telemancer-blog · 10 years
"Ahh.. Well.. Alright, then. Hm."
>He glances around, trying to work out what exactly to do. Unknown place, unknown.. everything. This isn't exactly a situation he's stumbled upon recently. At least, not for a few years..
Memories of sorrow.
» Ah yes, someone touched him without warning and this is what they receive in this fragile state of him- a glimpse of the past.
» To the stranger it was like a video, but they were inside only to watch unseen and unnoticed. There was a small troll, being smacked and punched until he fell to the ground. Everything want black for a second until they went into a dim lit room, the unconscious male being chained to a wall by a collar. He opened his eyes, to see the seadweller. As said, the person who touched him could only watch his face twist in fear as he heard the words ‘No one wvill ewver see you again.’ Come from the larger troll, a low whimper leaving him. That was when he started to use him.
» Now back to reality, Kankri twitched and looked at who touched him, stepping back.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
"Plane. Plane of existence. Different realities and all that, connected by the Blind Eternities. Most of them have names, to my knowledge. Unless I've stumbled upon one that.. doesn't?"
>He raises a brow slightly. This is a rather odd predicament.
Memories of sorrow.
» Ah yes, someone touched him without warning and this is what they receive in this fragile state of him- a glimpse of the past.
» To the stranger it was like a video, but they were inside only to watch unseen and unnoticed. There was a small troll, being smacked and punched until he fell to the ground. Everything want black for a second until they went into a dim lit room, the unconscious male being chained to a wall by a collar. He opened his eyes, to see the seadweller. As said, the person who touched him could only watch his face twist in fear as he heard the words ‘No one wvill ewver see you again.’ Come from the larger troll, a low whimper leaving him. That was when he started to use him.
» Now back to reality, Kankri twitched and looked at who touched him, stepping back.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
» The male- having wore a little dress that was a bit fluffy and his hair being brushed down with a clip, stockings on his legs, shifted slightly moving his bangs.
"My name’s Kankri.. uh, you’re. I’m, honestly not sure, my minds a bit foggy right now.."
» Maybe because the thing that happened
>Jace was wearing the usual, rather complex outfit that he normally wore, cape and all. It all came in pretty handy for planeswalking, after all. Which is how he'd gotten here in the first place.
"..Do you know which plane we're in?"
Memories of sorrow.
» Ah yes, someone touched him without warning and this is what they receive in this fragile state of him- a glimpse of the past.
» To the stranger it was like a video, but they were inside only to watch unseen and unnoticed. There was a small troll, being smacked and punched until he fell to the ground. Everything want black for a second until they went into a dim lit room, the unconscious male being chained to a wall by a collar. He opened his eyes, to see the seadweller. As said, the person who touched him could only watch his face twist in fear as he heard the words ‘No one wvill ewver see you again.’ Come from the larger troll, a low whimper leaving him. That was when he started to use him.
» Now back to reality, Kankri twitched and looked at who touched him, stepping back.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
» The only reason he wasn’t agreeing was the state he was in- tired confused and paranoid. Usually what happens. Especially with that mini flashback after his larger one that happened earlier.
"Yes..I’m sure. I just, don’t want to completely forget. Otherwise I’d be reduced to fear and no anger. If that makes any sense."
"It does make sense, and I do understand."
>He nods a bit, rubbing at one of the blue marks on his cheek.
"—Ah. My apologies, how rude, I forgot to even introduce myself. I go by Jace, and. My reason for approaching you. Can you tell me where I am, perchance-?"
Memories of sorrow.
» Ah yes, someone touched him without warning and this is what they receive in this fragile state of him- a glimpse of the past.
» To the stranger it was like a video, but they were inside only to watch unseen and unnoticed. There was a small troll, being smacked and punched until he fell to the ground. Everything want black for a second until they went into a dim lit room, the unconscious male being chained to a wall by a collar. He opened his eyes, to see the seadweller. As said, the person who touched him could only watch his face twist in fear as he heard the words ‘No one wvill ewver see you again.’ Come from the larger troll, a low whimper leaving him. That was when he started to use him.
» Now back to reality, Kankri twitched and looked at who touched him, stepping back.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
>Odd. Most people would jump at the chance to rid themselves of bad memories. Jace himself being no exception--at one point, anyway.
