tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 12
Chapter 12 - Lonely
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Goodbye Fat Controller (Season 19 Episode 25)
Word Count: 706
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
Before Edward knew it, he was back in his shed at the Furness Railway Trust’s temporary headquarters, located near Derby Works. A few days had passed since he’d returned from the Great Railway Show and all was quiet. He was no longer near Coppernob, who was returned to the National Railway Museum. Thank goodness was all that he could think of the moment the older engine was taken away, looking forward to enjoying the quiet for a while. To give it a rest before feeling lonely again that is.
That was the idea but it didn’t work out as such. The moment his temporary crew left him alone, it felt too quiet. It was much more lonely. The absence of engines was stronger than before.
And he absolutely despised it.
Edward felt agitated the day after his return and felt that way ever since. The "shed," as they all called it, was small and bland from the inside. He was typically surrounded by its cream-white concrete walls, facing the metal shed door.
The volunteers of the Furness Railway Trust would occasionally bring him out but he never went farther than the tiny yard surrounding the area. British Railways wouldn't allow him on the traffic lines unless he absolutely needed to so there was no interaction with other engines for him.
"W-When dae I leave?" Edward asked the volunteer attending him.
And by attending him, the job was as simple as just keeping him company.
"Next week," replied the volunteer.
"Edward, you know that's a surprise!"
The Larger Seagull engine huffed.
The elder volunteer chuckled. "You know, you're more…" His words drifted into a hum.
"Talkative," the volunteer admitted. "It feels like just yesterday you weren't able to talk."
"I've… I can talk."
"Let me be more clear. It feels like just yesterday that you weren't able to talk properly. Why, the day before you left for the show, you were just starting to form sentences. Now you're speaking with more clarity."
"What's wrong?" asked the volunteer, noticing the solemn tone.
Edward sighed. "It's… It’s lonely."
"But you have us."
"Thon's no' whit I mean."
"Then what do you mean?"
"There's nah other engines."
The volunteer eyed him suspiciously.  "I thought you didn't like the company of other engines."
"Ma siblings-"
"Anyone except your siblings."
"Well, nah, but…"
"But…?" The volunteer leaned forward.
"It's nice- It’s nice bein' around other nice engines, even wit' yer past."
"Well, they don't know-"
"They dae."
"They dae. Those engines frae the North Western Railway. They're nice."
"But didn't you have a bit of a run-in with one of them?" asked the volunteer cautiously. "Everyone knows what happened when you got left behind on Sodor."
"I did. I apologizit. He didnae take it at first. He scarit me a bit," said Edward. "He was a bit… a bit rude."
"But you kept looking for him. Were you trying to pick a fight?"
Edward immediately frowned. "I wisnae!" he huffed out, pissed off.
"Alright, alright!" immediately exclaimed the volunteer. "I just wanted to make sure."
Edward wasn't convinced, looking unamused and nervous at the volunteer.
"Now what about that engine?" the volunteer asked, hoping to divert the conversation. "Did he help you or not?"
With a hum, he replied. "Nah. But then I found him… later thon day. We talkit for a bit."
"About what?"
"Aboot ourselves. We told stories. It wis nice tae jist talk. It's nice tae have a friend."
"A friend?" He was surprised. "You made a friend?"
"Aye…?" Old Coppernob's words started hurling back at him. "Is thon bad? Am I no' allowit tae?"
"Of course, not! This is a good thing, Edward," he reassured. "If anything, you'll be fine when you come into contact with Esmeralda."
"That GNR Stirling Single. The one built back in eighteen-seventy."
"The Stirling A-Ane?"
"Excuse me! Quinn!" interrupted the voice of another volunteer, a younger man. Both Edward and the older man peered over at the young volunteer. The young volunteer lifted his arm and waved around an enclosed envelope. “There’s a letter-!”
“Leave it in the office, Reginald,” quickly interrupted Quinn. He looked back at Edward. “Now, as I was saying-”
“But it’s for Edward!”
Tysm for reading! To anyone who commented on the now-deleted Ao3 upload, thank you so much. 😭 They mean a lot.
At the time of posting this, there is a sequel in the works! When will the first chapter be up? I have no idea. I threw myself another project due to my recent hyperfixation of Helluva Boss. Also got stuff going on irl (exam week is upcoming and im on my way to fail a class-)
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 11
Chapter 11 - Goodbye
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All in Vain (Season 20 Episode 16)
Word Count: 1,111
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
As James filled up with water, the rest of the North Westerners approached him.
“I’m sorry, James but we couldn’t find him,” said Emily, feeling sorry for her little brother.
“He’s probably already left with the rest of his group,” suggested Henry. “Like some of the others have.”
“He could’ve at least said ‘goodbye,’” remarked Philip, only for Emily to shoot him a look.
"Philip!" hushed Thomas.
