#hellenic gods
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oakandpearls · 3 days ago
An experience, and an idea of sorts.
We all know the act of pouring a libation for a deity, surely. But, there is something that feels so personal about sharing a drink with your deity/deities and just...chatting. I had some cream soda I wanted to share with my two patrons. I cleansed myself, my arms and my face especially, grabbed a small glass and a few ice cubes. Then, grabbed the bottle of soda and quickly ran up to my room. I approached their altar, spoke my usual greeting and stated my intentions before pouring all of our drinks (gods first, of course) and then took a seat on the ground. Then I just...talked. I talked my absolute head off. My cold drink in hand, occasionally stopping to take a sip or two, then going right back to it. My faith had dwindled for awhile after I got severely overwhelmed and burnt out, so this was my first time praying within a week. I talked about everything. How I was feeling, what led to the burnout, my latest experiences, my thoughts on everything and even dove down into some childhood memories regarding my patrons and how I felt they were always there for me even when I didn't know what Hellenism was. For the first time in what felt like ages, my mind was just completely empty. Not a single thought, none. All I knew is that I was just talking, pouring my heart and feelings out, and sooner or later emotionally going on about how beautiful all of this was to me, and my love for my patrons. Once I had finished my drink, at the same time I just about ran out of things to say. I set my glass down, stated that I had nothing more to say and took their cups to the bathroom sink. I graciously thanked them both for the time they gave to me as I poured out the drinks, for allowing me to talk so freely, and proceeded to tell them I love them and farewell for now before cleaning the cups. That was undeniably the most positive experience I've ever had while praying, truly. It felt so incredibly good, almost cathartic in a way. All I know is that I am incredibly grateful for my deities and came out of prayer feeling overwhelmed with joy, warmth and euphoria. Now, I'm incredibly relaxed, and dare I say sleepy. Hail Father Zeus, and Hail Lord Poseidon. ♡
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kagemoony · 19 hours ago
I'm learning modern greek using duolingo but i have to be honest... the only phrase i remember outside the app is " θα ηφελα το κουσκουσ" which means "i would like the couscous". And i really would like the couscous right now, i'm starving.
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boymanmaletheshequel · 23 hours ago
Different flowers and the Hellenic deities they correspond with: a masterlist:
- Anenome 🌹Aeolus, Aether
- Aster 🌹 Astraea
- Amaranth 🌹Artemis
- Allium 🌹Poseidon, Hecate
- Asphodel 🌹hades, Nyx, Persephone, Hecate
- Bluebell 🌹Circe
- Buttercup 🌹Apollo
- Black eyed Susan 🌹Tyche, Nemesis
- Bleeding heart 🌹Aphrodite
- Chrysanthemum 🌹 Heracles,
- Carnation 🌹Artemis, Aphrodite, Ares, Dysnomia, Zeus
- Cornflower 🌹Demeter
- Crocus 🌹Apollo, Hermes
- Cosmos 🌹Astraeus
- Cyclamen 🌹Persephone, Hekate
- Dandelion 🌹Apollo, Hekate
- Daisy 🌹Hebe, Hephaestus, Artemis, Persephone, Aphrodite
- Daffodil 🌹 Apollo, Eirene, Proteus, Hades
- Delphinium 🌹Poseidon, Amphitrite, Britomartis
- Daylily 🌹 Hyperion, Aether
- Forget me not 🌹 Mnemosyne, Dionysus, Zeus
- Foxglove 🌹 Artemis, Ares
- Gardenia 🌹Athena, Aphrodite
- Geranium 🌹Circe, Aphrodite
- Gladiolus 🌹 Apollo, Nike
- Goldenrod 🌹Demeter
- Heather 🌹 Heracles, Hera
- Heliotrope 🌹 Helios
- Hollyhock 🌹Hestia
- Hyacinth 🌹 Apollo
- Honeysuckle 🌹 Aristaeus, Hestia
