#vore fatal
futurebellyache · 1 year
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Dominated By His Daughter
Synopsis:A daughter is disappointed by her father. He's a loser who spends all his free time as a lump on the couch.
She makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to help him feel like more of a man.
“Daddy, you need to get over it. Mom fed herself to that random dude 3 years ago. She’s probably behind three layers of women by this point.”
Mackenzie sat across from her father in his mess of a living room, the sad figure laying on the couch on a Friday night right in front of the TV. His couch had developed an imprint with how often he used it over the last few years. 
“Daddy, you need to get out there. Find a new girl. Or at least find somebody on your level who will churn into inches on your ass and cock. Trust me, you’d be surprised what a good bulge can do to attract a woman.”
She had been pestering him since she’d arrived. His daughter Mackenzie, fresh out of college and even fresher from the club. A thin dress that hugs her curves, her hair done up in a bun, and jingly rings and hoops hanging from her ears and clinking as her hands move as she speaks, helping drive home the point she’s trying to drive into her father. He went by Noah, but his daughter had always been a bit of a daughter's girl, even during her teenage years.
Meanwhile, her quiet lump of a father was short, chubby, and the owner of a small dick that his family had mocked him for. All because devouring somebody had never been a priority in his life. He had never admired those men with tight pants and massive shlongs. But no matter what he thought, the world was different…
“Mackenzie… just go to bed. It’s 2 am. I appreciate it, but no woman will ever want me again. Your mom was the one and she was so tired of me she lept down a stranger's throat.”
Her disappearance had happened so suddenly. And he had walked off just as quickly. They’d exchanged a full sentence and she was hanging from his midriff in a bulge. They were lost in the crowd, forever taking his wife from him…
Mackenzie stands up and walks right next to her dad, looming over the prone figure and staring daggers into him.
“If you want to be a man, you'll get off this couch soon and eat somebody. I can’t have my own family wallowing in despair for another year. Daddy, come to the club tomorrow and let’s feed you some bitch!”
She tugs at his arm. He grumbles, rolling over to face his daughter and revealing his boyish face. Soft and hairless. Hardly the features of a 40-year-old man. 
“I’m not going. They’ll just make fun of me. Maybe even eat me instead… If you’re so eager to help me, just let me eat you. Simple solution… Now leave me-”
He’s cut off as her foot connects with his cock. He had been too groggy to react, she had pulled his pants down and now teased his little dick with her toes
His face flushes instantly, and he can't help but physically react to this humiliation. Certainly not the first time he'd been teased like this… but by his daughter? 
"Y-You can't… please… just stop… I can't.."
She watches with glee as he sits back and takes it. Like some adult sex toy for her to have her way with.
“No daddy, you’re right. If I want to help you and stop seeing this manlet cry himself to sleep on this ruined couch, then being my daddy’s dinner is the only way."
His cock finally has a solid form, his cute little tip peaking out from between her toes.
"Won't I be a delicious meal? Prime meat? Your belly should be begging for a chance to touch me. You should be too. Say it daddy. Say you would love to gobble up your daughter. Tell me you want to lick up and down her curvaceous body. Tell me you want to feel me turn into thick brown ropes and drop from your fat ass."
He had never been good under pressure. And his daughter was sending him into a swirl of pleasure and taboo. Plus… eating family… and the fact her underwear and the curve of her rear were totally visible from this perspective…
But fuck it felt so good! He can't help but imagine his own flesh and blood as a thick slop draining into his intestines. Her foot rubs his cock up and down, against his gut. Almost provoking it into activity as the thought of daughterly meat draws a loud grumble from it. 
"Yes…ha.. Mackenzie… I… ngh… want it…No… I can’t… fuck, fuck It’s so sexy though! Okay! But…ha… are you sure? There's no going back…"
Her leg releases his dick from its pin and her rump plants itself atop his dick. Her hips grind against him and her smile widens. Noah’s breathing is fast and rapid as she lurched in front of him. It was impossible to look away from her. At what she wanted, and the consequences of devouring his daughter.
