talesfromgalatea · 21 days
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The Firefly
Looks like Leon is a fire starter. I'm still working on his and his twin (Lila) designs so bare with me, hopefully I'll have them figured out soon.
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talesfromgalatea · 22 days
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Emotion and Colour palette Challenge! Did this on my Instagram stories. This was both challenging and very fun! Not sure if these guys like their colour scheme though XD
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talesfromgalatea · 2 months
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Galatea Fae, rough concepts.
Started sketching these months ago. I'm still roughing out what faerie type creatures are like on Galatea. At the moment they are types of insects and micro versions of some species (hence the wyvern fae).
Also a little sneak peak into what goes into my creature design process, so here you can see some of the reference images that I pulled up. As you can see the Galatea fae are very much based on bioluminescent animals and a couple of bird species (for the wyvern)
Hopefully I'll nail down the designs at some point, but for now enjoy these early concepts!
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talesfromgalatea · 2 months
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The Shadow Stalker
A jackal variant of the wolf raptors, only much leaner, faster and taller. Found in the dessert lands surviving in small families of the small oasis' that are scattered throughout the dessert.
Damn I have not posted here in about a month, sorry about that. I've been really busy with stuff offline. I have designed a couple of creatures which I'll post sometime, just when things in my life have calmed down a bit. I do plan also to write the species guide at some point as well.
Hope you guys enjoy!
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talesfromgalatea · 5 months
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Ash the.....Jedi?
So uhhh Ash found some Jedi's lightsaber. I dread to think how he's going to use it XD
Happy Star Wars Day guys! 
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talesfromgalatea · 5 months
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Azure, Cobalt's mother I initially drew this at the same time as the Mother's day drawing but I forgot to post it.
Anyway this is what Cobalt's mother looks like, originally I was going to call her Cornflower but I feel Azure sounds nicer (and kinda matches with Cobalt as being a shade of blue). Hopefully at some point I'll redesign Cobalt's brother and do a design for his father.
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talesfromgalatea · 6 months
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Luck of the Irish Wyvern
Happy St Patricks Day! 
Have a cute pic of Ash! If your nice to him he will bring you luck, if not then he eats all the contents of your fridge!
Have a safe and happy day guys!
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talesfromgalatea · 6 months
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"Hello there, little one"
It's Mother's Day here in the UK and I felt like drawing something cute. Cobalt meets his mama for the first time. Little fun fact about Forest Bull Griffin chicks, they don't open their eyes until a few days after they hatch and usually have a grey coat of fluff that they shed as they get older. 
Song Inspiration: I'll Keep You Safe By Sleeping at Last
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talesfromgalatea · 7 months
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Year of the Dragon
A bit late, but happy lunar new year! 
Been in a bit of an art block recently so hence why I haven't posted much recently. Decided to draw a more full bodied illustration of the dragon from my first art post of 2024. A lot less of a fierce drawing of him. I don't have a name for this character yet, might try to think of one at a later date. 
Have a nice day guys!
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talesfromgalatea · 8 months
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🔥 Orlaith the last 🔥
Orlaith is the last of the subspecies of Phoenix Raptors known as the Long Eared Phoenix Raptor. As the name states this species have long feather like appendages that make it seem like they have ears. These are used to protect the glands on the side of their necks, which is where they’re natural magic is stored. 
Orlaith is one of the oldest characters in Galatea very few have reached the age of 100yrs. Being the last of her kind makes her very lonely and unable to relate to other subspecies of Phoenix’s, however she has found companionship in a dragon whom her kind have a developed a close relationship with. 
Woooo! Boy I’ve been trying to finalised this creature/character for ages!! I’ve finally managed to finalise them! I love her design and I’m working on her character, she does appear in Cobalt and co story but she’s not a major focus. However I am planning on writing a short story on her in the future!  Anyway more references sheets hopefully to come in the future, though I’m planning on updating some as well to add some species information, and species culture information as well.  Hope you guys enjoy! 
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talesfromgalatea · 9 months
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The Phoenix and The Dragon
First art post of the new year! :D
Decided to incorporate the new zodiac year into this, so early happy year of the dragon guys! 
Not much to say on this piece other than, I'm currently working on the dragon species in Galatea as well as some more character stuff. Hope you guys enjoy and have a wonderful 2024! 
Music Inspiration: Worlds Apart by Tygers of Pan Tang
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talesfromgalatea · 9 months
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The Ember Rose
"The ember rose is one of the most strange yet beautiful flowers in Galatea. It blooms for a minute emitting a soft warm glow and once fully formed the petals start to float off the flower up into the sky slowly disintegrating and pollenating other flowers in the are." 
Most likely going to be the last art post of this year as I have work in the run up to the new year. So I decided to make some art based on my Phoenix raptor character, who I do plan on making a reference sheet for sometime in the new year. 
Hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful new year! 
Music inspiration: A million miles away (reprise)
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Art and Characters are (c) to Me Please DO NOT Copy/Trace, Repost, Or Sell My Work! Thank You! 
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talesfromgalatea · 9 months
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Christmas Lights
Cobalt gets himself tangled up in some festive tree lights, but he doesn't care cause he enjoys watching the colours change XD
Made a sort of gif to this (well it's a video, I tried to make an actual gif in Photoshop but it doesn't seem to work very well, or it's too big to post) with the lights twinkling.
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talesfromgalatea · 9 months
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Festive Song
Been really busy lately so I haven't had much time to draw, however I manage to draw this up in one evening. Little robin based feathered wyvern. Fun fact featured wyverns are known to have pretty singing voices. That would also include Ash.
Anyway hope you guys enjoy and enjoy the festive season! 
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Art and Characters are (c) to Me Please DO NOT Copy/Trace, Repost, Or Sell My Work! Thank You!
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talesfromgalatea · 10 months
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Vali and Vivian
Yep, I'm out with it. They're a couple!!
Sorry that I've been MIA when posting art, work has been very draining recently so I haven't had much time to draw. However I had this sketched up a while ago so I decided to finish it.  I've been slowly developing these two in my head for a while and making them a couple was just the natural progression of that. I do have a rough idea of their story and how they met. But for now enjoy some cute art of them together! 
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talesfromgalatea · 10 months
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Long Eared Pheonix Raptor
Quick creature design sketch I did last night before bed. She's an old species from Galatea, many wyvern's see her kind as their ancestors.
Still need to tweak the design a bit, but for now here she is, I've called her Orla.
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talesfromgalatea · 11 months
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Off to Trick r Treat
Happy Halloween Guys! Hope you're all having a fun and safe time. Meanwhile Cobalt is off to get some treats or play some tricks.
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