tentwars-spring · 4 years
so how we doing tonight ;) -evil weed
shut up eRIN 
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
the future of camp dan and phil
hello all!
so in the three years that we have hosted and organised camp dan and phil, lots of people have wanted more of the camp. which we think is great, we’re so happy you people have found friends because of this event and find it so fun that you’d want to do it multiple times throughout the year. because that is what people have wanted, we’ve delivered and done more camps. first one for winter 2019, then spring 2019 and now there’s talk about spinoff camps pretty much all the time. people request new ideas and versions of the camp pretty much every week and many of you want to help hosting the event as well.
and while we think it’s great that so many of you are so enthusiastic, we feel that doing this many camps ruins the magic and the point of the event. so we’ve decided to limit the amount of camps we’re going to do every year to just two.
what this was originally going to be was a way for bored people to find friends and be creative during the summer season, and for two years that was all it was. people did ask for a winter camp the first and second time too, which i said no to, as again, i wanted this to be a summer thing only and figured it would be too much work to organise something like this during the holidays and school year. then in year 2, another group of people offered to host a winter camp, which i said yes to because people wanted it and what’s the harm in more fun right!
(disclaimer: winter camp was great, and so was spring camp. this is not criticising the organisers or the participants of those camps; it’s the future we’re here to talk about.)
it’s also about the work of the admins. all of this takes a long time to do, and when you spend that much time doing something multiple times a year, it gets boring after a while. we want to be able to create the best possible event for you, and if we do too many that’s just not going to be possible. as well as the stress factor of constantly having to come up with new activities and ideas, we hope you can understand our side from it as well.
brook and i have discussed what we want to do with the camp next and we’ve come to the conclusion that limiting campdnp to one summer camp and one winter camp would be the best solution. that way we won’t get burnt out from doing too many of them, the magic will still be there for the people that are interested in participating and we can be as creative and engaged as possible.
we’ve also decided to change up the way the admins work. when winter comes around, we’ll select a new team of ten people who will remain admins for as long as they like. if somebody drops out before a camp, we’ll host new applications to fill in that spot. this is because we don’t want the role ‘admin’ to be a privilege or a cool title, it’s (more or less) a job and if you decide to apply, that means you’re willing to do that job. we don’t want people thinking that the selection of admins is a popularity contest, the things that weigh the most when selecting is time, experience and engagement and if we stick with the same admins, we’ll know the people who apply have just that.
we understand some people may be upset about this conclusion, but please do not send us any rude messages or asks. this is for everyone’s best, not just ours. if you have any questions you can send us an ask or contact me and brook personally, but again, please keep a friendly tone as we are teenagers who genuinely want everyone’s best.
thank you so much for reading and we look forward to this winter!
– milo and brook
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
this is late but if someone wants to, i would love it if someone made dafflia fan art for the cover of our playlist - excited daffodil :))
can someone please make this i would cry
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
nah it wasnt 
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
i mean y’all can say no if you guys don’t want me
i mean i dont know who u are my dude??? u say we’re friends but i cant help u if i dont ~know~ u 
youd probably be much better off if u revealed ur identity bc then we could actually judge lmao 
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
no it’s not alyssa i don’t think you know me but brook and taya do :)
what who are u we’re all Very confused 
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
i’m one of your friends, is there anyway i can join this blog if you want ofc (i’m using anon because of fear of rejection)
Is this Alyssa uwu
- Megangnsnsn
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
will you guys reuse the tent war blogs? at least the seasonal ones?
yeah we will! we’ll reuse the camp and war blogs each year. each of the seasons has their own set, but we reuse those :) 
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
let’s be honest and say that dafflia is was the real rivalry - chaotic daffodil
love/hate relationship smh
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
Can I just say that the Dahlias had the best leader? Ly Hannah, thank you for your effort. - Thankful Dahlia
awwww thats so sweet :,))) u guys are adorable
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
fighting god
A lavenflower + dafflia + masmine triple date. Chaos ensues.
The bus pulled up right beside the small cafe. Lavender and Sunny hopped out and briskly walked inside.
“Sunny! Lav! Over here!” They heard a familiar voice calling. It was Magnolia, who was seated with Jasmine. Sunny and Lavender made their way to the table and sat down.
“Hi guys! How are you? It’s been way too long.” Magnolia began.
“It has, hasn’t it? We’ve been pretty great actually. How’ve you two been?” Lavender continued.