"Then do it Daddy. You have to eat me. Put me in my place with that fat gut of yours. Grab my ass and feel it…"
The friction and warmth was delightful, and Noah hadn’t felt a woman’s touch for so long. His dick warms up to this change in events and meekly pokes against her soft ass. Long, lust-filled gasps escape his lips as his daughter grabs his hands and plants it right on her ass. His digits knead the fat he'd watched grow all those years…
“Wow, is this really how big it gets? Yeah, you are going to need the best of the best. The only cure for this chode dick is to swallow down a thick girl like me. Let me teach your guts exactly how to turn a beauty like me into 20 pounds of steaming shit~”
He wants to push her off, talk some sense into her. But being controlled like this feels good. And he hardly has the chance as her hands create a wedge and push through his lips. Plus… her ass is genuinely amazing. He grinds his dick into it with the power he can muster. Her ass holds it between her cheeks and holds it with the divine fat of her ass. Her slobbers over her hands as his daughter watches. Her own eyes are filled with a desire he can’t quite understand. Did she want this? She must… but it seemed odd to give herself to her lazy dad…
She was stronger, it took work to stay as fit as she was. He couldn't stop as her arms fought past his gag reflex. Frankly, he almost felt like he was choking on her. The largest thing he’d ever swallowed before this had been a hotdog. And now he was consuming his thick daughter…
The last he saw of his daughter’s face was a determined look focused on his lips before pushing its way in with her arms. It all became a blur after that. The pain of swallowing his first meal and the displeasure of it forcing its way down… He could only focus on the soft and pleasurable bits. Such as her taste. His daughter was divine, with a rich flavor that matched her typical attitude toward others. Helpful but pompous. She always knew better and she would make sure you knew it. Her flavor was amplified by her desire to grind every bit of herself across his tastebuds.  Through muffled flesh, he hears her say,”Remember this taste daddy. You’ll never taste anybody better. When you finally get some subby whore into your gullet, you’ll be thinking of me~”
And her tits, the biggest shame was that she was clothed. He could feel how spongy and soft they were through her dress. Her flavor bleeds through but the dress itself dampens it. At the very least he can taste her ass. His tongue explores its curvature and pulls her panties off so he can savor every inch before her wiggling hips push inside. Even without leverage, Mackenzie still had the advantage when it came to power.
Her size fills his shirt and rips it as his normally plump tummy is round and heavy. His poor dick is lost somewhere beneath it.
He takes a moment to recover as the last of her slithers its way inside him. She pushes out and struggles to get comfortable. All that action builds into one immense hhhhuuurRRRRPPPPPP.
His daughter twitches inside of him as the walls meekly hug her. Her tits are visible as the walls conform to her curves.
“Wow… was that really it? I’ve seen guts break bones after belches. Your stomach is just so weak…”
Her hands seem to press out and test the limits of its strength. Noah bounces left and right as his daughter stretches his gut to its limits.
“Mackenzie… Please… It hurts… I take it back… oghh… We can go to the club.  You can get out. I promise, we can go out together. Just don’t…”
A hand forcing it’s way up his throat and grabbing his tongue is her response. He’s thankful his gut hadn’t made any acids yet, or it may have stung his throat. He prepares for her to lurch upwards, escape his pathetic insides… But the hand slinks back down of its own accord.
“Are you kidding? This gut couldn’t handle a child. You need practice, and more importantly, the curves to lure some horny woman in. Did you know that less than 10% of preds have only eaten one prey? It’s cause people are super attracted to the voracious benefits. You need this dad. You’re gonna churn your only daughter into a loaf of colon filler and you will flush it away. And after that… You’re gonna move on and find another woman to do the same. Do you understand, daddy?”
His lumpy gut twitched as it spoke. Her rear was positioned perfectly atop his dick. Her speech had him huffing by the end of it as sweet pleasure overcame him. He would have said yes to anything. Her whims were his needs. He was never particularly strong-willed. And with her weight on his privates and her slightest touch aching his guts… it appealed to those masochistic urges inside of him.
“Yes… I’ll… poop you in the toilet… ha… Make a big ol’ mess of my sweet daughter.”
“Haha! That’s the right attitude! Your belly has to fully digest me. It may take your weak ass gut more than a few hours… But you can do it!”
Grrwwgg Wwoorrgg… Gllcckkk….
His stomach finally senses meat inside him, acids ooze all around his daughter and she gets the first taste of the full digestive might of his insides.
"Wow, is this really how powerful your acids are? How the fuck am I gonna be your shit if you can't even digest me! You’re gonna have to try a hell of a lot harder if you don’t want me crawling out of your ass tomorrow."
His stomach was bouncing atop his dick, his hand hesitantly hovering in the air above his writhing gut. He wouldn't dare touch her, his own ego being pushed to its limit by the daughter who'd fed herself to him. He gasped as his dick was smothered by her ass through his own gut fat.
"Uh, hello loser? Are you gonna let your meal have its way with your dick? Fuck, if you don't start putting me in my place, you're gonna be shitting out my bones one by one. You have to break me dipshit! Goooood, you're hopeless.
All her activity does help spread the acid across her flesh. She scoffs at how little they actually seem to affect her. "Wow, no wonder mom left for that other guy's gut. You really don't know how to treat a woman. These acids are so weak. Starting to wonder if you're even capable of turning me to shit. Maybe we’ll have to find some tiny little thing to trap in here for a week to full gurgle up. Cause damn, it’s looking like you can’t handle something like me."
He can't believe how hard his dick is, his meager member standing at full mast and almost seeming respectable embedded in the mass of his gut. It was at least enough to pressure his daughter's ass through his own flesh.
