tasuke-oc · 6 years
Akio gets fucking violent when he sees actions of abusive parents against children who are trying to be mature and accepting. He tries to keep it cool and comfort victims of verbal abuse, but if he sees physical attacks, he’ll return the pain 10 times over. Although he feels guilty about it later, just that it’s a burst of anger and pain inside him.
How violent is your OC?
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tasuke-oc · 6 years
Hmm is it more interesting if one is able to use powers in the real world, or being able to temperaily go to another world to escape your reality.
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tasuke-oc · 6 years
World building: Terminology of “Will”.
“Will” is the main supernatural phenomenon that appears in the universe of Hope101 mostly in Inner Worlds but also plays a big role in the real world.
Will is described as the flowing energy within one’s self. It is mentioned that every being with a personality has Will inside them whether a person or animal but on special cases, an object. It can be manifested in an “Inner World” and unable in the real world. Those who are able to manifest their Will to use special abilities are called “Will Users.” Most normal people are unaware of this phenomenon due to the secrecy of Inner Worlds. On the flip side, Will can be seen and felt by anyone regardless they are users or not as long as they are inside an inner world.
As said Will is energy within one’s self, it stems from the mental aspects of the user such as motivations, ideals and personality. Will Users are able to manifest their Will physically from their bodies through mental stimulation whether positive or negative. The manifested Will then changes into a form for the person to physically use, allowing them to use special abilities their Wills grant. These forms ranges from weapons, clothing, objects, part of their bodies, even seperate entities such as spirits or animals. With every person being individually different, the variety are endless.
Tho Will has its endless strengths, it comes with obvious weaknesses. The most obvious one is Will doesn’t work in the real world, so a even strong Will-user is completely powerless. Another main weakness it is completely dependent on the user’s mental state. A Will can be strong if the user feels motivated, or weak if the user’s mental state is weak. Once the user given up on themselves, it causes the Will to “break”, leaving them powerless in the Inner World for a certain time period depending on the damage.
If a person goes through a mental change in the real world, it’ll also affect their Will in the process both positively or negatively. It is also possible to break someone’s Will in the real world if the user feels like giving up due to their real life circumstances or through the sabotage of another user. On a more positive note, if the user regains his motivations, his Will comes back and becomes stronger then before and may even adapt a new form to represent the person’s development.
Will takes place in the plot as the main fighting mechanism and driving force in the series, Tasuke the protoganist travels across Inner Worlds to meet new people, protecting them from supernatural threats occurring in the inner world and encouraging them not to give up in their real world.
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
OC Outfit Prompts
aka an excuse to draw or write about your OCs wearing clothes that probably aren’t canonically plausible
Their favorite outfit
Your clothes
A sharp suit
Fashion from 50 years ago in their universe
Outfit swap
Red carpet event
Graphic tee
Armor, or what they would wear to battle
Ugly sweater
Dressed by another OC
Fandom of your choice
High fantasy 
Halloween costume
Uniform of your choice
Date night
Cosplay of a different character
Gym/workout clothes
Domestic life
Their current outfit
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Just got an idea. Till now my story doesn’t have an interesting or even solid setting. But I just thought of one. I wanna write about opening hearts, that people are so much more interesting than their outer Personas. In drama, I always see heroes trying to force open the bad guys, so why not the good guys.
Maybe in the beginning, everyone in the world is “sealed” or “contained” in a way that they cannot express themselves. Only the protagonist can freely be himself and he wants everyone to open up, he goes against the difficulties of opening someone like their fears of rejection, third person parties or supernatural forces.
Maybe everyone has powers of Will, but they are contained or banned by a higher power. So it’s like a rebel story? Then it’s another universe already, but it’s still similar to our world. Will is the representation of a person’s true self or it can also be a weapon to defend the true self against reality.
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
I think Myoui is constantly being judged because of her psychology background. Like what if she’s a hopeless romantic? For someone so sweet and warm-hearted, gotta give her a flaw. Maybe she wants to be accepted by others because of a flaw in the real world. Like she has a stuttering problem but in the inner world, she can communicate smoothly.
