teenagesecretdiary · 1 month
Checkmate: Chapter 2 - Lorelei Caddel
I must have yawned a thousand times during the meeting. Mother glared at me with a look that ordered me to shut my mouth. I sighed and refrained from rolling my eyes, it would be incredibly disrespectful to do such at a council meeting. Not that I was part of said council, but Mother felt that a sophisticated Baroness knew everything that was happening in the Empire. I doubted I needed to know of a Baron’s acquiring of new land, or a new battalion added to the army.
If I had had any say in how my days would pass, I would be helping the villagers, or singing with the bard. Instead, I found myself strapped into a tight corset, under hundreds of layers of petticoats, and falling asleep to one of the Baron’s monotone voices.
I pulled myself to sit up straight and lift my chin a little bit more. I organized my face to be somewhat interested and pretty. A pretty face never hurt anyone, Mother said.
The meeting seemed to go on for hours. Emperor Elio called up yet another Baron to the stand, one after another. Each talked about the land he owned, mostly that it existed. Sometimes there was the occasional report of a new sheep or horse. Nothing that ever interested me.
Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, Emperor Elio dismissed the Barons and his council. Mother freed me from my boredom and I sprinted as fast as I could in my corset. I ran down the corridors to turn to my quarters. I threw the door open and fell onto my cushy bed. From a corner of my room, I heard a soft “Ma’am?” I sat up and looked in the direction of the sound.
The maid looked slightly startled, but she had seen me escape from meetings before. “Hello Aubry,” I sighed. “Are you all right Miss. Lorelei?” Aubry asked, worried. Aubry was a kind woman who was doomed to live a life within the palace due to her family’s need for support. Only the royal family could provide that.
I stood from my bed and walked to sit in front of my vanity. “Yes, thank you. I’ve just come from a meeting.” I didn’t restrain myself from eye-rolling now. I started plucking hair pins out of my light brown hair and felt the relief on my scalp. “Oh dear,” Aubry chuckled. The maid must’ve been old enough to be a mother, although I knew she couldn’t support children. “Shall I pull a different dress for you, miss?” Aubry asked. “Yes, please!” I replied Aubry knew exactly what happened following the events of a meeting for me.
Aubry helped me break free from my corsets and petticoats and in turn, I wore a simple red dress, the color of the Schwar Empire. Aubry brushed out my hair whilst I wrote down everything I remembered from the meeting. I recounted what had happened to Aubry, who listened quietly.
When I looked up from my notebook, I could see my face in the mirror. I saw pale blue eyes staring back at me. Light copper hair fell straight down my back. I supposed I was somewhat pretty, button nose, full lips, and big eyes. I had the pale skin that most people in Central Schwar did, as well as the light hair and eyes. I liked that, it made me feel more like the people of my Empire. But I didn’t have the high, regal cheekbones that Empress Reagan did, long eyelashes that Mother did, or Aubry’s charming dimples. But I was attractive enough to court a Baron and uphold my family’s legacy.
I shook out my hair and stood. “Thank you, Aubry.” I said to the maid, “I don’t know whatever I would do without you!”
“Oh, I’m sure you would fall apart, ma’am.” Aubry joked. I giggled as well, then walked from my quarters.
The Citadel was a gorgeous place. It was built on a tall island with a view of the mainland and the beautiful ocean. It was the core of everything that held the Schwar Empire together, as anyone of importance lived here. Of course, there were smaller builds known as towers around the Empire. But of course, it was ever-expanding as our ambitious rulers conquered more and more land into our Empire, bringing peace and unity to the continent.
Some might refer to Schwar as brutal, but I believed in my ruler’s dream of peace.
It felt hard to believe in the wars that surrounded our empire in the Citadel. Water from the ocean reflected onto the grey walls, casting color across the spectacular home. Schwar was the most powerful and safe power around, but the central lands, the original ones, were the most gorgeous.
“Miss Lorelei!” Someone called from behind me. I blinked and turned. I saw dark blue eyes shining at me and caught the infectious smile he sent my way. I sank into a bow, lowering my head respectfully. “Your majesty,” I murmured, hiding a smile.
