tf-earthling · 1 year
… Im giving starscream a sword
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tf-earthling · 2 years
what happened to the furries after they got banished?
wellll, a lot of them may very well still be drifting around in space, in stasis, waiting to be awoken. HOWEVER.
two shuttles in particular, one full of maximals, the other full of predacons, ended up crashing on a prehistoric earth (appx. 2.3 mill years ago) for mysterious reasons. the two groups wound up fighting again, but as time waned on, both sides kinda got... tired of it. bc there wasn't anything worth fighting for anymore, really (even if this new planet was filled with energon, it wasn't... home).
the leader of the predacon group didnt want to stop fighting, so they all turned on him, with a noble predacon-turned-maximal by the name of "dinobot" striking the final blow (at the cost of his own life).
with peace restored, the remaining survivors began their quest to get back home. they chose an isolated island to make their "home" on, and got to work on jerry-rigging a way to get home (note: the current war between the autobots and decepticons had begun by this point, though the maximals and predacons had no way of knowing this).
after a lot of hard work, they managed to get a prototype working, though most of them were too unsure of its stability to test it out.
blackarachnia decided she'd be the one to do it. she stepped through the spacebridge portal, and found that it worked!
only she got through before the portal collapsed, stranding her back on cybertron and the others back on earth (as many materials they had used had been destroyed when the portal collapsed, and they couldn't get more).
blackarachnia ends up joining the decepticons eventually, often remarking how much some of them reminds her of the old predacons. she still does not know what happened to her friends.
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tf-earthling · 2 years
I finally read through your thirteen lore, and saw mention of maximals and predacons being exiled. why were the robot furries banished, lmao
ah yes. the banishment of the robot furries! quite possibly the first example of the thirteen being a bit... heavy-handed when it came to punishments.
wayyy back in the day, before the quintesson wars, im talkin’ billions of years ago, every cybertronian was a beastformer, and just about all of them had some degree of organic-ness. the thirteen were p much directly in charge, and aside from small (easily handled) disagreements here and there, there was peace.
at some point, several smaller groups of these various “first gen” cybertronians came together and formed two opposing groups: the predacons and maximals. both groups were trying to lay claim to very large areas of land, sometimes the same areas, and ended up starting a very small civil war.
-deep breath- HOWEVER. the thirteen didn’t like the fact that abt a billion years of peace had just been broken, so they got together and, uh. ended the war. the surviving maximals and predacons (or at least, those who had not renounced their loyalty to the causes) were punished by being banished.
the thirteen were at least nice enough to help create the shuttles that would send them off, i guess?
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tf-earthling · 2 years
Transformers is such a fun sandbox to play around in. You've got 40 years of material that's available to pick and choose from. Like that plot point from that comic, that characterization from that show, this macguffin from something else? Stick 'em all in there and write some new stuff along with it. No rules, unconstrained creativity.
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tf-earthling · 2 years
i haven’t finished the thirteen lore posts but i feel the need to share the fact that, out of the thirteen original primes, only two are still “around” today: vector prime (chillin’ in time/space/whatever) and alchemist prime (maccadam).
technically you could argue nexus prime is also still around, since their components are still kicking, but none of them actually recall being nexus prime, so i don’t really count them
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tf-earthling · 2 years
Optimus Prime, please convince Valve to finish half life 3
“I have done many things others consider to be impossible, my friend, but from what I have been told by the humans and Bumblebee... That may be a stretch.”
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tf-earthling · 2 years
Starscream, can you run DOOM
Starscream does not look up from his datapad. “What, Soundwave?”
“You have been staring at this question for a long time.”
“I have been trying to decipher what they mean by ‘run DOOM’.”
Soundwave pauses, sighs, and after a lengthy explanation of what it means and the history behind the joke, Starscream just looks more perplexed.
“No,” Soundwave answers for him, “Most of our kind cannot run DOOM, including Starscream.”
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tf-earthling · 2 years
Do Titans exist in this universe? Do Cityspeakers?
Yes to both!
I'm not sure it's something that'll get touched on in-universe anytime soon, but they def exist! I don't have too much, but I do know the first ones likely became a thing between the Quintesson Wars and the First Civil War, but most weren't created until after the First Civil War, during the Golden Age.
I still need to look into Titans and Cityspeakers a bit, but I do know that Windblade exists, as well as Fortress Maximus and Metroplex, but I'm not sure how much they'll end up being involved with the story at large.