His hips gyrate and twist, seeking any pleasure he can get out of his daughter. Jiggling softness held back by his own pudge smother his dick in warmth. The acids are tingling her skin and Mackenzie inside is biting her lip as everything around her sways with her dads motions. Her heaving tits are basted in her daddy’s juices. 
“Wow daddy… You’re only concerned with yourself right now? Not even thinking about helping me get off. You have been listening right? I’m gonna be shit! The least you could do is let your poor daughter climax one last time…”
“I’m sorry… your ass just feels so good…”
His gut clenches and his body quivers. Pleasure rocks his mind and his own shaking just stimulates his dick. Precum surges as the full load burgeoning beneath his daughter's ass begins to flow. He gasps as cum coats the bottom of his belly. Sticky white cream trapped beneath his belly line and his thighs. His body rocks with the climax, he has never had a peak this high. Not even with his wife…
“Fuck! Now that’s more like it! All that activity finally woke your belly up. Think it finally noticed it had a hundred pounds of meat to munch on…”
Noah lays back gasping, it’s so late. He’s so tired. And his stomach is so full… His eyes drift shut as his own activity slows down.
His daughter is surprised by the sudden stillness. She pressures where his dick was, but gets no response.
“Hello? Why did you stop, you were finally doing something right for once. If you keep going you may…” Suddenly she realizes his heart has returned to a healthy cadence. 
“Did you just fucking fall asleep on me! You son of a bitch! You pay attention to your prey the entire time you chode of a man!”
Her hands press into the slippery walls around her. Her fingers start to singe from the acid creeping its way into the crevices of her skin. But she stretches her gut out with the help of a full-strength kick. He grunts in pain, clutching his gut as his mind is barely conscious of why this was happening.
All she really succeeded in doing was squeezing out some gas. Sure, she could struggle and draw out a few more belches and maybe wake him up at some point, crawling out was always an option…
“You son of a bitch… Fine, sleep. I’ll be around when you wake up. I’ll give you hell then… No way this gut can slop me up in a short amount of time anyway.”
It had been a full twenty-four hours and this waste of life was still asleep!
His weekend was spent on the couch, his daughter was barely strong enough to speak after it. She was mostly gone. The tits and ass she had always been proud of had been turned into her loser dad's dinner. In fact, the first of her was likely gathering in his colon. She had heard the sputtering gas escaping his rear. Hell, she had felt it leave him.
She was far too gone now to ever reprimand him. She was past the point of being able to speak above the churning noises his belly made. She was no longer a human. No longer anything of note. Just a slurry of meat in her dad's gut. Perhaps to some, this seemed idiotic. She often spoke so ill of him. And he did deserve that…
But deep in her still-beating heart, she loved him. That had never changed. She was his daughter. She knew he’d be happier after this. Women may turn his way. He may find a new wife. Or just find a girl willing to slosh around in his gullet. Either would boost this weak man’s ego.
“Still… a loser…”
Her final insult levied into the digestive turbulence. It cares not though, as one gut-clenching belch ends her. 
He awakes the next morning, laying on his back on the couch. He almost expects a chastising comment from his daughter. But… he glances down at his belly, reaching a single hand across its surface and taking note of its obvious decrease in size. It was more of a basketball-sized orb, with lumps poking out that had to be bone he hadn't been able to digest.  His dick was already erect, nestling itself well as he sits up and buries it beneath his daughterly chyme. He swears it even pokes out further than he thought it could…
"I… I actually did it."
It was still rather large, his gut was clearly not done with all of her. Still simmering and digesting her densest chunks. She was gone, taking with her every cruel and mean comment. 
But… he thinks back to what she said. How she had described him… How turned on it all still had him. He should feel miserable considering how much of it was all true…
But the fact she had let herself be digested by such a loser? The pathetic man she had called a father? He could hardly contain the cum swelling from his dick. Eager to slather the organ holding what remained of daughter in his sticky white cream. Even more so than it already was…
But a more urgent need arises. The parts he digested of his daughter want out. He stands, hoping to reach a toilet… But his daughter is in control, even now as a lump of his shit. His gut worgles out a deathly grumble, the kind that tells you that what’s inside is leaving now. He has no choice as the first of her emerges, and he stands up and turns his rump towards the coffee table, the one his wife had picked out all those years ago.
He grunts, feeling an immense bone covered in shit push its way out. Mush squeezes its way alongside it as he struggles to get it all out. His ass was not prepared to ever push out something this hefty. He gasps and grunts as it leaves his poor pucker, and takes an unbearable amount of time. When he even feels an odd metallic sensation scrape his asshole. That moment when it finally escapes his pucker and it clatters to the table, he breathes out in relief, and a wave of soft shit quickly buries the first of her bones. But then there's another…and another… Each bone takes so long to squeeze out, his ass begs for release, but his daughter won't allow it. Forcing his asshole to embrace the inadequacy of his digestive power. If only his stomach had been strong enough to churn her bones… He really was just so pathetic. Even a willing prey had been so difficult for him.
