teenagerdepressedx · 2 years
Reasons I want to lose weight:
1. I want to be more attractive and have more friends and maybe a romantic partner.
2. I hate my body, I have always been insecure about my body my whole life.
3. It has been my goal for 4 years straight and I failed all times
4. I want more energy and better body control during dance and exercise
5. It would show how hard I work If I actually lost weight
6. It would make my life and me feel better.
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teenagerdepressedx · 2 years
Diet rules:
White flower,Added sugar, Too much oil, Starchy food, Candies, Meat except fish, Drinks other than water
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teenagerdepressedx · 2 years
Weight stats-
Current weight: 144
Goal weight: 140
End of the year goal weight:130
Ultimate goal weight:100
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teenagerdepressedx · 2 years
Hello it's the start of my weightloss journey.
I suffer from an ED wich has caused me to gain weight and I am trying to lose 40 pounds.
I want to do it healthy and I will be documenting my journey I will try to update everyday or week.💛
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