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tf-earthling · 2 years
-lays down- hey there. y’all should send asks. to characters, about characters, about lore, about worldbuilding, whatever you’d like. even joakes and jests.
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tf-earthling · 3 years
also just so yall know you can feel free to ask abt the thirteen, just know i will be answering directly, as many of the modern bots dont know the truth behind everything
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tf-earthling · 3 years
Iacon Archives: The Thirteen
Alchemist Prime. The Alchemist. The One Who Creates Energy From Energy.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface. 
Alchemist was the sixth of his siblings to be created, and is known to many as the official creator of the substance known today as liquefied energon, the primary version of energon consumed.
Alchemist, much like his siblings before him, showed a passion for something from his creation. In his case, it was creating things that could be ingested and used as a source of energy, rather than having to rely on Primus or Micronus for it.
As stated previously, Alpha Trion has confirmed that Alchemist created the liquefied version energon that many Cybertronians consume, though he has also stated that “Alchemist created so many solid and liquid forms of energy that even I have trouble remembering them all”.
Strangely, Alchemist Prime’s relic, The Lenses, do not appear to be directly related to his primary job.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface.
The Lenses are a strange case when it comes to the relics, as instead of being created by anybody after Alchemist Prime’s creation, they were affixed to his optics by Primus during the creation process.
According to Alpha Trion, The Lenses allowed Alchemist Prime to see the various “cycles” that the universe goes through, from creation to death, from Spark to The Well. They also sometimes allowed him glimpses into the future and past, and, according to Alpha Trion, made Alchemist practically immune to the effects of The Quill.
After the Quintesson Wars, Alchemist privately stepped down from Primehood, telling his remaining siblings that he would live among their creations for as long he felt necessary. He did not give any further details, and it is unknown if he has been offlined or not.
[Head Archivist Note: I don’t know why we refused to listen to him after the Quintesson Wars. He warned that we did would bring Cybertron down a path of ruin, that there would be a single hope for them if it continued like this, but we did not listen. Now look at everything. A new war is poised to begin, and all I can do is wait for my destruction.]
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tf-earthling · 3 years
Iacon Archives: The Thirteen
Micronus Prime. The Aide. The One Who Acts As A Moral Guide.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface. 
Micronus was the fifth of his siblings to be created, and is well-remembered as not only the first Mini-Con to ever exist, but as a being of morality and kindness. He was said to be a friend to all Cybertronians, using his abundance of energy to help others in any way he could.
Much like how Solus Prime’s height came as a surprise to her siblings, Micronus Prime’s lack of it did as well. Alpha Trion has yet to explain why Micronus Prime was significantly shorter than the others, despite holding more energy within him, but many other archivists believe it was an attempt by Primus to create an easily-portable “battery” of sorts. Of course, there is no definitive way of knowing Primus’ reasoning.
Shortly after his creation, he and Solus worked together to create several small-scale projects, including several species of cyberflora and, after an incident that Alpha Trion has yet to elaborate on, Micronus Prime’s very own relic. the Chimera Stone.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface.
The Chimera Stone was a device created for the sole purpose of channeling the incredible amounts of energy within Micronus Prime to whatever-- and whoever-- he chose.
In many modern-day Mini-Cons, smaller “duplicates” of the relic can be found, but as an actual part of their biology as opposed to a separate item, making it useless to anyone but them specifically. The original Chimera Stone is believed to have been destroyed along with Micronus Prime at the hands of his sibling Megatronus during the Quintesson Wars.
[Head Archivist Note: Micronus was both a valuable asset and a wonderful sibling to have around. With his relic, he could allow many of us to do even more than we thought possible alone. With his kindness and humor, he could bring a smile to the faceplate of even the most sour of mechs. Myself included.]
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tf-earthling · 3 years
Iacon Archives: The Thirteen
Solus Prime. The Artificer. The One Who Forges All Things.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface.
Solus Prime was the fourth of the Thirteen that Primus created, and is best known for being the creator of a variety of weapons and tools, both for her siblings and all other Cybertronians, many of which are still used today.
Alpha Trion has confirmed that Solus Prime’s creation came as no shock to her siblings, but that her size and inventive mind certainly surprised them. She was known to be the second largest of The Thirteen, tied with Onyx and second to only Nexus Prime.
In all stories surrounding her, she was known to be kind and caring, but unafraid to step up and tell her siblings off. She was physically strong and incredibly intelligent, though she is often also portrayed as stubborn.
