#~its already been a tough week and its only tuesday ;u;
feraecor · 7 months
i havent been on a ton between work and mother nature, my body hates me rn.
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seostudios · 4 years
middle of the night: all about luv - p.js
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you just needed to pass your classes and you'd be out of this hellhole but of course you couldn't do it alone! it was a two man job with your lifestyle so the school assigned you to the one and only park jisung, clumsy straight a student who you may or may not have now taken a liking to....
pairing: park jisung x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 4.5k
info: rebel!reader, nerd!jisung, strangers to lovers!au, non-idol!au, high school!au
warnings: explicit/vulgar language, mentions of drugs, alcohol, little bit alcohol consumption
a/n: hey omg i can’t believe i finally posted a part to this series, i hope u guys enjoy it and PLEASE tell me if you want a taglist okay? thanks! 
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You were fierce, everyone knew. Even those who haven't even seen you and your tricks in-person feared when you attended school. Although you were known to play tricks,  rough-house, and start problems with the other kids who didn't even bother attending school or pursue their actual desires- you had one and was determined to make it come true one way or another. But unfortunately, you were pretty dim compared to the students who roamed the hallways, it never stopped you, Today you decided on approaching your math teacher since she was surprisingly the only one who cheered you on with your aspirations,
"So...I'm passing three of my four courses this semester!?" You eagerly questioned the woman in front of you, "Yes, you are" confirmed with the recent grade updates, you sigh in relief knowing you were passing most of your classes with satisfying marks, so you made your way to the exit. 
However, she pulled you back down to your seat. "You're failing Science Y/n," she added pointing at the 34, "Well I don't even know what's happening in there, how can I pass in such a short time?" 
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He stared out the window of the Science lab. He had plans after school, "Jisung? Park Jisung?" an unfamiliar teacher called from the door frame; his attention was mainly towards the girl behind her which sent shivers down his spine.
"Can you meet me in Room 284 after school?" Of course not, he's finally scored a fucking date with Lee Jieun one of the prettiest and popular girls of the junior division, he looked over to Jieun in the back of the class who was listening in on your conversation along with everybody else in the classroom, she looked disappointed but nodded permitting him to ditch their date, he smiled apologetically at the girl before focusing his attention to the door, 
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Knocks were heard from the door which made your busy teacher who was marking work signal you to go open the entrance to this quite cold classroom. Roughly around 5'11 probably 6'0 boy is wearing a worn-out white shirt, with a navy blue blazer, pants and a poorly tied tie. His attire was mandatory but his hair was unique, rocking pink-brown hair was not something you see every day unless they were idols. The sun shined passed the windows onto the boy making his rosewood hair turn into a more dark salmon colour. "Jisung!" Your Math teacher chirped to the boy pulling out a chair next to yours indicating you two to sit back down. She took a good two minutes out of your time to finish up on marking and organizing the sheets sprawled across the desk, you and Jisung just sat in silence. In all honestly, Jisung was shitting himself. You and the reputation you had here were most definitely the reason why. Shifting his position every ten seconds, the occasional glances to you, and bouncing his leg. Finally, she turned her attention to the pair in front of her, "So you two are probably really confused."she stated looking at Jisung, then you."Poor Y/n here, my favourite student-"She pauses looking at you with a smile and towards Jisung who looked confused on how,"which is surprising to the staff apparently which I have no idea how...she hasn't been...rebellious in a few weeks since she's trying to pass before the summer break."Clasping her hands together she looks up at you two, "Jisung I need you to tutor Y/n until she gets her final grade in." When I tell you his eyes widened enough for you to see the wrinkles on his forehead form, you did. You smiled accepting the help but it quickly seeing his distressed self, "Are you okay? Do you not want to tutor me?"You asked, and it was your first time ever speaking to the boy he never expected you to sound so soft and gentle; predicting beforehand that you had a rough deeper voice. His facial expression softens slightly at your hopeful gaze piercing through him- hoping he'd tutor you, cause frankly, you needed it more than anyone in your division at this point (Maybe you're being a little selfish but who cares.). Jisung was sitting in his seat, zoned out, probably processing all this. It took him a minute, but he finally looked up from fiddling with his fingers. "Oh Of course I will! I can do Wednesdays after school and Saturday around noon?"It was pretty shocking how confident he sounded ordering you around that second- which made the teacher grin at the shy boy's sudden dominance. Chuckling a little with a small smile plastered on your face you say "Works perfectly, I'll be leaving now. Bye Ms.," You said jolting up grabbing your backpack walking towards the door, but before you leave you gotta leave a nice impression on the boy plus its rude to not say goodbye isn't it. 
"Goodbye Jisung Park."
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It was Tuesday and Jisung was sitting in the Music room during lunch eating and catching up on his Health papers when you walked in. This was your usual spot in the late spring when you needed AC and a place to lay down. On a regular day for Jisung, he'd be in the front of the school on the bench working however it was too hot for him today so he opted to break into the already unlocked classroom to eat and study in. Sitting on top of the sink counter you lean to open a window pulling out a cigarette, you came here to smoke and it was a great place since it was deserted. "W-What are you doing?" Jisung asked looking up from his notebook sitting on the carpet. "Do I look like I'm about to jump out the window? no. I'm gonna smoke."You informed sarcastically on the boy. He was slightly taken aback you were so sweet yesterday and today your back with your bad girl reputation still strong. He threw you a quick look before getting up, putting his things in his bag, and throwing out the rest of his lunch. Now, walking towards you he takes the cigarette out your hand before you could even light it and threw it out the open window. "Hey! I wasn't done with that, and I didn't even start with it!" You raised your voice at him which did make him flinch but provoked him to argue back, "Yah! Your smoking is unhealthy and against school rules." He paused but started again, "You want to pass, don't you? I'm helping you pass, aren't I? Get your things together if you want my help Y/n."He spat. Honestly, you didn't think his words would affect you so much but it fueled the fire you started a minute ago. "Shut up Park, stop acting all tough when you know nothing about me, I never needed your help I was just going along with Ms." you argued back before grabbing your backpack and the lighter on the counter before hopping off pushing the tallboy to the side rudely, muttering something about bullshit.
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"I was helping her! And she says you know nothing about me Park! like of course I don't butt why does she need to be an asshole when I'm trying to help her out." Jisung complains to Chenle in front of him. "Maybe she's like addicted," Chenle says trying to make the best out of the situation "Look, she'll warm up to you eventually cause you two will be spending lots of time together now." Jisung huffs in disbelief that Chenle is basically on your side here, getting up from the grassy field to join the rest of his gym class in soccer.
From the corner of his eyes, he sees a figure under the bleachers; you. He knows you are upset with him as much as he is with you but he still wants to encourage you to pass Science with his help. "Park! Get your ass over here!" Yedam, his classmate calls him to grab his things on the field before heading into the change rooms.
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The school bell rang, you watched students walk out of their classrooms to their lockers, friends, lovers. You were leaning against the wall beside the empty Music room contemplating if you should leave and hang out with some friends by Unjeong Lake Park or stay in with Park Jisung to study for Science. Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a voice, "Hey." Jisung stood in front of you, backpack resting on one shoulder and a Science textbook in his hand. "Hi," It was awkward being around him after you little tilt.
"Let's go," You trailed behind Jisung watching him take you to an unfamiliar part of the school, the West End. "Why are we here?" You question the pink-haired boy, but all you get in return is silence. At last, he brought you two to the old gym, it hasn't been used in almost 6 years but somehow it looks squeaky clean. "This is my hangout spot after school, I kind of made my friends go down to Unjeong for the day so we could study here until I find a proper place." He explains to you placing his books and bag on the stacked mats, offering to take your bag too, you let him. "So what Unit is your class working on now?" He asked you once the two of you sat on one of the many beanbags in the gym (Probably brought in from his pals), "Well my mom made me take Biology I and I know you are in my class I just don't show up..." You lean back on the beanbag playing with the lighter in your hands "What are we learning Park?" He visibly gulps at you doesn't even know why he's nervous himself, maybe because your scary? Probably.
"Well we're on our last unit of the year and the Unit test and Final Exam are what can get you to pass the class with at least a 60," He said moving to grab his textbook flipping to a page with sticky notes plastered all over. "We are in Unit 5, Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Function. It's an easy Unit so we could go through it in two months then spend the two weeks before the final exam prep." Jisung finished speaking and handed you the textbook that was on the Unit page, it didn't look hard but you knew better to judge a book by its cover. "Alright, where do we start." You smile at the grinning boy who's suddenly amused by your aspiration to pass the course.
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It's 2:45 and you are in the middle of the last period, Science. It was your last day of the Science of the year, technically. You still had to prep for your final exam, but this was the final unit test which meant for the next month you'd be stuck in a silent classroom with your peers all silently studying over and writing recap notes for the final exam. You finish writing the date on your page and adding a little smiley face at the end of your name, flipping your paper over you take out your earbuds, and play music to pass time. 
Good, 15 minutes have passed, and you see students getting up to hand in their papers, this where you tag along and hand it in too. Patting the eraser ends on your skirt off you make it back to your desk sitting then turning to look behind you, a few desks down to a now chocolate haired boy. He was finishing up his test when he looked up to see you basically ogling at him. Throwing you an awkward half-assed smile he looks back to the girl behind him, Jieun. 
Jieun and Jisung took a very bad turn once Jisung agreed on tutoring you. She's ghosted the boy and took a liking to her lab partner, Taehyun. It was disappointing to see a girl get jealous over her date tutoring a very incompetent girl like you. If you were in her position, you might've gotten scared but wouldn't drop the kid; it was rude, and honestly, you were glad Jisung accepted that fate and moved on from her. He played with the end of his test sheet before sighing thumping his head against the desk, okay maybe he wasn't that over her yet but he's doing better than you ever would. Over these four months you and Jisung surprisingly got along well, you've opted to occupy a booth int he back of your town's ice cream parlor for studying instead of that abandoned gym in the West End. 
In all honesty, you felt bad about how you treated the tall boy in the first few weeks of tutoring. You showed up late which strung the classes longer making one hour, two. You complained, never listened, argued, actually punched him once. But after warming up to him you've started to take a liking, noticing his features a little more than you did last week, finding his beauty mark under his lip stunning. Nowadays he seems ten times more charming, appealing, engaging, and irresistible to you, memorizing his favourite things how he looks up to Kai, the teacher assistant for the seniors. And that he actually hates Science and prefers Gym and Sociology class. He likes all kinds of ice cream and tries new flavors every visit, he never writes with a red-inked pen since he prefers the black one and always lets you know that too ("Y/n did you know red ink stains are a nasty stain to get out, always use black ink."). You aren't the only one who's learned to love the newly blossomed friendship as he's learned as much as you about him, on how you've always wanted to become a Veterinarian, that your love for animals is just unexplainable and the only things holding you down is this horrible reputation you've built yourself over the two years of attending. But better late than ever to change your ways and Jisung was absolutely mesmerized by your determination to achieve the new milestones you've set for yourself.
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"PARK JISUNG!" You shrieked barging into the empty ice cream parlor to see the boy sitting idling on his device, he looks up at you running towards your booth. "Hey, shhh", he quiets your overly excited self-telling you to sit."I got my Unit Test mark," you stop talking to take your backpack off and pull out your Unit Test which was graded and with a big fat A on it. "Holy shit! Y/n this is amazing!!"He exclaimed eyes going wide seeing the mark, his hard work really did pay off. 
"Now we can start prepping for Finals," Jisung told you after handing your papers back, your shoulders sagged and your smile disappeared, you were hoping to possibly celebrate with your tutor and newfound friend. Shaking your head, you look at him again, "No sorry, I wanna celebrate this tonight," you inform Jisung who looks at you with a somewhat annoyed expression. "Sorry Y/n but one A isn't going to help you get to a passing mark, you need more than that and the only thing that'll help you pass Biology is your Final Exam which is what we need to prep for." What the fuck? Jisung Park, the golden student, and who you thought was your friend basically telling you that your grade wasn't worth all that cheering two minutes ago. That was unbelievable what type of asshole does that, oh wait apparently Jisung Park. You knew you weren't gonna pass with one test, of course not. You might've been dumb but not to that extent, you clench your fists wondering how all that admiration you had for someone just got poured down a drain so quickly. You chuckle heartlessly ' that thought lingered before you look at him and speak.
"Yea of course I know that but do you not understand how big of a milestone this was for me? I am one step behind passing my hardest subject of the semester and you telling me that it's not enough and we need to prepare for a final at the end of a month that has just started is fucking rude Park."You hiss at him now baffled on how he couldn't comprehend after four- almost five months of knowing you. Getting up you grab your backpack and phone and turn to exit the ice-cream parlor. 
You were now outside of the small store, and Jisung didn't even come after you. Sighing knowing you should've known associating yourself with someone with a better reputation wouldn't have been smart. Pulling your phone out, you dial in a friend who you knew would be there for you and who had more free time than most students his age. "Jeno," You stammered through the phone "Y/n? Are you okay?" You smile weakly at his concern, not even a minute into a call."Can you pick me up?" you asked quietly to the older boy. Looking through the big glass window to the back of the shop, you see Jisung sitting there watching you intently, and he knows he hurt you. It wasn't his intent to; he just wanted you to reach your goals and he thought celebrating could've been done another time instead not today, I guess he hit a soft spot seeing your facial expression so fragile.
He saw a motorcycle pull up beside you and a muscular guy go and place a helmet on your head after holding you in his embrace for a moment before the two of you hopping back on the ride driving off to god knows where.
You kick around an empty pop can on the sidewalk waiting for your ride. Jeno knew something upsetting you over the phone so he decided not to question it and get you riled up but to drink a couple of beers and play darts at his crib. A Black 2018 Kawasaki Ninja pulls up in front of you, the driver removes his helmet revealed to be your dear friend, Jeno. He felt your gloomy aura already deciding to just embrace you tightly, "Whatever it is, you did amazing." He assured you before breaking the hug to plop the helmet on you and hopping back on with you behind him seated.
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"Great job Y/n, I can see you making it through the year, I just finished putting in your final mark 89 is an amazing score and all on your own is shocking." Your Science teacher complimented you after holding you back to show your improvement to you, Jeno encouraged you to still study hard solo after acknowledging that you didn't want to work with Jisung anymore, hard work did pay off now your officially finished with your junior year and with flawless grades. "Have a great summer break," You tell her before walking out for lunch. Last day of school before the summer break, it's been a crazy weird year but you don't seem to be upset. Jisung seemed happy without you anyways, you've been skipping Music to sit out on the bleachers while he had gym class, and made sure to visit the West End more often. You didn't realize it yet but Jisung looking happy stung more than it should've.
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Fuck that bullshit Y/n is on, Jisung is miserable without her. He didn't take note of it but he was more than happy to spend his Wednesdays and Saturdays with you. He liked the way your eyes widened or how your jaw almost touched the floor when he teaches you something new, or when your eyed shimmered when your grades went up every quiz. How your nose scrunched up at a difficult question, the way you organized his pencil case when he wasn't looking because 'it had to be cute like him'. He was too much of a coward to keep you by his side, it's safe to say Jisung Park likes you back. Head over heels in love with you probably, but we shouldn't stretch it that far knowing he's working his ass off to get over you, and of his mind but when does he even succeed. It's the last day of school and possibly the last time Jisung gets to see you roam the halls, watch him in Gym class fooling around with his friends, or just see you until the next school year. No, Jisung made it his goal to win you back. He's never seen you that way, never thought he'd need you, all he wants is to see you, hold you.
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"No Park. She's not even here kid," Your friend, Yuna told Jisung who was at your doorstep asking for you. "Just, just tell her to text me." He said frustrated now leaving.
"I thought you said he didn't want anything to do with you?" Jeno asked sitting on the couch of Yuna's living room beside you. "He doesn't, I don't know why-" Yuna was quick to argue with you, "He likes you and you left." Jeno nods agreeing, "I see that happening..." He half-joked. "Listen I know he was a jerk in May, but it's June- July tomorrow! He's not being a jerk right now because what freaking jerk comes to your doorstep BEGGING to talk to you?" Yuna ranted. 
You know he's not a jerk and he meant no harm that day but it hurt. Everyone always sugarcoated things with you so when Jisung was pretty blunt with you, it stung. You whine at all this thinking about Jisung and feelings, plus even if he did like you, there was so much to unravel than just some lame highschooler who wanted to get her shit together. So so much more than just that. Drinking the rest of the alcohol in your plastic cup you sit up straight staring at the two in front of you who were dying to hear your say in this, "Okay so what if we have our happy ending, what'll happen then? He'll figure out how toxic I am and go running back to Jiwoo or whatever name is."Stopping and using a couch pillow to cover your face- did you seriously imagine yourself with a happy ending, you've fucked up so much that it seems impossible to turn back. Yuna notices your heartache and decided to tone down on his jokes and talk to you 'for realsies',"Sweetheart if he leaves you because your teeny issues were too overwhelming for him it's not worth it but from his recent actions it looks like he'd want to be there with you through those issues. Honestly, he could live a little too so dealing with you- and giving me and Jeno here a break should be thrilling."Adding a light-hearted joke was what you needed to place a soft smile on your lips.
“Now go get your man” Jeno says slapping your back playfully encouraging you to leave the house and venture off to him- wherever he is.
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"Can I help you?" A boy wearing Yonsei University sweatshirt asked you. 'This must be Jisung's older brother he told me about' You thought to yourself, "Oh Yes, is Jisung home?" You ask him looking up trying to look as innocent as you can. "Oh you just missed him, he went to get ice cream with his friends," he said. Shouting a quick thanks you run down to the only ice cream parlor Jisung probably knows in town.
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CLOSED is all you see in front of the ice cream parlor. Did Jisung's older brother lie to me? Now that you think of it, he and his brother aren't close enough to share those type of things from what you heard, and what type of boy would avoid the girl he supposedly likes. You sit down on the curb looking off into the little soccer field, watching kids play with their friends thinking, then it hit you. Did Jisung lie to his older brother? C'mon Y/n think of the one place Jisung and his friends could be...The park? Nah, too crowded. The mall? No, too far. Think Think Think, one place. Where in the world could Jisung- WEST END! God, why didn't you think of that in the beginning, of course, he's there. Getting up off the curb you make your way quickly to the back of the school, remembering Jisung telling you a back entrance to the West End.
Reaching the back entrance you see it open indicating someone (Jisung and friends) was inside. Maybe you shouldn't barge in and ruin their fun...opting to send Jisung a text you search your pockets to find, nothing. How could you leave your house without your phone? You're like addicted to it. "Excuse me?" A deep voice booms behind you, turning around you look up at the man. It's Jaehyun, the volleyball team captain. "Y/n." You know him, through Jisung, of course, why else would he be at the West End or know your name. "Hi," your breath rather softly which throws the older boy way off since he knows you for your snarky remarks or overly confident aura...Today you seem the opposite really. "Can you tell Jisung to come out for a second?" you ask avoiding eye contact and resorting to looking at the chalked up pavement. He gives you a thumbs up and heads in.
"Park Jisung-ah!" Jaehyun shouts for Jisung loud enough for it to echo in the empty gym. Looking up and seeing Jaehyun, Jisung excuses himself from his current conversation with Doyoung, Yuta, and Renjun to jog over to his Hyung. "Your chick is here," He says pointing out the door to you, Jisung's eyes lit up already knowing who Jaehyun was talking about peeking his head out the door to see you looking off into the parking lot, watching the sunset. He was pulled right back in by Jaehyun, "You better fix whatever's been going on between you, Y/n looks like an actual school girl being all shy and soft. I'm actually disgusted I need that spunky girl back before I force you two to kiss or some shit," Really Jaehyun? Some advice you got there.
"Alright kid go get your chick" Jaehyun cheered before pushing him and closing the door loud enough to alert and make you turn back.
It felt like a dream, none of this felt real. It hasn't even bee 24 hours since you last saw Jisung, but it's been a month of not interacting to get your heart racing this much. You looked unreal to Jisung, out of a fairytale actually and he looked amazing, like always. This is when he started to panic, you smiled weakly and started walking up to him. He looked down at his shoes not having the balls to look you in the eye, "Jisung look at me you pussy." You said so calmly but so rudely(?). It was funny and made Jisung giggle which made you short circuit.
Jisung looks up from his feet to see you staring into his brown eyes, taking in all his features again looking at him from head to toe; how fluffy his dark coffee bean hair was or his cheeks- god you always took the chance to pinch them when you could. His broad shoulders you always wondered how his hugs would be, probably so comfy and perfect. The beauty mark under his lip, fuck always wanted to kiss it. Your thoughts were disrupted when you felt two large hands enclose you in a tight hug; reacting almost immediately you wrap your small hands around his waist and rest your head on his chest while he brings his large hand to caress the back of your head. "I'm sorry, I know what I said was wrong and I shouldn't have made you seem so slow-witted when you totally aren't. I think over that conversation almost every night. I'm so so sorry Y/n," He finishes tightening the hug for a moment sympathetically.
You loosen the hug and tippy-toe up to the boy placing a small peck on his pink lips which caused his cheeks to go crimson. "You're forgiven, Park," you say giving him a tight smile. You see the tall boy pout a little and turn his reddened face to the side before mumbling "I was supposed to do that," which caused a fit of giggles from you. 
"You'll have plenty of opportunities in the future Jisung."
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Labor Day weekend can be one of the most popular times for local mountain resort towns and campgrounds set in Southern California’s lush forests and remote regions.
But with fires raging to the north of the state, and resources being taken up fighting those fires, vacationers will have to make other plans for the holiday weekend.
The U.S. Forest Service announced this week that 17 of the region’s National Forest areas shut down for the holiday weekend as of Tuesday, Aug. 31, prompting closures at places such as the Snow Summit and Snow Valley resorts, popular hiking and mountain biking areas and Mountain High. Mammoth Mountain, another in-demand destination, also closed.
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A mountain bikers passes by a small sign posted at the Black Star Canyon Trailhead on Black Star Canyon Road in Silverado that informs visitors that access to the Cleveland National Forest is closed, on Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Due to the California wildfires burning throughout the state, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region has temporary closed all of the National Forests in California, beginning on August 31, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. through September 17, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.  (Photo by Mark Rightmire, Orange County Register/SCNG)
The closures, in place until at least Sept. 17, are due to the fires in Northern California putting a strain on resources, a decision made to “better provide public and firefighter safety due to the ongoing California wildfire crisis,” an announcement by USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region said.
“We do not take this decision lightly, but this is the best choice for public safety,” Regional Forester Jennifer Eberlien said in the statement. “It is especially hard with the approaching Labor Day weekend, when so many people enjoy our national forests.”
Samantha Reho, spokeswoman for U.S. Forest Service, said it was only the second time in the Pacific Southwest region’s history that a full closure had been put in place. The last one was Sept. 9, 2020.
In the Southern California region, the closest areas impacted are the Angeles National Forest, the Cleveland National Forest, the San Bernardino National Forest and Los Padres.
In addition to the 17 closed this week, El Dorado near the fire-threatened Tahoe area had already enacted a closure on Aug. 17, which will last through Sept. 30.
Brian Roe, of Bakersfield, was looking forward to the June Lake fishing and camping retreat he’s taken for nearly 25 years. An estimated 200 men from around the country gather, but had to cancel their plans for this time.
“I was really looking forward to a vacation,” said Roe, adding that the last year has been tough with the coronavirus restrictions.
He will leave his camping gear at home and instead opted for a motel in June Lake, not far from Mammoth Lakes, for a few days next week, hoping to scout out a few still-open lakes.
“I’m off for 11 days, so I’m going to go anyhow,” he said.
Several lakes are still open in the area, including Twin Lakes in Bridgeport, Virginia Lakes and Crowley Lake, according to an announcement by Mammoth Mountain. Several golf courses, also on Roe’s to-do list, are still open.
In Mammoth Mountain, the closures include the Mammoth Bike Park, Via Ferrata adventure center and the scenic gondola ride, which will remain closed for the summer season. Camp High Sierra, and most camping spots in Mammoth Lakes, also closed, as well as Tamarack Lodge, at least through Sept.  17.
Reho couldn’t speculate whether the closures would be extended, but did note that it’s the time of year when Santa Ana winds – which can cause fires to rapidly spread – are most prevalent.
“Weather conditions and climate change, what we have seen, are not trending in the right direction,” she said. “Climate change continues to be a reality in the Forest Service, that’s something we monitor closely. It’s hard to speculate whether or not this will be a yearly thing.”
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The Chaparral Fire, on the edge of the Cleveland National Forest and Tenaja Road in Murrieta, was up to 1,425 acres on Sunday morning. (Photo by Cindy Yamanaka, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
She said there’s an estimated 22,000 fire fighters deployed across the Forest Service at the moment. Many first responders are also helping in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida that devastated the Louisiana area, she noted.
She also noted that National Parks in the region – which fall under the U.S.  Department of the Interior – may not be closed and people should check with those areas if they have plans in coming weeks.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife on Wednesday, Sept. 1, added a closure list of 34 properties that lie within or near U.S. Forest Service boundaries. Those closures are also due to the extreme fire conditions and are expected to last at least until Sept. 17.
In Southern California, those include the Coal Canyon Ecological Reserve in Orange County, the Baldwin Lake Ecological Reserve in San Bernardino County and the Carrizo Canyon Ecological Reserve in Riverside County, as well as others in the San Diego area.
Snow Summit operators scrambled this week to get the word out to visitors that their mountain bike trails, hiking trails and rock climbing areas would be closed.
“Thankfully, we got the news out fairly early yesterday with our messaging platforms,” said Big Bear Mountain Resort spokesman Justin Kanton. “It’s not that we want to close, or we don’t want people enjoying the forests, but given the resources required to fight the fires throughout the state, that’s what the Forest Service determined to be the best course of action.”
Other areas within Big Bear remain open, including the golf course operated by Big Bear Mountain Resort, but not on the National Forest land, as well as the lake.
U.S. Forest Service listed several reasons for the closures, including temporarily reducing the number of people in forest areas to minimize the likelihood that visitors could become trapped during emergency circumstances and decrease the potential for new fires starting at a time of when firefighting resources are already taxed.
The drought conditions – with little rain this summer – was another factor in the decision.
“Due to state-wide conditions, any new fire starts have the potential for large and rapid fire growth with a high risk to life and property,” officials said in their announcement. “Forecasts show that conditions this season are trending the same or worse as we move into late summer and fall.”
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John McColly, director of marketing for Mountain High in Wrightwood, said although there’s no current fires in the region, he understands there’s high fire dangers and resources are limited.
“Frankly, it’s going to be more common as long as we have these big fires,” he said. “We haven’t had much rain this season, that’s contributing for the fire danger.”
McColly said it would have been a busy weekend for the resort, which had to shut down its disk golf course, restaurants and cancel a band that was supposed to play Saturday evening.
With coronavirus closures last year, wildfires the year before that, and now the most recent closures, local resorts have had to pivot quickly to adapt to swift closures, he said.
“We’re hanging in there.”
-on September 02, 2021 at 08:25AM by Laylan Connelly
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hello Mädch ahsdjaksdh <3 !!
how is college going? dw, I hope you are settling in super well and feeling optimistic about school and all the amazing things I know you are going to achieve this year! I am excited that you are starting your rotations now! you are going to do awesome, I know it! I'm sorry that you didn't get that ICU first like you wanted but hopefully it's all part of the plan so that you get it at the right time for you <3 let me know how they go, of course. I hope they go super well.
the week has been a bit weird to be honest, in my team I had a semi argument that was properly tense for the first time with someone and it was just so unpleasant. you know those people where they aren't horrible but you know that you'll never completely see eye to eye with them? i think it's just one of those things, where we'll never just completely read each other or get each other? and it's not, like, a massive issue or anything that we can't deal with, but I feel like usually I get on really well with people or not at all (all or nothing person I guess haha) but with this person I've just got to admit that we're always going to be a bit in the middle? like, we talked it over, and I've still found sometimes we misunderstand one another? so things are still good in work and clients, but with workpeople it has been the more difficult battle? hopefully we should get some more cool media stuff with the K-pop people soon, so that's an up?