His belly works over the hours of shitting he has to do, delivering the last bits of ex-girl for his rump to deal with. Every bit of jewelry she had survived with her bones, a horrid fate for his raw asshole. Every turd is pain…
But he loves it. He has sprayed the couch white with cum. Taking note that every climax almost seemed to lengthen his cock. Give it the strength to shoot its load even farther. He was surprised he even had seed to spurt. No doubt thanks to the immense calorie load his daughter gave him.
When he is finally done, he slumps into a chair just a few feet away. One his ex-wife had often used. Honestly, he almost regrets not aiming at it to cum on. Now even he had to admit that his couch was ruined. Getting this much cum out seemed impossible…
“I wonder how much of Mackenzie my body processed into shit…” 
Not exactly his primary concern given the rank pile in the cent of his living room. But his brain was exhausted from the sheer manual effort of it all. But, the most twisted part of it all…
He was really looking forward to doing it again. Finding some lovely girl and making a mess out of her. Have them begging to churn up in him… Though maybe somebody like his daughter wouldn’t be bad too. Somebody who torments and forces it all to happen…
His eyes shut as he lounges back, thinking about what he can do with everything he can do now that he was a predator, and had the girth to show it. 
His last words before sleep takes him are a heartfelt,”Thanks… Mackenzie…” 
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predsworld · 2 years
Future!Edd vore
First fanfic on the blogs let’s gooo
⚠️ CW for vore, digestion, unwilling prey, cruel pred, teasing/humiliation, weight gain and fatal ⚠️
Edd slinked around the back alleys behind tord’s base as he tended to do, he huffed as he walked through the cold and suprisingly quiet night. He sat down, but was disturbed when he heard footsteps.. he whipped his head around to see Red Leader, or tord as he knew him, walking towards him.
“it was foolish of you to come here.”
Tord would growl out in an annoyed tone,
Edd stood up, to his full height. He was tall, and quite large. Much bigger than tord. Tord tried to hide his fear as he stared up at the man with a feirce expression.
Edd simply laughed.
“You’re the dangerous pred everyone fears? Someone should put you in your place..~”
Tord was unsure what he meant, but he didn’t have much time to think it over. Edd would soon grab him by the shirt, pushing his face into his flat stomach as he lifted up his hoodie. Tord shivered in a sudden realization.
“your reign of terror ends here.”
before tord could protest much, Edd brought him to his face, shoving him inbetween his jaws as he began to push him back and down his throat..
tord gripped onto him, begging for him to stop.
edd just swallowed a little.. It wasn’t so bad at first, but Tord was coated with thick saliva in the tight space.. and it didn’t get much better.
He was soon pushed into the brunette’s stomach, it was extremly cramped, and boiling hot, and it stung.. tears pricked at the poor norski’s eyes as he began to get worked on by the acids.
edd simply smirked, feeling his now bulged out stomach..
“Mhhn.. not bad~ try not to cause me too much trouble..”
The Brit’s gut let out an ominous growl, starting to pick up pace..
tord whined, begging for Edd’s mercy and he squirmed inside his gut.
“Cut out that whining. I thought you were all tough and powerful~ it’s not like anyone can hear you now anyways..”
“just hurry up and digest.”
Edd seemed almost careless as he leaned his back against the alley’s wall, rubbing his belly with one hand as he made a slightly annoyed gesture with the other.. as he pressed on his tummy, he stopped, belching loudly..
“Uggghh..” Tord continued to struggle but it was no use, his futile attempts at escape only seemed to make edd have more of a sense of power over him.
This was really it..
This was the end for him.
“p-please.. edd..”
After that final plea, he sniffled, giving a weak and halfhearted shove to the stomach walls. but still it was all for nothing as he felt the stinging liquids rise.. he felt himself grow softer, and smaller with each moment, becoming weaker. Soon he passed out..
Edd’s stomach merely gurgled, using up the man’s body as if he was nothing but nutrients. He had been reduced to a useless meal.
Edd let out another quiet burp, feeling his stomach one last time.. it was a little smaller, and felt softer and pudgier.
“is that all? Geez, I guess you didn’t put up a fight after all..”
“ah well~ I’m sure no one will mind your disappearance.. you’re just food now anyways.”
his stomach growled more, as if to respond.
“Aw c’mon, no need to protest..~”
he laughed, lifting his hoodie over his gut and tightening his trench coat, squeezing his belly down..
he turned his back and left before anyone could find him (or what was left of tord) and began to walk away.