Characters notes summary #2
Minegishi Myoui - Kk, she’s a tough one. First of all, she’s the heroine of the story and will play an important part in the story. But problem is, I have no idea what her part is or her relations to the story. Looking at my old notes, she seems to be a hardworking, sweet and positive girl that attracts everyone. She’s the balance between Tasuke and Akio, but I feel that’s too corny. There’s the proactive Tasuke and the passive Akio, so what if she’s the between of the group? I kinda want her to be smart and get her shit together. Kinda like Kagome from Inuyasha or Hifumi from Persona 5. I actually written a pretty good backstory for her but I don’t think she wants to be a singer. Rather pass that to Millie. 
Rewrite: Maybe she can be a psychology student that observes people a lot and has a sweet yet straightforward personality.  Like she’s good at picking up people’s habits and manners, able to understand things very quickly and keeping her own feelings in check. Yet deep down, she’s a sweet girl that likes cute things and desserts. She often has a hard time dating because guys find her too smart and observant that she couldn’t be controlled or seem “like a girl.” Hence she keeps herself mellowed down in reality. She’s just a normal girl that’s good at knowing what others think, she still has the flaws of a normal girl such like awkwardness and romance. 
“I’m not going to explain psychology like in a textbook, just talk and I’ll listen.”
Her Will is based on music and comes in the form of headphones. Wearing the headphones, gives her heightened Will sense, able to detect Will from medium ranges. Her best ability is that she can “feel” how the user is feeling based on his Will, this allows her to check on the emotional state of people and adapt accordingly. 
Yup, she and Tasuke have a ship. The psychology student and the laidback ‘don’t think too much’ guy. Tasuke enjoys teasing her because she gives cute reactions and Myoui always tries to control Tasuke to no avail. No matter, these two share a close bond. 
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Tasuke excerpt #1
Just a tiny excerpt/fic about my character Kibo Tasuke. Thanks @ttebayo-ttebasa for this idea so I can learn more about my character. 
Lying down on his bed, the red-white haired young man sighed as he feels the same feeling again. Looking around his room, there was again no person around to talk. Being raised in a world with just his parents makes him feel empty, he wants to meet different people who can give his life unpredictability and adventure. Tasuke stretched his hand above his face and a white energy emerged from his palm, the white energy started flowing around his hand. He can form anything he imagines with his Will but now he has no idea what to make. Normally he can make something to get a reaction out of someone. 
“Well, there’s always people out there. Hope the Creator’s Will is there too.” 
Getting off his bed and leading out of his home, Tasuke goes off to the next inner world he can find, hoping for the next person he meets. 
(Do not treat this as a fic, this is a character study.)
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Characters notes summary #2
Minegishi Myoui - Kk, she’s a tough one. First of all, she’s the heroine of the story and will play an important part in the story. But problem is, I have no idea what her part is or her relations to the story. Looking at my old notes, she seems to be a hardworking, sweet and positive girl that attracts everyone. She’s the balance between Tasuke and Akio, but I feel that’s too corny. There’s the proactive Tasuke and the passive Akio, so what if she’s the between of the group? I kinda want her to be smart and get her shit together. Kinda like Kagome from Inuyasha or Hifumi from Persona 5. I actually written a pretty good backstory for her but I don’t think she wants to be a singer. Rather pass that to Millie. 
Rewrite: Maybe she can be a psychology student that observes people a lot and has a sweet yet straightforward personality.  Like she’s good at picking up people’s habits and manners, able to understand things very quickly and keeping her own feelings in check. Yet deep down, she’s a sweet girl that likes cute things and desserts. She often has a hard time dating because guys find her too smart and observant that she couldn’t be controlled or seem “like a girl.” Hence she keeps herself mellowed down in reality. She’s just a normal girl that’s good at knowing what others think, she still has the flaws of a normal girl such like awkwardness and romance. 
“I’m not going to explain psychology like in a textbook, just talk and I’ll listen.”
Her Will is based on music and comes in the form of headphones. Wearing the headphones, gives her heightened Will sense, able to detect Will from medium ranges. Her best ability is that she can “feel” how the user is feeling based on his Will, this allows her to check on the emotional state of people and adapt accordingly. 
Yup, she and Tasuke have a ship. The psychology student and the laidback ‘don’t think too much’ guy. Tasuke enjoys teasing her because she gives cute reactions and Myoui always tries to control Tasuke to no avail. No matter, these two share a close bond. 
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Fuck i gotta start learning how to draw my characters. 
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Characters notes summary #1
Tasuke Kibo - The protagonist of Hope101. He lived in his inner world since birth when his parents used the Creator’s Will when he was a baby. He has an easygoing and honest personality and an mischievous sense of humor. Almost never meeting new people other than his parents, Tasuke is very open to anyone he meets and never ignores anyone. 