- Iris 🌹 Iris, Pistis
- Jasmine 🌹Aphrodite, Athena, Morpheus, Nyx
- Lily 🌹Hebe, Hekate, Hera
- Lily of the valley 🌹 Persephone, Melinoe, Prometheus, Hades, Hekate, Nyx
- Lavender 🌹 Asclepius
- Lilac 🌹Pan
- Morning glory 🌹 Apollo, Eos
- Marigold 🌹 Apollo, Deipneus, Dionysus
- Nasturtium 🌹Hephaestus, Nike
- Orchid 🌹 Dionysus
- Peace Lily 🌹Tyche, Harmonia, Hera
- Poppy 🌹Ares, Asclepius, Epione, Morpheus, Hygeia
- Peony 🌹 Aphrodite, Apollo
- Pansy 🌹Apollo, Dionysus
- Phlox 🌹 Eros
- Rose 🌹Aglaea, Aphrodite, Clymene, Eris, Eos
- Sunflower 🌹 Demeter, Apollo
- Sweet pea 🌹Aphrodite
- Snowdrops 🌹Chione
- Tulip 🌹 Eirene, Aphrodite
- Violet 🌹Aphrodite, Persephone, Zagreus, Dionysus
- Veronica 🌹Demeter
- Vervain 🌹Artemis, Aphrodite
- Water Lily 🌹Tethys, Zagreus, Hera
- Yarrow 🌹 Aphrodite, Hermes, Pan
- Zinnia 🌹 Zeus
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oakandpearls · 2 days ago
1 and 3 for me...I'm personally in the belief the gods do very much care about us mortals, but rather in their own special way. :)
there’s three types of helpol posts on this website:
The Gods love you no matter what 💕💕
You’re not special. The Gods don’t care aout you. Your practices aren’t correct and you treat this religion like a fandom. Go die or smth.
i saw a cool bird and it reminded me of Lord Apollon!!
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helniiic · 1 day ago
all about aphrodite ꨄ
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aphrodite / Ἀφροδίτη is the goddess of love, beauty, harmony, pleasure, the sea, procreation, and fertility.
there are two different versions of aphrodite's birth and backstory, from the works of Hesoid & Homer.
in hesoid's theogony,
uranus (previous god of the sky) was overthrown by his own son, cronus (god of time). to achieve this, cronus used a sickle to castrate uranus and threw his genitals into the sea.
as his gentials fell, they mingled into the sea's foam. from this divine mixture, aphrodite rose from the sea near cyprus (or cythera, depending on the source) already fully grown.
hesoid depicts aphrodite as an independent entity who's power and beauty inspires gods and mortals.
in homer's iliad,
aphrodite is described as the daughter of zeus (god of the sky) and dione, ( goddess of the divine feminine & previous earth goddess ) a lesser-known goddess.
this version places aphrodite within the olympian pantheon and includes her within the conflicts.
themes of aphrodite's myths often include love & desire, jealousy & rivalry, passion & tragedy.
the judgement of paris
the story starts with the wedding of peleus (a mortal hero) and thetis. (goddess of the sea)
this marriage was attended by all gods and goddesses as it symbolised the union between mortal and divine entities. however, eris (goddess of discord) was not invited to the wedding due to her tendency to cause trouble. offended by this, she decided to disrupt the wedding.
to create discord, eris created a golden apple inscribed with the words "to the fairest." (kallistēi in greek)
three goddesses — aphrodite, hera and athena claimed the apple, each believing they were the fairest. unable to agree, they all turned to zeus to settle the dispute.
zeus couldn't settle on a decision, not wanting to offend any of the goddesses — so he turned to a mortal, paris. (a trojan prince) he was known for his impartiality and fairness, making him the ideal judge.
all goddesses came to paris on mount ida and exchanged a bribe for his favour:
1. hera promised paris power and domination, offering to make him the ruler of all known lands and people.
2. athena promised paris wisdom and military prowess, offering to make him an unbeatable warrior and strategist.
