#runners log
astro-alana · 2 years
I feel like this episode addressees a bunch of complaints people had about toh neglecting the side characters or being upset that “amity takes up all the time that gus and willow should have”. Like just wait people ! Without going into the details of the plot I will say this episode is really cool because it something we had never experienced before. An episode without luz entirely. We don’t see her POV at ALL ! King nor eda were in this episode too. Just seeing the dynamics of the side characters and even some of the lesser known background characters. That being said it isn’t at all fluff or a useless story. No it is entirely centered in the main plot. This crew really did not waste ANY time when it came to this half of the season. It’s probably due to the shows cut and it really shows (but not entirely in a bad way). I feel like this episode could have been a bit more easy going if they had a full third season letting the viewers take a breather from this back to back trauma fest. But this episode was compacted with really good stakes and main storyline relevant plots. And yet it had pockets of breathing air when it came to the background student interacting and acting like real high school students. It was just really special to see and much needed. I’m glad the team decided to add this into their already fleeting schedule. It shows how this aspect of the story and show is important to them as well and is worth the time spending on it. Very enjoyable overall and enticing. My first impressions and really good and leaves me with so many questions wondering if I can get the answers buy rewatching the episode!
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
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The Maze Runners
Because of their incredible intelligence, Stiles and Lydia are chosen by WICKED, particularly by its highest-ranking official, Chancellor Talia Hale, to construct the giant labyrinth needed for Group A's Maze Trials. The chancellor's own children, Laura and Derek, are assigned to build Group B's maze along with the two.
While building the mazes, Lydia and Stiles get to interact and grow close with the subjects of Maze A. Through the years before the trial, Stiles bonds and develops mutual romantic feelings with one of them: subject A7. And as the days inch close to the beginning of the trials, Stiles starts to hesitate. After all, he knows what kind of horror awaits for his friends at the maze. It's not called a 'Trial' for no reason. Lydia reproaches and tries to snap his head back in order, scolding him for thinking about jeopardizing years of hard work for a boy. She reminds him of the ultimate goal of the experiment: the death cure.
But how could he possibly do it? How could he consciously send his friends, his boyfriend, to a survival game armed only with the memory of their names? He can't imagine spending years seated in the facility room, watching them die one by one, hoping every day it's not Theo, or Scott, Isaac, Liam, young Mason, that's going to get mauled by the grievers inside the maze. If the Maze Trials must happen, it happens to him, too.
On the day the first group is prepped for the maze, Stiles escapes, changes into the standard trial garments, enters the lab where all of his friends and his boyfriend Theo lay unconscious, kisses his forehead with a smile, and performs the memory swipe on himself.
The next time Stiles wakes up, he's in a descending box cramped with about 20 panicking and shouting male teenagers who can't remember anything apart from their names. He can't remember anything but his name, too, doesn't know what's going on, and he's growing more anxious by the second until he meets one boy's eyes from across the box.
They stare at each other for a long time. Stiles doesn't know it yet, but they will run the maze together, map it and solve it alongside each other, and survive the trials hand-in-hand.
Stiles doesn't know it yet, but he will fall in love with the same boy for the second time.
part 2
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jvlianbashir · 2 years
weyoun is diplomatically obsequious enough that everyone else has to be blunt as a hammer for the sake of balance
absolutely. you can actually watch the universe balancing itself in action sometimes like during that one scene from "in the cards"
WEYOUN: Captain Sisko, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you again. SISKO: I wish I could say the same. WEYOUN: How delightful. You feel comfortable enough around me to make jokes. I'm so pleased to see our relationship evolving beyond the stale adversarial stage. SISKO: No it's not. But before you twist that into a compliment, let me be blunt. I don't like the Dominion, I don't like what it stands for, and I don't like you.
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babylawyerruns · 2 years
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Hit my 20 miles a week weekly mileage goal! Also today was HOt! I had brunch (featuring a mimosa flight) and walked around the city with some friends from law school today and already hit like 12k steps from that alone. Then did this run that felt pretty rough because of the heat and the pollen and then FInALLY followed through on doing some resistance training/ core. Feeling the Sunday Scaries for real today!
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computervulcan · 2 years
Hey what would everyone’s holosuite program of choice would be? =) I would be playing Link from Breath of the Wild for 20 hours a week
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monstress · 2 years
not 2 say i hate marvel but my sis and i were the only ppl in the theater hall for everything everywhere all at once at the only showing set at 11.15am and morbius had 20 showings at the same day
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doyoueverwonderwhy · 2 years
Registered today for my first race of 2022 (it's January 21st, I live in Wisconsin, it's cool ✌) and penciled a few more into my calendar, and sketched out the first bunch of training plan to start in March, and even though I haven't run since Thanksgiving I'm really pumped for next season.
