#~Reject The Name And Find The Demon Underneath {Kor HC}~
thexuntamed · 5 years
Some references and explanation for Korus’ demon form.
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thexuntamed · 5 years
🎶 for the demon princes?
My muse in a relationship ?s
🎶Do they have a type?
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“Red hair. I seem to enjoy red hair.”
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“Confident, strong minded, can be a bit quiet…I also enjoy darker hair…I love beautiful alluring eyes…”
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“No angels!”
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“Has to be male. Has to be handsome. Has to have money. Has to be interesting.”
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thexuntamed · 5 years
Korus, regalia
Beelzebub was known for his extravagance and opulence, taking his status as eldest demon prince and ruler of the idolaters seriously. His regalia drips with wealth from horns to feet. He would look the part of the false gods he ruled over. 
His skin was painted in runes marking wealth, strength and power. The paint was mixed from the golden blood of a rare fae creature most never saw in their life, an expensive and selfish act. His horns were adorned with jewels rings, meticulously stacked on top of each other to add shine and height to his already proud horns. Cheekbones, forehead, lips and chin would be lined in the same gold paint, accenting the planes of his face. His forearms and biceps were ringed with gold bands, designed with gold filigree. He wore black leather pants with gold threaded designs down the sides tucked into tall black and gold boots. His chest is covered in a long golden vest that ends at mid thigh, the inside lined with black fabric and golden coins to denote wealth and power. The front lapels of the vest as separated from the back, held to his waist with a golden belt adorned with red and black garnet gem stones. 
As Korus, his clothing and jewelry is all the same except for his horns and the bands for them. He is unable and refuses to wear the rings because his horns are broken. He keeps them sanded down and  it pains him more if they regrow too much. It is easier to keep them sheared short. Because he is closer with Cerberus and the orthrus, Kor changed the golden blood runes to gold leaf, gilding his face and skin in the material. Some say they prefer this, some say that it notes his fall from power. He also now wears a simple golden chain that holds a pedant with all of his siblings birthstones. He will rarely if ever wear his regalia since he is trying to keep as low a profile as possible. If his brothers or a significant other ask him to wear it then he will. 
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thexuntamed · 5 years
Angel or demon? || Demon edition~!
Korus is an angel, pure of heart and soul, a quiet guardian spirit.
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   “An angel? This thing mistook me for a seraph. I must be doing a good job of hiding my identity if it thinks that.”
Satan is an archangel, purest of heart and soul, reigning in heaven.
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   “I--this thing realizes I am Satan, correct? Pythius, I swerar if this is one of your pranks...purest of heart and soul...” He just goes to sit on his throne, muttering to himself.
Asmodeus is an angel, pure of heart and soul, a quiet guardian spirit. 
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   “Hmm hmm~ This thing is rigged~ Angels can go rot~! I doubt I’ve ever been pure at all!”
Mammon is an archangel, purest of heart and soul, reigning in heaven.
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   “An archangel? Those are the ones with four wings? I don’t know how I feel about this one...purest of heart is nice though~!”
Razrin is a demon, tainted in heart and soul, overcome with despair, shy, and dangerous.
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   [Is this like a fortune cookie? Is this my future? Whoa~! But uh nobodies ever called me shy~! And despair is so heavy. I might have to join a goth coven or something to fit this thing...”
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thexuntamed · 5 years
🥛 mammon && korus
send🥛for a drink headcanon
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Mam isn’t a big coffee drinker, she much prefers teas and lattes. She has been known to drink a few shots of espresso straight if she is desperate to stay awake though. When she gets into a baking spree, she really needs the extra caffeine. Some times the energy burst can frighten her brothers. 
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Whiskey. Brandy. Irish Coffee. Burgundy wine. Dark roasts. Need I say more?
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thexuntamed · 5 years
each prince of hell has a species native to their region of hell that they safeguard and take care of.
KOR- his species are cerberus and orthrus. there is one cerberus that guards the entrances to hell. he was kor’s first companion when he was created and kor promised to always take care of him. cerberus is a three headed demon dog about 30 feet tall and 45-50 feet long. black coarse hair with silver tipped guard hairs along his hackles. he has silver claws with double rows of teeth in each giant maw. the ears on each head are cropped with silver tips and the tail is cropped short to prevent injury to the appendage in cause of a wild hunt. icy blue eyes that turn bloody red when he is about to attack.
orthrus is a two headed dog species closely related to cerberus, but instead of just one, there are several bloodlines that can be traced back to an original breeding group that kor cultivated to help guard hell and keep cerberus company. orthrus can come in any canid coloring combination, the most common being a faun/apricot red or a black and tan point combination. the most rare coloring is a sable or silver point with any coloring. some have been breeding parti into the bloodlines, a mostly white with black, brown or apricot patches and/or flecking seen. they should always have blue or black eyes.