“See ya, commie~”
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
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Art is from Baqua7 There socials are: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Baqua7
"Phew... that was a rough one," Chista says as she takes a seat on a nearby crate. "I thought that Imp's venom was going to be a problem, but I shouldn't have doubted you." She looks down at her belly, watching the faint lumps from the Imp trying to claw its way out of her stomach. The tiny razor-like claws were nothing more than a pleasant tingle against the thick muscular stomach walls churning around it. ˚॰°ₒ৹๐ Glorp… Slorp… glrk …~ ˚॰°ₒ৹๐ The Imp was a small creature, as it hardly made a dent in Chista's fat gut, but that didn't make it any less deadly. The claws that worked on her insides were rather sharp, but it was the Imp's venomous tail that was the real danger. An adventure with better sense would have squashed the tiny fiend instead of eating clearly poisonous creatures, but Chista's hunger had one out once more. Thankfully, her gut was made of tougher stuff, and there were few things that could match a Goliath's constitution. Chista saw a few more lumps on her gut, followed by a sharp prick as the Imps scorpion tale lashed out at the stomach walls again. Just as with the last time, it had little effect on the massive Goliath save, causing her powerful stomach to clamp down on the tiny fiend once again.
°ₒ৹ SlOrSh°ₒ৹
°ₒ৹๐ glrk ॰°ₒ৹๐
The movement stopped. For a few moments, Chista watched her gut, trying to see any sign of activity, but could only see her gut now gentle movements. The soft undulations of a busy stomach working on its meal. "Atta girl!" Chista said with a warm smile, giving her gut a firm smack.
°ₒ৹ Glunk°ₒ৹
Her gut wobbled a little from the impact before letting out a bubbling gurgle, rumbling contently with this little snack...
When you travel on your own for a while, you tend to develop some strange habits. For Chista, it's treating her belly almost like it were some sort of pet or traveling companion. Considering its rather vocal nature and all the trouble it can get Chista into, it's not hard to see why.
Just a little fun thing about my OC.
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thebananasnake · 1 year
𝐖𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟓 🤍Support💚
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We got some dragons here >^> and girly dragon is feeling not so good after a meal. I mean dumb thief trying to take her eggs >_> “don’t mess with mama”
And that green dude : D that’s Noxous, owned by —> @maximillium-grayfeather
👁️ 👁️ (also sorry it’s so dark idk why i decided on that)
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preyconsumer · 1 year
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commission i made for someone at eka's
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tabbytums · 4 months
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Shane got hungry and ordered delivery. Unfortunately, for the delivery driver, he might have been too hungry~
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vorishthings · 6 months
The Last Delivery
This is my first vore story, and I hope you like it! Let me know if I can improve my writing by liking it, or just message me. If you want more send me some ideas or writing prompts. Enjoy!
It was any average Tuesday. Bryson was hungry. Not hungry in a simple, “I will eat food” sort of way. No, he was hungry for prey. He didn’t feel like going on a dating app and seducing his way into eating his prey, or finding some other convoluted way to go about getting his dinner. He decided to simply call in a pizza and have it delivered to his home. What a simple easy way to get his prey delivered to him. 
Eventually, the pizza arrived at his door, with a hot delivery guy to accompany it. Man, and he is hot too? I love hot prey. Hot prey for Bryson made it all the more appealing for him, as he loved the hot of someone gorgeous becoming worthless belly fat on him. Bryson opened the door, and the delivery guy greeted him. 
“Hello, I have a pizza for a…Bryson?” 
“Yes, that's me.” GURGLE. Bryson’s stomach must have had a mind of its own as it must have known its prey was nearby, and it grew upset in waiting. “Oh, excuse me, I haven’t eaten all day.” 
“Haha! It’s all right! I hope this will satisfy your hunger. One large pepperoni pizza with a liter of soda.” 
“Thank you, wait, hold on for one second.” He took the pizza and the soda bottle and set it down on the table, ran over to his desk and grabbed a ten dollar bill from it. He ran to the door. 
“Here is your tip, and…oops!” Bryson purposefully dropped the ten dollar bill on the floor. “I am so sorry…” 
“Oh no, it is okay. I can get it.” The delivery guy bent down and went to grab the dollar bill from the floor.  
Now was his chance, for his prey was distracted. Seizing the opportunity, Bryson grabbed the delivery boy by the back of his shirt and dragged him inside the house, slamming the door behind him with his foot. 
“Hey, what the fuck was that for? Let me go!” The delivery guy questioned and moved around to get him to let go of his shirt. Instead, Bryson took the delivery guy and put him in a chokehold. 
“Don’t worry, you will be fine…I promise. Just let me do what I need to do, and it will all be over.” Bryson tried to reassure the delivery guy. But the delivery guy was not reassured, and instead acted in a fighting response, kicking Bryson in the balls. “Oh, fuck!” Bryson yelled out loud. “Ok, that is it! You are going in there right now, so you can think about what you just did!” Bryson opened wide, his huge mouth leaking with drool to help maneuver his prey through his esophagus. He quickly shoved the guy’s head into his mouth, and removed his arm from the guy’s neck and put both his hands around the guy’s arms, forcing them to stay to his side. Mmmmfff!  The delivery guy was yelling, but his voice drowned out, as Bryson’s body made it impossible for any voice to be heard clearly from the outside.
