#`      i.    it opened up my lungs and found my voice again .      (  study.  )
fandoms-writings · 5 months
Falling Concrete
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: Based off the prompt "Don't go where I can't follow. . . I thought I lost you." requested by anon.
Warnings: angst, happy ending kinda?, that's really it lol
A/N: this is unbeta'd, all mistakes are my own. I know it's not fantastic lol but i just wanted it done
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The wind from outside whipped against your face as you stood with the quinjet door open, the jet hovering over the collapsing building. 
Your breath was stuck in your chest, your throat clenched tight as your watering eyes remained locked on the crumbling structure. 
You'd just been in there on a mission, sent to retrieve anything of value left behind by a small HYDRA group that remained just out of your team's grasp. You had been sent in with Bucky while Natasha waited in the jet for a quick escape. 
She'd recently injured herself on another mission and was on strict "flying the jet only" orders. They were really bed rest orders, but she'd convinced the higher ups to at least let her be your escort to and from missions. 
You'd been in the building, about a third of the way through clearing it when a large boom set your ears ringing as the ground shook, knocking you off your feet. 
Coming to the conclusion that the building had been rigged to self destruct, you and Bucky had bolted back the way you entered, racing against time as it began to fall apart. 
He must've seen it before you, the chunk of concrete wall that was bound to block the way out. You remembered hands colliding with your back. Hands who'd never shown you anything but gentle kindness, shoving you so hard the air had been knocked from your lungs, leaving you stunned as you fell out of the building and rolled along the dirt.
It took only a second for you to whip your head back around to see the doorway blocked and you crawled your way over and up back to your feet as you called for Bucky on your ear piece, only getting static in return. 
Nat's worried voice filled your ear, asking what happened, that she'd felt the shaking and was headed your way, but you ignored her. Your eyes were scanning the surface of the building as fast as they could, searching for any crack in that building to see through. To try and see Bucky. 
You eventually saw what looked like movement through the smallest crack in the wall and you rushed to it, again calling his name. 
It was only a moment, but it felt like eons as you waited to hear a response. But suddenly, the timbre of his voice flowed from the crack. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, as if he wasn't the one stuck. 
"I'm fine, but don't you ever do that again." You'd demanded. "We need to get you out, and fast." 
"I know the layout, I studied the schematics of the facility before we got here," His voice called, "There's another exit around the southwest end of the structure. I can make it." 
A dark sense of dread wrapped around your heart and you wanted to argue with him, but there was no other choice and no time. The building was unstable, and he needed to get moving. Now. 
"Go," You ordered, "I'll get Nat over there with the jet, we'll meet you there."
You heard him shuffle, as if he was hesitating, before the scuffle of his feet grew quieter and you relayed the information to Natasha who met you at the southwest exit Bucky had mentioned. 
That's where you now waited, every second passing feeding that sense of dread in your chest until all you could do was think about it. 
Ever since you two had been paired together on your first mission with SHIELD, you'd never been separated. You stuck by each other's sides, never leaving the room without the other, back to back even in certain situations. There wasn't one mission where you split up. 
Until now. And it didn't feel right. Something was wrong. 
You would go back in, scour the place until you either found Bucky or died trying, but there was a reason that Natasha kept the jet in the air. She knew you too well. So you watched in agonizing silence as you waited. 
And waited.
And waited. 
The last of the building was falling, quickly racing for that door and you swear your heart stopped as your grip on the hand hold tightened until your knuckles were white and your hand went numb. 
Suddenly, the door burst open, a familiar form clad in black tumbling out, rolling back on his feet and running from the building. Only when he was far enough from the building to have absolutely no chance of being injured did your body allow you to breathe. 
Nat brought the jet to him, hovering over the ground as he jumped in before she took off back towards New York. 
He laid on the ground at your feet, your wide eyes locked on him as he heaved, his brow shining in sweat. 
"Told you I could make it," he panted with a half smile. You heard Nat mutter his name, and watched as his head tilted up to see her. The grin was instantly wiped from his face as his attention turned back to you. 
His brows furrowed as he sat up, reaching for your hand that hung limp at your side. 
"Hey," he whispered, "Talk to me, what's wrong?" His eyes did a quick scan of your rigid stance before returning to your eyes, "Are you hurt?" 
You felt the warmth of tears sliding down your cheeks, your hand aching as you continued to grip the hand hold, even though the door was closed now - it was the only thing holding you up. You noticed the panic rise in Bucky as he moved to kneel in front of you, his eyes darting around your face. 
"Hey, hey, hey," He rushed, "Smartie, what's wrong?" 
The nickname was your doom, all the air rushed from your lungs in a wet sob and your hand gave out, your knees hitting the floor as he did his best to catch you. 
You'd been so close to never hearing him call you that again. To never touching him or hearing him or smelling him. To never seeing him. The weight of all of it crushed your chest as your hands pushed and gripped his shoulders, your own body not knowing whether to hold him close or push him away. 
"What were you thinking?" You wetly demanded, your vision blurry from your tears, but he was clear. He always would be. "Why would you do that?" 
Of course he knew what you were talking about as his eyes softened. Hell, he probably expected you to bring it up later, but not so soon. "You were going to get crushed. I had to make sure you got out." 
"Not at the expense of you," You ground out through gritted teeth, "Never at the expense of you." 
His eyes softened before he pulled you in, folding your fighting arms against his chest and tucking your head under his chin. 
Your fingers gripped his kevlar suit, gripping it tight as you muttered to him, "Don't you ever go where I can't follow." You pulled back, looking up at him and seeing his eyes welling with tears, "I thought I lost you."
"You didn't lose me," He whispered, "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." 
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thatsdemko · 1 year
ruin that friendship - l.norris
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requested: n
pairings: lando norris x fewtrell!reader
warnings: playful banter + playful teasing + goes from 0 to 100 towards the end
a/n: thank u to @userlando’s anons and thank u to my love cay( @oconso ) for helping me with the plot 🫶
the mattress shifts, you can feel the dip beside you. a groan escapes your lips knowing what time it is. morning had come far too early, and whoever was making themselves comfortable in your bed had no right to do so.
“get out.” you grumble, the grogginess takes over your voice, it strains your vocals making you sound faint and tired—which you were.
he chuckles, whoever it was, sounded awfully familiar to your ears, but not enough to recognize with your eyes closed. your face is pushed further into your pillow to block out the light that comes from the hallway.
“you’re not going to get up and greet me?” he asks, and the mattress shifts once more, his body is closer to yours. you can smell his cologne, the scent fills your lungs and you instantly remove your face from the pillow due to familiarity.
your eyes flutter open, despite the crusties that refuse to let your lashes lift up. there he, lando, is sitting in your bed, “get your shoes off my comforter!” you launch your body at his lower half, pushing his clean air Jordan’s off the white linen.
“god you’re still annoying.” he gets up off your bed in content of officially waking you up, “also, I want that shirt back, I never said you could keep it.” he adds before closing the door behind him on the way out of your bedroom.
the silence allows you to get comfortable against the mattress again. you feel sleep sink into your body, eyes just beginning to fall heavy, “hey! I found your notecards on the kitchen table, did you want to study?”
you take a pillow beside you and throw it in the direction of his voice, “get out!” you sit upright pointing your index finger towards your bedroom door that’s open once again, allowing the light in.
he chuckles, settling himself back against your mattress, he begins to flip through your note cards, “cognitive dissonance? what the hell is that?” he asks, half expecting you to respond, “it’s called get out of my room, asshole.” your voice is muffled against the pillow, middle finger shoved into the air to show him how you feel.
he laughs once more grabbing a hold of your hand, pushing the finger back into your palm with the rest of them, “come on, I’m bored max left to get bagels like twenty minutes ago.” he whines, you can feel him kicking his legs against your mattress making you turn your head in his direction.
“are your shoes off?”
“why do you care about if I have shoes on?” he retorts back, the slight attitude that you’ve always hated since you were kids. since max met the asshole who pushed your buttons like no tomorrow.
you sit up again, facing him, due to the way you were previously laying, “because this is white linen sheets. unlike you, I cannot afford to buy another comforter.” you hiss, having enough of him for the morning, you get up out of your bed.
“you still haven’t answered my question,” he says, arms crossed against his chest watching you turn on your heel, “what’s cognitive dissonance?”
you chew the inside of your lip before a long sighs leaves your lips knowing he won’t give it up, “it’s when a persons beliefs and attitudes are inconsistent with their value.”
“can you give me an example?”
“can you shut the fuck up?”
the cool pool water drips onto your warm legs. the cool droplets against your body send a screech out your lips, as you pull your legs into your chest and fling open your eyes, “god, first you wake me up this morning now this?!”
he laughs, it echoes across the openness, you never realized how loud he could be— at least not until he was in front of you laughing, screaming, or talking. all things that irritated your middle school and teenage mind that seemed to carry on into later life. lando was all your brother had for years, and it seems evident the two never parted ways despite the ending of Max’s driving career.
“you don’t want to jump in?” he shakes his wet curls out with a towel, sitting down in the chair beside you. he takes the chance to notice the freckles on your nose, the pinky color to your cheeks, “you could use some sunscreen.” he notes, tossing you the bottle that’s in his chair.
you let the can hit you in the leg. his comment wasn’t much of a demand or question, rather a statement at the red and pink across your body, and you take the time to apply the white cream all across the parts exposed to the sun.
he sits in the chair, scrolling through his film and taking the chance to share what he’s captured with you. lando’s love for photography was not something you ever expected out of him, it was very sudden. one minute he didn’t have a camera, the next he’s taking photographs of your parents at dinner.
“did you finish studying?” he asks, attention shifting to you, you watch him move in his seat to face you, “didn’t I do a good job as a tutor?”
you scoff, it’s something you couldn’t control when he said it. despite the egocentric comment, he was a patient tutor. unlike max, who grew angry each time you got a question wrong, lando was kind enough to read hints off the notecards for help.
“you were something that’s for sure.” you turn back to the pool, watching your brother and his girlfriend race each other around. you find yourself turning to lando once again, reaching for the sunglasses he’s now sporting, “thanks for helping me.”
he nods, allowing you to carefully remove his expensive ray-bans and place them on the bridge of your nose, “you’re a good friend.” you say, turning away towards the pool.
while you turn away, you can’t see the lump he swallows in his throat, the eye roll he gives you, and the tiny nod, “that’s what friends are for, right?” he asks, standing up from the chair to remove his glasses from your face. his chain hovers just above your eyes, and he leans a little bit forward, lips nearly inches apart, “cause what we have? I don’t think that’s a friendship, babe.”
you can feel the leftover droplets of water in his hair hit your face, some across your bare stomach too. he’s about to pull away when you reach upward, lips desperately pressing against his.
“help a friend out, I think I forgot how to have sex?” your eyes flicker from his beautiful blue ones, down to his lips, his sweet soft plump pink lips that you desperately want running all over your hot body.
he exhales an excited but breathy chuckle, “it’s my pleasure, darling. you’re lucky you’ve got the best tutor in town.”
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queenie-official · 7 months
Chapter Ten: ‘in sickness and in health’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
a/n: the beginning of this chapter describes reader having a panic attack so if you are sensitive to that please skip through it. also i’m using my own personal experiences with panic attacks (i have them quite often) and everyone experiences things differently please keep that in mind if you feel like this isn’t how it would go if it where you.
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you feel your knees weaken, bracing yourself on the table to make sure you don’t fall wishing you had been less discreet when sneaking out of your room to the study. at least then Braeden would be here- five paces away just outside the door. you may not like him thus far but given your current state it would be nice to have him to call on.
you really couldn’t breathe, each intake of air shaky and shallow. lungs burning from lack of oxygen. if you couldn’t control your breathing soon, you’d pass out for sure. you put your hands in front of you watching as they shake hysterically, trying to move your fingers but it was like you had no control over your own body.
calm down you repeated over and over in your head but soon enough that thought was washed away with all the worries that followed provided by the new information Chancellor Valorum gave you. he’d killed your father, how had he killed your father? it was made too look like he’d passed from sickness but how would the royal physician had missed that? unless he hadn’t and he was in on it. but you’d seen it firsthand he was sick, you’d watch him fight a fever for days before he’d passed. you look up at the ceiling feeling as if the walls that held it up would cave in at any moment.
breathe, you needed to breathe- if the royal physician was in on it what if he was the one that did it, chancellor Valorum wouldn’t waste his time getting his hands dirty. no he’d simply pay someone off to do it for him. poison- you weren’t sure what kind but it made since, what else could cause a reaction and drag it out long enough for it to seem like illness. stop thinking and breathe you told yourself, beginning to see black spots coat your vision. Anakin had been seen by that same physician- Anakin had been fighting off an intense fever… had they.. was he. oh no…
you needed to see him but if you stood up right now you knew for sure you’d pass out. a distraction, that’s what you needed. just long enough for you to calm down properly to get to him.
you wrap your arms tightly around yourself, closing your eyes as you force yourself to think of anything else. an image of your mom entered your mind, one from when you where a lot younger. it was a similar situation, unable to calm down and she’d found you hiding. gently taking your hands and squeezing them, her soft voice telling you that you could move your fingers and it was just your mind playing tricks on you. then she bent them for you over and over until you where able to do it yourself. pulling you into her arms, squeezing as tightly as she could as your head laid against her chest. listening to her heartbeat until the world felt safe again. you hadn’t realized at the time but she was breathing deeper, silently encouraging you to match her breaths.
your eyes flutter open, you where breathing properly again- exhausted and still shaky from the adrenaline but at the very least not on the verge of passing out. the moment with your mother floating away as reality crashed back down. you where quick to your feet a little too much so as you almost fell down but you force yourself to keep going, running through the halls to get to Anakin. you had to see him, had to make sure he was okay. he’d been fine all day but you couldn’t shake that feeling- that idea of his sudden sickness being connected.