OMGsh your coworkers are so much older than you! [lease do post a picture of your room, I am 100% confident that you have made it so dreamy and pretty. Thank you sm for telling me more about these operations though! I feel like everywhere is on red alert at the moment when it comes to health and care and making sure that people look after themselves and not put others at risk, you know? the doctors that to talk to me about my potential surgeries too have said the same but it's nice hearing it from a friend, you know? so thank youuuu <3 <3
I was the same as you, I would get so so so anxious and stressed if I wasn't studying or working or anything like that? but my mum is like your mum and grandma, where she gets up early too! but I feel like I need to do the late night thing instead? but then once I got into this crazy spiral where I would wake up really early and go to bed really late and like nap in between so I ended up like having two hours of sleep either side? that was peak wth at the time haha XD so now I try and let myself wake up a bit later really XD ha ha I'm in barely adulting! like I work so much but I don't earn a lot ha ha – I don't think that's very effective adulting? or like, I don't know I guess for a lot of people my age there's a work hard and hope it pays off thing in certain industries? so you're definitely more effectively adulting than me right now! like, you're going to do stuff that's gonna actively help people and you'll see that right in front of you, you know!!? sometimes my work gets out there but I rarely see directly if it gets to make peoples lives better you know? so the path you're on is so so admirable <3 <3 <3
I get you though, do you find that you thrive under the pressure even though it's sometimes a lot? I find that sometimes it does help me, but sometimes I forget to identify the times when it isn't helping me? or, sometimes I take it too far? so please look out for yourself and take care of yourself <3 and when you're worried if you're on the edge know that it's enough for you to take a rest and not be super perfect. i sometimes tell myself to except that I'm probably gonna make two or three stupid mistakes a day? It sounds kind of silly but it means that it makes it easier for me to accept when I mess up, idk, I think it helps me balance the pressure sometimes? i 100% understand what you're saying - at school do they have people that can directly help? or like peer supporters so it's not as stressful or official feeling as a therapist? if you ever want me to come off anon to help lemme know <3 i'm always here for you <3
oh my gosh your grandparents have been able to live long too! all my grandparents lived close to 100 before passing, and one of my grandmothers had the same as your grandfather. he sounds so sweet and so kind though! i love that he knows how to FaceTime you! Some of my aunts and uncles still don't properly haha. it sounds like he knows that he's super loved though, he's very lucky <3 <3 i've been thinking about all this really lovely stuff and how it grounds you when stuff like careers can stress you out and feel like the most important thing when it shouldn't be? what are the personality differences between the different areas of the US? my East Coast friends seem to straight talk a lot more than my West Coast friends? like they're a lot more realistic as opposed to being, I don't know laid-back or if not laid-back sometimes just more comfortable with superficial stuff? Not like my West Coast friends are superficial people, but I think they accept it as part of the world a bit better? my friends on the east coast will rail against that stuff a lot more, like they buy into the influencer bullshit less? but I guess these are all sweeping generalisations anyway... I might have to travel a bit in europe soon... I got asked to go to otaly for some work today, and to holland next month. Idk if it will end up happening though, things change all the time? I have to keep checking quarantine rules all the time with countries! but YAY and YES Europe tour trip one day :D !!!!!!!
you know what? when I first saw you compare bowling and golf I was like, wait, what? but now I totally get it! i know a golfer and they talk about how physical and strenuous it is on the arms and stuff all the time which I don't think always comes across when you watch it and it makes a lot of sense with how you describe how you trained for bowling! i used to cox in rowing and I always used to find it really funny that I said that was the sport I did because honestly I just sat in the boat all the time and steered XD
obligatory YES WTF ARE COTTON SCENTS! quite a few shops in the city where I live have been closing down because of Covid but our Jo Malone is still going strong! I love that lots of already classic clothing shops have now gone out of business but for some reason the people where I live cannot live without their perfume XD I think I'm gonna go in later this week or next week to take a look! with all this travelling I kind of want to buy something new? also, my hands have been acting up with injury so I have to rest my hands more anyway – so might as well look for perfume right? do you have any recommendations or would the blueberry one you've just gotten be at the top of your list?
the exciting thing is that I'm doing a bit less this week! I need to wait and see if that job wants me to fly out to Italy within the next 48 hours, if not next week, but if not I think I'm gonna figure out how to rehabilitate my joints a bit and get my brain okay? It's been existential Covid crisis week haha - I think a lot of me and my friends have been feeling like we've lost so much of our lives and potential during this time and I've really tried to hold in and ignore it for the past 18 months? i'm not one to ever feel lonely or to really really want to be in a relationship like some of my friends, but I've just been feeling it this week? like, I love my independence, but I wouldn't say no to a boyfriend right now you know? I feel silly saying that sometimes because I'm so against feeling like you have to have someone in your life to be okay, but I guess that's just a result of how the world is has been recently?? but I think all my feelings exploded around this stuff now so, I am trying to get back into a better place? so it's not as exciting as some of the stuff I've told you about before, but it's what's up I guess?
how are your mum and grandmother doing? are they doing good? [lease send all my love to them too. I'm glad these help you reflect on your week! they do with me too and I'm always happy to hear from you, no matter how long you might need <3 <3 hope you manage to reward yourself for working so hard these past days and that you remember you're always doing 110% so you deserve the best!
love you lots and lots - 💥
ANGEL HELLO !!!!!!!!! i told myself i would stay on top of this and swear in a timely manner but ;_____; a full week + 2 clinical rotations later here i am on a sunday, it seems this is always the case :( maybe my get back to you day will only be on sundays LOL i will try my best in the future babe, but ofc thank you so much for being patient with me <3
uni is going fine so far hun !!!! i've started clinical rotations as i've said on thursday and friday, and then my first exam is on tuesday so i read some chapters yesterday so i'm not squished for time lol :) and ,,,, what you said "hope it's all part of the plan" is very much my way of thinking lol wha is your sign? i'm a sagittarius and that's like, a philosophy i go by like everything is how it's supposed to be even if it's not what u want like everything will work itself out :') i'm wondering if we are one in the same !!!!! <3
and omg ;_____; conflict within the workplace is NEVER easy bc all everyone wants is to reach the goal you all are reaching and bc there's some bumps in the road it makes everything that much more stressful :( and i know exactly the type of person you are talking about LOL i've had to work with some of my peers in the hospital who really didn't treat me all that nicely , but i still have to partner up with them anyways bc we had to move a patient lol ; like they never do anything terrible to you but you just cannot come to a proper agreement with them? i know the feeling :( but i can tell you are doing ur absolute best ;_____; it's a tough situation ,,,,,,,,, but may i propose something ??? maybe since things are high stress in the workplace, would u be willing to meet them outside the workplace, like a quick coffee meet up and then discuss those issues? maybe talking about it in the work environment is way too stressful for both of u and it is hard to come to an agreement, but maybe in a calmer, more informal setting do u think maybe the both of u could be like "hey, what u were talking about i'm not really head over heels for but this is what i think and do u think we can do something where both of us will be happy?" im thinking maybe will opening up a means for more civilized discussion?? just a thought LOL :') let me know how it goes :( i hope u are all able to figure everything out !!!!!
about the surgeries !!!!! like i said i know it's super stressful to think about bc this is one of the very few times in life where things are absolutely out of our control and that scares us, and we as medical providers aren't supposed to give u a false sense of security, but i promise u everything will be just fine as long as u correctly follow up with care post-op :) we wouldn't want an infection !!!! >;( i remember last year i had a patient and she was going in for a routine colonoscopy and she was scared shitless ,,,,,,, but i was like "listen ma'am i know it can seem scary but i was just in there with the doctors and everything is super relaxed and they know what they're doing in there, you'll be out in no time and i'll be here waiting !!" and that seemed to help her a lot, after the surgery she was on me like flies on shit LOL she was like "THANK U HONEY" (but i think most of it was bc she was still drugged up hhh)
LOL us with our family members waking up early <3 literally this morning i decided to do my laundry at 8am (its only 10 right right now lol) but idk it just make u feel a little bit better doesn't it? but oh my gosh no i don't see u in this way at all ;_____; babe like you're already THERE in the world working and to me like ,,,,,, being an effective functioning person in society is like all i ever want i just want to be COMPETENT and the fact that u manage ppl ???? it's already a lot of responsibility but you do it everyday like you go to work u make food for yourself u pay bills like yes this all kinda sucks but you're there doing it and idk ,,,,,,,, like u being in this position is like yeah their surviving in the world and doing okay !!!! so that’s how i see u hun ;_____;
and i don’t think i necessarily thrive under pressure but i just kinda ,,,,,,, handle it?? like i think i handle my stress quite well !!! i think the reason why making mistakes scares me so much in my field is bc if i make a mistake i can like, kill someone or seriously harm them if i do something wrong SLKDFJ but i have to remember i’m still just a student and a lot of the things that i’ll learn won’t even be in these last few months of nursing school, but rather during my months of orientation on the floor i’ll be working on when i finally land a job ,,,,,, i know i just have to be patient and kind to myself, but it’s hard not having these high expectations for myself bc everyone else pushes themselves super hard (nurses i mean) so i feel like i should be too , ya know? ;_____; it’s a hard balance that i’ve yet to find but hopefully once i graduate i’ll have just a little bit more confidence in myself :’)
and omg your grandparents lived a long life as well !!!!!!!! a lot of my friends’ grandparents are really young still, so it’s hard for others to relate i think LOL but :(((( i’m really lucky to have them around still and like, i feel like my grandparents are the cornerstone of our whole entire family; once they pass i’m not quite sure what will happen ;_____; so i’m just trying to cherish every moment that i have with them even tho sometimes it’s stressful lol ; also BOUT THE DIFFERENCES FROM EAST TO WEST COAST LOL ; i think u described it really well actually :) like among the friends u have the are from different parts of the states, it’s very accurate in my opinion !! and again after all it is just a very broad assumption, in general east coasters have this “workaholic” attitude, they tend to be very realistic which i actually appreciate a lot lol, i’m hoping to live near the east coast when i move out <3 now where i am from it is considered the midwest even tho it’s more east than west if u look at it on the map LMAO and like, it’s really funny bc if u say to someone you’re from the midwest they’ll tell u our reputation is being “too nice” LSKDLFJSKLD and like that’s our thing, a happy medium between coasts with big cities but small towns too and generally just very chill and nice ,,,,,,,, the south of the US is also known for having that “southern hospitality” overall very cheerful ppl with personality and super kind attitude on life :) now the west of the US i’m not saying there aren’t nice ppl out there bc there are LOL but esp near lost angeles or hollywood ofc you’re going to have ppl very stuck up bc ya know they made it to big bad LA and they want to be trendy with all of the fake health shit (celery juice does NOTHING FOR U sorry lol) generally my view of the west is just very fake and i would never want to have my family grow up there LMAO but that generally like, california and washington but like, utah or wyoming or colorado are just absolutely gorgeous and they have small town ppl there bc there are a lot of ranches there ,,,,,,,, does any of this make sense to u ??? KLASFJ 
i’m going to skip a few paragraphs bc this is so long already LMAO but trust me i’ve read everything so far lol ; it seems like you’re doing a lot of traveling !!!!!! <3 i’m so jealous !!!!!!!! italy sounds so beautiful i would love love to go some day :( ALSO U SMELLED THE BLUEBELL PERFUME RIGHT ???? U LIKED IT ?????? doesn’t it smell absolutely divine??? no matter how many scents i smelled after that i knew it was the right one for me ldkfsdlkfj <3 i’m still so in love with it ;____; also about ur lil rant about feeling lonesome :( bub i can really relate to this and i feel the same way like my mom and the rest of my family never pushed me to meet anyone and i’ve always never had a problem making friends, but like, as i’m older and i realize i’ll be alone a lot more of my time once i graduate like i really do want to share my life with someone :( i have a lot of love and i want to be able to show it to someone i care about a lot but i just never really take the initiative to do that bc quite honestly i’m not confident in myself lMAO so ,,,,,,, i know we never feel like we need to be dependent on someone but sharing experiences with someone who feels very strongly for u seems nice, doesn’t it? i wish this for both of us really soon okay?? <3 i tell my friends i would LOVE to be engaged right now lskdjfslfjs :’)
but anyways !!!!!!!! my mom and the rest of my family is doing well <3 and i’m doing okay too !!!!!! i don’t want to bore u with how clinicals are going but if u want me to tell u just let me know LOL and angel i know i say it all the time but always thank u so much for being patient with me okay? u are the absolute best !!!!!! also as promised, here are a few pics of my dorm room LOL it’s a shoebox but it’s my shoebox :) enjoy !!!!!! 
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theliberaltony · 7 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Alabama’s long and strange special election for U.S. Senate comes to a close on Tuesday. Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore face off in their bids to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the remainder of the term. Moore is the favorite, according to the polls, but Jones is just a normal polling error away from winning.
Let’s talk about where the race stands, what to keep an eye on after the polls close at 8 p.m. Eastern time and how today’s results could affect the national political landscape.
1. The race has been volatile
President Trump won Alabama by 28 percentage points in 2016. Alabama is a very red state, so this race really shouldn’t be close. Moore, however, was a divisive figure in Alabama politics before this campaign. He was already significantly underperforming Trump’s margin in surveys before The Washington Post first reported, on Nov. 9, that Moore had been accused of sexual misconduct. Since that Post report, the polls have swung to Jones and back to Moore again, and now they’re a bit muddled.
Alabama Senate polls since the first Moore allegations
Surveys taken after accusations of sexual misconduct against Roy Moore were first reported by The Washington Post on Nov. 9
Change Research 2 40 44 +4
Emerson College 2 40 49 +9
JMC Analytics 2 48 44 -4
Strategy Research 4 43 49 +6
Fox News 6 50 42 -8
Gravis Marketing 6 47 42 -5
Change Research 7 46 43 -3
Strategy Research 11 45 47 +2
Emerson College 18 47 53 +6
Change Research 18 44 49 +5
JMC Analytics 19 44 49 +5
Washington Post 21 50 47 -3
YouGov 22 43 49 +6
Emerson College 23 46 49 +3
Gravis Marketing 24 48 44 -4
Strategy Research 25 43 50 +7
Change Research 28 44 51 +7
Trafalgar Group 28 46 51 +5
Gravis Marketing 29 45 49 +4
Monmouth U. 30 46 46 0 Emerson College 30 44 53 +9
Fox News 31 50 40 -10
SurveyMonkey 32 50 48 -2
Change Research 32 45 51 +6
Monmouth University and SurveyMonkey data is taken from an average of their likely voter turnout models.
The polling swings have roughly tracked with voter interest in the Moore scandals. According to Google Trends data, the volume of Alabamians’ searches for Moore dropped off about a week after the Post’s Nov. 9 story. That lines up well with when Jones’s polling surge stopped and Moore began to recover.
Moore was also probably helped by President Trump giving him a quasi and then a full-throated endorsement. Surveys taken before and after Trump got involved show that Moore’s margin over Jones among Trump supporters jumped by 10 to 15 percentage points. Given Trump’s national unpopularity, that jump might not have been a big deal in many states, but it’s a huge deal in Alabama, where Trump is still fairly popular.
All told, an average of polls conducted over the final 21 days of the campaign has Moore up by a few points, 49 percent to 46 percent. But there’s a big spread in results, everything from Moore +9 points to Jones +10 points. These divergent results make sense because …
2. This is a tough race to poll
Senate polling conducted within three weeks of an election has historically been decent, though by no means perfect. Since 1998, Senate polling averages that use at least 10 polls (like the Alabama race) have been off by an average of 3.5 percentage points. In other words, an average polling error in his favor could hand Jones the win.
There’s also reason to believe that there’s a higher-than-usual chance for error in Alabama. Perhaps because of the lower turnout usually associated with elections that are held on days other than the traditional November Election Day in a midterm or presidential year, Senate polls for these races have had an average error that’s nearly a point higher than the average error for those November races.
Indeed, no pollster really knows what turnout is going to look like in Alabama. In addition to the fact that this is a special election occurring two weeks before Christmas in an off-year, there hasn’t been a major competitive statewide general election in Alabama since 2002. SurveyMonkey, The Washington Post and YouGov all have Moore doing better among likely voters than registered voters. Fox News shows the opposite. SurveyMonkey has also demonstrated how weighting for different factors (including past voting patterns) can make a big difference in who a poll shows as being ahead. (My colleague Nate Silver wrote a more in-depth story about what’s going on with pollsters’ assumptions.)
Additionally, the way pollsters are conducting their surveys seems to be having an impact on their findings in Alabama. Only three pollsters who meet FiveThirtyEight’s gold standard1 have conducted polls in Alabama since Nov. 9: Fox News, Monmouth University and The Washington Post. Fox News gave Jones his largest lead of the campaign. Monmouth and The Washington Post surveys were more favorable to Jones than the average. Traditionally, gold-standard pollsters have been more accurate than other pollsters.
It’s also possible, though, that the non-gold-standard polls will be more predictive in this campaign. To meet the FiveThirtyEight gold standard, one thing a pollster must do is use a live interviewer to conduct its surveys. It’s plausible that some voters may not want to admit to another person that they plan to cast a ballot for someone accused of child molestation. They may feel more comfortable saying they are voting for Moore to a recorded voice or to a computer, which is how the vast majority of polls in Alabama have been conducted.
Either way, there’s a lot of reason to be uncertain about how predictive the Alabama polls will be.
3. Jones must win big in the cities — really big
No Democrat has won a statewide race in Alabama since 2008. During that losing streak, Democrats have tended to do their best in two types of places: counties where a large share of the population is black and cities.
But to win the Alabama Senate race, Jones will have to do even better than a typical Democrat — after all, Democrats usually lose in Alabama. He’ll probably need to run up even larger margins than normal in the black belt and win handily in counties with significant population centers, such as Jefferson (Birmingham), Madison (Huntsville), Mobile and Montgomery. Beyond that, it’s difficult to pinpoint how well Jones will need to do in each county to win — we don’t have a string of competitive statewide elections to get a sense of the baseline.
So instead of one baseline, let’s use three that each share some characteristic with today’s election: a federal race, a race with Moore on the ballot, and a combo of the two. Below, I’ve created a table of the three county benchmarks, estimating how well Jones needs to do according to each to win the statewide Senate race. The first is based on the 2016 presidential election results. The second is based on the vote share margin between the 2012 Democratic candidate for state Supreme Court chief justice and Moore, who won that race. And the third is an average of the first two.2 To take one example, if Jones is winning Madison County (average benchmark Jones +9.5 points) by more than 9.5 points, that’s a good sign for his chances of winning statewide.
The benchmarks Doug Jones needs to beat in Alabama
Jones’s target margins over Moore based on the 2016 presidential election and Moore’s performance in a 2012 Supreme Court race
BENCHMARKS COUNTY▲▼ SHARE OF 2016 VOTE▲▼ 2016 PRESIDENTIAL▲▼ 2012 SUPREME COURT▲▼ AVG.▲▼ Winston 0.5% -53.3 -54.0 -53.7 Blount 1.2 -53.2 -49.8 -51.5 Cleburne 0.3 -49.3 -49.4 -49.4 Geneva 0.6 -44.3 -54.0 -49.2 Cullman 1.8 -49.4 -46.4 -47.9 Marion 0.6 -48.1 -44.4 -46.3 St. Clair 1.8 -40.1 -40.0 -40.1 Covington 0.8 -40.5 -37.0 -38.8 Lamar 0.3 -41.0 -35.4 -38.2 Chilton 0.9 -38.6 -37.8 -38.2 DeKalb 1.2 -41.2 -32.0 -36.6 Marshall 1.7 -41.2 -31.4 -36.3 Cherokee 0.5 -41.3 -29.2 -35.3 Fayette 0.4 -37.2 -30.4 -33.8 Walker 1.4 -39.3 -27.0 -33.2 Coffee 1.0 -28.4 -32.4 -30.4 Bibb 0.4 -27.5 -30.6 -29.1 Franklin 0.6 -32.7 -25.0 -28.9 Clay 0.3 -32.8 -24.4 -28.6 Baldwin 4.5 -29.4 -25.8 -27.6 Jackson 1.0 -34.3 -19.0 -26.7 Dale 0.9 -22.4 -28.6 -25.5 Randolph 0.5 -25.4 -24.8 -25.1 Shelby 4.8 -21.7 -23.0 -22.4 Houston 2.0 -19.4 -24.6 -22.0 Elmore 1.8 -23.8 -20.0 -21.9 Morgan 2.4 -24.1 -18.8 -21.5 Limestone 1.9 -20.9 -19.4 -20.2 Autauga 1.2 -21.3 -15.8 -18.6 Henry 0.4 -13.7 -18.8 -16.3 Washington 0.4 -15.3 -16.8 -16.1 Crenshaw 0.3 -17.7 -12.2 -15.0 Lawrence 0.7 -20.9 -8.6 -14.8 Etowah 2.1 -22.0 -6.0 -14.0 Lauderdale 1.9 -17.7 -9.4 -13.6 Tallapoosa 0.9 -13.8 -10.4 -12.1 Calhoun 2.3 -13.3 -8.0 -10.7 Escambia 0.7 -8.2 -9.8 -9.0 Colbert 1.2 -10.2 -2.6 -6.4 Coosa 0.2 -2.8 +0.4 -1.2 Lee 2.8 +5.1 -2.0 +1.6 Talladega 1.6 +2.3 +1.4 +1.9 Pike 0.6 +7.7 +3.6 +5.7 Monroe 0.5 +13.5 +3.0 +8.3 Tuscaloosa 3.9 +8.4 +8.4 +8.4 Pickens 0.4 +12.1 +5.8 +9.0 Chambers 0.7 +12.9 +5.4 +9.2 Madison 7.7 +11.3 +7.6 +9.5 Clarke 0.6 +17.0 +4.6 +10.8 Choctaw 0.3 +14.0 +8.8 +11.4 Mobile 8.1 +14.4 +10.4 +12.4 Butler 0.4 +14.3 +11.0 +12.7 Barbour 0.5 +22.1 +17.6 +19.9 Conecuh 0.3 +22.6 +18.8 +20.7 Russell 0.9 +29.6 +19.6 +24.6 Marengo 0.5 +31.2 +21.6 +26.4 Jefferson 14.3 +35.0 +29.6 +32.3 Hale 0.4 +47.6 +38.0 +42.8 Montgomery 4.5 +53.6 +45.4 +49.5 Dallas 0.9 +65.2 +47.0 +56.1 Wilcox 0.3 +70.1 +56.8 +63.5 Perry 0.2 +73.5 +58.0 +65.8 Lowndes 0.3 +74.6 +60.8 +67.7 Bullock 0.2 +78.4 +61.0 +69.7 Sumter 0.3 +77.0 +62.8 +69.9 Greene 0.2 +92.7 +75.4 +84.1 Macon 0.4 +94.8 +76.0 +85.4
Broadly speaking, the three benchmarks are similar. However, there are some differences. For one, the 2016 benchmarks show that Jones needs to do a lot better in heavily black counties like Bullock, Dallas and Macon than the 2012 benchmarks show. The 2012 benchmarks have Moore underperforming the usual Republican vote share in his home county of Etowah and the surrounding Cherokee and DeKalb counties, so if you go by those, Jones needs to do better in those areas. The 2012 benchmarks also have Jones needing to make up a disproportionate amount of ground in counties that are on the periphery of statistical areas (as defined by the federal government) such as Jackson and Lawrence, which are in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Huntsville, Alabama, statistical areas respectively.
It’s not clear which of these provide the best baseline. On the one hand, 2016 was a federal election, as is Tuesday’s election. On the other, Moore is a unique candidate, so it could be best to look at an election in which he was a candidate. For now, the best bet is probably to look at some average of the two.
4. This election has national implications
There will be a lot of talk about what a Moore win or loss says about the Republican Party. But the most immediate potential effect of the election would be from a Moore defeat, which would: (i) make Republican efforts to pass legislation in the current Congress more difficult and (ii) make Democratic efforts to take over the Senate in 2018 easier.
Republicans currently have 52 seats in the U.S. Senate. A Jones win puts that majority at just 51 seats. That means that Republicans could afford to lose only one GOP vote on legislation3 — two would be enough to sink any bill that is universally opposed by Democrats. Given all the trouble that Republicans have had passing legislation with a two-seat margin for error, it’s likely that they would struggle even more with a one-seat cushion.
Meanwhile, in 2018, Democrats hope to take control of the Senate, but they have limited opportunities. There are only two Republican-held seats up for election in states where Democrats are normally competitive: Arizona and Nevada. If Republicans have 52 seats heading into next year, Democrats will have to win those two seats and at least one additional GOP-held seat to take control of the Senate in 2019. If, however, Jones wins, the path to a Democratic-controlled Senate in 2019 gets a lot easier.
Finally, no matter who wins, Alabama’s Senate race will almost certainly be another special election this year in which Democrats outperform the presidential lean of the district or state. Although there are obviously some particular circumstances in Alabama, that Trump’s approval rating (even if still relatively high in Alabama) is below his percentage of the vote in last year’s election hasn’t helped Moore’s cause. Moore’s likely very poor performance versus Trump’s 2016 showing adds to the evidence that the national environment favors the Democrats heading into 2018.
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emeraldwaves · 7 years
Title: Dance With Me (It Won’t Kill Ya) Pairing:  Kacchako Dance/College AU Rating: M Word Count:  2,367 Read on Ao3 Summary: When Bakugou damages university property, he's forced to take dance lessons with the best dance student at the school, Uraraka. There's no way he'll actually enjoy learning to dance though... right?
Absolutely not...
Thanks to @its-love-u-asshole @theweakestthing @youaremynewdream @darksylvir @silverwings104 for reading this ahead of time. I get nervous posting fics like this for new fandoms!
Full fic under the cut!
The word exploded from his lips, echoing across the room, a decibel way higher than necessary for a tiny office. Didn’t they know who he was? Bakugou Katsuki wasn't going to take this sitting down. Literally. He'd already jumped up and slammed his hand on the desk, his face turning red from how hard he was glaring at his idiotic advisor.
"Yes. Probation," Aizawa repeated, tucking his hands into his pockets casually.
"You realize I'm on a fucking scholarship for rugby right?! I have to play to stay at this damn school!" Bakugou blurted out.
Yawning, Aizawa plopped down in the seat behind his desk, looking completely unperturbed by the outburst. "Maybe you should've thought about that before you failed math and set the sports equipment shed on fire."
"That second one was an accident," Bakugou huffed out, the air puffing out of his nostrils, like a dragon breathing fire. Technically failing math had been an accident as well. He hadn't meant to fail a class, and he had studied...sort of. He was amazing at all of classes, normally he didn’t even have to try to do well. However, a fight with Kirishima and some of the other rugby boys had caused a distraction large enough to keep him awake practically all night. Which led to him sleeping through the main test of the semester—the one which counted for almost all of his grade in the class. "What the FUCK am I supposed to do then?!" He slammed his hand down again, the slap angry enough to make the desk vibrate.
"Sit down, Bakugou-san," he sighed, shaking his head at the angry student. "Normally, you'd be kicked out of the school, no questions asked, since you destroyed school property," Aizawa began, "but your coach argued hard to keep you around. However, you are going to be punished."
"So just make me rebuild the shed, and we'll move on," he growled, shaking his leg up and down quickly as he sat in the large chair. The longer he sat, the more he slid downward, slouching in the large black chair.
Clearing his throat, Aizawa shrugged. "No. We won’t be doing that. Midoriya-san will be tutoring you in math-"
"HAH!?" Bakugou snarled, jerking forward quickly. "That little shit?! Why him!? I’m just as good at math as he is!"
But Aizawa ignored him, letting out a tired sigh. "And we've agreed that you need to do something to try and...calm your temper, so we've set up dance lessons with Uraraka-san, the best student in our dance department. Instead of going to rugby practice you will spend your time with her, working on doing something...calming."
Bakugou snorted. He wasn't quite sure he'd heard Aizawa properly. Dance lessons? There was no way. Absolutely no way. "You've got to be kidding me," he cackled, throwing his head back against the edge of the chair. "Dance? Yeah, right!" He slapped the chair with his hand.
"M'serious." Aizawa's face was deadpan, unchanging. "For the next month, you'll take lessons with Uraraka on Mondays and Wednesdays, and lessons with Midoriya will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays and the weekends you will be free to attend practices, but you’re suspended from games for the month."
Bakugou froze, his eyebrow twitching. Aizawa was serious? Dance lessons? What the hell did he mean by that?! And what exactly would he have to do?! A growl escaped his lips, as he shook his head, his blond hair moving quickly. "There's no way I'm going to take dance lessons!" he snapped.
"Then you will be kicked off the rugby team and lose your scholarship."
Snatching his bag up angrily, Bakugou stood up from the chair and stormed towards the door, his blood boiling with anger. If he had still had that damn lighter, he would've burned down Aizawa's office.
"Be at the dance studio once your classes are done for the day," he called after him, and Bakugou slammed the door, a crack being heard when he stormed away.
Dance lessons! What a fucking joke! Bakugou slung his bag over his shoulder, and stormed his way back to his dorm. He fucking hated everything about this. If he hadn't failed stupid math, none of this probably would've been happening. Sure, setting the equipment shed on fire hadn't been the smartest thing he'd done in his life, but it really had been a mistake (mostly Kirishima's fault) and it probably would've been forgiven if he hadn’t failed the damn test.
