joyseuphoria · 8 months
Even The Sun Sets In Paradise
Chp 5 - Con là Brisa
Jily talk and catch feelings (well, they were already caught)
@jilytoberfest prompts
6: 🎶Touch my thigh, I could blush, I'm so shy, Rest your head on side, We could stay in my mind, We could be what we like🎶 - Theatre by Etta Marcus
7: getting engaged (used very loosely)
Also, all the chapters are unedited. Thanks to @practicecourts , cuz this story takes place in Italy
Read from the beginning
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inquixotic · 2 years
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talk about what you thought about the results of the public vote. was it surprising ? how do you feel about liam’s exit ?
sebastien stares at the camera as if it were the producer asking him the question, eyes virtually void of emotion other than annoyance. “how did i feel about the public voting liam and i in the bottom, and the rest of the villa sending the person i had the strongest connection with here home?” he rephrases, eyes narrowing. “not fucking great. ”  
what do you think of the new bombshells – are any of them your type ? could your head be turned ?
“they’re alright, yeah.” there’s a pause as he thinks of his wording. “i think frankie’s the most fit, but dejan and i probably will get on the best, depending on how deep the line in the sand is for him being romi’s ex.” 
how are you feeling in your current couple ?
“êtes-vous un putain de comédien?” 
is there anyone else you’d like to be coupled up with right now ?
“nana’s classic, i’ve said from day 1. i would never mind sharing a bed with her.” the grin he gives is almost convincingly sweet. “however. she says she likes bash, so i will keep my grafting to a respectful level. honestly, at this rate, i wouldn’t mind maddox back in my bed if it gives me more time to get to know the bombshells.” 
do you have a “top 3″ ? who makes that list ?
“that is quite a broad ask. top 3...what, exactly? looks? to couple up with? most likely to start a fight?” playing dumb for the cameras. “nana, frankie, josh. i will let you guess what i am answering.” 
who do you think is in the weakest couple right now and why ?
“it is too obvious for me to say josh and naomi again, right? dylan and rhys are in a hard spot as well, but i am sure everyone can see that. ahh, outside those two, maybe bash and nana? i do not read any, ahh...comment dites-vous amour fou en anglais?” he looks to the producers for help. “sparks? passion? whatever you will use. i think they are lacking.” 
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ffxivaltaholic · 2 years
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~Prompt #7: Pawn~
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TW: Violence/Abuse
“Yuki...” “Help me....”
It was so dark, as if nothing in the world existed around her, only shadows that dwelled within constant reach, ever threatening in nature.  Her voice echoed, as if the young Xaela stood in an empty room with nothing to absorb the sound.  All she could hear was the pounding of her heart, anxiety closing her throat and weighing down like a sack of rocks laid across her slender shoulders. It was nearly unbearable. Tears slid down pale freckled cheeks, and in fear, Isanii began to run, and she ran as much as her weak body would carry her, until her lung burned and each gasp seemed to pull in less and less air.  No matter how far she seemed to go in one direction, it never seemed to change, as if she was running in place. Then she heard the laugh.
She knew that laugh, that sniveling horrible sound that made her skin crawl.  His laugh. Raizel. The monster from her past.  “No... Go away!”  The Xaela was practically screaming herself hoarse as her pale eyes darted from shadow to shadow, trying to spot him in what seemed endless darkness.  “You don’t own me! Not anymore!”  A small bit of defiance, but even with as much emotional strength as she could muster, the woman’s voice wavered. “Oh? You think you are in any place to decide that?”  The voice was eerie and it became impossible to pinpoint the origin, as it seemed to come from all around her. A sudden feeling of pain wracked her frail body, and Isanii crumpled to her knees, a burning ache across her back.  She could feel the warm drip of blood, as if struck by a blade.  
“Come now pet, all you need to do is submit, give in and it’ll be fine...  You need only give up this fantasy life and serve me. It’s your place.”
The words felt like venom in her veins and with a defiant cry she stared into the darkness.  “No! I refuse!”  The words barely left her lips when another strike brought out a guttural sob.  This couldn’t be real, and yet the pain was utterly unbearable.  Perhaps it was after all... Maybe he had found her, had set up this torture to punish her for fleeing his wrath... “You are unworthy, he will discard you.  No lord would want to a lowly disgraced priestess... You belong to me. Only me... Only I will cherish you.”  That scent, of blood and iron reached her nose.  She knew it well and before a word could slip through he was there, his hand at her neck, cradling her jaw in his slender boney fingers. A sob of fear rippled through her entire body as his grinning face was all that peered out through the darkness. “Perhaps I should kill him... Your precious Yuki.” “No... Please...”
