talesofmuses · 3 years
Scars from his past human life. Scars from war and battle in the past. She remembered what he told her about his human life and how he didn’t like it.
“Do you find it an eyesore?” Phantasos asked back.
She knew many warriors would wear their scars proudly. People see it as a way to show proof that they were strong, that they faced many battles, to show fear. She never cared for that. She never liked scars. They maimed the skin and make one look uglier. That was why she was careful enough to never get herself scarred. However, the important thing was that a person should feel comfortable in their own body, their own skin. She never felt comfortable in her original form so she changed it.
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“Scars can be interesting with their own stories but they are ugly in my opinion. However, if you like your scars, then that is what is important. Do these scars remind you of the nasty things that happen to you during your human life? I can easily hide these scars for you.”
Using her illusion powers.
★ – He looked down on the scar and think about it for a while before leaning in to kiss her cheek. 
“Scars only serves as a stigma, at least to me; it is. Also, your opinion matters to me. If you could hide it, it would be great because I’m far from done. So, I would like to appear at least a little bit ‘neat’.” 
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As soon Kohaku said that, he adjusted his helm. He is far from over. This mission is too important to him since he has been drawing attentions from the upper ranks. If he could perform just like how they expect he would be, it would draw him closer to validate himself as someone capable enough in the battlefield, and also to be with Phantasos. 
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talesofmuses · 3 years
After what happened to her father… he didn’t mean to remind her of her father’s death. He thought she would be sad but upon a closer look, she seemed serious and even determined. He smiled. She hadn’t given up on anything. She was still determined to keep on fighting.
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“I am glad to hear that. I assume Failinis is training you? If you need any tips or extra training, just ask me. If I am here, I can spar with you. The stronger you are, the more advantage you get in rebuilding the Lugh’s clan.”
Regulus wasn’t aware that Connor was struggling with her training or her strength and focus on other things. Nevertheless, he will be there to support her no matter what.
“In fact, do you want to spar together after dinner?”
☀️ – Connor nodded. “Yes, Failinis of course! She is strong, strict and caring as ever!” The compliment flattered Failinis a little bit but she tried to control her expression.
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“A spar? Well yes, that would be fine with you too right, Failinis?” She seems eager and was looking at Failinis, seeking for an approval from her. Failinis nodded. 
“Alright, but make sure you two eat well first.” She sighed a little bit. 
After the dinner, they rested for a while before the sparring begin. Failinis took this opportunity to talk to Regulus personally. 
“Regulus, mind if I talk to you for a while?”
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talesofmuses · 3 years
Afelle and My Children OCs
Afelle ( @talesofmuses​ ) and I have finished brainstorming the children and decided to write this all down for our own reference. (Of course if you want to read about this, you are welcome to) Also, a lot of these are based on Afelle’s lore so this probably won’t make any sense to anyone else.
We will update this post if we think of any more ideas. The children are for our ships, RegulusxConnor, KunikidaxMinerva, and PhantasosxKohaku.
Keep reading
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talesofmuses · 3 years
Aww thank you!! I love the collage gift ♥️♥️
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Merry Christmas, Afelle!~ I know you have been very busy but I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I hope you like this! This is like a mix of happy, cute and sadness. 
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talesofmuses · 3 years
[ LOL Its Kunikida's Appreciation Day for you. I dont think Kunikida realize how much he really meant to the people that personally involved with him. His presents makes their mind and heart wavered. He could shake a criminal's will from deep inside. He make someone pulled their shit together. If that are not strength of ADA mommy, I dont know what it is loll ]
[Also your Kunikida is the most perfectly portrayed because things that happened in the canon story also similarly happened in your own writing. ]
[ The canon characters appreciate him a lot. I can say it applied to my oc as well. Kohaku was also a criminal but he is at lost and clueless about how real world works, your Kunikida was there to save him and he decided to follow Kunikida's way like a shadow for a while until he could be more independent and grow more personality along the way. Kunikida's presence are slowly coloring Kohaku's life. He understands that he could grow more humane than he thought will never be; because he was under the impression of just being for scientific experiments. And i think thats the most beautiful thing that has happened to Kohaku because for the first time, he actually learning and growing by refering to his ADA dad way of life and his ideals lol. XD]
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Something interesting that I was thinking of Kunikida and some of his relationships. Here is a very simple and short summary: 
Rokuzou Taguchi: Wants revenge against the ADA and Kunikida by hacking and launching an outside internet attack on the ADA, strongly resents Kunikida for being an indirect reason his father is dead.
