taurussoulastrology · 1 month
Pallas in Sagittarius ♐️ Rx
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Pallas in Sagittarius ♐️ went retrograde today through July 9th.
For those that are unfamiliar, Pallas Athene, she is technically a dwarf planet, not an asteroid, so don't under estimate her energy! She is associated with and governs the signs of Libra, Aquarius, and Leo.
She's a warrior queen; the virgin goddess of wisdom; a strategist, and was invincible in battle!
The mythology behind Pallas Athene starts with her birth from the head of Zeus, or otherwise known as Jupiter! Named after Athens in Greece, she is the goddess of wisdom and justice, and is a protector.
She has creative intelligence, she is sexual through the utilization of Venus. Her essence brings together mental qualities from the air elements( Libra & Aquarius) while her creativity attributes hail from the fire sign of Leo. These 3 signs form an aspect pattern that combines the opposition, trine, and sextile. This aspect configuration in the kite family stabilizes the inherent power of Libra- Aquarius trine, while the Leo- Aquarius opposition provides a focal point for the release of creative tension.
Pallas has an amazing story and she is most definitely a goddess that is undeniably fascinating. If you're interested in learning about her mythology more &/or what she represents and values astrologically, please lmk in the comments, I'd be happy to do a full write up on her.
For now here's some basic info on her rulerships and what Pallas going retrograde can mean to the collective.
As I've mentioned she's a goddess of wisdom, so she can indicate intelligence, genius, learning problems, perception of patterns and skills, foresight, artistic abilities ranging from the visual arts to pottery & domestic crafts like weaving or knitting, to musical instruments.(& oh so much more!!!)
She signifies healing powers, both mental and physical, homeopathy, psychological healing to cellular regeneration.
She is a goddess of justice and rules over political activism,a champion of the people, and a warrior for feminism. Having a well placed Pallas and Eris in your chart can certainly point to a champion and defender of the people, but most importantly for women! She brings in so much strength, it's seriously a shame that her (Eris, Ceres, Psyche & Vesta for starters) aren't talked about more and used more in chart readings being that they're dwarf planets, not asteroids...
♐️🪬Pallas Retrograde✨️🧿
As with any retrograde planet this period is about introspection. Pallas symbolizes our capacity for wisdom, strategy, and the warrior spirit within us. She urges us to fight for our beliefs and truths. However, when in retrograde, especially being in the expansive and truth-seeking sign of Sagittarius, the invitation is not external conquests. It's a deep, introspective pilgrimage into the realms of our innermost thoughts and beliefs. This retrograde period becomes a sacred pause, allowing us to sift through the sediment of our convictions, to question what we have accepted as truth, and to confront the philosophies that guide our minds and lives. It is a call for you to start an inbound journey that's just as significant as any outward exploration.
Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius magnifies & intensifies our search for truth and justice. Daring us to dream and think bigger, to question boundaries, ideologies, and outdated beliefs. She's asking us to let go of what no longer serves our highest good and to make room for new spiritual, mental, and authentic philosophies & ideologies & become more authentic with ourselves and with others. Asking you to become more braver than you ever have before in your life. This isn't always an easy retrograde but the results give you the potential to live to your most highest and most profound achievements. To balance all that inner wisdom, strength, creativity, and perception to not only heal yourself physically but mentally and emotionally as well.
This may be uncomfortable to start with especially with Mercury Retrograde around the corner(& North Node- Chiron conjuct), but by embracing it and working through it, the end results will be out of this world! I mean who doesn't want to live with a balanced inner warrior soul? Open yourself up to receive this wisdom, insight, power, and energy! It will not be easy, but the best things are never easy.
Adding in the Mercury Rx-Chiron- North Node conjunction & the solar eclipse(all in Aries mind you) this is no coincidence that she is going retrograde at this moment in time!
We are living in a karmic number 8 year; ruled by Saturn; the year of the 🐉 dragon! The dragon just happens to represent the nodes of destiny and karma -
with all these energies lining up before and after the solar eclipse I truly believe the universe has something magical and maybe even a but intense lined up for us.
So embrace all this energy positively and harness it not only for you on a personal level, but for humanity, as well!
#Pallas #PallasAthene #Sagittarius #retrograde #AstrologyCommunity #astrologyobservations #innerwarrior #innerhealing
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taurussoulastrology · 2 months
Evolutionary Astrology of the soul.Uranus placements and soul trauma thru signs, houses, and aspects.
●Uranus in the 1st House, Aries or in aspect to Mars With this placement trauma can result from a difficulty in accepting limitations. Such limitations may be physical or psychological and the trauma occurs in the individual’s struggle to maintain personal freedom. In difficult cases there is a superhuman complex in which the individual fundamentally denies the limitation, and then pushes themselves to the point of exhaustion, illness or breakdown. This placement may correspond to memories of having died at a young age in recent prior lives. The subconscious fear of this happening again drives the individual to further push themselves. To the extent that prior judgments or limitations were externally imposed on the individual there may be a fear of further entrapment, or if such limitations have been internalized, there is a fear of losing control. As the will becomes frozen by traumatic experience there is the potential for the individual to experience the subconscious fear that taking action will itself lead to destruction.
●Uranus in the 2nd House, Taurus or in aspect to Venus With this placement trauma occurs around the issue of the value system. Imposed change to a cherished value system or identified resource can cause upheaval and mental suffering. This trauma can arise either from without (via an external event or authority) or within (via a new insight). There may be memories of huge shifts in fortunes and material resources. To the extent that fear and the desire for egocentric control saw the individual manipulate others for material or psychological gain in past lives, they may experience profound loss or reduced circumstance in direct proportion to the prior misuse of resources. This signature can link to personal and collective experiences of loss (war, mass displacement and famine for example), including loss of life. Memories of such losses may produce a tendency in the individual to become stuck in survival mode in which they have limited the extent to which they open their consciousness to new experiences or to other people because of prior-life fears of loss. In these cases, the incursion of events or the needs of others challenge the person, who has intentionally walled-off their consciousness to new experience. Opening to these new influences can become the basis for re-traumatization if mishandled as the stress of the new opens the condensed insecurity of the past, which then threatens to overwhelm the person.
●Uranus in the 3rd House, Gemini or in aspect to Mercury With this placement trauma is caused by external or internal confrontations to the way one intellectually understands one’s reality. A strong identification with the thinking process and nature of one’s beliefs can cause huge stress if those thoughts/beliefs are undermined. At its worst this can manifest as the individual feeling alienated from the world around them, as they experience themselves as being on a completely different wavelength from others. Trauma can occur through a lack of reception for the ideas one does communicate, leaving the individual unheard or silenced. Isolation can occur through resisting participation in the world around them either because of actual rejection or through rigidity in the mental life formed as a defense against potential rejection.
●Uranus in the 4th House, Cancer or in aspect to the Moon With this placement trauma originates in the lack of nurture or emotional empathy in the early home life. This then leads to the displacement of emotions, whereby the unresolved childhood feelings arise during adulthood in problematic ways. These emotional ghosts or residues from the past can lead to a re-traumatizing effect, whereby the original pain experienced with the parents is recreated without resolution via intimate partners/friends. There may be a problem with the mother in this life, an issue that often has prior-life roots. Many of these individuals have experienced lifetimes wherein the family or early life context has lacked safety. This had the effect of creating radical insecurity in the individual – the feeling that, emotionally speaking, there is nowhere one can feel at home. The individual is then forced to redirect their attention inside in order to discover a source of security from within. However, this internal redirection may or may not happen. This process in itself can be traumatic and can lead to ego fracturing, mental splitting and breakdown in some cases.
●Uranus in the 5th House, Leo or in aspect to the Sun With this placement trauma can result from the lack of acknowledgment of one’s gifts or creative contribution to the world, and also corresponds to periods where one has experienced a fall from grace. Trauma could have occurred in the past because the self image was unrealistically high – a feeling of superhuman ability or that one exists without fault. Feedback in this life to the contrary can be destabilizing. Prior-life unconscious memories of achievement or high status only fuel the frustration experienced around lack of acknowledgement. This also corresponds to an internally or externally directed need for total change (Uranus applying to the Sun, the centre of the life force). This situation is inherently insecure as most people base their sense of security on what is familiar, and this change in extremis can promote traumatic mental disassociation or breakdown.