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All she could do in that moment was try and avoid falling into utter despair. How? How could he have won? They had done everything to prevent this outcome. Her life was finally happy, she had found the sun, found her place in the world... Yuki...  His gentle face appeared in her mind, and for a brief moment, the darkness seemed to recede.  For a second, she felt warmth glide over her skin.  “No.” It was a single word, but it held all the power, determination and love she could must in her soul. “I refuse to stay in the darkness.  I will walk in the sun and I will walk with him!” Light.  It started small, at her feet, then suddenly the floor seemed to light up. Her wounds vanished, the pain ceasing as a soft, gentle warmth enveloped her entire being.  His cold hands were ripped away as the shadows retreated, dragging the monster back with it.  The man’s screams of rage and threats of suffering fell on deaf horns as she put her all into connecting with that light.  All was clear now, he could not win, not here in her dreams, nor in the real world.  She would banish the evil of her past and stand her ground, for the Xaela knew she was no longer alone in her fight.  She had her partner and her friends. Bathed in light, she was free of the nightmare. - - - The warmth of the sun’s rays stirred the Xaela from her slumber, and carefully Isanii rolled over in her bed, finding Yuki, her mate, at her side still asleep.  “Ah... It really was a dream...”  Muttering softly, she glanced at her body for a moment, the pain of those wounds seeming so real, and yet her porcelain skin was unmarred. Giving a small sigh, Isanii decided she didn’t want to get up just yet and she happily wiggled in against her partner, nestling in the safety of his arms as the nightmare faded with the morning glow of the sun’s rays filtering through the window. 
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Hi! So I would like 7 please and Klaine of course…Thank you!
Hey @esilher! Thank you so much for your prompt dear. Sorry to delay posting the stories. I am glad that I finally made it. I hope you like it. So since the stories are short, I had to write two stories.
Kiss prompt7: To shut them up
Story 1: The Droop Interruption
Rating:General Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee (TV 2009),Glee-Klaine,klaine fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters:Kurt Hummel,Blaine Anderson
Kurt Hummel-Anderson was super exhausted and his husband was going on and on about his day. He wanted to sleep but how could he politely "shut up"Blaine? Here is how.
Read the story on Ao3 (Wavingthroughawindow)
Story 2: The Pacifier Problem
Rating:General Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee (TV 2009),glee-klaine,klaine fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters:Blaine Anderson,Kurt Hummel,Original Anderson-Hummel Child(ren)
Kurt and Blaine Anderson- Hummel are in a situation of trying to make their toddler daughter accept her pacifier and they did. Through a proposal!
Read It on AO3 (Wavingthroughawindow)
Hope you like these stories. Happy Sunday everyone!
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iracarterart · 9 months
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#SHARP #Prompt7 #collagetober23 #marianneburgerstudio @marianneburgerstudio Sharp-Dressed Man
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orchid-151 · 1 year
❤️❤️Will be updated Frequently❤️❤️
This is going to be a long pin post but it will all be updated whenever a new page comes out. These links will be to the Twitter account.
Asks and submitted works are non-cannon to the comic that is going on so things can get wacky...
~ interactions are always welcome ~
( interactions will be slow sometimes because I have to deal with work and children)
🌺🌸🏵️Don't be afraid to tell me if something makes you uncomfortable, I will see what I can do... it's always good to be reminded of others 🙂 🌺🌸🏵️
(I have reached my 100 link limit on this post so I might move the Twitter links to the comic blog. And make a post linked to all the Twitter posts... But I'll do that later...)
(rest is under readmore because of the length of the post...)