“Oh, please stand, Lorelei,” Grayson said, sounding exasperated. I giggled as I stood to my feet. “I only mean to follow the rules!” I joked and brushed the edges of my dress. Grayson rolled his eyes and ran a finger through his blonde locks. “Please, I’ve known you ever since you arrived at the palace.”
“But you’re the Prince!” I insisted. “Exactly, and I hereby order you to stop bowing to me in personal meetings,” Grayson said, putting on a haughty expression that matched his father’s. I grinned. “As you wish,” I replied. “Well, pray tell, what did you call for me?” I inquired. Grayson shrugged “I saw you and want to check on you.” He said simply. “Truly?” I asked, not sure how believable the Prince’s statement was.
“You have my word as a Prince,” Grayson promised with sarcastic solemnity. He walked in the direction I had been headed before, I followed, only slightly behind him in the names of appearances. “So, I am soon to turn twenty years old. And you will be nineteen in a couple of months, yes?” Grayson asked me. I nodded, “Yes, I will.” Grayson hesitated for a moment. “I know you’re still young, but most nobles are wed by twenty-four and are courted by twenty. You will be having to deal with those things soon enough. And I, as a prince, am expected to be in a steady relationship by twenty, at least by my father.” Grayson explained.
“Hmm… I suppose so. But I don’t intend to put much thought into the prospect until I’ve secured myself in the hierarchy.” I sighed. It was the truth, so far, I had no intention of being romantically swayed.
“I see.” Grayson nodded. We dropped into silence for a moment, walking along the perimeter of the Citadel. After a moment my friend ventured “Perhaps a stable marriage could anchor you in society.”. I thought about that for a moment. “Perhaps, but it would have to be someone of significant status. A Cavalier, or a General. Maybe a Baron of high standard.” I mused. “One day, I’d love to live in a small castle, on an island in the middle of a lake.” I sighed.
“With a fancy bridge?”
“What if you stayed in the Citadel?” Grayson asked. I shrugged, “It’s beautiful and has been my home for almost as long as my memory serves.”
“If you were Princess Consort, you would have to stay in the Citadel, your status would be secured, and you could take part in the affairs of the Empire.” Grayson offered.
I looked up at him, dubious. “If I were Princess Consort, I’d have to marry you.” Grayson grinned. “Would that be so awful? My parents are trying to sell me off to a foreign Princess. But I’m sure they could settle for a respectable Baroness from a good family. Besides, I’d rather spend the rest of my life married to my best friend, instead of a random monarch. It is much better than you have hoped for, but that’s the beauty of it.” Grayson smirked. Then he left, sauntering down the hall.
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teenagesecretdiary · 1 month
My prespective
Hello there!
Hi! My name is Katy. I am a thirteen year old teenager. The other night, I was crying on my bed with a imaginary conversation circulating through my brain. My parents were furious with me. Every time they request something of me, my answer is almost always 'Okay'! I try to do everything they ask of me and be the perfect daughter.
That night, I asked my mom "What else do you need me to do?" as I knew if I didn't she would be mad at me. She told me "Look around and figure it out yourself." I was a bit frustrated as I was trying to help her but I didn't know how.
But I cleaned the table quickly and ran upstairs to shower. When I came back downstairs, my mom started to lecture me. She said I was selfish, as she could list off things I didn't do. Honestly, I couldn't hear half the things she said, I've heard it so many times. I was crying, which annoyed my mom. "Why are you crying? What do you have to cry about? Huh? You're being a selfish brat." She yelled. In my head I could barely register what she was saying.
I looked past her and thought, "Out of all the problems you could be mad about, it's that I did what you told me to do?" She wanted more from me. She wants me to do everything perfectly. Everything.
My dad came down eventually to join the conversation. He said "Why do you not want to help the family?" I shugged and mumbled "I dunno." I know if I told him the truth, he wouldn't hear one word of it. If I told him I tried, he would tell me I was ungrateful and change the course of the conversation. "Say you're selfish. Say it." He told me. I repeated the lines to him like a robot. "See, you said it yourself." He said.
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