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Work it Bestie!
It's not every day you get to do a professional makeover for your best friend! Oh, who am I kidding, Sugar and I do this for fun all the time. And before you ask, no, I don't give discounts for friends and family. Thankfully Sugar understands the grind, and the value of my work.
I suggested she put that flat iron down, put her hair up in a high pony to show off her natural waves! And her eyes are so gorgeous, look at the volume of those lashes! Let's ditch the 24/7 sunglasses girl. A nice neutral eye palette to accentuate those hazel beauties, and a more toned down lip colour to complement her golden undertones.
I gave her a couple new options for formal wear to don for work events, and hopefully soon, the red carpet! I'm telling you, Sugar's voice is heavenly. She's just gotta step out of a certain someone's shadow. Show them what you're made of Sugar - us it girls are more than just arm candy.
~ XOXO, Tami
I put Sugar into the singing career as soon as I set up my game. She deserves MORE! Just look at her!
Now Kai is another story. if he didn't have his DOGS out all the time, maybe I'd have given him more depth in my Bridgeport, but he's just being mad disrespectful. At least paywall them, dude. You're supposed to be good at this gold digger stuff!
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House Party Outfit!
I'm so glad Jun trusted me with this makeover. Honesty Hour: I struggled with this job. Jun has an eclectic style, and I really wanted to live up to her expectations.
We tried several new top and bottom combos, and some dress options, but at first nothing struck us as "the one". Jun wanted to ditch the leg warmers, so we needed something to match their energy. Her original signature look didn't have much of a silhouette, and Jun wanted to add more layers to her look.
Then I had an epiphany! Flip the outfit upside down! By that I mean go heavy up top instead of below from the leg warmers. Sometimes there is still a use for shoulder pads. I paired that with a miniskirt and unique heels, and made sure to keep her signature glasses and hot pink.
I'm so happy she loved it, and I loved that this job challenged me. If your work is challenging you this week, don't give up!
~ XOXO, Tami
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Haha nice
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Last Night was a Blur...
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A Big Project!
This has got to be one of the more challenging clients I've had since moving to Bridgeport. Bronson wanted a full refresh to put his best foot forward at his new job. It was my first time styling a teen, and you know how they can be.
First of all, let me help you out with that hair hon. We went with something less... confused, but kept the effortlessly messy look he was going for. He likes layering, so I gave him more options by styling him with vests and different collar styles.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to convince him to shave that soul patch... if you can even call it that. Regardless, congratulations on getting your first gig, Bronson! That's a big milestone and a new look is a great way to celebrate that achievement.
~ XOXO, Tami
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i had to roll back tami's career progress because the mod i was using was making her too much money, so if you see a promotion continuity error in the future no you didn't.
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All I wanted was a sweet treat... :(
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Look who I ran into!
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A Strong Start to the Week!
I have never been SO excited to do a makeover. Kai, please for the love of god, put those dogs away! Let me help you tie your shoelaces if I must. I jest - not doing that for any man-child, no matter how captivating his eyes are.
I was so glad I was able to get this man to put some damn shoes on. Can't say we agreed on anything else... he doesn't appreciate art, and he's got no ambitions. But at the very least, this was one more fashion disaster averted, and one more feather in my cap towards my portfolio.
And guess what? My work was so impressive I got a PROMOTION!!! I am so proud of myself. Everything is coming up Tami! I can't wait to see what else is in store for me. Hopefully Kai will spread the word about my work in his circles? Maybe even Lola Belle herself??
I hope your hard work also pays off this week, my loves!
~ XOXO, Tami
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persephone ♡
cas + cc links *hereeee*
with amazing cc from: @carversims @rollo-rolls @nemiga-sims-archive @sourlemonsimblr @luxuryvanitysims @pixelore @wundersims @sim-songs @kurasoberina
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*deep sigh of long suffering* this is the game telling me to make my damn gameplay posts before doing useless shit in game...
ive been majorly pushing my luck adding/updating outfits for tami for over an hour now, and i fear my game is just gonna flip me the bird and explode my computer once im done
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yeah its finally starting to lag im done for
ive been majorly pushing my luck adding/updating outfits for tami for over an hour now, and i fear my game is just gonna flip me the bird and explode my computer once im done
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ive been majorly pushing my luck adding/updating outfits for tami for over an hour now, and i fear my game is just gonna flip me the bird and explode my computer once im done
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Does anyone know why sometimes swatches on cas items just show up completely grey, or the mesh itself is messed up?
I deleted my cache just before seeing this error, so i guess it could be that? But the error doesnt consistently show up.
i'll have a cc item that has a normal first swatch, and then a just completely borked mesh on the second and third swatch. If there are create a style channels on the normal swatch they usually work fine. This bug happens with new stuff i install, and it sticks no matter what i do.
I assume this is an error with the game retriving the meshes and textures, but i dont see why it would happen after i clean my cache files. The only other thing i can think of is CC Magic making some kind of error when merging the cc after a rebuild.
I'll edit this post and add images when i load up my game again.
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*general noises of distress* these were taken after i cleared my cache again and installed this top in my mods folder (fresh files) and same issue. CC gods, whyyyyyy
update: the first top i thought was messed up wasn't broken, i had just forgotten that it came in those particular swatches and different lengths. i checked the download from the creator and its actually completely normal. it did *look* like that glitch though, where the swatch shows completely blank or the mesh seems off. the other piece of cc is definitely broken though.
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Sorry for the lack of gameplay posts this week. Ive been playing the game but i'm having trouble working out the timeline/next arc. I keep taking screenshots and then losing track of what order to put them in.
Don't worry, Tami's been up to all sorts of shenanigans, shes dying to tell you guys all about it ;)
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massive interior décor update because my hubris knows no bounds
(please help we are broke)
(and i fear we may suddenly crash)
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