tgawsome121 · 2 years
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*A bards tale: Guts and glory: Part 1* Sofia watched the newcomer from across the Inn's common room plucking a few more cords on her Lute. She'd seen lots of people filter through her small town, usually adventures or hunters, with the occasional mercenary band passing through for the borderlands. She'd seen humans of every stripe, proud dwarves, mischievous gnomes, burly orcs, and even a pair of mysterious Yuan-Ti. Yet, she'd never laid eyes on a Goliath before, and by the Sovereign did the name fit. An actual giantess lording over the other patrons, with curves that would put a mountain road to shame, though all of that was secondary to the massive gut she sported. At first, Sofia thought the Goliath was with child, but her girth didn't move right. It was firm, yet it had a softness to it that wobbled and jiggled with each motion. That only left one explanation that filled her heart with anxiety and wonder. Sofia heard tale of Gluttons, the voracious predators that walked the lands, but she'd never seen one in the flesh. There was an aura of danger around the larger woman as her predatory nature was on full display with that ravenous gut... She had to know more about this stranger. With her song finished, Sofia gave a bow as the crowd applauded, quickly slipping from the small stage towards the massive curiosity. "hey honey," Sofia said, sliding next to the Goliath with the confidence only a bard could have. "Mind if I join you?" "Shure," The Goliath said with a little slur as she drained another bottle. Each chug caused her gut to bob with wet •°○Glunks○•°. Sofia's fuzzy ears twitched, picking up every sound that big belly made. "I'm Sofia," She said, pulling her eyes from that soft belly. "You might have seen me on stage." "Sofia? *hic* I'm Chista!" Chista grabbed another bottle off the counter. "You'ss has probably seen me drinking." Sofia watched Chista drink, scooting closer, placing her arm around Chista's waist, and giving that fat gut a poke. "You can pack it away, huh?" Watching that belly bounce with each swallow...
Author notes:
I've got a lot of screencaps that languish on my hard drive that doesn't get used outside of showing off to friends. Gonna try an idea a friend pitched to me of stringing several together to tell a story of sorts. Long-form content isn't something you find on Instagram, but why not give it a shot? So please tell me what you think about this little project idea. Also, if you are curious about the setting, think Dungeons and Dragons, as that's where the names for races come from. Yuan-Ti are snake people, just for those who may not know.
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
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°•°• GRRooOOOooooAaaAnnnnnn •°•°• Chista winced as another hungry groan roiled through her famished gut. "Easy girl," She muttered, glancing down at the dense bolder of flesh hanging off her waist. Larger than a bear keg and sloshing like one, Chista's belly was a clear sign that the Voracious Gluttinous Curse was upon her earning a few concerned stares from others in the Guildhall. The voracious Goliath didn't pay them any mind as she gave her belly a few pats. "We'll find some work soon." She assured her belly, giving the firm sphere a little squeeze. There wasn't much give under the soft fat, with dense abdominal muscles layered atop the powerful digestive tract proving to be as firm as stone. "Please, I beg you!" The cry for help catches the hungry heroin's ear, and she sees an old man dressed in a worn tunic standing before a band of mercenaries. "Those ruffians said they would-" "Enough!" The leader of the Mercenaries barked, and the old man cowered before the grizzled soldier. "If you haven't got the coin, you're not worth our time!" The mercenary growled. "B..b...but-" "Piss off!" The merc said, waving the old man away as he turned to his drink. The old man raised his head as if to speak up, but an angry glare from one of the party members caused him to reconsider. Defeated, the old man shuffled from the group, clutching his walking stick as he searched the room for another band of perspective heroes. 'Ruffians?' Chista thought with a mischievous smile as an excellent opportunity presented itself. •°○Grooaannn.○•° Chista's gut quivered with a hungry rumble; she placed her hand on her belly to soothe the ravenous beast for the moment. "Excuse me! Old man!" Chista called out, moving towards the old man as he turned to find himself face to chest with the towering Goliath. "Y...yes?" The old man stammered. "I hear you have a ruffian problem?" Chista said, one hand resting on her gut. The old man swallowed nervously, seeing the woman's massive gut and the hungry glint in her eye... ***
This is an amazing Commission by the wonderful Stupor_Star over on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stupor_Star
Hit them up if you need some wonderful art fetish or not!
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
If it's safe vore, I don't see how it would be a problem for Vegans. Their whole thing is consent, not the rejection of meat entirely, so if anything, a Pred could be a true vegan if they ate willing prey. It would probably boost veganism, actually.
