teamsilvermoran · 11 years
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it’s been a year, you guys. A YEAR.
and i’ve taken forever to get your stuff up. I know, I know.
BUT! on the bright side, rowan had a really great idea.
how about a 1-year reunion chat? It’ll be 3 days, and you guys can discuss anything you want! (i might drop by with some news as to what will happen next, GASP.)
here is where you shall convene: http://tinychat.com/moreshernanigans
here is a link to the tentative shernanigans 2 site.
here is information pertaining to the project. (its from november shh)
the password will be revealed on May 9, at 7 pm EST (May 10, at 12 am GMT+1). 
okay, that’s all for now! 
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
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Goodnight tumblr <3
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
anyone up for some tinychatting? :)
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
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So here's what I submitted about the hound itself plus Henry (how do I even write in the perspective of a dog?)
It was lonely there out on the moors, but he got by simply enough, padding along in the darkened forest and rocks that dotted the landscape any chance he got away from that doctor-human. There was, though, a new scent in the air (something new?) and followed it. Soon, he found that it belonged a different human (less chemical scents of the doctor, more like the dusty smell of an old human dwelling) and instinctively lolled his tongue out and wagged his tail. Perhaps this one would be more friendly. It was a bit confusing, however, to see the human's eyes and mouth grow so wide like that, and he didn't understand why or really how the human ran/staggered away that fast. He started to wonder if he'd done anything wrong but the idea disappeared quickly as he returned to his path back through the moors.
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
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The fog
What the picture says (An extract from the actual story) :Paralyzed by the dreadful shape which had sprung out  upon us from the shadows of the fog. This picture is supposed to be from Lestrade's point of view and Sherlock has just recovered from fainting from the drug induced fog. John is trying to shoot the dog. Tired to make the illusion of fog with pastels, I dont think it worked.
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
Collateral Damage (sketch)
Prompt 7:  The Hounds of Baskerville
by mamajava (Team Sebastian Moran)
Based on my fic for this prompt. Molly Hooper comforts Greg Lestrade after his harrowing experience on the moor. John's blog is on the computer screen behind Greg.
Greg: "I'm fine."
Molly: "You. Are. Not. Fine."
Collateral Damage (sketch)
This kinda rushed, but...comments?
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
tinychat anyone? join meee
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
Okay. Thanks guys! Don't want you all quitting on me.
The third aspect is now optional for an extra point. <3
Please be sure to let your teammates know.
Sidenote, those that have already submitted are each getting 2 points. Woo!
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
Collateral Damage
Prompt 7: The Hounds of Baskerville
by mamajava (Team Sebastian Moran)
John didn't tell everything in his blog entry.
Italics are from John's blog entry. Molly's thoughts are in bold.
Greg Lestrade/Molly Hooper, pre-relationship. This happens after Sherlock, John, and Greg return to London from Devon.
Collateral Damage
Molly blinked at her screen. Blinked again. She raised a clenched fist to her mouth to keep from screaming. She sat there, riveted to John's words on his blog, about the Hounds of Baskerville. Her eyes kept coming back to two sentences:
"Sherlock denied it at first, but back at the pub he finally admitted to me that he'd seen it. I've never seen him so shaken, so scared. He was actually terrified."
Sherlock? Terrified? Molly had never seen him terrified. Concerned, yes. Distracted, yes. But not absolutely terrified. 
John's tone was factual, bland, as if he had been dictating a patient's record. Molly read between the lines, the wealth of meaning in those two sentences. For someone who worked with dead people, she knew how to interpret the living.
She nearly jumped off her stool. Her heart raced at the unexpected voice, loud in the stillness. Molly whirled around, one hand on her chest. "Oh! Detective Inspector! I'm sorry, I hadn't heard you come in." She breathed the words in a complete rush. 
Lestrade smiled weakly. "That's all right. I didn't mean to startle you. You looked absorbed at whatever you were reading."
She shook her head and said, "Just John's blog. He wrote up another case."
"Which one?"
Molly frowned as she noticed Lestrade's appearance: face pale as chalk, dark circles under his eyes, hands trembling slightly. She wondered whether or not he'd even slept for the past week. Wait a minute--wasn't he supposed to be on holiday? He was supposed to relax. Did something happen?
"'The Hounds of Baskerville."
He walked over to her and peered over her shoulder at the laptop screen. Molly heard his breathing quicken...fear, he's scared. Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade is scared. Of what? What happened during his holiday? She had never seen him terrified, either, and they'd both been through some hair-raising cases.
"Detective Inspector? Lestrade?" She glanced over her shoulder. At the sight of his expression, she immediately vacated her stool and steered him onto it. Oh my God...he's shaking! He looks ready to faint.