"Are you quite certain? It wouldn't be of any inconvenience. Workings of the mind happen to be my specialty. ..But. I do suppose painful memories help one to grow."
Memories of sorrow.
» Ah yes, someone touched him without warning and this is what they receive in this fragile state of him- a glimpse of the past.
» To the stranger it was like a video, but they were inside only to watch unseen and unnoticed. There was a small troll, being smacked and punched until he fell to the ground. Everything want black for a second until they went into a dim lit room, the unconscious male being chained to a wall by a collar. He opened his eyes, to see the seadweller. As said, the person who touched him could only watch his face twist in fear as he heard the words ‘No one wvill ewver see you again.’ Come from the larger troll, a low whimper leaving him. That was when he started to use him.
» Now back to reality, Kankri twitched and looked at who touched him, stepping back.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
>For memories to pass through Jace's carefully constructed mind barrier was a rare occurrence. The sudden flash of memories came as a slight surprise, but the telemancer didn't exactly seem phased by it. For this person's sake, he quickly withdraws his hand, bowing his head in something of an apology. Perhaps his powers had slipped for a moment? That may be a logical explanation, had Jace not been so adept in these matters. ..Nonetheless.
"My sincerest apologies. It was not my intention to, ah.. bring forth such an emotional memory. Nor any memory for that matter. I must be a little frazzled."
>Another slight dip of his head.
"I could take it away if remembering hurts you. As a more formal apology."
Memories of sorrow.
» Ah yes, someone touched him without warning and this is what they receive in this fragile state of him- a glimpse of the past.
» To the stranger it was like a video, but they were inside only to watch unseen and unnoticed. There was a small troll, being smacked and punched until he fell to the ground. Everything want black for a second until they went into a dim lit room, the unconscious male being chained to a wall by a collar. He opened his eyes, to see the seadweller. As said, the person who touched him could only watch his face twist in fear as he heard the words ‘No one wvill ewver see you again.’ Come from the larger troll, a low whimper leaving him. That was when he started to use him.
» Now back to reality, Kankri twitched and looked at who touched him, stepping back.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
Upon touching my muse, your muse is suddenly thrown into one of my muse's tragic and painful memories. Send "Memories of Sorrow" to see a painful and tragic memory from my muse's past.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
Thank you for following, I suppose. Or perhaps the followback? I'm not too familiar with this hub's terminology just yet.
You may call me Jace. If you don't mind, could I get your species and perhaps some identifiers?
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
Munday fun
Send me “Mun play” and I will play as myself for a thread with your muse.  Or send me “Play mun” and I will play as my muse, interaction with you for a thread. 
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
Ah. Is that a universal term, “quirk”? And yes, thank you. That makes a bit more sense than before.
..I can't say I've heard of an Alternian Troll before. Would you care to elaborate a little bit? What plane are you from?
If you say so, miss.
My age has very, very little to do with who I am.
Hell9. H9pe y9u d9n’t get c9nfused 6y my quirk.
Y9u’re welc9me, dear. I’m Sim9n Serafine— just call me Sim9n, 9kay? I’m a tr9ll, 11 sweeps 9ld and I g9t alch9h9l p9is9ning. Hi.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
..Quirk? I'm. Afraid I don't quite understand what you mean by that. Nor what you mean by "sweep."
And. What kind of troll, if you don't mind my asking? I've run across quite a few different types in my travels, but.. I do not believe any have had the fine motor skill nor small enough fingers to actually type. (Alcohol poisoning is not good. You should probably get that checked out.)
You can call me Jace, by the way. Human, 19 years.
Hell9. H9pe y9u d9n’t get c9nfused 6y my quirk.
Y9u’re welc9me, dear. I’m Sim9n Serafine— just call me Sim9n, 9kay? I’m a tr9ll, 11 sweeps 9ld and I g9t alch9h9l p9is9ning. Hi.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
Er. That was fast. I'm a little unprepared for this, actually- My apologies.
I believe I should thank you for following me and perhaps ask for identifiers? Species, name, that kind of thing.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
[[ Please reblog if you're willing to roleplay with a Magic: The Gathering muse!! Looking for people to follow and such. ]]
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
So. This is certainly an interesting concept. An interplanar hub. Could prove to be useful, in some way or another.
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
Tumblr media
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telemancer-blog · 10 years
[[ Throwing a test post out there. Hello, world. ]]
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