As for religion… that's a bit tougher. Since its safe vore, I don't see why it would be an issue.
Now, if there was digestion involved, then you have issues.
Ok ok, so in a pred/prey modern universe...
Do you think vegetarian/vegan preds dont eat prey? Or does it not count when comes down to a prey because youre not actually killing them??
And how would religion effect it? Like would a Christian pred not eat prey because they could go to hell?? Or does it not count too?
Theres so many things that could effect how preds and prey interact but I actually don't really see it talked about much.
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
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"Bounty hunting is an honorable profession with a terrible reputation." - Alexander Kopoff, head of the ministry of justice. "Oof.. I think this guy is going to give me indige-"॰°ₒ৹๐BWAAOOOoooorrrrrrph.॰°ₒ৹๐ - Chista Moon, hoping this bounty makes it back to town... (They didn't) Just a funny little thing I thought of over the new year.
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
I've got a few I use.
A good short sound to show a full stomach moving a little.
Is a good word to show stuff moving down from the stomach and into the intestines. Or things moving along the intestines.
𝙎𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙝… 𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙜𝙡𝙚… 𝙗𝙡𝙪𝙧𝙥…
A good chain of words shows a steady rhythmic digestion. Though you can spice it up by altering the spacing between them or swapping out with more intense words if you need.
and one more
Yep, a big stretch of a smaller word. Changing the capitalization in the word helps break up the monotony, and your mind will make the bigger letters louder than, the smaller ones. These are just a couple I use in my stories.
whats yalls favorite vore onomatopoeia?
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
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Art is from Baqua7 There socials are: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Baqua7
"Phew... that was a rough one," Chista says as she takes a seat on a nearby crate. "I thought that Imp's venom was going to be a problem, but I shouldn't have doubted you." She looks down at her belly, watching the faint lumps from the Imp trying to claw its way out of her stomach. The tiny razor-like claws were nothing more than a pleasant tingle against the thick muscular stomach walls churning around it. ˚॰°ₒ৹๐ Glorp… Slorp… glrk …~ ˚॰°ₒ৹๐ The Imp was a small creature, as it hardly made a dent in Chista's fat gut, but that didn't make it any less deadly. The claws that worked on her insides were rather sharp, but it was the Imp's venomous tail that was the real danger. An adventure with better sense would have squashed the tiny fiend instead of eating clearly poisonous creatures, but Chista's hunger had one out once more. Thankfully, her gut was made of tougher stuff, and there were few things that could match a Goliath's constitution. Chista saw a few more lumps on her gut, followed by a sharp prick as the Imps scorpion tale lashed out at the stomach walls again. Just as with the last time, it had little effect on the massive Goliath save, causing her powerful stomach to clamp down on the tiny fiend once again.
°ₒ৹ SlOrSh°ₒ৹
°ₒ৹๐ glrk ॰°ₒ৹๐
The movement stopped. For a few moments, Chista watched her gut, trying to see any sign of activity, but could only see her gut now gentle movements. The soft undulations of a busy stomach working on its meal. "Atta girl!" Chista said with a warm smile, giving her gut a firm smack.
°ₒ৹ Glunk°ₒ৹
Her gut wobbled a little from the impact before letting out a bubbling gurgle, rumbling contently with this little snack...
When you travel on your own for a while, you tend to develop some strange habits. For Chista, it's treating her belly almost like it were some sort of pet or traveling companion. Considering its rather vocal nature and all the trouble it can get Chista into, it's not hard to see why.
Just a little fun thing about my OC.
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
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"Another day, another adventure!" Chista said, rolling her shoulders as she finished up her morning stretch. The first rule of adventuring: one must be limber to face the day's challenges. The words from Fyodor's guide to traveling and exploration rang true as Chista felt much better after sleeping in the Inn's small cot. Well... small by Goliath standards.
With stretches completed, Chista grabbed her hat off the nightstand and stepped out of her room, stopping to avoid the door frame before rising to her full height in the hallway, almost bowling over one of the Inn's maids with her gut. "Pardon me, Didn't see you down there!" Chista said with a chuckle as peered down at the maid.