She gripped his hands tightly and tried again. "Greg? Look at me, not at the floor. You'll keel over if you stare at the floor."
"I'm fine," he said flatly.
"You. Are. Not. Fine." She let go of one of his hands and gently placed two fingers under his chin, tilting his head so he could look up into her eyes. It didn't take much; even with him sitting and her standing, the height difference was obvious.
"What's wrong? And God help me, if you tell me again you're fine, I'll smack you."
The vehemence in her tone actually made him laugh a little. It was tinged with a strange hysteria. "I believe you would, Molly. John didn't tell everything in his blog."
She stared at him, then it all made sense. "You were there, on the moor. You saw the Hound too."
"I was there." He looked past her, at the opposite wall. "I saw it. I tried to shoot it, when it attacked us. I missed. Twice. John didn't miss. He shot it dead."
"--the poison, the weapon that H.O.U.N.D. had created hadn't been in the sugar. It was in the fog! We were in a chemical minefield." Molly's eyes widened as she remembered John's words. If Greg had been there, then he'd been affected too! 
"What did you see, Greg?" He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, as if trying to block out the memory. Molly's heart pounded in her chest and she tried again. "Tell me what you saw."
"My worst nightmare," he whispered. He was shaking so badly that Molly thought he was halfway to a nervous breakdown. The confident, calm, Detective Inspector  hid so much behind that facade. The fact that he had come here, that he lowered that facade in front of her, made her feel honored, almost humble.
"What did you see?"
"Everyone dead. Sherlock, John, Anderson, Donovan, Dimmock...even you." He forced his eyes open to look at her. "And you all demanded why I let you die. You were crying, Molly, and I couldn't hold you or comfort you..."
Her heart broke for him and she went with her instincts. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. He shuddered as the sobs racked him; he had to be strong for others, but now she had to be strong for him.
"It's all right, Greg. I'm here," she murmured. "I'm right here."
The storm passed after a few moments. He withdrew a little and frowned at her tear-stained face. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you cry."
Her smile trembled. He was apologizing for more than his little breakdown and she knew it. "It's all right. You needed a sympathetic ear."
She felt something pass between the two of them, something she couldn't define. Molly hugged him again and he returned it.
"Thank you," he murmured.
"That's what friends are for, Greg."
I hope this meets the requirements. Comments? Reactions?
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
“James.” The man didn’t turn, facing the window, his arms folded tightly over his chest as he watched the closed shutters, peeking through the tiny slits that let only hints of light in. I sighed, walking up behind my employer, who was standing utterly still. Not a single flinch. No hint that the man had heard me at all. He did this often, and I hated it each and every time he did. “Your newspaper’s here,” I said, tossing it down on the small side table that occupied the space between the two windows of their apartment. I caught a glimpse of Jim’s face in that moment; this grin, this inhuman, unrestrained grin pulling at his lips, his eyes wide as he stared at nothing. What a fucking lunatic. He hadn’t been taking any meds again, and it showed. “So he’s found the beast.” I heard Moriarty’s voice slither up behind me as I had turned to leave, glancing over my shoulder only to see the manic face of my employer leering right back at me. “Oh Seb. He’s getting closer. I can feel it.” I frowned, turning to face the shorter man with a look of stoic disdain on my features. “Jim, the paper doesn’t even mention Sherlo-” “He’s THERE,” Moriarty hissed, getting far too close for comfort, his hands squeezing the sides of my head like a vice, fingers digging into my scalp. Way off his meds. I needed to find them, soon. “I can feel it in my veins, in my bones. He’s making his way, dancing along my path. A puppet with such loose strings. I need to pull them TAUT again.” I reached up, grasping Moriarty’s wrists before prying his claws from my head, the veins now free to throb with their sudden release. “Where are your pills.” “God I don’t know about any bloody PILLS, Seb. Sebby. This is far, far more important than you can even imagine. Your tiny little mind. So hard to see the big picture.” I had walked off while he rambled, searching through cabinets and drawers, not bothering to be clean as I tossed useless upon useless thing from their confines. Finally I found a bottle, quickly opening the cap to shake loose two..three..four pills into my palm. I had no idea how many he needed, nor did I care; I was certain he’d built up several immunities to every sort of drug known to man, maybe more. But this wouldn’t kill him. He was still talking when I brought him a glass, watching his monologue for a moment. Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock. It was always about that man. “Sit down,” I said, nodding to Jim’s chair. James seemed to realize I was there, staring at me, then the seat. “Sit.” “Mother, is it time for my medication now? Don’t I need a spoonful of sugar to help it go down?” Insane cackling followed the sentence. I bit back a sigh and brought over the glass plus pills, managing without too much of a struggle to get Moriarty to take it. It took another half hour for him to calm, staring listlessly up at the ceiling. At least the grin was gone. “Seb...Seb...he’s going...to fall...and I will join him...” I had no idea what he meant. All I could do was nod, bring him over to the couch, watch him curl up in a medicated mess. I always had to clean up his mess.