3. aphrodite promised paris the love of the most beautiful woman in the world: helen of troy, the wife of king menelaus of sparta.
after some consideration, paris eventually gave the apple to aphrodite in exchange for helen's love.
true to her word, aphrodite facilitated a meeting between paris and helen. he travelled to sparta to see her, either seducing her or abducting her (depending on the version of the myth) and they both sailed off to troy.
menelaus was furious to discover his wife had left, and called upon greek kings and heroes to help him get his wife back which was the beginning that led to the trojan war.
ares love affair
aphrodite was married off to hephaestus (god of fire & craftmaking) by zeus, to prevent arguments among the other gods over her beauty.
the couple were an unlikely match, as hephaestus was always focused on his craft and depicted as being physically unattractive whilst aphrodite was passionate and radiant. so, she turned to ares (god of war) for companionship.
the two deities were polar opposites — aphrodite symbolised love, harmony and beauty whilst ares symbolised violence, chaos and war. their love represented the intertwining of love and conflict.
the couple would meet up in secret, away from the eyes of the other gods to keep their affair hidden... which didn't last long.
hephaestus eventually found out about aphrodite's infidelity through helios — furious, hephaestus set a clever plan to expose and humiliate the couple.
using his skills, he crafted an invisible and unbreakable net of chains which he set up over the bed he shared with aphrodite so the next time her and ares met in secret, the net fell over the two which caught them in the middle of the act.
hephaestus invited all the other gods over to witness the trapped lovers, intending to humiliate ares and aphrodite by exposing their betrayal publicly.
all gods attended and laughed at the situation and envied ares, whilst the goddesses did not attend.
hephaestus demanded compensation or retribution from zeus, but he dismissed his demands and no real consequences were given to ares or aphrodite.
adonis' death / the curse of myrrha
a mortal woman named myrrha (adonis' mother) fell in love with her own father king cinyras. she tried to trick him into sleeping with her, which enraged her father and so he tried to kill her. to escape her father's wrath, she prayed to the gods for protection. but instead, the gods looked down on her for her incestuous acts and she was cursed to transform into a myrrh tree... and somehow, gave birth to adonis.
after the birth of adonis, his unbelievable beauty caught the eye of aphrodite - however, she was not the only goddess enamored with the child.
aphrodite placed the infant adonis in a box and entrusted it to persephone for safekeeping.
persephone opened the box, seeing how beautiful the child was and refusing to give him back up to aphrodite — which caused a massive dispute.
zeus intervened, declaring that adonis would spend one-third of the year with aphrodite, one-third in the underworld with persephone and another one-third with whoever he likes.
(later on, adonis chose to spend that time with aphrodite, only deepening her love for him.)
as adonis grew older, he became aphrodite's lover. the goddess was deeply in love with him and often joined him on hunts, despite her distaste for those types of things.
aphrodite was anxious of adonis' mortality, so she warned him to be cautious of the dangers in the wilderness. — but despite her warnings, adonis was emboldened by his pride and desire and pursued hunting with reckless abandon.
one day whilst adonis was hunting, he encountered a wild boar. some versions of the myth suggest...
1. ares became jealous of aphrodite and adonis' love, and sent the boar to kill him.
2. apollo sent the wild boar to seek revenge after aphrodite blinded his son, erymanthus.
3. artemis was seeking retribution and sent the wild bosr after aphrodite played a role in killing her favourite mortal, hippolytus.
adonis struck the wild boar with his spear, but the wounded animal retaliated by goring him fatally.
aphrodite sensed adonis' pain, and quickly rushed to his side — but she arrived too late, letting him bleed to death in her arms.
heartbroken over his death, she mourned deeply. as her tears mingled into his blood, she transformed him into an anemone flower — symbolising love, fleeting beauty and loss.
following his death, adonis descended into the underworld where persephone claimed him as her own. aphrodite protested, begging to zeus once more where he only reaffirmed the previous agreement.
this cycle represents the seasons — time spent with aphrodite symbolising spring and summer, whilst time spent with persephone symbolises autumn and winter.
eros and psyche
psyche was a mortal princess. she was so beautiful that people began to worship her instead of aphrodite — which angered her.
so, aphrodite sent eros (her son / cupid) and ordered him to make psyche fall in love with the ugliest creature.
however, when eros first saw psyche he was struck by her beauty and accidentally pricked himself with his own arrow, causing him to fall deeply in love with her.
instead of honouring his mother's wishes, he wanted to secretly make her his own.
meanwhile, psyche was alone. despite her beauty, men feared to ask for her hand in marriage. psyche's father was desperate for guidance, so he consulted in the oracle of delphi which delivered a tragic prophecy.
