teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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Hey, #SPNFamily! JUST OVER 1 DAY LEFT to win a virtual Skype tour with Misha Collins… from the set of #Supernatural! 
Join the 2020 GISH Hunt, gift a registration, donate, or invite a friend by March 4 at 9 AM PT to win: gish.com/skypernatural
📸by: @theTVaddict 
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
FINAL HOURS! Win a Skype tour of the #SPN set with Misha Collins! Join #GISH or help someone else join by 9 AM PT TOMORROW to enter to win: gish.com/skypernatural
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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People stormed #Area51 last Friday, but GISH.com participants know what’s REALLY going on in there… 2019 GISH Item 135: The aliens have been in Area 51 for decades. Why do they stay? Because of all the amenities, of course. Show us the leisurely life of aliens at Area 51: the best Retirement Community in the Universe!  #SocialSecurityCheXFiles
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
And Jared’s reply.
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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About us Team CasNotCass
g i s h 2019
g i s h mascot : Assbutt Era
g i s h Date : July 27, 2019 - August 3, 2019
Team Created : July 17, 2019
Competitive Preference : In It To Win It
Locations : Around the world               8 gishers from Italy               1 gisher from Russia               2 gishers from Thailand               4 gishers from USA
Submitted : 118 items from 227 items of 2019 GISH HUNT LIST 
g i s h 2019 : g i s h 2019 Coffee Table Book
Our 2018 submissions :  Our 2019 Submissions : Team CasNotCass 2019 items
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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Since 2011, #GISH participants have helped make the world better through acts of charity & kindness. Together, we’ve protected rainforests, helped refugees, & so much more. Not bad for just playing a game, eh?
Learn more here: gish.com/charity-impact/ #CharityDay
Want in on the fun? 2020 Hunt registration is open now: bit.ly/JoinGISH
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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Just 10 days left to join the 2020 #GISH Hunt & get access to all the Perks of early registration—including a Genuine, Certified Gimmick! Plus, a portion of EVERY registration goes to help reforestation efforts in the Amazon: bit.ly/GISH2020
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
The world needs your help, Gishers! So we’ve opened 2020 Hunt registration early—and a portion of all proceeds will go to plant trees in the Amazon. Learn more: gish.com/2020-registration-is-open/
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 225 99 POINTS [IMAGE] Yeah, yeah. We’ve got like 8 Guinness World Records, so we’re really not impressed by them anymore. But your team loves to collect them, so you went for one anyway. Either on your own or in collaboration with other teams, break the record for the world’s largest sock monkey, made all out of socks. Bonus good karma in the afterlife if you fill it with socks and donate it all to a homeless shelter after it’s been officially accepted as the new record-holder. See the guidelines here.
by Amy
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 221 21 POINTS [IMAGE] You better watch out… Santa Clothes just hit up your local laundromat! The jolly old sartorial elf left presents of laundry soap and quarters for the machine along with notes of encouragement for all the good little folks in need of some help getting the most boring of household tasks done.
by Pla
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
ITEM 220 19 POINTS [VIDEO] Chewing gum tug of war.
by Amy
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 218 29 POINTS [IMAGE] Have an attorney draft a class-action lawsuit against humanity on behalf of pollinators. Submit your evidence of the attorney, holding the filed paperwork.
by Amy
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 217 17 POINTS [IMAGE] You are an undercover agent for the GISH Bureau of Instigation! Go to a public place looking for someone doing a kind deed. When you spot someone, blow your whistle and identify yourself as a member of the GISH Bureau of Instigation and issue them a citation thanking them for spreading positivity in a public setting (a Section G-2019 violation).
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 216 39 POINTS [IMAGE] You’re a _____, Harry! It’s Harry Potter’s birthday today (July 31). Let’s envision what other jobs Harry Potter might’ve ended up doing if Hagrid had failed to make it to the hut-on-the-rock and Harry hadn’t made it to Hogwarts. Post your image to social media with hashtag #GISH and #MuggleJobsForWizards.
by Manuela “You’re an illegal parking attendant, Harry.”
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
ITEM 215 99 POINTS [VIDEO] Tar and feathering is so 1800s. It’s time for an old-fashioned, public Maple Syrup and Glittering Make your own biodegradable glitter for this.
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 213 53 POINTS [IMAGE] @dog_rates on Twitter & @weratedogs on Instagram rates dogs on their inherent dog attributes, but you know there’s a dog at your local shelter that deserves a 13/10 would take home forever rating. Go to your local shelter and identify the dog that has been there the longest or is most in need of a home. Take appealing photos or videos of your canine candidate and create the best, most shareable post you can of this good doggo, including information on how and where to adopt them. Post your creation tagging @WeRateDogs/@dog_rates, using #RateGISHDogs, and DM them your post as well, then submit a screenshot of your post. Bonus points if @WeRateDogs posts your dog before the end of the Hunt (send us THAT screenshot as proof instead if that’s so.) Double bonus points if you can prove the dog was adopted as a direct result.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
ITEM 208 28 POINTS [VIDEO] FAST-MOTION. Everybody always thinks zombies are after their brains, but they’re just really into “tag”, as evidenced by the 3 zombies playing slow-speed tag in your local mall, then speed it up and send it in.
by Laura “Zombies always play tag in malls..however they get really paranoid when someone is following them, and then all bets are off!”
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