teaandlanguages · 5 years
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Merry Christmas ! 😊🎄🎁❤️
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
January 2018 Challenge
 Welcome to 2018 everyone! I’m so excited for the things we will be doing this year- Starting with new challenges!
January’s challenge it all about resolutions. You will make a list of 31 things you WILL do this year. The idea is to come up with things you can realistically do. I have a prompt for each day to help you out a little. You can either just use the word as a prompt itself or answer the questions that follow. Here is mine for example:
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(I know that most of them are hard to read, but I hope you get the gist.)
1. Positivity- What will you be positive about?
2. Reduce- What will you leave behind in 2017?
3. Helpful- In what ways will you be helpful this year?
4. Finances- What are you goals for your money?
5. Career- How will you improve your career path?
6.  Skills- What skills do you want? Which will you improve? How?
7.  Negativity- You view on negativity in 2018
8.  Acceptance- What will you learn to accept this year?
9.  Thankful- What are you thankful for right now?
10.  Education- How will you improve your education? Even if you’re graduated?  
11. Trust- What will you put your trust in this year? Will you improve your trust?
12. Work- Not necessarily job or school, but what will you work on this year?
13. Strive- What are your goals?
14. Hope- Will you have more or less hope? In what?
15. Creativity- How will you express yourself this year?
16. Health- How will you be healthier this year?
17. Family- In what ways will you be there for your family?
18. Future- How will you prepare for your future this year?
19. Cleanse- Which parts of your life need to be cleansed?
20. Friends- In what ways will you be there for your friends?
21. Relaxation- How will you relax?
22. Mental Health- How will you have better mental health this year?
23. Change- What will you change this year? Will you be accepting of change?
24. Appreciate- What things will you appreciate more?
25. Character- How are you going to improve yourself?
26. Mend- What things need to be mended this year?
27. Wonder- What do you think this year will bring? How will you achieve it?
28. Replenish- What aspect of your life needs to be filled? 
29. Plenty- What is something you will have plenty of this year?
30. Togetherness- How will you spread the love this year?
31. Adventure- What adventures will you embark on?
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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Starting 2018 with my very first studyblr post ft. my kitten
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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My 2018 spread + a little coffee themed illustration I painted!! I’ve been sharing more art over on my instagram journalsanctuary so check it out if you’d like! ^^
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
recover from ‘burnout’ in five steps
1. reward yourself for working so hard. take a long bath with your favourite bath bomb, take time to cook your favourite meal, paint your nails. recognise that you worked hard and it was tough and that you deserve time for yourself
2. catch up on sleep. nothing makes studying harder than being exhausted. clear your schedule and have a lie in. even if you don’t sleep late, stay in bed and enjoy a guilt-free lazy morning
3. do something fun. invite your friends over for a movie night, take your dog for a walk. remind yourself that there is more to life than textbooks and notes
4. make a plan. start getting ready to get back into study mode. make a todo list, a study schedule, and a list of your deadlines
5. organise your space. declutter your desk so you have a clean space to be productive in. tidy desk, tidy mind
start again.
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
Youtubers I like & watch... [Language/ Polyglot Theme]
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I watch a lot of Youtube lol, so here is a list of some of the youtubers I like to watch regarding languages, language learning, polyglots… etc.                                      (Just to kind of be organized) 
These are just some for now
Polyglot Progress: makes videos on languages, language learning, etc
Ophelia Vert: language learner/speaker who makes videos on languages +
Ambie Gonzalez Tv: Polyglot, makes videos on languages, travel, Korean and Spanish content +
Azren the Language Nerd: Language learner/teacher, polyglot- knowledgeable and gives great tips
Jasmine Lipska: Makes content on positivity, language learning + ~studies/speaks Korean(+)
linguamarina: Makes content on language learning, travelling +
Language Learning Lounge: Makes videos on language learning & tips, plays games & streams in different languages
Steve Kaufmann - lingosteve: Polyglot, gives great knowledge on languages and learning ~wise
Langfocus: Gives detailed information on languages and their history
NativLang: Talks about languages, uses visuals and video to explain history and reason for languages in the past & present
Damon and Jo: Language learners and world travelers who make videos in different languages & gives travel tips & language tips
Lindie Botes: Polyglot ~ gives tips and advice on language learning; most known for learning/speaking Asian languages
Lina Vasquez: Gives tips and advice on languages and polyglotism (?) + 
if you make videos on languages, or similar topics, link your blog/channel
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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( 0 7 . 1 0 . 1 7 ) these post-its and stickers from aliexpress are just gorgeous 🌟 and i got a new multibarrel pen that holds my fave uniball jetstream cartridges in black and red and also a mechanical pencil barrel, it’s perfect!
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
How to Handle Having TOO MUCH To Do
So let’s say you’re in the same boat I am (this is a running theme, have you noticed?) and you’ve just got, like, SO MUCH STUFF that HAS to get done YESTERDAY or you will DIE (or fail/get fired/mope). Everything needs to be done yesterday, you’re sick, and for whatever reason you are focusing on the least important stuff first. What to do!
Take a deep breath, because this is a boot camp in prioritization.
Make a 3 by 4 grid. Make it pretty big. The line above your top row goes like this: Due YESTERDAY - due TOMORROW - due LATER. Along the side, write: Takes 5 min - Takes 30 min - Takes hours - Takes DAYS.