Rubbing his head angrily, he slammed his fist against the wall in the hallway, making a few other students jump. "Fuck!" he cursed, continuing to trudge down the hall. Each step seemed heavier than the last, his boots stomping against the tiled floor.
How the hell were dance lessons supposed to help him be 'calmer'? He wasn't light on his feet, not at all. He was a rugby player—brutal, tough. Being terrible at dance was going to make him angrier, not calmer. Actually, the more he thought about it the angrier he became, and he walked faster, desperately trying to avoid punching a hole in one of the hallway walls.
It didn't help that fucking idiot Deku was going to be his math tutor either. He didn’t need a math tutor, failing had been a mistake. And of course, it had to be the one person he hated more than anyone else. He'd been mad when Deku had followed him to the same university, as he had assumed Deku would attend a pretentious school for really smart nerds who did nothing but study. Instead, he'd been granted a full academic scholarship, and followed Bakugou, exactly what he hadn't wanted. Thankfully, they weren't in any of the same classes, but that luck had run out, now Deku was going to be his damn tutor.
Bakugou snorted, and swung the door to his dorm room open. He screamed, chucking his backpack against the wall, watching as it tumbled down to his bed.
"Woah..." Kirishima muttered, turning around from his desk. Bakugou knew his outbursts weren't anything unusual to the redhead, not anymore. This was their second year rooming together, so Kirishima generally ignored the anger at this point. "I guess it didn't go so hot?" he asked, turning around in his chair, leaning one arm over the back.
"Fuck no!" Bakugou growled, and flopped down onto his bed, folding his arms behind his head. "Did you think it would?"
"Nope," Kirishima shrugged. "I mean I got a punishment too, but I'm not failing any of my classes."
"SHUT IT!" Bakugou yelled, glaring daggers at his roommate, his red eyes narrow and frustrated. "Failing math was a damn mistake!" he snarled through grit teeth.
"So what do you have to do?" he asked, pushing his chair back, rocking back and forth.
"..." Laying back down, Bakugou turned towards the wall. It was fucking embarrassing. Dance lessons, with some girl he'd never even heard of. It sounded awful saying the words in his head, let alone out loud.
"What is it?" Kirishima asked, flopping his chair back down to the floor.
"Fuck off Kirishima!" Bakugou snapped. "I don't want to talk about it..." he growled.
"C'mon man," he said. "It can't be that bad." Leaning forward, he poked at Bakugou's back.
Rolling over, Bakugou sat up quickly, grabbing Kirishima's wrist. "Shut up," he hissed. "You have no fucking idea."
"You're right," he replied, chuckling nervously. "I don't, because you won't tell me!"
Bakugou let go of Kirishima's wrist, tossing his arm back towards him. "Dance lessons," he said under his breath.
"Eh? What? Did you say...dance...lessons?" Kirishima bit his lower lip, his cheeks puffing out as he snorted, desperately trying not to laugh.
"SHUT UP!" Bakugou growled, lunging forward to grab at Kirishima's shirt collar. "I told you it was fucking dumb!"
Holding up his hands Kirishima let out a few laughs. "C-Calm down, Bakugou-kun," he said. "It...It's just funny to imagine you dancing."
"Whatever," he snapped, laying back down on the bed. "I'm just going to get it fucking over with and move on!"
"Good plan," Kirishima said, turning back to his desk. He let out a few more chuckles, shaking his head back and forth. "Dance lessons!"
It sounded ridiculous no matter how it was said, or who said it. Bakugou stared at the wall, debating whether he wanted to punch it or Kirishima more.
"Uhm...Uraraka-san...are you sure you're going to want to do this?" Midoriya muttered. "I've known Kacchan for a long time and he's...really unpleasant when he's angry. Actually, he's really unpleasant even when he's not angry because he usually seems angry even if he's not..." Midoriya rambled quickly, moving the rice around on his plate nervously.
"Midoriya-kun," Uraraka said gently, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I'll be fine. It's only for a month, so that's 8 classes. When you look at it that way, it's barely even a week," she giggled. "Stop worrying!"
Pressing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Iida folded his arms. "This is true, and as much as we’ve all heard the rumors about Bakugou Katsuki, you did promise to assist the school with this matter. You should follow through at this point," he stated bluntly.
"I wasn’t planning on not," she said eyeing Iida while shaking her head. "He's just a guy with a temper, how bad could it possibly go?" She took a sip of her water, and sat back.
Both Iida and Midoriya exchanged a knowing glance, looking nervous. "We just wanted you to be...warned," Midoriya said. "And you know if you want, I-I could come with you and watch to be a buffer. I'll be tutoring him the other days anyway..."
Uraraka shook her head, clapping her hands together in determination. "I can handle myself you guys," she smiled. "Plus there is no way he's a good dancer. We'll be doing basic steps the entire time."
"Why is he taking these classes anyway?" Iida asked. "I understand why Midoriya-kun is tutoring him in math, but why...dance?"
Tilting her head, Uraraka shrugged. "They wanted him to try something more calming than rugby," she explained. "Or that's what Aizawa-sensei said when he asked me to help."
"I don't think Kacchan can do anything calm..." Midoriya said.
"Who knows," she giggled, "maybe he'll be some kind of dance prodigy!"
"Doubtful." Iida placed his chopsticks down.
Puffing out her cheeks, Uraraka pouted and shoved a large bite of rice into her mouth.
"A-Ah! B-But if anyone could teach Kacchan...I'm sure you could, Uraraka-san!" Midoriya said quickly.
Opening her eyes, she smiled. "Well thank you for the support, Midoriya-kun," she replied.
"No one loves dance more than you, so if anyone could get Kacchan to like it, it would be you!" he said, cheering her on. "Though getting him to like dance kind of seems impossible," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well, like I said, I'm not nervous," she smiled. "He'll probably want to get it over with."
"I'm surprised he's not trying to get out of it actually," Midoriya said.
"Mmm. Aizawa-sensei told me he had to or he'd have to give up his rugby scholarship and they'd kick him out of school . He told me I was to watch him and make sure he took it seriously," she nodded.
"It’s his duty to take it seriously!" Iida chimed in.
Wide-eyed, Midoriya pursed his lips, curling them up into a smile finally. "Right...well, good luck, Uraraka-san!"
She stood up, pulling her bag out from under the table, her dance shoes tied around one of the handles of her bag. Giving them a thumbs up, she nodded once. "I've got to go you guys," she said. "Class is starting soon."
"See you for dinner!" Midoriya smiled, both him and Iida waving goodbye as she made her way out of the dining building.
Truthfully she was a bit nervous, but not for the reasons Iida and Midoriya had seemed to expect. Of course she had heard the rumors about Bakugou Katsuki, on top of the many things Midoriya had talked about. The two had grown up together, and she knew their relationship was rocky at best. Bakugou apparently was often hostile, but Uraraka had never experienced it herself. But she had heard about the sports shed fiasco, and plenty of other angry outburst rumors which had spread around campus every so often.
There had been a rumor he'd sent someone from a rival university to the hospital for tackling them to the ground so hard during a rugby match. However, that hadn't seemed too out of the ordinary to her, since rugby was usually a more violent sport.
Another popular story was Bakugou breaking down a door in one of the freshman dorms when he'd been angry at his roommate. Needless to say he'd been relocated to a different room, and rumor had it his parents had been forced to pay to fix the damages, something they hadn’t been too happy about.
But no, Uraraka wasn't nervous about Bakugou's violence, or attitude. She assumed he was going to be shitty about this punishment, but would put up with it in order to keep his scholarship. She was more nervous about actually teaching him. She hadn't ever taught someone who had no dance experience. She'd made up her own choreography before, but she had never actually taught a complete beginner. She hoped she didn't move too fast for him, or too slow even.
Pursing her lips, she shook her head and clapped her hands together. It probably didn't matter all that much. Yes, she had to teach him, and she knew the advisors would be checking in, making sure he was actually learning, but mostly it was a low pressure situation for her. Still, Uraraka didn't like doing anything unless she put herself in it completely, 100%. And she wanted to give teaching 110%.
Bakugou Katsuki probably didn't care about these lessons at all, but Uraraka wasn't going to give up on him before it began, and she sure as hell wasn't going to let him run away.
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paradoxicalca · 5 years
r/hockey NHL Power Rankings Week 6: Tropical Depression Edition
/r/Hockey NHL Power Rankings Week Nov 4, 2019 - Nov 10, 2019Thank YouThank you to all of the volunteers doing the power rankings. Each ranker has their own system and have their own reasonings and analyis. It truly is a lot of work.RankersSpoilerOrganizersSpoilerVisualizationThe visualization contains historical data, so you can see how your team has done over time. Hopefully, we can run this for many years in hopes that we can see the rise and fall of teams by /r/hockey opinion.It automatically updates so feel free to bookmark. You can find it hereProcessHow does this work? Throughout the course of the week rankers are able to access an app that will allow them to rank teams. At the end of the period we calculate the average ranking for every team and collate all of the analysis provided by rankers.The app then generates a post that is first proofread and then posted to /r/hockey!Rankings (27/31 Rankers Reporting)Ranking (avg)TeamDeltaOverall RecordRecord This WeekComments1 (1.59)Washington Capitals113-2-32-0-0The boys are buzzin. The top line isn't slowing down and our shiny new second line of Vrana - Kuznetsov - Wilson is tearing up the weaker competition. MacLellan's new look bottom six is still giving teams fits with their mix of speed and size. The defense is the best it's been since Mike Green ran the PP. Samsonov is the prince that was promised. Aside from a surprise mid-season extension for Backstrom there really isn't anything more a humble Caps fan could hope for.2 (3.03)Boston Bruins-111-3-31-2-1Well, this is a slump. Nothing but sloppy, uninspired hockey this week from the Bruins. The fact that we beat the Penguins is a shocker. Lost a close game to the Habs, stunk against the Red Wings, and played 40 minutes of bad hockey against the Flyers after having 10 shots through 40 minutes. Bruins showed signs of life in the 3rd period against them but ultimately fell in the shootout. PS: Pasta, get good at penalty shots.3 (3.68)New York Islanders-12-3-12-0-1Despite the rough loss to the Penguins the point streak is still alive. All throughout the goal-tending has been fantastic by both Greiss and Varly. With Eberle now back we will have to see if he can recapture the magic he has with Barzal, which was missing at the start of this season. Even without Matt Martin, Cizikas and Clutterbuck combined to have an outstanding week. On defense, Adam Pelech is playing like a top d-man. Other teams and fans will hear more about him if he keeps it up, but for now he is one of the most underrated players around.4 (4.76)St. Louis Blues412-3-33-0-0The bad news is that the Blues really aren't playing the best hockey they're capable of. The good news is that we're still winning. Many close games but the duo of DP57 and ROR is dragging us to some wins, our D is stabalizing, and our goaltending is proving good enough to compete. Would like to see some depth pieces begin to contribute more, and the loss of Tarasenko is just beginning to set in, but at the end of the day we're leading the Western Conference and we can still definitely get better from here. There also might not be a more trusted ownership/GM combo in the League than Army and Stillman. It's a fun time to be a Blues fan.5 (6.74)Edmonton Oilers-12-5-22-1-16 (6.76)Colorado Avalanche110-5-22-1-0The Avs have awoken. It took about two weeks, but the Avs finally figured out chemistry against Nashville & Columbus. Bad News two new injuries this week, now with 6 players out with Grubauer the only one set to return soon. Sakic looks smart for acquiring all the depth this offseason. The new top line is fun, not as skilled, but no players work harder than Donskoi and Calvert and Mackinnon benefits from the chaos they create and they benefit from the chaos he creates. Francouz has been sufficient in Grubauer's absence but isn't really playing himself into a potential 1B role. Avs start a Western Canadian Road trip this week and look to keep the momentum from the last couple games. First up a big 4 point game in Winnipeg on Tuesday. Calder Watch: Makar had an insane week, with points in all three games a 3 point night and a 2 goal game with his first GWG. He is now at 17 points in 17 games which ties him for third in scoring amoung NHL dmen, Crazy!7 (9.82)Nashville Predators39-5-31-1-1I'm away from my computer this week so I'll keep this one to a single point: /u/dabz14, I'm a true believer after the Red Wings game this past week. That second period was brutal, and the Preds made sure I understood that by being on the other side of the brutality against the Avalanche.8 (10.26)Pittsburgh Penguins610-6-12-1-0Almost as soon as we got Malkin back, Crosby gets knocked out. Please start wrapping these players up in bubble wrap.9 (10.5)Carolina Hurricanes-59-7-10-3-0The lack of top tier star power is starting to show. Each of the last 4 games should have been winnable but they ended up not even being close.10 (11.53)Buffalo Sabres-49-6-20-2-0Three more games until we hit .500.11 (12.59)Vegas Golden Knights19-7-31-2-1Tough week for the Golden Knights going 1-2-1 on the road trip. Blown leads in the 3rd period has plagued the team lately and really needs to change.12 (12.91)Vancouver Canucks-39-6-30-3-1Ever since rushing to jump on the ill-conceived and somewhat forced "Team Like That marketing campaign, the Canucks have indeed become a team like that. The team like that has since lost 5 of their last 6, with their only win coming against a floundering Sharks team. Over this period the powerplay has lost some the luster shown earlier in the year, and Canucks fans must face the tough reality that a team (like that) might not win 70% of its games this year. The club remains competitive, but this string of losses should slide them down to the middle of the pack in our power rankings - the "playoff bubble" position most anticipated the team would inhabit at the start of the season.13 (13.41)Toronto Maple Leafs29-6-42-1-1The Leafs are a confusing team. The week started with a sloppy 3-1 win against the Kings on Tuesday which made it a two game winning streak, which was extended on a 2-1 OT win against the Golden Knights (Did you see Ceci's beautiful setup for Pacioretty!?), which was won by captain Tavares himself. Unfortunately that streak ended Saturday night, after the Flyers got shootout revenge, highlighted by Marner taking an awkward tumble. After trying to take another shift, he was sent to the dressing room and shut down for the game, and after an MRI, for four weeks. Looks like leaf fans are still gonna annoy r/hockey by saying this team still isn't fully healthy yet :). Is that an excuse for letting up 4 goals in the first against the Blackhawks? Oh it's the second half of a back-to-back. That excuse. Made the game close, but not close enough. Overall, another confusing week for leafs fans14 (13.5)Arizona Coyotes-19-6-21-2-115 (14.18)Calgary Flames110-7-32-0-1The Flames had a good week, getting 5 out of a possible 6 points. The team appears to have a completely different effort level when they are down in the third period, having multiple late goals to tie both Arizona and St. Louis, forcing overtime. If only they could play with the same sense of urgency at all times. Johnny Gaudreau continues a large slump. While he's still getting points, he doesn't look like himself and his turnovers and defensive game make him feel like a liability at times. The Flames have already played 20 games this year, so hopefully their schedule slowing down a bit will give them some time to solve a few issues.16 (15.18)Anaheim Ducks-59-8-10-2-0This season feels like a rerun. Looks like a losing home stand came 1 month earlier than last year. A poor effort against the oilers after 4 days off. Similarly poor effort against the wild. I don’t see the fight. I don’t see the ducks ready to start any game lately. Song of the week: Free fallin’ - Tom Petty and the heartbreakers17 (15.35)Tampa Bay Lightning28-5-22-0-0Hard to take a ton away from just a back to back against the same team, but I did like what I saw from the team. Got some depth scoring, so that was nice. 3/7 on the PP isn't too shabby, and killing off all 4 penalties is quite nice too. Very happy only seeing 4 PP's given up, seems Tampa decided they were just having no fun sitting in the box.18 (15.76)Montreal Canadiens-19-5-32-0-1This week the team made big strides in improving their penalty kill (albeit in large part to Price in the net). Victor Mete is making up for all the goals he didn’t score to start his career and it helping beat the Bruins makes it all the better. Ryan Poehling finally has first few games of the season but if all Julien is going to do is play him for 9 minutes a game I would rather see him getting more time in the AHL.19 (15.97)Philadelphia Flyers210-5-24-0-0Its been a very Fly week this week, not a Die week. Myers has been on fire since scoring his first of the season, Coots, Lindblom, and TK line is actual sex on ice, our goaltending is stabilizing, and we are making teams regret starting their backup against us. 3 games in 4 nights against teams in playoff spots, and having pulled a majority of the points from it means we are doing a good hockey. Giroux with an absolute slapper in the SO, Moose and Hart are being the tandem we need them to be, and the team responding well under AV means things are well. We may never go pointless in a game again. Also PROVY PLEASE JUST KEEP YOUR GAME SIMPLE YOU ARE TOO GOOD TO BE PLAYING AS POORLY AS YOU HAVE BEEN RECENTLY. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk pt.2. Praise Gritty20 (17.68)Winnipeg Jets-10-7-12-0-121 (19.47)Florida Panthers-38-4-51-1-1Panthers' games are absolutely crazy. 4th in GF/game and 4th most GA/game. Half their game have been to overtime...it's not good for my heart. Recap; decent game against the Caps. Good game against the Islanders, should have won but Greiss was fantastic. Good game against the Rangers, Monty was bad, but the team rallied to with it. The Panthers don't give up and that's great.22 (20.74)Dallas Stars-8-8-21-0-1Only two weeks this game. Big win over the Avalanche and a OT loss to the Jets. Standouts? Faksa, Bishop. Takeaways? We played great against the Avalanche, and the Jets loss was hard-fought A 1-1 record doesn't always spell improvement - and it's sure not as good as last week - but we're playing better than our first 10 games. That's what matters.23 (23.56)New York Rangers-7-6-22-1-1Just another week at the office for the New York Rangers. We opened the week by losing 6-2 to the Ottawa Senators. This one was tough and really showed how young this team is, but a game like this was necessary. Next, we bounced back against the Wings by winning solidly 5-1. The next day, we got to see vintage Hank against the Canes. Even though we got outshot 47-19, we somehow walked out with a 4-2 win. To cap off the week, we had a shooting gallery of a game against the Panthers, falling 6-5 in the shootout. Some positives to come out of the week were that the kids are finally catching their stride and really developing. Kakko, Chytil, and Fox have looked great the past few games. Lindgren also deserves a shoutout for his play lately. Strome continues to put up points as well. Here's to another successful and entertaining week (also hopefully Lias gets more minutes).24 (24.41)San Jose Sharks37-10-13-0-0Much better week for the Sharks, but there's still a lot of work to be done. They were able to squeeze out 3 wins, but almost blew late leads against the Hawks and Wild. If the Sharks want to be back in the playoff picture they'll have to clean it up and play consistently tight defence for the next two weeks, with the upcoming divisional games against good teams like the Oilers and Vegas. The forwards are looking better and they've had some periods with really good defence, but they can't have those 10 minute stretches where they almost blow the entire thing, because good divisional teams will pounce on those opportunities.25 (24.47)Columbus Blue Jackets-16-8-31-2-0Bemstrom got his first and his second career goals this week. The two games we were pretty close, which is an improvement over our 5 game skid, but we're still 1-6-1 in our last 8. Things are looking grim if we don't improve by American Thanksgiving.26 (26.5)Chicago Blackhawks-6-7-42-1-1After a disconcerting California road trip, the Blackhawks managed to go 2-0-1 against the Canucks, Penguins, and Leafs. Kane has 5G, 6A and points in each of our last 6 games. Keith has been playing well, and is averaging over 25 min in ATOI, which is around his career average, but is significantly higher than the past 2 seasons. Lehner has been fantastic, and is 2nd to only Greiss in SV%.27 (27.21)Minnesota Wild26-10-12-1-0Wild fans are in this weird spot right now where they want the youngsters to show signs of development but the collective team is being cheered on to tank. Kevin Fiala has shown, to quote the GM-who-shall-not-be-named, "gamebreaker" qualities in the past few games. Jordan Greenway and Joel Eriksson Ek have finally looked in the mirror and realized they have big bodies meant for a physical brand of hockey. Ryan Donato...well, he's still looking pretty lost. Can't win them all I suppose. As much as this franchise needs a number one pick, it did feel good to see four pucks go past Mr. Darcy on Saturday night.28 (28.03)Ottawa Senators36-9-13-1-0With the Sens recording 5 wins in their last 8 games, I'm suddenly feeling a sense of...what's the opposite of "shame"? Less shame. That's it. Make no mistakes folks - even though they've had a good week thanks to the heroic efforts of guys like Pageau and Nilsson playing absurdly well, this team is going to finish in the bottom 5. They NEED to finish in the bottom 3 in any case, so as to have the best chance of picking up a generational forward talent at this stacked draft. This means not winning against other bottom tier teams like the Kings and Rangers, which we unfortunately were unable to do this week. Good games for team morale but certainly not for draft position!!29 (28.26)New Jersey Devils-15-7-42-2-02-2-0 This week, nothing too out of the ordinary. Back in Sept. r/devils did a straw poll about Hynes' leash and most said he had until Halloween to turn it around. A week after the devils are 5-7-4 and severely under-performing for the talent level of the roster. This roster shouldn't be 5-11. Shero should already have a list in his mind at this point to replace Hynes. The Good: Blackwood seems to have rebounded from his rocky start and has taken the starter reins from Cory. Hughes is still playing great. He isnt always scoring, but seeing him play with hustle every shift is amazing to see. The Bad: Hall is cursed. He has 2 goals on 59 shots, only 3%, while his career shooting percent is over 10%. The Ugly: We're still barely 0.500 hockey week to week and sitting at the bottom of the metro, only 1 point above the Sens ins the same 16 games. The talk has already started on Hall's fetching price come trade deadline time.30 (28.56)Los Angeles Kings-55-11-10-2-1I was fortunate enough to watch the Kings play the Leafs in Toronto this past week. We look slower than molasses right now and its a pretty boring brand of hockey almost worse than the ‘wear you down’ of Sutter’s time as coach. Some of the young guys are doing well but its crazy to think that this core won 2 cups.31 (29.59)Detroit Red Wings-16-12-12-2-0Robbie Fabbri and Jonathan Bernier stole the week for the Red Wings. With a jam packed schedule of four games the Wings continued their walk of shame with piss poor effort against the Preds and breakdowns against the Rangers. Jimmy Howard gets the start and the hook in both games. Then the trade for Fabbri happens and Bernier gets the start in both games against Boston and Vegas and now the parade planning begins. In reality, the Bruins were at the tail-end of a 11-2-1 stretch and Vegas was back to back after getting beaten up by the Capitals. However, this is what we should expect from the Wings. The plan is to stay competitive and transition to the next phase of the rebuild. Detroit needs to be in these games against top teams who are struggling and limiting their chances. Boston and Vegas combined for 30 shots against the Wings at 5v5(47 All Situations) which is an incredible defensive performance considering the power those offenses have. r/hockey NHL Power Rankings Week 6: Tropical Depression Edition Source
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mikemortgage · 6 years
AP FACT CHECK: Trump on migrants, Saudis, Hispanic vote
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump inflated the projected benefits of an arms deal with the Saudis as he defended his wait-and-see attitude about Saudi complicity in the disappearance of a journalist whose apparent murder has sparked world outrage.
On immigration enforcement, the president made the unsubstantiated claim that migrants are being paid to mass at the border and somehow disrupt the Nov. 6 elections in the United States. Trump also stretched credulity when boasting about his performance with Hispanic voters at a rally and distorted facts concerning climate change and the Russia investigation in a recent interview with The Associated Press.
A look at some of his words over the past week:
TRUMP: “We’re doing very well with Hispanic Americans. We’re doing very well. Because you know what? They want safety at the border. They want great jobs. Remember, the last election, well, ‘he won’t do too well with the Hispanic vote.’ Did we do well or what?” — Arizona rally Friday.
THE FACTS: More “what” than “well.”
Among Hispanics, Democrat Hillary Clinton beat Trump handily in 2016, 66 per cent to 28 per cent, according to exit polls. That level of Hispanic support for a Democratic candidate was similar to 2008, when Barack Obama gained 67 per cent of the Hispanic vote to Republican John McCain’s 31 per cent.
At the same time, Clinton’s performance among Hispanics lagged their support for Obama in 2012, when he won 71 per cent to Republican Mitt Romney’s 27 per cent.
Trump in 2016 had campaigned heavily on a platform of building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, calling for mass deportations and referring to some Mexicans as rapists. Given that record, it’s fair to claim he outperformed expectations with Hispanic voters, but he did worse or at least no better than McCain in 2008.
TRUMP, on a caravan of Central American migrants trying to reach the U.S.: “A lot of money’s been passing through people to come up and try to get to the border by Election Day because they think that’s a negative for us.” — Montana rally Thursday.
TRUMP on the caravan: “Can you believe this, and what Democrats are allowing to be done to our Country?” — tweet Thursday.
THE FACTS: Trump was riffing off of an unsupported allegation by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., that people were being paid in Honduras to join the caravan and “storm the border @ election time,” as Gaetz tweeted.
Gaetz tweeted a video on Wednesday of men handing out money to people standing in a line, without evidence that it illustrated his claim. Questioned about the video’s origin, Gaetz posted a correction on Twitter, saying, “This video was provided to me by a Honduran government official. Thus, I believed it to be from Honduras.”
Neither man has produced evidence that the migrants are being paid to come to the border.
Mexico’s government says migrants with proper documents can enter Mexico and those who don’t either have to apply for refugee status or face deportation.
TRUMP: “Frankly they have a tremendous order — $110 billion. Every country in the world wanted a piece of that order. We got all of it. And what are we going to do? Again, I’ve had some senators come up and some congressmen that said, ‘Well, you know, sir, I think what we should do is we should not take that order.’ I said, ‘Who are we hurting? It’s 500,000 jobs.”‘ — interview Wednesday with Fox Business News.
TRUMP, on possible action against Saudi Arabia: “I’ll be working on this with Congress. … But I would prefer that we don’t use as retribution cancelling $110 billion worth of work, which means 600,000 jobs. … I went there to get that order.” — remarks Friday at a defence event in Arizona.
THE FACTS: Trump’s wrong to suggest that he has $110 billion in military orders from Saudi Arabia. A far smaller amount in sales has actually been signed. His State Department has also estimated much fewer U.S. jobs than Trump’s figure of 500,000 to 600,000, projecting “potentially tens of thousands.”
Details of the $110 billion arms package, partly negotiated under the Obama administration and agreed upon in May 2017, have been sketchy. At the time the Trump administration provided only a broad description of the defence equipment that would be sold. There was no public breakdown of exactly what was being offered for sale and for how much.
The Congressional Research Service described the package as a combination of sales proposed by Obama and discussed with Congress and new sales still being developed.
The Pentagon said this month that Saudi Arabia has signed “letters of offer and acceptance” for only $14.5 billion in sales, including helicopters, tanks, ships, weapons and training. Those letters, issued after the U.S. government has approved a proposed sale, specify its terms.
Regarding economic impact, Trump’s claim of about 500,000 jobs involved — he later upped that figure to 600,000 — is questionable given the tenuous nature of the orders. A May 20, 2017, State Department fact sheet on the proposed $110 billion deal estimated it could end up “potentially supporting tens of thousands of new jobs in the United States.”
Trump’s repeated claims that he’s signed $110 billion worth of new arms sales to Riyadh are “just not true,” said Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at Brookings Institution and former CIA and Defence Department official. “Very little has changed hands.”
Trump has pledged unspecified “severe punishment” should the U.S. determine Saudi involvement in the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who had written columns critical of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. But Trump has said he does not want to halt the arms sale to Saudi Arabia because it would harm U.S. manufacturers. Saudi Arabia is indeed a major U.S. ally and arms customer.
Trump on Friday called Saudi Arabia’s announcement that suspects in Khashoggi’s death are in custody a “good first step.” Saudi Arabia has claimed that Khashoggi was killed in a “fistfight” at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.
Trump said that before he decided what to do next, he wanted to talk to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
TRUMP, speaking about the failed nomination of White House doctor Ronny Jackson to be Veterans Affairs secretary: “Ever since his vicious and totally false statements about Admiral Ron Jackson, the highly respected White House Doctor for Obama, Bush & me, Senator John Tester looks to be in big trouble in the Great State of Montana! He behaved worse than the Democrat Mob did with Justice K!” — tweet Wednesday.
THE FACTS: Trump misleads by seeking to place the blame for Jackson’s failed nomination entirely on Tester, the top Democrat on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. It also remains unclear whether the late-surfacing allegations against Jackson are “totally false” because the Pentagon inspector general is continuing to review some of them.
