teylansimp · 1 month
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This is my new bird sully, I thought the greenyblues where perfect hes such a character already!
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teylansimp · 2 months
Nor x GN!Reader
authors note; this takes place a fair way into the story after nors outburst, if you don't want spoilers don't read!!!
It all happened so quick.. everyone so worked up... Alma was now bleeding out infront of me... honestly it's all a daze, I don't know how to feel. I hear navi grunt and become agitated as Nor barges past them storming out of the base..
"GO, he needs someone to talk to.. we got Alma covered.." so'lek assures me before ushering me out the exit Nor ran out in such a hurry..
I run following his scent until I am met with a flowing river...
"Argh.. lost the scent.. ill try again.." going to turn around only to see a flash of blue... that's gotta be him.
Hes rushing around, he continues running away from where I stand and I am in close pursuit.. since when did he get so fast..
I lose him again..
"Oh Nor.. where are you?.." I whisper to myself softly changing tactics.. maybe sneaking around will work..
I hear sniffling nearby, surely that isn't Nor.. he never cries.. I slowly walk on a branch being careful not to be seen just yet.. my eyes lock with a fellow sarentu, green body paint and a devilishly handsome face.. that's him alright. But what was he thinking!?
I observe and listen as Nor tugs at his hair sobbing cursing himself..
Hes pacing around frantically trying to look for familiar locations but it's very clear hes lost... he hasn't spent enough time out here like I have.. he's panicking now, I should help..
Dropping down from the branch I resided in I walk infront of him casually to not scare him off again..
"Nor.. are you lost do you need help?" Nor is stubborn by nature, im prepared for the worst.
"I do not need your help go back to your human pets" his voice laced with agitation.. that seemed to tick something in me.
"...I beg you're pardon?" I don't break eye contact and put on a stern face Nor lowers his face knowing what he said was harsh and he apologises.
"Sorry.. I.. everything is a mess.. I doubt they will want me back at HQ after stabbing Alma.. "
Im still processing what happened myself but hes right, I don't know if they'd want him back so soon, but we have to get him to somewhere he's atleast familiar with.
I approach him further and place a gentle hand on his forearm as he grips the top of his hair in frustration. He looks down at me slowly his bottom lip quivering, I've never seen him so... upset?
I go to speak but am cut off by him suddenly pulling me in for a embrace.. he gently cries into my shoulder, I can feel his body shaking..
"Oh nor.. I know its not the best time to go back, you're scared.. but its ok I have an idea alright"
Baby talking such a stoik man has to be one of the most humbling experiences, but in this case he just nods and holds me close until he's ready.
We arrive at the Aranahe hometree, and I meet with Etuwa.. she agrees to house him here until time passes and tensions ease..
I sit with him at the ikran rookery legs dangling of the edge as we talk, it's been a long time since we both had a genuine conversation with each other. But in times like this he knows I am the most forgiving..
"The ancestors must be embarrassed, shamed for what I have done.. killing, hurting... is not the sarentu way.."
I look up to the sky seeing silhouettes of ikran soaring through the night sky.. I lean my head on his shoulder without thinking and straighten myself up straight away
"Oh.. sorry my bad-"
My apology cut short when he gently pulls my head back to rest.. and I relax my body and embrace this intimate moment we share..
"I'm never lost with you.. I always feel so welcome.. so at home"
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teylansimp · 2 months
I haven’t read any Okul fics butttt how about something along the line of him being overprotective in a funny way. Like you have a little cold or something or you have a minor barely noticeable injury and he goes around like a chicken with no head trying his hardest to find all the right herbs, flowers or anything to make sure you’re alright but then he shows up exhausted with his concoction to see you’re perfectly fine and you end up having to take care of him.
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teylansimp · 2 months
How about Solek feeling bad he’s catching feelings for his student he took under his wing so he distances himself?? Then after we confront him about it somewhere but there’s an unexpected ambush and he obviously could hold his own but we end up getting hurt protecting him! Then he goes into a rage and gets rid of the RDA and then goes off on us scolding us and accidentally confesses😂
Ooh.. this one is giving me ideas 💡
I could imagine him being super angry but feeling really bad about it afterwards.. maybe a pt.2 afterwards with some more mature stuff?
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teylansimp · 2 months
How about Eetu teaching the main protagonist different things and soon after they start to develop more feelings for each until he lost his ikran and we do our best to console him. After some time, one day we offer him a ride on our ikran and surprise him by helping him bond with an Ikran that lost their owner? :D
I could probably work off that.. although I wouldn't choose an ikran whose already been bonded as they won't choose another rider ever again, maybe one that's been through alot, maybe something to do with sky people 👀
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teylansimp · 2 months
Hi!! Hope you’re having an awesome day and can’t wait to read more of your work when you have time to update!! How about you write something about Nor showing up last minute and saving the main protagonist (unlike the game that seemed to forget about him lol)?
