taraburke · 3 years
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My blog, “Someday We'll All Be Free” turned 11 today! Wowee feels like not that long but I’m glad to have had this space to share my thoughts, musings and song inspirations. 
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taraburke · 4 years
When This Is All Over
Day 35 of Quarantine - Tara here. It’s surprising that we’re already going into Week 6 of this thing but I’m bunkered down just like everyone else and am trying to keep a level head and not let anxiety fully take over. Thankfully I’m lucky enough to be able to work from home and am just doing my part by staying inside. It’s not too bad - the introvert in me has been training for something like this for years now - plus have adopted a new 24/7 pyjamas lifestyle and think it’s really working for me :)
In all of my conversations over Zoom, Google Hangouts, or WhatsApp —you name it, I’ve tried it — in every conversation, I’ve been talking with friends about what we’re going to do when this is all over. We’re all thinking about this day in the (hopefully) near future when we’ll all be released back into the wild, and life will pick up right where it left off. We’re all just holding on to that hope for dear life. But as I’m holding on, I’m questioning things.
During my quiet time this morning, I was thinking about everything that’s going on, and I’m finding myself using the same pattern of thinking that I use whenever I’m in the middle of a difficult time. I just hunker down and put on blinders until the trial comes to its natural end. I just tell myself, “It may be hard now, but when this is all over, I’ll finally feel better….”. But I’m learning that this can be a dangerous way of thinking because by just blindly going through it, nothing is changing and I can get stuck right back in the same situation. 
Every time I’m seeing in a situation where I’m waiting to see the light at the end of a tunnel — just as its getting close, here comes another train. There is always another thing. Maybe it’s a big work project, maybe you got sick (colds+flu only, pls), maybe you’re having a disagreement with friends— this time it’s a global pandemic! Either way, there is always something else coming around the corner. Once this quarantine is over and we are able to meet together again, yes it will be glorious, but I’m sure that, without fail, there’ll just be something else that will be a looming problem in our lives. We can’t keep waiting for every problem to cease before we can feel better - if we do that, then we’ll just miss life.
This world is not perfect, people are flawed — we will never have this wonderful utopia where all problems will cease. At least not in this life. So what do we do? How can we move forward confidently when we know that the big next scary thing will surely come?
Instead of waiting for a better time — let’s look for the good right now. This is such a truly crazy time but even in this madness, it’s become so clear to me just how much we need each other. Restaurants need patrons to come and dine on their food, musicians need people to buy tickets to shows, and retail stores need foot traffic to get people in the stores and spend their hard-earned paycheques. Without other people, our society is literally folding in on itself. Even us introverts are realizing that Netflix can’t be our only friend (lol); we need people too. This whole life just doesn’t work if we don’t have each other.
That lesson, in itself, is encouraging to me. From our limited point of view, it can seem like everything is going wrong - but it’s so helpful to know that there are always, always things for which we can be grateful. In the midst of our struggles, there is always a silver lining. Sure, I didn’t get that promotion at work, but hey at least I have a job! Sure, my family is dysfunctional but thank God for friends that keep me sane. Sure, this quarantine is keeping me from being with the ones I love, but at least I can shelter in place safely. 
There is always something that we will not be happy about - something will always be coming around the corner, but fear not! There is always something good coming as well. The world is neither all bad or all good - it’s nuanced and so our understanding of it needs to be as well.
The answer has to be about finding the good in your current situation, finding the hope that you can celebrate and cheer about, even when it looks like it may be a looooong time before your current trial might end. Know that you can always find joy, even in the most painful of situations; we can trust that there is always good at work. 
Leaving you with a song that helps me in those darker times - our hope is always there, even if it’s just a spark:
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taraburke · 4 years
... Most Christians are just nowhere nearly as deeply immersed in the scripture and in theology as they are in their respective social-media bubbles and News Feed bubbles. To be honest, I think the ‘woke’ evangelicals are just much more influenced by MSNBC and liberal Twitter. The conservative Christians are much more influenced by Fox News and their particular loops. And they’re [both] living in those things eight to 10 hours a day. They go to church once a week, and they’re just not immersed in the kind of biblical theological study that would nuance that stuff.
Timothy Keller as quoted in 2019 The Atlantic article
“Too often, there’s no relationship between a proper Christian ethic and the way it translates into political and cultural engagement. It’s not the doctrine that’s at fault; it’s the way people are taught and interpret it. It’s a failure of imagination and hermeneutics....”