The woman was a petite human with dirty blond hair wearing a blue dress with a white apron and a bundle of sheets in her arms. The maid said nothing, frozen in place as she took in the sheer size of the Goliath that stood before her. ~°•°• GRRooOOOooooAaaAnnnnnn •°•°•~
A deep, bellowing growl rumbled from Chista's gut pulling the maid's eyes down to the fat heavy gut only inches from her nose. She stared down into Chista's deep navel as the terrifying implications of the Goliath's mighty girth slowly dawned on her. "Excuse me," Chista said, placing a hand atop her rumbling gut. "Do you serve breakfast here? Can't go hunting on an empty stomach!" Another light chuckle as she gave her gut a few pats.
The maid swallowed nervously as she slowly nodded, too fearful of the massive Glutton to speak.
"Thank you kindly," Chista said, giving the maid a warm smile before squeezing past the maid, who flinched when she heard the wet sloshing from deep inside Chista's gut. Only letting out a relieved sigh when she heard those heavy footsteps moving down the stairs...
The Glutinous Curse: From The Book of Curses, written by Luka Popov
The world is full of monsters, creatures, and dastardly things, but few are as strange and insidious as the Glutinous Curse. No one is sure where this strange affliction comes from. Some say it was brought up from the Labyrinth by foolish adventures who were the first to fall victim to the curse. Others say it is a punishment from the silent gods, or perhaps it was a "gift" from the mysterious Outsiders.
Wherever it came from, the Glutinous Curse has been with the world for over a century, if not longer. It is unknown what causes the curse to take hold in people, as its spread seems random, afflicting men and women of all races with no point of commonality between them save that it always afflicts people after puberty. Those afflicted may not know they are cursed and may go years unaware of the lurking danger they represent for their friends and family.
Those afflicted will feel what is called: The Hunger. A craving that slowly takes root in a person pushing them to consume more and more food. This compulsion differed from person to person, with some going years only having the mildest spikes in appetites and others driven to insanity within hours of the curse manifestation. However, the most disturbing aspect of the curse is the changes it brings upon those afflicted.
At first, the change is merely to one's appetite, but as The Hunger grows, the demand for more and more sustenances quickly overwhelms the body's natural ability to handle it. So begins the change into what we know as Glutions or "Predators," as some may call them.
At this point, the afflicted's physiology starts to change. Their stomachs become more prominent and far more elastic. Their esophagus mirrors the stomach's elasticity as their jaw muscles grow more robust and elastic. At first, it's a small change. One suddenly finds their capacity for food doubling overnight as they can cram more into their hungry maws and swallow down portions that would choke them before.
For most people, the curse does not get worse than this. However, as the hunger grows, so too does the temptation to seek out larger and larger meals. This 'ramping up' encourages more growth in the abdominal muscles and digestive organs, as well as with the afflicted gullet and jaws. Until it reaches the terrifying state where a Glutton can devour small creatures whole, and from there it's not long until they can start devouring creatures their own size.
Thankfully, the size of what a Glutton can swallow seems proportional to the Glutton's own size, but there are exceptions out there. What doesn't stop growing is a Glutton's stomach capacity, as it seems to grow ever onwards, reaching nightmarish proportions in time. Older more experienced Gluttons can swallow down three or four or more people in a single sitting, and digest all of it in a day's time.
The more a Glutton consumes, the more powerful their digestion, as well as their bodies, grows. Gluttons can grow to be rather durable and powerful, more so than their physical may indicate, as their musculature grows denser. However, this does give all Glutosn the curious defect of sinking when tossed into open water, which some towns use as a 'test' to see who among them is afflicted. The effectiveness of this test is questionable as the most notable way to detect a glutton is the most obvious. Their bellies.
As a Glutton grows in appetite and power, so does their girth. A powerful Glutton will have a mighty pot belly that might rival a cauldron in size and weight or may be confused for pregnancy. A weaker glutton will have a smaller belly, perhaps rivaling that of a 'beer belly' or a muffin top. One should look upon any large belly with suspicion, and if one's girth is beyond a reasonable size, then extreme caution should be practiced.
This belly size attribute does allow us to 'rank' Gluttons.*
Category 1: A budding Glutton. Will not have a belly, but their appetite will have spiked considerably. Not a threat to those around them, assuming there is enough food to keep the Hunger at bay.
Category 2: As their appetite grows, so too does their belly. At this point, a Glutton's gut is starting to show, but it is still at a reasonable size that may avoid suspicion. However, the amount of food they eat is rising considerably. At this stage, a glutton starts to swallow food whole with only a little difficulty and may feel the urge to experiment with bigger and bigger things. At this stage, a Glutton is starting to become dangerous, but it is still manageable.