●Uranus in the 6th House, Virgo, or in aspect to Mercury With this placement trauma can occur through experiences of persecution or critical feedback from the external environment. Such persecution can be either objective (e.g. the Inquisition) or subjective (fear of the Inquisition). The incursion of both objective persecution and then the subjective fear of such persecution can problematically intertwine throughout multiple lifetimes. This may result in a deep-rooted sense of inadequacy, a feeling of not being ready for life or good enough to make life work. The individual may struggle to find the right work, or to reform the work that they do. Trauma can occur when the work is compromised, denied or morally corrupt in some way. The feeling of never being ready, of never fully self-actualizing can become its own vicious cycle whereby the individual is re-traumatizing themselves over and over as they move from one crisis to another. Here crisis itself can become a mentality, a method, an addiction. A feeling of victimization as a result of the pattern and a resulting isolation only compounds the problem. This placement can also indicate a situation in which the powers of discrimination were fractured or flawed in some way, leading to the potential for extreme cycles of behavior – total lack of discrimination in chaotic hedonism or near puritan levels of restriction, for example. Both extremes involve the attempt to respond to the inner emptiness and self-criticism.
●Uranus in the 7th House, Libra, or in aspect to Venus With this placement trauma can be experienced through sudden or unexpected changes within the given relationship structures of a person’s life. Unexpected termination of partnerships, the sudden shift from partner to friend, friend to partner can all cause problems for the individual who has based their security on the previous form of the relationship. Trauma here is experienced via expectations that the individual projects onto others and the projections made from others onto them. A high degree of irrational thought and action may exist within relationships. The scale of trauma runs from excessive dependency to fear of dependency (destroying any relationship that comes close to really mattering). As a result of sudden change and loss some of these individuals will develop a detachment from others that is traumatic to the extent that it is dissociative and can result in pronounced loneliness.
●Uranus in the 8th House, Scorpio, or in aspect to Pluto With this placement trauma often occurs through an experience of betrayal (real or imagined) whereby the person to whom one has been committed appears to (or actually does) undergo a nightmarish change of personality or direction, leaving the individual deprived. There can be trauma with this placement relating to sadistic abuse and/or psychological torture of or by others. This may take the form of sexual abuse or the use of sex to manipulate or hold power over another. The impact of such experiences can leave people unable or unwilling to trust again. The individual may approach relationships as a process of psychological confrontation, or test of wills. Understanding the history of these experiences can result in the individual amassing acute psychological understanding but also brings with it the potential for such knowledge to be used aggressively – with the aggression fuelled by the fear that has resulted from prior experiences of betrayal. This can result in a “get them before they get me” mentality.
●Uranus in the 9th House, Sagittarius or in aspect to Jupiter With this placement trauma occurs via personal belief systems which may run counter to the prevailing norms in the environment. This can lead to alienation from the culture or family unit into which one has been born. This alienation may pervade the consciousness, leading to an ongoing fear of misjudgment, of being taken the wrong way. Traumatic experiences may result when belief systems that are extremely fixed and important to the individual are challenged in some way. Mental suffering occurs in direct proportion to the identification that was invested in the belief system in the first place. In extreme cases the alienation or loss of belief can promote a state of complete defeatism or despair, as if the world experienced inside has absolutely no relationship to the one “out there.” Fundamentalism and/or holy war against others who threaten dearly-held beliefs become possible responses.
●Uranus in the 10th House, Capricorn or in aspect to Saturn With this placement trauma can occur through one or both of the parents being dysfunctional or completely lacking in empathy. The lack of validation on a parental level can easily extend into society, whereby the person can struggle to feel accepted or validated. At its most extreme the mental trauma of feeling such a lack of acceptance or judgment from one’s family or society can produce deep depression and despair. Many prior-life memories of a judgmental family and/or culture of origin may compound the problem. This can produce a compressed psychology, a repressive emotional make-up and a psychology of futility as those in power never offer understanding or validation. As a result the individual can feel that there is no point to their life or to anything that they do. Trauma emerges from the sense of being judged and shamed. There may be prior-life memories of being scapegoated by family or tribe and carrying a burden of guilt in isolation.
●Uranus in the 11th House, Aquarius With this placement trauma occurs due to a realization that the individual is not living a life that reflects their true nature. The discovery of the inner lie or false self can be profoundly shocking. There may have been an experience of rejection or punishment when trying to live in a different fashion to the mainstream. Such shocks or fears of imagined (or actual) responses from the environment can promote a psychology of hiding which itself becomes the basis of feeling that the individual is living with an inner lie. Trauma may be experienced though friendships or groups, in that they suddenly change their view of the individual and may even be highly critical or persecutory. This placement refers to the evolutionary intention to detach and in so doing to experience a radical break from all restrictive prior conditioning. As security is constituted primarily through familiarity, this need can create enormous mental stress and anxiety which can cripple the person and prevent them achieving the desired freedom from the past.
●Uranus in the 12th House, Pisces or in aspect to Neptune With this placement trauma can occur as the personality itself begins to dissolve or fall apart under external or internal pressure and stress. This can result in a need for escapism, either through substance use, excessive fantasy or delusion, all of which can lead to madness and/or disturbed behavior. Trauma corresponds to memories of imprisonment and persecution which inculcate a psychology of hiding from others and from life itself. To the extent that the spiritual impulse remains unrealized there exists a capacity for powerful disillusionment, fear and loss of meaning. In extreme cases, states of catatonia, mental imbalance and psychosis all represent the epitome of withdrawal from life. Others may endlessly sleep or retreat into fantasy life to escape the demands of the actual. Still others may never properly sleep, haunted instead by dreams which include present anxieties blurred into prior-life memories of struggle and meaninglessness. In rare cases the phenomena of psychic attack, possession by “entities” and feelings of having lost a part of the self may have occurred.
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taurussoulastrology · 2 months
Black Moon Lilith Through the House's
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What house is your Black Moon Lilith occupying?
In astrology, Lilith represents the part of you that is in the shadow. It is something that is painful and we try to avoid facing it whenever we can. However, from time to time we are forced to discover it and work through its issues. The house where your Lilith is located in your birth chart tends to be quite problematic. Lilith is rebellious, wounded, traumatized, and she expresses herself in a destructive way. Keep in mind that the Moon governs the domain of the unconscious, and Black Moon Lilith manifests on this level too. This makes it even harder to understand these problems and integrate them in a constructive way.
1H🖤Lilith in 1st house tends to give a reserved but intense presence. Your energy is felt no matter if you want it or not. This placement is somewhat similar to being a Plutonian. Lilith in the house of self suggests a proud, strong person who refuses to compromise and whose will is expressed. The higher octave of Lilith in 1st house is being independent, authentic, powerful. You have a strong will and your boundaries are strong as well. You hate to be stepped over. Others might label you as selfish, but you know that this has to do with them, not with you. However, these things are usually learned later in life. When young, you can feel misunderstood all the time. Your self-defense mechanisms can be weak too. The first house is a physical house as well, related to your body and physical appearance. Lilith in 1st house can indicate body image issues. The interesting thing is that people with this placement often possess a magnetic charm, but they can’t accept themselves. Often, Lilith in 1st house indicates that taking care of your body and paying attention to your looks was frowned upon in your childhood environment. As you mature, you learn to accept your body and that humans are material beings as well. Once you work through your issues, Lilith in 1st house grants a powerful appearance. You are charismatic and there is something about you that makes people turn their heads. Lilith here can make you radiate with sexual energy. You are quite sensual as well.
2H🖤Lilith in 2nd house suggests that your sense of worth is affected by early experiences with pain and even trauma. People with this placement often have low self-confidence. They can feel that they are worth less than others. Often stemming in childhood, this is one of the biggest challenges of Lilith in 2nd house in the natal chart. Maybe you were bullied for your choices, taken advantage of, or people denied your right to exist. People with Lilith in 2nd house often feel that they are not good enough. When Lilith is placed in the second house, it has to do with your self-esteem, value system, the things that support your existence in the physical world. People with this placement value freedom, independence, dignity. Lilith in 2d house can indicate a desire to become financially successful. Your desire for power can be satisfied by money. Stability is one of your main priorities with Lilith in this house. Lilith here can indicate that you had to experience loss. This could affect your sense of security. People with their Lilith in 2nd house can be quite possessive because of this. They can believe that power lies in possessing. They want to own and feel that getting what they want will bring them peace. This placement can be a drive to build wealth. Lilith in 2nd house tends to believe that money is power, which is one of your priorities. Sometimes people with this placement can be reluctant to share.