SATAN- the hellhound is the traditional animal of the devil, carefully bred by satan himself. a royal creature, they have been carefully bred and nurtured to be the absolute best at what they do. these hounds are bred for long distance searching and running, often left in packs of three in independent hunts, intelligent with a fierce spirit. they are a pack animal with a clear respect for leadership and devotion to their leader. they are protective and close ranks accordingly, keen eyes picking out weakness at a moments notice but with the self control to wait for commands. tall at 36 to 42 inches in height standard, they are a lean but muscled hound with a battle crop or flop ear, up to the third rib should be visible for a working adult age male. tails can be docked or left natural, though no imperfections such as crimps, scars etc should be noticeable if showing. fangs should be avoided as they excrete venom. their bite is far worse than their bark, though the bay of a hellhound can send even the staunchest warrior into cold sweats. the coat coloring ranges from a deep black to a orange brindle stripe. the only noticeable solid colors are black and brown, all other colors have a variation of brindle and flecking. their coat is smooth and short haired with varying degrees of coarseness, though skin and coat should always be shiny, smooth and sleek to denote their health. graying at muzzle can show their age, though somewhat rare if cared for properly. most, if not all, are bred out of the royal kennels in the capitol of hell.
MAMY- bone horses, also known as (ayka regil in demonic) are a protected species in hell because of their close association with death and the power/magic that can be produced by their bones. their appearance lives up to their name. they are entirely skeletal, no muscle, fat, skin, etc covering their bodies at all. they are held together by the spiritual energy of their soul and the environment around them. they need a protected around to live with plenty of ayka plants, a special variety of dry leaved fern that they eat several times a day. they can ingest other types of foods but glean little nutritional value from them. the energy holding their bones together is usually different shades of blue or purple, depending on their soul and the strength it has. very rarely does a pure white or black show up, though grey is not unheard off. it simply means it is a soul very staunchly placed on either side of good or evil. often times they are put down collectively by the herd if they pose a threat. mamy is very close with the herds and protects them closely because they were the first beings that came across her and protected her until her brother abbadon found her. they also helped her accept her true form and are almost like familiars to that form. they vary in size, the largest on record being 20 hands high, the average being around 15-16 hands tall. the length of their body is around 8 feet with a bone tail some times stubbed, an extension of the spinal column. they are truly gentle creatures, with a softness about them that attracts many predators (two legged and otherwise). they are herd animals with a need for family and large open spaces.
ASMODEUS- hellcats are large cats of the panthera family. standing about 3 feet high, with a body length at least 5.5 feet, most times 6 ft. they have stocky legs that support a compact, heavily muscled body, making their weight a bit more dense and less spread out than taller species. able to swim and climb sturdy trees, they have a powerful jaw with a poisonous bite, often leading to instant infection and septic shock within minutes of a bite, if it wasn’t immediately deadly. their larger boned head allows for a powerful bite force and a wider range of fang placement with a bite. their claws are retractable and hold a deadly toxin in the tips that can melt skin away from bone in a matter of seconds. their pelt is a covered in soft, water resistant black hairs, which in certain lights reveal rainbow rosettes, a large circling of miniature spots with a few central dots in the middle. these creatures are extremely rare and at last count there were only a hundred and fifty left in their home region in hell. asmodeus is extremely protective of these cats, allowing no one outside of his family and court to any where near them. his entire region is essentially devoted to their conservation, only a small city on the outskirts of the kingdom able to house residents. everything else is considered a nature preserve for this species. they are the only creators that asmodeus truly cares about, though no one is quite certain of the reason.
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thexuntamed · 5 years
👎🏻 for the demon princes?
Naughty Little Meme
👎🏻-What is an absolute deal breaker in the bedroom?
Easily for Korus, Satan and Mammon if their partner is not enjoying themselves or the activity that they are engaged in. Any sign of trauma or outright stress and Korus will stop and hesitate. Satan is more willing to push his partners to and past the threshold but he will always give them a safe word and watch for signs of too much strain or distress. Mamy is not necessarily into the hardcore sexual acts so she does not worry about pain or anything so much as the emotional state of her partner. 
Korus- Bodily function/fluid stuff (yknow what), most types of voyeurism (possessive nature/past as Beelzebub), fisting (bad experience as Beelzebub). 
Satan- Inactive partner (just lays there, no sounds or otherwise obvious engagement/enjoyment, reminds him too much of rape). Have to be able to keep up with him (most beings cannot keep pace with him sexually or otherwise, so he needs a strong, energetic and eager sexual partner or it turns him off/bores him very quickly). Unhygienic (San is actually very fastidious and likes everything a certain way and cleanliness is one of those things), obviously includes bodily functions/fluids. 