She is also credited with being the first Cybertronian to use a different set of pronouns, though many early accounts still refer to her with the same set as her elder siblings. According to Alpha Trion, the switch was simply a matter of comfort for her. No strong reaction was had by any of her siblings.
Her innate desire to build and create tools and weapons led to Primus gifting her the relics known as The Forge and The Creation Lathe.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface.
Though The Forge, often depicted as a hammer she used, is the better remembered relic, it’s use as a tool of creation was next to nothing without a proper foundation and blueprint to work from, hence The Creation Lathe‘s importance to her work. It provided a sort of “frame” for her to work with.
Solus used her relics to create many of the other relics wielded by her siblings with few exceptions. They both went missing shortly after her death at the hands of her sibling Megatronus during the Quintesson Wars, likely either destroyed or stolen by the Quintessons in an attempt to cripple Cybertron’s forces.
[Head Archivist Note: Solus... The day she fell was a great tragedy. One that has left me shaken even to this day. I still recall the time when she spent cycle after cycle in her workshop, working on a project she refused to tell us about. Then, she emerged triumphantly holding the Star Saber above her helm before handing it to Prima. It was a good day.]
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tf-earthling · 3 years
Witwickies, did you ever expect that you were going to meet aliens?
Sparkplug is wiping down his grease-covered hands when Spike shows him the tablet pad with the question on it.
“Honestly, this is probably a better question for my dad. He’s the one who discovered and raised Bee in the first place, but if I had to guess, it’d be a sound no.”
Spike nods. “And I think I can speak for my dad and I when I say that neither of us expected for the other Cybertronians to arrive. I mean, I had only known Bee for a few hours at that point, so it was pretty big. I mean, dad even fainted after seeing them for the first time.”
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tf-earthling · 3 years
why do you have horn nubbies
The medic sighs, looking at the pad. He looks back up at Bumblebee.
“Who knows?” Ratchet starts, wiping his hands down. “Some scientists believed that hotspots still had leftover ‘memory’ from the earliest generations-- Beastformers, who transformed into animals instead of vehicles-- and with these memories, some of the protoforms that were created ended up with horns, others with hoof-like pedes, and some just look entirely like Beastformers in their rootmode.”
Bee tilts his head. “What about the people who didn’t believe that sorta stuff?”
Ratchet shrugs. “There were more theories on it than I can count. That one was the most accepted. I’m really not in the mood to fully explain how genetics work.”
Bee nods, and, with the pad in hand, takes his leave.
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tf-earthling · 3 years
Hey hey Bumblebee. Why are you yellow.
Bumblebee blinks.
“I don’t know, actually,” He leans back, shouting down the hall, “Hey Ratchet?”
“What?” The distant reply comes.
“Why am I yellow?”
There’s a moment of silence. Then, “Genetics.”
“What kind of genetics?”
“Kid, I don’t have anywhere near enough time to explain the intricacies of CNA to you.”
“You have nothing but time?”
Bee rushes off somewhere, leaving the tablet with the question on it behind. You can hear arguing in the distance.
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tf-earthling · 3 years
Iacon Archives: The Thirteen
Alpha Trion. The Archivist. The One Who Writes History.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface. 
Alpha Trion was the third of Thirteen that Primus created, and is the the only member truly known to have both survive to modern times and remain on Cybertron.
Alpha Trion himself has reported that, from the moment of his creation, he has had a passion for both witnessing and recording the major events of history.
He has always been among the wisest of his siblings, even from his creation, and has been known to serve as a mentor and advisor to many past Primes, and was seen as an equal by most of his siblings.
His relic is simply known as The Quill, and it is the only relic known to be created by its wielder.
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Image Above a Recreation of an Ancient Mural found on Cybertron’s surface. 
While all the relics are known to have immense power, the Quill is likely to be the most dangerous if handled by the wrong person for obvious reasons. Alpha Trion has vowed that, if ever in danger of capture or death, he would dedicate his final moments to destroying his relic so that history may be protected for future generations.
Alpha Trion currently acts as the Head Archivist of the Iacon Archives, though he is rarely seen among the public, or even at Senate events.
[Head Archivist Note: I am writing this note in the final moments before the Decepticons truly finish storming the Archives. It is as close to a final confession as I will get. I have broken my vow, re-written history to best suit my own needs, and for that, I am ashamed. In my death, I shall keep my promise to destroy the Quill so that it shall never happen again. I am sorry, my siblings. I shall see you soon.]
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