tcnked · 6 years
*      /      tonks,   andromeda.
WHO: @tcnked​ WHEN: september 12th, 9:23pm WHERE: the tonks’ residence
        she  would  never  be  used  to  this   ━━━   to  that  S  I  N  K  I  N  G  feeling  in  her  chest  as  she  read  of  the  news  of  yet  another  death  ,   yet  another  life  snuffed  out  before  its  time  .   but  perhaps  more  importantly  ,   she  would  never  be  used  to  that  nagging  feeling  ,   that  hissing  little  voice  in  the  back  of  her  head  that  voiced  the  thoughts  of  her  most  deepest  fears  .   what  if  ?   what  if  the  man  that  held  the  wand  ,   the  echoing  laugh  of  the  murderer  behind  a  flashing  green  light  ,   had  been  someone  she  knew  ?   a  friend  .  family  .   &  though  part  of  her  knew  this  was  not  such  a  far-fetched  thought  ,   every  other  inch  of  her wished to  beg  to  differ  .   the  only  thing  she  could  do  was  ignore  it    ━━━   this  was  not  her  battle  .   this  was  not  her  war  to  win  .   this  was  not  her  price  to  pay  .   or  so  she  believed  .   pouring  herself  yet  another  glass  of  the  intoxicating  red  wine  ,   she  tried  for  half  a  smile  as  she  met  her  husband  in  bed  ,   tapping  their  glasses  together  in  a  half-hearted  toast  as  she  nestled  back  against  the  bed  frame  .     ❛   i  finally  got  her  to  sleep  .   although  there  might  have  been  a  promise  that  her  beloved  daddy  would  take  her  to  the  candy  store  tomorrow  .    ❜
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           a society on edge, destined to topple?       ted  can  feel  it  in  the  air  at  the  prophet,   the  sense  that  the  entire  staff  is  holding  their  breath .      waiting  for  the  next  shoe  to  drop .      the  whispers  of  light  sparking  off  of  silver  masks  and  flashes  of  green,   brightening  a  life  before  dimming  it  forever  lingered  in  the  offices  today  like  a  poison .      CHRISTOPHER  THOMAS,   today’s  headlines  proclaimed .      dead,   dead,   dead .      the  roof  of  the  daily  prophet  caves  in  a  little  further  with  the  printed  words .      it  raises  questions  of  when  things  are  going  to  be  done  about  these  tragedies,   when  someone  is  going  to  unmask  them  and  save  the  day .      as  if  it  were  that  easy .      it  was  hard  enough  trying  to  determine  the  fucking  facts,   much  less  identify  anonymous  cloaked  figures  behind  a  teeming,   chaotic  pub .      another  muggleborn,   a  further  tribute  to  archaic  deities  of  chaos .
by  the  time  andromeda  rejoins  him  from  putting  their  daughter  to  bed,   both  newspaper  and  notepad  full  of  convoluted,   untidy  notes  are  tucked  away  in  a  night  stand .      ted  remains  propped  against  the  headboard  with  glass  of  water  in  hand  and  a  worn  book  on  his  lap .      honeyed  eyes  move  to  her    (  flicker  to  the  red  uncertainly  )    as  the  bed  shifts  beneath  them,   a  smile  curving  minutely  at  his  lips .      ❝    hell,   one  of  these  days  we’ll  manage  to  get  her  to  sleep  at  a  reasonable  time .    ❞      though  a  certain  bemused  fondness  sparks  within  hazel  irises .      ❝    as  if  she  needs  sweets  with  the  energy  she’s  got .    ❞
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tcnked · 6 years
✦ * · ˚ ⌜ paul wesley, amanda, 20, est, she/her ⌟ was that TED TONKS?  i heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is working as an INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER now. not surprising, seeing as how they are SHARP and GENUINE, although some say they can be AGGRESSIVE and BLUNT. maybe that’s why HE is rumoured to be NEUTRAL. here’s hoping they have what it takes to survive the war.
