teratomatoe · 2 years
Why you obsessed with monsters? I pray for you
yes! pray I get that monster dick.
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teratomatoe · 3 years
hi hi!
It’s been about… well, too many years and months. Long story short— I have free time! Which of course means…
I’m currently writing the second part of my half-blood orc boy’s story! (Well, a version that I feel confident posting) I really apologize friends, I didn’t mean to post an open ended story only to not finish it.
What a cliff hanger, huh?
I made a few minor changes to the first part, such as changing the reader to be more gender neutral, that way everyone can enjoy the story :)
So anyways… see you soon!
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teratomatoe · 3 years
so sorry for the person I’m about to become after staring at this for 30 minutes.
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teratomatoe · 3 years
Will you continue to the Half orc boi’s story? It’s so good
My short answer is: yes. Though, there’s such a large time gap between when I wrote that fic and now, so I’m not sure if I’m in the correct headspace to continue. But I will try, seeing as how many people ended up liking it!
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teratomatoe · 4 years
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The Red Series by Patrick Westwood
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teratomatoe · 4 years
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New Angel OC!!! His name is Arthur~ He goes by Art for short, frequently following his introduction with “Because I am a work of art”.
He has a Demon boyfriend named Damien, who my good friend @kaizuart designed! ^^
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teratomatoe · 5 years
your half orc boyfriend story was soooo good! please when you have time continue 🎀
hi anony! I’m kind of... stuck, to say in the least. With pressure from school and work and friends, I find myself with no time to write— which is an absolute drag. But— break is coming up and I’m hoping to bang out a story or two, to start the new year off on a relatively positive note.
As for the half-orc boyfriend story, I’m hoping to continue it... eventually. I have an idea as to where to go, but it’s precisely that— an idea. Deus is so cute, so it’s always tempting when I have free time, but I never end up liking what I write for him, it just doesn’t feel right. So, I’m afraid to say it, but, I think that I’m going to have to put Deus to the side and make room for a few other monsters— namely two bold naga boys and a shy lil bot boy 🥺 they’re looking promising.
But uhh... no promises
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teratomatoe · 5 years
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The hunter in the lobby waits until we fall asleep.
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teratomatoe · 5 years
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drew a whole!!! bunch!! of COWS
my minotaur druid, Evie Everrest, is the equivalent of druid bob ross- once a horribly brutal, renowned fighter in the Circus who ripped and gored his way to the top of minotaur society, now a peaceful and mellow druid who likes plants and doing yoga in the sun. 
also very fluffy. amazingly fluffy. probably half cloud. 
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teratomatoe · 5 years
science lesson why a orcs so hot
big teeth big mascles thank u
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teratomatoe · 5 years
Orc Half-Blood Boyfriend Part 1
Well hello :) 
This is my first story EVER, that I’m posting on Tumblr at least. I’m pretty new to this, but I hope that you can find it in your hearts to enjoy my jumbled writing. 
You come across an interesting trio and can’t help but be entranced by the mute orc who carries himself gracefully.
1,515 words
male monster x gender-neutral reader
You couldn’t help but do a double-take when he walked through the doors of the tiny bookshop. You’d been delivering a fresh set of books to Rowaldine, the old harpy that owned the bookshop, when a particularly good-looking trio sauntered in through the door. You almost hadn’t regarded the other two to his right because of how distracted you were. 
He really was a looker, a collection of cool, hard angles. His eyes were the most intense, brooding brown that you had ever seen, and you were almost sure that you could see flecks of gold floating around in them from where you stood. His eyes alone were enough to distract you from the twin tusks that jutted from his mouth, capped and banned with pale gold. His skin was a beautiful, pale green and his raven tresses had been cut short, which you found to be odd, seeing as most orcs prefer to keep their hair long for sake of tradition.
From the points of his ears to his angled features and slighter build, you could tell that he wasn’t of pureblood and your money was on him being some part fae. 
No ordinary half-blood walks around with such grace and caution. 