"dress your daughter in funeral clothes and leave her on a rocky cliff. she is destined to marry a fearsome, winged serpent that even the gods fear."
reluctantly, her family obeyed the oracle's words. they dressed her up, and left her on a cliff. however, instead of a monster, zephyrus gently lifted her up and carried her to a beautiful palace in a hidden valley.
in the palace, eros came to visit her in disguise and forbade her to see his face. despite his secrecy, he was gentle and loving with her which caused psyche to fall in love.
during the day, she wandered around the palace and was attended to by invisible servants, and at night time she would spend time with her husband.
however, the curiosity ate away at psyche. this was only enabled when her sisters came to visit.
upon seeing the luxurious life of psyche, her sisters became jealous and poisoned her mind with doubts — they convinced psyche that eros was a monster who would eventually kill and devour her. they urged her to take an oil lamp and a dagger, look at him whilst he slept, and be ready to kill him if he was a beast.
that night, psyche's curiosity got the best of her and followed her sister's advice. she lit the lamp, and beheld the most beautiful man she'd ever seen.
overwhelmed with love and regret, her hands trembled and a drop of hot oil landed on eros' shoulder, waking him up.
heartbroken by her betrayal, eros declared: "love cannot live without trust" and flew away.
heartbroken, psyche decided to try and win back eros by calling upon aphrodite.
aphrodite saw this as an opportunity to torment psyche further, so the goddess assigned psyche a list of nearly impossible tasks.
1. sorting a mountain of seeds — aphrodite poured a vast pile of mixed grains and demanded psyche to separate them by dawn. eros, who was still secretly in love, sent an army of ants to help her complete the task.
2. fetching golden wool — psyche had to collect golden fleece from violent rams. a river god advised her to wait until the rams slept before collecting the fleece from a bush.
3. filling a crystal flask with water from the underworld's river —psyche had to fetch water from a deadly river guarded by dragons. zeus' eagle assisted her by carrying the flask.
4. retrieving persephone's beauty in a box — finally, aphrodite ordered psyche to descend into the underworld and retrieve a bit of persephone's beauty in a box. persephone complied, warning her not to open the box. however, curiosity overtook psyche once again and she opened it up — she saw it did not contain beauty, but rather the sleep of death. psyche quickly fell into a deep slumber.
eros, unable to bear psyche's suffering any longer, flew to her and gently wiped away the deadly sleep and revived her with a kiss.
he pleaded to zeus to allow them to be together. zeus, moved by their love, made psyche a goddess and allowed her immortality.
psyche and eros were finally united, having a grand wedding on mount olympus. eventually, aphrodite accepted psyche for her now divine status.
pygmalion and galatea
pygmalion was a gifted sculptor from cyprus, known for his exceptional artistry.
he chose to live in solitude, deciding not to involve himself with any woman romantically as he believed no woman could ever match his ideal of beauty and virtue.
one day, pygmalion began working on a statue of a woman from pure ivory. he poured all his skill and passion into his work, ensuring every detail was flawless.
he named the statue galatea, and his admiration for his work quickly formed into love.
he would dress her in fine clothes, accessorise her in jewellery, spoke to her and slept next to her as he longed for her to come alive.
during the festival of aphrodite, the people in cyrpus gathered to honour and celebrate the goddess of love.
pygmalion approached the altar and made a silent but heartfelt prayer to aphrodite for a woman "as perfect as his ivory maiden."
aphrodite had secretly been watching his devotion and sincerity for his statue for awhile now, and decided to grant his prayer.
when pygmalion returned home, he kissed the statue as he always did. but, something was different...
her lips felt warm.
surprised by this, he touched her arm and felt warm, soft skin instead of cold ivory.
galatea's eyes fluttered open, her rigid form softening as she came to life before pygmalion's astonished gaze.
pygmalion was overwhelmed with joy, repeatedly thanking the goddess for her generosity. galatea, now a living woman, reciprocated his love and the two were happily united together.