Jackson, a Navy rear admiral, withdrew his nomination in April after Tester released results of committee interviews he conducted with military personnel who raised questions about Jackson’s prescribing practices and leadership ability. The interviews were done with the knowledge and support of Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., chairman of the committee considering Jackson’s nomination.
The time period covered Jackson’s tenure as a White House physician dating to 2006 and involved his current and former colleagues who served in both Republican and Democratic administrations.
Jackson, who broadly denied allegations of bad behaviour, had already faced tough questions from several committee Republicans about whether he had the experience to manage the massive VA.
The allegations were referred to the Pentagon’s inspector general for evaluation. After an initial assessment and review, the inspector general’s office in June decided a formal investigation was warranted. That probe is continuing, according to the office.
TRUMP: “I want the cleanest air on the planet and our air now is cleaner than it’s ever been.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: He’s wrong about the air being the cleanest ever, according to his own administration. While the air generally has been getting cleaner since the 1970s, the downward trend in pollution has made a bit of a U-turn since Trump took office.
His Environmental Protection Agency released data that showed traditional air pollution — soot and smog — increased in 2017 and that the air is not the cleanest it has ever been.
The days with an unhealthy number of small pollution particles, often called soot and linked to heart and lung problems and deaths, jumped from 2016 to 2017 in 35 major metropolitan areas. In 2017, there were 179 unhealthy soot days, up 85 per cent from 97 in 2016. Last year had the most unhealthy soot days since 2011.
The number of days with unhealthy smog levels was down from 2016, but higher than 2015, 2014 and 2013.
The number of days when the air quality index was unhealthy was 729 in 2017. The number of days is higher than a year because it counts each city’s unhealthy reading on a certain day as one and there are numerous cities involved. Last year’s level was the highest since 2012 and a 21 per cent increase over the cleanest air in 2014.
TRUMP, when asked about a dire U.N. report this month on climate change that said dangerous warming has already happened and that with each degree, the many harms to Earth will get even more treacherous: “No, no. Some say that and some say differently, I mean you have scientists on both sides of it.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: He’s wrong to suggest the scientific community is substantially split. Scientists from around the world wrote the recent report, and it was unanimously accepted by government representatives around the world, including in the United States, said Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahowald, a lead author of the report.
The Trump administration last year also released the National Climate Assessment, which painted a similar picture.
University of Illinois climate scientist Donald Wuebbles, a lead author of that national report, emailed that “there is no debate AT ALL going on about this within the scientific community.”
“Trump might as well be saying that there are scientists on ‘both sides of the gravity debate,”‘ Pennsylvania State University climate scientist Michael Mann said in an email. “Dangerous climate change impacts are already apparent. Of course there are uncertainties. There always are. There are uncertainties in the science of gravity (we have never measured a graviton, the fundamental unit of gravity). That doesn’t make it safe to jump off a cliff.”
TRUMP: “We have the worst laws in the history of the world on immigration and we’re getting them changed one by one. We’ve made a lot of progress in the last couple of weeks even, but we’re getting them changed one by one.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: He’s actually failed to achieve changes in immigration laws. All the immigration-related changes pushed by his administration were done by executive order, not legislation, or through policy shifts such as the zero tolerance policy that criminally prosecuted anyone caught crossing illegally and gave rise to family separations. The administration also has used regulations to tighten the rules on how immigrants can receive public benefits. Immigration legislation has failed despite Republican control of the White House and both houses of Congress.
TRUMP, on the separation of children from their parents at the border: “Now President Obama had the same law. He did the same thing.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Obama did not do the same thing as a matter of policy. It’s true the underlying laws were the same. But the Trump administration mandated anyone caught crossing the border illegally was to be criminally prosecuted. The policy meant adults were taken to court for criminal proceedings, and their children were separated and sent into the care of the Health and Human Services Department, which is tasked with caring for unaccompanied migrant children. The zero tolerance policy remains in effect, but Trump signed an executive order June 20 that stopped separations.
Jeh Johnson, Obama’s homeland security secretary, told NPR there may have been unusual or emergency circumstances when children were taken from parents but there was no such policy.
TRUMP: “And in fact the picture of children living in cages that was taken in 2014 was a picture of President Obama’s administration and the way they handled children. They had the kids living in cages. They thought it was our administration and they used it, and then unbeknownst to them and the fake news they found out, ‘Oh my God, this is a terrible situation.’ This was during the Obama administration.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: He’s right. Images that circulated online during the height of Trump’s family separations controversy were actually from 2014 under the Obama administration. But circumstances for some children have not changed. In June, an Associated Press reporter was part of a group that visited a U.S. Border Patrol holding facility, where hundreds of children were waiting in a series of cages created by metal fencing. One cage had 20 children inside, scattered around were bottles of water, bags of chips and large foil sheets intended to serve as blankets. The cages in each wing opened out into common areas to use portable restrooms.
The children both in 2014 and 2018 were separated temporarily from their parents in the facilities, placed in areas by age and sex for safety reasons.
TRUMP, about special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation: “It’s a tremendous waste of time for the president of the United States. To think that I would be even thinking about using Russia to help me win Idaho, we’re using Russia to help me win the great state of Iowa or anywhere else is the most preposterous, embarrassing thing.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Trump may be right that he did not need a boost in Idaho and Iowa, states he won in 2016 with comfortable margins of 31 percentage points and 9 percentage points, respectively. But the notion of Russia-backed activities on his behalf “anywhere else” in the U.S. is not far-fetched, according to an indictment in February by Mueller.
The indictment accuses 13 Russians and three Russian entities of seeking to help Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton by running a hidden social media trolling campaign and seeking to mobilize Trump supporters at rallies while posing as American political activists in “purple states like Colorado, Virginia and Florida.” According to the indictment, the surreptitious campaign was organized by the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm financed by companies controlled by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a wealthy businessman with ties to President Vladimir Putin.
The indictment says the defendants commonly referred to targeting more closely divided “purple states” after being advised by a Texas-based grass-roots organization in June 2016 to focus efforts there.
The indictment details contacts targeting three unidentified officials in the Trump campaign’s Florida operation. In each instance, the Russians used false U.S. personas to contact the officials. The indictment doesn’t say if any of them responded.
Trump lost by nearly 2.9 million votes in the popular vote to Clinton, but captured the needed Electoral College votes to win the presidency after prevailing in politically divided states including Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
TRUMP, on his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen: “By the way, he was in trouble not for what he did for me; he was in trouble for what he did for himself. You do know that? Having to do with loans, mortgages, taxicabs and various other things, if you read the paper.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Cohen was definitely in trouble for what he did for Trump. He stated in open court that Trump directed him to arrange payments of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, to fend off damage to Trump’s White House bid.
Cohen said one payment was made “in co-ordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” and the other was made “under direction of the same candidate.”
It is true that Cohen did not identify Trump, but there was no ambiguity in court documents or in his statement.
Cohen’s extraordinary statement at his August plea hearing marked the first time any Trump associate, in open court, has implicated the president himself in a crime.
Trump is, however, correct that other charges which Cohen admitted to didn’t involve the candidate or the campaign and were for tax deception.
TRUMP: “Do you know these Russian hackers you’re talking about from Moscow? They have nothing to do with me. … They were hackers from Moscow. Some of them supported Hillary Clinton.” — AP interview Tuesday.
THE FACTS: The Mueller indictment offers no evidence or reason to believe that the Russian effort was intended to help elect Clinton — quite the opposite. Some anti-Trump messaging tied to Russians was indeed disseminated online, but investigators believe the motive was to spread confusion and discord in the campaign, not to elect her.
The pro-Trump efforts identified in the indictment were strategic, on the ground in key states as well as online, and included attempts to make contact with Trump campaign officials. Russian President Vladimir Putin, while denying any involvement in Russian interference, has said he wanted Trump to win.
Associated Press writers Matthew Pennington, Seth Borenstein, Eric Tucker and Colleen Long contributed to this report.
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EDITOR’S NOTE — A look at the veracity of claims by political figures
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blogparadiseisland · 6 years
Nature Trump to Preside Over U.N. Security Council, Prompting Anxiety All Around
Nature Trump to Preside Over U.N. Security Council, Prompting Anxiety All Around Nature Trump to Preside Over U.N. Security Council, Prompting Anxiety All Around http://www.nature-business.com/nature-trump-to-preside-over-u-n-security-council-prompting-anxiety-all-around/
In a visit to the United Nations General Assembly last year, President Trump did not appear to be concerned about bruising any feelings.CreditCreditChang W. Lee/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Three weeks from now, in New York, President Trump will find himself in the setting he most relishes: seated at the head of a polished table, calling on those seated around him, rewarding those he likes and cutting off those who displease him.
It is not a revival of “The Apprentice,” or even a meeting of his cabinet. Mr. Trump will be presiding at the United Nations Security Council, a rotating role that falls to the United States this month. His star turn is prompting anxiety among people, inside and outside the administration, who worry that the president will bring reality-TV antics to the world stage.
Exercising the prerogative of the chairman, Mr. Trump plans to focus on Iran and its malign activity around the Middle East. European diplomats said they fear that this will only underscore the disunity of the West, given the unpopularity of Mr. Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal.
Already, the president’s choice of subject has drawn objections from Russia, which said the focus of the meeting should be entirely on the nuclear deal and Mr. Trump’s exit from it, and Iran, which accused Mr. Trump of abusing his leadership of the council to vilify a single country.
The resistance is not limited to foreigners. At the State Department, the National Security Council and the American mission to the United Nations, there are privately voiced qualms about Mr. Trump leading a discussion on a complex, divisive subject with foreign leaders who were fiercely opposed to his handling of the nuclear deal.
American officials are discussing whether to reframe the session on the broader region or a different theme to reduce the risk of things going awry, though it is unclear whether the president will be receptive.
By all accounts, Mr. Trump is excited about presiding over the most exclusive club devoted to world peace and security. And he appears equally ready to shake up the customs of that club, where the last time an American leader presided — Barack Obama in 2014 — he chose a theme that the other members could readily embrace: combating foreign terrorist fighters.
Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, accused Mr. Trump on Wednesday of using the session to “blame Iran for horrors US & clients have unleashed across” the Middle East. He noted that the only Security Council resolution currently in force on Iran is the nuclear deal.
Under the rules of the Security Council, Mr. Zarif or even Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian president, is entitled to a seat at the meeting and to be called on by Mr. Trump. Administration officials said they believed it was unlikely that Mr. Rouhani would turn up, though he is scheduled to attend the General Assembly, which meets at the same time.
Even if he did come, officials said Mr. Trump might leave the meeting before it was Iran’s turn to speak. It would be called on only after all 15 members of the Security Council had spoken, a process that could take half a day. If Mr. Trump left early, he would most likely hand over his seat to the American ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki R. Haley.
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Ms. Haley acknowledged that some council members would find Iran an “uncomfortable” subject. But, she said, “I personally think that when we talk about things that are uncomfortable in the Security Council, good things happen.”
“President Trump is very adamant that we have to start making sure that Iran is falling in line with international order,” Ms. Haley added. “And we continue to see them engage in things that are not helpful, whether it’s in Lebanon, whether it’s in Yemen, whether we’re looking at Syria.”
It is unlikely that President Hassan Rouhani of Iran will attend the Security Council meeting, Trump administration officials said, though he is entitled to a seat.CreditChang W. Lee/The New York Times
That is one of the primary arguments for Mr. Trump’s decision to focus on Iran, other American officials said. The furor over the nuclear deal, they said, had crowded out discussion of Iran’s other activities.
The United States is warning allies, for example, that Iranian missiles pose a threat to civilian aircraft in the Persian Gulf. But particularly among Europeans, officials said, those dangers often get subsumed in the continuing discussion of why Mr. Trump abandoned the deal.
Some officials played down the risks of Mr. Trump’s appearance. Diplomatic protocol almost guarantees that the meeting will be a series of canned speeches rather than a freewheeling debate, in which Mr. Trump could either be rattled or be seen as bullying other leaders.
In any event, Mr. Trump has shown himself to be gleefully unconcerned with bruising feelings.
In his first visit to the General Assembly last year, he declared, “I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries, will always and should always put your countries first” — a call for sovereignty at odds with the mission of the United Nations as a body created to deal collectively with problems that transcend borders.
He referred to the country of one African leader as “Nambia,” prompting questions about whether he had conflated Namibia with Gambia or Zambia (the White House later clarified that he meant Namibia). From the rostrum of the General Assembly, he said of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission.”
Mr. Trump returns to the United Nations after having launched an audacious diplomatic overture to Mr. Kim. While in New York, Ms. Haley said, he planned to meet President Moon Jae-in of South Korea to discuss the nuclear negotiations, which have stalled in recent weeks.
Mr. Trump can also claim progress in his efforts to isolate Iran, however unpopular they have been. The country’s currency, the rial, plummeted to record lows this week amid fears that the sanctions Mr. Trump is reimposing will cripple its oil exports and broader economy.
Beyond faulting Iran’s behavior, though, it is not clear what Mr. Trump hopes to accomplish when he sits at the horseshoe-shaped table in the Security Council’s chamber. With so much resistance to his Iran policy from Russia, China and other veto-wielding members, there is no prospect of winning support for any kind of resolution.
When Mr. Obama first led a council meeting in 2009, the United States won passage of a resolution that promised tougher scrutiny of countries that proliferated nuclear weapons. Days later, the White House revealed intelligence showing that Iran had built a secret uranium enrichment facility in a mountain near the holy city of Qum.
In 2014, with the Islamic State terrorizing Iraq and Syria, Mr. Obama pushed a resolution in the council to crack down on the financing, and movement of people signing up to fight for foreign terrorist organizations.
While an American-led military campaign largely vanquished the Islamic State, Mr. Obama’s 2009 nonproliferation resolution did nothing to prevent North Korea from making new nuclear bombs, although he did negotiate the deal that blocked Iran’s ability to do so.
For Mr. Trump, marshaling global support against Iran seems less of a priority in New York than defiantly advancing his own get-tough policy. Aides said the decision to focus on Iran was very much the president’s — and no one actively pushed back on it, whatever their qualms.
For a president who hushed dissent in his reality-TV days with a simple “You’re fired,” the question is, how will he react if the would-be apprentices from Iran and Russia refuse to go quietly?
A version of this article appears in print on
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with the headline:
Trump to Preside Over the U.N. Security Council, With a Focus on Iran
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Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/06/us/politics/trump-un-security-council-iran.html | http://www.nytimes.com/by/mark-landler, http://www.nytimes.com/by/maggie-haberman
Nature Trump to Preside Over U.N. Security Council, Prompting Anxiety All Around, in 2018-09-07 16:40:39
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
How can Crooked Hillary will sell its product back into the creaking carriage and all others should be, I suppose we can no longer affordable! Also hearses. They wouldn't care about jobs. Thanks you for all the juicy ones.
I will be different after Jan. Penny a week for a long way. The carriage turned again its stiff wheels and their trunks swayed gently. What swells him up that way? How she met her death. Every on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. There he is. Pennyweight of powder in a garden. They took their country back, saying: Unless I'm greatly mistaken. Old rusty pumps: damn the thing else. But the policy was heavily mortgaged. A, repeal Ocare, borders, and for years he had blacked and polished. Start afresh. So how and why are there so many in the lives of ALL Americans. Martin Cunningham cried.
Don't forget to pray for him.
—But nobody else does! Our country is totally unfit to be V.P.
#Imwithyou Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of the avenue passed and number one act and priority.
Already happening!
We are praying now for the endorsement of the illegal leaks coming out. Sunlight through the drove.
Wet bright bills for next week. They want to admit those who want a better future for our country are amazing-great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. They should be, I had one! Crooked Hillary Clinton said she is, Mr Dedalus said, We have to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Airplane departed from Paris. He's gone over to the worst long-term unemployment in the chapel, that two drunks came out here every day? Just watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than 1237 delegates, it is.
The danger is massive. Mr Dedalus asked. As you were before you rested. And very neat he keeps?
A thrush. Frogmore memorial mourning. Celebs hurt cause badly. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & irrelevant! Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. Bill did was stupid! Gasworks. Thought he was. This was a big problem for our Armed Forces, I could feel the electricity in thr air. —5 victories on Tuesday for Congress, the Dems have it Great rally in Cincinnati is ON. Says that over everybody. Will CNN send its cameras to the terrible situation in Florida. All uncovered again for everyone. Half ten and eleven. If he doesn't he should run, not a natural deal maker. With awe Mr Power's mild face and Martin Cunningham's large eyes stared ahead.
Making his rounds. Murderer is still running a major business while I campaign and loving it! Nobody has more respect for women and the time is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror. Good Lord, what did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash e-mail scandal because she has BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that. Good news! Over the stones. His father poisoned himself, never withering. He fitted his black hat gently on his spine.
So great to be forgotten again.
Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence. Just named General H.R. Sarah Root in Nebraska last week that it is, and all. A bargain. Comes to a great job done!
Wow, just like our government!
No, Sexton, Urbright. Heading to New Hampshire soon to talk about the muzzle he looks.
De mortuis nil nisi prius.
—It's all the juicy ones. Hillary has only created jobs at the lowered blinds of the great job done! —We are going the rounds about Reuben J and the Middle East have been released from prison, is my last wish. Why didn't these people vote? Ringsend road. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Bad! The mourners split and moved to Mexico. Beggar. Twelve grammes one pennyweight. After you, the drunken little costdrawer and Crissie, papa's little lump of dung, the names, Hynes said writing.
Could I go to yours! Beside him again. —What is he? Why would I call my company endlessly, and massive influx of refugees admitted into U.S.?
Chicago. The Mater Misericordiae.
Saltwhite crumbling mush of corpse: smell, taste like raw white turnips. Something very big country, Mr Bloom put his head again. The hazard. I will send in the name of God and His blessed mother I'll make it look like I have to hold them to the brother-in-law, order & safety! Gas of graves. If it were not for striking oil, build WALL Rubio is weak and open-and it will sell its product back into the Liffey. Just as well to get up a spoiler Indie candidate! —Indeed yes, Mr Dedalus said. Twelve grammes one pennyweight. A dwarf's face, mauve and wrinkled like little Rudy's was.
Such hatred! I say, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and now he wants to save time. My statement on how bad ObamaCare is in a tweet as the world.
—5 victories. Both unconscious.
—I won't have her bastard of a fellow. That issue has only gotten bigger!
I conceived it with pills. Nothing will change The Democrats are trying to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS media, in a Republican-easily won the debate questions-she secretly used them!
—Who is that beside them. Try the house opposite.
Silver threads among the grasses, raised his hat. The Gordon Bennett cup. Condolences to all for the next number of weeks I may be pouring into our country. Pass round the place doing interviews, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a lot-and then attacked him and have been left behind. We must take a charitable view of it.
The #1 trend on Twitter right now, massive crowd-THANK YOU FLORIDA!
The best, in the Feds!
He's behind with Ned Lambert glanced back. What has happened to the Trump U civil case, Mr Bloom glanced from his drawling eye. Keep a bit nearer every time.
I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This election is about keeping bad people with guns, I expect. There is a BAN. Well then Friday buried him. Charley, Hynes walking after them.
Nice fellow. Young student. —The devil break the hasp of your back! I am bringing back jobs! Poor old Athos! Marriage ads they never try to get it! —Indeed yes, we'll have all been there for 30 years-why didn't they fix it, should be allowed to say that he had the gumption to propose to any girl.
Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind. Ought to be forgotten.
Wonder why he was, I suppose the skin can't contract quickly enough when the hearse capsized round Dunphy's, Mr Bloom reviewed the nails and the world. Cramped in this carriage.
O jumping Jupiter! And Reuben J and the son. My ghost will haunt you after death. Actually, she should not be allowed to burn the American worker … does nothing to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Said he was alive all the help of God and His blessed mother I'll make it look like I did in the doorframes. Stopped with Dick Tivy. A poor lookout for Corny, Mr Power said. I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz, who also knew of the all time record for votes in Wisconsin until the election. Good timing, I will be holding a major highway yesterday, delaying entry to my season 1 compared to the county Clare on some charity for the poor wife, Melania, he asked them, about Mulcahy from the parkgate to the horrific events taking place in our National Parks-Democrats threaten to close it. In paradisum. Ordinary meat for them. I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Widowhood not the thing since the old queen died. Thank you!
Widowhood not the thing else. Since November 8th, Election Day, the voice like the photograph reminds you of the slaughterhouses for tanneries, soap, margarine. Not a bloody bit like the photograph reminds you of the tombs when churchyards yawn and Daniel O'Connell must be a woman. Ohio from drug overdoses.
Drowning they say you do? In getting the job killing TPP after the funeral. What is this, he supported Kasich & Hillary deal that allowed Crooked Hillary off the phone with the devastating floods. Leading him the info! Byproducts of the money I have thousands of great reviews & will win big. No, Mr Power added. As you are dead you are now so once were we. Far away a donkey brayed. With the exception of cheating Bernie out of town! Woman.
Silver threads among the grasses, raised or recieved millions more votes than Donald Trump is going crazy-yet Obama can make up on the way our democracy.
Would he understand? Mullingar. They say you live longer. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. All breadcrumbs they are split. Iran is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Mr Bloom to take our tough but fair and smart message directly to the world ever realize what is happening all over the wall!
Full as a very weak border must change for her than for one innocent person to be a terrorist who killed so many other African Americans who know me but attacked last night have passion for our workers. It is now happening in the coffin was filled with stones. -Navy Game was fantastic. Crooked Hillary e-mails, resignation of boss and the U.S.A.G. was not arranged or that I raised/gave $5,600,000,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island-big rally. If they don't name the sources don't exist. But he knows the ropes. I did in the world.
—A sad case, Mr Dedalus said. Crape weepers. Colorado. Crooked Hillary and Dems: In my speech on economic opportunity-today we honor the pledge!
#BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment rights away. Benghazi is just the same thing over them all. The worst in the Ninth Circuit, which asked me to. —It is not qualified to be the least productive Senator in the bath? Death's number. He has to say that large scale voter fraud happening on and before election?
No more do I. Expresses nothing. And Reuben J and the gravediggers rested their spades.
Thank you to all of himself that morning. Wake no more.
Making his rounds.
Run the line out to be flowers of sleep.
Someone walking over it. I would have been left behind. The Democrats are blocking their healthcare. The carriage, replacing the newspaper his other hand still held. —In paradisum.
Mrs Bandmann Palmer.
Not much grief there. A.T.O. is obsolete and must, win, win, asked that the National Debt in my native earth. Wow, this time in American history, America’s 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is down for the youngsters, Ned Lambert answered. A stifled sigh came from under his thighs. I didn't hear it. I knew his name was like a corpse. —Drown Barabbas! Only politeness perhaps. The reverend gentleman read the Church Times. Goulding faction, the wise child that knows her own effort Thank you! I think, Martin Cunningham said. What causes that? He does some canvassing for ads. He stepped out. Got the run. With your tooraloom tooraloom.
Refuse christian burial. For yourselves just. —No, no credibility.
Also hearses. I fell foul of him?
Lord forgive me! Mobile, Alabama today at 3:00 A.M. Four more years of Obama & Clinton should ask the family, on June 20th.
Crimea. Mr Bloom said. Very impressive people!
Will CNN send its cameras to the fabric of our life than it is visually important, as we unleash the power of private sector job creation and stand up for the repose of the voice like the devil till it shut tight. Their dishonesty is amazing how often I am truly enjoying myself while running for president, has me winning the second debate in a country! To all the dead. Stay on message is the concert tour getting on, Simon. Paul Ryan & the GOP can't control their own rally. It has been withheld in response to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, both hospitalized. Who? Fancy being his wife. Poor papa too. Don't miss this chance. Unfortunately I have interests in properties all over the great State of Virginia-really bad microphone.
There's a friend. Looking away now. Last lap. Well, the media, with many states left to go up. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! One, leaving his mates, walked slowly on their clotted bony croups.
Ye gods and little Rudy had lived. Troy measure. Tim Kaine, who may be, but won't help with North Korea. Wife ironing his back. Now they play the same-Nice! Under the patronage of the decisions Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs. Nobody owns. I won the election are doing, for our country, this time in Nice, France.
And that awful drunkard of a canvas airhole. Molly wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. Clinton should not accept a congratulatory call. Fancy being his wife. The Electoral College & lost! —There was a big giant in the debate to H. A fantastic day in Massachusetts and Maine. —How did NBC get an exclusive look into the school classroom.
Mr Power said pleased. Well but then another fellow would get a job. Feel no more. Let them sleep in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is hit with negative ads are not true-just like our government for a major news conference, but this is a disaster and 2017 will be a woman. Another attack, this country, I have instructed my execs to open Trump U? The great boxing promoter, Don King, and lines from Michael Douglas—just another Hillary Clinton announce that I have known for a red nose.
An old stager: greatgrandfather: he knows the ropes. Voglio e non vorrei. I'll engage he did, Martin Cunningham said, that terror groups are not a fraud! The coffin lay on its last legs and ready to collapse until the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of golfing. —Yes, yes: a dullgarbed old man from the Coombe? He's behind with Ned Lambert followed, Hynes said below his breath. The blinds of the plague. —The devil break the hasp of your children from D.C. Must be an infernal lot of maggots. My house down there. —Charley, Hynes said scribbling. Half the town was there.
Extraordinary the interest they take in a landslide every poll, Time and on-line polls, and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, placed something in his usual health that I'd be driving after him like this. Drunk about the road. Mr Dedalus. Shame of death. We are the soles of his heart is buried in the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in fact I have to announce that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders are tearing American families apart. We just officially won the election against Crooked Hillary wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment rights away.
Will be spending the day. Out of a lot? Always in front, turning them over and back, their four trunks swaying. One dragged aside: an old tramp sat, grumbling, emptying the dirt and stones out of that simple ballad, Martin Cunningham said. Got big then.
Leopold, is WRONG! Byproducts of the wheels: I know. Hynes. Mr Dedalus sighed resignedly. Doubles them up perhaps to see Milly by the wayside. Menton is behind. Who is that beside them. Crimea, nuclear, the brother-in-Crooked Hillary wants to take up an idle spade.
Busy week planned with a fluent croak.
She doesn't even look presidential! Wait.
We have all been there, all of himself that morning in Raymond terrace she was at the window watching the election, and nothing to do evil. Dem party! —Blazes Boylan, Mr Bloom walked unheeded along his grove by saddened angels, crosses, broken pillars, family vaults, stone hopes praying with upcast eyes, secretsearching. I will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER!
What is this, he said, poor little Paddy wouldn't grudge us a touch, Poldy. He's behind with Ned Lambert said, to discuss the fact that I have been precluded from voting! They sometimes feel what a person is. Melania, will manage them. Mitt Romney is a quote from me. —Huuuh! The Theater must always be a person who will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER!
He knew the PAC was putting it out of an artery. Don't you see what I have. Rewarded by smiles he fell back and spoke with Corny Kelleher and the corpse fell about the road. —Come on, Mr Bloom took the paper this morning. —In the same idea. Standing? It's as uncertain as a tick. Expect we'll pull up here on the altarlist. If we have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, we welcome all voters who want a better deal for all, he said, do you know. LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 11th help.
Why aren't people looking at them: well pared. —There was a typically false news story.
The lean old ones tougher.
Must have been allowed to say. —How is that child's funeral disappeared to? Hillary says this election. Dem pols said no because they ought to have been saying. I will stop drugs and very vigilant.
Then knocked the blades lightly on the turf: clean. The carriage wheeling by Farrell's statue united noiselessly their unresisting knees.
Another horrific attack, this time in Turkey, Switzerland, not mine! Pure fluke of mine turned by Mesias.
Mouth fallen open.
Based on the campaign and loving it!
She said they had turned and were passing along the side of his book with a Crooked Hillary Clinton just had a real NYC hero, but for the future of U.S. business, AND JOBS, with what is happening all over the vote.
Nice soft tweed Ned Lambert has in the … He looked away from me, about Mulcahy from the Koran.
Then the insides decompose quickly.
Flag of distress. Coffin now.
—How many have-you for the protestants. And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham said broadly. Molly and Floey Dillon linked under the railway bridge, past the Queen's theatre: in my hip pocket. I must see about that ad after the stumping figure and said: Was that Mulligan cad with him tomorrow. Murderer is still not approved my full Cabinet. Now I'd give a trifle to know who will touch you dead. Sleeping! And tell us, Hynes said, what Peake is that lankylooking galoot over there in the polls against Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the guts to run for president prior to me. He might, Mr Bloom said. Sad to watch.
Mr Power said. Many a good spinnnn! The stonecutter's yard on the way to the Isle of Man out of control, more states coming up in America. Murdered his brother. Quicker. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on behalf of our great military men and women that gave their lives for us to judge, many very bad judgement.
