Me: thinks of you, my wonderful, amazing, incredible friend - Me: 💕💞💓❤💛💚💙💙❣❣💕💞💓💗🥲💕💚💚🧡😌😌💕
oh my god when did you send this?? I LOVE YOU STARRY YOU’RE GREAT TOO!!!!
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Patton will straight up reveal he and Janus snuggle and the snake boy will probably say something like "I mistook him for my pillow."
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I love seeing how Patton's falsely innocent remarks about his friendship with Janus mesh with Janus' nonchalant dismissal of their friendship. Patton knows that Janus has an image to keep, and it shows because he's just a little bit off kilter when talking about him. And Janus is just flat out lying about how he interacts with Patton (it's hard to mistake a pun lord in a cat sweater who talks and squeals and can't sit still for a garbage can)
They're both playing it up so much to hide the fact that they get along so well. They're con artist husbands, your honor
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hewwo :) for a prompt, how about moxiety with patton making some hot cocoa for virgil?
Patton hummed softly as he puttered around the kitchen, the sounds of Virgil rifling through their DVD collection mixing nicely with the sound of rain against the window. It wasn't often that they got to spend the evening together like this, both being busy with school and work, so it was nice that they were going to get the whole weekend together.
They had had a lovely dinner and now to finish off the evening with a couple movies. Under normal circumstances, they'd watch something light-hearted, a comedy to go to bed in a good mood, but with October finally here, Virgil was excited to whip out his scary movie collection. It wasn't quite Patton's forte, and while it didn't scare him, it gave him an excuse to cuddle with his adorable boyfriend.
But first! One of his favorite things for evenings like this... hot cocoa! His mother had taught him a good recipe that made the drink creamy and chocolatey. Whenever he made it, it made Virgil extra cuddly, and cuddling with his boyfriend was what he was looking forward to the most. It'll make the spooks from the movie worth it.
Sure enough, once the drinks were finished and carefully carried into the living room, Virgil had piled up some blankets on the couch, and a movie was ready to hit play on the television. Patton smiled, making his way over to his seat, and settling down easily. He passed Virgil a cup and grinned at the kiss pressed to his cheek in thanks. His chest warmed at the content look on Virgil face, and he settled back against the couch, with Virgil cuddling up to him, and he was ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.
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Sanders Sides in skirts??? Sanders Sides in skirts from different time period in History
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I also did them wearing tuxedos a few months ago, but it got lost in my Tumblr archive hahaha!! 
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and then virgil left
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You know istg moceit is fucking canon
Cause everytime Thomas is on a live stream he has Janus or Patton talk about each other
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Marble Heart
Hello! Here’s my entry for the @sandersidesbigbang and I’m so happy to finally get to share it with you! Thank you so much for letting me participate <3 <3 And thank you to my lovely beta @threecrowsinatrenchcoat for helping me out and @purplecrayonismine and @just-a-pintrovert for the lovely art accompaniment <3 (I’ll link the art when it gets posted)
Summary:  Logan’s never had any luck with love, instead choosing to devote himself to his work, but that doesn’t stop his heart for yearning for someone special. Roman, the God of Love himself, decides to do something to help him out. Modern day Galatea Au
Word count: 10,094
Pairings: Analogical and Sleepality
Warnings: None
AO3 link for ease of reading
Far above the mortal world sat paradise. There were lush green fields as far as the eye can see, with plenty of trees heavy with ripe fruit. Countless lakes and rivers with crystal clear waters that was the perfect temperature if one wanted to take a swim or dip their feet and relax. Every little want or desire was filled! It was wonderful, and perfect, and… boring. So incredibly boring. Roman was bored with having his every whim catered to.
He heaved out a sigh, throwing himself back on his rather comfortable chaise, body sinking into the soft, fluffy pillows. A hand reached up to brush his perfectly coiffed hair back into place and he let his eyes wander to his followers, talking, laughing, lounging around and enjoying their afterlife after spending their time on Earth devoted to him. He knew he really couldn’t, shouldn’t, complain. He has a good life. He’s had the best life since he came into being. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing.
He missed going down and walking among the living, hearing their stories and helping them with their struggles. It was so different down there, every day something new was happening. But as time went on, as humanity grew and developed, their faith and belief in him and his siblings diminished. Before he knew it, the trips down grew less and less frequent until none of them went down at all. He knew his brothers and sisters were content to stay with their faithful followers, but he craved adventure! Something new! And damn it all if he wasn’t going to do something about it!
Determination gripping his heart, Roman sat up abruptly, startling a group of girls seated next to him. He flashed a charming grin, earning some giddy giggles, and he turned, heading back inside his palace and making his way up to his room to start planning. It wouldn’t be easy to get down among the mortals as it once was, lack of faith and the gate being guarded would make it difficult. But where there was a will, there was a way, and he was always good at getting what he wanted. But first, he needed a plan. While spontaneity was kind of his forte, he felt like in this instance, the more he had figured out when he went down, the better his trip would be.
He hummed happily to himself as he made his down the halls, mind racing with the possibilities. He may not be completely up to date with what was happening down on Earth, but he knew enough. He’d just have to do what he did best! Spreading love and affection among the masses! He could spot a lonely heart a mile away, and he was confident that he can find anyone their perfect match, be it romantic or platonic. He could take a quick trip down, help some people, and be back before anyone really knew he was gone.
Now the real challenge was getting down there. He’d have to first sneak out past his father, make it down to the gate, and then get past the guard. He used to be able to sneak out with little to no problem when he was younger, but as the centuries go by, his old tricks slowly stopped working. There was a chance that since it’s been so long, he may just be able to squeak by with a trick he hasn’t used since he was young. Or… He paused, opening the door and seeing his brother digging in his closet. He could go with a more sure-fire distraction that was always guaranteed to work.
“Hey Remus… I need your help with something.”
Remus’ neck cracked with how fast his head spun around to look at him, and the grin stretching across his face left Roman feeling a little unsettled, but he knew he could count on him to help him out. And yeah, he’ll owe him later down the line, but this was his best bet. He just hoped he wouldn’t regret it.
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Virgil <3
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Ok but can we just take a moment to appreciate the absolute hilariousness that is any Patton X dark side ship.
Can you imagine meeting someone who is just the definition of sunshine and rainbows. He’s been hugging your dog non stop and you met on your way out of a store because he was buying ingredients to make cup cakes.
He then tells you that his boyfriend came with him and when you ask where he is, he tells you he’s not too far behind him. Then when you look to see his boyfriend you just see a guy head to toe in black and looks like he’s killed before and will kill again if you mess with him.
And if that isn’t goals I don’t know what is😂
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a little doodle of jan and pat!
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Virgil, nervous: I've been thinking about this for awhile now, but I think it's about time we drop the b in our bromance
Roman, drink lifted halfway to his mouth: Virgil, we've been married -
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Remus is stupid but not dumb and Janus is dumb but not stupid. hope this helps.
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I’m sorry, I had to
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