3H🖤Lilith in 3rd House. The 3rd house is a cadent house. Lilith here influences your thinking process, your communication style, your mind. People with their natal Lilith in 3rd house tend to have an intense inner life. They are receptive to subtle influences around them, and they can be highly sensitive. With this placement in your birth chart, sometimes you can fear that the intensity of your thoughts will drive you crazy.Lilith in 3rd house people have a sharp mind, unless Mercury is severely damaged or there are some other challenging factors in the chart. Their thinking process includes every detail and they consider every possibility. They are witty and cunning, especially when they grow older and gain life experience. When Lilith falls in the 3rd house, your early life was likely not without troubles. People with this placement often had challenging relationships with their relatives and people close to them. You can struggle with getting your point across. Sometimes Lilith in 3rd house in the natal chart indicates communication disorders. You are an independent thinker who doesn’t take things at face value. You want to understand them in-depth and want to be in control of your thoughts.
4H🖤Lilith in 4th House
The most important life areas linked with the fourth house are home and family. If Lilith is close to the IC, its influence becomes more emphasized.People with their Lilith in 4th house often feel that they are not safe in this world. Because of this, Lilith here is one of the hardest house positions to deal with. It can also mean trauma related to ancestors/transgenerational trauma that still influences you and causes you anxiety.Lilith in 4th house can suggest that you don’t feel welcome in your own home. This can be particularly daunting in childhood. Sometimes people with this placement even had to endure abuse at home. Their parents often cannot give them the security and protection a child needs. A feeling of betrayal very often colors the childhood. This placement suggests that one of your parents embodied the traits of Lilith. They were strong-willed, independent, and they wanted to maintain their autonomy at any price. They might had to face many challenges in life and survived very painful events. In some cases, they managed to integrate this experience and become wiser and stronger, but this was not necessarily the case. Lilith in 4th house can indicate that they passed on their pain to their children. They might have been manipulative, controlling, domineering.
5H🖤Lilith in 5th House is supposed to be a place of joy in the birth chart. When the dark themes of Lilith come to expression in the life areas connected with it, unfortunately this is rarely the case.Lilith in 5th house is a sign that what brings others joy it brings you pain. People with this placement can feel that fun and light is denied from them. This placement can infuse your young years with its heaviness. Lilith in 5th house indicates that you had to meet pain way too early. Your inner child is be scarred with this placement, ashamed of wanting to play and have fun. This influences your life as an adult, because Lilith here cannot get the love and joy it desires deep down. The fifth house is all about creativity. Lilith in 5th house stifles it. It suggests a paralyzing fear of expressing who you are. It can also inhibit being spontaneous. People with this placement can be afraid of just going with the flow and following their heart. If Lilith in 5th house is overcompensated, it can manifest as letting your desires get out of control and hurting yourself. It is very hard to find balance.
6H🖤Lilith in 6th House you often feel that they have to give more than other people, but they often receive less. This placement can manifest as a fear of not being good enough. It can poison your everyday activities, indicating habits that don’t serve you and a resentment towards self-discipline.People with this placement desire to be close to someone, but at the same time, they don’t know how to do it in a healthy way. They tend to be unaware of their own Lilith qualities and project them onto others. It can indicate partners who are self-willed, not willing to compromise, in extreme cases they can be abusive. People with this placement can be so perfectionistic that it prevents them from getting things done. Lilith in 6th house can indicate impostor syndrome. You can be obsessed with doing your absolute best, but you lose too much time fussing over the details. Being efficient is a challenge with Lilith here in the natal chart. It is hard to relax. People with this placement can be pessimistic and depressive. Depending on the rest of the chart, they are often strongly attached to reality. According to Lilith in 6th house, dreams equal delusion.You don’t believe in things not visible to the eye. This can make it hard for you to find purpose in things.
7H🖤Lilith in 7th house suggests destructive relationships, at least until you learn how to integrate it properly.People with this placement desire to be close to someone, but at the same time, they don’t know how to do it in a healthy way. They tend to be unaware of their own Lilith qualities and project them onto others. It can indicate partners who are self-willed, not willing to compromise, in extreme cases they can be abusive. Lilith in 7th house suggests destructive relationships, at least until you learn how to integrate it properly. People with this placement have a deep desire to unite with someone. They can feel that they are incomplete on their own. Lilith here wants to commit, but at the same time, it is afraid of it too. People with their Lilith here tend to reject marriage. Their parents were in many cases divorced or lived in a destructive relationship. Is Black Moon Lilith in 7th house destined to be alone? No, but relationships are not easy with this placement. Many people with this placement have their best relationships later in life. Lilith in 7th house people are afraid of letting someone close and going close to someone. They are especially afraid of losing their freedom, but at the same time, they crave attention. When young, Lilith here can be involved in affairs where they are the third person in a love triangle.
8H🖤Lilith in the eighth house suggests that you are familiar with the darker side of life. If something is superficial and ignores the rawness of reality, you are not interested. You are able to notice things others don’t, and you are fascinated by taboos and the occult. You discover layers of existence most people never have to face. Lilith in 8th house is a very sensual placement. People with this placement enjoy being seductive (it is a source of power for them), but they often have issues related to intimacy. This placement suggests psychological issues and painful memories that prevent you from letting go and enjoying sex. Lilith in 8th house knows too that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You have a lot of experience with hardships and pain. This placement suggests a very deep interest in psychology, especially in discovering how your own psyche works. People with this placement are almost forced to meet their shadow self. For you, self-awareness equals power. It is important for you to be in control. You are afraid of being helpless and you want to make sure you are safe. You can feel very vulnerable. There can be some blind spots that you don’t notice in your own personality, which are your weak points too. You can fail to see things objectively. Bad judgement causes Lilith to undergo deep transformation and reevaluate herself and her relationship with the world.
9H🖤Lilith in 9th house is one of the more positive houses in the birth chart, being a fire house and the natural house of Sagittarius and Jupiter. However, it is also the house of expansion, and Lilith here can make a more profound impact.As you grow older, you often realize that you have a completely different value system than what you were taught as a child. Your teachers (and authority figures) could be either very inspiring or you found them repulsive and felt restricted by them. Sometimes this placement indicates power struggles with your teachers. Your relationship with religion is often colored with disillusion, betrayal, strife. In some cases, this placement can suggest that you were forced to follow a religion, what was very painful for you. Faith and church are often the same thing in your eyes, and you can refuse both. Lilith in 9th house can indicate changing religions, or completely abandoning them. People with this placement may have lost their faith in life in general, and at some point they are likely to be atheists. Pilgrimages might be n important turning point in your life. Lilith in 9th house can suggest troubles with education, even though Lilith here loves learning and is in general curious. Issues are the most expressed during higher education. Some people with this placement drop out in college (if there are other indicators in the chart too), others struggle with finishing their studies and do so with delay. This position of Lilith suggests that you learn the best on your own.
10H🖤Lilith in 10th House this placement indicates that one of your parents (often the father) was unavailable to you. Maybe he was there physically, but he did not give you the love and support you needed. He might have been domineering, cold and overly demanding. Black Moon Lilith in 10th house suggests a desire to accomplish great things in order to prove to this parent that you are worthy of love. Power struggles are also likely in the relationship. In some cases, Lilith in 10th house can indicate a divorce of the parents, or even the loss of a parent. You are driven and ambitious and you do not want to settle for mediocrity. It is important for you that you make an impact in the world. At the same time, you are self-conscious too, particularly at a young age. Lilith in 10th house can indicate anxiety and fear of failure in the public eye. You can be scared of what others might think about you. As you grow older, you become more self-confident and in many cases, Lilith here desires to take up a public role. It enjoys being in the center of attention. This placement often manifest in subtle, refined ways, similarly to Pluto. Lilith here suggests that you are charismatic, come across as powerful and attractive, but you are mysterious too. People with this placement know how to influence others and they understand the human psyche very well. This doesn’t mean that they are manipulative, but if they have to, they know how to manipulate others to get what they want.
11H🖤Lilith in 11th House
Needless to say, you are a loner with this placement. You are in many ways different than most people around you. You can have different views, different hobbies, even look differently than others. However, this doesn’t make fitting in easy. Lilith in 11th house is often an outcast. People with their Black Moon Lilith in 11th house don’t feel safe to connect with others and it is very hard for them to fit in. They might have been bullied. This placement suggests a strong but unusual personality. People who have this placement often find that their peers are jealous of them, try to undermine them, or stab them in the back. Black Moon Lilith in 11th house can be a black sheep placement. It is a very painful position of Lilith in the natal chart. As the house of hopes and dreams, the eleventh house is a quite important one in the natal chart. Hard placements here can slow down your progress in life and make it harder to achieve your goals.