- ares (lover)
- hephaestus (ex husband)
- apollo (ex lover)
- poseidon (ex lover)
- adonis (ex lover)
- hermes (ex lover)
- anchises (ex lover)
- dionysus (ex lover)
- zeus (father?)
- dione (mother?)
- eros / cupid (son)
- hermaphroditus (son)
- aeneas (son)
- priapos (son)
- phobos (son)
- deimos (son)
- harmonia (daughter)
- candles ( red, white, pink )
- crystals ( rose quartz, rhodonite )
- seashells / sea water / sand
- jewellery ( pearls )
- flowers ( roses, tulips )
- wine ( red, white, pink )
- beauty products ( makeup, skincare )
- perfume
- chocolate ( dark, milk )
- fruits ( strawberries, pomegranates, apples )
- incense ( vanilla, lavender, rose )
always remember to wash your hands & cleanse yourself before giving an offering!
- compliment yourself
- do your makeup / dress up for yourself
- make a skin / body care routine
- paint your nails
- keep pictures of her or any loved ones in your home
- drink some wine
- listen to love songs / watch rom-coms
- visit the beach / go swimming
- doves
- seashells
- roses
- myrtle
- swans
- sparrows
- golden apples
- pomegranates
do your own research, don't fully trust everything you read online & please correct me if i've spread misinformation!
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sleepnowmychild · 5 months ago
Shoutout to that era in the 90s when Dionysus temporality possessed home renovators and grape themed kitchens were a thing.
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My future kitchen tbh I had one like this as a kid living on a vineyard.
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atheneum-of-you · 3 months ago
Tiktok is probably one of THE WORST places to learn about REAL hellenic polytheism because it is rampant with misinformation and most creators are only interested in views and parroting misinformation THEY heard. Yes there are some great and informative creators on there to learn about the hellenic gods but they are far and few in-between.
INSTEAD if you're new to the religion and have no clue where to start researching/learning, here are a few phenomenal creators on here with wonderful and informative posts!
@wisdom-devotee has an amazing guide for starting out in hellenic polytheism
@seasaltdevotion also recently made a fantastic post on resources for starting out
@crazycatsiren has a SUPER long list of resources and research material
@khaire-traveler has possibly the greatest list on subtle deity worship for just about every god
Please actually learn from those of us that truly love and covet this religion and spread information that will truly benefit you.
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theoitheoitheoi · 5 months ago
To the Gods you are not sinful, guilty or unclean. You are you, unique in every facet of your existence.
The Gods hold grace for you. Existence is not immoral.
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morphic-mythos · 5 months ago
FIVE YEARS WITH THE GODS: what I've learned
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Don't fixate on the notion of being "called" by a particular deity or "claimed" by them. It'll only lead to confusion, misinterpretation, or disappointment. Instead, pay attention to your gut. What feels right? What names, symbols, or spheres of influence resonate with you or intrigue you?
Sometimes, we are presented with or drawn to gods we may not expect. In this case, we often need to look past the superficial aspects of a deity to understand why we feel drawn to them.
You will develop an insatiable appetite for knowledge, but let yourself digest information and experiences before proceeding to something new. Set aside time to reflect on your learning. Journaling is the perfect complement to research.
Make sense of your own perceptions and ideas before digging too deeply into the perceptions of others.
Our paths will inevitably wander into unfamiliar fields. Enjoy the journey. Make room for new modes of belief.
You will feel like a beginner for a long time. This is a good sign; it means you're growing something profound...and staying humble.
You are almost always overthinking things.
Feeling stressed out over your spirituality is not a good sign. Adjust accordingly and convey your thoughts to the gods as you go.
It's okay to release a deity from your practice. This does not make you a failure or a terrible person. Relationships change, and so do you.
You will need breaks from your practice. Spirituality is not a side hustle; let go of your guilt and rest.
Doubt and skepticism will be steadfast companions on your journey. Question everything.