Category 3: It is now apparent that the afflicted is a Glutton. Their belly has swollen well past what one may consider fat. Their gut is heavy, round, and firm, challenging to cover and impossible to hide. Their appetite has spiraled into inhuman territories at this point, as they can now swallow small creatures half their size.
At this point, a Glutton has become a ticking timebomb. Soon their bodies will adapt to handle prey their own size, with their appetite growing to crave such meals. This is considered the threshold for someone to reign in The Hunger, as it is still possible to slate their appetite with normal foods. Albeit at insane portions.
Category 4: The afflicted have transcended into what we call a Glutton. Their physiology reflects this in their fat-heavy guts and their body's new astronomical caloric intake. At this stage, a glutton's belly swells past being fat into a whole other realm of size.
Their muscles become dense, doubling their normal strength and durability and upsetting their bodies' natural buoyancy. While they lose the ability to swim, they gain the horrific power to swallow a creature their own size whole. Their bodies also start to put on more fat, usually on their belly, but other fatty areas quickly expand, hiding their powerful muscles.
The changes do not stop at physical as mental changes are also noticed. The Glutton becomes far more accustomed to consuming live meals and will start preferring such meals over 'traditional' cooked meals. They will also start to view those around them as different, no longer as people but as prey. This shift can cause a radical shift in the afflicted morality and consciousness. However, this varies from Glutton to Glutton; some can retain their humanity by various means ranging from mental discipline or having someone else serve as their source of morality.
There is no going back at this point. The afflicted is now a Glutton in mind and body.
Category 5: The Apex of a Glutton's change. At this stage, a Glutton has become so accustomed to their new appetite that they have little qualms with devouring a person whole and alive. In fact, a living meal will be preferable to even a feat of 'normal' food. Though they will still consume regular food as well, at portion sizes, one could use to feed several families.
At this size, a glutton's belly is a massive bolder of flesh and muscle that is simply impossible to cover. It is also rather loud due to the powerful digestion happening inside and the groans of hunger from that ravenous hunger that is always present with them. Those near Gluttons at this stage claim to hear a constant 'sloshing' as if a heavy jug of water or beer were being shifted about.
That observation isn't surprising, considering how powerful a glutton's digestion has grown at this point. While their ability to Consume is limited by how wide they can open their jaws, their stomach capacity has grown to monstrous levels. Three to four people are needed to slate their hunger for a day or so and be fully digested in as much time.
All those calories are burned just as fast as they are gained at this point thanks to the Gluttons fiery metabolism, which allows them to heal from wounds rapidly. It also makes gluttons of this level rather warm and resistant to the cold but susceptible to heat.
The mental changes are far more pronounced as the afflicted will have detected all sense of morality towards creatures and even people that are eaten. In their minds, what's in their gut is food and little more. This mentality can extend to everyone they meet, but this isn't true of all Gluttons it is no doubt challenging for those who don't to keep that sliver of morality.
Gluttons at this stage are to be considered dangerous. Even the friendliest is only one craving away from adding you to their waistline.
Technically there is no range past a Category five, but there is one last change the Gluttinous curse can bring. Ghoulificaiton, which I shall discuss in briefly for now as this curse deserves a chapter of its own.
For now, it is sufficient to know that a Ghoul is not undead as many think, but someone who has been afflicted with the Glutinous Curse and lost themselves to the Hunger. This can happen to any Category of Glutton, with the lower categories more likely to succumb to The Hunger than the higher Categories. The reason is simple. To even achieve a higher category, the afflicted must have achieved some sort of balance with The Hunger within themselves. Thus one is ironically safer around a full-blown glutton than with one still clinging to normalcy. A cruel and unusual twist, some may say, but perfectly fitting with a curse. Embrace the monster it makes you, and it shall make you strong, hearty, and powerful as long as you can manage the price you must pay. Resist this curse or fail to pay your dues, and you will become much worse. That is the true curse at play here....
Authors notes: Art is a commission from Damnitshuge, who can be found here: https://aryion.com/g4/user/Damnitshuge
Also, a little story and some world-building! Spooky stuff isn't?
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
Back from Vacation! Now for the Christmas rush... by Tgawsome
Not fantasy related per say... but still important information about this new writing project. Lost of pics in the status update as well as some world-building for my more modern setting. The Night Shift Univers.