“He probably had to leave quickly,” prompted Emily. “Who knows what they're having him do.”
“Yeah, I guess,” muttered James. Emily did have a point, for she had a sister who was preserved, the ex-GNR A1 Stirling Single No. 1.
Gordon stopped by with the Fat Controller in his cab, who peaked out from it. "Alright, everybody! Get yourselves refueled before we head home! We've still got a railway to run!"
"Yes, sir!" everyone, but Gordon, replied. Once the temporarily streamlined engine puffed away, Emily moved closer to James.
"We'll be near the entrance waiting for you, Jimmy," mumbled Emily before she puffed away, soon followed by the rest.
Once everyone had left, James was left brooding alone, wishing once again that he could see Edward one more time and say goodbye. But at the same time, he didn't because he knew it would hurt just as much or even more. James could vividly remember saying goodbye for the last time to one of his old LMS friends, shortly followed by his sister a few years later. After that, he was terrified every time he said goodbye to Donald and Douglas when heading over to Barrow-in-Furness. Thank goodness the Fat Controller bought both of them.
He didn't want to say goodbye. Not yet, at least, but he didn't have time.
"We need to get moving!" someone exclaimed. It was loud enough to snap James out of his thoughts. "Come on, Twenty-One!" they called out again.
Twenty-One? he thought as his eyes suddenly widened with hope.
"Aye, Coppernob," replied "Twenty-One." The accent pulled him out of his thoughts as it was swiftly followed by the whistle in that same solemn tone he heard yesterday.
James looked around, searching his surroundings. Just as he expected, his eyes quickly landed on a very small group of engines, far away and chuffing towards the entrance. One was a diesel pulling a flatbed with a small four-driver tender engine. On the track furthest away was a large tender engine. It was Edward with an expression he didn't quite recognize. It looked stiff and forced. Nothing like the looks he became familiar with.
As soon as his crew finished filling his water tank and got into his cab, James let out a shrill whistle. Some engines and people ignored it but others stopped and stared. He didn't care that others did so. He only cared if Edward did.
Edward came to a gentle halt. "James?" he immediately hollered out, getting stares from the other Furness engine.
James' lips curled into a wide grin with hope, just knowing that Edward recognized his whistle so easily. "Edward!" he exclaimed as he rushed forward, calling out for points to be switched.
"James!" Edward exclaimed as he finally caught sight of the engine coming towards him. Quickly, he reversed and started crossing over points, ignoring Coppernob calling out for him, and didn't notice the nasty glare from said engine.
Within a few minutes of maneuvering over points, both engines got onto the same track, facing one another.
"James! I-I'm sae sorry for leavin'!" Edward quickly sputtered out. "I didn't mean to leave! B-But the trust-"
"Don't worry about it!" James hastily interrupted, receiving a surprised look from the other, which shifted to a smile. "I'm just… glad to see you again…" He could feel his tubes tighten. "...and say goodbye."
Edward's smile faltered.
"Go on and say your farewells, Twenty-One!" interrupted Coppernob furiously. "The boat can't wait any longer, and neither can the trust! They didn't spend thousands of pounds on your restoration so you could go off meandering!"
"Give me a minute!" Edward yelled.
Coppernob was ready to retort when his crew and another man whispered something. James noticed Edward eyeing the older engine cautiously.
"Fine, but hurry. We don't have all the time in the world," Coppernob huffed. The diesel engine continued pulling him towards the entrance. The larger tender engines silently watched them move along.
"I'm sorry. Aboot him, thon is," said Edward, breaking the silence as soon as they were out of hearing range, getting James' full attention. "He's like thon."
"Is that normal?"
"But that's not okay."
"It's fine. I-I just ignore him. Most o' the time," said Edward, reassuring James. "Ye were sayin'?"
"Wha- Oh!" James began to panic. "I-I just wanted to say that, well, thank you."
"Thank me?" Edward let out a laugh. "I should be thankin' ye."
"For bein' ma friend," replied Edward nervously. "I-I dinnae have any friends back home. And I mean anes thon are engines! It's just… me and the folks at the Furness Railway Trust. Nawthin' but human company, s-sae it's nice tae be able tae jist talk and have company wit' another engine after a while… No' thon human company is bad or anything! It's jist… ye ken?"
"It's nice to be around your kind?"
"Aye. Thon's whit I meant…"
"So… I'm the first engine you've spoken to in decades?"
"T-Thon’s Old Coppernob.Ye're ma first friend. I… I appreciate it. I dae, really."
Having seen the way Edward looked at Coppernob was enough to null James' curiosity. "Of course!" he replied cheerily, getting a smile from the other engine.
Before either one could say anything, they heard a barrage of whistles shrill, the sound getting louder.
"You found him!" exclaimed Emily as the other NWR engines approached the two. "We thought you'd left!"