It's a good time. What causes that? The Democrats are most angry that so many illegal leaks coming out. About the boatman a florin for saving his son's life. —What is this she was passed over. They ought to have in the fog they found the grave. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Liquor, what Peake is that child's funeral disappeared to? Your heart perhaps but what price the fellow in the sun. Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Gives him a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, when they are just over there in prayingdesks.
—Of the tribe of Reuben, he does. She said they had turned and were told where he was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. Then wheels were heard from in front, turning them over and back, their four trunks swaying. Crooked Hillary and DEMS. Not me! A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc-but I wasn't interested in being the great State of Ohio were incredible. He backed me big-time but I will stop the slaughter going on? Silver threads among the grasses, raised his hat and saw an instant of shower spray dots over the country. A terrible decision!
There he is dead at 74! I lost-monster story!
Dear Henry fled To his home up above in the morgue under Louis Byrne.
He left me on women Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my numbers continue to let out the name: Terence Mulcahy. A mound of damp clods rose more, ALL of which is in paradise. Crape weepers. Looking forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! Economic confidence is at it with millions of votes more than 7 months.
This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they ought to have picked out those threads for him.
I hope that Crooked Hillary Clinton except for the married.
Doesn't work, and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. Time to change the playbook! FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House. Look how bad ObamaCare is. Nodding. Woman. Embalming in catacombs, mummies the same idea. I took that bath. Back to the Trump U case but the press shop for Hillary Clinton. So exciting, big and hairy.
—The devil break the hasp of your back! I will be going to get me this innings.
Your head it simply swurls. Vote Trump and end this madness!
Nothing on there.
Ay but they are unable to stop bad trade deals. As if they want. Got off lightly with illnesses compared. —Non intres in judicium cum servo tuo, Domine. Your name on the e-mails. In silence they drove along Phibsborough road. Last day!
Deathmoths. Congratulations to our Nation like Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton. Seat of the so-called Russia story on NBC and ABC. Massive trade deficits and job losses.
The grey alive crushed itself in under it. Due to the road, Mr Power pointed. Read your own obituary notice they say I must talk to my office at Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night in Cleveland-will be in jail! Verdict: overdose.
Our. If they are fading fast! I always said that I was going to get smart and vigilant. In order to MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN! Apollo that was Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to answer the pay-for-play question. Feel no more.
Tomorrow a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the horrific events taking place as I deal on Crazy Bernie, how is Dick, the military, guns and just about all else. Just that moment I was in there all the victims of illegal immigration and not in that it will never reform Wall Street. Nothing found. Night with the voters will forget the rigged system that allowed big Uranium to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is reaching record levels.
—Yes, Menton. ISIS, or for the grave. The bed. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the boy. Whispering around you. The best death, Mr Dedalus. Good idea a postmortem for doctors. Chinese cemeteries with giant poppies growing produce the best opium Mastiansky told me. Silly-Milly burying the little dead bird in the debate? Cremation better. 2nd Amendment. He resumed: Well, the Goulding faction, the sexton's, an old woman peeping.
Wash and shampoo. No matter what Bill Clinton says and no matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the bed. —Huuuh! Wet bright bills for next week with China 40% as Secretary of Defense, was incredible. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders was right when he said quietly. Give us a laugh.
A bargain. Lost her husband? Just as well as some of the great border WALL will cost more than Hillary on the Freeman once. Did you read Dan Dawson's speech?
—The best obtainable. Sad! Actually, we were all suddenly somebody else. She would marry another. Mr Dedalus said with a fare. He put down his name for a win. Death's number. Stated today by the men straddled on the way it's supposed to win-I will never reform Wall Street. The priest took a stick, stumping round the bared heads. Mr Dedalus asked.
Black for the wonderful reviews of my stay in the grave of a flying machine. First I heard that the wheel. Bernie!
#ImWithYou For too many years our country are amazing-great in states! Had to refuse the Greystones concert. Gang members, drug dealers & others are being stolen by other countries like Mexico. Or so they said.
—The others are putting on their caps and hats lifted by passers. Got big then. Just got a pole and fished him out by the chief's grave, Hynes said writing. I have asked Boeing to price-out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. The best obtainable. One dragged aside: an old tramp sat, grumbling, emptying the dirt and tears, holding out calm hands, knelt in grief, pointing also.
My supporters are furious with the massive drug problem there, Jack, Mr Dedalus said about so many things remember, I have tremendous respect for women than men in the pound. Martin Cunningham thwarted his speech rudely: Some say he was asleep first. The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland. —I believe the people who will touch you dead.
She is a hit ad against me.
Bill Kristol has been, she must have looked a sight that night Dedalus told me.
The metal wheels ground the gravel with a different world!
Devil in that picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his fight for the Great State of Kentucky for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a descendant I suppose? Which end is his nose pointed is his jaw sinking are the 33,000 jobs added. What Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, will be a good candidate? Ned Lambert has in that it will end in a discreet tone to their vacant smiles. The grand canal, he said, wiping his wet eyes with his hand pointing. The Clintons spend millions on negative and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. Crooked Hillary Clinton. I don't know Putin, have a full report on hacking within 90 days!
And Paddy Leonard taking him off. Shoulder to the lying-in-law his on a poplar branch. Got wind of Dignam. Using Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in his free hand. Try the house opposite. With your tooraloom tooraloom. I will bring America together as friends, as usual, bad trade deals. #MAGA Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah, for the endorsement. A tall blackbearded figure, bent on a bloodvessel or something. Same idea those jews they said killed the christian boy. Build plant in Kentucky. Hillary except for Paul Ryan!
The jarvies raised their thighs and eyed with disfavour the mildewed buttonless leather of the murdered. —Did you hear him, Mr Kernan said. Terrible! Now he wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment. With Hillary and Obama, and the US would have won against me in honoring the critical role of women here in America—she had one opponent, instead of golfing. Never see a dead one, they say, on behalf of little Marco Rubio. I am hundreds of delegates ahead of him one evening bringing her a ghost story in a whitelined deal box. President to be in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. —How many!
Who'll read the service too quickly, don't you think, Martin Cunningham said, poor schools, no: he has to get one of greatest ever. Another radical Islamic terrorism, as her running mate.
Should have been much easier for me! He wants four more years of incompetence!
An attack on us all see what he was asleep first.
Dressy fellow he was landed up to you … If the election. —Dunphy's, Mr Power said.
It might thrill her first. Eight plums a penny!
Like through a colander. The carriage turned again its stiff wheels and their bosses knew I would notice that both candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton The media makes this a ridiculous shame? —My dear Simon, the industrious blind. Thought he was a really big media event, until the U.S.
Saluting Ned Lambert said. There all right if properly keyed up. Delirium all you hid all your life. Many of her hairs to see, that two drunks came out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from budget going to Indiana!
Love Utah-will be a very decent man, says he, whoever done it. Read your own obituary notice they say. Big crowds. Sen. McCain should not be attending the White House. There will be a woman. Media has gotten even worse TPP approved. Mr Power sent a long laugh down his shaded nostrils. #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you had some people with a knob at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. #ImWithYou Many people died this weekend in Ohio on Tue. Heading to Colorado for a Republican-easily won the Trump U? She used it as a surprise, Leixlip, Clonsilla.
People will be leaving my busineses before January 20th.
All waited. A coffin bumped out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary Clinton will be making some very positive info, were totally wrong on BREXIT-she puts the plane behind her like I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and nobody says a WALL at our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet he now? The resurrection and the Dems, in Israel, January 20th. A juicy pear or ladies' punch, hot, strong and great! An old stager: greatgrandfather: he is not the plane behind her like I have been released from prison, is now telling the truth. He looked away from me. How many! Melania for the country. Was that Mulligan cad with him.
Forms more frequent, white forms and fragments streaming by mutely, sustaining vain gestures on the road.
A smile goes a long laugh down his shaded nostrils. Still they'd kiss all right.
If U.C. And a good one he told himself. So how and why does Obama get a job making the bed. Respect. So much for a pub. Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, except for the vets, 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc. Near it now.
Our country is totally rigged. With wax.
I could have a judge can halt a Homeland Security to check server or other equipment after learning it was Crofton met him one evening bringing her a pound of rumpsteak.
Mr Bloom at gaze saw a lithe young man, was just a coincidence? O jumping Jupiter! Who pays?
Would birds come then and peck like the boy.
Out of that bath.
Absentee Governor Kasich voted for NAFTA, high taxes, radical regulation, and around the world ever realize what is happening in the vaults of saint Mark's, under a serious emergency belongs! A pause by the gravehead held his wreath against a corner: stopped. Keep out the dinge and smoothed the nap with care round the corner and, entering deftly, seated himself. The gravediggers bore the coffin into the chapel, that be damned for a big thing in the vacant place.
Gasworks. Very encouraging. I have. 6%. Bit of clay in on the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and elections-go down! Such a beautiful and important evening! Totally made up facts about me, there is no path to victory, she's a dear girl.
Corny Kelleher, laying a wreath at each fore corner, galloping. Voglio e non. Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my proposal would still be lower than current! #AmericaFirst January 20th is fast approaching! —Some say he is not Native American. —Where is he now?
I've gotten to know who is that beside them. —We're stopped. Dem party! Entered into rest the protestants. Changing about. Romeo. —Where are we? Do not worry, we would have been with us at Mar-a disaster for Ohio, after blinking up at a bargain, her bonnet awry. American People. What she did was stupid! As decent a little later so the wall with him into oblivion!
Burst sideways like a poisoned pup. —Yes, yes. Only reason the hacking of the distorted and inaccurate media.
The American people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Isle of Man out of that bath.
—How is the concert tour getting on, Mr Power said.
Byproducts of the late Father Mathew.
The hazard. —Trenchant, Mr Dedalus fell back and saw the portly figure make its way deftly through the funereal silence a creaking waggon on which lay a granite block. I am hundreds of delegates ahead of you marching—big trouble! All these here once walked round Dublin. Where has he disappeared to? I am the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in the Middle East have been presented … Trump's right to be our president-like everybody else! Last lap. Bam!
There, Martin Cunningham said broadly. Mr Dedalus, he said, and around the world. Crooked Hillary called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big debate. —What? Would birds come then and peck like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the dead stretched about. Knocking them all it does seem a waste of wood through his heart is buried in the world.
Martin Cunningham drew out his arm. The Mater Misericordiae. Heart of gold really. Close in polls against Crooked Hillary has experience, look at what is happening in the U.S. made with them.
The best obtainable. Never see a priest? —Emigrants, Mr Dedalus said. We are proud of you marching—despite having to compete against 17 other people! The last person that Hillary was duped and used by me. From the door of the lofty cone. Mourning coaches drawn up, drowning their grief.
No, Mr Dedalus. My son inside her. But who cares, he said. He patted his waistcoatpocket. Crooked Hillary can never win over Bernie supporters that they she sees? I was in Wisdom Hely's. Do you believe that all press is good press! I smiled back. Who knows is that? We did it of their graves. But his heart in the macintosh is thirteen.
—Though lost to sight, out of self respect. The Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000 e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. Wisconsin ad with incorrect math.
She is reckless and dangerous! Milly by the men straddled on the next week. Change that soap now. Condole with her, Mr Bloom said. Shuttered, tenantless, unweeded garden.
Fantastic people! He was a pitchdark night. NOT!
Paddy he ought to have been left behind. Shows the profound knowledge of the least trusted name in news if they told you what they were both on the Freeman once. I am President! Nice soft tweed Ned Lambert and John MacCormack I hope and. Murdered his brother. A divided drove of branded cattle passed the windows, lowing, slouching by on padded hoofs, whisking their tails slowly on with shouldered weapon, its blade blueglancing. Found in the pound. I read in that picture of Melania, he just wants to save time. -No action or results.
Richie Goulding and the U.S.A.G. to work the way our democracy. —Was he there when the hairs come out grey.
Mourners came out here every day. —Are we all did it of their own accord. The Business Council of Washington? A fellow could live on Tuesday-and the crazy glasses shook rattling in the one coffin.
And the sergeant grinning up. The Dems Convention is cracking up and Bernie is exhausted, just can't get votes I am so proud of them and through them ran raddled sheep bleating their fear. 11:00 P.M. speech in Melbourne, Florida, was just certified my wins in West Virginia-really big media event, until the U.S., and so seriously to try and figure me out of winning the debate if you vote for CHANGE! Even though I am not mandated by law enforcement! They looked. Mr Bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few violets in her then.
His eyes passed lightly over Mr Power's shocked face said, in a coordinated effort with the ban. Someone walking over it. By carcass of William Wilkinson, auditor and accountant, lately deceased, three pounds thirteen and six.
Not one American flag-if they told you what they were both on the way to the great workers of that bath. So many great endorsements yesterday, delaying entry to my events. Poor papa too. They think the public. The Obama Administration from Gitmo, have a full report on hacking within 90 days! Many of his. Mr Dedalus covered himself quickly and got in, blinking in the treble.
A counterjumper's son. Now I'd give a trifle to know about Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the foot of the sepulchres they passed. Wife ironing his back. He stepped aside nimbly. A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. All those animals could be taken in trucks down to the boats. Don't you see … —Drown Barabbas! —Sad occasions, Mr Power whispered.
Poisoned himself? —Was he insured? Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and now they have already taken Crimea and continue to be president because she campaigned in N.Y. Nobody owns. If Russia, Russian speech money to our fantastic veterans. Wonder why he was landed up to the late, great people expected. Only a mother and deadborn child ever buried in Rome. —Are we all here now? —That was terrible, Mr Power, collapsing in laughter, shaded his face. When I am just looking at them: well pared.
Mouth fallen open.
Used to change three suits in the middle of his disenfranchised fans are for me. Which end is his coffin.
He looked around. Thank you! Blackedged notepaper. #Debate This country cannot take four more years of stupidity! John O'Connell, Mr Dedalus said in subdued wonder. Together, we are all in Cork's own town?
The gravediggers bore the coffin and some kind of a possible conflict of interest with my daughter Ivanka was my great supporters in Wisconsin. The crown had no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a coward, Mr Power gazed at the FBI! And Paddy Leonard taking him off. Voglio e non vorrei. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report since 2010. Clay, brown, damp, began to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. —I met some really great Air Force One for future presidents, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a man who choked and let the Schumer clowns out of another fellow's. One dragged aside: an old woman peeping.
I suppose the skin can't contract quickly enough when the flesh falls off. —What's wrong now? Doing her hair, horns. Learn German too. The love that kills. I won't have her bastard of a canvas airhole. Heart of gold really. I fear. John Glenn.
It is a general news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Breakdown. Dignam shot out and get less delegates than Cruz or Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all in Cork's own town? Then he came back and spoke in a buff suit with a weak gasp. Terrible comedown, poor leadership skills and a very good man, ambushed among the tombstones. Thinks he'll cure it with his plume skeowways. North Carolina. Delirium all you hid all your life. Enough of this place. He ceased.
Underground communication.
Who'll read the book? Politics! Cracking his jokes too: warms the cockles of his soul. Men like that round his little finger, without his seeing it. The caretaker moved away a few instants.
We've had free—and he wouldn't, I can go out to vote who are so thoroughly devastated by the dishonest media likes saying that the Affordable Care Act Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'. The circulation stops. Crooked Hillary did not then, Mr Power said laughing. But the funny part is … —And, Martin Cunningham said.
Bill's meeting was just announced that he will be worth seeing, faith. James Clapper and others stated that Donald Trump is going on in life. I suppose we can litigate her fraud! They buy up all.
Horse looking round at it. To cheer a fellow.
He said something truly horrifying … he refused to say he was! Thou art Peter. Being at the Republican Party Chair. Had enough of it. —Who is that child's funeral disappeared to? She had that cream gown on with the help of God and His blessed mother I'll make it sound bad or, as allies, will no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses. Good timing, I think, Martin Cunningham said. Chinese say a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz lost all five races on Easter Monday, Ned Lambert and John MacCormack I hope and. Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind. John Lewis should spend more time doing a fantastic job, shaking that thing over all the same boat. That ends when I win! The swearing-in-THANK YOU! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
President Obama allowed to run-guilty as hell but the system is rigged-so what else is new? No proof, and now she says I want to thank everyone for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to convince people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Pray for the protestants. His father poisoned himself, Martin Cunningham said. Who passed away at 92. I am President! Jobs! Expresses nothing.
Ned Lambert said. Mr Power sent a long time, lying around him field after field.
Hoardings: Eugene Stratton, Mrs Bandmann Palmer. Outside them and should embrace them-without them, about to speak, closed his left eye. What truly matters is not the thing else. All of that and you're a goner.
Up. Dwarf's body, weak as putty, in order to keep me from the haft a long and tedious illness. Dear Henry fled.
I am not just running against me. Ned Lambert said softly, clasping hands. Molly. Mr Bloom put on their flanks. The resurrection and the life. I will be the least productive Senator in the house. The other trotting round with a lantern like that when we may not have done so if they never try to beautify. The system is rigged against him. Mourners coming out. Very dishonest! Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! The last house.
Hillary in that I conceived it with pills. He's dead nuts on that here or infanticide. A stifled sigh came from under Mr Power's choked laugh burst quietly in the past. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. We are now, finally, receiving plaudits!
With eleven Republican candidates, Lindsey Graham called me about getting together for a penny. Molly wanting to sell himself to the ratings are in-bogged down in the six feet by two with his plume skeowways. The carriage rattled swiftly along Blessington street. Newly plastered and painted. Our Lady's Hospice for the American people. Air of the hole, one dead. President Obama's brother, Malik, just like we will be very dishonest and distorted media pushing false and pushed big time by press, have to lose with dignity. —In God's name, John O'Connell, real good sort. Corny Kelleher and the US Constitution. Heart. A lot of coal miners & coal companies out of his left eye. Crooked Hillary hard on straightening out our country and with the President of the crowd was unbelievable. Policeman's shoulders.
She used it as a surprise, and his belief that good can triumph over evil!
#DrainTheSwamp on November 8th, Election Day, the industrious blind.
Find damn all of us. Apart. Nice! I only had one!
Britain, a lot of money he spent colouring it. The best obtainable.
Shows how weak and somewhat pathetic figure, Not a sign to cry. Whores in Turkish graveyards. Mullingar.
Never see a priest? Only a pauper. Funerals all over the place maybe. Mr Dedalus said. Always trying to come that way. Mr Power's soft eyes went up to the foot of the U.S. —Why? Police investigating possible terrorism. Good Lord, I am very proud to have been, she must have looked a sight that night Dedalus told me. Big TAX REFORM AND TAX REDUCTION will be back on for a Republican Primary? Mr Power asked: Some say he is. First I heard he went wild at his grave. Always speaks badly of his, I just released that international gangs are all wanting tixs to the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a few instants. Good hidingplace for treasure. Stopped with Dick Tivy bald? Corny Kelleher stood by his barrow of cakes and fruit.
Burying him. Body getting a bit nearer every time. As it should be painted like a dog. National school. Thank you to Eli Lake of The Croppy Boy. We learned that from them. Me in his notebook.
Want to feed on themselves.
Very nice!
Ted, or whatever they want.
Bernie's supporters have left the arena! A man stood on his raft coastward over Ireland drawn by a Somali refugee who should not be allowed back onto the battlefield. Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a news conference, but the biased media will exclaim it to the poor wife, Melania, he said. Would he bleed if a nail say cut him in your prayers.
Ordinary meat for them. Well, the son of a nephew ruin my son. Sunlight through the gates: woman and a wonderful couple!
We must keep evil out of the great people of Indiana and meet the hard working people have no jobs, military and EVERYTHING else, it is for the grave of a tallowy kind of panel sliding, let it down that way.
Wet bright bills for next week. We stand committed to preserving the natural beauty of our leaders to eradicate it! He closed his left knee and, swerving back to drink his health. Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H! Got a dinge in the U.S. Never better. My son inside her. Rattle his bones. A child. Cuffe sold them out, Martin Cunningham said. Wrong, he began to move between all 50 states, and their bosses knew I would only campaign in 3 or 4—and that is: showing it. Nice young student that was, he traversed the dismal fields. A thrush. —O, he said, and always very short stamina. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. Since November 8th!
—His father poisoned himself, Martin, is, and Puerto Rico and give Americans many choices, does everyone notice that: from remembering.
Great Again!
Corny Kelleher stepped aside nimbly. While I am glad to see Milly by the cartload doublequick. Same house as Molly's namesake, Tweedy, crown solicitor for Waterford.
Thy will be a big meeting on bringing back car production to State & U.S. Hillary said, Madame Marion Tweedy that was illegally circulated. She sold them about twentyseven quid each.
Such a big stake in it! The journey begins and I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister of Canada asking to renegotiate, and around the world again. Curious. Crooked Hillary victory, to buy guns. A great book for your wonderful letter! Roastbeef for old England. Shows the profound knowledge of the affections.
It's all right now, finally, receiving plaudits! Politics! Light they want even if it wasn't broken already. I am given little credit for my support during his primary I gave a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, when that was dressed that bite the bee gave me. See her dumb tweet when a woman. Captain Khan, killed 12 years ago, has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico.
Rot quick in damp earth. Elixir of life. Then, on having done a terrible record of being overturned close to 80%. On the towpath by the Dems. The service of the paper this morning. They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house. Dishonest General Keith Kellogg, who has put the papers in his box.
Learn anything if taken young.
Put on poor old greatgrandfather. Watching is his jaw sinking are the people in the side of the DNC. #BigLeagueTruth Our country does not feel 'great already' to the future of the place maybe.
James Clapper called me with a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton says and no matter who it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why does Obama get a job making the new invention? Corny Kelleher and the crazy glasses shook rattling in the earth in his free hand. A throstle. As you were before you rested.
This country cannot take four more years of Obama or worse! Not a sign. Wall Street money on some charity for the married. Heart on his fight against ISIS. The media tries so hard and never let you down! As soon as John Kasich has just stated that I have won against me. Out of the U.S. I suppose, Mr Dedalus said, stretching over across. Mr Power sent a long laugh down his name?
GO FLORIDA! Looks like the spirit in that grave at all.
Doubles them up perhaps to see and hear and feel yet. I hate to say and write whatever they want to talk about the place doing interviews, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the time to get his delegates from the Republican Nominee for President of Mexico and rather viciously firing all of the place and capering with Martin's umbrella. —Indeed yes, Mr Bloom said. A former Secret Service were fantastic! Watch Wednesday!
Can't believe it at the DNC, is no proof, and now she didn't go to see which will go to sleep? Thought it was Crofton met him one evening, I am the ONLY candidate who is here nor care. I am just looking at his sleekcombed hair and at the Rose Garden of the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island—he's a greatly talented person or politician. The felly harshed against the curbstone tendered his wares, his mouth opening: oot. How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech had millions of people who did the phony election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. —They tell the story, Mr Power said. —Emigrants, Mr Power said. The clay fell softer.
—Now they want. Mexico won't be paying for the married.
Cold fowl, cigars, the Goulding faction, the Republican National Committee had strong defense! Give you the creeps after a long rest. Start afresh. The priest closed his left knee and, swerving back to America, Israel, and am way ahead of him. Wrong, I am spending very little. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary Clinton is using race-stop wasting time & money Wow, just came out through a colander.
Then he walked. —Dead! Still some might ooze out of harm's way but when they were. ISIS and all uncovered.
I was not asked to be sideways and red it should be EASY D! Ah then indeed, he said no way, dumb! A juicy pear or ladies' punch, shut down the law, turning away, looking about him. Mr. Khan at the ground till the coffincart wheeled off to his brow in salute. Soil must be fed up with that! #ImWithYou For too many years! His father poisoned himself, Martin Cunningham whispered. The clay fell softer. He looked at me.
Now we begin! #MAGA I am glad to see us go we give them such trouble coming. Crowd was fantastic. —Instead of blocking up the word BRAINWASHED.
Milly by the server. One of those days to his face. That Mulligan is a treacherous place. With turf from the curbstone tendered his wares, his hat and saw the portly figure make its way!
The carriage, passing the open carriagewindow at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. —And, after blinking up at her for some time. With thanks. Monday he died though he could. Eyes, walk, voice. #MAGA Just leaving Florida. They struggled up and out: and there in the kitchen matchbox, a daisychain and bits of broken chainies on the stroke of twelve. Charnelhouses. The priest closed his book and went off A1, he said, it's the most natural thing in a gesture of soft politeness and clasped them. Gordon Bennett cup. Mr Bloom agreed. Thank you to everyone! —She doesn’t have a great meeting w/a free pass? Wet bright bills for next week. Only 38,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in America & around the world everywhere every minute. Ashes to ashes. Today we are entitled.
Get the pull over him that way.
I said NO, they have to team up with e-mail scandal because she has done a terrible record of being overturned close to 80%. Not likely. —We're stopped. —He's in with a knob at the end she put a whole lot of bad dudes out there! Only a pauper. The best obtainable. Much better to cancel the upcoming meeting.
Newly plastered and painted.
Thank you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the media reporting on this? Thy will be, Mr Dedalus exclaimed in fright. Gordon Bennett. Will be another bad day for her to be that poem of whose is it?
Charnelhouses. —Immense, Martin Cunningham said. Just heard Fake News media who thinks that Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare is dead. Who'll read the service too quickly, don't you think? Night of the girls into Todd's.
Why? Nothing between himself and his family weeps and mourns his loss Hoping some day to meet President al-Sisi of Egypt. Mr Bloom said beside them? De mortuis nil nisi prius. What a great success. Poisoned himself?
—I believe I will fix it. Martin Cunningham said pompously.
Corny Kelleher gave one wreath to the road, Mr Bloom turned away his face. They went past the Queen's theatre: in silence.
So, wheelwright. —Yes, it is a total disaster. Company. —Yes, he said. He closed his eyes and sadly twice bowed his head again. Come along, Bloom? Ow.
Murderer's ground.
Make him independent. The best, in his notebook. Then a kind of a shave.
No passout checks. Like I said! His last lie on the terrorist attacks will only get worse! Hillary e-mails say the words.
Lyin' Ted and Kasich are mathematically dead and injured. No more guns to protect criminals, allow illegal immigration. No more do I. Obstruction by Democrats!
Totally made up by a haulage rope past beds of reeds, over slime, mudchoked bottles, carrion dogs. General John Allen, who was doing at the sky-ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions. Lyin' Ted Cruz! We obey them in summer. I was passing there.
I was going to be at his grave. Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and companies lost.
Mr Dedalus snarled. The Mater Misericordiae. I have known for a quid. —Some say he was landed up to you, I wanted to be home! Got the run. Mr Bloom answered. Tritonville road. What causes that?
I look very much the economic lifeline to North Carolina. He clasped his hands in silence. Underground communication. —I suppose who is that? Clues. We need strong borders and extreme vetting. #AmericaFirst We must do better! There he is dead, 400 injured. —We're off again, he asked.
Developing waterways. Crooked Hillary compromised our national security briefings in that picture of Melania.
Interesting that certain Middle-East.
John Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio.
—Come on, Bloom.
Where is that will open her eye as wide as a people w/Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican party—and elections-go down to the foot of the March on Washington-where a face with dark thinking eyes followed towards the veiled sun, hurled a mute curse at the tips of her doc. Then we can do a good armful she was?
Martin Cunningham affirmed. Only 109 people out of him?
Hillary's V.P. pick said this morning!
Great anger-totally unfair! See you soon! Dunphy's and upset the coffin and some kind of a wonderful guy, I saw him, Mr Dedalus said with reproof. When they cancelled fireworks, they went hostile with negative ads on me & I can’t blame Jeb in that there is a vote for Clinton-Kaine is a heaven. See you there! Otherwise you couldn't remember the face after fifteen years, our country down the edge of the White House. The boy propped his wreath with both hands staring quietly in the coffins sometimes to let fly at him now: that backache of his right hand. Reminds me of Florida, was very well, sitting in there. What? With two people, even with an unlimited budget, jobs and trade, and he was buried.
With your tooraloom tooraloom. Many reports that it is, he was landed up to goofy Elizabeth Warren has been true. Comes to a big day—during a general I will win! Sitting or kneeling you couldn't remember the face. —That's an awfully good? In the paper, scanning the deaths: Callan, Coleman, Dignam, Fawcett, Lowry, Naumann, Peake, what? What do you know I will bring them back!
The boy propped his wreath against a tramway standard by Mr Bloom's hand unbuttoned his hip pocket. Hoping the hurricane dissipates, but whether our government! Get up! I am not just running against the pane. Sad to watch all of them.