Now, Bryson got his head down his esophagus, it was time for the shoulders, and eventually the guy's chest. Bryson was enjoying every second of his prey squirming, and his dick immediately got hard. The same could be said about the delivery guy. The guy’s dick was hard as a rock, and once Bryson got to the guy’s crotch, he started playing with the guy’s dick with his tongue. Mmmmffff! The delivery guy immediately moaned and orgasmed, with a cum stain appearing on the outside of his khaki pants.
Bryson could taste the cum with his tongue, and wanted to continue playing with his prey, but couldn’t, as the guy’s legs grew stiff from pleasure, and he stopped fighting. Pulling the guy’s shoes off of his feet, Bryson seized his chance, put his hands around the soles of the delivery guy's feet, and sent him with one final push to his stomach. GULP! Bryson’s neck bulged as the guy was being pushed by his insides to his stomach. 
“There, was it really that hard?” Bryson asked him. “Well, your job is now accomplished. You delivered my meal straight to my gut. Technically, you are the meal, but the little details don’t matter.” 
The delivery guy was pounding on the sides of Bryson’s stomach. “Let me out! Please! I will let you have the pizza for free! I will do anything! Just please don’t let it end like this!” Unfortunately for the delivery guy, Bryson’s stomach covered the sounds of his words, and it could only be heard as muffled voices from outside. “Oh, fuck! Your struggling is making me hard.”
Bryson’s dick was vibrating from the pleasure of having prey in his stomach. He took out his dick from his pants and started aggressively, pumping. Bryson couldn’t handle it anymore, and thick, gooey cum erupted from his cock and got shot all over his stomach, and the couch. He admired the orgasm he just had, and was too lazy and tired to clean it up. His stomach however, was not lazy, its job was just getting started.  Grrrrrroan. “Wow, my stomach must be having a field day with you in there, my friend.” 
Bryson went to sit down on his couch and took the pizza box that was on his table that the guy delivered. “Don’t worry, I won’t let this food go to waste. Here, why don’t you try some?” Bryson rolled up a pizza slice, and swallowed it whole. Once it got to Bryson’s stomach, it unrolled, making it more cramped and less air was inside of Bryson’s stomach for the delivery guy to breathe.
Bryson downed more pizza slices, and followed it with some sugary soda, which his stomach received with enthusiasm. Grrrrrrrrrrooooaaaaan. “Hey man! Not cool! I can barely *cough* breathe.” He kept punching at the sides of Bryson’s stomach, and it only made it more upset and aggressive.
Bryson moaned. “Just give up, and make yourself comfortable. You can’t escape your demise.” He patted his belly in an attempt to make the delivery guy calm down. “Your life will serve as a matter of sustenance. I mean you did wish earlier that my hunger would be satisfied didn’t you?” 
“What? I didn’t mean me! I meant the pizza, and I…*cough* *cough*” Bryson’s stomach rumbled, as it contracted and splashed acid all over the delivery guy and the pizza. The delivery felt the acid burn through his clothes and eventually his skin. His shirt fell off of him, and so did his pants. He felt himself becoming deformed, and he tried to stop it. He aggressively used all of his might to pound on the outside of Bryson’s stomach, to no avail. He grew weaker and weaker, and eventually, he gave up and subsided to his fate of becoming his customer’s dinner. Well, at least I made a customer happy. At least I did my job right. Sort of. 
Bryson’s warm, smooth stomach walls started squeezing around the delivery guy, mushing him into whatever form it desired, almost like the stomach was playing with clay. Soon, the delivery guy became just soup and miscellaneous piles of flesh and bones. Bryson felt his stomach grow peaceful and quiet. The delivery guy stopped thrashing around his stomach, and his stomach stood still. “What? Gone already? Man, prey always digests so quickly.”
Bryson felt pressure rise from his stomach, and braced himself, and let out a huge belch. BURRRRRRRRPPPP. With a splat, what seemed to be what was left of the delivery guy’s uniform: his pants, his shirt, and his socks, got thrown to the floor. Bryson assumed that the guy’s underwear must still be inside his stomach, but that was fine with him, as he could just collect his underwear when it passed through his body as a keepsake of his victim.
He slapped his stomach, and started playing with it. “You are now a part of me, as useless body fat and energy that I can easily just exercise and burn right through. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay there, because my metabolism goes through things fast, and next thing you know, you will end up as undigested remains in my toilet. Thanks for feeding my hunger.” Grrrooaannn. His stomach erupted with groans and gurgles from within and kept eating away at the pizza and the remains of the delivery guy. As for Bryson, he went back to watching TV, while the delivery guy was stewing in his powerful stomach, along with the pizza he delivered.
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wrayet · 16 days
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sketchpage for a friend on twtr of their dragon sona Fritz (he/him) !!