The two of them could’ve kept talking for hours, but were temporarily halted when Dahlia and Daffodil entered. The chaotic conversation took off once more when Daffodil started describing the strange people they’d seen on the bus ride there.
A waiter briskly walked up to their table and began handing out menus to the group. They decided to order pancakes. For drinks everyone got lemonade.
Soon their drinks arrived with the same waiter and the pancakes soon followed.
After about ten minutes the waiter returned once more.
“How is everything?” He asked, clasping his hands together.
“Oh, very good as always!” Magnolia responded, followed by a ‘yeah’ from Jasmine. The whole group agreed, giving positive comments. The pancakes really were delicious.
“And what about you, young sir?” The waiter asked, gesturing to Sunny.
He smiled and signed a simple 'very good’. The waiter’s smile faltered a just a little, but enough for the group to notice.
“He says it’s very good. Thank you.” Lavender said, giving a hesitant smile.
“Ah, yes. Thank you.” The waiter quickly made his way back behind the counter.
“Hey Sunny, you good?” Dahlia asked quietly. Sunny nodded and bit his lip. Jasmine looked over to the counter. The waiter was whispering something to his co-worker. Daffodil seemed to pick up on it too, as their expression immediately switched from neutral to mildly angry.
The rest of breakfast went by well, albeit with a slight tension in the air. They waved over the same waiter to get the check.
As they were leaving, Daffodil heard something. A whisper. The waiter, who uttered something along the lines of:
“Yeah, that’s the mute one. So weird, right? I mean how can you even have a relationship with someone like that?”
And that was enough for Daffodil to turn around and march straight back to the counter.
Dahlia whipped their head around and tried to hurry to Daffodil’s side. They new exactly what was coming. The rest of the group looked on in confusion and mild horror at what was about to transpire.
Daffodil slammed their hands on the countertop, alerting the staff.
“You got a problem with my friend here?” They growled, eyes narrowing. Their stature was already sort of terrifying. Now they were actually angry, nobody could stand a chance against them, but the waiter didn’t seem to realise that. He made his way to Daffodil and put on his fake customer service smile.
“No ma'am, there are no problems. Please don’t damage the counters.”
“Really? Because I heard you commenting on 'the mute one’ just a second ago. Said something about him being weird, didn’t you?”
The waiter seemed nervous now. “N-no ma'am. I just–”
“You just what, huh? Don’t make me climb over this counter, punk. Then you’ll be sorry.”
Dahlia tried to shush Daffodil and get them to stop this. They really had to get going soon, and really couldn’t deal with another encounter with the police. It was too late, however. Daffodil was already fully in chaotic mode.
“Come over here and tell me what you said! Come over here and apologize to my friend! Nobody insults my friends like that, you hear me, punk? Come over here and apologize!”
Dahlia finally managed to get a hold of Daffodil, who decided to finally calm down. They lead their fuming partner to the door where everyone else was waiting, before the waiter called out:
“Hey! Aren’t you going to apologize for that?”
That sent Daffodil off the edge.
They ripped themselves from Dahlia’s grasp and raced to the counter, nearly jumping over it.
“WHAT DID YOU SAY? You insult my friends and you expect ME to apologize to YOU? DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?”
Daffodil kept yelling, and Dahlia kept trying to get them to stop. At this point Magnolia had joined them too, desperately tugging on Daffodil’s arm to stop them from killing the waiter. The rest of the group quickly exited the building. The commotion inside only worsened, alerting nearby officers. This would be a long day.
Will they ever make it out of the cafe? Will Daffodil actually kill someone? (Most likely) Find out in the next chapter that will never come because I lost my inspiration for this fic and also it’s super shitty so hfbfhdjdkhdhd
asdfkladj;sf;ksa thank u for this it’s beautiful
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
hehehheheheh maybe - daffy duck
you confuse me
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
@Daffodils what is your response to the last question of our letter? - Dahlia :)
daff!! pls respond!!
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
I'll try to pull through in honour of the last day!!
you can do it!! i’ll be excited to read it
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
I was gonna write a fic about lavenflower dafflia and masmine going on a triple date but then daffodil is daffodil and chaos ensues but I lost inspiration suddenly :(
:((( that would have been beautiful big rip
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
no u
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tentwars-spring · 5 years
Hi guys I'm an attention seeker pls send asks
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