"T-The trust wantit tae speak wit' me," replied Edward, flustered at the sudden attention. "Ma apologies! It wis'nae ma intention."
"No need! We're just glad we could catch you in time."
Edward chuckled. "I'm afraid I dae need tae go'. It wis nice meetin' ye all! Very nice.”
"The pleasure was ours," hummed Henry.
"Alricht! Well… guid-bye, everyane!" he exclaimed as he backed up and called out for the points to be switched. Once he switched over, he hesitantly said, "Guid-bye, James…"
"Good-bye, Edward," James replied hesitantly as he saw Edward leave and the others exclaimed their farewells, including the Fat Controller. As the goodbyes continued, Emily moved closer to James. "Come on, James. Let's go home," she hummed in a thoughtful tone. "I've got an idea, and I just know you'll like this one!"
That was enough to catch James' interest.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 10
Chapter 10 - The Mixed-Traffic Challenge
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Pouty James (Season 20 Episode 8)
Word Count: 2,137
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
As James lined up with the other engines, he was pumped with confidence. Pulling coaches and trucks was what James did for a living. This is easy, he thought, distracted enough that he was startled when a diesel shunted an extra set of coaches behind him.
With an "Omph!" James was reign back from his mind, and that's when he heard him.
With a quick hum and his attention caught, James peered to his left and saw Edward on the other side, at the very end of the line of engines.
"It was you!" Edward exclaimed joyfully.
"I did!" James replied with surprise. He didn't recall Edward saying he was joining the competition among the many things they'd talked about two days ago.
Meanwhile, on the sidelines, the North Westerners were nervous. Though they wouldn't dare admit it to the red engine, they knew James had it. They were just concerned about James' tendency to mess up at any point.
"Come on, Jimmy," Emily whispered hastily. "You've got this! If there's any-engine that can win this, it's you."
Back in the arena, the engines and coaches just had their couplings checked over, making sure they weren't weak. When the yardmen gave the ready signal, the announcer spoke.
"Let's give one final round of applause to the participants of the first Mixed-Traffic Challenge!" the announcer exclaimed, followed by loud cheers and roars from the crowd. "Engines and crew, are you ready?"
Whistles of all different tunes shrilled throughout the arena, overpowering the obnoxious hollers that some of the crews bellowed out.
James wheeshed heavily, ready to loosen his brakes.
His driver released the brake, along with the other drivers of other engines. All eight engines slowly crept forward, some slightly farther than others.
Regulators were open and the engines were off. Some had a slow start while others had a quick one. James started right smack in the middle, quickly catching up to the ones up ahead. He surpassed two engines as the engine furthest away, the Caledonian Railway Single No. 123, pulled ahead the curve and stopped once their train went past the first line, followed by a blare of a horn.
"The Caledonian Railway's ex-Number One-Twenty-Three has finished first in heading a passenger train! An impressive performance from a single!" the announcer exclaimed, his voice booming in the area. "Who will roll in second and third?"
And as soon as he finished that sentence, Edward rolled in, his line right next to the Caledonian, and came to a halt.
"One-Twenty-Three has been followed by the Furness Railway's ex-Number Twenty-One, taking second place for the Furness Railway Trust! A grand example of what 'shy steamers' are capable of!" he announced, running on the adrenaline from The Great Race and The Shunting Competition. "Followed by in-service BR Number D-S-Two-Thirty-Nine, the Southern Eastern and Chatham Railway's ex-Number Five-Twenty-Nine, taking third place for the Southern Region of British Railways! Looks like the four-leader-four-driver engines are taking their title as the most powerful engines once again!"
The announcer continued to ramble on, announcing each engine's arrival. James had landed fourth place, four spots away from last place.
"Ladies and gentlemen, that's the first section! Engines, leave your passenger trains and get your goods trains ready!" the announcer exclaimed, followed by the sound of points switching in unison.
The referee of the first checkpoint blew his whistle and waved his flags forward, walking towards the engines. All eight engines eased backward, all pumping with adrenaline.
"Ye're catching on!" hollered Edward once he set his coaches on their designated track. The Furness fella pulled forward and switched points. The exhaustion could already be heard in his voice.
"I'll catch up to you!" James exclaimed proudly amongst the noises of couplings clanking and buffers bumping into one another.
"Like tae see it!"
Quickly and smoothly, the engines were coupled to their goods train. A repeat of the callouts and signals happened, and the engines soon stormed down the tracks again.
The distance was greater than the first section, allowing slower engines to catch up to others who were pumping their pistons fast as their boilers struggled to continuously steam so strongly. The Caledonian had fallen behind quite quickly, letting James and DS239 push ahead, along with Pennsylvania Railroad No. 1223. A New South Wales Z26 class and a Bavarian G 3/4 H, both still in service, were falling behind with Edward, though the latter was able to retain fourth place when all eight engines crossed the next finish line.
