teakose · 1 year
kayn hcs got me blushin n shi ….. respectfully i need more op u write him so well mwah
HII i'm so glad you enjoyed it, and i do apologize for the delay, but i do hope you enjoy this piece because i enjoyed writing it!
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Eyes on You (Kayn)
wc – 970
reader – gn
cw – jealous kayn... idk that's about it
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Rhaast’s obnoxious laughter causes his already down-turned lips to break into a full-on scowl. 
Kayn is not one for feeling jealousy–in fact, he prides himself in being able to keep his otherwise volatile temper in check. He trusts you with everything he can offer; mind, body, and soul. And because he trusts you so much, he believes there is no plausible reason why he should be jealous.
Despite all this, he makes quite the show of teasing your own bouts of jealousy, often smirking at you while simultaneously shutting down any feelings of inadequacy with a whispered reassurance in your ear.
However, he never truly grasps the ugly feeling until it pulses through his veins at the sight of Akali drunkenly hanging off of your shoulder. He hates the way the usually witty and calculating ninja prattles incoherently about nothing while nuzzling into your shoulder. The two of you were friends, yes, but Akali was never one for being affectionate. Especially to the point of hugging you openly.
“Showing such rage over such a small act is petty for even you, boy.” The baritone of Rhaast’s voice fills his head with nothing but annoyance, fueling the raging pyre within. As if feeling Kayn’s piercing glare, the Darkin bursts into another fit of rambunctious laughter.
“Quiet down, Rhaast,” the assassin seethes through grit teeth. He takes a deep breath, his grip tightening around the sentient scythe’s handle in a vain attempt to shove down the thoughts of throwing the weapon into the ocean.
It’s only when a weight on his back forces a grunt from his lips does he tear his gaze away from his garden tool of a weapon, ready to chew out the person who dare touch him. He cranes his neck over his shoulder, eyes glowering as his rage from his previous fit grows tenfold.
However, as his lips part, poison-laced insult at the ready, he sees you.
Even with your hair mussed from its usual style, and sweat dripping from your forehead, you still appear ethereal to the assassin. 
He shudders as your breath warms the cusp of his ear, your arms wrapping lazily around his shoulders before your head falls against his shoulder. While he accepts the contact–even going as far as to shift you on his lap–his eyes scour the area for the missing ninja.
He can’t help but sweat when he finds her passed out on one of the tables, silently motioning for one of the younger (read: sober) acolytes to bring her to the medical ward. With his attention now fully on you, he stands, easily maneuvering Rhaast back onto his back as he begins the trip back to your shared room.
When you wake, the first thing you notice is the warm Ionian sun peaking through the window, followed by the splitting migraine that has you feeling like your head was cleaved in two.
Fuck, why did you have to challenge Akali to a drinking competition?
You snuggle into the familiar warmth of Kayn’s chest, allowing his arms to pull you ever closer. Feeling his lips on your forehead, you glance up, ignoring your hangover in favor of meeting his lips softly with your own. He shifts onto his elbow, placing his human hand on your cheek in an attempt to deepen the kiss.
You pull away, relishing in the way he chases after you, but you remain firm, placing your hand between the two of you to help ease the headache.
As if sensing your pain, Kayn reluctantly peels away from you before leading you to the communal kitchen for a glass of water.
Rhaast remains uncharacteristically quiet on your lover’s back–though, not that you mind. Kayn reaches for your hand, placing a chaste kiss on the back of it before leading you to one of the seats while he goes to prepare a cup of water.
Akali comes in a few moments later, groaning complaint after complaint as she collapses dramatically in a seat nearby. She offers a grumbled greeting, clutching her head with a deep scowl painted across her normally neutral features.
You smile at Kayn when he hands you the cup, taking a cautious sip before turning back to your friend, “So where are you headed after this?”
She shrugs, “Dunno. Navori, probably. Heard some Noxians were starting some shit there.” Another dramatic groan falls from her lips, “Kayn, be a dear and get me some water too, yeah?” You snicker at her weak attempt at puppy dog eyes, offering her your cup while Kayn heads back into the kitchen.
She takes a grateful sip but nearly chokes when she looks up. You tilt your head questioningly, opening your mouth to ask only to find the second glass placed in front of you. Looking up, you find Kayn’s glare focused on Akali. Taking his non-human hand in yours, you carefully run the pad of your thumb over the hardened skin, successfully drawing his gaze towards you.