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you knocked on his door with fervor not caring that it may startle him, you where still shaking and probably could break down again at any second. the longer he took to answer the door the more your heart sunk with fear, you where one more knock away from just letting yourself in when the door finally opened.
there he stood perfectly fine, his hair a mess showing he’d been sleeping and judging by the slight glazed over look in his eyes he was still half asleep as he stared down at you. he blinked a few more times as he processed what was going on, something must of clicked because you watch as his face went from neutral and tired to one of pure concern.
“what happened, are you alright?” you all but crashed into him once he asked, wrapping your arms around his torso as he stumbled back clearly not having expected you to do so. he didn’t push you away though, instead wrapping his arms around you without hesitation. you melted into him instantly, the warmth of his body and fast beat of his heart served as a reminder that he was very much alive. maybe he really had just gotten the flu, but if that was the case why did it hit him so suddenly?
Anakin still didn’t say anything but he did pull you into his room so you guys weren’t just standing in the doorframe. letting you take the time you needed to gather your thoughts. he probably would hold you all night if you’d let him, not caring wether you told him what was wrong or not just simply okay with being able to provide you with whatever comfort you needed.
he was dependable, you’d learn that about him within the short time since you met. sure he joked around and definitely knew what buttons to push to get a reaction out of people but overall he was a good person who did what he thought right. you knew you could count on him and his support and in all honesty you where finding it hard to think of a life without him now. Padme’s words echoed in your head as you thought about this ‘the right person can come in your life and it’ll be as if they’ve always been there’. it scared you how true that statement was becoming but what scared you more was the idea of losing him after you’d only just gotten him.
taking a deep breath in you finally pull away from him. not fully of course but just enough so that you could look him over, placing both your hands on each side of his face. “are you feeling alright?” you ask him searching his eyes as you wait for his answer. his brows knit together “i feel like i should be asking you that” he gently grasps your wrists the small action grounding you but you can’t help the worry that remains. you needed him to verbally confirm for you “Anakin-” he cuts you off “i am fine.”
you nod but he notices how tense you still are, the look in your eyes telling him it still wasn’t enough. he takes one of your hands off of his face and places it over his heart “i am okay, truthfully” he rubs the back of your hand keeping yours still firmly pressed over his heart as he does.
you both go silent allowing his heartbeat to speak for him. the tension in your body finally leaves and you let out a long breath of air you’d been holding in. he tilts your chin up so you’re looking at his face again “can you say the same?” you feel tears well up at his question, shaking your head no once you find yourself unable to speak. “do you want to talk about it?”
the lack of answer from you was enough, silently he pulled you over to his bed. letting you climb in and lay down before he joined you. pulling you in close and holding you.
he didn’t say anything else, when you where ready to talk about it he knew you would and you knew he’d listen. for now however you needed this, to push your problems to the back and just breathe as one. in and out matching his steady breaths. he was okay, you would be okay. together you are okay.
In sickness and in health.
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part 11
Tag List: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06 @sweetcheesecakesblog
okay heres chapter 10🤭 i know it’s short but i didnt feel like it needed to be long for what i was trying to show with this chapter. also 👀 you will be getting chapter 11 today, as well as possibly chapter 12 🥰 so don’t fret you will be thoroughly fed today 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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little-diable · 10 months
Hiiii I don't know if your still taking requests from the Intimate Moments prompts. Or not if you aren't just ignore this. But if you are I'd like to request a drabble please.
Prompt-22: hiding their face in the other's neck
Characters: Negan x reader
Hi babe! Thank you for this <3
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The sun was burning from the sky, making sweat pool on their foreheads. She felt his chest rise and fall whenever he inhaled some air into his lungs, making goosebumps rise on her skin, teased by the soft breeze stroking her limbs. No words were spoken as the two were laying on the roof, cherishing the few calm moments this very day offered them.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours, doll?" Negan's raspy voice shook through her body, vibrating through her system like a favourite song of hers would, momentarily allowing (y/n) to forget all about the past years. Life was different, so different, and yet she wouldn't trade this vey moment, not when she could spend these seconds and minutes pressed to his side.
"Nothing." It was a short reply, a reply that forced a few chuckles out of Negan, not believing her. His hand found her chin, tilting her head up for her eyes to find his. The two stared at one another for a few moments, allowing their eyes to take in the features they could effortlessly paint in the dark, knowing them better like their own bodies.
Whatever was keeping the two of them tied together was a secret they didn't want to share with other curious eyes and nosy ears, relishing in the quietness they were offered in the depth of the night.
"Why don't I believe you, huh?" (Y/n) ripped herself free, slowly rising to her knees, only to straddle Negan's lap seconds later. He shifted his weight, leaned up on his elbows to keep on studying the secret girlfriend of his. "You're so fucking beautiful, doll. I would have dropped everything for you."
"Would have?" She teased him, hand cupping his cheek, stroking his salt-and-pepper beard. His hum left her smiling, forcing her body closer to press a soft kiss against his lips. Neither of them dared to pull away, tongues meeting, hands searching, eyes closing.
"You already have my heart, fuck, you're making me weak. I would have changed my whole life for you back then, but now, as you're finally mine, I don't need anything else, just you." Her teeth sunk into her lower lip, unable to reply to the sweet words she wasn't used to hearing, not from Negan at least.
Their lips met again for a sweet kiss, slowly turning more heated. Both were too distracted, not picking up on the sound of nearing footsteps, door to the roof being pushed open with too much strength. The sound of the door meeting the wall ripped the two apart, wide eyes finding Simon's smirking features.
"Well, would you look at that." (Y/n) tried to hide her face in Negan's neck, guided by the embarrassment now flushing through her system. Both men laughed, drowning out the words they shared, leaving (y/n) clinging to Negan. And with a soft laugh of her own echoing through the day, she once again got the chance to relax, pressed against her lover's chest.
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jacesbeloved · 2 years
midnight escapade
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notes: reader is a midwife's child, disgusting fluff, vermax is all grown up here, i know jacaerys and his family didn't stay for a while but for the sake of the story let's just say they did and they had random vacations there and all is well
summary: midnight rides on dragonback. that's it.
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x gender neutral!reader
a/n: feel free to send requests!
Eager hands rocked you from your bed. You groan loudly, barely awake, turning around to see what the problem was.
Jacaerys, your lover, shows himself with an ambiguous smile. As if he had not just woken you up from your well-deserved sleep after working for hours and hours on end in the Red Keep.
Your eyes widen for a quick second. Mind going haywire as you were surprised to actually see him inside of your room, only to remember that your room had a secret passage that, of course, the prince would know his way into.
He holds up a finger. Knowing full well that your look meant that you were about to breath out fire much more than his dragon ever could, he holds up a finger. "Before you scold me, wait, please," he cautiously backs away.
"Jacaerys Velaryon, what in the seven hells are you doing in my room? What if my mother sees you?!"
"She is asleep," he assures.
"Okay so? Gosh, state your purpose now. I do not care if you're my beloved or the prince, I was having a nice dre- Jace, give that back!" You were midway through ranting out to the gods when the brown-haired menace pulled your blanket away, leaving you in your pajamas.
You groan loudly at him, rubbing your face to try and get the sleepiness off of your eyes. You can hear his laugh from a distance. Growing irritated by your lover's tactics each passing second.
He extends out his arm while holding your blanket, seemingly handing you it calmly, but the anticipating smile on his face states otherwise.
Leaning forward to try and take it from him, he quickly retreats once more. "Come on," he urges. You didn't want to get out of bed, but you needed your blanket. He knew full well that you couldn't sleep without it.
You tried to lunge for it, only for him to retreat once again. Now, having no choice but to stand up from your bed and take it away from him. With each step of yours, his smile grows wider.
You firmly grip the blanket once within reach, Jace's hand pulling it towards him with force, making you yelp.
"Jacaerys!" You hiss quietly, your hands landing on his firm shoulders as he wore a shirt much thicker than yours; made from the finest of fabric.
"Yes, beloved?" He wiggles his eyebrows while abruptly letting go of the blanket to settle his hands on your waist. The two of you are now closer than ever.
A sigh escapes your lips as you feel the breeze from the open window where the two of you have found yourselves. He tilts his head to the side, eagerly waiting for you to speak.
"I was sleeping. Were you aware of that?" He nods simply. The awestruck look never left his face as he studied your features. Wondering to himself how he's falling even deeper for you.
"I am deeply apologetic for suddenly waking you up, my dear beloved. However, I believe I can make up for it. If only you let me." Jacaerys explains. His voice was low, careful not to wake up anyone from neighboring quarters considering that your room wasn't the ever so biggest.
"And what if my mother awakens? She would scold me until my ears fall out!" You question.
"I doubt she would scold you... if ordered by the prince not to." You scoff lightly at the wink Jace gives you before you two break out in a light laugh.
He smiles at you before pulling you into the secret passage, grabbing two coats from your room and putting one on you and one on him whilst walking.
He made sure to aid you down since it was quite a rocky staircase and corridor out. You barely even knew where he was taking you; he just took your hand and led you to wherever. You trusted him enough to know that he was not bringing you to your death. Hopefully.
You two travel through the passageways for what appears to be hours but is actually only minutes. Not even caring anymore about who sees the two of you since you were still half-asleep and Jace did a pretty good job leading you and looking out for guards simultaneously.
Your eyebrows quickly knit together when you see that you're both out of the castle in a second. Now surrounded by grass and the fresh air, the only light shining for the two of you was the one inside of the Red Keep. It illuminated just enough to keep you two slightly aware of where you both were.
Jace looks around for guards, his hand tightening against yours. You were quite thankful for the coat he took; it was deathly cold outside and your pajamas weren't really thick.
He finally spots something, like he was looking for it for a whole minute. You crane your neck, trying to figure out what all the fuss was about.
Once you two finally reach a high point, your eyes widen in genuine shock when you see his dragon, Vermax, resting happily on the sunken field. Your body instinctively retreats back, scared of the big beast in front of you.
Jace laughs and places a hand on your back reassuringly. He holds your hand once more and leads you closer, your body tensing up. "He doesn't bite, Y/N. Calm down. Vermax is a nice dragon."
You glare at him and he just smiles. You just wanted to sleep peacefully, but it seemed to be a crime inside of the Red Keep.
The dragon lets out a low purr once the two of you reach his head. Jace pats his dragon's head softly as he places your hand beside his. Mimicking his patting motion, Vermax grumbles softly.
"Come on," Jace gently directs you to where you mount the dragon. Your eyes were shuffling as you desperately tried to decipher how the hell you were getting up there. "Vermax can saddle two, you can go first." He adds, pointing to you where to hold and pushing you up.
When you manage to sit yourself on the saddle, a harsh wind suddenly hits you in the face. You're frozen in place, waiting for Jace to come up. "Do you want to be in front of me or at the back?" He asks loudly, the ships sailing from a distance and the wind whistling.
"As long as I don't fall to my end!"
He chuckles at your reply, sitting behind you. "Why the hell are you sitting there- Jace, I don't know how- JACE!" You let out a loud shriek when Vermax suddenly flies upwards. Jace's hands direct yours on the rope where to hold on.
You gripped the rope like your life depended on it, screams and loud noises leaving your lips as Vermax twisted and flew around the sea. Jacaerys laughing at your reaction. He's enjoying every second of this.
"Open your eyes, Y/N! Look at the view!"
"Will you shut up? I should be sleeping right now!" You complain. Your eyes were harshly screwed shut.
Jacaerys smiles to himself, holding the ropes in his hands before wrapping his arms around you. Your body relaxed a bit, feeling more comfortable now with Jacaerys' arms around you.
He watches closely as you open your eyes slowly, peeking first before letting your eyes flutter open. The vast view of the seas and the castle far from you baffling you with beauty. It looked so beautiful up in the air. The lights shining within the Red Keep give it its signature red color. The rustling movement of the people still awake at this hour looked like mere ants from where they were.
You took in the view, positive that this night would be remembered as one of the best nights that you have lived in your life.
Jace looked at you from your shoulder. His lips stretched into a genuine smile as he breathed contentedly. He loved the way you looked. The raw astonishment and beauty that you held in your eyes was by far the best sight he had ever seen in his whole life.
"Se olvie gevie," you hear him whisper in your ear, your eyes locking with his as you turn to stare at him. The most beautiful.
"What was that?" You asked, not understanding what he said. "Nothing." He chuckled.
"I said what was-" You didn't get to finish your statement again when Vermax suddenly flies down. Your shriek sounds like a whistle now with how high it is. Jace cackled as he covered his ears.