Any normal people would have give him to the police to be arrest but instead Kunikida provide living accommodations, resources and took care of Rokuzo, making sure that he was well taken care of and not get into any trouble.
In return, even though Rokuzo acts like he didn’t like Kunikida because of his bitterness of what happen, he still helps Kunikida from time to time and even protected Kunikida from getting shot and died as a result. 
Nobuko Sasaki: Hates Kunikida and wanted revenge on the ADA and specifically Kunikida for being the indirect reason that her boyfriend is dead. 
However, through spending time with Kunikida, she ends up having conflicting feelings about Kunikida, hating him for being the reason why her boyfriend is dead and also loving him for the kind of man he is.
When she dies, under her dying breath, she wanted to tell him that she loved him and tries to warn him about his ideals.
There is a lot more depth in the Sasaki’s and Kunikida’s relationship but I will stop here.
Shosaku Katsura: Hates Kunikida and wants to destroy Kunikida’s ideals.
Any normal people would have arrested Katsura and be like okay, this isn’t my problem anymore but Kunikida show him that his ideals can’t be destroy and tries his best to guide Katsura in the right path, to “live on with courage”
In the end, Katsura end up having so much respect for Kunikida and his ideals that even though he was kidnapped and threatened by Fyodor, he continued to believe in Kunikida and that Kunikida’s ideals are real and Kunikida’s spirit would not be broken. (And then Katsura died believing that because I am 100% sure Fyodor killed him after)
Interestingly, all three of these characters hated Kunikida but end up having respect for Kunikida and dying because of that respect for Kunikida. 
Osamu Dazai: Does not hate Kunikida lol but Dazai is a lost and broken man who is trying his best to “do good” like he promise Odasaku. He regrets so much with what happen with Odasaku and wish that Odasaku could still be alive and happy.
Then, there is Kunikida who reminds Dazai of Odasaku so much. Kunikida helps Dazai learns how to “do good” and also he help gave Dazai a second chance. With how similiar Kunikida and Odasaku is, this time, Dazai makes sure to not make the same mistakes and regrets he did with Odasaku and makes sure that Kunikida’s ideals would not lead Kunikida to his own death like how Odasaku died. 
Both Kunikida and Dazai help keep each other in check and make sure the other doesn’t go overboard and destroy themselves.
I guess the moral of the story is don’t hate Kunikida or else you will somehow be charmed by him and like him and then you die because you like him. So be like Dazai, if you like Kunikida and you get to live lol! XD 
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talesofmuses · 3 years
It was clearly getting too chaotic. He still couldn’t process everything that Regulus just told him. At this point, he was now worried for Minerva. If vampires were roaming the city, what will happen if Minerva got attacked? He knew she was powerful enough to protect herself but she was injured, was she not? If they find Minerva, he could be sure she was safe and she could help the agency. She had helped him so much but if there was also a way to help her get back to her world safely, that would be good.
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“Let’s find Minerva first. It will be good to find her safe and she could help us. She has abilities that can be useful in our quest.”
“What kind of abilities?” Regulus asked.
Magic? He glanced over to Kohaku, confused by what Kunikida meant before turning back to Kunikida. If that is what Kunikida wanted…
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“Okay, we will go find Minerva then. Kohaku, let’s find that ambulance or hospital.”
★ – Kohaku listened and he was getting curious of her abilities. Magic? As in? He had no clue such thing exist, as he learnt before magic here is no more than just tricks. 
“....Alright, follow me.”
