asterias-fallen-star · 4 months
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Happy Nausiklutia! May Lady Brizo guide you to prosperity and grant you protection!
I’m not very good at making these types of things but I thought I’d try.
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asterias-fallen-star · 4 months
Prayer for Nausiklutia
Hear me, O beloved ocean goddess, calmer of waves, protector of mariners, she who heralds sailors away from harm and into her arms.
Messenger through dreams, who guides us to the divine dawn, blessed lady of the sea, please guide those who’ve strayed from the safety of your eyes.
Brizo of slumber, fair protector, and navigator I revel in your divinity on this day and for all you offer us through your kind heart.
O sea faring goddess of far-famed Delos may you guide me to prosperity and fairer times as you do with ships in your harbour.
Sea loving Brizo may you accept these offerings and bring blessings of your divinity.
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asterias-fallen-star · 4 months
ναυσικλειτός - nausiklutós meaning famed for ships or famous by sea
Festival on the first of march celebrating better seas to sail, thus a time where worship/prayers towards lady Asteria’s Brizo aspect would be more prominent.
A single day festival that focuses on celebrating the improvement of days to come and future abundance (in food, money, etc.)
To celebrate, have a feast (or a meal honouring her), make offerings to for thanks and future abundance and safety. Perform sea/ship related devotional acts (going for a walk on the beach, sailing, swimming in the ocean)
Some potential offerings: wooden/paper/etc. boats (if safe to, you could give offerings in them to relate to historical offerings), wine, food (excluding fish*), sea/sailing memorabilia, flowers, shells
*a passage found in the Deipnosophists referencing ‘the history of Delos’ (sadly these books have been lost) more info here
I decided on this name due to the festival focusing on her Brizo aspect and I wanted something related to ships, I thought ‘famed for ships’ was really good due to her epithet ‘far-famed’
Why did I choose 1st march? I tried to research when the best sailing seasons where after winter/when people began ‘officially’ trading again in Ancient Greece and I got around march-April (I’m not an expert so I might be completely wrong on my dates)
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asterias-fallen-star · 4 months
I’m writing a prayer for Nausiklutia you guys, maybe I’ll actually finish it before, instead of on the day…
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