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
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An amazing art Commission from Chista I got from Stupor Star (Link here: https://twitter.com/Stupor_Star )
Also have a little short story thing I whipped up for this pic. Might expand it into something else later.
Alexei leaned back in his chair and propped his paws up on his desk as he let out a deep yawn. It was tempting to take another well-deserved nap, but it was almost lunchtime; it wouldn't be right to nap before lunch. However, Alexei thought, taking a nap after lunch is a much better plan. 
The Smallpaw* nodded, congratulating himself on successfully planning his second nap of the day. Alexei glances at the clock, "A few more minutes," he says to himself, stretching his arms overhead. He mulls over the critical question of what to have for lunch today when his large ears twitch. He hears the heavy footsteps just as the handle on his office door starts to turn. 
Alexei pivots in his seat, planting his feet on the floor before shuffling the loose papers on his desk into a neat pile. There wasn't time to put on his blue coat, but the leather jerkin and badge were official enough, so it would only look like he'd been slacking a little. As easygoing as this town was, it wasn't an excuse to let all official standards fall to the wayside.
"Come in!" Alexei said as he grabbed a fountain pen and started squiggling on the crossword in front of him as if it were some official document. 
The door opened, and a most curious sound hit Alexei's sensitive ears, a wet sloshing as if a jug of water or a can of paint were being hauled through his door. A perplexed Alexei looks up only to see a massive woman and an equally massive gut squeezing through his door. The pen drops from his hand as he watches the woman stoop through the doorway with her belly brushing against the door frame. 
So many questions were racing through Alexei's mind as he tried to process what he was seeing and hearing. The woman dwarfed the Smallpaw by several feet as she stood to her full height once through the door. A goliath? Alexei thought as a wet gurgle brought his attention back to the massive gut invading his office. 
Alexei was sure that a human could curl inside the wobbling, gurgling, bolder of flesh, or as he slowly realized, a couple of Smallpaws like himself. He swallowed nervously as it dawned on him why the woman's belly was so large. The Goliath was a Glutton*.
"Constable Alexei, I presume?" The woman's voice pulls him back to reality. 
"Uh… that I am!" He said with a nervous chuckle as the woman seemed to swallow up his office with her girth. 
"Excellent, I've got a bounty to turn in!" The Goliath said as she took another step forwards, her gut letting out a bubbling groan. 
Alexei craned his neck upwards, trying to maintain eye contact with the Goliath. However, try as he might, there was no escaping the woman's belly. The smooth, creamy orb dominated his vision as the bubbling digestive turmoil filled his sensitive ears. "That's… that's good news." He stammered out with a smile. "Where are they, if I may ask?"
Alexei regretted asking the question when he saw the smug look on the woman's face. 
"I got them right here!" The woman says as she drums her fingers on her bubbling belly. 
Alexei's eyes follow those fingers as he observes the bounties 'prison'. The woman's belly was certainly big enough for a human to fit, but there would be some sign of their presence even then. Unless… "oh dear," Alexei felt his heart skip a beat as he realized that this bounty wasn't going to be spending time in jail….
Smallpaw: a working name for mouselings or mousefolk in my setting. They fill the role of hobbit/halfling if you need a 'traditional' fantasy counterpart.
Glutton: What those capable of vore are called in my setting.
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
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Chista Moon is an up-and-coming Goliath adventurer out to make a name for herself, as well as, earn enough coin to fill her ravenous gut.
Afflicted with the mysterious Gluttinous Curse, Chista can swallow creatures whole, and digest them without too much hassle. (varies from monster to monster as well as person to person) She's embraced her appetite and tries to harness it for good. Though accidents do happen.
She boasts a fat gut and is proud of it openly flaunting the heavy orb for all to see. More naive people might think that she is pregnant, but those who know better will recognize her girth for what it really is. A soft padded tomb of all the monsters, creatures, and people that have fallen prey to Chista's appetite...
Author's notes
My first Tumbler post so thought I should establish some things here. First off Chista Moon is a Vore OC. Oral vore with digestion to be precise.
Second, she's not pregnant. That gut is padded with plenty of fat on top of a thick layer of muscle.
I'll be posting more stuff about her in the future, but she's already in a story called the Wolves of Kovo (here: https://www.deviantart.com/tgawsome/gallery/84237898/wolves-of-kovo )
Also, the main purpose of this blog will be to post Pics, world-building stuff, Lore, and other unique things that come to mind.
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