The two of you fly around Westeros, cheering here and there, not caring about anything else aside from each other. You stare at him lovingly, watching as his brunette hair flows with the wind.
And you suddenly remember where all this came from.
"Once Vermax is big enough for us both, I want to fly with you on dragonback in the middle of the night. Exploring the world with you. Without regard to our responsibilities, even for a moment, and without concern for the unsolicited opinion others have of us. Just you, and me, and Vermax."
And so the two of you did. Jacaerys fulfilled another wish he had desired since the two of you got together.
He catches your gaze, the two of you stare into each other's eyes. You pull him close, letting your lips touch his as he lets one of his hands hold the side of your face. You only meant for a quick, chaste kiss, but Jace only deepened it.
Vermax roared abruptly, the two of you broke out in giggles as both of you pulled away. Jace pressing a kiss on your forehead.
notes, reblogs, and comments are highly appreciated!
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Four Years - Fenrys Moonbeam
Y/N and Fenrys had an on again off again relationship from the moment they met in Skull's Bay until the end of the war when she disappeared, four years later he finds her and his peace.
W/C: 2K
"Y/N?" You froze, you'd know that voice anywhere, Fenrys. The male that owned more of you than he was even aware of. Your heart kicked in your chest as you scanned the windows of your little cottage before turning to face him. "Hello, Fenrys." His face broke out into that dazzling smile of his as he rushed towards you, sweeping you into his arms and spinning you around. "I can't believe I found you." He breathed into your hair. "You've been this close the whole time." You cringed. "You've been looking for me?" You asked him, praying the cottage door stayed closed. "Of course I have, since the moment I knew you'd left." You studied his face. "Four years? You've been looking for me for four years?" You breathed out, your lungs felt like they weren't working and your heart was racing. You'd longed for him every night, in the darkness of your room, by the time morning rolled around you'd convinced yourself leaving was the correct thing.
"Can we talk?" He asked, you'd never really seen him unsure of himself, not when you were concerned. "About what?" He couldn't come into the cottage, that you would not allow. "Why you left? Why you ran from me?" His eyes betrayed him and showed you exactly how much you had hurt him by leaving. It was the right thing to do, he deserved better than what you could give him. "It was the right thing to do, the war was over, it was time to move on, find somewhere to settle." He flinched. "I'd have come with you-" You cut him off, "I couldn't let you do that." His face was full of confusion. "Little one, I'd have followed you anywhere." He told you gently as he cupped your face, wiping a tear from your cheek that you hadn't even realised had fallen. "What happened that scared you so much that you ran from me?" You were about to open your mouth, lie to him, tell him you'd met someone else during the war, but the cottage door swung open and you were cut off, "Mama!"
Fenrys froze, withdrew his hand from your cheek, then tensed, his eyes shot over your shoulder, taking in the little blonde girl running towards you. "Mama?" He all but whispered, there was no denying it, so you nodded. "Yes." The little girl skidded to a stop next to you and thrust her hand towards Fenrys. "I'm Freya!" She grinned a toothy grin at him. Fenrys shot you another look before he sank to his knees and took her hand, and kissed it like the courtier he is, "It's lovely to meet you, Miss Freya, I'm Fenrys." She gasped at him, "That's like my name!" He chuckled at her, "It sure is!" She smiled up at him. "Are you a friend of my Mama's?" She asked, "I am, your mama is very important to me." She raised an eyebrow at him, "She is?" He nodded, "Yes, she is." She looked between you and Fenrys, debating the new information that she'd just received, Fenrys studied her while she did, the hair, the eyes, her name, his eyes met yours in a silent question that you didn't get time to answer as Freya had finished appraising the two of you and tugged on his hand, "Tea!" She let go of his hand and ran back into the cottage. "I guess you're invited for tea." You told him quietly.
Fenrys stood, "Freya?" He asked, grasping your wrist to stop you from walking away from him. "Yes, Freya, that's her name." You answered, not meeting his eyes. "How old is she, Y/N?" Still not looking at him, you shrugged, "It's not important." He placed two fingers under your chin and he gently directed your eyes to his, "Yes it is, Y/N, she's mine isn't she? That's why you left?" Taking a shaky breath, you let the tears fall, "You deserved more, you'd just won a war and gained your freedom and I couldn't shackle you to me like that." He let out a breath "Shackled?" You nodded, "You'd been through so much Fenrys, the trauma from Maeve, what happened to Connall, Aelin's torture, Gavriel's death, you needed to heal, you needed to be free and I knew if I told you that you would've done the honourable thing and you'd have married me and taken us both on, it wasn't fair." He scoffed, "So it was fair for me to lose you and not know why? To look for you for four years, to find you only to learn I've missed the birth of my daughter? The first, what, three and a half years of her life?" You tensed as you heard a smash in the house and a quiet "Oops." You pulled your wrist from his hand, "Can we talk about this later please? When she's asleep? Your daughter wants to have tea, will you join us?" His eyes roamed your face once more and he nodded and followed you into the house.
To say Freya was besotted with Fenrys was an understatement, in the course of one afternoon she'd absolutely fallen in love with him and he her. You knew already, despite the fact you kept her from him, he wouldn't be kept away from her anymore, he'd dote on her and he'd never let her want for anything. You watched them through the kitchen window, chasing each other in the garden. Freya couldn't believe her eyes when Fenrys had taken her outside and turned into a wolf before her. She'd spent half an hour sitting on his back as he ran around the garden with her as she shrieked with delight. Now back as a male he chased her and threw her up in the air every time he caught her. Sighing, you turned away from the window, questioning the decision you had made for the first time. He looked more alive now playing with Freya than you'd ever seen him, but then you hadn't seen him in the last four years.
Fenrys stayed for dinner, he looked surprised by your invitation but he graciously accepted and ate with one hand as the other was keeping Freya balanced on his lap. You'd asked her to sit in her own chair and she'd refused, Fenrys certainly wasn't about to ask her to move so you picked your battle, fight with the child about where she sat for dinner, or fight the bigger fight of getting her to go to bed and leave Fenrys. You chose the latter, deciding you didn't have the energy for both and then the conversation that was bound to happen with Fenrys once she was asleep.
Conversation flowed surprisingly easy between the two of you over dinner, he told you of Aedion and Lysandra's wedding, and their baby boy whom they'd named after Gavriel. He told you about Lorcan and Elide who were happily married and had their own babe on the way and of the three children Rowan and Aelin had been blessed with. Chaol and Yrene had a girl, she'd roughly be the same age as Freya and Dorian had finally convinced Manon to marry him. By the time he finished you had tears in your eyes and he was holding your hand across the table, dinner forgotten. "Sad, mama?" Freya's tired little voice asked you, "No baby, mama is happy that her friends got their happy endings." The little girl smiled at you softly and snuggled herself further into Fenrys' chest and yawned.
"I should put her to bed." You said as you wiped your eyes and stood, he looked down at the little girl curled into his chest, "Can I…I mean…would it be alright if-" You smiled at him softly. "Fenrys, would you like to put her to bed?" He gave you a small smile back, "Thank you." You nodded at him, "Top of the stairs, end of the hallway, I'll make some tea, I guess we should talk." He nodded this time. "Don't forget, Wolfie." You added, he lifted an eyebrow and you handed him a stuffed wolf teddy from the side. It was white, just like he was. "I made sure you were around, in small ways." He said nothing as he headed up the stairs and you couldn't help the galloping in your chest at how domestic it all was, at how this was what you had always dreamed of with him.
You hovered nervously at the bottom of the stairs, listening to the low rumble of Fenrys' voice as he told Freya a story as she'd requested, your heart cracked when you realised he was telling her the story of the two of you, he'd made you a princess and he was a knight, cursed to work for the evil queen. He trailed off halfway through, she must've fallen asleep. "Goodnight, little love." You heard him speak lowly, "Have the most wonderful dreams, I'm here now, I'll keep you and your mama safe, always." You heard Freya's bedroom door close and you threw yourself back into the kitchen and into a chair at the table, where you'd already made tea and had sliced some pieces of cake you'd made that afternoon while they played.
"Is that lemon cake?" Fenrys asked as he took the seat opposite you, "You told me once it was your favourite, so I made it while you played with Freya this afternoon." His smiles were still clipped but he gave you one nonetheless, "It still is." You put a piece on a plate and pushed it towards him. "You didn't have to do this on your own, Y/N. I would've been there, I would've wanted to be there." You nodded slowly. "It's going to sound ridiculous, but I wanted you to want me for me, not because I was carrying your child. I didn't want you to stay with me for the baby, so I left. I wanted you to be able to live, Fen, to have a life and your freedom." He leveled you with a look, "You were my life! Hell, you still are, I've looked for you for four years!" You shrank into your chair. "I can never make up for what I did, in keeping her from you, and you from her, I convinced myself it was the right thing to do and I was wrong. I'm sorry Fenrys. I should've told you, I was scared, I was 23 and pregnant and I let the fear win." He took a deep breath, "I'm not going to argue with you, it's done, we can't change it, but I need you both in my life, do you understand that, there was something I should've told you as well, I was going to the night you left, we're mates, you and I, my soul belongs to you and yours to me. I will not be kept away from either of you anymore."
"Come back to the castle with me? Freya has cousins that will adore her, you have friends that miss you, plus, out of all the kids, we made the cutest one and I need to rub that in Rowan and Aedion's faces." You let out a tearful laugh, "I never stopped loving you, Fen." He smiled, properly this time, "I know, little one." You smiled back at him, "We'll come with you." Fenrys stood from his chair and walked round the table to you and pulled you in his arms. "We'll pack up what you need and leave in a few days, I want some interrupted time with my girls first." You smiled up at him, "We can tell her tomorrow, that your her father, if you want." A little gasp pulled both of your attention to the stairs. "Daddy?" Fenrys crouched so he was at her level. "Yes, little love, I'm your daddy, is that okay?" She beamed his own smile at him and ran into his open arms.
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artzysyam · 8 months
Scarlet Knight: Origins Chp1
Inspired by @xysidhequeen AU.
Jason jolted awake, discovering he was inside the casket. Feeling a wave of panic wash over him, he started to pound on the box in hopes of getting out. Suddenly, a hand with sharp claws appeared, along with green eyes that glowed like stars. He had been saved.
Chapter 1: Awaken to a New Beginning
Jason's heart skipped a beat when he jolted awake. He was inside a cramped wooden box, barely able to move his arms and legs. Panic surged through his body as the realization hit him - he had been buried alive!
Desperate for escape, Jason began pounding on the coffin door with all his might. He shouted out for help, screaming for someone, anyone, to come rescue him. But no one answered his pleas.
The only sound in the darkness was Jason's muffled cries and heavy breathing, but then, an inexplicable wave of assurance rushed over him. Suddenly, a clawed hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed onto Jason's arm. The air around it shimmered and glowed with a brilliant green light as two glowing eyes appeared in front of him. He knew that somehow this creature had come to save him.
"Hey, I'm gonna get you out okay." The green eyes told Jason softly. They were human-like but had an ethereal quality about them, seemingly radiating with an inner power. A soft smile crossed their lips, still uncanny yet strangely comforting to Jason at the same time.
The being made Jason intangible and lifted him up from the coffin and the earth below. Gasping for air, Jason felt oxygen fill his lungs again as he leaned against the gravestone. The being—or should he say, the Star—looked on with kind eyes.
Jason's legs shook as he looked at the mysterious figure who had saved him from being buried alive. The Star – Danny Fenton, he said his name was, or Phantom when in this ethereal costume – seemed to study Jason with a warm smile. He blinked once before speaking.
"And you're Jason right?" The newly raised teen stepped back in shock. His mouth hung open and his heart raced as he asked, "H-how do you know that?"
Jason noticed Danny's smile turn strained and sensed the worry radiating from him as he pointed at a gravestone he was leaning on. 
Taking a step closer, Jason read the inscription on the stone: 'Here Lies Jason Peter Todd'. He felt his stomach drop as the truth sunk in – he had died and been brought back to life. His legs gave out beneath him, but Danny managed to catch him before he hit the ground.
"Ancients sake, you're starting to fade!" Danny cried, panic rising in his voice. As Jason looked down, he saw his body beginning to dissolve into a mist. Fear rushed through him as he realised that he didn't want to die again.
Alarm filled Jason's gut as Danny's eyes sparked with an eerie green light. His hands were twisted into claws, clenched tight in the air and a glowing ball emerged from his grasp – it was ectoplasm, thick and crackling with energy. 
"What the hell are you doing?!" Jason cried out, barely able to stand on his feet after the shocking revelations.
"Saving your life...saving your afterlife," Danny explained urgently. "The dead aren't supposed to come back, so the balance needs to be maintained. You need a core to maintain your existence, but you came out half-baked. My ectoplasm will give you what you need." His voice was urgent, but the bastard still managed to tease Jason with a chuckle. "Either this or you'll cease to exist. Pick your poison eh."
Jason wearily peered at the ball of ectoplasm before him and sighed heavily. "I don't have any choice..." Danny nodded before he thrust forward and plunged the ball into Jason's very soul. 