“You alright?”
After only receiving a grunt in response, you bid goodbye to Akali. Your attention once again taken away from your clearly sulking boyfriend. His lips pull downward, that same feeling from last night bubbling in his chest despite Akali being long gone. 
You nearly roll your eyes at his blatant scowl, “You weren’t jealous, were you?”
“No.” (A lie.)
You’re kind enough not to call him out on his bluff, finding amusement in finally being on the other side of the jealousy spectrum.
“Good,” you lean towards him, leaving a small kiss on his cheekbone before brushing your lips against the shell of his ear, “because I’ve only got eyes for you.” It truly is a spectacle to watch the famed shadow assassin fumble to form a coherent thought after being caught in a lie.
Oh, yes, truly amusing indeed.
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see, i wasn't originally a kayn person (a lie, i just prefer sett) but he's grown on me!!
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teakose · 2 years
Could you do headcanons of Draven slowly realising that something is off about his mind and that some sort of demon must be manipulating him but instead of eating his emotions or making him kill random people she drives him to read tons of books specifically warmason top secret stuff and make notes, when the demon takes her time out him he feels like he is losing his mind, as if he develops shizophrenia till she returns and stabilises his mind.
is this really late? yes, and I deeply apologize for the wait. I also apologize for not writing much about the second half of the request as I'm uncomfortable writing for mental disorders I have no experience dealing with
it is currently 1 am and i'm studying for a test i have in about 8 hours
i just finished watching my teacher for said class sing a rendition of baby shark that has me questioning my life choices for a study guide
anyway how have you guys been?
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Draven and "Demon"!Reader
wc – 370 (good lord these are short)
reader – fem
cw – MENTIONS OF BLOOD, dependency on Draven's side, VERY ooc!Draven
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Draven can feel the disturbance ripple somewhere within the waters of his mind
As per usual, he ignores it in favor of twirling his blade whilst he slouches upon his throne
It starts off small
From listening in to the soldiers set to be executed
To finally cracking open the strategy book that had long been forgotten on his bookshelf
He finds himself…taking notes?
Something he used to actively avoid
Though, he truly knows something is off when he consults Darius about the archives hidden beneath layers and layers of top-notch Noxian security
His brother stares at him incredulously, blinking in confusion
Anger bubbles beneath his skin when he’s rejected, though he’s unsure why
It isn’t until Swain grants him permission does that odd second presence relent
Even then, he can always feel it as he combs through the archives, peering over his shoulder, whispering the names of chapters he finds himself turning to
When you reveal yourself, Draven feels as though a weight is yanked off his shoulders
You leave him with a kiss on the cheek and a blinding smile before disappearing into the mist that’s plagued his dreams
He tries to return to normal
Going to party after party
Busying himself with watching every execution that takes place
But its never enough
Paranoia swirls deeply in the depths of his very being
For the first time in a long time, he feels scared
Not something he, Draven the Glorious Executioner, should be feeling
But there’s a growing void in the back of his mind that begs to differ
Each night after each party, execution, or whatever social event he forces to entertain himself with, that void grows larger
Darius keeps a keen eye on his brother, knowing something is off long before his facade starts to crumble
When you finally return to Noxus for more information, you’re shocked to see the once seemingly untouchable Draven so shaken
His once meticulously styled hair is unkempt, and his room is littered with books and scrolls containing top-secret codes and passages
He turns to you, bloodshot eyes wide with awe and uncertainty
“It…It’s you.”
You stand stock still as his arms wrap around you, thus sealing your fate to Noxus
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teakose · 2 years
love luvxiia!!
Halloween hcs - twst
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i. some twst characters + gender neutral reader ii. general halloween headcanons since I went trick or treating with my brother iii. masterlist┆like and/or reblog appreciated ┆
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If you ever trick or treat with him he will have a substitute costume to get more candy
He jokingly takes the entire bowls of candies that are left out at doorsteps but will put it back. (He takes more than a handful but hey he was being generous!!)
I hope you’re prepared to run away a lot because he is always playing a prank
This man will purposely scare people so they drop their candy and he’ll take it
His costume would probably be something like the boogeyman (He wanted to scare people so they drop their candy)
He doesn’t eat candy because of the diet he has. (Organic candies come in clutch)
But he isn’t opposed to dressing up and taking photos some nice photos with you. Why? This is Halloween.