Kohaku led them to the hospital and by the time they arrived, Minerva was already inside a ward. They immediately found her room and then he pointed towards the red haired woman on the bed. Minerva was labelled as unidentified patient and it seems like she is still unconscious. Kohaku instructed them to walk in silently before they close the ward’s door. Soon after the door’s close, they walked closer to the bed to inspect Minerva.
Kohaku almost couldn’t believe his eyes, she was badly injured when he met her on the ground before. She had a deep wound and scar and when he observed the wound spot, it is almost as if the deep wound being stitched. Upon closer observation, that is not a medical stitch, but some sort of tangles of white fiber. He is confused. His eyes trailed from her wounds then towards the smaller thread of fiber that is on her skin. It was a long, semi-luminous thread that came out from a small stem of a nearby plant in a vase.
“..What?” He touched the small thread that came out from the plant’s green stem. “This thing, has been... stitching her wounds?”
Minerva heard a voice and her eyes slowly opened, just to see Kunikida and two faces that she felt so familiar with...
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talesofmuses · 3 years
When Kunikida asked Lumina to tell him more about her mother, he wasn’t really expecting her to pull out a thick book. He thought she was only going to tell him some of her memories of her mother. Was she going to show him her pictures of her mother? Or was this a diary that she was going to read out loud to him? The book looked old, very old. It didn’t look like a book that was created during Lumina and Luke’s time… Their time was too futuristic for this.  She opened the first page and he could see himself and another young woman smiling beside each other. It was quite odd seeing himself beside someone he didn’t remember. So this was the person he fell in love with in another timeline? She looked very beautiful and there was something about her that he felt connected with. He listened to Lumina telling him about Minerva and the universe they were from. A world with beasts, gods, unearthly realms… it sounded like chaos but she told him it was not.
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“There were people with abilities and strength equal to gods? Are you sure they are not gods as well?”
He couldn’t imagine people as strong as gods… He wondered if he could even survive in a universe like that.
“So her field of expertise was in science, magic and research?”
Kunikida wanted to know about Minerva from Lumina’s memories. He didn’t even know that Minerva kept a journal like he did.
“I see… I am assuming you don’t have her journal? I was  hoping you can tell me about her from what your memories.”
🏹- Lumina got herself trapped in doubt when Kunikida posed the question. “Well, how should I say it? The abilities and strength they have are a blessing from the divine. We called it cosmos. Almost everyone has it inside them, and if you are capable to manipulate it to your fullest potential, consider that it is your luck!”
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Lumina took a glance of her mother’s small portrait then smiled. “My mother was one of the Goddess Athena’s supporter. Using her field of expertise, she made a lot of contributions as well. She kept tracks of important events and many other things in her personal book. It might sound rude to read someone’s personal writings but what is the use of leaving it alone and untouched? Maybe my mom wanted me to keep it so I can remember more of her journeys, and I can share her memories with you too!” 
She suddenly had an idea. “I’ve got an idea, you can come meet again when you are free, then we can read through my mom’s journal, who knows? My mom might have written something about you as well!”
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talesofmuses · 3 years
"Kohaku, you have to help me! Help me turn back to normal!" Phantasos begged as she held on to him. Phantasos was in Hypnos' body at the moment.
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★ -- He looked at Hypnos and he knew immediately something was off. He found it rather awkward to talk to Lord Hypnos while he was holding him and begging. The god? Begging upon a low rank specter for help? He found it amusing but he must not show it on his face. Kohaku, composed yourself.
"Phantasos, is that ...you? Calm down. How can I help, exactly? ..Now that you are trapped in Lord Hypnos's body.... How did this happened?"
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talesofmuses · 3 years
Kunikida has woken up early and prepared breakfast quietly. When it was near the time Minerva woke up, he went up to her room with breakfast and gently wake her up with a kiss. "Happy Birthday, Minerva." His whole day was free just to spend with her.
Minerva opened her eyes as soon she felt a soft kiss on her lips. He knew her sleep and wake schedule already, which is very impressive. "Oh, Kunikida. It's morning already?" She yawned a bit before stretched her arms and hugged him. Then, she looked at the breakfast on the table and smiled happily. Minerva could smell the freshly baked pancakes, and a cup of flower tea to go with it!
