teamwynn · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Noble Dead Saga - Barb and J.C. Hendee Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Magiere/Leesil Characters: Magiere, Leesil Additional Tags: Explicit Consent, Trans Magiere, she’s nb she just hasn’t figured it out yet, may be some form of asexual as well, i haven’t solidified my headcanons quite yet, consent talk Summary:
Consent is sexy, but those conversations aren’t always the easiest.
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teamwynn · 5 years
transientpokemonmaster replied to your post “Omfg I'm so glad this blog exists! I have never actually met anyone...”
Just the cursory scroll I did alone left me nervous after I saw NV references everywhere. I quickly backed the fuck out lol
Oh yeah, look out for spoilers! I should have everything tagged but that doesn’t do a lot of good if you’re looking at my blog outside of the safety of your dash.
Good luck on the reading and congrats to you and your wife on the baby!
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teamwynn · 5 years
Omfg I'm so glad this blog exists! I have never actually met anyone who has read these books! I was reading them when they first came out and made it to Dog in the Dark before I had to sell them for moving expenses (worst day of my life) but I've finally got them back ❤ I love this series with my whole being and recommend it to literally everyone who asks for a book rec 😭 THANK YOU FOR BEING REAL!
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It’s so sad that every time I meet someone who reads Noble Dead, they always tell me that they’ve never met anyone else who reads them. But I’m glad you got your books back!
Also, I’m sorry for never updating this blog anymore. I am trying to put some fics together, but grad school eats up a lot of my time and I’ve still got half a year before I graduate. But until that happens, I hope you enjoy the stuff I’ve already posted!
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teamwynn · 6 years
me about a horrible character: i love him he is my son
someone: i know he didn’t do anything wrong he was jus-
me: no he’s a fucking piece of shit that did everything wrong don’t do that
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teamwynn · 6 years
I've survived a hell of a week this week, so I'm rewarding myself with some time to write some of that good, good fanfic.
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teamwynn · 6 years
I’d privately held this position for a while now, but it’s time for me to share my opinion that the Twitter account NOT A WOLF reads like a modern AU Chane Andraso’s inner monologues. Behold some choice samplings:
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And so on and so forth...
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teamwynn · 6 years
valentines day is cancelled. happy vampires day everyone
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teamwynn · 6 years
I want to be clear, too, that “predictable ending” isn’t as a big of a criticism toward a romance book that it would be toward a traditional fantasy. A part of me was actually half expecting for the ending to try to do a twist that would break the pre-established rules of the book’s concept, and that would have been much worse. And the assumption with romance is pretty much that you know how it’s going to end going into it, but the journey toward that ending is the important part.
It’s more that the premise sets it up like, “Here are 3 different timelines played out one at a time, pick one” and before even knowing the situation or the characters it’s like... you know which one she’s gonna pick. Just... numerically, you know. But apparently Hendee is slated to release 4 of these books (!!!) this year, so maybe later volumes will get a little more ball-in-cup-game with the formula.
Oh, and I read Barb Hendee’s new book? Through a Dark Glass. It was pretty fun–not Noble-Dead related and only marginally fantasy, but an entertaining and quick read (I think it took me like 3 hours total). The world-building is pretty bare bones and the ending is predictable, but the concept is interesting and one of the main characters is a Big Gay Disaster, so obvs he was my favorite.
I think it’s ebook only, but it’s only about $4 and worth a read for anyone who’s into feudal romance. And the second one comes out next month.
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teamwynn · 6 years
Oh, and I read Barb Hendee’s new book? Through a Dark Glass. It was pretty fun--not Noble-Dead related and only marginally fantasy, but an entertaining and quick read (I think it took me like 3 hours total). The world-building is pretty bare bones and the ending is predictable, but the concept is interesting and one of the main characters is a Big Gay Disaster, so obvs he was my favorite.
I think it’s ebook only, but it’s only about $4 and worth a read for anyone who’s into feudal romance. And the second one comes out next month.
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teamwynn · 6 years
Reading Day 2018 Reflection
I was working some more on my fic today and recalled that I didn’t really do a write-up on my new Reading Day formula.