In the end, your path belongs to you alone. No one else has power over what you practice.
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ivettaflowerblooom · 4 months ago
I feel like we don't give enough appreciation to the fatherly side of the gods. How about Zeus, who taught young Artemis archery? How about Poseidon, who proudly made Triton his herald? How about Ares, who carefully brushed Eros' wings? How about Hades, who lovingly lulled baby Zagreus to sleep? How about THAT
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amor-areia · 8 months ago
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I just love them so much!
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wingsofaphrodite · 28 days ago
Normalize falling behind in worship. Normalize not constantly being at 100%. Normalize needing to take a step back in order to keep moving forward. Normalize being imperfect. Normalize being human.
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kagemoony · 3 hours ago
Digital Offering for Lord Hermes
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I love him so much, I really hope he likes it.
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apiswitchcraft · 1 year ago
altars for greek gods
this post includes hades, persephone, artemis, apollo, aphrodite, hermes, and hekate. for part 2 including zeus, hera, poseidon, hestia, hephaestus, dionysus, ares, demeter, and athena click here, for the titans and protogenoi click here.
keep in mind that this is largely UPG, new age stuff, and historically accurate offerings to the gods include meat, wine, grain (specifically barley), honey, and incense (myrrh and frankincense).
colors can be used for candles, banners, decor, whatever you want
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Colors: black, red, and white for association with death. purple and metallics for association with riches/wealth
Offerings: mint, asphodel, white poplar, pomegranate, coffee, cinnamon, elm, money, chocolate
Crystals: gemstones, black crystals (obsidian, black tourmaline, smokey quartz, etc.), pyrite, hematite, labradorite
Animals: black ram, owl, serpent, Cerberus
Colors: purple, pink, yellow, green for association with springtime. black and metallics for association with Hades. white for purity.
Offerings: pomegranate, flowers, grains, asphodel, lavender, rosemary
Crystals: amethyst, gemstones, moss/tree agate, milk quartz, jade, lepidolite
Animals: deer, ram, bat, talking birds (including parrots)
Colors: red and pink for love/sexuality. white and blue for association with the ocean. gold for association with, well, gold.
Offerings: roses, chocolate, shells, myrrh, gold
Crystals: rose quartz, pearl, emerald, opal, aquamarine, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, ocean jasper, morganite
Animals: swan, dove, hare
Colors: white, blue, black, and grey for association with the heavens. brown and green for association with nature/the hunt.
Offerings: moon shaped foods, frankincense, cypress, mugwort, amaranth
Crystals: morganite, moonstone, aventurine, selenite, celestite, moss/tree agate, amethyst, quartz (specific dendritic), labradorite, silver
Animals: deer, wolf, wild boar
Colors: yellow, white, and blue for association with the heavens. red, orange, and pink for healing. purple and green for the Oracle
Offerings: sun shaped foods, bay leaves, laurel, cypress, playing music, poetry
Crystals: sunstone, amber, calcite (specifically honey and yellow), quartz (specifically rutilated or clear), rose quartz, silver
Animals: cow, snake, hawk, crow/raven, cicada, swan, bees
Colors: green and gold for money/luck. white and brown for travels.
Offerings: money, crocus/saffron, strawberries
Crystals: jade, malachite, fluorite, pyrite, lapis lazuli, citrine, alexandrite
Animals: tortoise, ram
Colors: purple, blue, and green for magic. red and black for association with underworld
Offerings: garlic, saffron, crossroad dirt, black salt, ashes, sage, cedar, yew
Crystals: labradorite, obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, amethyst, bloodstone, serpentine, lepidolite
Animals: wolf, boar, serpent, lion, horse, cow
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fabledfoxglove · 6 months ago
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ꕥ ᴅɪᴏɴʏsᴜs • ɢᴏᴅ ᴏғ ᴡɪɴᴇ, ᴠᴇɢᴇᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ғᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ, ғᴇsᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ, ʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴍᴀᴅɴᴇss, ʀᴇʟɪɢɪᴏᴜs ᴇᴄsᴛᴀsʏ, ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ꕥ
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