An electrifying warmth flooded through Jason as the ectoplasm flowed into every inch of his being, emanating a vibrant green glow around them as it filled up his essence. Finally, it found its resting place alongside his slowly beating heart within his chest; a warm presence that brought comfort in its wake. 
Danny pulled back and Jason slumped against him, gasping for air as the dark cemetery of Gotham welcomed them back into their oppressive embrace.
Jason's breathing was ragged after the shock of what he had just seen, and the purring from what Danny said, his own 'core' reverberated through his chest. Danny tenderly ran his hands through Jason's hair as they talked.
"Let's go somewhere else," Danny said, flashing a warm smile. "I don't want to raise an undead army in the cemetery of all places."
At that moment, Jason's stomach growled loudly. His face flushed with embarrassment before he joked, "Buy me tons of chilli dogs and we're even."
Danny laughed and agreed. With a swoop of his arm, he grabbed Jason and flew away, leaving the cemetery behind them. Along the way, Jason marvelled at his newfound abilities that he'll gonna get, and soon found himself tucking into a stack of chilli dogs.
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Can I get a Miranda fic where Reader is having a terrible day and Miranda notices and decides to do something about it. Fluffy please and thank you 😁
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Well...I am not fond of Miranda, so I find her difficult to write, but I welcome the opportunity because she and I are going to have to get to know one another in my RE8 AU fic soon. Soooooo... dear @geekyarmorel, I hope I have delivered enough fluff here. Thank you for the prompt! Enjoy!
The Assistant
Mother Miranda x Reader prompt Requested by : @geekyarmorel
She was so…promising.
Vitals were stable. No immediate mutations. You turned your back on the subject for only a short while and disaster strikes. Pure, bloody disaster. 
Immediately you are pinned to the cold floor of the lab by the test subject now turned moroaicǎ. Its newly formed fangs that have ripped from its gums drip black blood onto your face. It rears back, gearing to lunge at you once again, but cries out in pain, suddenly going rigid and falling to the floor beside you.
Your eyes are wide open in panic and shock, and there is a ringing in your ears that muffles the soothing voice coming from somewhere close by, but you can not see the source.
"Miran-MIRANDA?" You cry out as you try to sit up. Gravity and pain send you back to the floor and into a small, warm puddle with a sickening splat. The room goes black.
"Still yourself, my little hummingbird." Came a voice from your side.
You wake up in your bed and find Miranda in a chair next to your bedside. She places her journal on your nightstand and rises from her seat to inspect your wounds.
Your hand finds the back of your head and you wince. "No touching." She commands as she takes your hand away from your aching head. "A minor laceration, but one that required multiple stitches. The scalp bleeds so easily, quite the puddle of blood I found you in. You had me worried. Luckily you incurred no fractures."
"The test subject. It was exceeding my expectations and suddenly it mutated! I - I have failed you once again." You said, warm tears making their way into your hairline.
Taloned fingers lift your chin gently.  "You never fail me, my sweet."
"But Eva… I just hoped, that maybe this was the one. I want this so badly for you!"
Miranda removes her hand from your face and studies you. She had grown fond of you while you had worked under her watchful eye. But at those words, your words, she could not help but feel more for you than she had cared to admit. She thought you only had an interest in the science of it all, the process, not the actual purpose…bringing back Eva…for her.
Slowly, Miranda stands to blow out the candle on your bedside table, and removes her robes, revealing her alabaster skin and raven-black feathers. The light of the moon shines through the window and illuminates her form. She stands bare before you, offering herself completely.
"If you were to feel me, every inch, you will find not a single muscle nor drop of blood harboring disappointment in you, my love."
"M-my love?" You whispered, your heart nearly exploding.
You are in complete awe of the woman who stands before you; so powerful and vulnerable, and you find your hands aching to touch her. Never did you ever think she would love you. You slide out of bed and fall to your knees. You wrap your arms around her, your head resting on her lower abdomen, and you begin to weep.
"No." She insists, her taloned fingers taking your chin again. "Rise. You do not belong on your knees before me. Your devotion to me and to my cause, my Eva, proves you worthy of being eye to eye.”
Your hands never leave her soft skin as you make your way up off the floor and into her arms. Once there, she holds your trembling form and caresses the back of your head tenderly making sure not to upset your wound.
“There, there, my sweet hummingbird.” She cooes. “Save your tears for times of joy. We will resurrect Eva in time….together.”
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faerieismm · 2 years
sooooooooooooo yes uh this is what i really want rn😍😍 enjoy fellas
crashing into grell’s arms crying hysterically
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tw: ur sad
genre: angst? comfort at the end :}
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speed walking down the halls, wiping away tears you struggled to hold back, it seemed like everyone was staring, but quite frankly you didn’t care.
the further you went down the halls, the emptier it got, less and less reapers to be seen.
as you saw the door of grell’s office come closer, your feet started to walk faster, making you kind of crashing into the door, trying to get it open.
the click you then heard was almost heavenly, and soon you found yourself in the doorway of her office.
grell snapped her head towards you, making a little startled sound, but as soon as she saw your red puffy eyes, the way your jaw clenched and your hands at your sides, she let everything in her hands fall to the ground and hurried over to you.
it was amazing how she could do that on such high heels.
“oh honey, what’s wrong?” her voice worried.
not being able to hold it any longer, you lunged forward, crashing into her arms, as tears flooded from your eyes again.
“there there.” she cooed.
her hand rubbing your back seemed to calm you down quite a bit, your breathing starting to get slower and slower, easing into her arms.
you sat like that for awhile, quietly studying the office, and the way grell held you.
the way her hands rubbed your back, and her long red hair fell into your face slightly.
the light was crawling in from the long windows at the side of her couch, her desk was a little messy, but you could still see some of the wood.
there was a slight breeze coming through the window, as the building had been there for awhile, but you didnt mind.
“you wanna tell me what’s bothering you?” she whispered softly.
you sighed. “everything.”
“everything? - she chuckled - that’s quite alot dear.”
you nodded slightly, but kept quiet, enjoying the affection you so badly needed. your eyes felt heavy, and a headache was starting to form itself.
tired, you let your whole weight fall into her (EVERY.WEIGHT.IS.OKAY!!!!!!!) arms. she smiled, pulling you closer.
chuckling, she lifted you into her arms, slowly walking to her couch. she slouched down on her back, you laying atop of her.
and slowly you felt yourself relax.
“it’s just - you paused, not knowing if you should tell what got you to this state - everything had been so well and, i finally felt a little better about myself, i was so happy being with you, and and-“ a sob choked your words.
“and lately, there are all these people, who judge me for who i am, and are mean for no reason i can find, even ones close to me.”
grell listened carefully.
she hummed. “oh dear, anything else you want to get off your chest?” a soft smile on her lips.
sighing, you rambled on. “i feel like i havent been me, haven’t been enjoying life, and like i haven’t given you a good time.”
“ooh, no no, don’t think that.” she said in a little panicky voice. grell layed her hand on your head, stroking it softly.
“you have been wonderful, and i know that you try, i’m thankful to have you, really.”
you popped your head up in surprise, your wide eyes looking up at her.
she laughed. “yes dear, i mean it.”
“and its awful how these people have treated you, truly awful.” her gaze turned nasty
“so, tell me, who were those people? - she grinned - let’s make a list shall we~?”
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thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog! means alot :} i hope y’all enjoyed this mini oneshot. until next time~
yours truly,
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shiftingparadise · 1 year
I'm sorry (Part 3)
So, I got this idea from one of you guys, so thank you for that! I hope everyone's doing fine. Enjoy reading! 🤍✨
Warnings: angst to fluff, smut
Word count: 1649
“Mikey”, you let your head rest on his shoulders. “I know”, he clenched his jaw, his hand softly massaging the back of your head. “This was the last time, right?”, your voice shaking. “Hm”, an unsure answer. 
You didn’t want it to be the last time. You wanted to wake up next to him, to kiss him while the rising sun greeted your sheets, but… 
“Don’t”, a sweet smile on his face as he studied yours. “W-what?”. “Don’t be sad, please. I can’t be the one that makes you sad, Y/N. I really can’t”. 
There were tears in his eyes too. Was this more than just lust? Did you love each other? 
“You make me happy”, a fragile whisper. 
A lie twisted with the truth. He did make you happy, more than anything, but right now… If Draken knew… 
“Come on. I’ll get you home”, Mikey lifted you from the table. “B-but Draken-“. 
God, it was hard to even say his name. 
“Oh, right”, a sad look in his eyes. “Well, I’ll see you”. “See you, Mikey”, you straightened your dress. “W-wait”, his hand wrapped around your arm, “Stay with me. Just for tonight”. “You know I can’t”, a tear now streaming down your cheek. “I know”, a sad chuckle left his lungs. 
“I’ll drop you off. I need to do something first”, Draken coldly replied. “Huh? It’s the middle of the night”. “So?”. 
He didn’t look at you. Not once. 
“Draken?”, you shakily asked. “What?”. “A-are you… Do you love me?”, once again tears in your eyes. 
Why couldn’t he look at you? 
 “Come on, I’ll get you home”, he coldly replied as he put his jacket on. 
He didn’t. Not anymore. You knew that. 
“Where were you?”, you softly asked as he entered the kitchen. “You were gone the entire night”. “Work”, he opened the fridge. “Work?”. 
He was lying. Mikey didn’t ask anything from him…
“You’re lying-“, “I’m lying? Hm?”, Draken chuckled. “W-what’s that?”, you slowly stood up. “What?”. 
“This”, you slowly lowered the collar of his shirt. “Nothing”, he grabbed your wrist. “That’s a hickey, right?”. 
You shouldn’t be the one crying when you cheated first. 
“Draken?”, sad eyes searching for his. 
His silence was an answer, right? 
“W-why? W-what’s wrong with me?”, tears now streaming down your cheek. “I practically begged you to have sex with me, to show some kind of affection but-“. “You found that somewhere else, didn’t you?”, Draken coldly replied. 
He knew. Now your silence was an answer. 
“Out of all people…”, Draken shook his head. 
You couldn’t respond. You had no right. 
“And you dare to say that I’m lying”, Draken laughed. “I only slept with her because I thought it would make me feel better, but it didn’t. You broke me, Y/N”. “Who?”, you lowered your eyes. “I wanted to hurt you too, but…”. 
He wanted you to feel what he felt so… 
“Emma”, you whispered. 
His silence was once again your answer.
“I hate you”, your voice so quiet. “I hate you more than anyone. I begged for your attention. I asked you over and over again and-“. “And that gives you the right to sleep with my best friend? With my brother?”. 
He never yelled at you… He never… 
“You could’ve slept with anyone, and I would’ve forgiven you, but not with… Fuck!”, Draken threw the door of the fridge shut. “Not with Mikey, Y/N. Not with him”, his eyes glossy. “How many times? How many times did you sleep with him?”. 
The lump in your throat prevented you from answering. 
“I heard you two… At the party yesterday”, a tear streaming down his cheek. “Please Mikey”, Draken cleared his throat. “Come for me, Mikey”, Draken’s knuckles went white. 
“S-stop, please”, you whispered. 
“And he…”, Draken couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. “Is it true?”, he asked, “That you were supposed to be his? Do you feel the same?”. 
“I love you”, you raised your voice, “But you… For the past 6 months you… You can’t even stand to look at me, to hold me, to kiss me-”.
Huh? Did someone knock? 
“Draken?”, Mikey’s voice from behind the door. 
Your heart sunk to your stomach. 
“Just pretend this never happened”, cold eyes staring into yours. 
How could he pretend nothing happened? 
“Yo, Mikey”, a smile on his face as he opened the door. 
“Did you sleep with Emma?”. 
Mikey’s eyes… 
“Huh?”, Draken frowned. “Did you sleep with Emma?”, Mikey repeated, his eyes as dark as ever. 
The tension… You wanted to throw up. 
“Y/N?”, Mikey didn’t look at you. “Grab your stuff. You’re coming with me”. “M-Mikey-“, you tried to disobey. “Grab your stuff”, Draken interrupted, “I don’t want you here-“. 
That was about enough for Mikey to lose it. Even Draken didn’t think Mikey would punch him.
“Don’t talk to her”, Mikey looked at his friend on the ground. “You don’t treat her right. You never did. A girl like her should get flowers every day, she should-“. 
“I heard you two yesterday”, Draken wiped the blood from his mouth. “I know you’ve been sleeping with her”. 
You did this. You caused them to fight, you caused them to hate each other. 
“There’s nothing left for you here”, Mikey looked at you, “Grab your stuff”. 
“Not even an apology?”, Draken sat up straight, his arms resting on his knees. “You did this, Draken”, Mikey looked down, “If you treated her right, she would’ve stayed by your side, no matter what”. 
“Right”, a sarcastic smile, “It’s my fault you couldn’t keep your hands from her”. 
Draken’s words were meant as bullets. 
“Y/N, get your stuff. Now”, Mikey’s dark eyes finally met yours. “O-okay”, a broken whisper before you walked to your bedroom. 
Your stuff… Did that mean your toothbrush? Your make-up? This was your home, wasn’t it? 
“It was”, a sad smile as you grabbed your bag. This wasn’t your home anymore. This was Draken’s apartment. 