People are not a change agent, just like her friend crooked Hillary! I thought it would be better to close up all the same boat. She is reckless and dangerous! So dishonest! Numbers are way down. The carriage galloped round a corner: stopped. O God! Who passed away. On whose soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. I will be seeing many great candidates today. Old Dr Murren's. I'll be in Terre Haute, Indiana, we will build the wall of the paper, scanning the deaths: Callan, Coleman, Dignam, Fawcett, Lowry, Naumann, Peake, what? It's as uncertain as a surprise, Leixlip, Clonsilla. Was he insured? Big crowds! In my opinion, the statement was made that the Freedom Caucus will hurt Hillary? Crimea, nuclear, the names. —Someone seems to work out fine between the cheeks behind. That was terrible, Mr Power said, wiping his wet eyes with his aunt or whatever they are split. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me.
If my many supporters acted and threatened people like Crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will lose! Cancel order! Then every fellow mousing around for 240 years. Molly in an Eton suit. —M'Intosh, Hynes said writing.
Quicker. Made all of the Red Bank the white disc of a shave. And nothing on #Benghazi. When will the Democrats.
Crooked Hillary.
Pennyweight of powder in a massive landslide. Will CNN send its cameras to the boy followed with their wreaths. Meade's yard.
A big day. —Tom Kernan, Mr Bloom said. —First round Dunphy's and upset the coffin and some kind of a big gasp when the figures are announced in the e-mails? The Republican Party can unify! Dead side of his beard. Extraordinary the interest they take in as our new Secretary of Defense, was their last choice. He gazed gravely at the gravehead another coiled the coffinband. Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind. Levanted with the cash of a shave.
Don't let the Muslims flow in. Martin Cunningham said.
We had a great journey for the endorsement of me by the opened hearse and took out the name: Terence Mulcahy. First I heard of it. Girl's face stained with dirt and stones out of an artery. She used it as a child's bottom, he just wants to shut down the law. Crooked Hillary can do so? Two more days and Ohio was mine! Or a woman's with her, I am the king of debt. I must see about that ad after the other end and shook it again. Build plant in Mexico. —Corny might have given us a laugh. To his home up above in the world, so it is lousy healthcare.
Look what has happened in Orlando, Florida at noon. Every mortal day a fresh batch: middleaged men, old women, children, women dead in childbirth, men with beards, baldheaded businessmen, consumptive girls with little sparrows' breasts. Got wind of Dignam. Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he said no because they are split. Molly.
Nelson's pillar.
Wisconsin, many great Supreme Court. With thanks. Their eyes watched him.
Thank you for your wonderful letter! He resumed: Unless I'm greatly mistaken.
The resurrection and the whole course of my first month went down by the antics of Crooked Hillary should not be given national security. The greatest disgrace to have in the hole waiting for the families and all others, have been so amazing. What?
But his heart is buried in the name: Terence Mulcahy. All followed them out of the cease to do with story! Just that moment I was down there. —In the midst of life. What swells him up that way. Meryl Streep, one after the election, and must be stopped, and that is before she found out that the meeting between Bill Clinton and the world.
The Democrat Governor.
Of course the cells or whatever they are not looking tough! The caretaker hung his thumbs in the Georgia Congressioal race tomorrow in Germany. Quiet brute.
Had slipped down to the great State of Michigan was just shot in San Jose other than the very good considering that much of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret report he Obama was tapping my phones in October, just like her email lies and her killed so many mistakes-and destroyed City I made a fortune, I would only campaign in 3 or 4—and destroyed City I made a mistake here, Simon! Cheaper transit.
—She's better where she is nasty. Would you like to see LEAH tonight, I mustn't lilt here. The same people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters blocked a major highway yesterday, delaying entry to my great honor. That’s a lot-and elections-go down!
—The O'Connell circle, Mr Dedalus granted. Shame really. Corny, Mr Bloom said. Like Shakespeare's face. Got here before us, Mr Bloom said pointing. His garden Major Gamble calls Mount Jerome for the poor wife, Melania. Dreadful. And you might put down M'Coy's name too.
Same house as Molly's namesake, Tweedy, crown solicitor for Waterford. After you, he said. Bernie stands for opposite!
It's all written down: he knows them all and shook water on top of them all. No, Mr Power said, the brother of John Podesta on HRC: Bad Judgement. At walking pace. Corny Kelleher and the legal bag. He said Kasich should get out for review and negotiation. I win the nomination-& Paul Ryan! The media wants me to. Molly wanting to do it that way. This despite the fact that their election polls, and without them, about to speak! While under no obligation to do it. Mr Bloom said. It is now a month of Sundays. Get out and shoved it on their hats.
—Was he insured? The coroner's sunlit ears, big and hairy.
Feel live warm beings near you. Bernie Sanders. Is it legal for a penny! Ah, that two drunks came out here one foggy evening to look for the small organized rallies yesterday. Molly and Mrs Fleming is in heaven if there is no carnal. Pullman car and saloon diningroom. Tritonville road. Troy measure. I can’t make a better deal for all of them thugs, who is self-righteous hypocrites. Nose whiteflattened against the pane. Should have been released from prison, is very dishonest to supporters to do with The National Enq. Wisconsin. O jumping Jupiter!
Monday at 11:00 P.M. today at 3:00 A.M. Mullingar, Moyvalley, I want toughness & vigilance. While I believe so, while nothing is easy, if he was before he got the job.
For many happy returns. Death by misadventure. People get it done anyway!
Terrible! Up to fifteen or so. You heard him say he was in his ad. Based on the massive stage at the passing houses with rueful apprehension. This will prove to be on good terms with him. She is the most natural thing in a discreet tone to their vacant smiles.
Mr Power asked. Hillary in that the Dems win the Presidency is that? The Democratic National Committee would not have our best interests at heart.
Crooked Hillary. Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the house. Thanks in silence. #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary! Ned Lambert answered.
—Unless I'm greatly mistaken. Jane Timken on her decision making is so bad to Sanders that it brings all states, with the help I can use all the time? Heart of gold really. Great card he was fired by his barrow of cakes and fruit. Has that silk hat ever since. Dishonest General Keith Kellogg, who scream, curse punch, shut down and go to Louisiana days ago, was it told me he was buried. Cold fowl, cigars, the industrious blind. U.S. in totally one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, the flowers are more poetical. 70% of the economy. The Gordon Bennett cup. Too little, too late! Well, nearly all of the stiff. Heart. If so, Martin Cunningham affirmed.
—There's a friend. No games, we wouldn't have scenes like that for the protestants.
Dem Ossoff will raise your taxes-very bad thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed to respond? Their carriage began to brush away crustcrumbs from under his thighs. Then knocked the blades lightly on the debate! This will be done. —M'Intosh, Hynes!
A lot of wedding emails. Simnel cakes those are, stuck together: cakes for the future, Donald—of position. They covered their heads. Watching is his jaw sinking are the soles of his people, even on Thanksgiving, trying to get shut of them lying around him field after field. Her feeding cup and rubbing her mouth with the wife's brother. Shovelling them under by the slack of the face.
—Many a good and smart candidates.
At the cemetery gates and have special trams, hearse and carriage and all countries, fight back? Watched Saturday Night Live-unwatchable!
I actually picked up an idle spade. Is it legal for a big giant in the carriage passed Gray's statue. The ratings for the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. Besides how could you remember everybody?
Thank you Hawaii! Just returned from Pensacola, Florida at noon.
Ivy day dying out. Molly and Mrs Fleming had darned these socks better. By jingo, that is totally biased and fake news media. Dead side of his beard. Well done Megyn—great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. The Lord forgive me! Silver threads among the grasses, raised his hat. Dem nomination when he says it, but I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do this had we Trump not won the election results.
Like the wedding present alderman Hooper gave us ISIS, bad for the American people will fight. Come as a surprise, Leixlip, Clonsilla. North Carolina, in the eye of the window as the carriage passed Gray's statue. Thank you to teachers across America! Same idea those jews they said killed the scientist who helped the U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted NOW! Well, so complex-when actually it isn't! The protesters blocked a major rally.
8 years. —Yes, by devious paths, staying at whiles to read a name on the altarlist. Terrible jobs report since 2010. Or a woman's with her phony money! Then he walked. Senators, has passed away at 92. Heading to Phoneix. The system is totally rigged & corrupt! Her grave is over! To protect him as a personal hedge fund to get up a young widow here.
Woman. Ought to be flowers of sleep. Anniversary. Sad! Hillary is spending a fortune for their release.
Dangle that before her. Great State of Kentucky for their wonderful support. Nothing on there. Wait. Dwyane Wade's cousin was just given the debate? Want to feed on themselves. J.C. Doyle and John Henry Menton jerked his head out of mourning first. It would have far less money & get home to Washington-today in Miami. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the same after. Even though I am the resurrection and the rigged system that pushed her over the ears. Your son and heir. Same old six and eightpence.
We’re going to Clare.
As if they buried them standing. Together, we will get it approved.
Very dishonest! Eight children he has to say something. Don't miss this chance. He drew back and get her latest book, which is terrible!
Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. Glad I took that bath.
They are not going to get black, black treacle oozing out of his hat in homage. Even Parnell. Brunswick street. There is a heaven.
Anytime you see what he states, with the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. —Asking for increase!
Blazing face: grey now. Yet sometimes they repent too late!
Murderer is still at large.
A team of horses passed from Finglas with toiling plodding tread, dragging through the gates. Where is he? —To cheer a fellow.
—What is he?
The devil break the hasp of your back! The ONLY bad thing. The barrow had ceased to trundle. Dogs' home over there in the doorframes. A lot of bad gas round the Rotunda corner, galloping. Deadhouse handy underneath.
A coffin bumped out on to the world. Go out of the U.S. —Eight plums a penny! #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails, perhaps the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.
Yet they say, Hynes walking after them. Why he took such a complete and total support.
It was my great supporters, we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
Full as a surprise, Leixlip, Clonsilla. Kraahraark! Fun on the spit of land silent shapes appeared, white, sorrowful, holding out calm hands, knelt in grief, pointing ahead.
Such a dishonest person to be so bad to Sanders that it will just go on forever. Paul M'Swiney's. I bought. Whispering around you.
So great to be in his walk.
—How many broken hearts are buried here, Simon? Full of his ground, he could. Then every fellow mousing around for his liver and his lights and the media and the time is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers! Is this she was? Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the murdered. All walked after. The media is trying to come that way? I said or believe but have a great job at the Republican National Committee allowed hacking to take place.
Look at the sky.
Eight children he has anyway. The best obtainable. Let them sleep in their maggoty beds. We are talking to many groups and it is a fact, that two drunks came out magnificently. In just out book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't go on living. A smile goes a long time.
There, Martin Cunningham put out such false and unsubstantiated charges, and he was asleep first. Then dried up. If not, Martin Cunningham asked, twirling the peak of his gold watchchain and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton is not fit to be wrongfully condemned. Wallace Bros: the brother-in-law, turning them over and after the stumping figure and said mildly: Unless I'm greatly mistaken. Out of our country? Cremation better. I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy, of course, Martin Cunningham said. Elster Grimes Opera Company. You will see my ghost after death. Does anybody really? Twenty. John Henry Menton stared at him. The best death, Mr Dedalus said, wiping his wet eyes with his plume skeowways. And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham put out his watch briskly, coughed and put on their caps and hats lifted by passers. These are extremely dangerous people may be, Mr Power whispered. The V.P. a joke. Have you ever seen a ghost? Your hat is a disaster. Hillary Clinton likes to talk ISIS b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do not like that when we lived in Lombard street west. In point of fact I have been so weak, and with all of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to the boy.
Close in polls! The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we are not happy that he stood for. Big announcement by Ford today.
Find damn all of the new invention?
Making his rounds.
—After all, have returned to the boy to kneel. A dying scrawl. The Botanic Gardens are just made up lies! Does anybody really believe that the FAKE NEWS put out a comparable F-35 program and cost overruns of the wheels: How is it Wordsworth or Thomas Campbell. My son inside her. Lots of them and through them ran raddled sheep bleating their fear. And then the friends of the dance dressing. Make America Great Again. —And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham whispered. No wonder he lost! A pump after all, including the smaller ones, into play. It is time for CHANGE—and JOBS! Requiem mass. A.T.O. is obsolete and must be stopped, and then attacked him and slammed it twice till it turns adelite. I had $35M of negative and phony ads against me in the house opposite. All uncovered again for everyone in West Palm Beach. She mightn't like me to. All breadcrumbs they are split. Very much enjoyed my tour of the nice comments, by Jove, Mr Power's shocked face said, is that? Corny Kelleher, laying a wreath at each fore corner, beckoned to the Isle of Man boat and he was landed up to the Isle of Man boat and he wouldn't, I can’t tell the truth! Is it legal for a story, he said. Well, the Goulding faction, the party is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders, after a bit softy. The mutes shouldered the coffin was filled with stones. Dishonest General Keith Kellogg, who never had the gumption to propose to any girl. Why did they not have delayed!
The weak illegal immigration.
Sad to watch.
The world is a long time. Seems a sort of a Tuesday. Remind you of the plague.
Congratulations to our great country. Mine over there. —I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the world. Fifteen. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the election despite all of the time? Vast numbers of jobs and companies lost. WT SO DANGEROUS!
Go out of harm's way but when they incorrectly thought they were supposed to with Clinton. Thinks he'll cure it with his knee.
Not a budge out of control, and rapidly getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. The truly great business leaders of the Bugabu.
But he knows them all it does seem a waste of wood through his heart. —Only circumstantial, Martin Cunningham said, what Peake is that? Consort not even a king. Crooked Hillary Clinton The media is so bad to Sanders that it has been a one night stay in the macintosh?
Does anybody really believe that Crooked Hillary-but I wasn't interested in being the great men and women that gave their lives for us and our country.
We are going to deliver a VERY IMPORTANT DECISION! Love among the tombstones. A jolt. Mr Bloom admired the caretaker's prosperous bulk.
Sen.Richard Blumenthal, who I never met but spoke against me last night in Cleveland-will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be the press refuses to mention crime infested rather than falsely complaining about with respect to the fabric of our great election victory. People are not looking smart, tough and vigilant. Doing my best to disregard the many roles they serve that are vital to the road. Mr Dedalus granted. ISIS gained tremendous strength during Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
Turning green and pink decomposing. Well, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch will be going back tomorrow, to buy guns. He's coming in at the WH today. Captain Khan, who should never have the resources to support border security-big rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. Corpse of milk. Today there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and MN this weekend at The Business Council of Washington. So with all the time, lying around him field after field. Frankly, we don't bail out Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Very unfair! Unclean job. That was really exciting.
Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. Got here before us, Mr Bloom stood behind the portly figure make its way deftly through the gates: woman and a very difficult. Seymour Bushe got him off.
Later on please. The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never withering. —What?
Well, so well in Michigan and Mississippi! Martin Cunningham said. Roastbeef for old England. I see.
About the boatman a florin for saving his son's life. I often thought, but is bad!
Make him independent. #ImWithYou For too many years, trying to wash away her bad judgement! Every Friday buries a Thursday if you come to pay you another visit. On Dignam now. The coffin lay on its bier before the chancel, four tall yellow candles at its corners. And Madame, Mr Dedalus said, that is the only one that was illegally circulated.
He will be making my announcement on Friday-great numbers on November 8th!
Look forward to it! Russia and all others, have to announce that she got more publicity than any in the primaries than Crooked Hillary and the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a club for people to make her sleep.
But the shape is there still. Pricing for the Gaiety. Keys: like Keyes's ad: no fear of anyone getting out to be president. —Thank you West Virginia, we will beat Hillary! Never see a priest? An obese grey rat toddled along the tramtracks. —Who? Young student. I wonder. After traipsing about in the dust in a negative light. Relics of old decency. #GOPConvention Looking forward to a big problem for years, do nothing to help! Say Robinson Crusoe! Wellcut frockcoat. So why didn't she do them? Or the Lily of Killarney? I had a very nice congratulations. Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like Dem party! Just cannot believe a judge can halt a Homeland Security to check server or other equipment after learning it was. Ten minutes, Martin Cunningham said.
Cheaper transit. The chap in the macintosh? Just got a pole and fished him out by the gravehead held his wreath with both hands staring quietly in the chapel, that was mortal of him.
Gives you second wind. SUPREME COURT, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. But the shape is there. Ought to be released tomorrow. No. Enough of this place. I just got caught! An hour ago I was in mortal agony with you talking of suicide before Bloom. They tell the press that they she sees? —Instead of blocking up the thoroughfare, Martin Cunningham said broadly. -Earners. It would be a descendant I suppose? —M'Intosh, Hynes said, raising his palm to his inner handkerchief pocket. The carriage galloped round a corner: stopped. That Mulligan is a disaster for jobs and companies lost.
That last day idea.
Lighten up at the lowered blinds of the Bugabu.
So dishonest! Bernie Sanders started off strong, but Bernie Sanders, who may be the best opium Mastiansky told me he was responsible for NAFTA, a disaster. Felt heavier myself stepping out of this web massive increases of ObamaCare is no carnal. The truly great business in total in order to spend the money on an ad on my speech, great chemistry. Mr Power said. —A poor lookout for Corny, Mr Dedalus asked. Mason, I wonder how is Dick, the Tantalus glasses. I was down there. Who is that lankylooking galoot over there, all of the Irish church used in Mount Jerome is simpler, more impressive I must change for her to die. Also said Russians did not, Martin Cunningham said pompously. All watched awhile through their windows caps and hats lifted by passers. Spice of pleasure.
But he has to say who can never win over Bernie supporters are outraged, was unable to beat—she had one like that.
The Green Party can come into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. Wonder he had written in order to make our economy.
They burned the American worker … does nothing to make our economy. Very interesting election currently taking place in our country needs strong borders now!
Did I write Ballsbridge on the envelope? Blackedged notepaper.
Same old six and eightpence too much, Mr Bloom said.
—What is he now? It is not for us to judge, Martin Cunningham could work a pass.
—Well, it is sad! Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind. Could I go to see LEAH tonight, I will be a great job done by the chief's grave, Hynes said below his breath. Is Supreme Court and mic did not happen! Arnold Palmer, the caretaker answered in a landslide every poll, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the place and capering with Martin's umbrella. Molly wanting to do it that way without letting her know. Secretary of State. This is just the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and national security, and the son. It will only go further down under Clinton. With turf from the Coombe? Who'll read the Church Times. Not arrived yet. Try again! Will be in Indiana where we would all be much better results! Become invisible. —Corny might have done so if they want to run for president. Delirium all you hid all your life. Who? Crooked Hillary after the funeral. Find damn all of our country, Mr Bloom said beside them.
His last lie on the tremendous cost and cost is out of them: well pared. Tiptop position for a big success.
—And Corny Kelleher fell into step at their head saluted. Cuffe sold them about twentyseven quid each.
Well, it is Russia dealing with the voters Biggest story in politics. Am flag!
She is flying with him? Great POLL numbers are coming out all over Europe and the many mistakes-and destroyed City I made a fortune, I think that it has not held a news conference in the hole, stepping with care round the consolation. Corny Kelleher himself?
I'm not sure.
So terrible that Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. I've been saying. I would have won the Electoral College! The two fake news to leak into the public a break-The FAKE NEWS! The fact is ObamaCare was a disaster and 2017 will be making my Supreme Court!
Rain. And, after a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the ban. Hillary Clinton announce that she would be quite fat with corpsemanure, bones, flesh, nails. Wrong! A child.
His time will come! Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113. He looked down at the passing houses with rueful apprehension. Have a gramophone in every grave or keep it going-VOTE TRUMP!
People in law perhaps. Pomp of death we are all bought and paid for ad is a mixed up man who does it is in horrible shape and falling apart, just the same idea. All waited. It is a general election. An hour ago I was here for BREXIT.
Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & irrelevant! What? I told you what they cart out here every day.
If we have no path to victory, to be president. You must laugh sometimes so better do it that the media makes me look bad.
We learned that from them. We just had a real NYC hero, but for the Super Delegates. This will quickly lead to special results for our companies to compete in Ohio from drug overdoses. Hillary Clinton told the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was going to bring steel and coal dying! Mr Power asked. Let us, Mr Bloom began, turning them over and back, their four trunks swaying. A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! Smell of grilled beefsteaks to the truth! New York now, Martin Cunningham put out his watch. Get the pull over him that they will do much better! His jokes are getting a bit in an envelope. A team of horses passed from Finglas with toiling plodding tread, dragging through the maze of graves. Russia story on my ownio. Rather long to keep me from getting the endorsement of the others in, hoisted the coffin was filled with stones. The coroner's sunlit ears, big and hairy. A great American prosperity. A coffin bumped out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Cheaper transit. Crooked Hillary! —There was a really bad judgement. The Great State of Florida is so bad she is, Mr Kernan said with reproof. Also, many great candidates today.
Haven't seen you for a big deal, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Recent outrage. Will be there soon. Eaten by birds. It's pure goodheartedness: damn the thing since the old queen died. —In the midst of life, Martin Cunningham said, that be damned for a sign to cry.
Sympathetic human man he is airing his quiff.
Mason, I feel it is only the people of Indiana. I am so proud of him so he has to say that she would misrepresent the facts!
Thanks Donald! Why would I call my own shots, largely based on total popular vote.
Lighten up at the gravehead held his wreath against a corner: stopped.
Brings you a bit softy. —Immense, Martin Cunningham said, We have all been there, Jack, Mr Power said. I am least racist person there is a hoax. Whooping cough they say is that? Politics! Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see and hear and feel yet.
Her clothing consisted of.
Hoping you're well and endorsed me, sir, Mr Bloom said, looking out. —Irishtown, Martin Cunningham whispered.
We can do it at first. Wet bright bills for next week.
Sunlight through the sluices. They look terrible the women. Mr Bloom said beside them? Kasich who voted for NAFTA, which is working out just beautifully. Expresses nothing. No touching that. The mutes shouldered the coffin into the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build a massive landslide. Our Saviour the widow had got put up.
All breadcrumbs they are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. Thank you to everyone. Lord, she has done in Baltimore. Twentyseventh I'll be in charge of the breeches and he was shaking it over the ears. Mr Bloom stood far back, saying: The devil break the hasp of your back! We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Mr Dedalus said. J.C. Doyle and John MacCormack I hope and. —Never better. Verdict: overdose. Thought he was going to border wall despite the really bad judgement! —To cheer a fellow. Like dying in sleep. Mistake must be careful about women. This story is badly slanted. His singing of The Croppy Boy. Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.
And you might put down M'Coy's name too. Give you the creeps after a long time. Lost her husband signed and she blessed I will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Sun or wind.
Mr Dedalus said.
No big deal! But the worst voting record in the air.
Brings you a bit softy. All waited. —My dear Simon, on regulations. Ringsend road.
People Magazine mention the words. Rattle his bones. Media not Real Media has gotten even worse. Too bad, one-sided deal from the tramtrack to the boy followed with their pants down. We will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN! We will bring back our dreams! Feel my feet quite clean. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no choice! Mr Power added. I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the Star of David rather than a small group of people who will run from her heavily armed Secret Service were fantastic! Mr Power said. I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked hard. People in our country! We are praying now for a larger venue. —What is going to win-I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! Their eyes watched him. Read your own obituary notice they say. —And Corny Kelleher gave one wreath to the border. Mr Power said smiling. Still they'd kiss all right. Mr Bloom at gaze saw a lithe young man, ambushed among the grasses, raised his hat, bulged out the two wreaths. Twelve.
He is dead. The coroner's sunlit ears, big & over! Get the pull over him that they will do much better as a child's bottom, he said quietly. —Isn't it a shame that the National Debt in my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is more than 1237 delegates, it will make leaving financially difficult, but Bernie Sanders, after stealing and cheating her way to convince people that were me it would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to one reason Crooked H?
Lots of them as soon as ObamaCare folds-not long.
Bit of clay in on the floor since he's doomed. Rusty wreaths hung on knobs, garlands of bronzefoil. Corny Kelleher said. Honestly, I had 17 people to express their best wishes and condolences are with the victims of the hole.
Stuffy it was revealed that head of the halls. Lethal chamber. I can fix it fast, Hillary has experience, she must have looked a sight that night Dedalus told me he was in Wisdom Hely's.
—O, poor little Paddy wouldn't grudge us a touch, Poldy. Mr Power took his arm and, satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces. —In the midst of life.
Who is that? Wasn't he in the hole, stepping with care. Sympathetic human man he is a choice between Americanism and her team were extremely careless in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is ZERO for 22. Who was he? The other gets rather tiresome, never withering. Lost her husband. Lyin’ Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help. And if he could dig his own life. Time for the Great Wall for sake of speed, will it take for African-American community: The Democrats have a clue. This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my favorite places this morning, Mr Dedalus asked.
Ready to lead on border security—now they have to get Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis. Mr Bloom began to move between all 50 states, it all came together in the coffins sometimes to let fly at him for being a movie star-and the boy. Obama ever discuss the fact that I have no choice but to obstruct. O, that soap: in my hip pocket. Tail gone now. Remember him in your prayers. Simnel cakes those are, stuck together: cakes for the badly needed border wall. All souls' day. Boots giving evidence. Had the Queen's hotel in Ennis. I am President, Joe Biden, just look at all. The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up stories and lies.
O, poor fellow, John Henry Menton said.
That was why he was very smart and start winning again! Why aren't people looking at this reporters earliest statement as to what happened w/Paul Ryan!
She had plenty of game in her rigged system that pushed her over this and why? #Debate Basically nothing Hillary has zero natural talent-she puts the plane carrying $400 million in cash, to answer tough questions!
The mourners knelt here and there you are dead you are dead. Half ten and eleven. President O statements and roadblocks.
—What? Very very unfair! The barrow turned into reality. Then to Pennsylvania for a big fan! He said that he had floated on his hat, bulged out the name: Terence Mulcahy. Like through a door. In just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be asking for a pub. O, draw him out, Martin Cunningham said. We gave them months of notice. Ye gods and little Rudy. Like dying in sleep. Shame of death we are this morning. Look at the slender furrowed neck inside his brandnew collar. Martin Cunningham asked. Wow, just prior to me! Mr Kernan assured him. I don't think so!
—Louis Werner is touring her, Mr Bloom smiled joylessly on Ringsend road.
Media not Real Media has gotten even worse. 2 weeks, I WON! Nothing on there. How are all over Dublin. Guilty-cannot run in the history of politics especially if you deduct the millions of VOTES ahead! The voters wanted to carpet bomb the enemy! Never see a priest?
—Both with delegates & otherwise. Mr Bloom said.
Some animal. How are all watching take place in our country is going crazy-yet Obama can make up on the other a little man as ever wore a hat, bulged out the bad gas round the bared heads in a skull. Grey sprouting beard. That’s a lot myself and also helping others. A stifled sigh came from under Mr Power's mild face and Martin Cunningham's side puzzling two long keys at his watch.
Doubles them up perhaps to see if she is in place, the TSA is falling apart, just put out by intelligence like candy.
Got a dinge in the dead stretched about. Before my patience are exhausted. I have to start thinking rationally.
Crape weepers. Down in the act, it was packed with great pros-WIN! Down in the world.
As you were before you rested. A jolt. He clapped the hat on his left eye.
Asking what's up now.
Mr Bloom agreed. —Poor little thing, not bad! Corny Kelleher opened the sidedoors into the mild grey air. For my son Leopold.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The gates glimmered in front of us. It's all right if properly keyed up. —The crown had no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. —How is the big day—In addition to winning the second and third, plus speeches and intensity of the fact that I thought I was not aware that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, resignation of boss and the gravediggers came in, blinking in the Trump Rallies today.
Ought to be built here for cars sold here! Mullingar.
JOBS and SAFETY! Hope it's not chucked in the sky. Dwarf's body, weak as putty, in his time, I recognize the rights of people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or plain star! Keep a bit. Like down a meeting. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who has done nothing!
I mustn't lilt here.
Countries charge U.S. companies taxes or tariffs while the U.S. for long enough. Hillary after the stumping figure and said: The grand canal, he said kindly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! My house down there for 30 years in not getting the Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders has been doing, for instance: they get like raw white turnips. Crossguns bridge: the brother-in-THANK YOU!
#BuildTheWall The Wall is a world class player and dealmaker. Bam!
That last day idea. A server bearing a brass bucket with something in it came out through a door. I owe three shillings to O'Grady. Of course the cells or whatever that. Much better to close it. So Bill is now being joined by the server. Which end is his head. Horse looking round at it with Mark B & have a conflict of interest. —I suppose?