Hey Anon I'm doing wonderful I hope you are too♡
I was thinking something along those lines after he runs off in the game where he suddenly pops back in to help. I'll see what I can do.
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teylansimp · 3 months
Give me some inspiration! I'm having writers block I got so many drafts I can't seem to finish I wanna write some Nor stuff but also some solek and eetu maybe even okul, GIVE ME PROMPTS CHILDREN
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teylansimp · 4 months
Its been so long since I wrote sorry 😭
I have a bunch if drafts to finish off, like a Nor fic ( we need more of him) solek and even an Okul fic
Ive just been studying so hard I've barely had time for myself!
I got some time up my sleeve in the coming days so if u wanna be tagged in upcoming fics lmk! Requests are welcome at this point in time too
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teylansimp · 6 months
deadly flowers
teylan x reader
~fluff~ -oneshot-
Everyone knows that since escaping the TAP program teylan has.. stuck to himself and his little gadgets..
Why that may not be a bad thing, it isn't very useful when trying to do something sweet.
You had recently told him of a flower that you absoloutley adore.. the whip leaf.. and while it may be gorgeous when blossoming and producing fruit, it's getting it thats the issue. As the name suggests the plant has evolved to attack predators, whipping its long thing leaves at a fast speed to hit potential threats. That and they grow on the side of cliffs..
You told teylan that ever since escaping TAP its been your favourite plant so far, of course you didn't tell him how dangerous it is you just gave him a location..
Teylan struggled to climb an odd shaped rock that leads up the cliff, pulling on moss vines etc just to hoist him up.. he managed in the end but it was a long battle.. hes so close to the whip leaf plant..
When he finds it his blood runs cold.. how in the world is he going to reach that? Hmm..
It made teylan think long and hard about how he can do this. Completely forgetting the plants name is WHIP leaf he tries reaching down first, rookie mistake.
The leaf slaps him so hard across the face he falls off the rocks he tried so hard to climb.. he almost gives up, but remembers how you loved the buds that grew and how you used the materials to craft stuff. He's doing it for you.
He then puts his need brain to work. Pulling out a long gadget to try to pry a flower bud off.. surprisingly it works? The plant tries its hardest to deter teylan but intimately gives up.. success he has flower buds and some materials to use for you..
Teylan can't help the rush of excitement as he makes his way back to HQ as swiftly as he can, looking at the map he drew he knew he was close.. when he arrives he couldn't see you anywhere and begun asking around for your last whereabouts to which all he got was either a shrug or "I don't know".
Very helpful..
Teylan then remembers a spot you spoke about that you use to unwind and relax, you built a small fire there so he wanders of to find that very spot.
When he gets to the fire it's dead and smoking, and his smile fades.. that is until he hears a certain voice that perks him up right away.
"Teylan?.. what are you doing up here?"
Approaching him gently you flick the question to which he gets flustered..
"OH me? I was umm.. coming here to.. relax? Uhh"
He trails off not knowing how to get out of this, but you see him holding something behind his back.
"What have you got? Did you find something?"
Teylans face goes a darker shade and he stutters out his mission impossible before finishing with:
"I know you said you like these so I got them for you!"
He holds the flowers out toward you looking straight down to his feet flustered.. while you are in awe of how he even managed to get these??
"Teylan... you did this for me?"
You simply stood there, he'd go to those lengths and through that danger to get you something as priceless as a flower..
"I uhm.. yes, I like to see you smile so I got you the ones you said you liked"
Teylan is clearly nervous hes fiddling with his fingers and averting his eyes..
Placing the flowers aside you take both of his hands in yours and look to him, eyes swelling up with tears of happiness.
"Thank you ma teylan.. but don't get hurt doing this stuff ok.."
Teylan spoke in a hushed voice, he was sinking into this moment he didn't want it to end, your hands sliding up his arms and gently caressing them.. he is taller and has to bend down but its like gravity is playing sick games.. his head keeps getting closer to yours and you aren't moving.
A smirk on your face you decide to finish the job and close the gap between you two, a sweet innocent kiss. Teylans first too which is making him more nervous...
"Wow... that was.."
Teylan is speechless at your bold act but you can tell he loved it... maybe if he gets you more flowers like this you will give him another...
[[ first post a little crappy but it works to get me started.. let me know what you think guys]]
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teylansimp · 6 months
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teylansimp · 6 months
What im willing to write
X reader
What I wont write
X oc's
Feel free to send some requests I need a spark to get started..
Much love
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