The crowd roared as the voice boomed throughout the speakers. "First is D-S-Two-Thirty-Nine, followed by James and Twelve-Twenty-Three taking second and third respectively! What a fallout for One-Twenty-Three and Twenty-One, dropping four places! But, oh dear! One-Twenty-Three has dropped another placement, losing to Twenty-One. Here comes the Australian engine in sixth place, followed by the Bavarian G in seventh and Five-Twenty-Nine in eighth!" As soon as the announcer spoke his last word, DS239 whistled brightly as it began to pull its train backward, having gotten into position as swiftly as possible.
James was thrown off, having expected to wait as they did first. It was enough leeway for the other engines to take advantage and get ready. By the time James was coupled up, the Pennsylvania Railroad No. 1223 and Edward passed by.
"Keep goin', James! It's a race!" huffed out Edward as he passed by hurriedly and left James confused by the last sentence. Though the other red engine had gone by quickly, James noticed Edward's freckled cheeks burn. The words "shy steamer" rattled around his smokebox as he reversed with his train once he was ready, quickly catching up to the Furness fellow.
"Meet you on the other side!" exclaimed James.
"Soon enough!" huffed out Edward. "I will!"
As they stormed closer to the finish line, an air horn went off. "Stop the race!" exclaimed the announcer. The engines immediately pulled on their brakes, buffers bashing against one another as they came to a stop. "We have a-!"
BANG! went the first truck of the Caledonian's goods trains once a Canadian engine bashed it aside as it chased a tiny yellow boxcab diesel.
"Help!" cried out Philip as the referees started waving their red flags and blowing their whistles frantically.
James hollered out, flipping his smokebox door open. "Philip, what is wrong with you?"
"Ask that guy!" cried out Philip once again as he passed by James, being chased by Vinnie, the massive Canadian engine. The points had immediately been switched to direct to the center area, where a radio tower was located. Both engines headed straight for the turntable near it, where it hadn't been set and ready to use.
"Philip!" exclaimed James as the yellow boxcab diesel tettered over the edge and Vinnie closed in on him.
Philip was frightened as Vinnie neared him, rearing his front end, ready to shunt him off into the space of the turntable. But then Vinnie stopped as James jerked forward, lassoing his coupling onto Vinnie's back buffer beam.
"You better not go a single inch towards him, you Pacific bullhead!" James hollered out furiously as he reversed, only to struggle to pull the heavy streamlined Canadian Confederation engine.
Vinnie laughed mockingly, holding onto his brakes. "So… wanna play tug-of-war, don't cha?" he asked slyly.
Suddenly, Edward lassoed his coupling onto James' read buffer beam and hollered out, "Aye! Pull, James!"
Despite being startled, James pulled with all his might with Edward. Both engines were able to pull Vinnie far away from Philip. The former was still startled by the Victorian Scottish engine’s sudden appearance, so he was surprised even more when he was quickly hauled away.
"Points!" hollered James. One of the signalmen, confused, changed the points as the two engines continued to pull Vinnie back. “Go, Philip! Go, go, go!” yelled James as his chubby cheeks began to burn once Vinnie pulled back.
Philip quickly scuttled away, though not without taunting Vinnie.
The strain became too much so James’ front coupling snapped, letting Vinnie send himself rolling forward, derailing on the set of points, and crashing into the radio tower with a BANG!
"Take that, big bully!" yelled Philip.
James and Edward were shocked but they smiled at each other until Edward noticed something. With a gasp, Edward immediately pulled James backward, startling the slightly larger red engine.
“Whoa! What-?”
BANG! The radio tower collapsed to the ground, right in front of James, who almost jumped off his chassis. As quickly as the nearby yardman could, he shut off the power before anyone could get hurt.
“Thanks,” James huffed out.
“N-No need tae thank me. It’s whit friends ur for,” Edward replied cheerfully before fully realizing what he said. “T-Thon is if we ur!” he stammered. “...Ur we?”
“Of course-!”
“Hey!” interrupted the Canadian engine, getting the other two’s attention. “Can somebody get me some help?”
As quickly as help arrived, the arena was cleared of intruders, and James' coupling was promptly replaced, the race resumed. The engines stormed down the final stretch with James overtaking Pennsylvania Railroad No. 1223, Edward, and British Rail No. DS239. DS239 began falling behind, allowing Edward to steam past and fall behind James. The “break” had done him some good, allowing him to rest his aching pistons.
James laughed joyfully. “You’re catching up!”
“I am!” replied Edward.
The two red tender engines strayed further away from the others, nearing the finish line and laughing about. They pushed along and before they knew it, both engines passed the finish line, one mere seconds before the other.
"What a close call!" hollered the announcer. "Ex-Furness Railway Number Twenty-One has finished first place for the tender-first section, with North Western Railway Number Five right behind! Judges, it's time to start calculating those points!"