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taraburke · 5 years
What happens to a dream deferred?      Does it dry up      like a raisin in the sun?      Or fester like a sore—      And then run?      Does it stink like rotten meat?      Or crust and sugar over—      like a syrupy sweet?      Maybe it just sags      like a heavy load.      Or does it explode?
HARLEM by Langston Hughes
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taraburke · 5 years
I am now firmly in my 30s, no longer deniable! Here are the songs that got me through the first year....Happy 31st to me :)
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taraburke · 6 years
Songs to *Fall* for
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Well, kiddos - it’s time to dust off your books, make the annual trip to Staples, and have one last BBQ because summer is over, guys. But if you’re an oldie like me working that full time job, you’re probably unclear of what time of year it is because in your mind, you’re already thinking forward to Spring 2019. lol! It may just be another Tuesday for us, but think back, way back, to when Labour Day meant new possibilities! Take that open attitude and listen to the songs below! These are the songs that have been on repeat in my headphones over the past few months and there’s no better time to take these songs with you into the Fall and let them bless your lifeeeee -- click HERE to go my Spotify Playlist and read below for more info on each track:
“Fade Away (Clean Version)” - Logic
I heard this intro of this song in the first few minutes of one of those new Shondaland shows and had to find out what it was. The opening is a sample looped from an acapella group’s arrangement of “Deck the Halls” - so cool! As soon as that beat dropped in, I was hooked. I’m not super familiar with Logic, but I like the song’s concept -- it’s about doing something before you fade away. So I put this song on when I need to feel that pump-up motivation to go out and make moves - perfect for a new season, huh?
“The Best” - James Bay
I don’t think I need to say much here — the song speaks for itself! If you know the Tina Turner original (which, of course, you should), you’ll like this. James Bay has a great voice as well, and this does what a great cover should, gives the song a different feel, but while pointing the listener right back to the original. #TBT
“Vain” - KIRBY
This girl is bomb!!! But I don’t know anything about her - anyone got some info? I only know two songs, but both of them I love ALOT. If she ever travels to Toronto, find me a front row seat. Soulful in allllll the right ways (got that organ ending!!!). 100 thumbs up!
“Just The Way You Are” - James Smith
Another great cover - simply done. I don’t know this artist, just came up on my Spotify and it made me feel good! I’ll take an acoustic performance instead of an overly produced single any day of the week. By the time the song ended, I was like, “Okay sir!!” Love this one.
“Shy" - Leon Bridges
The new, reinvented Leon Bridges! I was aware of him, but something changed between his first album and second album cuz I definitely like him more than I did before. Love the groove on this one. Check out his whole album “Good Thing” for more ‘good things’ hahah (I’ll see myself out lol)
“Six” - Sleeping At Last
This is an indulgent choice but bear with me! Sleeping At Last is an artist who you’ve likely heard in the background of your favourite tv shows (his music is on Grey’s a lot) but he’ll do themed albums and this song “Six” is from a series of songs that he wrote based on the 9 different Enneagram personality types. If you haven’t heard of the Enneagram, I would encourage you to look it up and see which type you relate to — for me, it’s 6 and this song was written to reflect/respond to that personality type. For each song, there is also a corresponding podcast where you are taken through how the song was made, and gives you more info on the type. Interested? Go here. I just love understanding more about personality types and knowing that some of the quirks you may have seen as faults are actually just a part of your personality - you are not alone in feeling the way you do! 
“Your Love” - Tim Bowman Jr.
This is my jam of the year! On the morning of my birthday, I put this on and had a little praise dance party - good vibes! When I first heard this one, I loved how it sounded, but then realized he was talking about the Lord?! Yessir!  Smooth, smooth, smooth AND a baseline for dayyysss. This just makes me happy - reminds you that despite whatever is going on, you are loved and it’s gonna be ok! That’s enough to make me wanna dance~
“Time Will Be The Healer” - Glen Hansard
I got this song recommended to me through Twitter, but I should’ve known I’d like it. Glen Hansard is one of my favourites - it seems a little random, but ever since the ONCE soundtrack, I’ve loved his music. And I’ve wondered what exactly it is, but I think I just really like any artist who sings as if their life depends on it — that raw passion in the last third of the song really comes through. And the sentiment here is true — time will be the healer once again, yes it will.
“Without You” - Leslie Odom Jr.
