#zyla daughter of hades
Zy going back to the isle with Jay, Carlos, and Lani to save Ben. Coming face to face with her old crew again.
And when the fighting breaks out, through the chaos, she and Harry wind up pressed back to back, each fighting their respective enemies.
They spin to face each other and she freezes when his arm hooks under her thighs and suddenly she's on the rail of the dock, his body pushed between her legs.
In sync, they block a blow from either side. She goes for it, diving into his lips and he goes rigid for a moment before pulling away.
"Don't do that! Not after what you di-"
She pulls him back in and this time he melts beneath her, hook digging into her back to pull her closer.
He latches onto her wrist when Jay grabs her other arm to leave, his blue eyes pleading with her.
She holds on just as tight, trying to take him with her, but she knows he wouldn't leave Gil and Uma.
"If you leave again, I'll hate you forever."
Even Jay pauses at that. He may have been a part of a rival gang, but everyone on the Isle knows how Harry and Zy are.
He locks eyes with Zyla for a moment to see if she wants to be left behind.
Eyes closed tight, she breathes deep. She still has so much to prove back in Auradon, and even though she doesn't want to-
Harry let's her go. The same look of hurt and anger and acceptance on his face as the first time she was shipped off the isle.
Zyla pulls away from Jay to kiss him again, muttering apologies. Then he moves to swing at her, putting on a show and a brave face before Jay's foot plants in the center of his chest, pushing him over the rail and into the ocean below.
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Pictures of Zyla that Harry has on his phone
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I lost the link to the Meiker but it should show up if you go to the site and search the name in the watermark
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Original Zy (D1) and a messy recolor of it after taking the staff from Audrey (D3) giving her a little purple flare from her mother to go with the blue she got when taking the her dad's ember from the isle~
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The real outfit she wears under the cut
This is is her actual outfit for when she takes her mother's staff (giving her fairy wings and changing the black on her skirt to purple)
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Ok, so. Since I have completely given up on linear story telling and have made Faera and Zyla' stories into F/O relationships, does anyone have any questions or any prompts they want me to write for them?
Faera Taglist: @justarandomhumanhere
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Zyla: Daughter of a God
@skullsnot was interested in my Descendants OCs and it kinda made me wanna put something new out for Zy so...
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How Can I Not Love You (Harry Hook x OC) | Chapter 1(Rewrite)
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876 words
I groaned in my sleep and rolled away from the voice at the door.
“Kid, wake up.” Dad lightly shoved my shoulder. “… Zyla!”
“What?” I moaned in annoyance.
“Guess what,” He sounded too excited for this early in the day.
“What?!” I snapped again.
“You’re going to Auradon.”
I flew upright, smacking foreheads with Hades, my dad.
“Ah!” I slumped back against the pillows, holding my hand to the bump on my head.
“Ow.” He chuckled. “That excited, huh?”
“Dad, I don’t wanna go to Auradon!” I whined, rubbing my forehead as I sat up again.
“I know kid,” He sighed, and it was quiet for a minute.
“I don’t have a choice, do I?” I asked in a quiet voice, looking up at him.
“Think of it this way, You get to go out there and show all of Auradon, what a real god can do.”
“I’m only a demi-god,” I muttered, sliding out of bed.
“Yea? Well, you’re half Hades, so you’re more god than most demi-gods.” he gripped my shoulder. “They’ll be here to pick you up in a couple of hours, so go pack a bag and go say goodbye to those degenerates you call friends.” 
He let me go and went back out into the main room.
I just there for a few minutes and I grabbed a bag and started shoving clothes and other things into it. My hair sparked up a bit when I realized that in two hours my life would be flipped upsidedown as I was dragged to Auradon.
Slinging my life over my shoulder in a single back I knew I had to go see Uma, Harry, and Gil at the chip shop.
“AN HOUR?!” Harry bolted upright, throwing the stool he’d been sitting on to the floor, “And then what? Yer gone Forever?! You go off to Fairyland and I-I-I mean, We never see you again?!”
“Harry’s right,” Uma cut in, “This does seem a little sketchy.”
“You’re telling me!” I cried, “You think I wanted to be woken up today by my dad telling me I’m getting shipped off to boarding school?! I don’t want this!”
“Wait,” Gil said confused, “You’re going to boarding school? I didn’t know there was a boarding school on the Isle.”
“You mind paying attention for once, Fish for brains?” Uma growled, before turning back to me. “What if I hide you in my ship? They can’t take you if they can’t find you.”
“You should go,” Harry said quietly.
“What?” Uma and I looked at him in bewilderment.
“Harry, now really isn’t the time for jokes,” She said.
“No, I mean it, she should go.” He scowled at the floor, “It’s not like we really need you here anyway.”
My eyes widened as he went on, “She’s not useful, she’s too… Too nice. She belongs in Auradon, with all those Prissy princesses.”
“Wow, thanks.” I frowned and he turned to glare at me. 
“Well it’s the truth, isn’t it?!” He snapped, “You like to act like yer one of us but yer not! Yer just a spoiled little princess who thinks she’s better than us! Just like the people on the mainland!”
“No, Uma, it’s fine,” I said. Without another word, I turned around and left the shop.
Uma stared at Harry in disbelief. “You did not just say that to her.”
He stayed quiet.
“Yea, Harry, I thought you really like Zy,” Gil asked, “Why would you-”
“Because it’s easier!” The dark-haired boy yelled, slamming his hook into the table next to him.
“What is she doing here?” The familiar voice of Carlos De Vil asked as I threw my bag into the trunk of the Limo. The same Limo that was going to tear me away from everyone I cared about.
“Shut it, Doggy breath,” I hissed as I ducked into the vehicle.
“Don’t talk to him like that,” Jay growled as his arm across my throat, pushing me me into the seat.
“Steal any pretty garbage recently?” I sneered as I shoved him away, “If you must know, I’m also getting shipped to Boradon against my will.”
“Like we’d believe you,” The long-haired boy accused.
“Believe me, I wouldn’t be hitching with you rats if I had any choice,” I huffed and slouched in my seat, my arms crossing over my chest.
The door closed as Mal jumped in, sending me a silent glare. And we were on our way.
I rolled my eyes as Mally and her friends dug into the cavity buffet then freak out as we left the isle, only to realize it wasn’t a trap.
From there it was a short ride to the school, where we were met with fanfare and fake smiles.
Jay and Carlos fell out of the door as it was opened while they were fighting over a towel or something. Mal and Evie pushed past me to get out first.
Rolling my eyes, again, I stepped out of the limo, and everyone looked at me, eyes wide as my hair flared up, the barrier no longer holding back it’s flame.
Fairy God Mother chuckled nervously then turned to the boys, “Leave it like you found it~,” She said in a sing-song voice.
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My Descendants OC Zyla (Daughter of Hades) WIP
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