"No!" huffed Emily with a pout. "He was winning!"
"I knew he was trouble," said Philip.
Meanwhile, Edward's eyes snapped open in shock, having shut them from laughter. "I-"
"Congrats!" hollered James as they both came to a stop.
"And here comes the Pennsylvanian, followed by D-S-Two-Thirty-Nine, the Australian, the Caledonian, Five-Twenty-Nine, and the Bavarian G Three-Sub-Four! Folks, now we wait for the final results!"
The audience went silent as the judges mumbled to one another, mics having been turned off, and calculating the points. Steam wheeshing was the only sound that could be heard across the arena as both engines and people held their breaths.
After what seemed like ages, it took a few seconds for one of the judges to turn on their mic. "Ladies and gentlemen, engines and crews, we would like to announce the top three winners. Our first place winner, overall, goes to the Furness Railway's ex-Twenty-One, with twenty-six points."
The crowd cheered, the engines whistled, and the crews hollered. Edward's face burned with embarrassment from the sudden attention.
"In second place, we have the North Western Railway's Number Five engine, James, with twenty-five points."
The other North Westerners whistled sharply, the sound shrilling throughout the arena.
"Let's go, James!" hollered Thomas. "Top three, top three!"
"That's my little brother!" exclaimed Emily.
"Aw, by just one point!" pouted Philip.
"And taking third place is British Rail's D-S-Two-Thirty-Nine from the Southern region, also with twenty-five points," finished the judge. "Ladies and gentlemen, this has been the Mixed-Traffic Challenge!"
Cheers roared from the audience and whistles shrilled from the engines surrounding the area.
"Congratulations!" exclaimed James to the flustered Furness fella.
"T-Thank ye!" Edward managed to huff out. "Congratulations tae ye, too, James!"
"James!" exclaimed the Fat Controller as he approached the two engines. "What were you even doing here in the first place?" he asked.
James had seen this coming. It was a continuation of his conversation with his controller before the competition. "I came with Gordon's safety valve, sir. It hadn't been reassembled properly. That's why his boiler burst."
"Ah," replied the Fat Controller. Thank goodness the burst hadn't been worse, ending as a full-out boiler explosion. "Now that is being a really useful engine, James. I'm proud of you for doing so for your fellow engines. Even more with you joining the competition, because you've taken a top three!"
Just then, the rest of the North Westerners approached them from outside of the arena, on a set of tracks much closer to it. Cheers and whistles roared from the group, cheering their friend on.
"He was just doing what he does best, sir!" exclaimed Emily.
"Being the best Mixed-Traffic engine of the show!" huffed James with pride. "You're not that bad of an engine. There's more than what you can see~" he sang, peering over to Edward…
Only to see the space next to him empty.
"...Edward?" James was confused. Edward was just there moments ago. "Where did he go? He didn't even say goodbye…"
this is actually the longest chapter. oops-
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - The Furness Railway 21
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James the Second Best (Season 10 Episode 27)
Word Count: 1,744
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
Edward was pulling the Honeypot on the Main Line, enjoying the scenery of the Island of Sodor, and chatting with the coaches. The Honeypot coaches enjoyed his company. It was only April yet the breeze felt warm and inviting as he went from station to station. It felt just like the old days when he was a really useful engine. He had just completed the delayed run up to Tidmouth and turned around for the next trip, having just left Knapford and heading to Crosby.
"For an engine pulling coaches for the first time in years, you're doing wonderful, dear!" praised the brake coach.
"R-Really?" Edward asked timidly.
"Absolutely!" confirmed the first coach. "You did say you were an Express engine."
"I did. I-I’m still rusty!" he insisted, only for the Honeypot coaches to reassure him that he was doing just fine.
As he and the coaches continued their trip to Crosby, James approached them from the other direction, having just passed Crosby. Edward was fully engrossed in his conversation with the Honeypot coaches that he didn't hear or see the other engine until…
"Edward!" James fumed loudly and quickly braked to a stop.
"James!" exclaimed the Honeypot coaches. Edward gasped, startled, and braked harshly, coming to a nasty stop.
"I can't believe it,” huffed James as his boiler bubbled furiously and he backed down on the line to see Edward's startled face. “But Philip was right! Engines like you cause nothing but trouble! 
The Indian-red engine looked down. The lack of attention and respect broke it for James.
“You won't even look at me! Who do you think you are? And what are you doing with my coaches?"
"Your coaches?" exclaimed the Honeypot coaches in unison, offended as Edward looked away with a guilty face.
"We aren't even the slightest ‘your coaches’!" exclaimed the first coach.
"We are Molly's coaches!" followed the second coach.
"And even then, we're our own coaches!" followed the third. "Aren't we all?"
"Quite right!" they all chimed.
"And what was so important that you needed to do?" said the fourth coach.