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futurebellyache · 1 year
Anonymous Prey asked: Hungry, huh? So.... assuming that both options are equally filling, would you rather: One full-sized excited/willing girl -OR- Hundreds of struggling tiny girls?
One of course. While knowing a thousand squirming cuties are nestled inside me does tickle me... the intimacy of one full sized prey will always be my favorite. It's so much more personal. You can grind them down emotionally with personal comments, you know that flavor rolling with your belch is her, and at the end of it all you get to make a huge mess out of somebody you knew. I'm sure she's way cuter as bra stuffing anyway~ [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@FutureBellyAche/a/110516548345408169)
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tgawsome121 · 2 years
Back from Vacation! Now for the Christmas rush... by Tgawsome
Not fantasy related per say... but still important information about this new writing project. Lost of pics in the status update as well as some world-building for my more modern setting. The Night Shift Univers.
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thebananasnake · 1 year
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Hey yalllllll this is Felix the Giant :3
I had made this guys before 2 times and didn’t like the looks.. so 3rd tries a charm and love it. Definitely making more content with this big dude.
Anywho y’all this is Felix don’t worry he won’t bite 👀
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preyconsumer · 2 years
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Commission i did for someone on aryion.com. if you're interested on commissioning me message me thru there, my username is Preyconsumer just like on here.
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justanothervoreblog · 7 months
Big Brother's Indulgence
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Martin had been warned so many times about the noise. Once was an honest mistake, two was recklessness, and three was just a blatant disregard. Kyle had to lay down the law. He pardons himself from the game chat that he was on and makes his way towards Martin's room. Martin had a friend over, Sam, the two of them together were a nightmare. However, both of them together would be delicious.
Kyle opens up the door and interrupts both of the noisemakers. Right before he was about to grab them, he could see cans of Coke all over the floor. So not only had Martin failed to entertain his guests at unreasonable noise levels, but he went right into Kyle's secret stash of sodas. Now this was more than just punishment, this was earned gluttony.
Kyle's belly growled out in anticipation and Martin immediately realized that he had fucked up. He had watched Kyle swallow up a couple of religious solicitors once. Martin was fully aware of what his brother could do and began to plead for his mercy. Sam foolishly believed that this was a punishment was relegated family members to try to make a subtle exit. Kyle grabs him by the shoulders and opens his mouth possibly wide. Sam screams but it is immediately cut off by the muscled walls of Kyle's throat. To make sure that Martin doesn't try a similar stunt, Kyle seizes Martin by the shirt. He gets a front-row ticket to his brother's gluttony.
Kyle shoves Sam into his mouth. The saliva slicks up the shoulders and helps them slide past that pink tongue. Afterward, the lean chest and abs follow quickly. Martin's room is filled with Kyle's gluttony and satisfied moans. His stomach greedily awaited the arrival of Sam. It gets its first bit of food when Sam's head pops past that tight stomach ring. It was an uninviting and hostile place, Kyle's belly. Inside was digesting Pizza and leftovers, and he was pretty sure that there was a Best Buy t-shirt. All that remains of the unhelpful worker that Kyle had snapped up.
Martin watched as Sam's legs uselessly outside of his brother's maw. His thighs are slowly reduced down to the calves. Kyle removes the sneakers from Martin's feet. He leaves the socks though, it was always a bit of a kink of his. Then Martin watches as Sam goes from best friend to brother food with a single gulp. The bulge passes down into Kyle's throat and then expands inside of his belly. Martin can hear Sam's cries from inside. He watches Kyle rub over that belly and Martin trapped within. Martin knows that it was fucked up way to think, but he silently hopes that Sam was enough for Kyle's hunger.
For a moment, Kyle just pushes his brother's face up against his expanding dome. Martin could feel every twitch that Sam made and realized that if he ever wanted to see Sam again, he'd have to ask Kyle to lift his shirt. Kyle didn't usually let his meals go and this wasn't the first time that he had snacked on Martin's friends. Billy, Josh, and Steve had all made their way down Kyle's throat.
Then a rumbling vibrates Kyle's belly and Martin knows exactly what was about to happen. With a loud burp, the nastiest-smelling air is expelled. It was wet too, bits of spittle landing on Martin's face. All of it, unfortunately, smelled like Sam. The dome slightly shrinks to reveal Martin continuing to struggle. The fight inside the belly becomes clear for a moment. Then the belly expands again leaving the prey obscured.
Kyle's eyes then drift down to Martin, his little brother. For a moment there is an exchange, no words. Could Kyle eat his brother? His own flesh and blood? Was that a line that he could cross? Martin hoped that there was some limit to Kyle's gluttony. Maybe eating one of his friends was enough and Kyle would let him go? Perhaps, there was a chance. Kyle lifted him so that Martin was close enough to smell Kyle's Sam-scented breath. The pool of saliva building up at the back of his mouth was intimidating. Still, Kyle wouldn't actually do it right, right?