“Y/N?”, Mikey’s voice echoed through the room. “Coming”, you swiftly wiped the tears from your cheeks. 
God, you hated this. The way Draken was still sitting on the ground, the way his head was bent towards his chest... You broke him. 
“Draken-“, your voice softer than ever. “Don’t”, a crack in his voice, “Just leave”. 
How much did this hurt him? Seeing you leave with his best friend? Shame took over as you walked past him, but there was no going back. You couldn’t turn back the time and fix this broken mess. 
Why? Why did it feel as if there were pieces of broken glass underneath your feet? Why did it feel as if you were underwater? 
“Mikey?”, Draken softly added. “Hm?”, Mikey kept his gaze on his motorcycle. “If I ever see you again-“. “Same goes for you”, Mikey coldly replied. 
Good. You started a war. What did this even mean for the gang? Some would follow Draken, others Mikey… 
“Don’t worry”, Mikey gently grabbed your bag, “He deserved this”. 
He didn’t. Draken was a good man. Sure, he didn’t treat you right, but he never hurt you either. Not on  purpose, anyway. 
“I’m sorry”, you cleared your throat, “Because of me you’re fighting and-“. “Y/N”, Mikey paused, “You’re worth dying for”.
“Are you okay?”, his eyes scanned your face. “Hm”, you nodded as you let your head rest against his shoulder. 
You knew it wasn’t right, but… You were happy. You were happy you could watch a movie with Mikey. That you could cuddle him, kiss him…
“I’ve waited so long for this”, his voice sounded rough, “You belong with me”. 
He was right. You could feel it too. 
“We hurt him”, you tightened your grip around his arm. “And he hurt you”, the blonde gently lifted your chin, “Don’t worry about him. I’ll give you everything you need and more”. “I know”, you responded, your heart already racing.
“Now I can leave marks, right?”, he smirked as he placed a swift kiss on your lips. “I can bite you, leave hickeys… I can finally show the world whom you belong to”. 
And you wanted nothing more. 
With his hand already underneath your shirt, you underneath him… “I’m addicted to your little moans. They’re so cute”, he chuckled as he took off his shirt. 
Could he be more perfect? 
“I hate you”, you smiled as you pulled him closer again, “I really do”. “Oh?”, a devilish smirk on his face, “Let’s see how much you hate me”. “M-mikey”, you arched your back as his hand slowly traveled down your skirt. “What’s wrong, bunny? I already know your panties are soaked”. “S-shit”, you closed your eyes as his digit drew circles on your little nub. “Sometimes you’re pathetic”, he softly bit on your lip, “So wet when I haven’t done anything”. “Please”, your voice shaking. “I know, bunny. I said I was going to give you everything you need and more, didn’t I?”. 
The only thing you could manage was a small nod. 
“That means breeding you like the cute little bunny you are”, he playfully pinched your cheek. 
His hands… They traveled so smoothly across your body. 
“Let’s get these off”, he whispered as he threw your panties on the floor. “M-my skirt-“, “I like taking you with that on”, he lowered his sweatpants along with his underwear, not even bothering to undress. “Ready, bunny?”. “Hm, please”, you placed the tip of your thumb between your teeth. 
You knew how much he loved it when you looked this cute. Your shirt still on, your skirt lifted to your stomach, your innocent eyes… 
“Now you’re officially mine”, a proud smile as he pressed the tip against your entrance, “My bunny, my little girl, my princess…”. “A-all yours”, you eagerly arched your back. “So impatient”, he chuckled before slowly gliding inside you, “Don’t worry. I’m going to breed my little bunny till the sun comes up”. 
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peachesofteal · 2 years
Witchling / Chapter 3 
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Morpheus/reader AO3 2k words - Chapter 1 here, Chapter 2 here Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Spoilers for The Sandman (kind of) if you’ve only seen the TV show, throne sex/oral sex, Dream is an idiot, mentions of death and dying.
“I mean you no harm.” He cautions you from where he stands, shrouded in shadow of the setting sun. Hysteria bubbles in your throat.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” 
 “I only wish to help you.” He takes a step forward, and then he’s closing the distance between you. You have every reason to fear this being, but your body must have missed the memo, because it yearns to be underneath him again. 
“Give me my book back.” 
“I cannot.” 
“Then you can’t help me, Dream of the Endless.” If he’s surprised you know his name, he doesn’t show it. You lift your hand to try to conjure up something, anything to push him away from you, but he catches it in his instead. You suck in a breath as his cool fingers encase what is left of yours. 
“Your magic will not work against me.” He pauses, and you feel the drag of his thumb across the bones of your knuckles. “I did not know.” He says softly. You close your eyes, unwilling to face him or accept his tenderness. You focus on the floor, vision becoming blurry with tears. “I cannot leave you like this. Let me help you.” 
“You can’t!” you cry, turning away. “The spell will burn me to ash unless the book of shadows is returned.” You turn back to him, sleeves rolled up to expose the grotesque nature of your arms. “Please, Morpheus. I need it. I need it back. I don’t even care that you stole it, please. I’ll forget all about it, forget all about you. Just give it back.” Your voice is shaking, the panic that you’ve been loosely keeping a lid on stirring awake as it reacts to your deteriorating state. His body so close to yours is cloying your thoughts and you move away from him so you can think. He says your name for the first time since you’ve met him, and you glance at him surprised. 
The cold gaze that you saw in his eyes the other night in your study is nowhere to be found. Instead, a million different emotions dash across his face as he holds your gaze. It draws you back in, pulling you closer until you’re within arm’s reach. You open your mouth to tell him that you know he did not intend for this to happen. How could he have meant for any of this? But as you do, he snatches you by your upper arm, fingers curling into the skin there, and pulls you into his chest. The floor beneath you tilts, and then the whole world whirls. You close your eyes against the spinning, yelling curses at him at the top of your lungs. 
When you open your eyes again, you’re somewhere you’ve never seen before. 
“Did you just fucking abduct me?” 
“Welcome to The Dreaming, witchling.” 
The first thing you notice, outside of the black sand beach that you’re standing on, is your arms. Your skin is perfectly intact, no burnt away patches or exposed bone in sight. You gasp. 
“This can’t be real.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because. It’s not reality.” 
“This realm is as real and as tangible as your realm.” Your face contorts in confusion. 
“But, last night. My arms weren’t like this.” You try to explain.
“I did not bring you here last night. You entered The Dreaming on your own.” 
“And The Dreaming is...” 
“My realm.” He finishes for you. “I would show you, if it is of interest to you.” You hesitate, looking him up and down for a moment as you consider. He looks as he did the other night in your dream, different. His coat is long, to his ankles, and he seems taller here somehow. He oozes power. It’s practically suffocating, and you follow the thread of it until you realize it’s everywhere around you. You stomach sinks into your knees. This realm is made of his power. You wouldn’t stand a chance against a being like this. Your best bet is to see if you can convince him to give the book back. Appeal to whatever it was you saw in his eyes earlier. It’s your only shot. Surely he doesn’t want to kill you, right? You take a deep breath and give him a nod. 
“I still don’t like you. But yes. I’d like to see your realm.” 
“How did you know who I am?” he asks as you walk. You frown.
“Oh, I asked a Hobgoblin that hangs out in town.” His brow furrows, face etched with concern.
“Their answers come at a steep price, do they not?” 
“For a human, yes. But a lock of hair from a witch usually covers it just fine.” You swallow against the anxiety that’s left over from your earlier encounter. Might I know yours as well, little spellcaster? You shiver as you look around, gasping at the gates that stand before you now. 
“The gates of horn and ivory.” He supplies, and you lean you head back to take them in. 
“The carvings?” You ask as they open, revealing a lush valley centered around a castle below. 
“The carvings tell a very old story.” He says, slowing beside you. You turn to him with an eyebrow raised, an invitation to elaborate. He smiles, and you can feel your heart rate quickening. No. you chide your body. This being seduced, and then robbed you. We do not like him. 
“Well then, Dream of the Endless, tell me a story.” 
He tells you about Alianora and the gods that imprisoned him, how they fought them together, and then made their bones into the gates and his helm. 
“Alianora could not return to her own realm, or the Waking World, so I created a place for her to live out the rest of her days in The Dreaming.” He finishes, and you see him watching you out of the corner of your eye. 
“Just like that? She got to stay here?” 
“She was my former lover. I could not, in good conscience, abandon her.” Good conscience. You snort. He frowns but leads you down the path towards the awaiting castle. 
The castle is stunning. Your footsteps echo across the stone, mixing with the soothing sounds of his voice. You find yourself hanging on every word he says, eager to learn anything you can about this realm. You can’t help but grin as you walk the halls by his side, listening as he explains different bits and pieces of The Dreaming. You take it all in, nodding your hello to the beings you pass who give you curious glances.
You come to a stop in the throne room. 
“That’s a fancy chair.” You whistle. He cocks his head. 
“Would you like to see it?” You take his hand as he leads you up the stairs. When you come to a stop, he pushes you down by the shoulders, until you’re firmly planted on the throne. Then, as you open your mouth to protest, he sinks to his knees in front of you. 
“I have been plagued by memories of you.” His voice is soft as his hands travel up your thighs, fingertips stroking at your skin. “I feel the pain of regret when I think about what my actions have caused.” 
He hooks his hands under your legs and pulls your hips to edge of the throne. Fuck, he’s strong. 
“Allow me to repent.” His lips press into the side of your knee, and he looks up at you, eyes hooded, feathered eyelashes half hiding his gaze. Your throat goes dry, and you nod your consent. In the next moment, your pants and underwear are gone. You gasp. He moves one of your legs over his shoulder and spreads the other so that you’re on display for him. Your burn with embarrassment as he licks his lips and presses kisses to the inside of your thighs. 
Your head hits the back of the throne with a thunk when you feel his tongue on your clit. 
“Oh, oh.” You moan, his mouth expertly moving on your body. His finger slides into you with ease, and the pressure between your legs rockets through your cunt as he crooks his finger upwards. Your hand finds his hair, flexing in his raven locks as he eats you out like he’s doomed, and you’re his salvation. 
“You taste like a dream, witchling.” He murmurs, the vibration causing your hips to jerk forward. His tongue flexes against you again and you cry out. “Perhaps you are a dream, crafted only for me.” His mouth is wicked, and he fucks you with his finger as your walls tense around him. Your pleasure coils inside of you, swirling alive and ready to spill over the edge. “Come for me, little star. Let me taste your light.” His words slam into you, and you explode with your orgasm, your skin glowing as you moan your pleasure. When he looks up at you on the throne, his face is glistening. His nose, his lips, his chin all wear the mark of your cunt. It’s enough to make your walls clench around the finger left inside of you, and he smirks at your body’s response. When you look in his eyes, you find more than arousal there. Sadness and remorse bleed from his gaze, and you watch as his lips press reverently to the top of your folds. “I am sorry for the pain I have caused you.” 
“I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me.” You smirk, and his tongue returns to ravish your clit as your fingertips dig into the arms of the chair. 
You sit together in silence, your mind slowly catching up to your body amidst your post multiple orgasm glow, and a question forms in your mind. One that is impossible to shove down. 
“Morpheus, why did you steal my grimoire?” 
“I have been hunting the old magic grimoires that are left in your realm. The spells in them posed a risk to my siblings and I.” Posed. Posed?
“Wait. You said posed?” His silence is answer enough, and when he looks at you, it’s written all over his face. “Oh god. No. Please. Tell me you didn’t.” The blood drains from your own face. For a brief moment, you’re afraid you might puke on his throne. 
“I did not know about the spell.” He says, reaching out to you. His fingers stroke your cheek softly, his other hand cupping your knee. 
“You didn’t know about the spell.” You repeat, the words like cotton in your mouth. This being used you. He tricked you. He stole from you. And now… “You have sentenced me to death.” You whisper, voice trembling. He visibly flinches. 
“Surely there is something that can be done.”  
“You don’t understand. There is no reversing this spell. It is blood magic.” Your body is fully shaking now, and he takes a cautious step towards you. “I am going to die.” You sob. “Because of you!” 
“Get away from me.” You hold your hand out in front of you, power gathering in your fingertips. “Send me back. Right now.” You shoot to your feet, panic clawing at your skin. Your magic surges forward, unchaining itself inside of you, surging in your blood. Something in the air pulls beneath you, smothering your magic where it stands, before the realm around you fades to black. 
You come to on the floor of your living room. The sun has long set, and you cry out in horror as you look down at yourself. The spell has spread up past your elbows, past your upper arms, onto your shoulders. Your stomach flips and then you heave, vomiting onto the carpet. 
You are going to die. 
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lultimagoccia · 8 days
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Peppino had been so surprised by the name on Caller ID, he'd nearly dropped his phone. He fumbled it between hands, saving it from near destruction against the tiled pizzeria floor in just the nick of time before lifting the device to his ear. Almost didn't want to speak. He was afraid she may not answer.
“ H - hello, angioletto. Are you okay? ”
There was a pause – please don't have hung up, please, he just wanted to hear –
“ Heyyyy, Papa. I'm okay! I just … wanted t' check in. And wish ya a happy Father's Day .”