Wow just realizing how many of these are covers….lol! Anywhoo, this is another one - this time by Leslie Odom Jr. of “Hamilton” fame, one of my favourite performers right now. Plus I love how they made this song, which was originally done as a duet into a solo, and with that simple instrumentation, it really showcases his voice. Next on my list - go see Hamilton lol
“Uphill Battle” - Rozzi
A new discovery for me - Rozzi. I first came across this song via a dance video on Twitter and was immediately wondering who the singer was. Her voice is pretty unique and I couldn’t place it, so my investigation began! Very new - I don’t think she even has a full album out yet, but definitely one to watch! And I’ll link the dance video here — I think a reason I like this song, besides Rozzi’s voice, is the concept behind the lyrics. That idea of knowing that you are, or are going to be, a challenge to someone who is trying to love you?! That’s some real stuff right there..
“Crazy Love” - Chris McClarney
I’ve always liked Chris McClarney, because he’s one of the few praise & worship leaders who, when they sing, really SIIINNNGGG, like he saaaangs. So when my small group leader played this at one of our meetups, I knew it would be good. But I was so touched by the song and every time it comes on in the shuffle, I just have to stop and thank Him. “There’s nothing that can change it, Your love, your love; there’s no one that could tame it, this crazy love”. What a message to walk into your day with! That there is powerful!
“For My Good” - Judah Band
This song is purely for the shout - just put this on repeat and get into it. Such high energy, it makes me wanna move!!! And it’s a good reminder - no matter what it looks like, ALL things work together for my good! Even the things that seem bad to us at first. I’ve had many car jams to this one — you get to that stop light and are just doing a little shouting in your seat! HEYYY NOWWWWW
“Rejoice” - Steve Angello (ft. TD Jakes)
I came across this song on an athlete’s Instagram account — the person was doing these intense pull ups with this in the background, and I’m trying to be on that fitness thang, so I made this part of my workout playlist. I love that this artist just mixed a sermon into this track, like who knew I needed to hear TD Jakes yelling motivation while I worked out?!  haha But even when not working out, this will fire you up! “Woe be unto you if you go into another year and waste another year [...] while someone’s in the hospital begging God for the opportunity that you have right now…” Now if that doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what will!! 
One last cover to make it an even 14 songs -- we’ll end with Jessie J’s cover of James Brown’s “I Got You (I Feel Good)” - FIREEEEE
Here’s the link to the playlist on Spotify one more time: 
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taraburke · 6 years
*In Tears*
Go see this movie. I went and saw this film this afternoon and left the theatre deeply affected by the film’s message, theme and overall by the life of Fred Rogers, more widely known as “Mister Rogers”. The children’s show that he hosted, wrote, produced and composed for, for over thirty years taught kids to be kind and that they were loved just as they were. I never, NEVER, cry at movies but this one had me in tears by the end. It’s just so rare to see someone on television who is so purely kind, without being a punchline. All we see these days are antiheroes or reality caricatures — it’s so so refreshing to see the mandate that this man led throughout his life and see how he used the television as an effective tool to educate as well as uplift. 
I won’t say much more so you can see for yourselves, but this documentary was done by the same creator of “20 Feet from Stardom” (2014 Oscar Winner) and is already on track to be the highest grossing biographical-documentary of all time. So ya….I’ll say it again GO SEE THIS MOVIE.
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taraburke · 6 years
Some background on one of the most honest albums of 2017, Paramore’s “After Laughter”.
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taraburke · 6 years
I got rhythm, I got music, who could ask for anything more?
Gene Kelly, 1951 “An American in Paris” 
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taraburke · 7 years
If You Ain’t Got Love
It’s only 3 months into 2018, but I feel like I’ve already had a revelation — not anything groundbreaking, or out of the ordinary, but a known truth that’s been hammered home once again. You have to love yourself in order for anything to work — for you to be useful to anyone else, first you have to love you.
A part of me cringes just writing that because it makes me immediately think of how people say “Imma do me”, “I have to find my happiness” or any other clichéd way of saying “Bun everyone else, it’s all about me.” Like you know in that Beyoncé song, “Pretty Hurts” and the man asks her, “What is your aspiration in life?” and she says “To be happy”.…..like, that’s your WHOLE goal? Just your own happiness? It screams of self-absorption and entitlement. There’s a problem in culture if everyone’s goal is only their own success. It takes away from community, it takes away from families and it leaves us all feeling isolated and wondering why we feel so alone when we’re in a room full of people.