He would prefer Halloween parties and gala’s than trick or treating
However he’ll walk around his and some neighborhoods if you guys still have the time. This is after the party ends so you guys might stop at 1 or 2. 3 and 4 if you’re lucky
Obviously his costume is a vampire and another costume idea would probably be a queen
He wanted to sleep during Halloween but he was ordered by his brother to take Cheka trick or treating so here we are
Leona was also forced to wear a lion costume to get him in the spirit since he was very moody
Sulking the entire time while you and Cheka are having fun going door to door and getting candy
Takes some candy from your bag and has a smug look when hes eating it. Will probably take your favorite candy from the bag for shits and giggles
Sucks for him cuz he’ll have a hard time getting it out his teeth
Extremely excited when you asked him to go trick or treating with you for the first time.
I feel like in Briar Valley the observe Halloween but more as a harvest and festival. So Malleus probably learned about the trick or treat Halloween just recently
He gets all dressed up and will be waiting outside your home as you get ready as well
Some kids that walk by you both says that he looks really cool and sometimes ask for a picture.
It makes really makes him happy.
Also his sweet tooth? Yeah he probably has a big filled of candy and some candy he took from people when he scared them.
He got extra candy from doing impressive fire breathing
He definitely trades certain candies with you and then eat them happily with you.
Anything for Malleus!!
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teakose · 2 years
if Swain is in Arcane season 2, he's going to be just as popular (if not more so) than Silco.
Calling this rn.
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teakose · 2 years
Congrats to Settphel shippers too!! While I don't ship it mostly bc I was never into char x char I'm happy for you guys!<3
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teakose · 2 years
I love this sm<33333
𝘼𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙭 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝.
wc: 1k+
notes: a drabble i made since i have writer's block with everything else I'm writing. if you want long-form content with Aatrox and this version of the reader, shoot me a request.
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Aatrox can not accept death.
Aatrox had met you after he killed an entire village, leaving nothing but blood and carnage. It was nothing special. One village in a million. It’s that the pure agony of pain and loss he inflicted is what summoned you. A pretty demoness. Black swirling horns, gorgeous smooth skin, and sharp pink nails. It seemed almost like you had been waiting for him when he found you perched on a rock in the middle of a nearby spring. Black butterflies attracted themselves to you, coming out of what seemed like nowhere.
You piqued the Darkin’s interest with your mysterious nature, but not in the way that you would think. He wasn’t enticed by your beauty at all and only saw you as another flesh bag to kill.
Aatrox was extremely big when he approached you, big in size from all the people he had just killed. He towered over you like a giant yet you showed no fear.
The Darkin froze upon your voice invading his ears while in the middle of lowering his blade on top of your head. You examined him, getting the reaction you had been hoping for.
You blinked slowly, battering your eyelashes as you let a black butterfly land on your finger. It gave you kisses before flying away but making sure to stay clear of the Darkin it found so disgusting.
“Even you can not escape death.” You smiled softly at him. This earned a growl from him. He narrowed his glowing eyes at you. “I can not die.”
And with that, Aatrox inflicted on you what he had done to everyone else. Pain and agony. He killed you.
But he killed you over and over and over.
You only kept regenerating as if nothing happened. Your blood spilled, coating the rock and filling the spring. The clear water turned a sickly rose red. All before your skin and bone would repair themselves. The butterflies had flown away and were long gone away from the violence. Aatrox couldn’t understand why someone so small and fragile looking wouldn’t die but he didn’t stop. He kept killing you again and again until he was exhausted.
Suddenly, it hit him. He realized why you wouldn’t die to his blade over anyone else’s. You were the incarnation of extermination of all life. The acts he committed in physical form. You were Lady Death and you had your sights set on him. It was too much for him to accept. When he realized he couldn’t kill you, he left you. No matter how many times he tore you into bloody pieces.
And you followed him.
You followed Aatrox everywhere he went. You were aware of his current immortality but seasons change and the world will end at some point. It would no longer sustain Aatrox. He had no choice but to leave you be but your mere presence, your existence angered him greatly! He wanted nothing more than to kill you in any and every way. And in Every way.
It wasn’t too bad. Aatrox was just exaggerating because of his violent nature. Despite being Death Incarnate, there was a very gentle nature to you. Death was patient; if it weren’t Aatrox’s time to die, you would just wait for him. He stopped resisting but he still didn’t accept you.