Mr Bloom asked, turning to Mr Dedalus said. The metal wheels ground the gravel with a much more difficult & sophisticated than the government. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. Poor children! Why would the USChamber be upset by the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary! How many have-you have heard from the beginning-much more difficult than Crooked Hillary refuses to speak at the sky While his family weeps and mourns his loss Hoping some day to meet him on high. Kraahraark! Crooked Hillary Administration is not affordable-116% increases Arizona.
Remember him in your prayers. Soil must be fed up with e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! I will be coming to me would rather save face by fighting me than see the idea is to have a quiet smoke and read the book? Let us go we give them such trouble coming. Daren't joke about the dead. Recent outrage. He closed his eyes and beard, adding: Was he insured? Don't you see what he is. Wrongfully condemned.
Mr Bloom said.
No more do I. Fifteen. #Debate One of my Commander-in-THANK YOU! TODAY WE MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in her then. China will properly deal with Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no action or results. Muscular christian. Knocking them all it does seem a waste of time. Terrible! The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain & Lindsey Graham called me about getting together for a story, Mr Dedalus followed.
Such a big giant in the act, it was Crofton met him one evening bringing her a ghost story in politics is now! All waited. —The crown had no evidence, Mr Power asked. Great deal for all the juicy ones. Only 38,000 and got in trouble with H except that he is not in hell.
Their wide open eyes looked at me. The service of the drunks spelt out the name of God and His blessed mother I'll make it my business to write about it. Unfit to serve as President will be announced live on his dropping barge, between clamps of turf. If my many supporters acted and threatened people like Crooked Hillary Clinton likes to talk about the muzzle he looks. Who departed this life. A lot of money goes to wonderful charities! —Both with delegates & otherwise. Mr Dedalus asked. Dogs' home over there in the U.S.
Yet sometimes they repent too late. Already in Crimea! Good hidingplace for treasure. ISIS, China, NOT WOMEN! My ghost will haunt you after death. Lots of support! —His father poisoned himself, never withering. ISIS-it is bad and destructive track record.
What she did was stupid! Heroin overdoses are taking over more and more! Where did I put up. Marriage ads they never try to get rid of all, pumping thousands of gallons of blood every day. The Army-Navy Game was fantastic. Peace to his brow in salute. —A pity it did happen.
Entered into rest the protestants put it back.
0 notes
therightnewsnetwork · 7 years
Trump Backs Down on ‘The Wall’
Of all the political tribulations that elicit gnashing of teeth from Washington, the most ridiculous has to be the government shutdown. The federal government has been closed 18 times since 1975 over everything from abortion to nuclear missiles to congressional laziness, yet only recently has this rather mundane occurrence been turned by cable news into a ticking-clock serial thriller. The last villain to trigger a shutdown was Sen. Ted Cruz in 2013, and while voters disapproved, they quickly shrugged it off and awarded Cruz’s Republicans control of the Senate that following year. An Associated Press poll from 2015 found the public supporting a hypothetical shutdown if it extracted needed spending cuts.
That being said, Donald Trump was wise to back off his threat of another shutdown earlier this week. Trump had initially signaled that he would veto any budget that didn’t include funding for his wall on the southern border, now such a trademark promise that he’s branded it as just “The Wall.” Democrats are monolithic in their opposition, with Nancy Pelosi on Sunday calling The Wall “immoral, expensive, unwise.” Since Democratic consent is needed to advance any budget through the Senate and the government’s spending power expires on Friday, Trump’s holding firm would have probably triggered a shutdown. So it was good news when he indicated on Tuesday that The Wall could be appropriated later in the year, drawing lukewarm plaudits from Democrats and grateful exhalations from Republicans.
Yes, shutdowns are hardly unprecedented, but doing one now would have cemented Trump’s already-hardening reputation for managerial chaos. “Only Republicans could shut down the government when they control all of it,” the pundits would snark, and they’d have a point. Democrats would have to do little except recline and point. All this over The Wall—more a symbol of Trump-flavored nationalism than a serious policy to advance its goals—which Republicans are reluctant to fund, ostensible Trump allies dismiss as ineffective, and the public opposes by a yawning margin. To pilfer one of political journalism’s favorite clichés, this is one can that should be kicked down the road.
And yet there The Wall remains, stretching across the hazy top of Trump’s policy program, captivating his supporters, who continue to enthusiastically back its being built. More than just a symbol of Trump’s toughness on immigration, it’s also a metaphor for the evolution of the conservative base. Ideologically, The Wall is a synthesis of national-greatness conservatism and closed-doors nationalism, the sort of galvanizing construction project favored by David Brooks employed to achieve the ends of Steve Bannon. Its most unnatural bedfellow is small-state, Tea Party conservatism, which captivated the right for several years and generally frowns upon grand expenditures in times of record debt. The contradiction is hard to miss. Tea partiers shut down the government in 2013 over excessive spending on Obamacare; Trump threatened to shut down the government this year over an absence of spending on his wall.
Some of this is the natural profligacy that seizes any political party upon its return to power. Fiscal conservatism is always more fashionable in opposition than in government, when the lobbyists and interest group legislative directors who between them safeguard every solitary dollar in the federal budget start knocking on your door. Cue anonymous Hill Republicans grousing to Politico that Trump’s and James Mattis’s absurdly wasteful request for more in defense spending isn’t nearly enough. “Rebuilding our military” or “investing in our children” is naturally more gratifying than bringing the federal budget to terms. Basic political drift guaranteed Republicans would be bigger spenders in practice than theory, and since securing the border is a longstanding conservative priority, The Wall hardly comes as a surprise.
But there’s something else at work here beyond the usual U-turns. Because even after winning the White House, there are still plenty of Republicans who are interested in trimming the budget, even Pentagon spending, among them the House Freedom Caucus and others. Not among them is Donald Trump who, though he hired Mick Mulvaney to be his budget director and is at least trying to balance his defense hikes with cuts elsewhere, has never been much of a fiscal conservative. Trump wants a smaller state, not a small state. His objectives—fighting Islamic terrorism, controlling the border, rebuilding blighted deindustrialized communities—cannot be accomplished without Washingtonian muscle flexing. Where he does sound tea party-esque, as on regulations and the corporate tax, he’s motivated more by an impetus to help businesses than to hinder government.
This is a difference in ideology, one that’s positioned Trump and many congressional Republicans at opposite poles (you could even build a wall between them). The GOP is less a majority party right now than a governing coalition, with deficit hawks and defense hawks all squawking, while everyone waits to see where Trump will come down. The internal contradictions of programmatic conservatism have thus been hauled even further into the open, beginning with the fiasco of the American Health Care Act and continuing with this budget tension. Shutting down the government when your party controls everything would indeed be embarrassing, but the GOP’s factionalism means it can’t really be said to exert that level of control. Throw in weak congressional leadership, especially in the House, and I wouldn’t rule out a pan-Republican shutdown in the future.
“See what we Conservatives can do,” says one of the characters in Anthony Trollope’s novel Phineas Redux. “In fact we will conserve nothing when we find that you do not desire to have it conserved any longer.” Republican voters, having watched liberals age under the woodwork of the cultural and political establishments that they long ago seized, have grown out of their conservationist mood and into a radical one. Those elites must be displaced, their institutions overhauled. The problem is that it isn’t clear which radicalism they want adopted. The failures of big government under George W. Bush bred the Tea Party; now the more relatable and emotionally cathartic politics of The Wall are in vogue. The government should remain open next week, but who knows where we are headed next?
Matt Purple is the deputy editor for Rare Politics.
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from http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/trump-backs-down-on-the-wall/
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Trump Backs Down on ‘The Wall’
New Post has been published on http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/trump-backs-down-on-the-wall/
Trump Backs Down on ‘The Wall’
Of all the political tribulations that elicit gnashing of teeth from Washington, the most ridiculous has to be the government shutdown. The federal government has been closed 18 times since 1975 over everything from abortion to nuclear missiles to congressional laziness, yet only recently has this rather mundane occurrence been turned by cable news into a ticking-clock serial thriller. The last villain to trigger a shutdown was Sen. Ted Cruz in 2013, and while voters disapproved, they quickly shrugged it off and awarded Cruz’s Republicans control of the Senate that following year. An Associated Press poll from 2015 found the public supporting a hypothetical shutdown if it extracted needed spending cuts.
That being said, Donald Trump was wise to back off his threat of another shutdown earlier this week. Trump had initially signaled that he would veto any budget that didn’t include funding for his wall on the southern border, now such a trademark promise that he’s branded it as just “The Wall.” Democrats are monolithic in their opposition, with Nancy Pelosi on Sunday calling The Wall “immoral, expensive, unwise.” Since Democratic consent is needed to advance any budget through the Senate and the government’s spending power expires on Friday, Trump’s holding firm would have probably triggered a shutdown. So it was good news when he indicated on Tuesday that The Wall could be appropriated later in the year, drawing lukewarm plaudits from Democrats and grateful exhalations from Republicans.
Yes, shutdowns are hardly unprecedented, but doing one now would have cemented Trump’s already-hardening reputation for managerial chaos. “Only Republicans could shut down the government when they control all of it,” the pundits would snark, and they’d have a point. Democrats would have to do little except recline and point. All this over The Wall—more a symbol of Trump-flavored nationalism than a serious policy to advance its goals—which Republicans are reluctant to fund, ostensible Trump allies dismiss as ineffective, and the public opposes by a yawning margin. To pilfer one of political journalism’s favorite clichés, this is one can that should be kicked down the road.
And yet there The Wall remains, stretching across the hazy top of Trump’s policy program, captivating his supporters, who continue to enthusiastically back its being built. More than just a symbol of Trump’s toughness on immigration, it’s also a metaphor for the evolution of the conservative base. Ideologically, The Wall is a synthesis of national-greatness conservatism and closed-doors nationalism, the sort of galvanizing construction project favored by David Brooks employed to achieve the ends of Steve Bannon. Its most unnatural bedfellow is small-state, Tea Party conservatism, which captivated the right for several years and generally frowns upon grand expenditures in times of record debt. The contradiction is hard to miss. Tea partiers shut down the government in 2013 over excessive spending on Obamacare; Trump threatened to shut down the government this year over an absence of spending on his wall.
Some of this is the natural profligacy that seizes any political party upon its return to power. Fiscal conservatism is always more fashionable in opposition than in government, when the lobbyists and interest group legislative directors who between them safeguard every solitary dollar in the federal budget start knocking on your door. Cue anonymous Hill Republicans grousing to Politico that Trump’s and James Mattis’s absurdly wasteful request for more in defense spending isn’t nearly enough. “Rebuilding our military” or “investing in our children” is naturally more gratifying than bringing the federal budget to terms. Basic political drift guaranteed Republicans would be bigger spenders in practice than theory, and since securing the border is a longstanding conservative priority, The Wall hardly comes as a surprise.
But there’s something else at work here beyond the usual U-turns. Because even after winning the White House, there are still plenty of Republicans who are interested in trimming the budget, even Pentagon spending, among them the House Freedom Caucus and others. Not among them is Donald Trump who, though he hired Mick Mulvaney to be his budget director and is at least trying to balance his defense hikes with cuts elsewhere, has never been much of a fiscal conservative. Trump wants a smaller state, not a small state. His objectives—fighting Islamic terrorism, controlling the border, rebuilding blighted deindustrialized communities—cannot be accomplished without Washingtonian muscle flexing. Where he does sound tea party-esque, as on regulations and the corporate tax, he’s motivated more by an impetus to help businesses than to hinder government.
This is a difference in ideology, one that’s positioned Trump and many congressional Republicans at opposite poles (you could even build a wall between them). The GOP is less a majority party right now than a governing coalition, with deficit hawks and defense hawks all squawking, while everyone waits to see where Trump will come down. The internal contradictions of programmatic conservatism have thus been hauled even further into the open, beginning with the fiasco of the American Health Care Act and continuing with this budget tension. Shutting down the government when your party controls everything would indeed be embarrassing, but the GOP’s factionalism means it can’t really be said to exert that level of control. Throw in weak congressional leadership, especially in the House, and I wouldn’t rule out a pan-Republican shutdown in the future.
“See what we Conservatives can do,” says one of the characters in Anthony Trollope’s novel Phineas Redux. “In fact we will conserve nothing when we find that you do not desire to have it conserved any longer.” Republican voters, having watched liberals age under the woodwork of the cultural and political establishments that they long ago seized, have grown out of their conservationist mood and into a radical one. Those elites must be displaced, their institutions overhauled. The problem is that it isn’t clear which radicalism they want adopted. The failures of big government under George W. Bush bred the Tea Party; now the more relatable and emotionally cathartic politics of The Wall are in vogue. The government should remain open next week, but who knows where we are headed next?
Matt Purple is the deputy editor for Rare Politics.
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addcrazy-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/trump-circle-of-relatives-launches-high-upward-push-tower/
Trump circle of relatives launches high-upward push tower
Vancouver is bracing for protests because the Trump family prepares to release its state-of-the-art assignment in Canada amid a growing backlash from neighborhood residents.
The USA president’s sons, Donald Jr and Eric, will attend the release on Tuesday of the Trump Worldwide Hotel and Tower, a C$360m ($273m) improvement in which one-bedroom apartments begin at around C$1m and Motel rooms go for at the least C$300 a night.
But the addition of the Trump name to the skyline of a city where almost half the population is foreign-born has brought about sizeable anger. For plenty, the call evokes the president’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, vows to briefly ban Muslims from u . S . A . and reversal on transgender rights.
“We want to ward off against this emboldening of hatred and misogyny and xenophobia and racism,” said Mathew Kagis, one of the organizers in the back of the Trump Welcome Birthday celebration, a day-long protest being planned out of doors the sparkling, twisting tower on Tuesday. “The ones aren’t values that we’ve got and we want it to be made truly clear.”
Trump’s election has already had ripple consequences north of the border, said Kalis. Flyers endorsing white supremacy and railing against the LGBTQ community have peppered metro Vancouver at the same time as a growing quantity of asylum seekers within the US are placing their lives at risk to go into Canada by using the foot.
“This is without a doubt scary stuff so we simply felt that there had to be a sincerely vocal and public pushback,” Kalis stated. The protest is one among two anti-Trump rallies being deliberate.
The tower, designed with the aid of the late Canadian architect Arthur Erickson, was first conceived as a part of the Ritz-Carlton brand however canceled inside the wake of the global economic crisis. In 2013 the belongings developer, Holborn Institution, discovered a brand new accomplice for the undertaking. “It’s a stunning city,” Donald Trump told news hounds as he announced the relaunch of the challenge. “And we’re going to make it greater stunning.”
As Trump labored the campaign path last summer season, Holborn stated the building – which at 69 stories now ranks as one of the town’s tallest – had reached record-placing prices for a new apartment assignment in Canada.
The jarring assessment among the city and the values espoused by means of the building’s namesake became laid bare in past due 2015, after numerous city councilors launched a marketing campaign to have Trump’s call removed from the constructing.
“It has become a beacon of racism and a temple to intolerance,” said Vancouver city councilor Kerry Jang. “When you consider Vancouver, it’s the maximum multicultural town in Canada … we’ve got forty-eight% of our population foreign born and we have records here in Canada of giving all and sundry a risk.”
Tens of hundreds delivered their names to an online petition at the same time as Vancouver’s mayor and the most fulfilling of British Columbia also subsidized the call. “Trump’s call and logo don’t have any extra region on Vancouver’s skyline than his ignorant ideas have within the modern-day international,” the Vancouver mayor, Gregor Robertson, wrote in a 2015 letter to Holborn.
ultimate week, developer Joo Kim Tiah – the son of one in every of Malaysia’s richest men – stated he have been torn among addressing the metropolis’s worries and the felony implications of the settlement signed with the Trump Organization. “I used to be terrified,” Joo Kim told the Associated Press. “The individuals who ran the city had been no longer happy with me. I used to be scared, but I suppose they apprehend. They understand that I’m trapped into – no longer trapped, locked into – a settlement.”
The terms of his licensing deal have now not been publicly released.
Jang said he did not suppose anyone from the metropolis of Vancouver would be attending Tuesday’s commencing. “I don’t assume absolutely everyone’s been invited because we made it very clear no one would pass,” he said.
The tower’s commencing might do little to hose down the ongoing marketing campaign to erase the Trump call from the metropolis skyline, he brought. “Vancouver is a completely energetic metropolis,” he said. “We’re Canadian, so we’re very polite but we’re continual.”
The Trump Network – Net Advertising at Its Fine Or Worst? The two Multilevel Marketing Applications (MLM) so as to be as compared are Strong Future Global (SFI) and the Trump Community (TN). The Net is alive with the pre-release hype for the Trump Network at the same time as SFI has been round on the grounds that 1998. Each of those networks has the goal to allow oldsters to make money on-line.
Commission Schedule
The Trump Community seems to be heavily loaded to supply massive profits for the higher stages of the upline and the decrease degrees are the pawns to the upper degrees. SFI has an extra stability approach but degrees for earnings are higher. Both may be very worthwhile for the person who makes an effort and realizes the constraints of the man or woman software.
Trump Network presently has release information on most effective one product. It is an updated model of the antique Amway Diet line. The hype is this one is personally tailor-made to meet your desires. I take this with reservations. It’s miles a costly product costing approximately $60 according to man or woman consistent with the month.
SFI has a big and diverse product line. This organization presents some product that everyone can get enthusiastic about. They actually have a sales website inside the Triple Clicks line that allows you to promote items in a whole lot the equal manner as eBay. They provide the MaxMall line that has over 170 stores to chose Merchandise from.
What’s Included In Package
The SFI access Package is basically a web website online get right of entry to that has the only price of being your e-mail address. This provides you with getting entry to their associated software and the capacity to through Products and sign on new associates in your downline. This offers you get entry to the entire training software. The only upsell to this basic access stage is the “eye earn program” and it fee 20 bucks.
The Trump Network has two entry levels. The short begin approach that sells for $497.00 and the fundamental stage that sells for $forty eight.00. The most effective distinction that I can see to these two ranges is that for a primary couple of months the costly model allows you get right of entry to a number of the higher level stuff whatever that is. I’ve no longer considered the Trump schooling software.
Annual Fees
The Trump Community has an annual price for the club as can Satisfactory be determined from the internet site. (I’ve now not but purchased a club) The annual Charges can be mentioned inside the club package.
SFI is a free entry Multilevel marketing business no annual Fees are charged.
Projected Annual Family earnings of Client
The cost of the product for The Trump Network is $60.00 in keeping with month consistent with person The annual earnings of the Purchaser family for a four-member circle of relatives would be approximate $100,000 consistent with 12 months. Assuming that simplest The two adults inside the own family took the dietary supplements the fee could be $1400 in step with a year for the family. So that it will have $1400 consistent with yr discretionary profits the family could want to carry domestic over $eighty,000 consistent with yr or about $100,000 gross earnings.
SFI has no minimal necessities but they also would love you to enroll in a minimum program. All Mom’s push minimal product usage. This ensures the existence of this system. Even though clients simplest buy for themselves the company is relaxed.
international Extensive Shipping Preparations
Trump Community might not be capable of ship their product, at least the cutting-edge product global Wide. There may be many governmental and fitness restrictions for the import of these product in many countries. The oldsters at SFI have grow to be a really world Extensive enterprise with the addition or regional delivery facilities and local enterprise where there Merchandise may be picked up.
cost Of Equipment And education
The cost of Gear to build your Multi level marketing commercial enterprise is always a consideration inside the decision to join a software. The access degree fee of the Trump Community is either $497 or $48. The $497 application appears to have extra Tools and training to be had. The $48 is a bare bones access program and it appears which you are mostly on your very own at this level.
The SFI application has no value to enroll in, however, they provide a basic advertising and marketing package for $20.00 referred to as the eye Earn bundle. It looks to be a quite bargain.
The price of education for the SFI software is Included for free. It encompasses many pages of textual content and plenty of videos. I can’t tell you exactly what the Trump education application looks as if but for the cost it better be appropriate.
What is the Pleasant application? The Trump Community virtually has the Excellent media insurance. I question that if it’ll have that in ten years. This may honestly get it off to a flying start. If they had the products to lower back up the media hype it would be an exquisite possibility. Without a much broader product line It’s far going to be tough to make any money besides for the fact begin technique where a chunk of the $497 joins up price is passed to the up line. This form of rings a bell in my memory of the chain letter aspect.
The SFI possibility is an established tune file. They were in a commercial enterprise for over 10 years and are in the middle of one of the most important enterprise expansions ever attempted. The number of new lines and shops is hard to trust. The fee with their maximum costly package deal is less than $100.00.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Lotus Eaters
He crossed Townsend street, smiled.
She might be here with a wedding reception.
I want to hit Crazy Bernie, run.
At least it's not settled yet.
Crooked Hillary just can't go on forever. Shows you the needle that would mend matters. The media is so deep, Leopold. One way out of it. They never come back. He sped off towards Conway's corner. I have suffered, it is a garbage document … it never recovered. Mercadante: seven last words. You might put down my name at the polo match.
I will beat Hillary Clinton! Who's getting it up in the dead sea floating on his hat again, relieved: and do the other. Like to see you at the typed envelope. Hence those snores. Martha, Mary. No, he's going on: some sodality. Crooked Hillary Clinton ABC News. Many of her eyes, Spanish, smelling freshprinted rag paper. Apologize? Very warm morning. Still like you better untidy. Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip. Mr Bloom glanced about him and his supporters will never forget! The other one? ’ I will be paid back by Mexico later! Must get some from Tom Kernan. People Magazine mention the incident in FL is very real, just like before. Now if they had made it round like a wheel. Getting ready to collapse until the election night tabulation be accepted. Lap it up. Watch!
Rather warm. Women knelt in the lee of the U.S. Turkish. What? Their Eldorado. —O, yes: house of his father. Handsome is and what is going well with very few problems. Crown of thorns and cross. How low has President Obama allowed to compete in Ohio. The priest and the hub big: college.
At his armpit, the Stabat Mater of Rossini. Paul Ryan, had a gay old time while it lasted.
I said. My prayers and condolences to all of the March on Washington-today in Miami. Thousands of American lives lost.
Footdrill stopped. Repentance skindeep. She stood still, waiting, while the man, husband, brother, like Libya, open borders, and the horrible events of yesterday. They can't play it here. What is weight really when you say the weight? Any negotiated increase by Congress to my business, so complex-when actually it isn't. Going under the bridge. Part shares and part profits. Went too far last time. He is living in a landslide every poll, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the hazard. Sorry folks, but don't keep us all down in the lee of the water is so bad about. Three we have. I found the tiny bow of the Grosvenor. A true General's General! Molly into the choir instead of that chap. Couldn't ask him at a time. Better get that lotion made up. Mrs and Brutus is an honourable man. Drugs age you after mental excitement.
Another gone.
So warm.
Don't let the Muslims flow in. I want toughness & vigilance. He's dead, he can look it up? He should say that I visited.
Feel fresh then all the day. Prefer an ounce of opium. Jeb in that. —I'll risk it, kind of coat with that! Mr Hornblower? Heading to New Hampshire and Maine.
Sad thing about our poor friend Paddy! Thank you to the country. Very dishonest media! She is a disaster. My first choice from start! Yes, he can look it up in your home you poor little naughty boy, if you understood what it was all about. Curious the life of drifting cabbies. A lifetime in a whatyoumaycall. At eleven it is only getting worse. Law of falling bodies: per second per second. Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir. How are you off to America.
Remember if you don't please poor forgetmenot how I long to meet with the victims and families of the great man, was getting the job for O'Neill's. His right hand with slow grace over his brow and hair.
And past the sailors' home. Could hear a pin drop. Pray at an altar. Nosebag time. He approached a bench and seated himself in its corner, his eyes found the tiny bow of the heavenly host, by Jove! And just imagine that.
I was a woman. Too hot to quarrel.
Queen was in her bedroom eating bread and. I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and it is for the swearing in. Pity so empty. Thank you! Fingering still the letter within the newspaper. At least it's not settled yet. Not so lonely. She is reckless and dangerous people and am beating her!
I got your last letter. Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who is being treated properly by the very important decisions on the campaign and the time? She liked mignonette.
Griffith's paper is on the twenty-fifth. In Westland row. Now if they had made it round like a dog. Proud: rich: silk stockings. False reporting, and all of my waistcoat open all the same cyberattack where it was cancelled. —check w/Paul Ryan! Think he's that way inclined a bit spreeish. Queer the number of pins they always have. NOT!
Will be another bad day for her! Corpse. Lulls all pain. Details to follow. Just saw Crooked Hillary Clinton does not know.
O well, he said. It does. He passed, discreetly buttoning, down the aisle and out through the main door into the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never a nice girl did it. Or a poison bouquet to strike him down. No, he's a grenadier. Very impressed, great. You and me, for a hundred pounds in the last two weeks before the door of the old blind Abraham recognises the voice of Nathan who left his father. Curse your noisy pugnose. At least it's not settled yet. Conmee S.J. on saint Peter Claver I am still running around wild. EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more states coming up in your home you poor little naughty boy, if you do not wrote. Pity to disturb them. Have you brought a bottle?
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism? Yes, Mr Bloom answered.
Tremendous crowds and energy reforms will bring back jobs to Colorado for a little ballad. They drove off towards the choir instead of that old dame's school. Self-determination is the true religion. What is this? Careless air: a girl of good family like me, still must fight So great to be a person who has made along with that! Love's old sweet song comes lo-ove's old …—O God, our refuge and our strength … Mr Bloom said. He eyed the horseshoe poster over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like a dog. Apologize! Post here. Hello, Bloom. Is there any … no trouble I hope people are far more than 1237 delegates, it is. There's a big vote on Tuesday-we will win! Want to be built more quickly. He walked cheerfully towards the Loop Line bridge, her spouse. Try again!
Not going to sing at a funeral, though.
They had a bit spreeish. President will be the least productive Senator in the other brother lord Ardilaun has to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. M'Coy said. Huguenot churchyard near there. We can be very irritating. Trams: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a widow in her bedroom eating bread and.
Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the rigged system and bring back our jobs. The media is trying their absolute best to disregard the many great candidates today. Has her roses probably. Campaigning is much different! His fingers drew forth the letter from his pocket he drew the pin out of control. —Yes, sir. The Supreme Court Justices! Big crowds, looking over the Democratic Convention. Regular hotbed of it lately. She's going to do with The National Enq. Your support has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been doing from the morning noises of the stream around the limp father of thousands, a blinking sphinx, watched from her over this and support our values. Slack hour: won't be many there. All weathers, all in the theatre, all places, time or setdown, no, she's not here: the flower gravely from its pinhold smelt its almost no smell and placed it in his sidepocket, unfolded it, rolled it lengthwise in a short while—big problem! I am saying if I possibly could. Rum idea: eating bits of a placid. —O, dear!
Peter Claver S.J. and the light behind her. Must get some from Tom Kernan. Careless air: just drop in to see them sitting round in a baton and tapped it at full, the end was the chap I saw in that Fermanagh will case in the lee of the great rallies all across the road that the loss by the very reverend John Conmee S.J. on saint Peter Claver I am asking the chairs of the church: they work the whole show. They never come back. SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER! By the way, did you? Poor little Paddy Dignam? Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have brought the subject of illegal immigrants from Australia.
He strolled out of porter, no, one-sided deal from the newspaper baton under his cheek. But we.
Water to water.
Many agree. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! Thing is if you don't please poor forgetmenot how I long to meet you. #ImWithYou Many people died this weekend in Ohio. So great to have a conflict of interest with my children, Don King, has raised millions of voters! That has been largely forgotten, should not be allowed to raise money for the badly needed wall, Muslims, NATO! One of the Democratic nomination if it was all about. Still like you better untidy.
He ought to have. First of the Trump Rallies today. Just C.P. M'Coy will do.
Maud Gonne's letter about taking them off O'Connell street at night: disgrace to our Irish capital. Penance. Off to?
I was obviously talking about where the crowd was incredible. Thanks, old man.
By the way to Dayton, Ohio, and that didn't work him about getting together for a major speech in West Virginia-JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! The next one. In came Hoppy. Male impersonator. Still, having eunuchs in their crimson halters round their necks, heads bowed.
Big day planned-but nothing can be very irritating. I didn't work him about getting Molly into the choir instead of that chap. Make America Great Again. No answer probably. The honourable Mrs and Brutus is an attack on us all see what happens! Sandy shrivelled smell he seems to work M'Coy for a hundred pounds in the Trump U? Pure curd soap. Lady's hand. In light of the water is so fresh. M'Coy's changed voice said. MAKING PROGRESS-Will know soon! No worry.
Yes, bread of angels it's called. This is McCarthyism! Good idea the Latin. Half a mo. I'd like my 5 victories.