Commission Open ��️
(Click pencil ✏️ to learn more)
Currently participating in a hosted event by @brimstone-and-cinnabar
《 Event Currently on Hiatus 》
The Rising Storm Event: My entries
(for easier search during the event)
Start (The summon)
Part 2 (Action)
Part 3/extra (Wither Mobs)
Meet the Cast: (Main-Timeline)
(below the cut)
(Main Cast)
Orchid................................ (Illager) [ask box close]
Smith............................... (Villager) [ask box close]
Jay................................... (Villager) [ask box close]
Mason............................. (Villager) [ask box close]
(Side Cast)
Rose................................ (Villager) [ask box close]
Tool................................. (Illager) [ask box closed]
Hawk............................... (Illager) [ask box closed]
Stone.............................. (Illager) [ask box closed]
Dugy................................(Witch) [ask box closed]
Sasha................................(Pillager) [ask box closed]
Zom........................(baby zombie) [ask box closed]
(Dugy, Sasha, and Zom are grouped together in the character bio... So only one of them has the link)
(ROTAI/ Book Cast)
Yumi (AU)........................ (Villager) [ask box close]
Senpū .............................(Windcaller) [cannot ask]
Valkyrie.............................(Pillager) [cannot ask]
Archi.....................................(Illager) [ask box close]
Karl............................(Hero/Player) [ask box close]
Valorie.......................(Hero/Player) [ask box close]
Syrus.........................(Vex/Villager) [ask box Open]
Mathew.....................(Vex/Villager) [ask box Open]
Jenny.......................(Allay/Villager) [ask box Open]
Betty........................(Allay/Villager) [ask box Open]
George..................(Iron Golem/???) [ask box Open]
Theodore...............(Vex/Villager) [ask box Open]
Alexander...(Hero/???) [Ask Box is open]
Drake (Pillager/Fallen Hero/TheRealBigBad) [ask box is permanently closed]
(always open for these)
Let's talk about romance! Muse questions
Random Headcanon Meme!
The extremely detailed OC ask meme
nights headcanons!
Active poll Active Twitter poll
Head Cannon page (need to update)
Headcannon for characters:
Mason/Orchid/Smith/Jay; prompt1 prompt2 prompt3 prompt4 prompt5 prompt6 prompt7 prompt8 prompt9 prompts10 prompt11 prompt12 prompt13 prompt14
Adding OC's
Fanfiction: OrchidTheCleric
Side blogs:
Comics on Tumblr: @orchid-and-co-comics
RP blog on Tumblr: @roleplayingorchids
Mun personal blog: @mun-of-orchid-and-friends
Page 9 / Page 10 / Page 11/ Page 12 / Page 13 / Page 14 / Page 15 / Page 16 / Page 17 / Page 18 / Page 19 / Page 20 / Page 21 / Page 22 & 23 / Page 24 / Page 25 / Page 26 / Page 27 / Page 28 / Page 29 / Page 30 /Page 31 / End of 'Meet Mason'
Start 'Inner Evil' comic: Page 1 / Page 2 / Page 3 / Page 4 / Page 5 / Page 6 / Page 7 / Page 8 / Page 9 / Page 10 / Page 11 / Page 12 / Page 13 / Page 14 / Page 15 / Page 16 / page 17 / page 18 / page 19 / page 20 / Page 21 / Page 22 / Page 23 / Page 24 / Page 25 / Page 26 /Page 27 / Page 28 / (in progress)
Start 'Bun in the Oven' comic: (not started yet)
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eyesofsteelandsky · 3 years
FFxivWrite 2021 Prompt 7: Speculate
A familiar tug at Kasen’s arm was enough to know that her half-dressed wife was wanting to get a proper kiss before the roegadyn went off to another day of work, something the taller woman rarely needed much prompting to indulge in. A smile settled onto the miqo’te’s expression once she finally leans back out of the meeting of lips. “Have a good day! Me and Little Storm are off to the market in a little while, need me to get anything for you?”
The question is met with a short shake of her head and another farewell before she made her way off for the day..
The light was swiftly fading as the sea wolf made her way back home, recalling that statement that her wife had gone shopping today. Normally that meant mostly things they needed, or at least she thought they needed, but occasionally that also meant coming home with some strange new item from some oddball merchant. A few dozen bizarre possibilities race through the woman’s head as she pushes the door to their home open, finding her wife and daughter waiting for her in the hanging whicker chair. Both have brand new matching headwear that wraps all the way around and buttons under the chin. The top poofs well above the top of either’s head, with the face of a frog stitched into the fabric. The one year old was making a face and pawing away at the toad hat. It took a couple of moments for the roe’s brain to catch up to what she was seeing. “Wha-”
Cutting her wife off was Tempest holding up a single finger, then responding with a simple and flat tone.
“Baby Mode.”