He would carry on, killing anyone who crossed his path and prove to you that you were wasting your time. It’s just that nothing deterred you from leaving Aatrox alone. He couldn’t truly die, right?
“Why are you here?” Aatrox would finally ask after wandering around for…who knows how long? The situation began to weigh him down at first.
You gave him a soft look. Blinking at him slowly before planting yourself upon his shoulder. He would carry you sometimes. Sometimes, it was the only way you could feel close to him.
“Death has been around since the universe was created. You are unable to accept me because, despite your immortal body, you were once a mortal. You can not comprehend death. Death isn’t the end of life. It is the end of sentience and of anything that exists in my universe.”
Aatrox has heard this many times from you. So much that he almost has it memorized. He would always respond with violence but your undying body made it impossible to put an end to it. Aatrox brought Death everywhere he went and now it was out to get him.
Because of his actions, you would always send off the people he killed. They would pass on and you would feed on their energy. For a while, Aatrox stopped killing of his own volition to really see how you did things. He became burned out, shrinking down from his monstrous high to a measly 7 feet. He was still much taller than you.
You seemed to show an attraction towards men who would be dying soon in War. It was hard to understand but it made him feel upset whenever you did this. He would never communicate his jealousy but Aatrox was a very jealous Darkin. He had mentally claimed you as his own because of your obsession with him.
An obsession that became almost mutual. You thought that Aatrox would be a nice addition to your collection of souls. That is why you had been watching him so closely, waiting for the right moment. Even if it meant waiting until the end of time…but he had grown fond of you…as if it were…love.
He would prematurely kill any man that spoke to you or who would speak to you. He already made things hard since he was unable to blend in with humans.
It was like a sad love story. No matter how lost Aatrox’s mind was in the determination to conquer, he still had the consciousness. The ability to develop a connection with someone.
At no point did he say that he loved you. You never uttered those words either. Regardless, you still felt like lovers even if it weren’t intended.
The goal of Aatrox was to end the world, or himself. You were a beautiful reminder of that.
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teakose · 2 years
I'm curious to see how soraka or more so Darius will look like (a trusted leaker revealed who'll get the skins)
The video was about sett finding his akana something father according to the description
So I do wonder if any of the champs that get the skins will represents his father in a way or if he'll just be the macguffin for spirit blossom sett's lore
I hope the latter
tbf it would be pretty weird if another champ was his father? I mean, I wouldn't put it past Riot, but still (Ik that draven thing happened tho)
i think darius is an--or at least based off of--an oni(?) Soraka... idk her skins are kinda wildcards
if there's someone I'm curious about getting a SB skin its Yorick lmao
let's just hope the trend of the sb skinline being amazing continues;-;
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teakose · 2 years
When I tell you im frothing at the mouth bc of the new spirit blossom sett video…
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teakose · 2 years
Concubine reader xD
Isn't that from the deleted voicelines towards a dead odysee jinx?
i believe so, though all I know is 2 of my friends were happy those lines didn't get finalized LMAO
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teakose · 2 years
Hi! How are you and what are you doing?
Hellooo I'm doing well!!
I've been focusing more on school while simultaneously doing my best to work on requests <3
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teakose · 2 years
Could you explain what drabbles, scenarios and one shots are?
Is it just the length?
And what's your mbti type in case you know?
Hello!! Of course I can explain! Basically, yeah, it depends on the length of the written piece. I know some people do it differently, but this is how I like to categorize mine:
Drabbles: >1000
Scenarios: 1000 - 1,500
One shots: 1,500+
And to your MBTI question, I'm an ISFP-T
I hope this helped <3
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teakose · 2 years
Hey have I sent you my request for garuda!reader part 2 already? I oddly can't remember
Yeah I did!! Sorry, I was just focused on school so I didn't update my list recently :,)
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teakose · 2 years
idk guys i think i like him
(yes I'm low level, don't judge me)
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teakose · 2 years
The pit has criminals, deserters, prisoners of war as forced reckoners, not just volunteers who usually avoid killing each other I thought
thanks for telling me!! I'll be sure to keep it in mind
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teakose · 2 years
That was beautiful to read! 😭 thank you for writing that niche request despite struggling with it at first!