Relief, utter relief and absolute joy at hearing his daughter’s voice responding. His own shook as he spoke again, emotions boiling within his chest, filling his lungs with air that wanted out all at once. But he had to keep his calm, control his feelings. Too many mistakes had been made in moments he failed to do so.
“ Father's Day, today? Really?? My God … I really been losing track of the days. Thank you, Calamaretti. I … I am so happy to hear you. I miss you so much. ”
“...I miss ya too, Papa, ” she replied sadly. “ 'm sorry, for not callin' more … ”
“ No, no! ” Pepp was quick to reassure her, before forcing himself to regain his calm, even tone. “ No … it is okay. I understand. You got your own life, your own things to take care of. I am always here when you need me. Always. ”
A measured breath, like she was trying to contain a swell of emotion. He hoped he had not made her more sad. He never knew what to say, to not make things worse. So he let her take the lead, talk about what she wanted to.
“ … I, uh ... heard about Bisnonno … ” she began again, hesitantly. “ I really wanna fly out, but I got finals coming up and I just couldn’t afford th' tickets right now. But I was worryin' about you, that it was hard for ya to handle all of that, alone … ”
“ It has been hard. Very hard. But I am not alone. Please, focus on your studies and do not worry for me. I am doing well now. ”
“ Thank God, that makes me feel so much better about it ... who's helpin' you? Gustavo? Nonna Margherita? ”
“ ...my, eh. My. She's. Hmmh. ”
He wasn't ashamed of Creecher – quite the opposite, he adored his wife - to - be and was very proud to admit so. But it was always a little nerve wracking, introducing a new partner to his daughter. He worried what she might feel about it. While his life continued on, he never wanted her to feel she was left behind. That he had moved on, without her. She was always in his heart, and so much tenderness and understanding had come from being her father.
“ She? Is … are ya seein' somebody new, Papa? ”
“... yes. Her name is Creecher. I … got no idea how to explain alla that quickly … “
“ Well. I got time. Why don’tcha tell me all of it, slowly. Always did love your stories, right? ”
Peppino chuckled, the sound rolling all the way through him. This was good. A door opening again. A hand extended, offering him the chance to come in again to her life. He just had to be a good houseguest, while he was there.
“ I will do my best, heh! Let me think … her name is Creech, like I say. She is … incredible. Older than me, than anybody. Than the town, even! She come from the forest, and she protect it all that time. ”
Alone. Life moving around her, just within reach but never within her grasp. They had both been so alone before meeting, existing within a world that changed them, but never seemed to make a space for them within it. What a wonderful turn of fate that they found each other, and carved out that space for themselves instead. 
“ We meet by chance, many months ago now ... ” felt like a lifetime, at this point. Like her place in his life had been sitting vacant until she was ready to occupy it. He opted not to mention she was living in his garbage can, that part felt much less whimsical and romantic than was proper for a love story like this one. “ She is not like anybody I met. She is clever, and wise, she got a wicked sense of humor and she understands me. I … I am very happy, angel. ”
“ …she sounds really incredible, Papa. I’m really happy for you. All I've ever wanted for you and Mama was for you two to be okay. ”
“ Ah … it is not your job to worry about our happiness, angioletto. You got to take care of you. ”
“ ... I'm trying to, Papa. But it's been so hard, lately. ”
“ Hard? ” his brow furrowed, phone clutched in both hands. If only he could hold her hands in his own, take the pain and burden from her. He knew the world could be merciless, no matter how strong you were. He knew that sometimes, you got tired of being strong. “ Talk to me, angel. What is so hard? I will listen. I am here. ”
There was silence from the other end, such that he feared she would pull back again. She wanted to prove she could handle herself, he knew that. She wanted to show she was brave and did not need Papa fighting all her fights for her, dragging her by the hand everywhere and getting in the way all the time –
“ ... the girl I was seeing. She, uh. It didn't work out. ”
“ Ohh…I am sorry. What happen? ” he asked sympathetically, permitting himself a little protective fatherly anger at the thought that girl she was seeing, ol' What's - Her - Who - Now had missed out on the chance of a lifetime. Her loss! His angel was too good for her, anyway.
“ It’s a lot. I mean, it’s Father’s Day, I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about all my lame college relationship drama … ”
“ ... well. I love your stories. And I got time. Tell it slowly. ”
She laughed, genuinely giggled the way she used to at his jokes, when she was small. And Peppino felt a great warmth settle within his chest, the slightly painful but necessary repair of an old wound finally sealing itself back together. And so they spoke at length, of life, of food, of all that they had missed in the time since last they had talked.
It was the happiest Father’s Day Peppino could ever recall.
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jawritter · 1 year
Carry On
Chapter 11
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Summary: It was just a simple hunt, found on a pie festival. It was supposed to be easy. Something they’d all done one hundred and one times a million. No one could have told Y/N, Dean, and Sam that nothing from that point on would ever be the same again.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester
Word Count: 2k
Warnings:  Pain, and a lot of it. (physical therapy isn’t for everyone)
Due to the graphic nature of this fic, and the fact that it will eventually contain Smut. This fic is an 18 + only fic! If you’re under 18 DO NOT read this fic!
A/N: This fic is beta’d by @kazsrm67​​​ Thanks so much love! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! I hope you all enjoy this ride with me!
My Mastlist        Series Masterlist
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“We’re almost there,” Y/N attempted to encourage him, but Dean didn’t even bother opening his eyes; he just grunted in response. 
He hadn’t wanted to go to physical therapy to begin with, and while hunters very rarely did anything right, especially when it came to injuries and wound care, Y/N had done all she could to convince him that he needed to do the physical therapy. Now, she wished she’d never brought him at all. 
When they had left The Bunker, Dean was at least somewhat picking up his feet when he walked instead of dragging them, and he was standing up a little straighter; seemingly carrying his weight better, not looking like the slightest movement was going to tear his lungs out. When they left the physical therapy center, he could barely move his feet, he was breathing as if every breath he took nearly tore his chest open, and if he had not been holding onto her, she was sure that he wouldn’t have been able to stand up at all. To say she was livid was an understatement. 
They tried to tell her that the first week, day, was always ‘a little rough’, but she heard Dean tell them over and over again that it hurt, and that he wanted to stop, but they kept pushing him. She determined then that she and Sam would help him from now on. It had always been Dean and Sam from the beginning, and she’d do whatever she had to; study, read, whatever, to help learn how to help him regain his strength, but this, this was not the way to do it. Instead of helping him, they had set him back, and she was not okay with that; in fact, she was fuming. Her hands were shaking when she got him into the car and text Sam telling him she’d probably need help getting Dean  back into his room when they got there. 
He didn’t utter a word as Y/N pulled Baby back into her designated stop in the garage, and only grunted slightly as Sam helped pull him to his feet and basically carried him to his room.
“What did they do to him?” Sam questioned her; Y/N just shook her head as he laid his brother onto the bed before Y/N started to take his shoes off of him so that she could undress him. 
“Too fucking much,” she snapped. 
She wasn’t really mad at Sam as much as she was herself. Dean had told her he didn’t want to go, and she should have listened to him. 
“I’m not making him go back there Sam, we will just help him here. At least when he walked out of here this morning he was doing okay, he could hardly move a toe without being in pain. He told them they were hurting him, but they just kept pushing him and pushing him.”
Y/N tossed his shoes into the corner unceremoniously, and Miracle moved from the door mildly offended at the noise as she crossed the room to his dresser to get Dean some more comfortable clothes to help him into. 
Sam said nothing, but judging by the look on his face he was just as irritated as Y/N was about the whole situation, and moved to start helping Dean out of his shirt and sweats so Y/N could come behind him and dress him in his favorite hotdog pajama pants and a loose T-shirt. 
“I’m going to go and call them, find out why they kept pushing him and what exactly they did to him. From now on we can work with him at home, and I’ll do some research, see what other things we can do to help him here,” Sam voiced after a moment, “Do you guys need anything else right now?” 
“No,” Y/N huffed as she ran her hand harshly through her hair. “No, I’m just gonna let him rest, and see if he wants to eat something in a little bit. Maybe we can bribe him with a burger or something, get him moving around a little.”
Sam gave her a tight nod as he closed their bedroom door as quietly as possible, and Y/N turned around to face Dean, who had not moved one inch since Sam and herself had gotten him undressed and back into his favorite PJ’s. 
This was the hard part of taking care of someone that had been hurt like this. The moments of complete and utter helplessness; moments where you think you’re doing all the right things, just to find out that maybe you were wrong. The part that you take six steps forward, to only take ten back. The kicker of it all? It feels like it could have been avoided had she just listened to him in the first place when he said he didn’t want to go. 
Everything in her, every molecule of her being, wished she would have stopped him from walking out of that hotel room the night of the hunt. She wished with everything in her she would have just refused to let him get in the car. Put a fucking gun to his skull and refused to let him walk into that Goddamn barn. She longed to see him up walking around, drinking with his brother, driving his Baby, hunting things, but fuck it felt like that was never gonna happen again, all because he decided to take that fucking case in Ohio. Why? It wasn’t fair? But fair or unfair what was done was done, and since Chuck had been put in his place, there was no going back now, there was no saving him. There were no ‘do overs’. 
“You gonna come lay down here next to me, or you just gonna stare off into the nothing over there,” Dean’s voice sounded from the bed, and she turned to find him staring at her. She pressed her mouth into a thin line as she crawled into the bed next to him, careful not to jostle him around too much. 
“I thought you were sleeping,” she admitted, and he smirked to himself. 
“Ehh, you where standing there thinking so fucking loud I think you woke me up,” he joked with a sarcastic snort, and she gave him her best attempt at a bitch face. “What were you thinking about over there anyway?” Dean questioned, and Y/N sighed heavily as he reached to lace his fingers with her own. 
“Nothing important,” she murmured, but Dean wasn’t having it. Sometimes she swore the man could see right through her. 
“Bullshit,” he called her out as he grunted and rolled onto his side with some effort to face her, “What’s really going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
She blushed in spite of herself. She really hated the way he seemed to hit her right in the feels so easily sometimes. She was a hunter for fucks sake! She felt as though she should be in better control of her emotions than she was! But when she was around him? Well, let’s just say it was a lot harder to keep herself in check than she’d like to admit. 
“Just stuff I can’t change Dean, it’s not important,” she tried to brush him off again, but his eyes where all too knowing, and he grimaced as he brushed a piece of hair away from her face as she rolled over to face him too, tucking herself under his arm next to him to help him take some of the pressure off of his back, and give him something to lean on. 
“Don’t kick yourself baby, I’ll be fine, I promise, they just really, really kicked my ass in there today,” he tried, but she shook her head, she should have known he’d downplay it or try and say it was because he wasn’t strong enough that the physical therapy was such a disaster. Dean Winchester blaming himself for things that he couldn’t control was something that was just always going to be until the end of their lives. 
“You said you didn’t want to go, and I made you go anyway,” she said, “I should have listened to you. I’m sorry.”
Dean’s mouth formed a thin line, and his dimples appeared, and fuck if she didn’t want to just kiss that look off of his face, but at the same time it was so fucking cute. 
“You’re right, I didn’t want to go, and I don’t want to go back,” he admitted, “But on the other hand, I want to get better.”
Y/N shook her head and huffed slightly as Dean captured her chin with his fingertips and made her look back at him. 
“You don’t get it do you sweetheart?” Dean questioned, “I’d walk through hell in a gasoline soaked hoodie if it meant that I could one day be able to carry my own weight again. If it meant that I could be what you deserved me to be, and not some dependent that you have to help walk down the goddamn hallway. If physical therapy is the way I’m gonna have to get there, then, I’ll do it, over and over again. It will either help me or kill me; either way is better than the state I’m in.”
“I don’t like seeing you like this,” Y/N admitted, “At least when we left the bunker this morning you were getting around better than you were when we got here, and you’re still in pain, I can tell by the way you’re breathing, so don’t downplay shit for my benefit Winchester. From now on, I’m going to help you with the physical therapy, and so will Sam, but I’m not making you go back to that place. You take one step, then we’re gonna take it together, and I’m not gonna stop until you get to where you want to be. Neither is Sam.”
Dean chewed on the thought of that for a moment, clearly weighing the pros and cons of doing his physical therapy with Y/N and Sam. 
“Okay, we will do it here then, but I don’t want you guys going easy on me just because I’m in a little pain. This is never gonna work if you don’t push me sweetheart,” Dean admitted before capturing her lips, kissing her deeply, leaving no room for doubt or confusion, stealing her breath away as well as any argument that might have been rising in her chest. 
The action was completely unexpected, and when he pulled away from her, she was completely stunned, but she’d be a liar if she said she didn’t like it, or if she said she hadn’t wanted to be kissed by Dean Winchester more times than she could care to admit. 
His green gaze searched hers, a hint of fear there, but he kept it well hidden. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he admitted after a moment, and she blushed deeply before ducking her head away from his gaze, grinning like an idiot in spite of herself. 
“And you don’t know how long I’ve wanted you to do it,” she voiced before forcing herself to look back into his searching eyes, a clear relief flooding them, much to her surprise. 
