamie Skeet content I can get, even if it’s going to hurt me plenty.
5) random transmissions from more far-flung spots in the UK, where people are less likely to give a toss about the Ministry or any rebellion and just want to know if there’s anybody out there with the last three seasons of Deep Space Nine on DVD??? Seriously, this is a real emergency, somebody help. You could stick some Afterlife and Hugh & Eloise content in here too if you wanted.
The idea here is to give the player a bit of a mental break and some normalcy, because really. I’m all for small sanity breaks, just...not when they make up the entire Radio Mode.
6) campaign ads for the upcoming “election.” Including oddball ones from independent, fringe candidates that you know would pop up.
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Friday, April 12, 2024
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6:15pm; 77° at 43% humidity 5 mph wind; 2 miles; 25:26; 12:41/mi; zrs4 radio mode; I did not want to run, but really it was a beautiful day and good weather for a short jog. I jogged 2 miles, but did stop to catch my breath. It was good to get away from the computer screen and to move around a bit. Today was very sedentary. I see the value of being outside and jogging for a little bit, I guess.
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Sunday, April 28, 2024
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2:14 pm; 86° at 55% humidity and 9 mph wind; 1.5 miles; 19:21; 12:53/mi; ZRS4 Radio Mode; ok so it was a little warm but very cloudy and some strong wind gusts. It had drizzled off and on all morning, but I only felt a few droplets during the jog. Star jasmine is still blooming and fragrant. I passed (someone I assume to be) a neighbor who was walking like 3 times since we were going in opposite directions and I almost wanted to introduce myself to him. No goslings today :(. Clovers are still in bloom. Jog was not pleasant. I need to get someone to come with me I’m so bored of jogging in this stupid circle.
You can see in my heart rate that I walked like a lot in this brief 1.5 miler. I’ve got to slow down over all and work on steadiness.
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Friday, April 26, 2024
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10:55 am; 81°; 1.5 miles; 20:40; 13:45/mi; ZRS4 Radio Mode; This has been a rough week for jogging. I walked A Lot today and it was warmer than is comfortable. Also, there were two dead baby birds on my doorstep so I started off unhappy. But it is important that I went anyway. This week has a 3 day break which is not ideal. My right calf hurt on Monday, but it feels fine today so that’s good. And even if I didn’t want to jog, it really is a beautiful day and worth being outside for some of it. And I saw the baby geese, which was nice.
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Sunday, April 21, 2024
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9:15 am; 57° at 84% humidity and 13 mph winds; 1.5 miles; 19:16; 12:50/mi; ZRS4 Radio Mode; run was ok. Stopped to walk several times, but I did see the very cute goslings.
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Monday, April 15, 2024
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8:40 am; 69° at 82% humidity; 1.5 miles; 19:50; 13:10/mi; ZRS4 Radio Mode; 238.5; Today, I stoped to walk A Lot, partly because I did not want to run but mostly because it is spring and that means GOSLINGS! And baby turtles and the magnolias are in bloom and the star jasmine is SO fragrant! I saw squirrels, starlings, mourning doves, domestic mallards, Canada geese, and a Pomeranian.
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Sunday, April 14, 2024
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9:14 am; 72° at 81% humidity and 5 mph wind; 1.5 miles; 19:00; 12:36/mi; ZRS4 Radio Mode; 240.4; wow that was rough. My legs did not want to move at all and I stopped for a few walks. Saw the domestic mallards and Canada geese. Weather was very muggy and it somehow felt much warmer than it really is. Sun started very bright but it was intermittent clouds by the end.
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Thursday, April 9, 2024
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6:40am; 73°; 1 mile; 11:49/mi; ZRS4 Radio Mode; just a mile! Tried to go steady and faster than usual. Oh well :/
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fortheloveofrunning · 5 months
Monday, April 8, 2024
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7:48 am; 73° ; 1.5 miles; 19:19; 12:52/mi; ZRS4 Radio Mode; did a mile and a half. My first mile was a lot faster than the second half mile. Idk. I just can’t seem to keep my speed up at all.
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limepigeon · 8 years
Nonononononoooo I NEED more Afterlife On Earth...!! But don't tell me if there's more 'cause I don't want to spoil myself
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