"As it is not often that he finds someone that delves in taboo magic such as blood."  But he has an entire personal blood cult with blood apprentices or do you mean someone who delves into blood magic to his extent? Just curious, did you check his legends of runeterra wiki page? In case you struggle you could see if the champ is in lor for more flavor and depth
the fact i knew he ran cults, was going to write about him running his cult, then actively forgot that he ran cults really tells something about my memory ;-;
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teakose · 2 years
How would Vladimir react to a woman (err reader I guess) who is basically like a human garuda from warframe (i mean asthetics and fight wise, garuda is actually just an organic flesh puppet with a gore and blood theme, think of vlad as an assassin).
Maybe headcanons of her attacking and killing noxians, being brought to the arena where he sees her fight like that. Has mysterious origins.
Here a 1:25 long video about her
I apologize in case blood triggers you
Sorry this took longer than expected! I hope you enjoy it!! Though, I am sorry that I didn't really go into much detail regarding the reader's blood abilities
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Vladimir and Garuda!Reader
wc – 716
reader – fem
cw – MENTIONS OF BLOOD AND DEATH, but nothing explicit
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Vladimir is interested, to say the least
As it is not often that he finds someone that delves in taboo magic such as blood
Other than himself, of course
So when he first catches sight of you deep within a forest, he can’t help but stare as you hunt your prey with such pinpoint precision
He debates approaching you, though opts not to after witnessing you drain the life force of one Noxians with thick talons that sprout through the ground
Not out of fear, no
He would never fear something so petty
But out of curiosity, and perhaps… respect for your blood-trodden craft
He sees himself within you
From the nearly-dazed look in your eyes
To the crimson that seeps through your clothing
“Capture that witch!”
While unsurprised by the appearance of backup, Vladimir can’t help but feel disappointed that his nightly entertainment has come to a close
They douse you with petricite, cuffing your hands with the same alloy before attempting to drag you off
You struggle in their hold, unwilling to go down without a fight
Amidst your almost successful escape, you catch his eye, almost pleading for him to help you
He, being the annoying bastard that he is, slinks back into the shadows with a wry smile plastered upon his lips
If his instinct were correct, then the two of you would meet again very, very soon
He was right!
Why wouldn’t he be?
Though, he can’t say he was expecting you to be found somewhere so… crass
A fighting pit was a place for mortals to scurry and pray for but a piece of gold
Not for someone such as you
Someone far above their mortal comprehension
He doesn’t save you immediately, no
That would be far too simple and nowhere near entertaining
Instead, he watches you as you raze through your opponents as if they’re nothing but a breeze in the wind
With or without a weapon, it’s always you standing victoriously in the middle of the pit
The shield you created from the life force of your opponent always flickers, ceasing to exist altogether when your talons plunge through them, soaking both you and the pit floors 
He breathes in the irony aroma, basking in its familiarity
Every night you watch him in the stands
The man dressed in a flamboyant shade of red who seems to have a permanent smirk carved into his face
No matter how harshly you glare at him, he never relents
Eventually, you work up the courage to go up to him, demanding to know why he lurks around you so much
He only offers a half-hearted shrug
“I was merely satiating my interest.”
You contemplate piercing him with your talons.
You refuse to look in his general direction for the entire night, though his piercing stare never fails to send goosebumps down your spine
As the weeks go by, you begin your plan to escape
Because while the fighting pit was refreshing pertaining to your… needs
The matches have started to become drab
Each ending the same with your opponent's blood staining the walls and your hand raised in victory
Your escape itself was fairly simple
Kill all the guards and make a break for it
See? Easy.
However… a small hiccup arose when you found yourself lost deep within the forest
Familiar red robes fill your sight, alongside the metallic scent of blood
“Why, hello there.”
You remain silent, glaring at him while your hands clench at your sides, talons at the ready
“Aw, I’d thought you’d B positive to see me…”
Did he just make a pun?
“Not the type to talk, hm?” 
There’s a hint of amusement in his tone that sets you off
He moves his gaze to the distance, quirking a brow before refocusing on you
“It appears you’ve brought some guests… Very well, I’m due for a donation anyway.”
The strange man stands, brushing off the dirt on his shoulders
Sure enough, a few employees from the pit emerge, weapons clenched tightly in their hands and vials of petricite hanging from their belts
Once more the stranger in red turns to you, faux-claw-covered hand outstretched to you as a hedonistic gleam shines in his eyes beneath the waning moon
“Shall we?”
Just who was this man?
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I'm not gonna lie, I forgot Vlad existed so I had to watch his voice lines and skim through his lore lmao
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teakose · 2 years
school's already kicking my ass and i'm two days in
lets go!!
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