talkwithtorch · 1 year
What is an act of kindness ??
We all share one thing in common. That one thing is , we all have a story . Some stories may sound similar but never duplicated . That is because God uniquely made us to be different. Why is that ??. I truly believe it’s because we all have different purposes to serve . Let’s dive in a little further….. how many times have you felt rejected or looked down upon ??. I will speak for myself , a lot ok !! . There were times I let others damper my dreams because I allowed their negative tongue to hinder me. It took a lot of self reflection , determination and I had to learn how to be more kind to myself. I would metaphorically pour out of an empty cup . Pouring into others with no substance. Being afraid of falling in love . Running away from good people . Entertaining the thrill seekers who had no good intentions for me . It was a rush that took time to diminish but so happy it did . Once the realization happened it was time to wake up . Now just to be clear I am still a work in a progress . A lot of inner healing still needs to be done and it will because I’m being kinder to myself and to others . It feels so good doing it too . You never know what someone’s going through . I challenge you to attempt an act of kindness I promise you the reward of that feeling would be like no other .
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talkwithtorch · 2 years
Timing is everything. No matter what others are doing , you have to remember we all have our own destiny. Dwelling on obstacles will not help . Allowing yourself to see things for what it is and moving forward can bring dramatic change . Observation is everything!!.
One thing for certain is your past can’t change but what you decide to do in your present can have a different lens on your future. We all make mistakes, we all have said and even done things that has brought shame at your doorstep. So what !!. Do we continue focusing on that ? or focus on being better in life ?. I’ve made my choice have you ??
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talkwithtorch · 3 years
The inner you
Pain is something that comes with wisdom
Pain is something that makes you stronger
What can come from that is experience
Have you tried to be better ?
Have you given up ?
What for ?
Life is beautiful chaos that can build you
Life can also damage you
Are you as strong as your ancestors ?
Let’s build to stand
Not fall for pity
Pray & encourage
Not hate and discourage
What for ?
I once was hallow with no sight
Now I fight with all might
Things change when you work
Doubt is scary but ambitious gains structure.
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talkwithtorch · 3 years
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5 posts!
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talkwithtorch · 3 years
Inner Child .
With the recent passing of DMX , my spirit has been dampened. I feel as though now that I’m in my thirties the reality of life has caused me to appreciate way more than the 20 year old me would of . DMX story was one that was no secret. To some it was brutally honest and respected , especially if you grew up to stand ten toes down and charge it to the game like I did . Others couldn’t understand and couldn’t comprehend his constant downward spiral. Let me explain something to you ! , we all have skeletons & demons that we don’t want anyone to see or feel . In some way or fashion we find a way to suppress that toxic, negative energy that is one step closer to leaving us on the brink of destruction. Webster dictionary define destruction as the state or fact of being destroyed : ruin scenes of death and destruction the destruction of their careers. Everyone shit stinks , that’s something that my grandma always told me as a little girl .
Let me get deeper because I appreciate the real and I hope some of you do . My grandma raised me from the age of two months old . The reason for that was my mother was on crack and had crack in her system when she gave birth to me . I was processed and put into the foster care system for almost two months . Learning these things as a child made me ashamed, embarrassed and unfortunately I felt and was looked at different. My mother got clean after doing a six year bid in the NY state Doc . By the grace of God she’s been clean since 1998. The neglect of an emotional relationship has never been their until this day . My grandma always told me no matter what you have one mother . For those who know and for those who don’t . I had no choice but to take care of my mother due to different circumstances and I thrive to make her happy . The inner child in me is lost and still neglected so I thrive and push myself to be the best . Our inner child needs peace and healing. It’s important to work through the pain and understand that mistakes happen . We are human, unpredictable and most importantly not perfect. Making mistakes is apart of the learning & lesson process . It’s about surrounding yourself with the positive. Becoming a difference and standing for something . The harsh reality is some are not strong enough because that pain and hurt can be unbearable.
Due to my trauma ,I had to go through hell in back. Being unaware of not validating my worth . Also growing up where you have to survive and have you’re own introduced me to a lifestyle that I loved but I had to face the consequences for those actions . I raised above that. I am proud of who I’ve become but I’m steal healing . I could of been writing a book from behind bars instead of being on this blog site . I give God all the glory and so should you .
The point is we learn and make mistakes everyday but you’re one step closer to healing you’re inner child to become a better version of you !
# Torch-advice #Respectfully
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talkwithtorch · 4 years
Never underestimate someone in this life . Feelings of strength and courage dives from within. Fear doesn’t exist, but yet we thrive off of this non existent feeling, when something doesn’t go right . Establish the view point to see what you feel needs to be different. Change & conquer it . Learning and understanding that I’m empathetic created a new narrative in my life . Getting frustrated from passion and lack of responses from individuals who in my opinion have the greatest potential, drained me , emotionally damaged me at that point in time . Individuals who I thought were real friends were frenemies and foes to say the least . The ones I believed in the most never reciprocated that . Hey I observed and learned it’s like that and has to blow away like dust . Not everyone wants to explore and change and that’s ok !! . Challenge is the greatest teacher . It coexist with experience!!.
Love life life
A word from Torch
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talkwithtorch · 4 years
My last podcast episode. I decided to post it on here because couples are so afraid of change in the relationship . Also their afraid if the change will shift the dynamic . If you haven’t changed , you haven’t grown and that’s not a good look folks !!
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talkwithtorch · 4 years
The concept of envy .
As individuals the word challenge is something we all are familiar with . It’s that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach . The point is working through it. your challenges depicts who you are when you face yourself everyday in the mirror. Striving and rolling through the defeats the embarrassment , heartaches, dysfunction, mental health ,etc is something to be proud about . Now when the watchers that don’t focus on their issues ,only observe the positive and the light of things despite what you may be going through.They become full of envy , why couldn’t this be me ?, this person doesn’t deserve this !!or why is good things happening for them ?. Have you ever asked God to change you’re path , redirect you to self love , validation and self reflect on things that could of broken you but instead build you to stand firm . Comparing and being envious to the point that you’re over saturated is a problem . We cannot all be the same , everyone has their own destiny to fulfill!!. Gratitude , genuine appreciation and understanding can help us all to flourish.
Torch advice of the day !!
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talkwithtorch · 4 years
Reality VS Perception
Why is it now normal to not love yourself and except you’re self, for who you are as a person. Social media has completely blindsided views on life as a general . The bigger percentage has no idea , but the slight few know . Time to redirect the thoughts and viewpoints on what makes you thrive . Everything cannot be based off looks . In order to grow there are things you have to let go and move on from .
1. Toxic relationships ( Of all sorts).
2. Being fearful ( Fear does not actually exist ).
3. Move on !!.
Do what you are authentic at and run with that . Let you’re creative side shine and conquer . Always remember nothing can stop you !!.
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