12H🖤Lilith in 12th house suggests an interest in the occult and esoteric teachings. Mysterious things attract you. Lilith here can even be drawn to cults. You are interested in psychology, religion, spirituality too. This places can even indicate psychic ability. This placement is a deep, mysterious one. You are sensitive, intuitive, empathetic, however, Lilith here can also manifest as being detached from these. You are receptive to the energy around you. However, Lilith in 12th house is prone to deceptions. It can also struggle with having firm boundaries. This placement indicates a tendency to help others at your own expense. Lilith in 12th house is suppressed deep in the subconscious. It suggests an enhanced sensitivity and a need for introspection. It can go both ways: you are either fascinated by your unconscious, or you try to deny its existence. You can be afraid of the supernatural, but at the same time, you are more receptive to it than most people. Unless there are more reserved placements in the birth chart, you don’t like being alone. Hard twelfth house placements suggest that you don’t see clearly sometimes when it comes to relationships. Lilith in 12th house can indicate a tendency to become a victim. People with this placement often don’t notice telltale clues early on, and they can fall prey to manipulation. Lilith in 12th house people sometimes suffer from nightmares. Vivid dreams and deja vu experiences are also common.
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taurussoulastrology · 2 months
Being Prepared for Eclipse & Transits to the Natal Chart
Always be prepared for transits, especially with transpersonal/outer planets, to your personal planets, points, asteroids, and angles! Don't forget to check out your upcoming transits for the Libra lunar and Aries solar eclipses! Also, for the Neptune/Saturn and Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions! And Jupiter/Uranus/Sun/Venus conjunction in May!
☆With the Libra ♎️ Penumbral lunar eclipse - March 24th at 5° 7'. Libra archetypes are the lovers, the peacemakers, the artists, and Libra brings and restores balance. So again, look to the areas of life(house) this will be happening in! Us as a collective will strive for our independence and honesty. Simultaneously, we are called to release habitual people-pleasing and the maintenance of superficial harmony.
☆ The new moon solar eclipse arrives on 4/8 in Aries at 19°24', expect new opportunities to start to become available! Aries ♈️ a Cardinal sign, and their archetypes are known for being the path forgers, the pioneers, the daredevils, and the survivors! Take action to forge new opportunities for yourselves and families!
Eclipse readings and those conjunctions readings (I mentioned above) are available now! Includes a 1 card oracle read with your preferred choice of day for the natal chart read. Discounts for more than 1 reading. $24.24 All eclipse or great conjunction readings are a fully written report in pdf format delivered directly to your email!
DM me anytime! Or email me anytime to [email protected]
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taurussoulastrology · 2 months
Ceres in Capricorn ♑️
On February 27, 2024 Ceres made a transit from the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius into the half-goat , half-fish, Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn ♑️!
Capricorn being an earth sign and Ceres archetype is of the great mother, ultimate nuturer and also the goddess of agriculture and harvest! The Roman goddess Ceres is also known as the Greek goddess Demeter & she is Persephone's mother. Their story is quite archaic, enchanting, haunting, traumatic, poetic, loving, fierce, & sad; but their story can grasp the everyday person in one of its many versions whether through a short story, a book, or even a movie.
There are truly a number of different versions to their story. No matter which one is told most people(particularly women or the males that doesn't mind sharing their feminine side) can relate to. These different versions have been changed up over the thousands of years to further fit modern day times and way for you to connect and resonate on deeper level with them. I did write up a short blog on Persephone a month or so ago with information including Ceres(Demeter)& was planning a follow up for a full story on the myths of Ceres and all her astrological rulerships.
When I suddenly realized today that she had moved into Capricorn 3 days ago and is already sitting in Cap at 7°57'. So I'll post the link in the comments for the Persephone article and if your interested in reading it you have access to it without scrolling through my entire page! I will finish up the goddess of agriculture's mythology piece this month, so this article is just going to focus on her in Capricorn and what she means for the collective and even for your personal natal chart.
Ceres is associated with 3 zodiac signs; Virgo, Cancer, and the Taurus-Scorpio polarity axis. I do love the connection to the ♉️♏️ polarity, but I equate Persephone to be connected more to that being the queen of the underworld and goddess of spring. But don't get me wrong, Ceres also most definitely has a strong connection to those 2 signs as well, being so connected to our mother earth and the Eleusinian Mysteries(or Rites), being connected to the Hierophant tarot card, and her adversary being Pluto who made her turn dark when her daughter had been stolen from her.
The sign of Cancer being the ruler of the Moon and one of Cancer's archetype is the great mother and she deeply loved and nurtured her daughter Persephone so you can clearly see a connection to Cancer ♋️. As for Virgo and the symbol of the triple moon goddess you have the virgin, which is Persephone, Ceres as the mother (maiden), and Hecate the crone. So you can see how she absolutely fits all three of these rulerships. Knowing the archetypes of the planets and signs is something that absolutely needs to be learned especially if you want to fully understand astrology. So let's get on with this if you haven't already skipped to the end or scrolled on by yet. If you've made it this far thank you for sticking around!
☆Ceres in Capricorn - Ascension of the architect!
Ceres in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn ♑️ brings opportunities of strategic thinking and responsible leadership! Moving into spring with Ceres in Capricorn will help bring energy to your green thumb and if you feel you lack that I urge you to look more into your Ceres placement and aspects! She truly does send out a great energy if you're looking to start a garden or learn how cook.
Being that Capricorn doesn't care to show their emotions and Ceres being the all time super nuturer of all life on earth, she may energetically make you feel emotionally vulnerable by being in Capricorn. So a goal with Ceres in Capricorn is to make yourself emotionally available no matter how uncomfortable it feels. Same goes for trying out that garden when you feel like you're the type of person that could kill a fake plant. You need to seize control and have faith in yourself that you can grow those plants, just like you show your feelings towards someone or something even though you're feeling it's too awkward.
Ask Ceres for the help, she'll give you the answers. The path forward is never easy but once you've stepped out of that comfort zone the more adaptable you'll become.
Ceres in Capricorn envelops you in a steadfast, resolute embrace. With the heart of a master builder, your journey becomes one of discipline, perseverance, and the unwavering pursuit of your ambitions. Like the majestic goat, you navigate the rugged terrain with grace and determination. Embrace the transformative power of dedication and resilience as you embark on this quest with Ceres in Capricorn.
Allow the heights of your own ambition to guide you through the awe-inspiring tapestry of self-discovery, trusting in your innate ability to triumph over challenges. Honor Capricorn's indomitable spirit by nurturing your inner architect and setting your sights on your loftiest goals. Craft a blueprint for success, breaking your aspirations into manageable steps, and celebrate each milestone along the way. By building a foundation of integrity, your steadfast resolve will inspire others to follow in your footsteps.
Reflect on how you can translate the mountainous climb towards your dreams into a journey of self-transformation and personal growth. What strategies can you employ to stay disciplined, persevere, and maintain unwavering focus on your ambitions? How will your achievements inspire and uplift others along the way?
What sign and house is your Ceres in? Do you have any aspects to your natal Ceres? Comment below!
This post will also be followed up with Ceres thru the houses and signs as well as her astrological rulerships, indicators, and significators.
I would love to see more astrology lovers following Ceres, Juno, Eros, Eris, White Moon Selene, Vesta, Psyche, Abundantia, Cupido, Armor, and the list can go on and on... A lot of these asteroids are changing signs this year so start brushing up on them now! I'll do my best to keep you updated as they transit! Thanks for reading!!
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taurussoulastrology · 2 months
Asteroid Juno Info and thru signs and houses
Juno's rulerships are connected to Libra and Scorpio. Juno rules over relationships, marriage, and sex. She's a higher octave of Venus energy. She's also an indicator of women's cycles and, on an occult level, rules over spiritual use of sexual energy, particularly within a marriage commitment. Juno describes the need for a deeply committed and just relationship, including the range of suffering and neurotic complexes that arise when the relationship is denied or frustrated. Juno depicts the issue of sexual infidelity as well as the oppression and force that are often used to maintain it. She represents the humility, shame, anger, and revenge that erupts when the slighted partner finally retaliates. Juno is the significator for the jealousy and resentment that emerges when a partner does not feel adequately acknowledged for the sacrifices the native has made. Juno describes the ways in which we face the issues of compatability, receptivity to others, mutual sharing, trust, jealousy, possessiveness, and power struggles. Juno stands up for women's rights. She is a symbol for the powerless, like abused women and children, disabled, minorities, rape, and incest. Juno is also associated with the atmosphere.
Thru the signs, she describes 12 styles of relating and meeting our intimacy needs. Thru the houses, Juno shows where we are most likely to experience the need to relate and in what area of life experience we will encounter or most important relationship lessons. Juno's aspects to the planets describe how the relatedness function may be integrated with other parts of our personality. Harmonious aspects point to an easy blending while hard aspects signify potential conflicts between the relating urge and other psychic requirements of the individual. Juno's sign and house position in your chart also describes qualities that we seek in our ideal mate.
