tengods · 3 years
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I like this dynamic so much….
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tengods · 3 years
hEY if you are still doing requests could you do like togami just being pretty or like extremely cuddly? or even just him having messy hair?
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Soft and uncollected Togami is my fav and I love him so much. And I’m always taking requests!! Thank you so much for the ask, I definitely plan to do more sketches and maybe even some full done art like this but for now enjoy a quick soft Togami dump!!
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tengods · 3 years
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Kinda got tired of drawing this halfway through hehe
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tengods · 3 years
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scene au by @crimsonsnippet !!!
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tengods · 3 years
my favorite naegami headcanons <333
makoto and byakuya both have the love language of touch and they also have ZERO personal space. they need to make themselves as compact and tight when they cuddle. just absorb the other person as much as they can against themselves. they are always laying atop eachother.
byakuya at his desk, doing paperwork? makoto will climb over him to sit on his lap and face the other direction, tucking his chin into byakuyas neck and wrapping his legs underneath him.
they sleep in a twin sized bed and it is perfect for them, byakuya often times wakes up to makoto resting ontop of him or tucked to the side of him, between the bed and the wall.
at restauraunts, they choose booth seats so they can constantly lean on eachothers shoulders and cross their inside feet with eachothers.
they 100% take showers and baths together as well. makoto picks out some cute scented shampoo and conditioner at a market and byakuya scoffs and says theres no way he'll ever use that, and then makoto lathers his hands in the soaps and reaches his arms over byakuyas shoulders to wash his hair. byakuya, in turn, hunches over and rests his head on makoto's shoulder for easier access, draping and crossing his arms around the back of makoto's neck.
when makoto is sitting on the couch playing video games, byakuya will have him get up so he can sit behind him and rest his head on makoto's shoulder, occasionally playing with his hair or reaching for his hand to trace his palms.
when it's loud and their out in public, byakuya will face makoto and then tuck his head against the side of makoto's, so theyre just talking into eachothers ears.
i think its so much funnier to assume they're not dating at this point, they just feel like they're normal and prefer to be around eachother.
makoto complains that one of his friends admitted their feelings for him, but he just doesnt see them the same and it's so frustrating having to reject people. byakuya nods and holds him tighter, wrapping his arms around his waist and tucking his head deeper into his neck subconsciously. makoto hums back and leans his head against byakuyas.
i would like to think the first "i love you's" and realizations came when byakuya had just gotten out of a shower (alone) and makoto was already in pajamas, sitting in bed, looking kind of down. byakuya would quickly throw on some underwear and pajama pants, sliding over and being like hey whats up?? and makoto is like :(( i don't know, i've just suddenly gotten in my own head a bunch today. and byakuya is like "oh, alright" and then byakuya starts to realize how much it stings him when makoto is down, and how much he wants to do anything to make him feel better, comfort him in any way, and then he starts feeling helpless. He turns to makoto and starts raising his shirt over his head, so they're both sitting together with just pajama pants on. he then pulls makoto ontop of him, face on his chest and begins to trace each freckle on his back and how they connect. makoto would crawl up higher and rest his head on byakuyas neck and just start shaking with sobs. byakuya would continue to trace his back with one hand and cradle the back of his head with his other hand. after a couple minutes of letting the tears out and comforting, makoto pulls up his puffy, red face to make eye contact. hes like "im sorry about all of this. i just. i don't know. i suddenly got so afraid that, one day. i might not have this anymore." he would say as he places a hand on byakuyas neck/collarbone. byakuya would give him a stupid look. "what? are you kidding me?" and makotos like "sorry i really dont mean to bother you with my worries and stuff." and byakuya is like "i wouldn't want to not have this, either. you're.... comfortable." and makoto's like "hahaha what a weird way to describe people" and byakuya is like "shut up" and makoto, without a second thought is like "make me" in his teasing little charming little SMUG ASS WAY. and byakuya just instantly pushes himself up to kiss makoto. and then they're both just like. oh. Oh. Oh. Oh ok. Wow. wow. okay. and eventually they pull away and they're both a shade of red they didnt know they could turn. and makoto places his hand on the side of byakuyas cheek, which byakuya leans into. and makotos like ".... i feel like i have waited a whole lifetime for that." and byakuya is like. "....we can do this?" and makoto just nods and presses a kiss onto byakuyas forehead like "yeah. we can." byakuya, who has a difficult time expressing his emotions, just places his hand ontop of makoto's, eyes watering up. and makotos like "hey woahhh!! are you ok?? did i do something wrong???" and byakuya is like ".... i don't ever want to do this with anyone else... i dont know what these feelings are, but they make me feel ill and weak." and makoto starts tearing up too, pressing his lips against byakuyas forehead again, smiling against his skin. they eventually settle back down, makoto curling into byakuyas side, holding his hand close to his chest, and byakuya just starts bawling silently. it takes a moment for makoto to realize, but he quickly turns and squeezes his hand, whispering comforts of "its okay, i love you, you're safe, i am so glad you feel comfortable enough to show your emotions around me, i care about you." and byakuya is like "..... i love you too." and makoto is like AH. I SURE SAID THAT!!! OKAY!! and "oh wow. I really really love you. A lot. Wow. I didn't think that I said that out loud. Wow. And you love me too? Wow." And byakuya just starts laughing the kinda laugh you do when your eyes are swollen and ur face feels like it is sore from crying, the most Makoto has ever heard him genuinely laugh before. "Shit" he says in between breathly laughs, "I guess you did, huh."
I love these silly little guys so dearly. SO DEARLY
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tengods · 3 years
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After a long day of work 💭
Make sure to recharge! 💕
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tengods · 3 years
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An excerpt from “Putting Pen to Paper” by mez0_vision on AO3 💕 please go check it out!
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tengods · 3 years
ive been on tumblr for 10 minutes and i already hate all of you bitches
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tengods · 3 years
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Guess who’s back, back again?
Hello and welcome to another year Naegami Month, except this time, I decided to only do this event for a week. I felt like last year was a bit too much lol, so I’ve shortened the event to be from the 12th-18th.
Everyday there will be a new prompt where you can make fanart, fanfiction, fan edits, etc. for the ship between Makoto Naegi and Byakuya Togami.
Please read the rules before participating!
Other than that, have fun! 
(Prompts Under the Cut):
Keep reading
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tengods · 3 years
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One too many drinks 🥃
AAAND IM BACK (on that naegami shit) sorry for being gone for so long! School has been kicking my ass lately but idc idc anything for these two 💕
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tengods · 3 years
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