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starrysky-whumpfics · 3 years
7. Nightmare Before Christmas
Whump Advent Calender
Ozzie’s head was being shoved underneath the ice cold water of a river, his head already pounding from his attacker hitting his head against the ice to break it. He tried yelling for Tyler to help him but every time he tried to scream his head was forced back under the water. He kicked his feet wildly trying to get free, squirming and screaming even underneath the water. He could sense that he was drowning, his body struggling to keep up with the shock of the frozen water and with the intake of water into his lungs. He screamed loudly while his head was pushed deeper to keep him underneath the water, gasping for breath as he opened his eyes, finding himself buried underneath pillows and blankets while Tyler shook at him.
“I’m right here, it’s okay, it was just a dream.” They assured, eyes teary against a red face, assumingely having woken from a nightmare of their own. Ozzie shot up and embraced them tightly, sobbing into their arms.
“You weren’t there…you didn’t stop it.”
“I’m here now though? It was just a dream, I’d never leave you, I’d never let anything bad happen to you, not willingly at least. I’m always going to be right beside you though.” Tyler promised.
“What about when you almost drowned and that guy was gonna take me away…?”
“I would have gotten you back, somehow. Would’ve rose from the grave if I had to. He was stupid to think he could mess with us.” Tyler ran their hand through Ozzie’s hair, up and down his back as well to soothe him. Both of them sat on the bed holding onto each other tightly.
“I love you.” Ozzie whispered quietly.
“Love you too.” Tyler responded, holding onto him tighter. Both of them laid back down on the bed, holding onto one another still, almost cradling each other in their arms.
“It’s Christmas.” Tyler said smiling. “Well we still have a couple more hours to wait for the fun stuff but it’s going to be the best day ever in the morning, I promise.”
“I know it will be…as long as I have you. And Maudie seems nice enough.” Ozzie said smiling.
“She is, she’s kind of like my awesome older sister. She’ll make your first Christmas awesome for you. Lots of baking and Christmas songs and Christmas movies. And the best part, presents. I bet that’s what she’s out doing right now is getting presents for us to open in the morning. And telling Santa that you’re going to need presents tomorrow. We have to sleep though or else he won’t come.”
Ozzie nodded quickly, laughing as they closed their eyes to go to sleep, leaning their forehead against Tyler’s. Tyler kissed the top of their forehead before closing their eyes to fall asleep as well.
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eorzean-wayfinder · 4 years
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He had the patience of the Kami. At least that’s what they all kept telling him. Kuroji really wasn’t sure. In reality he had drawn the short straw out of the other shinobi to ‘assist’ the more elderly residents of the enclave that week. 
Kuroji carried bags of flour, hung laundry, retrieved cats and other pets from strange places, dug in the mud to help plant the rice paddies, and other various things that he’d rather not think about. It was just going to be some time before he’d be cleaning cooking pots without gagging. 
The reward he got for all of his hard work was often a pat on the cheek when they could reach or his arm when they couldn’t and be told he was such a ‘nice young man.” Kuroji grumbled about it to the other shinobi but in reality, they often had a lot to teach him. He learned so much about how to plant rice, take care of chickens, baking bread, and most importantly valuing family and loved ones and finding a balance in your life for everything. 
All good lessons to take to heart with decades of experience to back them up.
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damereycreations · 4 years
Prompt #7
Art Prompt:
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Writing Prompt: 
Who is driving? Who is in the car? What is going on?!
Go forth and Create Fam <3
Don’t forget to tag #damereycreations and #prompt7
(Credit for the base art goes to @scribbled-death)
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ofloveandaether · 4 years
Prompt #7: Nonagenarian
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If it had not been for the ceaseless light of day, Alysia might have considered the violet canopy that blanketed Lakeland to be quite beautiful. There was nothing quite like it in the Source but what it lacked made it glaringly ugly. No birds sang in the trees. The winds felt warm and stagnant. Everything was constantly glaring and invasive, no sense of wonder or mystery. The hyur exhaled as she sat on the windowsill in her room at the Pendant. It was the only real sanctuary available to her. Her friends meant well with their concerns but it was hard to ignore the gravity of the predicament she faced. At least in these walls, she could be alone with her thoughts and aches. She could be vulnerable and just be Alysia; not the Warrior of Darkness.
The gruff sound of someone clearing their throat punctuated the silence. Her lips curled up in a small, cynical smile. Of course, she had forgotten that even in this place, she was never truly alone. Head turning to rest her cheek upon her shoulder, she spotted the imposing apparition lingering in the center of the room. She’d become accustomed to his presence for the most part but still to see him doned in his armor, with monstrous battleaxe strapped to his back was quite a sight to behold.