Juno thru the signs:
♈️Aries: natives need independence and freedom in relationships. Outbursts of temper and anger are the release mechanisms for the frustrate need for autonomy. The suppression of identity needs can rise to illnesses such as migraine headaches. Attraction to a domineering and assertive individual is possible when one projects one's power onto the partner.
♉️Taurus: These natives need stability and groundedness in their relationships. Their partner must be dependable, reliable, and excuse the sensual contact of being there. Nagging, complaining about money, and excessive need to possess tangible assets can result from fears of abandonment, financial impoverishment, and physical insecurity. People might either experience these traits or attract partners who express the agitator.
♊️Gemini: The native indicates the need to have verbal stimulation and exchange in a relationship. The capacity to discuss day-to-day plans and having a variety of activities in which to participate together are essential ingredients. A lack of daily communication can lead to nervous tension, intermental agitation of imagined dialogues, or continual verbal monologues. There can exist the desire for more than one mate and an ability to handle multiple relationships.
♋️Cancer: These natives desire emotional closeness and nurturing from their relationship. Sharing food as a ritual and a strong emphasis on home life are essential. Moodiness, withdrawal, clinging, and dependent behavior arise when these emotional needs are not secured.
♌️Leo: These natives need admiration and excitement in their relationship. The Romantic rights of courtship need to continue into the marriage, and the person must take pride in the partner. Being taken for granted, rejected, or ignored can produce egocentric, selfish behavior and inappropriate means of gaining attention.
♍️Virgo: These natives desire to achieve perfection in the relationship. A willingness of the partner to engage in analyzing day-to-day functioning and adjusting daily habit patterns contributes to the sense of a working relationship. These individuals may become overly critical, finding, and compulsive when their partner is unwilling to make these adjustments.
♎️Libra: These natives need to feel as equal and require a fair give and take in their relationship. Consultation from their partner on decision-making and respect and approval for their ideas are required. When equality needs or is not met, these individuals can become uncooperative, excessively competitive, or even engage in direct combat.
♏️Scorpio: These natives crave emotional and sexual intensity and intimate bonding with their partner. There can exist the tendency to attempt to control their partner or to desire exclusive attention from them. Jealousy, manipulation, and territoriality or sexual withdrawal reactions to the thwarting or denial of these needs.
♐️Sagittarius: These natives require intellectual stimulation with their partner. Consensus on a belief system or a mutually shared vision of the future is required. Rigid insistence on one's own beliefs, religious fanaticism, or inflated expectations of the future can result when a unifying vision is not shared.
♑️Capricorn: These natives seek depth and the assurance of long-term commitment in their relationship, and therefore, they need the security of traditional and legally sanctioned forms. These individuals may attempt to control their partners and demand obedience or withdrawal emotionally if their need for respect and stability is threatened.
♒️Aquarius: These natives require the freedom to be an individual and have a life apart from the relationship. These individuals need to have the opportunity to experiment with new relationship forms such as an open marriage or role reversals. When the Juno and Aquarius partners are denied their freedom, they may engage in noncommittal, unreliable, or erratic behavior.
♓️Pisces: These natives desire to realize their highest ideals through their relationship. Complete faith, commitment, and reverence toward their partner are what give meaning and value. Disillusionment, withdrawal, escapism into fantasy and self deception, martyrdom, and victimization result when these idealistic expectations are not met.
Juno thru the Houses:
1h - the first house correlates personal identity with being a partner to someone else. Relationship is self-expression, and this individual may feel more secure to be themselves when they have the support of a partner. This individual must learn the lessons of how to initiate relationship encounters, how to approach others, and how to get along with them. The most important relationship interactions will occur and how one presents oneself to others.
2h- second house implies that value is placed on the financial and material security derived from their relationship. Mutual dependency in providing for each other's needs is an important factor in incompatibility. This person's most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of attachments and possessions.
3h - the third house suggests that intellectual and verbal communication are required for the fulfillment of relationship needs. The partner often serves as a catalyst for one's own self understanding. The most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of daily communication and networking with others.
4h - the fourth house represents the need for a secure relationship of the foundation for the rest of life's activities. This can be an idealized version of me as nurture. One who provides home, food, comfort, and support. The most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of one's personal, private domain, or with the family.
5h- 5th house indicates that the relationship can be used to inspire and support one's personal creativity. Children often contribute to the sense of creative fulfillment. Thus, the major focus of the partnership can often Center unparenting. The most important relationship interactions will occur with one's children, lovers, or creative endeavors.
6h- six house natives desire to be able to work efficiently and constructively with their partner and may feel that a large part of their relationship function consists of keeping the day-to-day details of life in order. The most important relationship interactions will occur with employers and coworkers and one's job or with health or service related issues.
7h- seventh house natives Place primary emphasis on the value of marital, business, or other intimate partnerships. The need to cooperate with others informs lifelong primary relationships because a major focuses throughout the lifetime. The most important relationship interactions will occur in one-to-one encounters with others.
8h- 8th house natives thrive on the intensity of emotional Peak experiences in their relationship. Partners often put each other through continual changes and transformations. The most important relationship interactions will concern mutual finances and possessions, as well as the issues of trust, power, and sexuality.
9h- 9th house natives seek meaning and truth through their relationships. There needs to exist a mutual respect for each other's mind. Oftentimes, a person marries his or her teacher or Vision quest. The most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of ideals, philosophical concepts, or foreign contacts.
10h- 10th house natives can signify the person who marries his or her career. In addition, one's relationship may be on public display or provide a role model for other people to emulate. Partnership may come the means for gaining social status. The most important relationship interactions occur through one's profession or career.
11h- 11th house individuals need friendship and acceptance from their partner. One's relationship unit needs to be able to extend into friends and group associations, extended family forms, social and political activism, and group marriage. There is a visionary dimension represented by Juno in the 11th that revolutionizes old relationship forms. The most important relationship interactions will occur with friends and social associates.
12h- 12th house natives are significant in the karma aspect of relationships. Often, the Partnerships one magnetizes has a Destin quality to them. There may seem to be no visible reason for the union, but underlying the surface is an emotional power that one can not deny. The visible relationship is only the tip of an iceberg whose antecendent causes go back into past lifetimes. Yet, it is these unconscious aspects that surface and dominate the relationship interplay. Sometimes, the partner may be disabled or ill, so that one needs to selflessly serve and make amends to them. In other cases, the partner may be a victim, and one must learn to release them and let them evolve into their own. Juno in the 12th house individuals may experience loss, denial, or death of their partner. On a spiritual level, partnership is connected to a desire to merge with the infinite. Where mysticism, dreams, ideals, and yearnings are shared, this placement can signify an ecstatic union.
Aspects to follow in another post...
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taurussoulastrology · 3 months
'The ancients' considered the zodiac to be the 'Soul of Nature'. Understanding the zodiacal energy patterns, but also the archetypal energy can help us understand ourselves and our consciousness better. Every modality and sign represents their own energy pattern that we vibe.
●Cardinal signs, are a centrifugal (spinning energy like a blood centrifuge machine)radiating outward energy that moves in a definite direction ↔️(future- present- past);
》Aries & Libra(positive/masculine) are concerned with action in the present and thinking forward & moving towards the future. Aries 'spiritedly' moves directly forward. Libra 'mentally' moves directly forward.
》Capricorn & Cancer (negative/feminine) radiate that same centrifugal energy spinning or radiating the energy inwards and towards the past. Capricorn 'physically' moves with direct attention to the past. Cancer 'emotionally' moves directly with attention to the past.
●Fixed signs, they represent a centripetal energy that radiates inwards towards a center, it's associated with principles of inertia which is also known to give them great powers of concentration & perseverance. The fixed signs are energetically most centered on the here & now. People with the Sun in a fixed sign are literally born with such an intuitive sense of depth and power of the soul or spirit within them, they actually dubbed the fixed signs as "the gates of the avatar" & are the key symbols of the major initiations of the soul. This concentrated energy also brings the fixed signs a potential for concentrated consciousness!》Taurus, Scorpio(negative- feminine) more connected with the past, Taurus 'physically' spirals into itself and down. Scorpio 'emotionally' spirals into itself and down. 》Aquarius, Leo,(positive- masculine) more connected to the future. Aquarius 'mentally' spirals into itself and up. Leo 'spiritedly' spirals into itself and up.
