technstein · 6 years
It’s terrible, it’s terrible. I know, I know. But Damnit, Ari Shaffir is so freakin funny.  Could not stop laughing at, “.... Nobody hears that and goes ‘Ooh, Ice Cream Truck”...  Actually, still laughing, barely controlling myself... as i.... write this... ROFL-snort
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technstein · 6 years
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technstein · 6 years
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32K notes · View notes
technstein · 6 years
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technstein · 6 years
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take the compliment!!!
check out my book kickstarter! 
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technstein · 6 years
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technstein · 6 years
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technstein · 6 years
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Can't stand this kind of BS. Every time I try to sell a car or really anything of value... Scam Spam. It must work on some people, else why would they continue to do it
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technstein · 6 years
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Just gonna leave this here because I’ve been getting a shit ton of hate recently for being plus size all of a sudden🤷🏻‍♀️🙄
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technstein · 6 years
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This ^^
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technstein · 6 years
Uphill Battle
Fat is not a dirty word No more can be said of him or her It is yet just another term Vindictively appeal, curb
We avoid the topic on and off With other terms that seem to stop Us from our feelings, that we drop Like Chubby, Thick or Heavy, Top
Bellies, arms, and legs they slap Against not only body fat Butts, thighs and legs; they give us crap No one should have taken that
Give me hell or give me peace I cannot sleep without release They never stop, they never cease This torment of the hate police
My mind is set against the foe I’ll never let my feelings show But rise above the dumb and slow My inner good they’ll never know
Work forever, living last Hurdles overcome and past Both inner demons and the crass Screw ’em they can kiss my ass
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technstein · 6 years
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technstein · 6 years
I've yet to weigh-in on the troubling struggle of minorities in the US, but after watching this man's report of his illicit detainment, I can agree that it is in dire need of reform.  There are people who wield enforcement power, who are making poor judgement calls and assumptions based on race and it needs to stop. We are not savages.  We can think We can discern rightly
Prejudice is blindness Racism is deliberate ignorance https://youtu.be/se4aXahuGrw
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technstein · 6 years
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technstein · 6 years
Don't forget...
You didn’t trick anyone into being your friend or liking you. Your personality and good heart got you the wonderful people in your life. You deserve that love.
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technstein · 6 years
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Please Support Samantha MacCallum.  Her new blog Curves on a Dime is for plus size women on a budget.  Blog: https://www.instagram.com/curvesonadime/ Support: https://www.patreon.com/Curvesonadime/
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technstein · 6 years
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Bob Ross gets it.
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