So we have that one side of the spectrum — on the other end, there’s this idea that loving others is the ultimate, and only worthy goal. I was taught this in church growing up — I had it written down in that order: Love God, Love Others, then Love Yourself last. There is value here, but it can get twisted and taken too far. Yes, you have to love people, you should be humble, but that shouldn’t come at your own expense. Humility means thinking of yourself less, not thinking less of yourself.
This all hit me when listening to a sermon on YouTube where the pastor talked about the section in Mark where Jesus is teaching about the first two commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart…” and “Love your neighbour as yourself.” No other commandments outrank these. But here it is — the pastor pointed out something that felt new to me. So we love God, first and foremost. Love your neighbour is second, but the prerequisite to do this is loving yourself. One can’t happen without the other. If you do not love yourself, you have nothing to give anyone else. How can you possibly love your neighbours, your coworkers, your friends, your family, your church, if you are pulling from a well that is empty?
I have heard that passage of Mark for my entire life, but after hearing that, I honestly asked, “Do I love myself?” And while yes, there are things I like about myself, I’ve always been someone who has been full of negative self-talk. Acknowledging this led me to think about how this may have affected my relationships — while I have close friends and family, there’s always been that small part of me that feels like I will never be fully understood, and so I subconsciously keep a distance. Like, “ya they like me now, but IF THEY REALLY KNEW ME, they wouldn’t stick around”. The lack of love/care I’ve had for myself has resulted in a layer of self-protection that has stopped me from loving my neighbour in a true and honest way…!
For a good chunk of 2017, I really felt isolated and basically like IDGAF (keeping it real honest). I ended up reaching a point where I had to ask God to help me just to care again — to give me enough hope to want more for myself. So I made goals -- some small, some crazy -- and started to pursue them one-by-one. As I started making changes, that negative self-talk slowly turned into self-encouragement (Sometimes you have to encourage yourself!). I’m a work in progress, I’m still in repair, but on the other side looking back, it just feels like my world suddenly opened up — the sky is bluer, air is fresher, people are more beautiful and I feel like anything is possible. As I’ve started to put in the work to cultivate who God’s made me to be, suddenly the world doesn’t seem so daunting. In fact, it’s become a world that, instead of wanting to escape, I want to fully participate in. I want to be someone who loves their neighbour without fear, who opens up their heart willingly — I want to feel ALL THE FEELS.
Maybe I sound corny, and hey, maybe it’s not the “cool’ way to be. I get it — I’m an introvert so my comfort zone includes me, myself and I. People can be exhausting — but I’ll steal from the Simpsons and paraphrase: “People are the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” ;)
So what’s the point of it all? Yes, there are those who take the “Love Yourself” ride way far into places of narcissism, and there are also people on the flip side who will struggle to believe good things about themselves for their entire lives. Neither side will be able to see past themselves long enough to truly care about anyone or anything else. And what good are we then?
So strike that balance — love yourself but not because it will bring you happiness. Love yourself so that you can be full and overflowing with so much that you have to pass it along to everyone you meet.
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taraburke · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGnEiAqFIU4)
if there’s a better version of me, would you stay for the person I’ll be? 
stay for the person I’ll be stay for the person I’ll be stay for the person I’ll be stay for the person I’ll be stay for the person I’ll be stay for the person I’ll be
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taraburke · 7 years
(Teebs16) One take of me singing Scott Alan’s “Anything Worth Holding On To” while trying not to wake up the old lady in the apartment next door.....oh, and the answer to the question in the song title is a resounding YES! But sometimes you’re all up in your feelings and you need to ask again...and again....
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taraburke · 8 years
Solid interview on relationships, forgiveness and more. One of best I've heard on The Breakfast Club! Guest is Pastor A.R. Bernard and he is promoting his book, "Four Things Women Want From A Man". (In case you're curious, the 4 things are maturity, decisiveness, consistency and strength.)
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taraburke · 8 years
So I'm on a Barbra Streisand kick right now - this is my song of the day. I lip synced the ending while spinning in a circle on my desk chair -- led to a spell of dizziness but I'd say it was worth it. Someone give me a mic and a garden and I'll sing the whole thing with lots of draaaammaaaaaa
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taraburke · 8 years
Thanks(for)giving us music!