●Mutable Signs, their energy is spiralic patterns. 》Pisces connects to past karmic energy & Virgo spiral towards the ground and are associated with the past crises with development of the personality. Virgo physically spirals outward and down. Pisces 'emotionally' spirals out and down. 》 Gemini & Sagittarius spirals upwards and forward toward the future, with Sagittarius having an increase with prophetic tendencies and Gemini with their endless future speculations. Gemini 'mentally' - Sagittarius 'spiritedly'
So learning how the patterns of the energies of the signs work, it can help you learn more about yourself and how your energy is working for you. Especially your Sun! But the moon, rising, Mercury, Venus and Mars signs(Personal planets and angles too) can help you learn why your always stuck in the past or full of anxiety about the future. Or how you can manipulate energy to better yourself mentally and physically.
Say you have a Cancer Moon in the 9h you're going to have that connection to the past but with prophetic tendencies so pay attention to your dreams! Or maybe you have a Taurus Sun in the 8h you will have access to not only an earthly, physical inner power, but one connected to emotion and the past. Mercury in an air sign but water house, think of the communication you can make with other realms! The combinations are endless. Learn how your main energies work and maybe learn how to control your consciousness, just think of the possibilities!
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taurussoulastrology · 3 months
"People tend to be afraid of Pluto transits, and they have the right to be, for we are dealing here with the god of death, whose domain is the dark and shadowy underworld. Transitting Pluto often brings us painfully into contact with death. In some cases this can mean a literal death - our own or that of someone close to us - but more usually these transits correspond to psychological deaths or 'ego-deaths': the death of a part of us, the death of ourselves as we know ourselves."
By Howard Sasportas
God's of Change - Pain, Crisis, and Transits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
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taurussoulastrology · 3 months
Lunar phases and associations.
●New Moon 0°-45°:
Associated with Yule.
the teacher; sweetness; nurturing; leadership; guidance; charisma; star quality; innocence; naivety; being symbolic to others.
●Waxing Crescent 45°-90° :
Associated with Imbolc.
The extremist; a drive to accomplish and experience; hunger; imbalance; success at all costs; radiant; infectious with hope even in darkness; natural authority.
●First Quarter 90°-135°:
Associated with Ostara.
The crusader; concern with justice; sacrifice for the tribe; organizations/group efforts; battles; tension between the self and group; the abstract.
●Waxing Gibbous 135°-180°:
Associated with Beltane.
The helper; the lover; service; identification with group ideals; sexual energy; cooperation; shared creativity; teamwork; mutual inspiration; generosity.
●Full Moon 180°-225°:
Associated with Litha.
The human being; caregiving; manifesting and creativity; nurturing; outward expression of light and dark; familial complexity; drama.
●Waning Gibbous 225°-270°:
Associated with Lammas.
The shaman, deep inner work; psychic intervention in other people's lives and transformations; offering assistance around death, dying, or crisis; attunement to primitive wisdoms; gratitude; loving relationships; caring.
●Last Quarter Moon 270°-315°:
Associated with Mabon.
The pilgrim,; sending the angel of home; sweet sorrow; loving; solitude; romantic tragedy; service; theater; ritual; the art of saying goodbye.
●Waning Crescent 315°-360°:
Associated with Samhain.
The mytsic wanderer; deep psychic sensitivity; spirit and ghost visitation; sensitivity to the dead and ancestors; mental imbalance; clean; definitive endings.
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
The Basic Meaning of Planets Square the Lunar Nodes
these are like generic versions you really need the entire chart, but a jump off point for you to start with. I am currently working on getting the material up for you on the trauma that would come along with placements, But take these as if you are reading a placement of a planet in a certain house or sign. Much more information needs to be accounted for to get you a true reading, but this is a good start point.
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The Sun square node can indicates that the main part of the chart holder's current life energy and purpose (the Sun) is to resolve their issues symbolized by the square to the nodal axis, through house and sign and through the node it resolves through. This placement indicates the current life of the chart holder as the critical one for the resolution of unresolved material. This unresolved material is experienced in this life as part of the core nature of the individuality and sense of personal meaning. This placement has echoes of the symbolism of the hero’s journey and can involve the individual having to create or maintain a personal vision in isolation or in conflict with others around them in their life. As such it represents a challenge to identify as an individual.
The Moon:
When the Moon squares the nodes we can anticipate unresolved issues within the family of origin, with the formation of the personality and with the emotional body. There may be specific unresolved material involving the mother or primary caregiver. There will be an fundamental insecurity in the personality or a tendency to project the experience of security or happiness outside the self onto the family, or significant others. This placement may indicate unresolved gender issues. There may be dissatisfaction with gender roles, with issues stemming from the bias of our culture and the resulting suppression of the feminine. Or there may be a recent gender switch between this incarnation and the previous one, resulting in a strong identification with the opposite gender.
When Mercury squares the nodes we are alerted to the possibility of unresolved issues in the mental life of the individual. This can include overly rigid thinking or excessively restless curiosity that lacks discrimination as to the kind of material the mind is taking on board. This placement may represent an issue with internalized messages or introjects of a critical nature that undermine the strength of the personality. Such internalized guilt, emphasized in the 6th house/Virgo archetype, can become the basis for internal shame and/or a masochistic tendency. This placement may indicate a range of communication issues – for example an issue with trusting the opinions of others. Lies or conflicting views as to the nature of the truth may have had profound consequences in prior lives.
When Venus squares the nodes we are looking at unresolved material pertaining to how a person relates to themselves and therefore the way they relate to others. The range of possibilities can extend from extremes of isolation to excessive social activity that leads to a loss of identity through exhaustion. This placement can indicate an issue with projected meaning, or not seeing the true reality of others due to our transference onto them. We might transfer unresolved issues onto our partners and friends, co-opting them to play roles in our own inner drama. This placement can also refer to a life-threatening situation whereby the self has become highly anxious, causing great difficulty in relating to its own needs. It can indicate a situation whereby the person needs to learn to be alone, to love and accept themself before being able to meet others on an equal footing.
When Mars squares the nodes the nature of the unresolved material pertains to the nature of desire and the instinctual will. The range of possibilities here includes unresolved anger, unresolved sexual feelings and physical or sexual violence. Anger with or from others could be threatening to stability just as hidden anger could also be at play, its passive toxicity being part of the problem. This placement can signify situations whereby the will has become co-opted in some fashion and the person is overly compliant or feel lost. We could also see a situation in which excessive dominance has distorted the soul’s original intention. This placement can indicate an unmet need for independence which can then be a source of suppressed anger. But the unmet need can also express as a source of paradox in relationship, whereby the freedom to grow with another is desired but a subconscious fear of entrapment prevents this need being fulfilled meaningfully.
When Jupiter squares the nodes the nature of the unresolved material relates to the person’s beliefs, the teachers or teachings that they have followed and their relationship to faith. This skipped step can indicate an issue with honesty, either through a conflict of how the their truth has been perceived, or through an inner lie – the nature of the inner lie often stemming from internal exaggeration at the expense of the true picture of the nature of the self. This untruth can become the basis for a crisis of self or, if exposed publicly, can also change the level of trust someone has placed on you, thereby changing the belief system they have about you. This placement can signify a crisis of faith or a conflict within the self about an understanding of the truth, or an issue with a teaching they have followed. This crisis of faith becomes a fundamental doubt in the capacity of the person to understand their place in the greater scheme of things. This can therefore indicate an issue with alienation.
When Saturn squares the nodes the nature of the unresolved material relates to the conditioning that the individual has been exposed to, either through the family, society, religion or by any broader historical societal theme. Such conditioning then becomes the basis for repression. The Saturn skipped step can indicate a need for taking responsibility for one’s own life at a core level without succumbing to the temptations of blame, excessive fear, or self-control. This placement can indicate an issue of genuine guilt, an authentic sense of having done something wrong (the nature of which will be indicated by the house/sign/aspects). In contrast to the internalized guilt found in the Mercury/Virgo/6th house archetype, which is internalized from others blaming or criticizing, the Saturn archetype involves the self recognizing past mistakes and making direct reparation for those mistakes.
*This placement emphasizes the importance of the Saturn Return 1 and/or 2.