“I almost lost my chance, and since I woke up, honey I’ve wasted enough time in my life living for someone else, chasing someone else’s demons. It’s about fucking time I started taking what I want for a chance, and if you will have me, I want you so fucking bad.”
“Dean, what’s brought this on?” she questioned, and Dean licked his lips nervously before forcing himself to sit up, and she mimicked his actions, one hand outstretched to catch him if he needed the extra support. 
“I told you, I almost lost the chance to have you. Laying there on that fucking table today reminded me of just how close I came to never having a chance to have the things people told me I never deserved. I’m tired of waiting around, waiting for the opportunity to be just right, or the next disaster to be diverted, when all I want is a chance to love someone, and for once have them love me back, and that someone is you Y/N/N, it always has been.”
Words failed her, and for a moment, she thought she was dreaming; even debated on pinching herself to make sure, but all she could do in that moment was pull herself up into his arms, and kiss him again. Because for years, all that she’d held back, all that she’d wanted to say, suddenly, it was all stuck in her throat, and all she could do was launch herself into him.  There were really no words for how badly she wanted him; how badly she’d always wanted him, and how much she loved him. She wasn’t ready to say it outloud yet, but she did. She loved that man more than she thought possible, and she didn’t give a fuck how ‘broken’ he thought he was, she loved him, and he loved her. 
A throat cleared in the doorway, and the pair parted to turn and find Sam standing at the door of Dean’s bedroom with his arms folded over his slender chest, a smirk planted on his lips, “It’s about goddamn time,” he admitted, and Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. 
“And how fucking long have you been standing there?” Y/N questioned breathlessly; Sam snorted in response. 
“Long enough,” he answered simply before walking deeper into the room and sitting down at the chair in the corner of Dean’s room. “I just got off the phone with Dean’s primary, she’s gonna send me some stuff over to do with him at home from now on, and advised that we see her at least once every two weeks to keep a check on his progress.”
“So it begins then,” Dean said, pulling Y/N closer to his chest as he slowly rested his back against the stack of pillows behind him. “Never thought you’d have to take care of me Sammy, this is always supposed to have been the other way around.”
Sam shook his head for a moment before shrugging, “You’ve been pulling my ass out of the fire as long as I can remember Dean; it’s time I return the favor. You’re gonna be just fine, man. You’ve already come a long way, and with the three of us; Y/N, Eileen, and myself, you’re gonna get there. I promise you.”
Dean swallowed thickly and nodded behind Y/N, but said nothing. There was still some hesitancy there, and maybe there would be until Dean saw what he thought was real improvement; but one thing was for sure, she felt a lot better than she did a while ago when they’d gotten home, and she felt hopeless and defeated. It means she thought there might be a thin, small light at the end of the tunnel. Honestly, she’d take it; it was the first little bit of light she’d seen at the end of this thing in a long time. At least now there was hope.
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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June of Doom 2024 Day 10 (@juneofdoom)
10. “Can you hear me?”                          
| Fear | Smoke | Phone Call |
As the flames enveloped Jaylah while she rushed through the engine room, coughing, she already suspected that this would be the hardest job of all. Never before had being an engineer been so tough.
Montgomery Scotty had told her to go with the others to the escape pods, but she had run in the other direction, deeper into the fire. She had to save the ship! It was an engineer's duty after all!
At the academy she had been taught to always listen to a superior officer. Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery Scott was a superior officer. And not only that. He was also a friend. Part of her new family she had found after years of isolation.
But Jaylah couldn't follow his orders. She had to prevent the Enterprise from being destroyed. She had to prevent the crew from being stranded somewhere in space or on an unknown planet.
Her gaze was determined as she moved through the fire. She had sworn one thing to herself after Altamid. She would never again become a prisoner of a planet!
Smoke filled her lungs and Jaylah had to cough again and again. It felt like her lungs were about to collapse. Her heart was racing and so was her pulse. The flames beat an unbearable heat towards her. Tears and sweat mingled on her pale face. But she knew that she couldn't give up.
She had a plan. And if she managed to get to that part of the ship, it wouldn't be the end of the Enterprise. If she got there, the ship could be saved.
Jaylah's steps became slower and slower. The heat and the dwindling air made it harder and harder for her to move forward, weakening her otherwise strong body in seconds.
Still, she continued to fight her way forward. If only she could get to the –
Tears of sadness and shock filled Jaylah's eyes as she saw the pure horror in front of her. She shook her head in disbelief.
The path ... was blocked. She couldn't reach her destination. She couldn't save the ship.
It wasn't fair! Why had she been taught so much and made to study for so long, only for all her knowledge to be of no use to her in the end?
Jaylah let out a loud, inarticulate scream as she angrily and desperately tried to clear the debris out of the way.
She needed to make it! She needed to save the ship! She needed to save the crew!
As her legs eventually gave way beneath her and she fell weakened to the ground, Jaylah was still sobbing. It just wasn't fair.
"Jaylah? Lass, can ye hear me?"
A familiar voice reached her ear and only slowly did Jaylah manage to open her eyes. Her eyelids seemed as heavy as lead.
"Montgomery ... Scotty," she breathed when she could finally make out the familiar face in front of her, and she felt tears forming in her eyes again.
She must have been rescued from the engine room and taken to an escape pod. She had failed.
"Oh, lassie, why didn't ye listen to me?"
A hand ran through her long hair, stroking her head reassuringly.
"Why didn't ye get into the escape pod when I told ye to?"
Jaylah sniffled as she felt Montgomery Scotty lift her upper body and hug her tightly. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and buried her face in the man's shoulder.
"I'm sorry. I-I have tried everything. I–"
When Jaylah opened her eyes, her breath caught in her throat. Her heart stopped beating. She wasn't on a planet. She wasn't in sickbay either.
She was ... still on the Enterprise. A burnt-out Enterprise in ruins.
"W-what?" Confused, she shook her head and felt Montgomery Scotty sigh. He released the embrace and looked at her with a sad expression.
"As chief engineer, it was my job to try everything in my power. I should have saved the ship. But ... it was too late, Jaylah. There was no hope." Tears filled his eyes as he placed a hand on Jaylah's cheek. "I only wish that at least ye had survived."
Jaylah opened her mouth to say something, but no word or sound came out. Montgomery Scotty ... was dead. He had been engulfed in the flames trying to save the ship. Just like Jaylah and so many others.
They had lived as the best engineers for the good of the Enterprise ... and had died as such.
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broke-art · 1 year
Syntax x Abused reader
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Your coughing fit stole Syntax's attention from his work. He tilted his head at first, then threw you a glance over his shoulder.
"I thought I told you to rest."
You rubbed at your right eye sleepily.
"That's the pot calling the kettle black." You scoffed lightly.
Syntax set down his tools.
"In a manner of speaking, I am somewhat nocturnal." He took the first aid kit from the table and walked over to you. "You, on the other hand, are not."
"Oh did I thrash too much again?" You inquired with a guilty frown as he knelt next to your cot and began to replace the bandages on your arms.
"Mhm." He pulled his goggles over his eyes to remedy his far sightedness. "You kept apologizing as well. I was tempted to wake you, but then you went quiet. I assumed you had passed the worst of it."
"And my coughing gave me away?"
Syntax gently pressed your chin up to inspect the bandages around your throat.
"What time is it?" You glanced around the room looking for a clock but found none.
"It's almost 4 in the morning." Syntax responded casually packing up the kit again.
Fatigue slammed against your senses forcing you to lay down.
He hummed over his shoulder as he put away the kit.
"Thank you." As your eyes slid closed you heard his light chuckle.
"Sleep well, y/n."
Some time later.
You awoke to a light tapping sound. You blinked slowly and sat up. The room's appearance was slightly brighter, but not much due to being in a cave.
"Morning." Syntax greeted as he walked over. "May I check your bandages?"
You nodded and allowed him to check each.
"No blood is seeping through, that's a good sign." He muttered then reached for something behind you.
A mental image of your father reaching for you flashed behind your eyes and you flinched. The movement was slight, but Syntax caught on to it.
He paused and studied you a moment. Then he retracted his hand and stepped around you carefully. Still he kept himself in your line of sight knowing you couldn't stand people standing behind you.
Guilt pricked you. His adjustment had been minor, but you hated to inconvenience him nonetheless.
"Syntax, I'm really sorry." You apologized as he walked back to his desk.
"For?" He glanced back at you curiously.
"Being annoying." You mumbled rubbing your upper right arm.
Syntax rose an eyebrow.
"I don't see how you have been annoying in any sense of the word."
You weren't sure how to explain what you meant so you simply let your gaze drop.
Syntax studied you and opened his mouth to speak when the lab doors opened suddenly.
Your heart felt as though it stopped in your chest at the sudden movement.
"Y/n! How's my sweet niece doing?"
You fidgeted on the cot glancing at Syntax who has taken a knee at the Queen's entrance.
"U-Um I'm ok." You mumbled wincing at how your voice broke.
"Aw I know you're still shaken up, sugar. But don't worry. That father of yours can't hurt you anymore." She spat the word 'father' as though it disgusted her. "Huntsman handled it effectively. Right, Huntsman?"
The Huntsman grinned at you and nodded.
"Yes, my queen."
Horror swept through you at the reality of never seeing your father again. Never leaving this cave.
"He's-" you couldn't bring yourself to say it. Of course he'd hurt you. Many times. And you hated him for that, but he was all you had.
"Oh don't worry, sugar." Spider Queen soothed. "You can stay here. And Syntax will make sure you get fixed up properly."
Panic tore through you. What if Spider Queen attacked you? Syntax couldn't defend you from her. Infact, he'd likely side with her. You didn't know these tunnels well. You were basically trapped here.
Air became scarce in your lungs and you began to gasp as the world blurred around you.
When your senses returned, Syntax was leaning over you.
"Y/n I need you to breathe." He instructed gently helping you sit up.
Your memory slammed back into you at the sight of Spider Queen. Her features broadcasted shock, but it didn't ease you any. Fear rushed through you again and you hugged Syntax's arm.
A blush burned across his features but Syntax coughed into his fist.
"My Queen, I believe she requires time to take in the information."
Spider Queen stared at the both of you. But when you refused to meet her gaze, she slowly nodded.
"Alright. You rest easy, sugar. Come along Huntsman."
You watched them leave and relaxed slightly at their absence.
Syntax smiled when your muscles laxed.
"Don't worry, I won't let Huntsman hurt you." He assured.
Relief flooded your heart and tears filled your eyes.
"You mean that?"
Syntax looked taken aback by your tears.
"Well...Of course."
"Thank you." You mumbled quietly.
Slowly over the weeks, you began to relax.
Syntax seemed to be endlessly patient and kind to you. He'd often help you sit on his desk so he could examine your injuries. Today was such a time.
"You look better rested." Syntax mentioned approvingly. "I take it you had better dreams?"
Your heart raced as the last dream you had of him flashed behind your eyes and your cheeks flared red.
"Yep!" You chirped quickly praying he didn't ask much more about the subject.
He rose a brow inquiringly, but didn't say much until he noticed a bruise on your cheek.
"What's this?" He asked gently cupping your face. "This wasn't here yesterday."
"Oh." Your hand flew to your cheek. "I was training with Huntsman."
Syntax scowled.
"Is that so? I seem to recall you telling me, you disliked those sparring matches."
You wrung your hands nervously.
"He cornered me while you were getting material."
Syntax took a deep breath.
"I should have known. Forgive me, I should have initiated the traps." Syntax pressed up his sleeve revealing a touch pad attached to his wrist.
"Oh no, I don't want the Queen to trip them." You stopped him by placing your hand on his.
Syntax's head snapped up and you froze. It had been the first time you had done anything even remotely contrary to him.
After a long pause Syntax dropped his arm.
"You have a point. I will leave the traps down, for now." He sighed. "But we will have to work on your ability to say, 'no'."
Your gut churned. People pleasing was a bad habit, but it was so difficult to break.
Syntax grinned at you.
"Well I have a few ideas. We'll start off with something simple." He leaned against the table only a breath away from your face. "May I kiss you?"
Your pulse went wild and your face ignited into a scarlet blush. What kind of a test was this?! You were surely going to fail.
Syntax smirked at your reaction but waited patiently for your answer.
"Don't be shy, princess. I'll wait."
Your heart felt like it might explode with how face it was beating.
"Yes?" You asked finally.
Syntax rose an eyebrow at you but his smirk never faded.
"That isn't the right answer, princess. Try again." Despite how smug he looked, his tone was sincere and gentle.
"Am I supposed to say no?" You asked trying to breathe normally.
"Your answer depends entirely on what you want." He explained simply.
Only it wasn't simple.
"What if I want to say yes?" You asked quietly feeling your face burn brighter.
Syntax's smirk turned into an amused smile.
"Then say yes."
It took a few minutes to work up your courage but eventually you mumbled the word.
Syntax swiped a kiss on your lips that was sweet but swift and then gave you your space.
"That's... Not what I was expecting." You admitted dazed as you touched your fingers to your lips.
Syntax chuckled.
"Well, we don't want to make you hyperventilate again, now do we?"
You smiled at his tease and pressed a kiss on his cheek.
Syntax blushed and tossed you a smile.