You were brought out of your stunned haze when you banged your head against a bookshelf with a garbled curse. Heat flushed your neck and cheeks, and you could only scowl at Rowaldine who snickered at your inconvenience, having obviously just watched you ogle her half-blood customer.
“Ah, my favorite little hunters,” Rowaldine crooned, not intimidated or bothered by the weapons splayed across their bodies. 
You watched from between the books as the figure in the middle let out a yipping laugh before stepping closer to Rowaldine, who stood behind a counter. Unfortunately, you were unable to see their face over the books because of their short stature, but you saw the rounded, chipped ears that sat atop their head and could safely assume that they were a gnoll. Well, that and their cheerful laugh. 
“Row, my favorite old bird,” the gnoll chided, bracing their fuzzy arms against the counter before Rowaldine. “Last time we came to visit you some grouchy taur was sitting behind the counter - pft, and she was rude.” 
The gnoll must’ve been talking about Penny, Rowaldine’s grandaughter. Penny was sweet when she wanted to be, but one thing was for sure, that girl was opinionated as all hell. But with the way the gnoll went on and on about her rude antics, you could only assume that he had caught her on one of her off days. 
“Watch yourself, Kio,” Rowaldine warned, “that’s my kin you’re talking about.”
You watched as a taller figure neared the counter and placed their hands on the gnoll’s shoulders. Their blue skin clashed brilliantly against the brown of the gnoll's fur, and you couldn’t help but feel envious as you watched a curtain of beautiful white hair slip over their shoulders. Your eyes followed the strands of their hair to the pointed tips of their ears and to the horns that curled backward like ram horns. 
“He meant no harm,” the horned figure spoke, their voice as smooth as honey and as warm as a crackling fire. You could’ve fallen asleep to her voice. “The whelp just doesn’t know when to stop talking.” 
“Yeah,” Kio, the gnoll, drawled. You could almost hear the grin on his face. “Sorry, Taeva has yet to housetrain me, still a feral pup you see.”
This time, the horned person smacked Kio upside the head. “I shouldn’t have to housebreak you.”
“But here we are,” Rowaldine finished with a smile, obviously warmed at the sight of this odd trio. The harpy straightened out the books on the counter with a huff and offered them another smile. “Is there anything I can help you guys with?”
Kio let out a groan, “actually, Deus lost his book on our last hunt, and he wouldn’t stop bothering us about getting a new book and-” 
“Oh hush,” Rowaldine cut the gnoll off and ushered the half-blood closer. When he complied, she grinned, “I’ve gotten better at signing.”
And with that, you were stunned into a stupor as you watched Rowaldine communicate with the beautiful half-blood, Deus, using her hands. You knew the old harpy wouldn’t learn a language with her difficult, feathered hands for just anybody, so it had you wondering just how she had come to know these hunters - as she called them. 
Taeva, as Kio had called her, let out a small chuckle at the sight of the old bird communicating enthusiastically with Deus. “Who’s been teaching you all of this, Row?”
Rowaldine could only wink at her. “I listen to books better than I listen to people.” 
“Of course,” Kio huffed. “You can’t even listen to us sometimes.”
“What was that, whelp?” Rowaldine humored him, grinning as she broke from her conversation with Deus. When Deus signed something again, she pointed in your direction. 
Your throat closed up at the prospect of coming face to face with someone so beautiful. So, you simply scrambled to place the rest of the books on the shelf before you. You didn’t even have time to admire the handiwork of the engraved covers, shoving the books hastily onto the shelf. A few books tumbled onto the floor and you grumbled, bending over to snatch them off of the floor. When you straightened again, you flinched at the sight of a figure standing at the end of the aisle. 
Deus watched you with clear interest, his hand coming to rest on the butt of his crossbow as he closed the yawning space between you two. You couldn’t help it as your lips parted at the sight of his features up close, but you couldn’t embarrass yourself in front of him, so you were quick to close your mouth before you caught flies. 
