tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
Why do you always wear thigh boots? Don't they constrict your leg movement?
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   “It’s not like I’m always on the go for me to care about that; I’m used to it. Besides, it’s… comfy, and warm.”
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
“No, no, I’m not one to lead here. Aren’t you the captain?” Refia gave a retorted tease to her companion, giving him a bright smile, plus the dominant role in the afternoon the two were about to spend.
“We have much ahead of us, don’t we? Let’s look for the other two first before anything, alright?” She suggested whilst walking at a reasonable pace, urging Luneth to follow. Now, where the two were doing their labour and whatnot was unbeknownst to her, but most likely something he could recall... or not! In the end, the two needed to give their feet a bit of an exercise to reach the place to begin with.
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“Please don’t tell me I’ve strayed too far from them...” With a sigh, the girl attempted to look ahead and take guesses, but all for naught. Huh, she was far too invested in her tome, it seemed.
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     “You’ve been practicing magic? That’s great! Aw, you three are gonna leave me in the dust! You know I can’t do magic. What kinds ‘f stuff have you been learnin’? Black magic or white magic or summoning? What’s that tome about? Have you tried any smithing lately?” The ever inquisitive youth let loose his curiosity, more questions than he should expect to be answered all at once. He grinned, one hand on a hip as he noted, “I suppose anything you do is great. ‘Cause you aren’t running away anymore, right?”
     “Oh, wow! You’re gonna spend the afternoon with me now, you’ve pretty much committed to it,” Luneth teased, offering a chuckle to indicate he was joking. He held out a gloved hand for her to take before speaking again, “I’d be happy goin’ anywhere with you! How’s about this? You lead me somewhere.”
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
“Is that so...” She sighed, with a meek chuckle afterwards. Who knows what the other two’d be up to, she thought... however, it didn’t matter. Ingus and Arc were a well-behaved pair, and no way would they be up to any ploys like Luneth would.
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“Oh, me?” Refia grinned in response. Missing her bunches... it was warming to the heart. “Well, I’ve been busy... practicing and whatnot. You never know when you’d need to learn further, hence that tome I had just a while back.” She walked back to said tome, grabbing it back and putting it in a pouch of hers in the process. Seemed that private time with Luneth was inevitable, huh?
“Regardless, where’d you like to go then? I've got free time.”
     “Why thank ya!“ Luneth chirped, offering a deep bow with one arm outstretched. The compliments were definitely appreciated, praise always seemed to energize the youth. He felt praise from a friend meant so much more. Someone of his party had seen how he had grown as a warrior. "If ya ever wanna learn, I’d be glad to help! I trained in Saronia for a l'il while!”
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    “I’m not really sure, m'self. I don’t see Arc as much lately, he’s been studyin’ under the village Black Mage. And Ingus, who knows with him. Probably hard at work as usual,” Luneth chuckled, giving a shrug. “What about you, though? I’ve missed ya bunches!”
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
Which job did you least enjoy?
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“I couldn’t stand Viking... it was pretty much a Job only someone like Luneth would perfect.”
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
Her companion’s leap was an astounding performance. What Luneth and Ingus attempt... would take Refia many, many days to get the hang of. Must’ve taken Luneth quite some time to master the arts of a Dragoon as well, if so.
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“Wow, you pulled it off quite well! Nice!” She exclaimed with claps, positively giving her friend utmost praise. In all honesty, she wondered what he didn’t possibly master at this point in time. Well, with mage-like Jobs out of the equation.
“So, with that aside... what are the other two up to, Luneth? I don’t need to check up on them too, do I?”
     “So? Just ‘cause he tried it for awhile doesn’t mean I can’t do it, too. Or do it even better. Dragoon is my favorite class so far.“ He pouted dramatically, bottom lip poked out as he frowned. With her following words, though, came the real theatrics. Luneth gasped, arms crossing at such betrayal. "Refiaaa, you don’t believe me? Then I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you, won’t I?”
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    Luneth took a few steps back before flashing her a confident smirk, boyish gleam in his eyes revealing a playful nature. He crouched down to a knee, then gave a grunt as he sprang into the air well above her head. Lurching forward, he managed three flips before landing with boots firmly planted on the ground. “How was that?”
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
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She gulped. “Is... one of those swords, perchance... that enormous thing you have latched on?”
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
“Sure, why not?” The tome she’d been observing was shut and set aside. If her ally truly was this enthused, then by all means!
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“But, didn’t Ingus beat you to it? I’m sure he was ahead of us lots of times when it came to jobs like that.” Ingus had the knight-type-job expertise, and, before they knew it, they two would probably have some sort of competition. But Refia didn’t want to jest about that type of matter just yet.
“Whatever, though. Can you really do those cool flips you mentioned, Luneth?”
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     The youth was content with that touch to his head, giving her a tight squeeze in response before releasing Refia from the hug. A bright smile settled on his features as he brushed away loose fringe from his eyes, violets alight with excitement. The boy shook his head to her question, leaving silver strands to fall exactly as they had before. “Nope, nothing in particular. Can’t I just come to see you sometimes?”
     “Buuut, since ya asked, I might have a neat trick to show you! I’ve been a Dragoon a lot lately, so I can do some cool flips now,” Luneth chuckled, waving a finger at her book, “And you’d rather hang out with me than finish that, riiight?”
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
It wasn’t long before her companion pounced at her with affection. For the most part, Refia felt irritated for being interrupted, but it wasn’t like any good would come out of complaining. She’d already lectured Luneth enough as is.
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“Geez, at least let me finish this tome!” She sighed before placing a hand on his head, planting a slow smile in the process. “What’s up, Luneth? Do you have something to share?”
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     “Refiaaa! How long were ya gonna keep me waiting?” The freelancer called, running towards her with open arms.
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
"Your father is a blacksmith right do you think he could create something fo
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A small, barely noticeable sigh was withdrawn. “Of course! He’s been short on customers lately…” Surprising that someone foreign would go out of their way to ask for such a favor, Refia thought.
“I’ll be on it and tell him. What would you like, mister?” She asked the blond.
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
Send “✘” and I’ll generate a number between 1 - 50 for what my muse says or does to yours. Mix of angst, fluff, implied nsfw, crack and other randomness. 
Keep reading
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
"Whats your favorite job class?"
“For now, I don’t really have a ‘favorite’… and I don’t believe it’s necessary to have one either! It’s about experimentation, right? How should I know if I haven’t tried each one yet?”
“… … …Devout.” She sighed before muttering under her breath.
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tenera---lux-blog · 8 years
-puts a frog in refia's devout hood-
Removes. Tosses.
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“...Would you like your head on a mythril platter?”
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