takarahime-blog · 11 years
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☁ In dubious battle on the plains of Heaven,  And shook his throne. What though the field be lost? All is not lost—the unconquerable will,  And study of revenge, immortal hate,  And courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome?
'paradise lost' book 01 - john milton
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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Smirking, she lifted her head up high. Proud of her amazing ninjaness. "What clan you ask? Pft, do you really think I, the amazing ninja, the hottest babe around town, needs a clan?" Yuffie exclaimed in exasperation.
This pink haired chick knew nothing about her! Shouldn't everyone know about her? At least, in the ignorant mind of Yuffie, absolutely everyone knew who she was. 
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She ain’t kidding. 
Abet surprised by the young ninja’s reclamation, Lightning remained to be stoic, in hopes of claiming her ever solemn nature. But for sure, there’ll be times where the pinkette isn’t so calm, independent, and not-so-playful demeanor. 
"Interesting.," musing as cerulean blues glanced at the smaller stature. “Of what clan, may I ask?"  
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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"What, really?!"  Flashing a toothy smile, she nodded frantically. It seemed like she'd be gaining an adventure buddy soon! The ninja couldn't be happier. She'd never had someone to actually go do crazy stuff with her, and it would be a nice change in her life. 
A girl, as well! Of all things. Yuffie never hung out with girls, because they couldn't keep up with her. But, this one seemed a bit like her in a way. "Sounds great!"  She replied happily, grabbing the girls hand and waiting for a sign of approval.
Intro // Rikku & Yuffie
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"No, no, it’s fine.." She trailed off a bit, mentally cursing herself. It was a new school, she was supposed to have her guard up, not down. Why had it been down? Her thoughts were interrupted by the girl’s rambling, and she stared at her for a moment, mulling over the reason.
Adventure? The word made her perk up, and a grin appeared on her lips. “I love adventuring! I’ll finish it with ya - if you don’t mind."
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
Guns N’ Roses - Welcome to the jungle
Album: Appetite for Destruction (1987)
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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Staring at the other with her mouth agape, she tilted her head to one side in a curious manner. "How'd you know?!" The ninja exclaimed, almost shocked at how someone finally knew that she was a ninja straight away.
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”. . Holy Etro, are you a ninja or s’thing.," the pinkette mused as she leaned against a tree, almost unaware of another’s presence till hearing a voice that’s almost squeaky, and much more enthusiastic. Of course, even when alarmed or surprised, Lightning remained calmed, or try to, at the very least. 
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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"Hmph. This babe is bored, someone do something interesting!"
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
Still Into You | Paramore
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. “So do I," said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
With an enthusiastic nod, they were off. Well, Yuffie was! With a poor Faris being dragged along right behind her. The ninja had a knack for not being quite aware of her actions. Right now was a great example of it. 
A huge grin planted itself upon the youths face, as she skipped through the cafeteria doors. Yuffie had never really noticed just how childish she was. Or, maybe she did. But, she just pushed it off with a shrug, and continued on with her life.
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"What should we get, what should we get!" She said excitedly, while turning around to look up at Faris with wide eyes.
Faris could almost feel herself laughing from the sight of the youth placing a hand on her stomach. One look and she knew that the girl was one for food. Faris admitted she would like to eat as much as well, though there were some lines to not ever cross… Then again she was healthy enough to maintain a rather active lifestyle, it was the fangirls who would actually hoard her during her jogs and gym visits that simply made her feel less inspired and comfortable with her public appearance.
After all, she hated the limits they would place on her, their expectations of her — and Faris, being someone who embraced freedom and the adventurous life of experiencing new things, she hated to commit her thoughts to her fans. Although the notion would always be nice, all she wanted was to experience new activities and to gain money to improve on her living.
By the acceptance of the youth’s offer a smile lit up upon the features of the androgynous individual, enthusiasm was what they shone with in unison.
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“‘lright! Sounds good! Let’s go to the cafeteria now, shall we?"
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
oon; I apologize but I'm not gonna be on too much today or tomorrow. I honestly don't feel like writing or doing anything today. I'm just not in the mood, and if I force myself my replies will be terrible. 
Tomorrow I have a lot of things to do, but I think I'll be bringing my laptop with me when I got out to dinner tomorrow. So, I'll most likely be online tomorrow night and I'll do all my replies and maybe I'll write out some starters for people if they'd like.
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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"...So quiet. Everyone better not be having fun without me!"
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
Cloud/Aerith | Flowers - Requested by GreyGardens → "I hope one day you find someone that makes flowers grow in end the saddest parts of you”
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
Yuffie pondered the idea of being treated to eat. She wasn't entirely fond of the idea of someone paying for her things, because that meant she'd have to give something in return. Common courtesy and all that. But, the thought of food made her stomach rumble. Quickly placing a hand against it, which she hoped would quiet it down. Assuming it would be a harmless thing, it was time to swallow her pride once again to accept the offer. It would have been rude not to, of course.
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With a smile, and a nod of her head she reached her hand out for the other girl to take. The ninja was still way too childish for her own good, unfortunately. "I'd like that!"
Aye, nimble like the little nymphs the pirates would hate to stumble on — yet love to touch.
Faris immediately withdrew her hand at the sight of the youth escaping her range, knowing that they shared the same gender, and respect — privacy, was something Faris knew to maintain as a person of the same level. Unfortunately, Faris was still unsure regarding her stance within her own classification of identity. Raising a dark, dusty brown brow she turned towards the damsel with a smile.
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"T’was an honest mistake, m’lady," utilizing her charms, Faris… Attempted to fish some sort of forgiveness from the youth. “I’ll treat ya, to any food ye want to have from the cafeteria, if you’d let me. I’ve got a pride to keep too, y’know," she raised a shoulder, not to enunciate a shrug, but as an offer.
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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takarahime-blog · 11 years
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