Send in your confessions! :)
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so was this blog just created to suck the collective dick of like 3 fanfiction writers? cuz thats the vibe im getting here.
I was originally going to ignore this and delete it, but I decided to answer it instead, partly because I think I know who sent it in.
This blog was created after we scrolled through tumblr and saw that every other post on our dash was hate - hate towards authors, towards their hard work, towards their original characters and towards characters of the show. It was created after we saw extremely talented people doubting themselves and their work because of a few rude, nasty anonymous comments.
People can send in confessions about ANY writer or ANY story, so long as they follow our rules, and we’ll publish all of them. We’ve only been open for two days, and we’ve only had a few confessions sent in. We don’t have a lot of followers, give us time to get ourselves out there and I’m sure we’ll have confessions about other writers, too.
This was created to give something back to the fanfiction community that we’ve grown to love, to give something back to the authors who’ve provided us with endless hours of entertainment by creating these wonderful stories and giving us a whole new world to escape to. 
It is neither the fault of us as owners, nor the fault of the authors who’ve been mentioned, that the confessions only mention a few people. It’s the readers that send them in.
An author could have thousands upon thousands of positive reviews but once you get that one horrible one, that one message that is so full of hate it makes you doubt your abilities as a writer, none of the positive comments matters. The negative is all you can focus on and we don’t want that.
We don’t want these writers - any writers - to stop doing what they love because of a few nasty people who need to learn some manners.
We created this blog to spread some love, to show authors that we do appreciate their hard work and the amount of time they put in to their stories and their characters. We created it because we wanted to make people happy.
Making people feel happy, making them feel good about themselves and their writing, is a wonderful feeling. We’re beyond happy that we’re able to provide this to them.
Perhaps you should try it sometime, and then maybe you won’t feel the need to send messages like these. If you don't want to see the confessions, don't follow the blog. Don't check the blog. Blacklist the URL. It's that simple.
Alternatively, if you want to see more variety, then send us a confession yourself :)
Any more messages like this will be ignored and deleted.
Thank you.
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The ask box is currently empty!
Feel free to send in anymore confessions and remember to read our rules! :)
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Over the last couple of week we've seen an awful lot of hate/negativity aimed at people who take time out of their lives to write and amazing fanfics and share them with us.
We've created this blog as an outlet for people to come and share their thoughts about Teen Wolf fanfiction.
We will not publish any hateful confessions.
If you'd like to confess, make sure you read our rules! 
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