As the weeks passed you did grow better at saying 'no' and get more comfortable with your surroundings.
And after what felt like forever Syntax finally asked you to be his. And once you agreed, the lair finally began to feel like home.
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whump-card · 10 months
Sunless Lives: Arc 3
Here begins the third arc! In a world with vampires and a government agency that hunts and studies them, a cure has been found. Ex-vampire Matthew wakes up as a human and finds Simon by his side - but their reunion doesn’t go as expected.
Once again, this arc is a shade darker than the previous two. Watch out for doctor whumpers, forced institutionalization, conservatorships, explicit onscreen noncon, and suicide (SEE THIS SPOILERY NOTE if suicide is a trigger/squick for you).
Let me know if you want on/off the taglist!
Sunless Lives Part 21: I Will Get Better
~2310 words
CW: description of underweight person, forced institutionalization, medical setting, emotional whump
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A hand in his.
Hold it. Grab at it.
I need it.
“I’m here, Matthew.”
A voice. That voice.
His limbs were leaden. He needed air. He sucked it in and his lungs felt like they were fully inflating for the first time. They ached; his whole body ached. He cracked his eyes open and they were stung by the bright lights above him.
“Hey there, I’m here.”
Matthew Beck turned his head towards the voice, his neck protesting. The person next to him was blurry, but familiar.
“You’ve been in and out for a while, are you really awake this time?” He sounded hopeful. Excited. He reached out a hand and stroked Matthew’s face.
Matthew blinked, and his bedside attendant slowly came into focus.
He recoiled.
Simon McKenna looked awful. His cheeks and eyes were sunken into his face, nested in dark shadows. His hands, one clutching Matthew’s and the other hovering uncertainly outstretched, were near skeletal. His previously warm light brown skin now looked cold, gray and lifeless. His hair hung in dull curls. He wore a tight black turtleneck that accentuated his bony shoulders and arms. Even his eyebrows looked thinner than they used to as they pinched with worry at Matthew’s reaction.
“Matthew?” He dropped his hand onto Matthew’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?
Matthew could only stare at Simon as the memories came flooding back. The capture. The trade. The sacrifice. Matthew had turned himself into a vampire to save Simon, he’d gotten him all the way home, he’d been safe, he was with Gina and Isles, and then -
And then -
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Matthew whispered.
His words froze Simon in place.
“Huh?” was the only sound Simon could make.
“You… You stayed with me?” It came out as a croak. Matthew’s lungs heaved as he breathed too fast too soon. A blue tag rose and fell on his chest. The walls of the clinic room felt tight and oppressive. “You chose to stay with a vampire?”
“I - I told you, I couldn’t go back to the VIU, back - back to the basement,” Simon stammered, “and I helped you, you needed help, you wouldn’t have known what to do without me,” he gripped Matthew’s hand with renewed vigor, “And I kept you from hurting anyone, you never drank from or killed a human, you never hurt anyone, so -”
“I hurt you!” Matthew raised his voice, as best as he was able, “You let me hurt you!”
“No,” Simon shook his head sharply, “No, that’s different, I knew what I was doing -”
“You promised!” Matthew’s voice was beginning to fill out, and he forced himself upright and knocked Simon’s hands away from him. “You promised you wouldn’t let me hurt you!”
“This was different,” Simon’s voice grew in volume too, and he hugged his arms around himself. “I needed to keep you from hurting innocent people, I couldn’t let you -”
“I did hurt an innocent person!” Matthew yelled, “I hurt you, you fucking idiot!”
“I knew what I was doing!” Simon insisted, his voice wavering, “And I had just lost you, Matthew, I thought you had just died!”
“So you fucked my dead body?!” Matthew bellowed.
His words petrified Simon once more. He sat there for a moment, his chest heaving and his eyes brimming with tears.
“I didn’t… I didn’t think it mattered anymore, I thought…”
“If you thought I was killing myself for you,” Matthew spat, “The least you could do was stay with Isles where it was safe.”
Simon shook his head, suddenly angry.
“I didn’t ask you to rescue me!”
“Well, I didn’t ask you to rescue me!”
“That was different, that was for the team -”
“Oh, everything’s ‘different’ there’s always something -”
“Don’t talk to me like that!” Simon shouted, jumping to his feet, “I’m not fucking stupid! I know what I’m doing! Every decision I made was one I thought was for the best! I was trying! Matthew, I was trying so fucking hard -” His words broke down into sobs and he pressed his hands to his face.
Seeing Simon cry did something terrible to Matthew’s insides. Anger fell away from him in sheets and was replaced by crippling guilt that sank its claws deep into his stomach.
“Simon, I'm sorry, I didn’t mean it, please stop crying!” The desperation in his voice caught them both off guard.
Simon’s hands slid down his face, revealing his eyes, red and wet. They bored into Matthew for a moment before he spun on his heel and went to the little counter on the corner, where he snatched up a tissue from a tissue box. He blotted his eyes and blew his nose, keeping his back to Matthew.
“Simon, I’m just..” Matthew searched for the right words, but all he could settle on was his initial pain. “You let me hurt you. I hate that I hurt you.”
Simon gradually turned around, fidgeting with the tissue in his hands, not looking up.
“It wasn’t really you, Matthew,” he said, taking shuddering breaths.
“I know, but,” Matthew choked on his words, “I remember it.”
Simon looked at him sharply.
“You remember everything?”
Matthew nodded, unable to speak around the lump in his throat.
“Everything I told you?” Simon whispered. He looked scared, suddenly.
“Yeah,” Matthew managed to choke out, “Everything.”
Simon ran a hand through his hair, looking away, his mouth twisted. Matthew hated his hair long like that - it looked wrong.
“I’m sorry,” Simon said eventually, “You shouldn’t have to carry all of that.”
“Neither should you.”
Simon grabbed the whole tissue box and returned to the chair. He offered the box to Matthew, who gratefully took a tissue and pressed it to his own eyes.
“I still love you,” Simon said gently.
“I love you too, Simon, I really do.” The words poured out before Matthew could stop them.
The doctor said the preybonding has lasting effects. What if…
I can’t say that to Simon. Not now.
Simon’s shoulders sagged with relief and he laid his head down on the bed. Matthew reclined back on the pillows, settling a hand on Simon’s curls. As soon as he did so he was assaulted with memories of grabbing Simon’s hair, pulling it, dragging him around. His hand flinched back and came to rest on his chest, fiddling with the blue tag there. If Simon thought the brief touch was odd, he didn’t react.
“What happens now?” Matthew asked.
“They’ll examine you, then transfer you to rehab.”
“No, I mean with us.”
Simon lifted his head to look at him, his eyes big.
“I won’t be able to see you for a while. I asked, they don’t allow visitors where you’re going.”
Matthew felt sick at the thought.
“Do they know how long this rehabilitation will take yet?”
“But what about you, don’t you need… help?”
Simon waved the question away, forcing on a smile.
“I’ll be fine.”
There was a light tap at the door. They exchanged a glance, and a nod, then Simon called out.
“Come in!”
Isles entered the room first. Simon cried out with joy, leaping up to hug the captain. Jealousy flared in Matthew’s chest, but he tamped it down.
Preybonding, it’s just the preybonding.
Isles was closely followed by Amber, who Simon hugged in turn. The Captain and Amber both wore blue tags around their necks. Isles leaned over Matthew, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Back from beyond!” he laughed, a bit forced, “How’re you feeling?”
“Pretty shit,” Matthew admitted, and the Captain chuckled a little more easily this time.
“Where’s Gina, and Devon? Matthew’s dad?” Simon asked eagerly.
“I’m sorry, kid, they couldn’t make it,” Isles said, taking a seat in one of the chairs, “It was all we could do to get ourselves here in time.”
Simon returned to the other chair, eyebrows pinched.
“But this is their only chance to see him, we don’t know how long Matthew will be gone.”
“They’ll be right there when he gets out,” Isles said reassuringly, “I promise.”
Simon didn’t look satisfied, but Isles moved on.
“I actually need to talk to Matthew about how all of that’s going to work, and Simon, Amber needs to talk to you as well. Do you want to go out in the hall?” It didn’t sound like a suggestion.
Simon looked at Amber, then to Matthew, his brows still drawn. It took Matthew a second to realize he was waiting for his permission.
“It’s okay,” he reached out to touch Simon’s emaciated shoulder, “You can go.”
“Okay.” Simon stood, giving Matthew’s hand a quick squeeze goodbye. He and Amber filed out into the hall. Matthew watched them go. It felt terrible to have just a door between them, he couldn’t imagine how it would feel to be separated for weeks - maybe months. He shook his head - he couldn’t believe how possessive he was being. Simon needed to get away from him. He couldn’t even have a conversation with a friend without Matthew’s say-so.
“I really fucked him up, didn’t I?” he murmured, tears welling up in his eyes again.
“Yeah, you did,” Isles said grimly.
Matthew turned his head to look at the captain.
“What’s going to happen to him?”
“He’ll be well looked after, I promise. And so will you. I’m making sure you’re going to one of the best facilities the VIU has.”
Matthew frowned.
“Really? Why?”
“Because you’re one of my best agents!” Isles scoffed. “What, you think I don’t like you or something?”
“For what?”
The tears returned and overflowed.
“Cap, I ruined him,” Matthew whispered.
“No,” Isles pressed a hand to Matthew’s shoulder, “No, Matthew, he was already -”
“Matthew!” The door was flung open, and Simon rushed to Matthew’s side. “Matthew, they want to send me to a psych ward, I don’t want to go, Matthew, tell them -”
“Slow down,” Matthew said, and Simon was immediately silenced. “What’s happening?” He sat up, holding Simon’s hand, his own tears forgotten. Whatever was wrong, he had to fix it.
“We want Simon to recover safely, at the best psychiatric care facility we could find,” Amber said, “He’ll have the best, but it is inpatient.”
“No,” Simon shook his head vigorously, “I’ll see a doctor, whatever you want, but I don’t want to be locked up again.”
“Simon,” Isles stood up, his voice firm, “Many of the vampires on your list are still out there. We’ve taken down some of them, now that we have the cure, but it will be a while before you can safely live alone. Fort Summerwhite is literally a fortress, you’ll be completely safe -”
“I don’t care! I’m not living in a prison again!”
“Simon, please -” Amber started.
Matthew had heard enough. He pulled Simon down to sit on the bed behind him, and slammed his feet down on the linoleum floor, standing up and putting himself between Simon and Amber.
“I think Simon has made himself clear, don’t you?” he snapped, the volume of his voice surprising even himself. Amber’s hand flew to the back of her belt, and Matthew realized she was reaching for her gun. So did Simon, and he stood and grabbed at Matthew’s arm.
“Matthew, stop, please don’t, I’ll go, it’s okay!” he pleaded.
Matthew was suddenly hit with another wave of memories, of Simon begging him to stop, to calm down, to get off of him. Nausea bubbled up in his stomach and he clapped a hand over his mouth.
“It’s settled then,” Isles said quickly, not letting the moment go to waste. “Simon, you’ll go to Summerwhite. There’s a car out front, ready to take you.”
“Right now?” Simon looked between Amber and Isles, clinging to Matthew’s arm tightly.
“Right now,” Isles confirmed, “Wynn will walk you out.”
“Can we at least have a minute to say goodbye?” Matthew demanded, as his nausea abated.
Isles nodded.
“Wynn and I will wait in the hall.” He ushered Amber out. She didn’t look so sure, her hand moving away from her gun very reluctantly as they walked out.
Once they were alone Matthew turned around and pressed his forehead against Simon’s. His possessiveness had gotten the better of him, but he knew what needed to be done.
“You have to go,” he said softly, “They’re right, I can’t keep you safe from other vampires anymore. And… I want you to get better. Simon, you can’t see yourself right now. It’s bad, you need help.”
Simon sniffled.
“You’re right, I know you’re always right, I just don’t want to be locked up again.”
“You heard what Isles said, they’re actually taking down some of those vampires they couldn’t before.” Matthew knew many of their names now, and what they had done - he suppressed a shudder. “You can do this, it’ll only be for a little while,” he encouraged. He had to be strong, for Simon.
“Only a little while,” Simon echoed.
“Yeah,” Matthew said, and against his better judgment, he tilted his head and kissed Simon. Simon kissed back desperately, lapping at Matthew's lips and cupping his face. Matthew felt his hands sliding over Simon’s hips, and he broke away. He couldn’t let himself go any further, not with Isles and Amber waiting just outside. Simon seemed to understand this, and stroked a thumb across Matthew’s cheek, gazing up at him.
“I’ll be waiting for you when you get out.”
“And I’ll come get you if I get out first,” Matthew replied. “It’ll be okay.”
“Promise?” Simon searched his eyes.
Simon gave him a quick peck on the lips, scooped up his coat, and darted to the door, as if he left too slowly he wouldn’t be able to. He glanced back once, then slipped out. Matthew watched the door close behind him, sinking back onto the bed. A part of him already regretted letting Simon leave his sight. It was a hungry, gnawing part of him that wanted to run out into the hallway, grab Simon tightly and… do something. Not feed. Not fuck. But something.
It scared him.
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Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy, @pigeonwhumps, @sunshiline-writes, @seasaltandcopper
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