This year, I am thankful for a lot of things, one of those things is MUSIC! So I will happily share with you! Lots to catch up on so I got my top 10 picks for you — maybe artists you haven’t heard of, songs you haven’t caught wind of yet, so be thankful that I got your back! Unfortunately, Tumblr doesn’t allow me to embed more than 5 videos anymore, so I’ve given you a combo of embedded videos + hyperlinks in the titles (Boo-urns). Check it out – it all starts under the pic below:
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“Drive” - Dornik
First off, there is “Drive” by Dornik. I first heard of him on Spotify or Google Play — one of those streaming services — and liked it right away. Pegged as “the British Miguel”, Dornik is the former drummer for UK singer, Jessie Ware, and is now making his debut as a solo artist. I can hear that Miguel in there, and also some influences of Prince? Whatever he’s doing, I like!
“Bourbon” - Gallant
This song is just how I like R&B, smooooooth. Definitely reminds me of classic ‘90s R&B with his falsetto and the overall feel of the song. Makes me excited to hear a new voice in the genre. He was on tour this summer with Eryn Allen Kane, but it was sold out in Toronto before I could get a ticket! Bummer….til next time!
“Black Girls” - Chester French
I am recommending this song first and foremost for the love it shows Black women. I’ve heard too many times how black women are the least desired of all women, how most will never marry … blah blah blah — I have SO many examples to contradict those theories, but it sure is nice to hear such a blatant appreciation of us in the mainstream culture. As the lyrics say, “Where’s the love for black girls??” Right here!
“Anything Worth Holding On To” - Cynthia Erivo
So Cynthia Erivo was the golden girl of Broadway this year with her Tony-winning turn as Celie in “The Colour Purple”. Her voice is stunning! So I looked her up and found this beautiful, heartbreaking song by Scott Alan that she delivers oh so well. Gorgeous melody, sparse instrumentation and Erivo’s voice gives me ALL THE FEELS. Plus the lyrics definitely hit close to home - I’ve definitely felt that sense of despondency before, but thankfully am consistently pulled out by the hope and love I have in Christ. But in the depths of it, when you are feeling self-pity and hopelessness, this is the song I would sing. Below is the live performance from Erivo: — to hear the studio version, click here.
“Over and Over Again” - Nathan Sykes
Think way back to 2013 when Ariana Grande was a newcomer to the pop world - she recorded a duet for the soundtrack of those teen fantasy movies, so I listened. And when I heard the male voice start singing, I sat up and took notice! Who is this??? Well it was this guy. Nathan Sykes, apparently from The Wanted (boy band who is not One Direction), but now he is breaking out on his own. The guy can legit sing — glad he dropped the group and decided to go it on his own. Now there is a version of this song where he duets with Ariana Grande again, BUT I prefer this song as a solo. The link in the title above will take you to a live version (so you can see what he sounds like live). The official music video is here.
“Thy Will”  - Hillary Scott & The Scott Family
Now, I don’t listen to a lot of country, but I cannot deny the vocal talent that is in the genre. I especially love how country artists don’t shy away from questions of faith and God. That said — Hillary Scott (of the group Lady Antebellum) and her family released an album with this as the lead single. I fell in love with it right away. Sometimes we do doubt God and feel far away from Him - but we continue to trust in His Will and His purposes. He always comes through! “I know You see me, I know You hear me Lord; Your plans are for me, goodness you have in store” - love it! It’s a touching song, beautifully performed by Hillary Scott.
“Places To Go” - Yuna
Next up is Yuna! Can’t quite recall how I came across her, but the first thing I heard from her was a duet with Usher that was extremely modern and low-key. After listening to more of her stuff, I proceeded to buy all of her previous albums, and pre-ordered her new one. So you can guess how much I liked it…ALOT! So this song is one of my faves from the album, plus she gives a shout-out to Toronto! Hey-o! And I get it — sometimes you just want to get on a plane and go somewhere foreign and explore a new place. I’m ready, and this song would be the soundtrack of my trip ;)
“Home” - Sebastian Kole
Grey’s Anatomy forever introducing me to new music! Keep an ear open when watching your fav shows, guys!! This one stuck out to me for two reasons, this guy’s full powerful voice, plus the acapella background vocals that act as the instruments on this track. I want to see this performed live - someone put a group together!