When Uranus squares the nodes the unresolved material indicates a need for liberation from conditioning, and liberation from the past. This stems in part from a past wound or trauma and from exposure to excessive influences. With this placement, the nodal axis can be understood as a trauma signature indicating that the unresolved trauma is a critical part of the skipped step. An analysis of the house and sign, aspects to the skipped step planet, and aspects to the nodal axis will help identify the nature of this unresolved trauma. This placement also symbolizes a crisis in the uniqueness of the individual. The person has started to detach themselves from prior conditioning but they have either not been able to maintain this process or they remain blind to a critical aspect of how the conditioning imprisons them, which then results in a block to the truest expression of their individuality. This placement can indicate a specific fear or post-traumatic stress that blocks access to the true self. It can also mark the need to reintegrate some former illumination that has been lost or resisted. There is a powerful requirement to embrace the transformational nature of the self. Regression work or deep therapy can help in recovering deeper unconscious material – both traumas and gifts. *This placement emphasizes the importance of the Uranus opposition.
When Pluto squares the nodes the unresolved material relates to the deepest unconscious self; its motivations, compulsions, resistances and its urge for transformation. In some ways this is the ultimate skipped step. Pluto square the nodal axis can be like a battle between the adaptive self and the higher self, between ego and soul. This placement represents a fundamental encounter with deeper unconscious forces, either to summon radical transformation or to become trapped in psychological attachments and compulsions. Or even a combination of both. A critical divide in the deeper self needs exploration and resolution yet this placement indicates the potential (as all skipped steps do in some way) for tremendous resistance to the evolutionary goal. This placement suggests that a struggle between power and powerlessness has been playing out over lifetimes. There exists a need to identify limitations in order to transform them as well as a need to form powerful relationships with other people, objects or teachings that are symbolic of the intended transformation in the self. In this way you may learn by absorbing the energy of others. This skipped step may indicate a variety of power dynamics ranging from pronounced psychological disturbance to issues regarding the appropriate use of power and an inquiry into its source of origin. There may be issues of personal betrayal on every level. Betrayal of the self and of others, AND being betrayed by others. Or there may exist a need to confront limitations, both of self and others. This skipped step demonstrates a critical juncture in the evolution of the soul involving a profound choice as to what to commit to in order to effect transformation. Furthermore it implies the necessary commitment has been intermittent or lacking in the past, emphasizing a need to honor the commitments made now in order to resolve this prior inconsistency.
When Neptune is square the nodes the unresolved material pertains to the subtle issues of one’s sense of ultimate meaning, one’s dreams and ideals. The skipped step can therefore revolve around the loss of meaning, profound disillusionment or despair that leads to loss of life force and will. In some cases the negative ramifications are so extreme as to lead to catatonic disassociation. The Neptune skipped step may also represent an unresolved dream or ideal that the person has suppressed or been unable as yet to fulfill, that now demands exploration. Analysis of the Evolutionary Axis will illustrate the nature of these unfulfilled dreams and aspirations. Exploration of such themes can involve distinguishing whether or not such dreams need to be physically realized or can exist solely as fantasies fulfilled in the imagination. The necessary discrimination required here is difficult to attain because this skipped step involves a struggle to clarify the difference between fantasy and reality. This placement can lead to a spiritual crisis and transformation. Just as easily this placement points to someone who has lost their spiritual way, who now wanders meaninglessly in cycles of despair, and perhaps is compensating for the loss with drug addiction or other similarly self-sabotaging behaviors. In rare cases this skipped step could indicate someone who has been exposed to a psychic attack of some kind, someone who has been possessed by unconscious or astral forces. But because of the possibility for fantasy and delusion reflected by this placement, this can be an especially problematic to work with.
* These are the more difficult of the squared planets to the nodes
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Pluto’s polarity point symbolizes the evolutionary intentions for our current life. Pluto correlates with our limitations, stagnation, and weakness that we all have within us. Pluto’s polarity point describes our path to change and the areas that we must embrace in order to purge old patterns of behavior that inhibit further growth. There will be an ongoing transformation of the areas symbolized by Pluto’s natal position that's relative to its polarity point throughout our life. The natal position of Pluto will transmute to higher levels of expression.
#polaritypoints #transmuteenergy
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Trinity of the past= Pluto, our South Node, & its ruling planet.
Trinity of the Future= Pluto's polarity point, our North Node, and its planetary ruler.
The planetary rulers of the Nodes symbolize archetypes of those rulers within our consciousness, and they are emphasized thru our soul.
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Key Concepts to The Twelve House's
1st House- Ascendant
○Naturally associated with Aries and Mars.
●The lens in which we perceive the world thru.
●The focus we bring into our lives.
●The kinds of functions most valuable to discovering our own unique identities.
●How we meet life in general.
●The effect we have on others.
●The atmosphere of our early environment.
●Indications of our physical vitality and appearance.
●The facet of universal being that seeks to express itself through each of us.
2nd House
●Naturally associated with Taurus and Venus.
●The attachment of our identity to the body.
●Our innate wealth.
●Giving ourselves more definition, boundary, and shape.
●Money and material world.
●What we value.
●The desire - nature.
●Resources &/or attributes that give us a sense of value or self-worth.
3rd House
●Naturally associated with Gemini and Mercury
●Mental ego
●Development of language
●The ability to distinguish subject from object.
●Left brain processes
●Mental style
●Exploring immediate environment
●Naming and classifying things
●Relativity - how we compare to what is around us; how these things compare and relate to one another.
●The context of how we view the immediate environment.
●Siblings - the bond, what we project into them.
●Relatives - aunts, uncle, cousins.
●Early school experience
●Writing, speaking, information exchange.
●Short trips
●Growing up years in general( ages7-14).
4th House, Imum Coeli
●Naturally associated with Cancer and the moon
●Integrating the mind, body, and feelings
●self-reflection of consciousness and assimilation of experiences from houses 1-3.
●maintaining the individual characteristics of the self
●What we find when we retreat back into ourselves.
●our inner base of operations.
●what we're like in private
●ancestral roots
●the influence on us from family and origins.
●psychic ability to tap into the past
●empathy or intuition
●early home atmosphere and conditioning.
●qualities from our ethnic and ethnic origins.
●influence of the hidden parent.
●how we end things.
●conditions surrounding the end of life.
5th house
●Naturally associated with Leo and the Sun.
●wanting to distinguish ourselves as special or unique
●wanting to excitable our area of influence
● creative/artistic expression
●personal flair
●hobbies, sports, recreation, gambling, pleasures
●inner child
●having something revolve around us
●what our children are like or what we project onto them
6th House
●Naturally associated Mercury and Virgo
●health issues
●relationships of inequality
●Craftmanship, attention to detail
●body mind connection
●small animals
●daily routine, daily rituals, mundane activities
●discrimination and selectivity
●reducing things to parts (left brain activity)
●relationships to the hired help &/or employees
7th House-DC
●Naturally associated Venus and Libra
●connecting with others
●mutual commitment based relationships
●marriage or significant other
●open enemies
●what we project onto our partners
●the lower courts
●what we bring into relationships
●learning how to assert individuality into relationships (platonic, love, business)
8th House
●Naturally associated with Pluto, Mars, and Scorpio
●shared finances
●that which is shared between people
●inheritance, taxes, banking, investments
●destroying old and opening new ego boundaries
●taboo, occultism, supernatural, ability to tap into psychic energy
●Transforming raw, primordial energy
●death; physical and ego- identity(transformation)
●sharing resources with the planet
●relationships as catalysts for change
●Astral plane
9th House
●Naturally associated with Jupiter and Sagittarius
●searching for meaning, purpose, direction
●the higher mind, intuitive thought processes, and workings(right brain)
●religious or spiritual styles
●long journey or foreign travel
●the god image
●symbol making capacity of the psyche
●codified systems of collective thought
●teaching, publishing, preaching, promotional work
●relationship to in laws
●possible indication of career
●what pulls is forward
●our view of life's journey
●higher education and journey of the mind
●higher courts
10th House - MC
●Naturally associated with Saturn and Capricorn
●integration of the self into society
●profession, vocation, or career
●status in life
●how we approach work
●needs for achievement or recognition or praise
●the image of the shaping parent
●authority figures and government
●what we feel the world requires of us
●structures and systems
●atmospheric condition we encounter thru career
11th House
●Naturally associated with Uranus, Saturn, and Aquarius
●social reform and causes
●group consciousness and interconnectedness with all life
●hopes and dreams; goals & objectives
●friendships, circle and type of friends- how we behave with them
●sensitivities to new trends and currents in the atmosphere
●the urge to become something greater than we already are
●identifying with something larger than the self
12th House
●Naturally associated with Jupiter, Neptune, and Pisces
●wanting to return to original state of unity
●merging with something greater than the self
●dissolution of boundaries
●meditation/ prayer
●hidden enemies - external or internal
●the umbilical effect and life in the womb
●what we feel may redeem us
●empathy, compassion, confusion, or nebulousness
●psychic abilities, access to the collective unconscious, mythic images
●beliefs, causes- spiritual or religious
●influences from things we don't remember
●energies which can sustain our undo us
●mental health
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Triggering of Natal Aspects by Outer Planets
Any outer planet that transits a natal planet will activate any aspects in the natal chart to that planet. For example; you have Pluto about to conjunct your natal sun, whatever aspects you have in your natal chart from your Sun. Say you have Sun Square Mars and opposition Saturn, that Pluto Sun conjunction is going to activate that square and opposition.