So, as I mentioned before, it isn’t so much a “reading” day anymore because I spent the whole day writing fanfic instead. As I may have also mentioned, I haven’t really ever done fanfic (at least not in the traditional sense), so it’s always been a struggle for me to get out of my Original Fiction(tm) mindset to even get started on a fanfic project.
However, I did a pretty good job of it. I first had to put together an outline for at least the first few scenes I wanted to write (I so far have not gotten through that partial outline yet) and, as I mentioned on Reading Day, a goddamn style guide to keep track of all the weird fantasy conlang. A good portion of the day was also taken up by research, and I even skipped one scene I couldn’t remember certain canon details and wanted to look them up. (I haven’t gotten around to that yet, lol.) I didn’t get quite as much actual writing done as a result, and I ended up skipping my usual trip to the bookstore because I had a migraine and no specific book to go get, but overall I think the whole endeavor was pretty successful.
So I guess that’s what my Reading Days will look like until there’s ever a point where official Noble Dead-universe content returns. In the meantime, I guess I’ll just make my own.
As for posting what I’ve written, I’m waiting for an invitation to AO3, which should be coming sometime this month. Still, I can’t guarantee when or how much I will post, but I’m still set on my goal to publish some of this fic sometimes this year.
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teamwynn · 6 years
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teamwynn · 6 years
“Bäalâle Seatt”, are you KIDDING ME, it took me 7 minutes to look up how to spell that and then type it into my computer.
I’m quite honestly angry over ND’s bullshit fantasy words now because I am having to put together a spelling key and fucking style guide to keep track of where all the superfluous accent marks go on everything.
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teamwynn · 6 years
I’m quite honestly angry over ND’s bullshit fantasy words now because I am having to put together a spelling key and fucking style guide to keep track of where all the superfluous accent marks go on everything.
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teamwynn · 6 years
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I’m trying to keep the tone of the original series intact, but at the same time I’m not making any effort to keep my own writing voice out of it, so.
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teamwynn · 6 years
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Remember when this series was about vampires (plural)?
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teamwynn · 6 years
Reading Day 2018
~And a Happy New Year~.
So, this year’s Reading Day is in a bit of a strange place because, uhhhh... there’s no books set in the Noble Dead universe coming out this year. (Maybe ever again? Who knows!) But that kind of messes with my yearly tradition of making nikujaga the day before a Noble Dead book drops so I can eat the leftovers while I marathon 400-something pages of vampire nonsense. But like heck I’m gonna not eat my weight in nikujaga while I do Noble Dead-related stuff on the first Tuesday of January, so here’s the workaround I’ve come up with for this and every future year that does not feature any new Noble Dead-universe content:
I’m gonna spend the whole day writing fanfiction.
Yup, after dragging my feet about it for *mumble mumble* years, I’m gonna finally set aside some time to start writing some Noble Dead fanfiction. My hope is that once I get started I’ll have the drive to keep going with it throughout the year, but at the very least, this gives me one solid day per year to chip away at it.
Of course, I’m a perfectionist and it will probably take a couple rounds of editing anything I crank out before I post it, and I have other writing obligations that will take priority on any non-Reading Day day, so don’t expect this blog to suddenly become a content mill or anything. But my goal for this year is to get at least one entry for Noble Dead listed on AO3, and of course I’ll update here if/when anything gets posted.
My primary goal is to do a fixfic for, well, the whole last book, which is going to take me a damn long time if I ever hope to get through the whole thing, but I’m also open to shorter pieces. For today (while I wait for my nikujaga to cook) I’m trying to get inspired and will hopefully be able to throw together at least a loose outline of what I want to cover when I’m writing tomorrow.
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teamwynn · 6 years
silverspleen replied to your post “make that fandom 7 people bc i just found this side of tumblr and im...”
HECK YEAH NTD FANDOM WHOOO! Maybe someday we'll have enough people for one of those big tables at restaurants.
*dramatically flings open the door of the Old Spaghetti Factory* Yes, hello humble waitstaff, I would like a table for my ENTIRE FANDOM. We have outgrown our regular booth.
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