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so this is ted, he’s really pretty. that’s all u need to know
character insp: ryke meadows, shane madej, jess mariano, jack pearson, ryan atwood, etc.
themes, motifs, and imagery: tba i’m too lazy for this rn.
tw: mentions of emotional manipulation and alcoholism
michael tonks? an absolute asshole of a guy. valerie tonks? horrible stepmom. rachel tonks? great lady, the best, iconic, groundbreaking. didn’t even change her last name back bc it was her son’s and she didn’t want him to feel alone. my name’s amanda and i would die 4 rachel tonks
basically michael and rachel were a really fast-paced relationship. super deeply in love but destined to fizzle out early once michael found the next pretty girl that was apparently better than rachel. and his two year old son. they were in their mid-twenties and she was working with michael during a case he was given and, as the poets say, the rest was history. they were engaged within the first year and married a handful of months after their one-year anniversary. they fell pregnant a couple months later and had a son before they were even together for three years.  the fact that they lasted for years past their honeymoon stage was a gd MIRACLE, to be honest with y’all
they were fairly happy for the year following ted’s birth, but from there things started to go downhill. they started arguing over everything, fights ranging from small things to exploding over something major. the tipping point was when rachel found out he was having an affair --- but of course, it wasn’t MICHAEL’S fault he was unfaithful. it wasn’t MICHAEL’S fault he turned to alcohol to deal with their failing family. it’s never his fault; always everyone else. he was a saint, as far as he was concerned!!!! by the time ted was two years old, his parents had divorced. it was an UGLY thing behind closed doors, but as far as michael’s colleagues and the press following his rise as a lawyer knew, it was pleasant. and after a bit, rachel and edward tonks fell back into obscurity. 
she moved out of london and took ted with her farther north, back to her hometown and family, while michael and the woman he had been seeing behind his wife’s back slowly eased their relationship into the public. two years they were married with twins on the way!!!! and for a few years, ted had no idea of his father. the way michael initially wanted it, at least.
ted was seven when michael decided to step back into his life. rachel fought against it, but michael was fuckin relentless and also,,,, a lawyer so he knew his parental rights and what he had and hadn’t given away. ://// so every week he and ted would have lunch or michael would show up at his football games, trying to ease his way into ted’s good graces. and at the time, ted was so easily manipulated that it hurts my heart
he fell for it, for a WHILE not realizing that this wasn’t the proper relationship a son should have with his father. it even got as far as him getting close to his twin half sisters, georgina and cecelia. but it was all very quiet as the older ted got and the more he realized this was SHITTY, the more his father tried to manipulate the situation by blaming things on rachel. or on ted, when he would miss dinners or have to change plans with four of them. and he would keep feeling guilty, and keep falling for it every time. even when his mom would try to reassure him that nothing was his fault. all masked as a good father wanting to be involved with his son and have him involved in this second family’s life as well.
he was just past his tenth birthday when a woman in robes showed up at the doorstep of the tonks home in northern england, weaving stories of a school for magic. it explained a lot of incidents that had been shoved under the rug and never discussed again as ted had grown up, though rachel was undeniably weary with her more catholic background. it took........a lot of convincing to say the least, but by the following september she was alongside ted at king’s cross.
the hat didn’t sit on his head for long before screaming ravenclaw within the great hall. he joined those with eagles plastered on their chests and, for the most part, kept to himself.