Mamy- Restraints and severe physical abuse of any kinds (minus spanking, rough thrusting, etc). Most BDSM type play (hates paddles/racks/whips/etc). Will be into ball gags or blindfolds if partner is interested and she trusts them, otherwise deal breaker. 
Asmodeus is an entirely different when it comes to sexuality. Does feel sexual urges and attraction for pretty much any one/thing but will only act on them if the urge is strong and he is intrigued by the partner. 
     Deal breakers for Asmodeus rarely if ever exist, truly is depends on if he is in a relationship or not. If his partner says something is off the table, then Asmo will refuse to have anything to do with it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he has never done it before. Pretty much any sexual kink one can think of, Asmo has participated in, mostly just because of his demon nature and hyper sexuality and curiosity in his younger days. 
Asmodeus is more discriminatory now. 
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thexuntamed · 5 years
🍁 for the demon princes?
🍁 what inspired you to write/create (specify muse)
Hmmm...well honestly, we had the angels in our original universe and Lucifer was running hell. Having a fallen, much less God’s favorite running the kingdom of the demons was a fun spot of roleplay for us. Until we thought, ‘huh what about the demons? someone ruled them before Lucifer’. 
Our backstory was actually when Lucifer fell, he fought Satan for control of Hell. The only reason the angel was triumphant was because Satan was sick and Lucifer had the upper hand. His heart ended up being eaten by Lucifer and his soul absorbed, giving the angel the mantle of king of Hell. 
When we started to flesh out Satan, we discovered lore about the other demon princes and they all kind of followed in as muses. We decided to add Mammon as their sister initially as someone they would have to protect and feel responsible for. But she turned into a little bad ass very quickly. 
And we all know how I feel about Asmodeus...he’s been a creepy little effer from the start. 
Korus started out with Sachiel in his orignal arc actually and we stuffed him into the role as Beelzebub, more successfully than I could have dreamed. 
As these little idiots are very multifaceted and deep, we have demonic culture and species all built up behind the lore for them. They all rule a different region of hell, have true forms and lore with those. Hell just very quickly grew into a deep rich realm with a tight knit ruling family. 
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thexuntamed · 5 years
“Reject The Name And Find The Demon Underneath”. 
Do what the tag says and find yourself again, Korus! Damn!
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thexuntamed · 5 years
∞ Kor about Nyx and Erebus!
Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you…
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If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life (he can’t say it though, he doesn’t want to be the first to say it and be rejected)
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thexuntamed · 5 years
Nyx. Erebus. This is for you. @fatestouch
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thexuntamed · 5 years
Iconing and all I find is Korus:
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thexuntamed · 5 years
🤗💚 for korus
My muse in a relationship ?s Meme
🤗Are they physically affectionate?  
Korus starts out with small touches and light caresses (i.e. hand holding, cheek kisses, hand on hip/back, etc) until further into the relationship. The closer he is to his significant other, the more affectionate he tends to be.
💚Are they prone to jealousy?
Like almost all his siblings and most demons, Korus does tend toward jealously. It has caused trouble in relationships in his past so he tries to tamp down most troublesome emotion whenever possible.
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thexuntamed · 5 years
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Korus, my boy, you sexy beast...get some!
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thexuntamed · 5 years
14 for the demon princes?
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. (San)
        Satan was killed by Lucifer, a fallen angel that shouldn’t have been powerful enough to touch him. Much less take him out and eat his heart, take his throne and cast his family from their home. Now his people rebel against Satan, saying that they preferred Lucifer so much that it forces the demon king to accept the bastard angel’s presence in Hell simply to keep the peace. What kind of king allows his usurper to stay in his kingdom, much less help run it?014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. (Mamy)
         Mamy hates that she is seen as the weakest of the demon princes, even though often it is not because she is a female. She is ashamed of the fact that she often thinks of herself as the weakest, just because of what others say about her. 014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. (Korus)
       He failed his family once and now he hides from them, leading another life, trying to keep his true identity a secret as best as he kind. What kind of bastard hides from his own family like a coward? A thought that often runs through his mind. 
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. (Asmodeus)
        Weakness. Asmodeus hates being weak, being perceived as weak and hates the fact that more often than not, he is too weak. What kind of demon prince is capture by his own brothers and killed by holy angels? A weak one. 
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thexuntamed · 5 years
Kor for Sachi >:3c
send me your url and i’ll post 3-5 icons that sum up my muse’s feelings on yours .
During Their Relationship:
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