“When You Move” - Parachute
This next one is a sweet acoustic ballad by the band, Parachute. I’m sure they are forever mistaken for the rock group Paramore, but these guys are a different breed of band. Definitely more pop-leaning than Paramore, I found out about these guys through one of their older songs that features a big gospel choir at the end, from their 2011 album “The Way It Was”. Since then, I’ve been following them and when they released their new album earlier this year, I bought it right away. This is my fave track on the album, but there are many others. Check them out!
“Loved By You” - KIRBY
Did I save the best for last? I think so - you be the judge. I know next to nothing about this artist, but based on this song alone, I will be a fan. As far as I know, this is the only song she’s released — it’s all that she has on iTunes, anyway. But if anyone has more info, pass it along my way. This song…..just guitar and her voice, so perfect! I love trying (emphasize on the “trying’) to sing along and hit those oh-so-high notes like she does. It has a bit of that throwback sound as well, which I always appreciate. So, lean back, press play and expect to be taken away to musical bliss!
Last, but not least - my honourable mentions:
“Rest of My Life” - Bruno Mars
I don’t even think Bruno Mars has released this song as an actual single, but when he sang it during a cameo in the season 2 finale of “Jane the Virgin”, I just about fell in love myself! Here is the clip from the show — if anyone can find the actual song, let me know!
“Start” - John Legend
I haven’t yet seen “Southside With You”, the film that depicts the first date between Barack and Michelle Obama, but after hearing this song written for its soundtrack, makes me wish it was on Netflix asap! John Legend is definitely not an unknown name, but this song may have flown under your radar, so here it is. I love the whole idea behind the song, and the way it’s delivered by Legend is heavenly.
“Have It All” Album - Bethel Music
I am recommending this whole album! But my faves are “Pieces”, “Shine on Us”, “Lion and the Lamb” and “Heaven Come”. I bought this album while on vacation in Prince Edward Island and listened to it while driving along the beautiful, picturesque coast of Cavendish. It’s been spinning in my car ever since — love it!
“Loving You” - Barbra Streisand f. Patrick Wilson
HAHA, you’re probably thinking, “Barbra Streisand again??” Yes, I love Barbra Streisand, ok?? She released another album, but this time its duets with movie actors — all of which are not terrible singers, which was a wonderful surprise. But this one was not — Patrick Wilson (who I know from the 2004 film version of “Phantom of the Opera” - he was Raoul) He has that classic male broadway voice and uses it to great advantage in this glorious duet. This song originally was done as a solo, but I really like the way they did it here with the dialogue intermixed with the song. I have listened to this on repeat, will not lie!
BTS Vid: https://youtu.be/l7kJ0ZcMzsE
Well, that’s it for now! Hope you find something that catches your eye (or ear) – I’ll be back again when I find more :) Thanks for reading! 
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taraburke · 8 years
Magic in the Attempt
One of my favourite movies, “Before Sunrise” has this amazing line “…If there’s any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something…” [see video below for context]. Now that’s something to wrap your head around — the magic is found in just the attempt of understanding someone. My attempts, to this point, have mostly been futile but I agree — to sit, talk and get to know someone, to the point where you understand them — that’s the best part of life, isn’t it? To go from a stranger to a person you feel so connected with is great for many reasons. If only to just remind yourself that you are not alone, or to help you get out of always thinking about yourself, that’s enough. When we put ourselves in the background and allow someone else to have our full attention so that they feel comfortable enough to share a true authentic thought/memory, we are in a position that we cannot take for granted or take too lightly.
I recently moved into my own place and knowing that my day-to-day social contact would be reduced, I made a conscious effort, when waiting at the bus stop or walking around Wal-Mart, to deliberately look people in the eye and smile. And the crazy thing I discovered? Most smiled back! In only the first week, I couldn’t believe what a difference such a small change made. My usual instincts when seeing others is to avert my gaze and look down— and while it’s likely kept me from getting approached by creepers, it’s also kept me from seeing and understanding the beauty in a simple smile & nod. That connection is small but it reminds me that nice people exist and that we are really all looking for the same thing — to be known and be loved anyway.
And that magic that’s found, is not really magic, is it? It’s really the reminder that we are meant to be more to each other than nuisances, obstacles or warm bodies taking up space. We are meant to love others - isn’t that what Christ teaches us? That magic is really us practicing what God had intended for us all along - and we’re just rediscovering it. We are reminded of what happens when we put ourselves aside (and we can, cuz we know we have His love), and focus on the needs of others. And I don’t know about you, but I need to remember that - I need that reminder every day. 