ted in hogwarts grew to be a lot more.........stony, for lack of a better word. the boy with endless curiosity and a big heart shifter into someone rougher the longer he faced taunts and whispers and disdainful looks from those of ‘pure’ magical background. despite it all, he was fairly well known around the castle. not always for the greatest things, but he did get himself a certain reputation
ted was no stranger to starting or getting involved in fights around the castle, both physical and verbal. he’s v punch-first, think later
he was such a smart ass honestl y. like fairly self-deprecating but he also didn’t stand for people saying shit??? like if someone said something stupid or rude, he was quick to bite back??? came off as a lil self-righteous, a little condescending when it came to his intelligence. highkey a pain in the ass but overall he meanT well like lived by do what you love, fuck off what u don’t
he was never anything but strongly and genuinely himself tbh. v dry humored, v 'i can do anything'
basically hogwarts ted was hard to ignore even tho he wanted 2 stay to himself
so BASICALLY after leaving hogwarts his dad amped up the shitty game
especially after ted got with andromeda
“how many trips have you made with someone named black but not your FAMILY” “your SISTERS miss you, think you can make some time for them?” “maybe we’d help you if you spent time with your family” it’s v disgusting v rude but like,,,,, he still didn’t know ted was a wizard and anyway
ted grew increasingly sick of it, especially as michael kept pushing and pushing and pushing him when ted and andromeda had to live with rachel for a while following andromeda being disowned. it was a lot to deal with and ted just,,,, lost all patience with it and stopped contacting his father at all
tbh one of his biggest fears is eventually becoming his father and it really worried him that by removing himself from michael and his step mom, that his sisters will think he’s abandoning them
but listen ted at 28 is sorta thriving??? a lot more mentally stable tbh. less aggressive, for the most part. he’s working as an investigative reporter for the prophet. he’s big on digging and figuring out the truth and yeah he’s v aware the prophet isn’t an impartial paper, but like. he’s trying his best out here. getting involved in some shady shit and going under a pen name to avoid potential risks of the wrong people realizing who he is, yikes. not only war-related things, but unicorn blood dealing circles and dragon rings etc etc etc.
also ted as a dad???? iconic. he would do literally anything for dora BYE
and andromeda? always flirting w her tbh, always doing tiny things 2 get under her skin. he was such a pain in her ass at hogwarts goodbYE
anyway dont talk 2 me about him trying to help and cope w andromeda’s like. unspoken problem w alcohol. he’s out here tryin 
this is a lot of word vomit and didn’t cover everything iw anted but. love me plot w ted
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tcnked · 6 years
BREAKING BAD | STARTERS send a prompt or send ✉ for a random starter. triggers apply.
the thing is, if you just do stuff and nothing happens, what’s it all mean? 
and i’m sorry, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. it makes you a human being. 
it’s like what they say: man plans and god laughs.
hang tough. you’re in the home stretch.  
that’s right. now say my name.
kicking the hell out of yourself doesn’t give meaning to anything. 
but i want you to know that you can be open with me. don’t hold anything back, okay?
someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family.
i got people who depend on me. 
it’s all about accepting who you really are.
you did the only thing you could. i hope you understand that.
there’s blood on my hands, too.
it may be awhile before i get home. i love you.
right from the start, it’s a death sentence.
nice try, asshole.
so from here on out, this can go hard or easy. so what’s it gonna be?
remembering you that way wouldn’t be so bad.   
we love you, and this is your house as much as it is ours.
is this a good or bad thing?
i don’t sleep at night anymore. i freeze, i freeze up. my chest gets all tight, i can’t breathe. just…i panic.
i’ll be asking myself that for the rest of my life.
you know, it gets easier. i promise you that it does.
what the hell is wrong with you? i’m really asking.  
you don’t give a shit about me. 
i deserve whatever happens.
just a couple of days ago, you told me that a man held a gun to your head.
you know, i really think that would be good for you.     
you’re on thin ice, you little shithead.
tell me one more time to calm down! come on!
if that’s true – if you don’t know who i am – then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.  
i have nothing. no one. alright? it’s all gone.
if i had to put it in a word, i’d guess loyalty.
you need me to write it down for you?
the past is the past. nothing can change what we’ve done.   
just admit it. admit what you did. 
and a man, a man provides. and he does it even when he’s not appreciated or respected or even loved. he simply bears up and he does it. because he’s a man.
you know what i think? i think you accidentally told the truth.
shut the fuck up and let me die in peace.   
you kill me, you have nothing.
hell of a last couple of weeks. makes a man wonder exactly where he stands.
but until then, who’s in charge? me. that’s how i live my life.
i need you to help prevent an all-out war.   
just drop the whole concerned dad thing and tell me the truth.
you are tying up loose ends, and i don’t want to be one of them.
i’ve done a terrible thing. but i’ve done it for a good reason.   
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tcnked · 7 years
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best of jess mariano [1/?]
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tcnked · 7 years
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