This little ‘zu’ is strange enough in German, considering all the other things. I’ll summarise my current understanding of it.
‘Zu’ refers to ‘towards’ or ‘close’. That is usually the context. It can be with respect to a destination or sometimes with an objective in hand.
It is a dative preposition. And so, it gets the “dem-dem-der-den” articles in front. 
Ich will zu Hause Entspannen. Mein Bruder mit seine Partnerin zum Café gehen. Wir gehen zum Kiosk an.
Now, a few zu- verbs that appear frequently - 
zubringen - to spend (time) zubilligen - to allow zufahren - to drive (towards) zugeben - to admit/confess zunehmen - to gain weight zuhören - to listen to zumachen - to close  zukommen - to approach zugreiben - to hold (with a grip)
I will add and change whatever and whenever I learn something new/find my present understand is wrong.
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Sich regen bringt Segen.
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"Die ganzen Zahlen hat der liebe Gott gemacht, alles andere ist Menschenwerk"
- Leopold Kronecker
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In other news, Lego is the coolest.
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I lack self-love and this is the only place I can think of of beginning with. I need to look at my self and just stare continuously. I want that kind of clothes and accessories and everything. If only I could make it possible. 
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I wish to be aesthetically pleasing to my self. I want to look at myself and be like “damn, dude”. And not look away for like 2 minutes and just be in total awe. I. WANT. THAT.
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Hundred Verbs for German Beginners / Hundert Verben für Deutsche Anfänger
1. sein to be 2. haben to have 3. werden to become 4. können can, to be able to 5. müssen must, to have to 6. sagen to say 7. machen to do, make 8. geben to give 9. kommen to come 10. sollen should, ought to 11. wollen to want 12. gehen to go 13. wissen to know 14. sehen to see 15. lassen to let, allow, have done 16. stehen to stand 17. finden to find 18. bleiben to stay, remain 19. liegen to lie, be lying 20. heißen to be called 21. denken to think 22. nehmen to take 23. tun to do 24. dürfen may, to be allowed 25. glauben to believe 26. halten to stop, hold 27. nennen to name, to call (a name) 28. mögen to like 29. zeigen to show 30. führen to lead 31. sprechen to speak 32. bringen to bring, take 33. leben to live 34. fahren to drive, ride, go 35. meinen to think, have an opinion 36. fragen to ask 37. kennen to know 38. gelten to be valid 39. stellen to place, set 40. spielen to play 41. arbeiten to work 42. brauchen to need 43. folgen to follow 44. lernen to learn 45. bestehen to exist, insist, pass (an exam) 46. verstehen to understand 47. setzen to set, put, place 48. bekommen to get, receive 49. beginnen to begin 50. erzählen to narrate, tell 51. versuchen to try, attempt 52. schreiben to write 53. laufen, to run 54. erklären to explain 55. entsprechen to correspond 56. sitzen to sit 57. ziehen to pull, move 58. scheinen to shine, seem, appear 59. fallen to fall 60. gehören to belong 61. entstehen to originate, develop 62. erhalten to receive 63. treffen to meet 64. suchen to search, look for 65. legen to lay, put 66. vor·stellen to introduce, imagine 67. handeln to deal, trade 68. erreichen to achieve, reach 69. tragen to carry, wear 70. schaffen to manage, create 71. lesen to read 72. verlieren to lose 73. dar·stellen to depict, portray 74. erkennen to recognize, admit 75. entwickeln to develop 76. reden to talk 77. aus·sehen to appear, look (a certain way) 78. erscheinen to appear 79. bilden to form, educate 80. an·fangen to begin 81. erwarten to expect 82. wohnen to live 83. betreffen to affect, concern 84. warten to wait 85. vergehen to elapse; to decay 86. helfen to help 87. gewinnen to win 88. schließen to close 89. fühlen to feel 90. bieten to offer 91. interessierento interest 92. erinnern to remember 93. ergeben to result in 94. an·bieten to offer 95. studieren to study 96. verbinden to connect, link 97. an·sehen to look at, watch 98. fehlen to lack, be missing, be absent 99. bedeuten to mean 100. vergleichen to compare
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A little dog barked at me when I tried to come closer. It looked really really regal. Now I learned it was a Dachshund and I am really proud of getting the attention of such nobility. Such a cool word. Der Dackelblick. I’m going to use this more often.
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Favorite German Words
Der Dackelblick = literally „Dachshund glance“, as in puppy eyes.
A sort of sad, innocent, often resigned look given by an animal or a human who either wants something from you, wants to manipulate you emotionally, wants forgiveness for making a mess of things, or just wants you to be quiet and be nice to them instead of making a fuss. Sort of submissive.
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in german we don’t say “i wanna go apeshit”, we say “ich werd gleich fuchsteufelswild” which mean i’m gonna go fox devil wild, and I think that’s feral as fuck
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Hallo Welt!
Let’s try this again. I wish to use this community to strengthen my German language skills. I shall read one small book a day and hope to get where I should be. I will, I am confident one. Ich hoffe.
I will start a langblr soon enough.
Heute bin ich ein wenig müde. Ich bin um 5 Uhr aufgewacht. Ich schlafe heutzutage weniger. Gestern war ich besser. Ich war frischer. Ah, sowieso. Ich will ,,das schnelle Glück’’ lesen. Und auch, ich werde heute Kapitel eins von Netzwerk machen. Das ist alles. Ich hoffe es gelingt mir.
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Ich bin ein Student. Ich bin einsundzwanzig Jahre alt. Ich studie Deutsch. Ich möchte - Fachmann - Deutsch. 
Here we go. I will update every day on what I learn. I began my A2 course last week. I wish to go on and on and master this language. That is one of my goals for now. I want this to be a strong foundation to stay in the back of my mind. I don’t desire to use this blog for anything other than this but then, I am an INTP, a very changeable one at that. 
My German is a bit sluggish and I only know bits and parts of my A1 course because of me not being so cooperative and faithful to my goals. I wish to remedy that and go beyond.
Let’s begin this journey of building Rome each day, one step at a time.
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