Being born in an inner word as a baby, Tasuke learns how to use Will powers from a very young age. He is proficient in using his Will and reading the Wills of others. His weaknesses are his lack of knowledge about the real world which makes him naive to the eyes of others. 
Tasuke explores inner worlds of others to meet new people and he learns more about the mysterious origins of The Creator’s Will and the suspicious forces wanting to obtain it. 
Akio Kojima - The deuteragonist of Hope101. He is from the real world and is Tasuke’s best friend and trusted partner. He is considered kind, wise and understanding yet has an sense of humor similar to Tasuke. On the other hand, he often butt heads with Tasuke because of their realist/idealist mindsets. His parents were divorced, his mother being poor and his father being rich. Due to his parents’ constant arguments and Akio being forced in the middle, he suffers a lack of self confidence and self-conflicts within himself. In his inner world, he desires a family with love and acceptance. 
His Will comes in the form of half-finger gloves that draws out cards which can summon spirits/monsters to aid him. 
(hmm for now let’s focus on these two. Gotta write more characters like Myoui and Millie soon.)
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
I need to write real profiles of the characters, so I can feel the fun and creative juices to continue fleshing out the story and it’s world.
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Damn i need to look at ALL THE DAMN NOTES i written on my phone for finding any good ideas I past written.
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Will powers notes #2 (characters)
Tasuke - Able to manipulate his Will as white energy for offense, defense and form shapes for utility. Also by using his jacket as a medium, he can control his jacket such as moving the sleeves even when not wearing them. Unlike the other characters whose Wills have fixed forms, Tasuke’s Will is formless energy that constantly changes form, reflecting his open personality. 
Akio - Appearing as blue half-finger gloves, he can draw cards from his gloves then summon spirits/monsters from those cards. Reflecting his desire to be a cool person yet his own lack of confidence to grow on his own, each monster/spirit represents a different side of his personality. Each monster/spirit looks like mythological figures from asian and different cultures. 
Myoui - I originally wanted her to be ‘Will-less’ but that’ll totally make her a different character because will-less characters have no motivations in life. I planned her to have a support-based Will like healing or tracking. Maybe something based on psychology like analyzing a user’s Will, abilities, weaknesses or power levels. About its form, maybe headphones since she likes listening to music. Maybe she can hear a person’s Will as ‘music’ from her headphones then analyze it from the volume, beats, noise, pitch or flow. 
Shiori - Appearing as a sword and pistol but its true form is the black hoodie he wears. He is able to create any weapon from his hoodie, knives or guns from the sleeves, swords from the side pockets, even paragliders from the back. Reflecting his desire to bring justice to those he can’t touch in reality such as bullies, corrupt government officials or terrorists, it also reflects his preference of assassinating as he believes the surprise is the best way someone can feel guilt. This one is pretty straightforward. 
Other Wills - A will that can reverse other Wills? - A will that can control other Wills? - A will that can copy and steal Wills. - A negative Will? 
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Will powers notes #1
When inside an Inner world, people can use Will powers or dubbed “Will” for short. A Will is a physical manifestation of a person’s true self. Myoui explains that people restrain and hold back their own essence in face of reality, but in the inner world they can release it in the form of Will. 
A Will’s appearance can be anything and greatly depends on the individual, can be a weapon, an object, clothing or even a living thing on its own. Just like in reality, there are limits to how much Will one can release as people keep in control of themselves in fear of rejection or losing of control. A person’s Will can also entirely change its shape even its abilities when an user’s true self went through changes, such as a change in one’s dreams, rejecting one own dream or change of personality. 
Will is mostly fueled by a user’s mental energy or willpower, even negative emotions like fear or anger can strengthen one’s Will. Akio mentioned that anyone can use Will as long as they have a desire and only those who can’t move forward in life cannot use Will such as suicidals. 
Because Will can alter its appearance depending on the user’s mental state, there are users who can wield several Wills at once or switch on the go because they can control their mentality well. Akio is one example, as he unlocks new summon selves as he matures or immatures. 
It is unknown on how Will originally looks like as it differs from each person, but Tasuke mentioned that its original color is supposed to be white or colorless. 
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Story ideas “Hope101″ #1
Its been ages since I given serious thought in this damn story/series in my head. Even till now, I haven’t grasped the full concept of how the story is about. Before I even write the characters and plot, gotta think of a clear idea of what this story is about first. 