So I want to further explore this attempt. Let’s avoid all the small talk about the weather and traffic and get down to real talk…..I want to know what you’re passionate about, what scares you and why you think a certain way. I want real dialogue over fights in comment sections. I want to remember that my main job is not to worry about myself, but about you. I think that what God’s calling us to do. So let’s look up from our phones, turn off the TV and engage with those around us. Just try. Just make the attempt and you’ll surely find some magic there.
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taraburke · 8 years
Desperate Measures & Bars
Hey-o! I have really missed sharing my music recommendations  -- It’s been SO long and I realized that instead of forcing my sister to sit down and listen to the latest songs I’m finding, I can just do it here for everyone! LOL So I want to put spotlight on artists who may not find on the radio -- yes, there is a world of music outside from the Top 40 and honestly that’s where the good music is! No shade :P So here we go! Instead of 10 songs, I’m only doing 4 - more to come soon!
There are no rules to this - these are just artists and songs that I’ve gotten into recently - listed in no order in particular. Here we go!
“Human” - Jon Bellion
I'm an Andy Mineo fan and while reading an interview he did [read it here], he named Jon Bellion as an artist to watch. So I watched and listened and now I’m a fan! His style is like a hybrid of R&B, hip-hop and indie rock. Aside from the music, I find that I am really relating to Bellion as an artist. This song “Human” I chose because I getttttt it - sometimes we do the exact opposite of the thing we want. “I’m just so sick of being human…” the chorus goes. He’s so honest in conveying his fears and insecutiries, you don’t see that a lot, especially in this genre. Check out his other stuff -- my favourite standouts are: “Luxury”, “Eyes to the Sky” and “Guillotine” - his newest single. A full debut album is set to release in July 2016. For a bonus - check out this video here for the "Making Of” this song. Love seeing the creative process go go go!
“Best of Your Love” - SPZRKT
SPZRKT (pronounced “Spazzy Rocket”) doesn’t like his vowels, but he’s got a great song - LOL. I love this track because not only does it sample the classic Emotions song, “Best of My Love”, but it’s talking from the perspective of getting the best of God’s love! Always giving us His best - love it. When I hear this, I feel like I’m outside on a summer day, just vibing and loving life. Sidenote: I found this courtesy of the YouTube channel, “Good Christian Music” - where I can usually find good stuff aside from the typical-CCM sound that’s out there. Another place to keep an eye on!
“It’s Not Easy Being Green” - Brenna Whitaker
So, of course I previewed the Disney cover album, “We Love Disney” (it’s a no brainer for anyone who grew up in the ‘90s - those songs were all legit!!) This album features a lot of current pop artists (eg. Jessie J singing “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid etc) but I didn’t recognize this one name. Brenna Whitaker. Before I even say anything else, just press play! Man oh man - I am in LOVE with her rendition of this classic Muppets song (Is Muppets Disney?! ....irrelevant, I guess) ANYWHO, her voice is so powerful, but she knows when to push it and when not to, which not every vocalist does (case in point: basically all of Christina Aguilera’s 2000 Christmas album…lol). In doing some investigating, I found out that she’s just recently released her debut album, produced by David Foster. She covers jazz tunes, standards and old classics, all while sounding amazing. Go to iTunes now! 
“Desperation” - Judith Hill
Some of you may know her a contestant on The Voice, but I know her as one of Michael Jackson’s background singers for his “This Is It” tour. Judith Hill! She is also a part of the amazing documentary, “20 Feet From Stardom” that recounts the history and life of background singers. She is such a talented artist, I was so glad to see her get recognition on her own, and not just as a background singer. This song is from the soundtrack of that documentary -- but Judith has an album out now called “Back In Time”. Go out and support her!  However, I did want to shed a light on this song in particular because how it describes the exact present day situation that I find myself in -- and I’m sure a lot of others as well. Desperation can be a necessity because sometimes that’s the only thing that will get us off the couch, on the treadmill, at the job interview, etc etc. If we don’t feel like we HAVE to change, we won’t. Maybe there are people who can just make up their mind and do it, but I’ve found that, for myself, change, at least permanent change, doesn’t happen unless I’ve been backed into a corner of “Change or else...” 
What are you desperate for? Those are the things that you will really change for.
That’s it for now - I really would like to share music here more regularly. Hopefully will do another one soon - you know I have LOTS more to share. Praying for a little desperation to keep it up ;)
Any of you got music to share with me? Would love to hear it! 
Til next time - Buh bye!
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