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nokkiart · 4 years
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So I got this message from Sam out of the blue the other day. It didn’t have to do with any of the missions I had just run. I have no idea what he thought was *going to pieces*. All I could think of was what shenanigans has he gotten himself into now??
And you know Five is going to panic as soon as she sees that note.
Luckily in the next mission, he was fine... Maybe he was trying to tell Five that he was thinking about her while he was busy working?? Who knows... XD
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orallech · 3 years
I finished Solar Ash! It was good but I would definitely say you could wait a little before buying it. I’ve seen some stuff about the price and idk at 40$ I’d say wait a little if yer contemplating. Unless yer like really into whatever heart machine makes.
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spookylostboy · 3 years
(Also let me know if you want me to tag you when I post new chapters)
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celestinaruns · 4 years
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Monday, July 20: 10 x Royal Glenora Hill Repeats
Nothing like doing repeats on a 100 m hill with a 30% incline to get the quads feeling shaky and sore! Switched up my rest day because the sun was just shining too bright to turn down, and I had a physiotherapy appointment on Tuesday.
Tuesday, July 21: Rest Day (sort of)
Went to see my physiotherapist to follow up on how I was recovering after my ankle injury, and also to address some knee pain cropping up in my longer runs (25+ km). My quads seemed really tight and I have quite a bit of instability in my right leg (which had the injury), probably due to a lot of strength I have yet to build back up. Got my right quad dry needled, too, which was painful, but so helpful.
Wednesday, July 22: Easy 6 mi on road
This is a bit of a recovery week, especially with knee pain acting up and... not having taken a recovery week in a long time. I was exhausted though, my quad was still sore from needling and I had a long day at work!
Thursday, July 23: Easy 5 mi on road
Some more easy cruising! I totally ignored my watch navigation, which meant I got a bit more climb in than planned, but it still felt like a great run.
Friday, July 24: 25 km bike ride in the city
It was a very breezy day, so I definitely had to work hard on those uphills, but I did get a nice tailwind on the downhills, which was fun. Time to take the bike in for a tune-up, though!
Saturday, July 25: Easy 5 mi on trail
Spent the day exploring a couple new trails in the area! It was an easy run, lots of starting and stopping because I wasn’t familiar with the trails, but 126 m elevation gain over 8 km is certainly a workout.
Sunday, July 26: 10 mi (and a little more) on trail
Wrapped up my recovery week with a muddy, slip and slide style run. It had rained overnight, which I did not realize, so the trails were a bit of a nuisance to get through. Still very fun, and a whole 252 m of elevation gain! I also explored most of the trails I would have on my 24-hour run loop, and they were totally safe to cross. Annoying and muddy, but doable!
Total Run Mileage - 48.18 km (29.93 mi)
Total Elevation - 761 m (2497 ft)
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babylawyerruns · 2 years
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My face after a somewhat unexpectedly quick run! When running down the busiest street sidewalk on rush hour it’s kind of motivating to go fast but you can see the exhaustion on my face. Also did strength today after putting it off for weeks lol! Sweaty mess! Happy Monday!
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euelios · 3 years
other people: run for fitness or whatever
me, wheezing, knees trembling: run for the supportive in-character emails
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just-anka · 4 years
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I really hope I don't look as weird running in real life as I do when I take pictures while running 🤣 anyway they're from a very good run so they make me happy so here you go. I've been meaning to run home from work for a while but it's 10 km and the second half is *really boring* so I just keep postponing it. Then Ben suggested running only half of it (taking the train for the second half) and I was like... Oh. Didn't consider that. So that's what I did yesterday and it was really nice :) 3 miles of hills and forest and sun and road mixed with dirt trails and the first run in a while that felt more like a run than a shuffle. Will be doing that again!
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filmcel · 3 years
i got all my work done AND it’s barely 9 pm?!?!
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fit-aikyan · 4 years
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6 months ago I challenged myself to run 5km before my birthday. I haven’t run for years and to be honest I always hated it. I never really tried either. Always. Assumed that I sucked at it because I am overweight.
But I did it anyway. I trained. It sucked but at the end of every run I felt proud of myself. Some I didn’t reach my distance goal. Some I woke up really tired and had no motivation to do it. But I stuck with it.
Here is my first 5km (3,1 miles on the treadmill) I did it in 42min.
Nothing is impossible, just start.
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