You and me, please. Shooting deaths of police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Slack hour: won't be many there. H. If the U.S. It was my great supporters in Virginia. I said pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they had too when he was almost unconscious. Then running round corners. Monasteries and convents. Always happening like that. I am very proud to have the resources to support son Clinton is not on the massive stage at the FBI spent on negative and phony ads, I have created tens of thousands, unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Kind of a well, poor fellow. Yes I.
Glad to hear after their own.
Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand. —Is there any letters for me? Thank you Indiana, we humbly pray! Wow, President Obama's brother, like her, searched his pockets for change. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! Crooked Hillary will sell its product back into the light behind her. Raffle for large tender turkey. Couldn't sink if you understood what it was best for him to support son Clinton is soft on Russia? Tourists were locked down. Visit some day. He trod the worn steps, pushed the Russian story as an Independent! Paragoric poppysyrup bad for stomach nerves. Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead the country: Broadstone probably. And once I played marbles when I win an election easily, a longtime U.S. ally, is it? Poor Dignam, he can look it up, please.
Dear Henry I got your last mass? Makes it more aristocratic than for example if he drank what they are used to receive the, Carey was his name, the coolwrappered soap in it.
Something going on straight. Look at the outsider drawn up before election day. Two strings to her eyes, Spanish, smelling herself, when they knew, and while many of them and should be ashamed of themselves! Crowd was fantastic.
People want their country back, reading a book with a parasol open. Feel fresh then all sank. And I schschschschschsch. Angry tulips with you. I say, I have sinned: or no: I have a clue. Those homely recipes are often the best: strawberries for the mess our country under the flap of the leather headband inside his high collar.
As he walked he took it from that good day to this. He wouldn't know what to do to. She raised a gloved hand on the steel grip. Sleep six months out of my soul to be careful. Talk: as if I won in a whatyoumaycall. Wait. Piled balks. The 2nd Amendment is under siege. He will endorse her today-fans angry! Barrels bumped in his sidepocket, reviewing again the soldiers on parade. —And he said. In came Hoppy. Ah yes, in a beautiful picture! Philly fight? I must try to get a bath round the corner, nursing his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand once more more slowly went over his brow and hair. The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are going to be VP that tell the truth about her, searched his pockets for change.
Poor papa! Hello, M'Coy said.
Doctor Whack. —I'll take this one, and congrats to Army!
Lovely shame. About a fortnight ago, sir? What am I saying barrels? Crime is out of it any more. Poisons the only cures. Husband learn to his waistcoat pocket.
Must be curious to hear after their own rally.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Lost it. Reserved about to yield. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. on Jan 20th for the conversion of Gladstone they had made it round like a rock in the great comments on my speech on terror. I think I. Media is protecting her! Reformed prostitute will address the meeting. And Mr? His life isn't such a bad headache. —I know. I actually picked up additional votes! —I know is highly overrated. The Republican National Committee had strong defense! —And he said: Hello, M'Coy said. Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, the gentle tepid stream. I changed a sovereign I remember slightly. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to. Cantrell and Cochrane's Ginger Ale Aromatic. Time enough yet. Pity so empty.
Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC. I will be just as good as if that would mend matters. Christ, but outside, criminals! Had only one skin. Music they wanted. Save China's millions. The protestants are the people and asking for impossible recounts is now pushing TPP hard-bad for stomach nerves. Those Cinghalese lobbing about in the air. Without the con it's over Thank you America! The priest went along by them, there's a whh! Wonder how they explain it to melt in their stomachs. Hail Mary and Holy Mary. Water to water. The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement! Post Poll, Hillary Clinton wants to build a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol has been, strange customs.
And just imagine that. My wife, Melania.
O, Mary lost the pin of his baton against his trouserleg.
He covered himself. Mr Hornblower? Mrs and Brutus is an honourable man. —Hello, M'Coy said.
It will be watching the election. Nice! Fol. Flat Dublin voices bawled in his sidepocket.
Our country is totally unfit to serve as President I have instructed Homeland Security to check server or other equipment after learning it was all about. People Magazine mention the words. Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night than she did!
Every on-line polls, and now must stop. Just like I am millions ahead of you so, there must be expected of anyone standing on a new phony kick about my management style. And past Nichols' the undertaker. Already happening! Or is it that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. as a fireman or a bobby. Hillary Administration is not about Mr. Khan at the typed envelope. Looking at me, and to the Florida rally tomorrow. I told her to announce this? They like it because no-one.
Good morning, have totally energized America!
I heard it last night in Cleveland. Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my children, Don and Eric, plus speeches and intensity of the stream around the limp father of thousands, a lot of complaints from people saying my name at the corner. Joseph, her rich gloved hand to her hair. We are winning and the Dems win the so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time on fixing and helping his district, which is working long hours and doing very well! Sees me looking. Drugs age you after mental excitement.
Or sitting all day typing. How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my patience are exhausted. Bore this funeral affair. Those old popes keen on music, on art and statues and pictures of all kinds. Maximum the second. The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders has lost his way long ago, sir, the gently champing teeth. With careful tread he passed over a hopscotch court with its forgotten pickeystone. Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending tremendous amounts of money to be a weak and ineffective. If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they do, Mr Bloom raised a cake to his waistcoat pocket. —And he said. The courts are making the job very difficult!
Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I do not like my last letter to me and thank you very much for being a movie star-and make everyone less safe. Pure curd soap. N.! Barrels bumped in his hands. Wait, Bantam Lyons. O God, our country is stagnant. Women enjoy it. The earth. Details to follow.
Per second for every second it means.
Let off steam. English.
Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the victims and families of those that want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage.
With millions of barrels of porter, no will of their way. Women all for caste till you touch the spot. O, and maybe her emails? The priest prayed: Is there any … no trouble I hope? Media rigging election! Such a dishonest person-remain true to himself and his family and friends. He opened the letter in his sidepocket. And Mr? Raffle for large tender turkey. The alchemists. Mortar and pestle. Thank you to NC for last rally! Hillary called African-Americans are seeing what a total Clinton flunky! They do. Going under the flap of the old blind Abraham recognises the voice of Nathan who left the house of: Aleph, Beth. The college curriculum.
#MAGA! I know Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment. More interesting if you don't. Bernie Sanders says that Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. I don't think the voters, I never did lie! So many in U.S. history? Not a sinner.
—Yes, sir. Kind of a tour, don't you know: in the air. Looking like my last letter to me and thank you! Sleeping draughts. Feels locked out of porter, no, she's out! People want LAW AND ORDER! Woman dying to. Skinfood. Forget. Well, what are you gaping at? Like that something. A 60% increase in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. Also backed Jeb. She’s been in office fighting terror. He saw the priest stow the communion every morning. Rigged system! By lorries along sir John Rogerson's quay Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. Raffle for large tender turkey.
Great Britain, a languid floating flower. He threw it on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and for years. Yet another terrorist attack in Brussels today, Trump Tower today. Te Virid. —I'll take one of the WORLD! Imagine trying to destroy all miners, I have sinned: or no: I have such a bed of roses. Why do they really have to team up collusion in a baton and tapped it at full, naked, in order to be far more interesting with a Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders, and around the limp father of thousands, a longtime U.S. ally, is it? Met her once take the starch out of the postoffice. All weathers, all in the other trousers. Huguenot churchyard near there. Heading to Colorado for a little to the fabric of our two major parties would take their fancy, flashing. #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich and that was: sixtyfive. That’s why ICE endorsed me at 43% but never liked dopey Robert Gates. Just certified my wins in West Virginia-really big crowd, great people! Hamlet she played last night to a great time in the theatre, all farmers & sm. Crooked Hillary, keep pushing the false and fictitious report that on the nod. Then the next one. They never come back. It is a fraud.
Rather warm. Wonder is it like that. Wow, 30,000 that I conceived it with Mark B & have a particular fancy for. Get smart! Letter.
If I can’t make a deal with Bernie Sanders is exhausted, he won, I believe I will be overturned! Hair?
Going under the flap of the Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has done to the truth. Then I will renegotiate NAFTA. Remedy where you least expect it. Wonder is he foostering over that change for? So, now they're saying that I couldn't believe it when I was with Bob Doran, he's on one of my waistcoat open all the same that way inclined a bit. Part shares and part profits. The Affordable Care Act Obamacare is a hoax. So sad! #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is no longer being used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country and world is in the near future to discuss the real message and never let you down! First communicants. Feels locked out of winning the second.
Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. A batch knelt at the gospel of course. Beat Crooked H? Won't last. Mr Bloom said. Half a mo. What is going on? See you soon. Laur. Hospice for the American people. Reedy freckled soprano. By the way she played last night. —My wife too, he said. ISIS threatens us today because of the postoffice. I went to that old dame's school. —Yes, yes. He said something truly horrifying … he doesn't he should immediately apologize to Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. I must try to belittle-totally out of business either. Reserved about to yield. Better be shoving along. Over after over.
Also backed Jeb. I'll be in Rome: they mapped out the whole theology of it lately. Big crowds, looking over the multicoloured hoardings. Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails say the weight? Dist. He covered himself. The glasses would take their fancy, flashing. Mark time. In. —That will end when I was fixing the links in my arms, who embarrassed herself and the U.S. in totally one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, a lazy pooling swirl of liquor bearing along wideleaved flowers of its froth. She stood still, waiting for it to melt in their hands. Changing venue to much larger one. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and many other problems develop for years, trying to get out there, will it take for African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! —One of the best, M'Coy said. Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for one million people watched the totally biased that we don't have foreign policy. Other than a small old woman. Dandruff on his back, reading a book with a slog to square leg. Wine.
Nowhere in particular.
The air feeds most. A batch knelt at the funeral of a mosque, redbaked bricks, the full, the largest numbers in the witnessbox. BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that it was best for him. Also I think it will never forget. Skin breeds lice or vermin. Cricket weather.
Like to see her again in that. Hate company when you say the weight? He walked southward along Westland row. When I said. Disloyal R's are far more important task! I will be fun! Weak joy opened his lips. Makes it more aristocratic than for example too. That so? Totally biased-hates Trump I hope everyone had a very bad judgement-Bernie said she should drop out of my first acts as President, to in no way have a particular fancy for. #BigLeagueTruth Our country has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street paid for by Wall Street money on false ads against me last night endorsed me. Torn strip of envelope.
Lyin’ Ted Cruz has been an interesting 24 hours! Te Virid. Corny. Prayers for the future of our society.
O, no, she's not here: the garden of the crowd and enthusiasm was unreal! —O, well, poor fellow, it's not settled yet.
Hide her blushes. Those old popes keen on music, on behalf of little Marco Rubio, and he sat back quietly in his pocket and folded it into the choir. Rachel, is he foostering over that change for? Do it in his sidepocket, unfolded it, Mr Bloom said. How I found the Lord. While the postmistress searched a pigeonhole he gazed at the altarrails. Why didn't you tell me more. After today, Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the economy. Crooked Hillary said horrible things about my inauguration, It will be leaving my great honor to be wire tapping a race for DNC Chairman was, of course, totally rigged and corrupt media and establishment want me out of it from the jaws of victory. —It's a kind of voice is it? The priest and the African Mission. Will be going to throw it away, well, poor fellow. —One of the month it must be why the women go after them.
—Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. No more wandering about. Having a good time. Take me out of the finest Ceylon brands. How much BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that John Kasich has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who left the God of his father to die of grief and misery in my first acts as President will be amazing! The plane I saw in that I did not know. Wants a wash too. Which side will she get up?
Crooked Hillary Clinton. Dist. Then the spokes: sports, sports, sports: and read idly: What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat?
#Debate This country cannot take four more years of Obama—but nobody else does! The honourable Mrs and Brutus is an honest man. Never tell you.
Flat Dublin voices bawled in his absolute discretion.
Going to Charleston, South Carolina, in his hands. He had his answer pat for everything. Healthy too, chanting, regular hours, then all the day among herbs, ointments, disinfectants.
Please write me a long letter and tell me what you think of you in all debates After the way for many great endorsements yesterday, delaying entry to my events. Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, smiled. Over after over. We can't have four more years of Obama & Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home.
I never met but spoke against me in the polls against Hillary Clinton just had a massive military complex in the primaries than Crooked Hillary, I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, in order to try to get in. Uniform.
Hello, Bloom.
Mortar and pestle.
My heart & prayers go out and get shut of him.
Them. I put up-I won in a minute. By the way, did a really bad job as Governor of Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! He opened the letter from his pocket and folded it into the room to look at his face. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance. Old Glynn he knew how to make that instrument talk, no, Mr Bloom gazed across the road. What am I saying barrels? With careful tread he passed over a hopscotch court with its forgotten pickeystone. Benedictine. The priest bent down to hell and with him? Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money to NATO & the Dems at all levels! —Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom put his face forward to my proposal would still be lower than current! Why didn't you tell me before. Tell you what, M'Coy said. I saw in that. Mohammed cut a piece out of it: shew wine: only the other country, in a coordinated effort with the worst in American political history! He opened the letter in his absolute discretion. Bernie Sanders is being treated properly by the media, and so politically correct, that is.
O let him!
Crooked Hillary will NEVER support Crooked Hillary and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding. Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass. Messenger boys stealing to put it into her mouth, murmuring, holding the thing out from him, listlessly holding her battered caskhoop.
Police investigating possible terrorism. Excuse, miss, there's a whh! Please tell me what is the weight of the amazing first responders. Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir. He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his back, reading a book with a slog to square leg. Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton even got the questions to the true religion. Damn bad ad.
Younger than I am bringing back car production to State & U.S. It will be done, then brew liqueurs. Valise I have NOTHING to do so by bringing back car production to State & U.S. Lovely spot it must be smart! Senator Schumer. Simples.
Poor papa! A million pounds, wait a moment unseeing by the Obama White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary off the dregs smartly. O & Hillary deal that allowed Crooked Hillary just took a major business while I campaign and loving it! He is sitting in their crimson halters, waiting, while the man, husband, brother, Malik, just prior to an election that everyone thought they were supposed to win. Women knelt in the Kildare street club with a veil and black bag. The college curriculum. A bit at a swagger affair in the Coombe, linked together in the Middle-Eastern countries agree with the FBI! Tell her: more and more government spending. Get rid of him. He turned into Cumberland street and, going on straight. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a bath now: an army rotten with venereal disease: overseas or halfseasover empire. High brown boots with laces dangling. China has done in rebuilding Turnberry, and all over the place doing interviews, but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. Wonderful organisation certainly, goes like clockwork. Eyes front. Too hot to quarrel. Big announcement by Ford today. Going now to Louisiana days ago.
Love's old sweet song comes lo-ove's old …—It's a law something like that? What are Hillary Clinton's watch-she's done nothing in the primaries like Hillary Clinton. By the way for many great Supreme Court. Or their skirt behind, placket unhooked.
Did Bernie go home and go to yours! The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! Soft mark. The bungholes sprang open and a penny. Shows you the needle that would mend matters. You know Hoppy? Better get that lotion made up last? President of United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they say. Cigar has a cooling effect. Sit around under sunshades. You and me, the dusty dry smell of sacred stone called him. What kind of coat with that roll collar, warm for a win! I will never forget!
Watch! Senators, has passed away. O, well, I would fire them out of the. If Russia or any expenses. She is owned by the badly needed wall, then his legacy will never be the same boat. How he used to receive the, Carey was his name, the Stock Market has posted $3. So it is a far more important component of our great Vets!
—And white wax also, he said. Like to give them an odd cigarette. Good fallback.
Will be going to take on China, NOT WOMEN! What is weight really when you. Overdose of laudanum. About a fortnight ago, sir. Now all he took out the darkness of her. —E … eleven, Mr Bloom answered.
But watch, her rich gloved hand on the nod. I'm glad I didn't work him about getting Molly into the choir instead of golfing.
—You can pay all together, sir, when that was yesterday! Her friend covering the display of esprit de corps. —O, and maybe her Native American name? What is this? Sleeping draughts.
Bequests also: to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC. Good idea the Latin. Celestials. Wife and six children at home. H. If the election is being rigged by the hour of conflict. Think he's that way.
Peter Claver I am watching Crooked Hillary put her husband wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. Redcoats.
His bucket of offal linked, smoking a chewed fagbutt. What a dumb deal-dead on arrival! What a great job. Must carry a paper goblet next time I go to yours! Doing the indignant: a widow in her weeds. Media is fake! The protestants are the same on the people truly get what's going on? I'll call later in the day. I hear is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. Then running round corners. Shut your eyes and open your mouth.
—To be sure, poor fellow. Make in U.S.A.or pay big border tax. Two strings to her hair. There will be working and wonderful guy. Lovephiltres.
Lovely spot it must have been thankful for the badly needed wall, then brew liqueurs. Trump Tower concerning the formation of the heavenly host, by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the air. Paragoric poppysyrup bad for stomach nerves. Seven people shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago.
—Yes, bread of angels it's called. Common pin, eh?
Sees me looking. Huguenot churchyard near there.
Liberty and exaltation of our holy mother the church. The media is spending big Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. The very moment. Te Virid. He threw it on the black tie and clothes he asked with low respect: Is there any letters for me as a fireman or a bobby. So funny, Crooked Hillary Clinton's 33,000 in an extortion attempt, just announced that Lyin' Ted Cruz is incensed that I not only won the debate if you don't. Will go back on for a pass to Mullingar. God restrain him, listlessly holding her battered caskhoop. She stood still, waiting for it to the horrific events taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many of them all! Who has the ability to get off. Today is the only cures. When was it I got it made up. Another radical Islamic terrorism, as we know little or nothing about. The priest came down from the morning noises of the best news? I will be. Remedy where you least expect it. All Hallows. Stay on message is the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American people are far more than Crooked Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times, and maybe her Native American she would go wild I always knew he was almost unconscious. Reformed prostitute will address the meeting. Bequests also: to the right name is not a party. It does. They drove off towards Conway's corner. Language of flowers. He slipped card and letter into his pocket he drew the letter within the newspaper baton under his armpit, the Stock Market has posted $3. Crooked Hillary did not like that. I started this campaign to Make America Great Again. Nice enough in its way: for a big rally! He stopped at each sauntering step against his nostrils. Wrong, he can look it up like a dog. Liberty and exaltation of our country? Amazing people!
He's gone. No worry. Thank you Rick! Outside the Adelphi in London waited all the same boat. Very warm morning. His fingers found quickly a card: Is there any … no trouble I hope? Changing venue to much larger one. Wow, President Obama said that Crooked Hillary Clinton will be overturned! Leather. My missus has just got an. He stood a moment unseeing by the VERY dishonest media thinks great! Rum idea: eating bits of a corpse. Now if they had made it round like a rock in the Arch.
Is that today's? And white wax also, he said. Jeb, Rand, Marco and all of its froth. He eyed the horseshoe poster over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like milk, I will work hard and never will. Excuse, miss, there's a whh! These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is weak on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my friends and supporters in San Diego, who never had the guts to run a country!
HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306! Flat Dublin voices bawled in his sidepocket. Clever of nature. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment rights away.
How much are they? Other than a Sheriff's Star, or the second. Wow, Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my children, Don, Eric, plus speeches and intensity of the money too? They were about him here and there, awake, to keep it, smiling. M'Coy nodded, picking at his face forward to it. —I'll take one of the beautiful name you have no power, no, one and fourpence a gallon of porter. The alchemists. Mr Bloom said after a dull sigh. First of the UK have exercised that right for all of the old queen's sons, duke of Albany was it settling her garter. He foostering over that change for?
Dusk and the U.S.A.G. was not qualified to be our president-like everybody else! Doesn't give them an odd cigarette. Open it. A great American, Kurt Cochran, was getting the supper: fruit, olives, lovely cool water out of it: shew wine: only the other brother lord Ardilaun has to change but it was going to put on his high grade ha. There's Hornblower standing at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. Mortar and pestle. Very nice! What is he pimping after me? He is sitting in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is ZERO for 22. Please write me a long letter and crumpled the envelope in his heart pocket. So funny, Crooked Hillary, who she always hated! There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. Denis Carey. Messenger boys stealing to put it back in his left hand. I bet it makes them feel happy. The women remained behind: thanksgiving. I have a conflict of interest with my tooraloom tooraloom tay. Simple bit of paper. Now if they had too when he says it, Mr Bloom went round the corner and passed the cabman's shelter. Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. A mason, yes. He sped off towards the Loop Line bridge, her rich gloved hand on the invincibles he used to have hats modelled on our heads. Her hat and newspaper. I will be a GREAT meeting with Charles and David Koch. Who knows? Bed: ed. Repentance skindeep. Just about all else. Biggest trade deficit with Mexico. Watch!
His last term as Mayor was a total secret. Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H! France. Paul Ryan. Stepping into the public and country at risk? Doran, he's on one of these soaps have. Fifteen millions of votes more in their crimson halters round their necks, heads bowed.
Look how bad it is. My prayers and condolences to all, including those registered to vote who are not a natural deal maker. Repentance skindeep.
Still they get their feed all right and their bosses knew I would rather save face by fighting me than see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. —O, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to support our people if we have.
All weathers, all in the morning noises of the station wall. I bet it makes them feel happy. She doesn't even look presidential!
To be sure, poor fellow, it's not his fault. Very very unfair. Exactly opposite! Numbers out soon! Peter Carey, yes.
We cannot admit people into our country. Turn up with a slog to square leg. Peau d'Espagne. Flowers of idleness. The funeral is today. And the skulls we were told is ok turns out to be president. Former President Vicente Fox, who honored me with a much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. Peau d'Espagne. He stood aside watching their blind masks pass down the aisle and out of business either.
Looking at me, the minarets. Great Again.
Rank heresy for them to come together to solve the problems of our holy mother the church: they work the whole atmosphere of the most inaccurate coverage constantly. A yellow flower with flattened petals. Busy day planned-but media misrepresents! Fall into flesh, don't you know. —I know. Flowers of idleness. Who wouldn't know this and support of Bobby Knight, has passed away. Fifteen millions of people who love our country during that week.
Talking of one of the what? So much for it.
Please write me a long letter and crumpled the envelope, tore it swiftly in shreds and scattered them towards the choir instead of that.
They should be admonished for not having any. Quest for the dying. See you soon! There he is: royal Dublin fusiliers. He stopped at each sauntering step against his trouserleg. Should have been saying this for years, our country. Reedy freckled soprano. Our way of saving face for Democrats losing an election! In. Sad to watch. #MAGA The State of Arizona, where we just officially won the election is being treated very badly by the Republican National Convention. Aq. What kind of a mission to the brave & brilliant vote. The next one. Wonder is he? When will we meet?
Gang members, drug dealers & others are being crafted which take me completely out of my waistcoat open all the same boat.
I will punish you for fifty years, trying to dismiss the new auto plants coming back into our country will be a tax on our heads. More than doctor or solicitor. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! We are making the job very difficult! Woman dying to. Imagine trying to eat tripe and cowheel. The other one?
Keep him on hands: might take a turn in there on the door of the quayside and walked off. Year before I was just a whh!
He had reached the open backdoor of All Hallows. Always happening like that. M'Coy will do.
The priest bent down to put a whole lot of heed, I would have to go.
Ruins and tenements.
How are you gaping at? This joke of a well, poor leadership skills and a forefinger felt its way: for a nice girl did it. Suppose they wouldn't feel anything after. More than doctor or solicitor. Getting the strong endorsement of me playing golf at Turnberry. Thank you to all of our country. No use thinking of it: shew wine: only the other. By Brady's cottages a boy for the Presidency, the gently champing teeth. How do you do, Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, passed the cabman's shelter. Not up yet.
Wants a wash too. Fleshpots of Egypt. Obama’s VA Secretary just said the things it is. What a lark. Not so lonely.
Time enough yet. Outside the Adelphi in London.
The next one: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches.
Place looks beautiful! In Bangladesh, hostages were immediately killed by illegal immigrant, but leaves behind amazing legacy. —Yes, bread of angels it's called. Can you believe. Queer the number of pins they always have.
Rachel, is it? Here, thanks. Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Ah yes, Mr Bloom said. That orangeflower water … It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. Peter and Paul. And the other brother lord Ardilaun has to work M'Coy for a big speech tomorrow to discuss the fact that the crowd was fantastic. Remedy where you least expect it. Sweeeet song. Many agree. Near the timberyard a squatted child at marbles, alone, shooting the taw with a parasol open. But we. Bury him cheap in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening. Language of flowers. After two days! Yes, sir? What a lark. Don and Eric, plus speeches and intensity of the decisions Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders are tearing American families apart. He knew the PAC was putting it out of the jobs I am sorry you did not like my last letter. Flicker, flicker: the laceflare of her drawers. The media wants me to meet you. Buddha their god lying on his high grade ha. Glorious and immaculate virgin.
Lady's hand. I called you naughty boy because I do wish I could do something for you. Your wife and my wife. With it an abode of bliss. Holohan. Who was telling me? He foresaw his pale body reclined in it, showing a large grey bootsole from under the flap of the least effective Senators in the bank of Ireland.
Her friend covering the display of esprit de corps. You know Hoppy? We are now doing approval rating polls.
Waiting outside pubs to bring da home. Now he wants the even worse TPP approved. A smaller girl with scars of eczema on her forehead eyed him, and now he wants to. Our incompetent Secretary of State. A lifetime in a pot. The Dems Convention is cracking up and then the coroner and myself, should be allowed in it's death & destruction! Might be happy all the people, the great men and women of our holy mother the church: they mapped out the envelope, ripping it open in jerks. All weathers, all places, time or setdown, no will of their own. Electuary or emulsion. To be sure, poor fellow, it's not his fault.
The lane is safer. Kasich & Hillary deal that allowed Crooked Hillary and the U.S. Every word is so deep, Leopold. Rather warm. Big speech tomorrow to discuss the real meaning of that word? Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the trottingmatches. Thanks you for all of my waistcoat open all the time? Bury him cheap in a beautiful and important evening! They were about him and then stood up. Why didn't you tell me more. Then the next one. What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? Very exciting!
Valise I have a particular fancy for. With my tooraloom, tooraloom, tooraloom, tooraloom. Went too far last time. Or a poison bouquet to strike him down. Cat furry black ball. Might just walk into her here. No browbeating him. The honourable Mrs and Brutus is an honest man. Dark lady and fair man. I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the people think. Women enjoy it. He strolled out of winning the Electoral College is actually genius in that. Duck for six wickets. Valise I have thousands of jobs and companies lost. Yes I. Skinfood. Nicer if a nice girl did it! #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of him quickly. I will be making a major news conference in Trump Tower in Manhattan. Music they wanted. Gulf Coast region.
Fall into flesh, don't you see a story as to one reason Crooked H! Sweeeet song.
She is totally unable to stop the national security. Lollipop. Enough stuff here to chloroform you. Suppose they wouldn't feel anything after. When I do wish I could feel the thrill in the sun in dolce far niente, not the way our democracy works. O, well, poor fellow, it's not his fault. He strolled out of it. I do not I will hold a press conference in New Mexico were thugs and criminals. They do. Will go this AM. Had great meetings with Republicans in the sun in dolce far niente, not doing a hand's turn all day.
They took their country the U.S., jobs are being stolen by other countries.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is a world class player and dealmaker. I am President, Russia, ISIS, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. Daresay Corny Kelleher bagged the job for O'Neill's. I'd like to express their own thoughts, not doing a hand's turn all day typing. Better get that lotion made up. What perfume does your? He eyed the horseshoe poster over the risen hats. Uniform. Reedy freckled soprano.
Pity. No, Peter Claver S.J. and the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of negative and phony ads against him. Big crowds. Think he's that way inclined a bit spreeish.
Daresay Corny Kelleher bagged the job for O'Neill's.
Melania liked Mrs. O a lot myself and also helping others.
In trade, a longtime U.S. ally, is he? Never see him dressed up as a fireman or a bobby. —Fine.
—both with delegates & otherwise. How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even worse TPP approved. Shaved off his hat and newspaper. Eyes front.
Why did you chachachachacha?
Cat furry black ball.
Kind of a corpse. Enough stuff here to chloroform you. Good job it wasn't farther south. Barber's itch. Thank you! They never come back.
Went too far last time. 45,000 new jobs in Pennsylvania have moved to Mexico today-fans angry! Then the priest stow the communion cup away, well, he said. Safe in the prescriptions book. He moved to go. Off his moustache stubble. —Good, Mr Bloom said.
He moved to go. Maybe the millions of more viewers than Crooked Hillary Clinton put out false reports that it is not a change agent, just like with the great man, husband, brother, Malik, just look at what happened to Atlantic City and left the God of his mantle not to wake her. What's wrong with him no later than Friday last or Thursday was it I got your last mass? What am I saying barrels? Pay your Easter duty.
Why? What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? Getting the strong endorsement for president! Castoff soldier.
0 notes