Divide ALL your tasks into one of these squares, based on how much work you still have to do. A thank you note for a present you received two weeks ago? That takes 5 minutes and was due YESTERDAY. Put it in that square. A five page paper that’s due tomorrow? That takes an hour/hours, place it appropriately. Tomorrow’s speech you just need to rehearse? Half an hour, due TOMORROW. Do the same for ALL of your tasks
Your priority goes like this:
5 minutes due YESTERDAY
5 minutes due TOMORROW
Half-hour due YESTERDAY
Half-hour due TOMORROW
Hours due TOMORROW
5 minutes due LATER
Half-hour due LATER
Hours due LATER
At this point you just go down the list in each section. If something feels especially urgent, for whatever reason - a certain professor is hounding you, you’re especially worried about that speech, whatever - you can bump that up to the top of the entire list. However, going through the list like this is what I find most efficient.
Some people do like to save the 5 minute tasks for kind of a break between longer-running tasks. If that’s what you want to try, go for it! You’re the one studying here.
So that’s how to prioritize. Now, how to actually do shit? That’s where the 20/10 method comes in. It’s simple: do stuff like a stuff-doing FIEND for 20 minutes, then take a ten minute break and do whatever you want. Repeat ad infinitum. It’s how I’ve gotten through my to do list, concussed and everything.
You’ve got this. Get a drink and start - we can do our stuff together!
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
Small Ways To Improve Your Life
make your bed to immediately make your room look more put together
water first, then coffee or tea
pray or meditate, even just for ten minutes, to set the tone for your day
browse the news headlines ( & read the articles that interest you when you’ve got time)
wear something you feel b o m b in
listen to music while doing your daily activities-commuting, cleaning, cooking, exercising
smile at at least two people
smile at YOURSELF
call or message someone you love
eat food that makes you feel radiant
make lists of things you need to accomplish for the day
stretch for 10 minutes
record in your phone the positive thoughts you have so you can remember them
carry water with you (always always always)
shut off your phone for an hour and have some ME time
take a hot shower or bath at the end of a stressful day
try to make plans to spend time with someone at least once a week
think about 3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day
do something calming, relaxing, and non-electronic 30 minutes before you sleep
sleep pants-less
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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My mom needed the table I was using as my desk, so I took another one from our attic. This one is waaaay bigger, it’s nice to have this much space while studying ~~ In two weeks I got my statistics exam! I still got a lot to do, but I’ll get there!
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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{7.4.15} Awesome way to organize flash cards!!! Color the edges with a Sharpie or highlighter according to concept, subject, … you name it!
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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1. Have a Positive Mental Attitude- Prime yourself at being always comfortable and confident that u can do a lot better at studying. Remember that you are studying things that will prove to be valuable in real life.  2. Prepare your Work Space- Look for a place in your home or bedroom where u think u can study and maintain concentration in your work. Have materials stocked up and in place before your study. This way, u can finish your work without any interruptions.  3. Avoid Cramming- study an hour a day even when there’s no homework. Scan your notebooks and do a little advanced reading of your textbooks. You can also research through the internet to learn more about the topics u are covering in school.  I suggest google scholar, it’s like google but for students, it has the citations, and filters results so that only helpful outcomes appear. 4. Do projects with more enthusiasm and creativity- Don’t be afraid to think of new ideas or ways to present your homework or projects. Teachers always give additional points to students who show great effort in their works. SO, don’t be afraid to do something original, do something that hasn’t been done before. 5. Raise Your Hand- Be active and establish a friendly attitude towards your teachers. Offer to help them out in checking some work, filing papers or just carrying their things. Little good things add up in the end for that extra effort grade, and they’ll always remember you as a very helpful student.  6. Enjoy Reading the Latest News- Find connections or associations with your life as a student, as a child, as a friend, or as a citizen. Certain reports would always ask for u to react so better be ahead with current events which you may be affected with.  7. Listen to Your Teacher, take a few notes- In my experience, the more i copy and take down notes, the more i get lost in the lecture. It is best to listen first and understand before u jot down any important keywords. Yes, use keywords, simple doodles and arrows to make associations. These will help u remember all concepts mentally.  8. Keep Notes on Index Cards- I use personally use the smaller oxford ones, they are more portable honestly pretty aesthetic..   9. Watch TV Wisely- Yep you heard it, TV, when watching TV I sometimes pick up points which may seem relevant in my life. They sometimes even have something to do with what’s happening in class at the moment so, always initiate conversation about the latest shows and issues you have watched. Don’t be afraid to argue and defend your opinions. 
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
I will be using Word on Mac, it should be similar on Windows or using Pages.
Level of difficulty will depend if you have a lined card(hard/medium) or a blank one(easy). 
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I hope it was easy to understand, if not, like always feel free to ask any questions!
As usual like/follow if you want more tips or content form me~
-Love, Eve~
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
Clear your desk. Tie up your hair. Get your coffee. Sit down, and start. Just start.
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
study moods
sleepy dawn
open windows
listening to lo-fi
wearing pyjamas
planning your day, creating to-do lists
the sky is pretty
spring breeze
coming back after a walk
drinking a glass of water
getting a head-start on the assignment
the great feeling of productivity, ah
cozy evening
sitting on your bed
rewarding yourself afterwards with a bath or chocolate
highlighting with your favourite markers
warm tea or cocoa next to you
night vision
it’s way too late, but you gotta finish that essay
rock music all the way
everything is a mess
you’re gonna be okay though
cinnamon afternoon
drinking coffee
doing some math exercises
listening to a chill/coffeehouse playlist
scrolling through tumblr in your little breaks
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teaandlanguages · 7 years
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Happy Saturday, studyblr babes! This past week was about springtime, new opportunities, and acceptance. Here’s what I’ve learned: we are all build-in with issues and faults and that’s just the way it is. Everyone is going through something else. Give yourself a break. Stop beating yourself up for being human. The sun will always rise tomorrow.
Now Playing (aka two songs that got me through all the shit I was going through this week):
Shake It Out- Florence + The Machine
Wake Up- Arcade Fire
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