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
Kirsty Stapleton, the girl who wrote to Sherlock about an escaped rabbit.
Dear Mr. Holmes
Dear Sherlock
Dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes,
I am writing to you because
I would like to ask you for help
I have a rabbit named
I can't find Bluebell anywhere.
Would you consider
Do you think maybe
Please, please, please can you help?
I am a big fan
I admir admyr admier
I like to look at your stories and the stories that John Watson has put on here. Is he a real Dr? I know that you try and help people and try to find things that have got lost.
My rabbit
Bluebell my pet rabbit
It may seem silly but
Bluebell is not a person so it might not seem important but she is very important. Not like a person but a rabbit.
Something strange happened
It was funny how
Bluebell might have been sick but
It was a funny type of sickness I think
I don't know what happened but it was funny. Bluebell started to glow at night time. Like a fairy.
Before she went missing
Even though I locked her hutch
Bluebell was locked inside her hutch but
I went down to the garden and locked her hutch for the night, but when I got there the next morning before went to school she had gone.
The hutch was undisterb understurb undirsturbd
The hutch was still shut and locked up. Please, please, please say you'll help me.
Thank you
Yours truly
Lots of love Kirsty Stapleton, aged 8.
  The slight little girl looked down at the paper, tucking her fine blonde hair behind her ears as she read and re-read.
She had been devising this letter since Bluebell’s disappearance that morning. She had written and fully planned it out in her notebook at school, while she was supposed to be doing maths. The girl wanted to sound friendly, but also grown up to the famous detective she adored so deeply.
Satisfied with the lines that hadn’t been crossed out, she switched on her mother’s laptop to log into Sherlock Holmes’ website, and carefully began to copy down the message, typing slowly with her small, untrained hands, before pressing send.
Miles away, the detective’s laptop sounded a ping, alerting him to the new comment on his website.
And so began the first step towards the Case of the Hounds of Baskervilles.
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
Hey guys, head over to tinychat, if you can =D
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
Our prompt 7!  Anyone around for tinychat?
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Welcome to Day 7 of the Partying Shernanigans!
Before you begin, I’d just like to remind you that the “How To Submit Stuff” page exists. 
The seventh prompt involves incorporation of THREE ASPECTS: A case, another perspective, and decisions.
No crossovers. No smut/porn (nothing too explicit, anyway).
The entries DO NOT have to be about your team characters! They can be about any character/characters in the show.
The entries don’t have to be focused ONLY on that. They can have the basic elements of it, and it’d still count.
Okay, here you are then. A case, another perspective, and decisions:
Team Silver:
1. First line of submission should be hyperlinked like so:
Prompt 7: The Hounds of Baskerville
2. Incorporate some element from this written case into your fanwork, but from ONE different character’s perspective (other than John or Sherlock). 
For example: What was this other character doing during at a certain point in time within the duration? Had they merely seen a glimpse of this case in a newspaper? Can you include some tiny reference/allusion to a thing mentioned in the case? Make sure you incorporate stuff ONLY mentioned in the written case. Not in the episode.
3. Your character witnesses another character’s illness. Do they flee from the situation/deny it or do they face it (albeit emotionally or through strength)?
The chats and individual tumblrs are available to you for use at any time, and the passwords for each are in the drafts of your team’s blogs.
But do report back to this main blog with the final submission.
Again, be sure to read that How to Submit Stuff page.
Best of luck, everyone!
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
Good job guys! We're movin' on up xD Keep up the good work, we can DO this.
Wooo~ Okay, so there were over 180 submissions!
Here are the scores for Prompt 6:
1. Team Morstan (Teal) - 49
2. Team Knight (Cream) - 30
2. Team Harry (Lavender) - 30
3. Team Sextras (Amber) - 25
4. Team Moran (Silver) - 23
5. Team Maroon (Stamford) - 14
6. Team Adler (Ivory) - 11
Second place tie between Team Knight and Team Harry! 
Here are the total scores so far (All days combined):
1. Team Morstan (Teal) - 306
2. Team Harry (Lavender) - 205
3. Team Knight (Cream) - 191
4. Team Sextras (Amber) - 190
5. Team Stamford (Maroon) - 146
6. Team Moran (Silver) - 119
7. Team Adler (Ivory) - 84
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teamsilvermoran · 12 years
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Aaaaand one more.
1920s Mafia Jim.  "Don't get in my way.  If you do, you'll start missing limbs."
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