Martin's hopes get dashed as Kyle licks his lips. Martin doesn't remember what Kyle says after that. Something about how the second course is always sweeter or something along that line. What Martin does remember is Kyle opening up his mouth and his world turning to darkness…
Kyle could feel the weight of his gaming chair creek. Other chairs he had owned would have broken by now, but this one had been properly reinforced. If Kyle was going to eat like a pig, then he should have a chair that fits him like one. Martin and Sam had saved him only one Coke. So who is the real pig here? It was still Kyle, now with Martin and Sam trapped inside of his belly.
The struggle had calmed down a while ago, both boys accepting their fate as food for Kyle. Kyle savors their taste with a refreshing Coke as he texts the game chat that he will be a moment. He was going to order some more food for himself and in a way, Martin and Sam. Of course, if they ate the food that already came down, it was their business. Kyle had already gotten his.
So while Kyle waited for the food delivery, his hands roamed over that mighty gut. His little brother was trapped inside, wondering if he would see the sun again. Kyle wasn't sure if his little brother would be let out. Sam would be a permanent resident, much like his other little friends. Kyle thought about the questions his dad might ask. It was enough to make him reconsider or… Kyle could just show his dad where Martin had gone. The thought of that makes him chuckle as he rubs his fat gut. As he daydreams about the scenario, Martin plays with his belly button.
The doorbell cuts him out of his delusions. He stands with his hefty belly and stretches realizing that the food was here. Right before he was about to head to the door, his belly growled.
The question is this: Did Kyle want thirds?
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teal-fiend · 6 months
you get eaten by a stranger. You barely are able to catch a glimpse of their face before you're gulped down and deposited in the stomach.
You were in public before, a park that you'd been to many times. So when your predator starts moving, and the stomach starts to become more active, stimulated by the walking, you can imagine in your minds eye where they have gone in the park.
They're heading to the edge, now you feel the footsteps hitting concrete as they go along the sidewalk.
you yell for help; there must be other people around who can help you. Your pred doesn't even bother trying to silence you, or acknowledge your protests at all.
You're still following along where you imagine they are, until they stop, leaving you hanging motionlessly for the first time. Its kind of like being in a hammock, but cramped, and the hammock is trying to digest you.
You hear a click, and the opening of a car door. As the pred gets in, you become much more cramped, squished by their legs and torso, and the car. And their stomach keeps squeezing you, trying to make you smaller.
Now the car is moving and you have no idea where you are. You are sloshed back and forth by the momentum of the vehicle or what could be an hour or more.
Eventually it slows down, the car parks. For the first time the pred gives you a little pat before getting out of the car.
They're moving up some stairs. You can feel and hear their heartbeat at the exertion. And you get thrown back and forth with each step.
You hear a door open. And a sigh. You're in a house, you assume. Or an apartment? It could be anywhere, you dont even know if you're still in the same city.
You are likely in a strangers home, and in their gut. You're going to be digested far away from any place you are familiar with. No one will know where you went. And if someone saw this pred with their full belly, they'd have no idea who the meal was.
Your world shifts, the pred has laid down. You hear a muffled rustling of sheets and there is extra weight over you. The pred is tucked into bed, and its not even night time. A mid-day rest, as they prepare to digest you fully.
You dont want to accept this. Your efforts to escape have been useless so far. But you try to do your best. You yell at them, to get their attention. You kick at their stomach, which is hard because of how restricted you are.
You feel the pred roll onto their back, letting you wriggle uselessly ontop of them. You feel silly doing it, seeing as how little an effect it has.
Then, you feel them tense their belly muscles slightly, and there is a loud bubbly gurgle. You feel the pred thump on you lightly. You figet in response, doing your best to irritate them further. But all you get is a loud burp from above, before you feel the pred relax again.
you hear their voice for the first time as they excuse themselves. But after that, they have nothing more to say.
You wonder what the room looks like. And what the pred looks like. You can barely remember.
You wonder what you would look like from the outside. A gurgling bulge in a stranger's abdomen. An anonymous meal. The pred had probably seen that many times. If they looked in a mirror later, they'd be able to see you. Well not you, the pred would only see their own stomach, but you would be inside it
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tabbytums · 5 months
started off as a sketch page of my oc Shane and then ended up kinda being a short digestion sequence.
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he had some breakfast in bed but then had to lug his huge digesting gut around all day at work 🙄 they seriously need to make those desks bigger to accommodate preds
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vorekody · 2 months
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FINALLY done with this, a concept of the storage and digestive dolphin pred guts (-the thing that inspired me to make Alon in the first place shsjh)
Anyways I feel like it's usually the first stomach that's safe in mer/naga/centaur vore so I wanted to change it up a little bit.
Also felt like it made a bit more sense for Alon's bigger stomach to be for storing stuff yk?
This does make it so they can only digest one person at a time because of the lack of room in their first stomach, but I really like it that way I think, gotta wait ur turn.
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