Naruto is about ninjas and the MC wants to be the Hokage, One piece is about pirates and the MC wants to be the Pirate King, Avatar is about benders who can control elements and the MC wants to save the balance of the world. 
So the story I want to write is about “Will Users” who can use will powers inside their inner worlds and the MC wants to meet many people inside their inner worlds. There’s also the “Creator’s Will”, a special Will that finds a host and allows them to create an “Inner world”. 
The MC has a special connection to the Creator’s Will, but I’m not sure what that connection is, had many ideas. He could be searching for the Creator’s Will but that contradicts his character as he wants to be meet people inside inner worlds, or he needs the Creator’s Will for a bigger purpose, or he can actually OWN the Creator’s Will and finds suitable people to create Inner Worlds for. 
Wow, this is shaping pretty well. 
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
My research of psychology
- Will to power
Nietzsche’s concept of Will, it’s the willpower of humans to overcome obstacles and reach their materialistic desires. However similar Wills tend to clash against each other resulting in conflicts.
- Will to pleasure, the willpower to attain pleasure by avoiding pain, and healing the unconscious mind that is untainted by reality. Somewhat like the most innocent untouched part of our unconscious. Not as strong as Will to power as it focuses on oneself and doesn’t change the world around one.
- Will to meaning, the willpower to discover one’s true meaning in life. It’s principles are “all life has meaning even the most miserable ones”, “the main motivation in life is to find one’s meaning to live”, “by enduring true suffering, one can discover one’s self and shape themselves as a better person.” Unlike the above two Wills, this Will doesn’t avoid or change the world around the user, but adapts and evolves depending on the user’s experiences. Also The hardest Will to master because of materialistic distractions like greed, pride and lust.
- Logotherapy, the study of the Will to meaning. Psychologists of this study asks their patients about the meaning of their suffering and reverses it into a meaningful thing. Example an old man broken by his wife’s death, but his attitude changed when realizing if he died first, his wife would go through the same suffering he is currently feeling, so he spared her the suffering and fulfilling it in her place, giving his suffering a meaningful meaning.
- Sigmund Freud’s unconscious mind of Ib, ego and super ego. The unconscious mind is made of three parts according to Freud. IB is the part which contains one’s true desires, fears, habits, personality which are created since birth. Super Ego is the part where one’s logic and reason lies, wanting to adapt to the environment around them, this part represents our morals and how we think of the world. Finally the Ego which serves as a balance between the IB and Super Ego, this part represents how we act in the real world hiding our true feelings. The IB is the most hidden part and it only shows up through our habits and jokes, unconscious actions.
- Flow, a state of mind that attains complete focus. Also called “the Zone”. At this state, the user is completely immersed and focused on what they are doing, loss of self reflection and some confidence,
- Ikigai, the Japanese version of “Will to meaning.” According to Japanese culture, Ikigai is the source of what gives a person true meaning. Can be a job, goal, certain experiences or spontaneous actions that gives a person true meaning. There’s also a journey in finding a person’s true Ikigai, such as changing of lifestyle or passions. If one is unable to find their true Ikigai before death, they’ll not pass away satisfied no matter how rich or happy they seem.
- Does free will exist? Imagine removing everything restricting yourself, such as social background, materialistic things, people around you and even fate and time, what actions would you take? Would you be a good or bad person? Would you do something stupid? People have been questioning whether free will is good or evil or it even exists. We always wanted to be free, but can we really trust everyone if they are all free? What’s our true nature as humans?
- Soren Kierkegaard, the very first existentialist philosopher, argued with religion and culture that it takes away one’s personality and personal existence. Cool name tho.
(I’m not a psychology student, just looking up this as research for writing the world around my characters. Psychology always intrigued me, so I like my story to be based off that.)
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tasuke-oc · 7 years
Tasuke played before but he isn't that good since he always plays with his dad who is also an amateur. He likes to taunt and BM his opponents for the fun of it, making sure he gets a good reaction before he loses.
Akio's a freaking fighting game theorist. He understands the mechanics of fighting games well and plans ahead of his opponent trying to predict their next move and plan his counterattack. But he lacks the finger reflexes so he can't execute his plans correctly.
Mitch and Millie treat fighting games like it's personal. Both feel the pain of the characters they are playing and shout loudly going crazy when they make epic plays.
Can your OC play fighting games?
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