Also when an outer planet crosses a midline planet in your chart; example the Sun is in between Mercury and Venus in your chart, if Mercury and Venus have any squares or oppositions those hard aspects to it are also going to be activated. This could even happen if there is no midline planet. Such as the outer planet meeting the midline of your Mercury and Venus, the aspects could be stimulated.
Outer planets can trigger and stimulate any aspects, typically the hard aspects. This also goes for transit progressions, too.
#transits #aspects #astrology
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Personal Uranus Transits
On a personal level, Uranus transits are associated with change and disruption. It's a phase of our lives when something new and eccentric needs to break thru our conscious awareness. It is a time for us to be curious and experiment. When new things arise, that should and can be tried, even if there are risks that need to be taken, that's what Uranus is calling for.
Whether we consciously choose to make these changes or if they're forced by external events, it's due to Uranus and his intent of putting us in touch with the unexplored parts of our nature. Uranus tells us when it's time to break out of old patterns that are limiting us. Some parts of us prefer to keep things the way they are while another part of us wants growth. If we try to repress those changes being called for by a Uranus transit, we'll develop a bitterness and resentment inside of us. That kind of resentment being held within causes psychological and physical health problems.
If a Uranus transit is felt as depression, sickness, or fatigue, these are signs that energy and expression are being blocked within you. And if that's the case, then change is warranted and called for.
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Mythology Series #1
Persephone (asteroid 399)
The goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, AKA Kora, was the daughter of Ceres(Demeter) and Zeus (Jupiter). Throughout the story, I will keep it as Ceres and Zeus.
Even though Persephone isn't part of the planets and is only a minor asteroid, her mythology and archetype is a story to know. In my opinion, I see her connected to the Taurus Scorpio access. She's also part of the triple moon symbol as the waxing crescent representing the maiden. Her mother Ceres is represented by the full moon, the mother, and Hecate, the waning crescent as the crone. If you're into rituals or getting into them and looking for a goddess to work with, Persephone is one to consider. I work with her and feel very connected to her through my natal chart placements.
So there are quite a few different stories about how the goddess of spring also became the queen of the underworld, I will tell it the way I know and how I feel it fits best with her in my mind.
So The Story Goes Like This. One beautiful day Persephone was out picking flowers when she was kidnapped by Hades (Pluto) and brought down to the underworld. (She would have been kidnapped by Hermes which is Mercury as no god was able to cross to the underworld or back, in another series we'll talk about Mercury as he was messenger of the gods since he was not a god himself he was able to go to the underworld and back.) Ceres was so distraught trying to find her daughter as she was extremely close with her. She begged Zeus to send Hermes to go fetch their daughter. What Ceres didn't know was that Zeus promised Persephone to his brother Hades so they would be married. Persephone was not happy. She longed to go back home with her mother. Ceres being so angry, she used her power and made it so that there was no harvest for the mortals. Zeus freaked out! He loved being worshiped by the mortals, and with no harvest, the mortals got pissed and vowed to stop worshiping him. So he talked to Hades and asked him to send his daughter back home. During this time, Pluto/Hades had been trying to get Persephone to submit to him by beating her and raping her, but she refused to be his queen. He had even promised that all the gods would worship her, but she was not interested. She just longed to go back home. Zeus asked Hades to please send her back, and he agreed since she wouldn't submit to him as the story goes. But he's sneaky, before letting Persephone leave, he asked her to at least eat something. So she ate six pomegranate seeds and then let Hermes take Persephone back to her parents. Ceres was so thrilled, she used her powers to bring back the harvest. She then thought that it was too easy to get her back and asked Persephone, "Did you eat anything before you left the underworld?" Persephone told her mother about the pomegranate seeds. Again, her mother became enraged as these seeds made Persephone connected to the underworld. So Persephone would have to go back in order to stay alive. She would be allowed back to Earth for springtime, but would have to return to the underworld again. When Persephone would have to leave and the harvest ended (Autumn Equinox, Mabon), and when she came back, so did the foliage and grains (spring equinox, Ostara). Eventually, Persephone made the best of her situation even though her mother was not happy. Ceres refused to change things to the way it was.
Persephone stepped into both roles; the goddess of spring and queen of the underworld.
This story shows how to integrate both the light and the dark. It shows great strength and inner power. It shows how you can transform yourself with a change of perception and willpower.
Now I equate Persephone to the Taurus-Scorpio axis because we have spring in Taurus season, the foliage and flowers are all in bloom (and even thousands of years ago spring equinox was actually during Taurus season). When Persephone goes back to the underworld that starts the Autumn Equinox, but remember Libra was once part of the Scorpio constellation, and that's when we have the equinox. Also, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and is the sign and energy of transformation. As I mentioned earlier, she's also part of the triple moon symbol (below), being the waxing crescent. So if you work with the moon, you're working with Persephone in a way already.
Like I mentioned, there are many versions to the story, and with mythology, we can change them a bit to fit the times we are in or to fit how we resonate with it.
Finding an archetype or archetypes to connect to can really help any healing process. Also knowing the archetypes of our solar system can help you better understand astrology and your own charts.
I feel I resonate with Persephone through my chart as my Cancer moon is a waxing crescent, Ceres is cazimi to my Taurus Sun 8th House. Persephone/Asteroid 399 is also in wide conjunction to my North Node, they both inconjunct my sun/Ceres and Pluto/Ascendant. During my solar returns, it's spring, and everything is in bloom when the sun conjuncts my Ascendant it's during autumn equinox.
Some items to use for rituals to work with Persephone:
●Offerings - pomegranate seeds, lily's, narcissus(yellow flower similar to daffodils), roses, violets, crocus, iris, jasmine, or larkspur, bones, apples, acorns, bare branches, milk, honey, red wine, or corn. These all depend on the time of year. Also you can use these to decorate your altar with.
○Really, you can use any spring flower as she is the goddess of spring!
●Wearing a floral crown or an iron crown depending on the time of year.
●Wearing pastel colors during the spring and summer; dark colors in the fall and winter.
●Using our wearing garnet. The word "Garnet" is derived from the Latin Granatum and can be associated with pomegranate due to the color.
●Carnelian, ruby, onyx, obsidian, or any red or dark colored crystal. Garnet, obsidian, and onyx are wonderful protection stones, too. The dark stones are symbolic to shadow work, rest, and renewal. The red stones are symbolic of passion, connection, and renewal. Using green colored stones during spring or clear quartz and amethyst for anytime of year.
*There's also a great book about her if you're interested in learning more about her and rituals to work with her. It's called 'Persephone's Pathway' by Jennifer Heather.
The symbol below represents Persephone and is a combination of Ceres and Pluto along with the Cresent moon and 6 dots to represent the 6 pomegranate seeds.
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Planets Squaring Your Lunar Nodes
When you have a planet or planets squaring the nodes, these are unresolved issues from a prior life. These squared planets represent issues that interrupted the progression of development to your North Node. These issues are the obstacles to the chart holders' evolution.
So which Node needs you to integrate that planetary energy in order to resolve the karmic issues and move forward?
Whether it's 1 planet or more that square your nodes, this is a trick that will help you figure out which planet is the one that is causing issues to that particular node.
Envision yourself standing on that planet that's squaring the lunar nodes in your birth chart. Look inwards towards the center of your chart. The lunar node to your left is the one that needs attention from the planet that you're "standing on."
That's where the steps were skipped and what needs to be integrated back into your life to resolve the psychological issues for that particular lunar node.
Below, you will see my chart with the 2 planets circled that square my nodes. Uranus is the planet that I need to work on and integrate it's energy into my North Node and the Sun is the planet and its energy that I need to go back and integrate into my South Node.
Yes, South Node's need to be fixed, too. Even though it's your past, sometimes we need to go backward first in order to move forward. These skipped steps or unresolved issues tend to be psychologically challenging issues.
With the North Node, the intention is to develop our evolutionary potential by taking responsibility for the unresolved material from that skipped step or planet.
With the South Node, our intention is to go back into our past in order to rediscover the root cause of the problem that was lost or avoided. Going back to our past is ultimately our way of moving forward.
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