"Warranting it necessary to leave us in a siding in the middle of nowhere!" said the fifth coach, the brake coach.
"It was Maron!" hissed the fourth coach.
"But still!" argued the brake coach.
The rest of the coaches glared at James, who was absolutely humiliated and stunned. "I-" He was beginning to lose his words. "I just needed to do something!" he scoffed, giving off a defensive tone.
The Honeypot coaches huffed at James. "Come on, Edward. Apologies for his behavior," said the first coach, with a stern tone aimed at James, to the foreigner, who had stayed relatively quiet. "Let's get going. We don’t want to delay any further."
Edward said nothing, still avoiding eye contact. He left James behind with two solemn whistles, quite the opposite of his typical bright whistle.
The tone struck James. Yes, he was upset with Edward but he hadn't intended to upset him as well. "I just wanted to look my best for the show," James said quietly. He followed Edward, backing down the track and quickly catching up to him.
"I just wanted to be part of the Great Railway Show," he mumbled meekly after a moment of silence.
"Eh?" asked Edward, caught off guard by the engine going backward but still refused to look at James straight in the eyes. "I thoucht-"
"I lied!" he exclaimed. "I was upset with you earlier. I'm sorry."
“For? W-Wis it because… I bumpit ye this mornin’?”
“Whit dae ye mean '...Yes?'” Edward huffed harshly, feeling hurt. “Ur ye mad at me, aye o’ naw?”
“No. I was mad because you’re…” He looked away, feeling silly. “...you’re red.”
Edward frowned but his eyebrows shifted his expression from offense to questioning. A sign to keep talking.
“Because… I thought…” James paused to word what he wanted to say properly. “I thought that I would have strong competition for the Best Decorated Parade!” He let out a sigh. "It's not like I'm participating anyways."
"W-Whit? Why?" he asked, flustered. "Did somethin' happen?"
"It's silly."
"No' if it's makin' ye upset."
He looked back at the other engine.
"Ye gettin' mad b-because I'm red is… silly. I-I think there’s more than w-whit ye're lettin' oan," said Edward with a hint of genuine warmth and comfort in his tone.
James stayed quiet and continued to look over at the engine as he thought about it. As they neared Crosby, James went into the tiny yard and used the turntable. Once he pulled in next to Edward, he finally spoke. "My sister was chosen for it instead of me."
"A sister? Y-Ye huv a sister? I huvnae seen another ye around."
"No, no! There's an engine who I consider a sister of mine."
"Och!" Edward's eyes perked up. "T-Thon's very lucky o' ye. Ye must be close wit' everyone else."
James gulped. When they both left Crosby, he mustered the courage and asked, "Can I be honest with you?"
Edward was startled. "Uh… S-Sure," he replied.
James let out a heavy sigh. "I'm not that well-liked because of how I am. Unless I do my jobs with no fuss, that is."
"I'm not a very bearable engine," he scoffed. "Look at who's coming down the tracks, oh my, it's him! That's James, oh dear!" he sang in mockery, fully aware that the coaches, passengers, and crews were listening, especially the crews. It transitioned into laughter that dwindled quickly.
"Y-Ye cannae be thon bad o' an engine," hummed Edward. Then, he has an idea. "We got aff oan the wrong track. Start over?"
“Us. S-Should we start over?”
James quickly hummed in agreement.
"I'll go first! Edward. Ma name’s Edward. Class 21 frae the Furness Railway. Preservit by the Furness Railway Trust. Ye?"
James didn't respond.
"Is somethin' wrong?"
"You're preserved?"
"It’s… some story," replied Edward, the hint of sadness going unnoticed as he quickly covered it up with a sly smirk. "...stranger."
"Och!" James puffed up proudly. "James, the North Western Railway's number five, at your service!" he exclaimed.
The Honeypot coaches groaned, which James had fully expected. What he didn't see coming was hearing laughter from the other red tender engine.
"S-sorry, sorry! It’s jist-" Edward laughed a little more. "Y-Ye're a very funny engine!"
"Huh, I do have a thing for humor," James remarked smugly as Edward's laughter subsided.
"P-Pleasure to meet ye. Bytheway, s-sorry I took yer coaches. I should've askit first."
"It's alright. If you had asked later, the Honeypot would've been very late, so, if anything, thank you for doing that."
The preserved red engine became flustered. "Och, w-well, ye're welcome. B-But it was nothin'! I wis built for-!"
"Darling, don't be so modest!" exclaimed the first coach.
"Remember what we said!" followed the second coach.
"For an engine out-of-service for decades, you're doing wonderful pulling a stopping train!" piped the third coach.
"What are you?" James blurted out before his eyes went wide, realizing what he said.
"James!" scolded the coaches before muttering.
"Sorry, but at this point, I have to know! You said you're a preserved Class. I was friends with all the 21s, and I don't remember seeing you. You look similar to them though."