He came to a halt in front of you, the ghost of a smile playing at his lips. The gold on his tusks caught the light in a way that nearly left you breathless - and blinded. But what really pushed you over the edge was his scent; he smelled like the smoke of a fresh bonfire and the cold, crisp autumn air. 
You found that his presence was doing things to your body that you forgot it could do.
Deus sucked his bottom lip into his mouth before looking at the books in your hands and smiling. He pointed to the one in your right hand and met your eyes again, the brown hues in them swirling and glowing. With a shaky hand, you handed Deus the book, your mouth going dry when his warm, calloused hand closed around yours. It seemed that you weren’t the only one affected by this, as Deus zeroed in on your joined hands and his lips parted. You gauged his reaction with a small smile.
“Oh, Deus, what have we here?” A voice sounded from the end of the aisle, where Deus had stood previously. The two of you parted quickly as the gnoll trotted over with a wide grin on his face. “We leave you alone for a minute and you’re already trying to woo someone.” 
Deus could only let out a warning growl, scowling at Kio. The gnoll only let out a yipping laugh that you found yourself smiling at. Kio punched Deus playfully on the arm and turned to smile at you. “Well hello pretty thing, is Deus keeping you hostage over here?”
Deus’ grip tightened on his book and he cuffed the gnoll on the side of his head. Kio’s ears went flat against his head and he huffed before turning away. “You’re no fun, Deus.”
The half-blood rolled his eyes before looking at you again, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards before he nodded and hesitantly followed after his gnoll buddy.
You couldn’t help but feel winded as he walked away, your heart beating a mile a minute as you clutched harder onto the books pressed against your chest. Even as the trio paid Rowaldine and bid her farewell, you couldn’t help but feel as if you couldn’t catch your breath as you watched Deus disappear beyond the sunny windows of the shop. 
“Ah,” Rowaldine smirked at you as you stalked over to her counter. She reached for her coin purse and waggled her eyebrows at you. “I didn’t know that you liked them lean and green.” 
At that, rolled your eyes and slipped the coins she gave to you in your pocket. “Next batch won't be coming till next Thursday.”
“Shame,” the old bird clicked her tongue. “He usually drops by on Fridays by himself...” She trailed off, an innocent look on her face.
“You,” You huffed, before turning and marching towards the door. “I don’t care.”
“Uh-huh,” came her reply.
But, a nagging voice at the back of your head told you that you would be dropping the books off next Friday.
Did ‘ya enjoy it? If so, wanna show me some love? (if you catch my drift ;) reblog and like)
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teratomatoe · 5 years
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teratomatoe · 5 years
this makes me want to crysocuteohmygosh
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LOL guess who’s super late to Mermay???
Transformers Bumblebee Mermaid AU ~~ I said a while back that I did it and I did~~ 
Bee brings her lots of courting gifts every day like shells and stuff and sometimes a seal or two. one time a penguin Charlie had no idea where he got it. But none of them are enough to show her HOW MUCH HE LOVES HER.
Part 1 of ???
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teratomatoe · 5 years
Just wanted to say that I love your Overlord Drahomir. His nose is so cute! Also, I think your shading job is perfectly fine, no matter whether he's a purple-boi or anything else
You may boop the royal snoot, once.
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teratomatoe · 5 years
Hey! I just wanted to spring this idea on you. I live in an area that has a bunch of deer. And as of late I’ve been seeing a buck with them. He’s very young. I’ve just been thinking about him being a centaur or the whole pack of deer being centaurs and having a cute little community and you stumble upon them, but you’re the only human that hasn’t hunted them. He seems very calm for a buck and it’s just very cute and surprising. I’m the only one that’s seen him so far. Sorry if that’s confusing.
I love it!!
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teratomatoe · 5 years
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Hope you’re enjoying the last 100 days of the decade, lads. 
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teratomatoe · 5 years
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For days 1-6 of Inktober2019, the artist Mukhlis Nur (Sinlaire) depicts fantasy creature designs, using the official prompts for inspiration. 
Follow us at Instagram for more Inktober features. ♥
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