“What’s wrong? You look sad…” Ardbert bluntly stated the obvious. Alysia inhaled deeply and forced a smile that did not meet her eyes. “It’s nothing. Just a little homesick…” She replied, not feeling particularly conversational at the moment. The throbbing of the Light she had consumed was a constant discomfort in her chest; even more so since her last battle with the warden. “I miss the sea…” Ardbert slowly approached the window, keeping his usual distance from her. His arms crossed over his chest and he seemed to lean against the wall just opposite of her. “Are you afraid it will change when you return?” He asked, trying his best to provoke some sort of conversation. Not that she could blame him. When you couldn’t talk to anyone for nearly a century, there was a new novelty to idle chit-chat. Alysia ran a hand over her face and gave her head a shake.”Change is always inevitable. It’s more the uncertainty of not knowing what is happening in my realm that nags at my thoughts.” There was the war with the Garleans, Ascians, City States and the welfare of her allies to consider. The ghost murmured thoughtfully. “Some things are just beyond your control. Take it from me. I have had to endure watching everything fall apart and feel the weight of that responsibility. You do what you have to in the moment in the hopes that your actions will bring about a better tomorrow.” The red head couldn’t help but chuckle at the rather thoughtful insight of the warrior. His brow furrowed at her reaction, starting to fidget in his embarrassment. “What? What’s so funny?” “Maybe I’m wrong.” She admitted, looking at her companion with a certain fondness. “Maybe not everything is subject to change. A hundred years and you have every reason to be skeptical and pessimistic about the state of your world.” WIthout thinking, she reached out to touch the man but when her fingers phased right through his arm, she withdrew quickly and looked ashamed in her thoughtlessness. Ardbert looked equally as frustrated, though not for anything she had done but his own disappointment for his current circumstances. “What I mean to say is that, after everything you’ve endured. All the salacious rumors and falsehoods, you’ve never given up. Even in death, you still are here trying to help me better the world. A hundred years and you are still as much a hero as you were then.” Alysia continued with genuine appreciation. If a ghost could blush, Ardbert likely would at her compliment. He looked down at the slender woman before him and scoffed loudly. A hand brushed the back of his head and he seemed unable to look her in the eyes. In him, Alysia saw herself, a kindred spirit of sorts. If her deeds and actions could someday measure up to his own, she might finally feel accomplished. For now though, there was much to consider and at least her words would garner her a few moments of quiet before the ghost finally managed to compose himself.
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myhusbandsasemni · 5 years
Kiera hadn’t seen anyone for days. She was isolated, alone, far away from anyone that loved her. The worst part of it was that this was self imposed. Kiera had decided that she would rather be alone than let her friends get hurt. A villain had told her that they would hurt Laurance, Rin, and Anisha if she hadn’t given herself up. She had given herself up in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep. She didn’t want anyone to stop her.
Kiera curled up in the darkness and tried to ignore her swirling thoughts. She almost wished she had told someone. She could see Anisha crying in her head. Rin would feel alone and would think that it was all his fault. He always thought it was his fault. Laurance would probably try to take the blame too. He was the one who was always supposed to be awake. Laurance would try to  comfort Anisha and Rin would hide in his room, wondering where he went wrong.
Kiera felt tears well up behind her eyeballs. She wanted to protect them, but all she did was hurt them more in ways that didn’t heal.
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sunaokami · 5 years
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I found that there is a prompt for this years Junicorn challenge, and decided to try a few. Did not thought the darn thing would take more then 2 hours to make. Oh well, doesn't matter, had fun :D #junicorn2019 #prompt7 #seahorse #junicorn #underwater #fantasyart #traditionalart #sunaokamiart #watercolor #ink #fabercastell #glassinkpen #unipin #orange #yellow #blue https://www.instagram.com/p/BybGnULCiek/?igshid=1mm4090sv4ip9
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luminarypuppet · 6 years
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Prompt #7
Somewhat rushed, I know it's horrible but take this shit-
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vattenlilja · 2 years
Bloganuary 2022 prompt for January  7, 2022: What makes you laugh? Well not exactly a laugh but happiness. My son once remarked when seeing me busy with photographing thnings that it seemed that I was immersed in the experience of taking photos. And when I find a good photo in my stash either a newly taken or one that has been taken a while ago I feel content. So I looked into my digital shoebox…
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Prompt #7
I gasped, pulling my hand away. "Did you... feel that too?"
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