"I wis left in a sidin'," replied Edward.
Letting out a sigh, Edward replied, "It's a short story. We huv time."
"You have all of my attention!" James exclaimed proudly.
The preserved red tender engine couldn't help but smile warmly. As they neared the Wellsworth Suspension Bridge, Edward hummed thoughtfully.
"It’s nineteen-fourteen. A railway wis lookin' for an engine s-someane could spare. The North Western Railway."
"This very railway?"
"Mhm, b-but they learnit aboot my behavior issues. They immediately rejectit the offer. T-they, the board, had enouch." Edward's warm brass eyes rose up and stared off into the distance. "I wis withdrawn and left in a sidin'. I-I stayit thare and watchit everyane else work until I wis found by ane o' my sisters. In yon early days o' the Amalgamation. She broucht the rest o' thaim in secret. But they, the board, found oot. I was relocatit again"
"So how did you get preserved?" James asked.
"A g-group o' campers. They found me. I didnae ken where I wis. I wis in Scotland. Then the Furness Railway Trust rescuit me. I-it took aboot a year but they restorit me. I steamit the first time this year."
"...what did you do for that to happen?"
"I-I wisnae a very nice engine," Edward reluctantly replied. "I’m the oldest o' my siblings. I wis… I wis overprotective o' thaim."
"But that's normal," said James, confused.
"No' me. I wis m-more aggressive than others…"
James eyed him wearily. "So… you pushing me earlier today wasn't you being aggressive?"
"Naw, naw!" he replied, offended. "The ship. I wis tryin' tae get oan the ship. T-thon didnae go sae well."
"Oh, right… Wait, then what are you still doing here?"
"I-I got lost at the junction. O-Oan the other side o' thon hill. Gordon’s Hill? Sae much goin' oan sae I went back tae Maron. I thoucht I could fine some-engine tae guide me."
James winced, realizing his behavior earlier hadn't made it any easier. But then he had an idea. "I can take you tomorrow! By the time we get to Vicarstown, it'll be dark."
Caught off guard, Edward gasped and for the first time, he made eye contact with James. "Really? But yer jobs?"
"My first job tomorrow is the Honeypot, so I can take you along with me and I'll drop you off at Vicarstown Station! There are no junctions after that station. Just go straight ahead and you'll find the Vicarstown Drawbridge, which leads you to the Mainland!"
"Och, thank ye, James!" exclaimed Edward, before gasping again. "Jobs. Thon's it!"
"What's it?"
"Ur ye a mixit-traffic engine?"
"Um, yes? Why is that?"
"Y-Ye could enter the new competition! The Mixit-Traffic Challenge! P-Pullin' passenger trains. Pullin’ guids trains. Headin' trains tender first. It's where smaller tender engines go tae compete!”
"I'm not small!" James scoffed.
"I-I ken! Ye get whit I'm sayin'? If yer controller hasnae chosen an engine, ye should ask him."
James hummed. A competition for engines like him? Now that could work! he thought as they stopped at Maron. By then, the sun had set and the night sky began to consume the dwindling sunlight.
This is the longest chapter of the story.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 9
Chapter 9 - The Blunt End
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An Engine of Many Colors (Season 22 Episode 9)
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Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure (2015)
Word Count: 420
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
"Oh, this isn’t good," said the Fat Controller. Just before Donald, James, and Edward had left for the Steamworks, he had severely scolded four diesels involved with the incident, except for Norman, who was taken to the Dieselworks. “You’ve really damaged yourself there, James.”
"I was just trying to get to the Honeypot coaches, sir," huffed James as he was lifted off the flatbed Donald had brought him to the Steamworks on.
"Well, I'll have someone else take care of that." He peered over to Donald. "That reminds me. Donald, Arthur will be taking your goods train. While he does that, I want you to work on his branch line for the time being. Once he’s done, you both can go back to your regular jobs."
"Aye, sir!" piped up Donald before rushing away with a loud whistle. "Get better soon, Jimmy!"
"Thanks, Donnie!" hollered James.
Sir Topham Hatt II cleared his throat. "Now then, I had thought of you for the Mixed-Traffic Challenge-"
"Yes, but I'm afraid you can't go. Your rear buffer beam is damaged, which you need for the challenge. There just isn't enough time for you to be repaired."
"But, sir-!"
"I'm sorry, James, but we just won't participate in the Mixed-Traffic Challenge this year." The Fat Controller tipped his hat and left.
As he did, Edward entered the Steamworks, having waited outside. "I'm sorry thon happenit, James."
"T-This isnae fair!” he huffed. “None o' thon wis yer fault. Ye got the blunt end o' it. Norman, too." Edward's eyebrows furrowed. "Is it… n-normal for engines tae pull tricks? Tricks like thon?"