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"Aww, did you make this?" She kissed him back. "Thank you! Come, have some with me, after this we should go somewhere nice! You have all day for me today right? Hehe~!"
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talesofmuses · 3 years
"Happy Birthday, Minerva!" Regulus said as he gave her a cake that he baked. "Lets eat cake, have fun, and celebrate!"
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Minerva is so delighted by the cake that he just bake. “Freshly baked cake? This looked delicious! Thank you, Regulus! You are such a good boy!”  Minerva proceeds to hug him. “- And yes, let’s celebrate this together with others!” 
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talesofmuses · 3 years
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“Its been a while. My house is full of cobwebs and dust. Mind helping me out a little bit?”
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talesofmuses · 3 years
Connor is asleep and she is having a surreal dream. It is Connor’s wedding day! Her groom is a… chicken… Connor will be married to a chicken with lovely lips, ready to kiss Connor. Everyone is now all kind of animals, shouting in their language. Before those chicken lips can kissed Connor, she suddenly wakes up. (April Fool’s prank from Phantasos)
She stared at the chicken and didn’t say anything. Why is it everyone turned into animals? Why is she marrying a chicken instead of Regulus? Fortunately the dream didn’t last long, she woke up anxious but after that and feel relieved it wasn’t real. 
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“Well, chicken is better than marrying evil gods from Underworld.” She is wondering why she said that first thing after she get out of the bed.
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talesofmuses · 3 years
Minerva is asleep and she is having a surreal dream. All the trees in the forest all have moving mouths and are talking nonsense. One of the trees even asks Minerva if she looked fat in her dress. Another started eating itself. And another start crying while drinking it’s own tears. Then, the trees all grew legs and start running around and screaming for absolutely no reason. “Mommy, Mommy!” Minerva would turn around and see that her daughter is now a talking tree too! Then, suddenly, Minerva woke up. (April Fool’s prank from Phantasos)
🌿 -- Minerva woke up but stayed in bed for a while, thinking about the weird dream. It does look creepy to her but she was more agitated than freaking out immediately. “This must have been Phantasos’s work, no doubt. Looks like even god interested in April’s Fool event.”
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talesofmuses · 4 years
“Happy Valentine!” Regulus said as he gave Connor a box of chocolates. While Valentine was a holiday for couples, it could be for friends too. Oh, Regulus, please stop being oblivious to Connor’s feelings and accept it.
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☀️ -- “O-Oh, for me?? Are you for real?” Thank you, Regulus. Happy Valentines Day, to you too..” Her voice gradually lowered by the end of the sentence. She hold the box with a bright smile with a tint of blush spread across her cheeks. 
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talesofmuses · 4 years
“Happy Valentine,” Kunikida said as he gestured to the candle lit dinner table. It seemed like they were going to have a romantic dinner.
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🌿 -- “!!” The maiden softly gasped in delight as the day she highly anticipate is finally here.  A candle lit dinner table, at the outdoor gazebo in the middle of the garden, and under the starry nights. It is perfect!  “Thank you, this is sweet of you, Kunikida~” After this dinner, she couldn’t wait to repay all of his effort for tonight!
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talesofmuses · 4 years
While Kohaku was distracted, Phantasos appeared from thin air and gave Kohaku a chocolate kiss to his lips. She was sure Kohaku can taste the chocolate that she just ate. After kissing him, she stepped back and gave him a box of chocolates. “So, should we taste these chocolates or do you want to taste me instead?”
★ -- Kohaku was slightly surprised when Phantasos appeared suddenly and then kissed him. Oh? It has chocolate taste. Obviously he wanted more of the chocolate when she showed the box of chocolate but it would be better to try explore new types of ‘games’ for both of them, isn’t it?  
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He smirked a little. “Actually, you just gave me an idea. Well, why not both? For this special day, we might as well try something.. new.” 
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talesofmuses · 4 years
[ Me going to draw Minerva genderbent for art collab. Im- *scrambles around for references while busy doing work* 😭 ]
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