"You have no idea," replied James before laughing.
The preserved red engine joined him. "Very interestin'," said Edward with a laugh.
Eventually, the laughter died down, leaving the two engines sitting in an awkward silence. That silence was short-lived.
"That should be everyone," the Fat Controller was heard saying. "Where's that preserved engine?"
"Och! I should go." Edward momentarily looked down before, without thinking twice, looking up at James. For the first time, they made eye contact, and Edward felt okay. "I dinnae… wan’ tae git lost again…" he said, trying to joke with a nervous smile, though that smile quickly fell. "Guidbye, James…"
James' face dropped as well. "Goodbye, Edward," he reluctantly said as the preserved engine left with two solemn whistles. He heard Edward calling out for the Fat Controller. Soon, the sound of chuffing dwindled till it could no longer be heard, being the last sign of Edward's presence.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - "Troublesome" Trucks
CW/TW: Swearing
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The Adventure Begins (2015)
Word Count: 674
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
The following day, James left Kildane Sheds as quickly as possible to Tidmouth Yards to meet up with Edward, who he'd managed to get a space at Tidmouth Sheds for the night and pick up the Honeypot coaches.
When James pulled into Tidmouth Yards, he was about to head for the carriage sheds when he saw something blocking his path. "What the…" His path was blocked by a goods train—a weird one at that. There were odd large boxes randomly placed within the trucks, which were full of stone. The bright red medium-sized tender engine could care though. This train was in his way. But as he was about to switch points, Diesel came roaring into the yard. “‘Ey! Don’t touch those trucks, red rusty! That's my train right there."
Of course, James thought. He knew the shunters at Tidmouth well enough to know that they wouldn't leave this sort of mess. "What're you doing here? You work at Vicarstown, not Tidmouth," he scolded.
"I need to show Sir Topham Hatt something really special," Diesel replied smugly with a snicker. "You better not move them. I'm going to need them in a moment." With that, Diesel laughed as he rolled away, his wheels whirring as he headed to the platform of the Fat Controller's office.
James groaned and rolled his eyes. "Ugh! I don't have the time for this," he exasperated. He backed away and switched over to the line where the oddly placed train started. As one of the yardmen coupled him up, Edward appeared from the roundhouse that was Tidmouth Shed.
"Guid mornin', James!" exclaimed Edward as he left the roundhouse. "Whit've ye got?"
"Some goods train some-engine left. I can't get to the coaches with this in the way," James replied. With a whiff and a puff, he tried to pull but the small train wouldn't budge.
Meanwhile, in the south area of the yard, the Fat Controller walked out of his office with a clipboard in hand. Today was the day before The Great Railway Show, and Sir Topham Hatt II needed to look for the final contestant he planned on taking. He looked around, hoping to find them but only saw Donald heading in his direction.
"Hold it right there, Donald!" he exclaimed.
The navy blue tender engine came to a halt. "Is thare a problem, sir?"
"Have you seen James? I need to speak with him."
"I saw him up near the carriage shed, sir."
"Good. I need you to take me there then."
"O’ course, sir!"
The Fat Controller quickly climbed into Donald's cab. With two whistles and a puff, Donald backed down the track.
James struggled to move the train. "Oh, come on!" he huffed. He blasted his whistle as loud as he could and continued to pull.
Edward was about to move forward when he noticed something odd. He frowned. His eyes could've been playing tricks on him but those big boxes…
Are they moving by themselves?
"Uh, James?" called out Edward, right as an engine stormed by. "Those boxes. They're movin’ by thaimselves!"
The noise of rails rattling had muffled most of Edward's sentence, only allowing James to catch on to the last bit. "Yes, I'm moving them by myself! Just-"
The trucks bashed against him.
“Shit!” Frightened, James accidentally released his brakes, making it easier for the “trucks” to push against him. "Hey, stop! Stop!" he yelled as he slipped and was pushed back.
Edward hollered out as he rushed towards him. "James!"
Donald arrived with the Fat Controller, who peaked out of the engine’s cab to see James being pushed. "James?" he hollered as Donald popped open his smokebox door to see the same thing.
The navy blue six-driver gasped, realizing that something wasn't right. Shutting his smokebox door, he quickly moved forward, away from the area right as Norman passed by. "Norman, stop!" he hollered.
Diesel rushed back and exclaimed, "My surprise!"
Edward saw Norman coming right after, immediately pulling on his brakes. "James!"
James and Norman screamed as they collided.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Repaints
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The Great Race (2016)
Word Count: 287
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
Snuck in Thomas for the screenshot because it somewhat looks like James so it works in my eyes fjajsj
As James left Crovan's Gate Steamworks and pulled onto the Main Line, he saw Emily quickly pull onto the line next to him. The green medium-sized tender engine was bubbling with excitement but from what, James didn't know.
Confused, he approached Emily. "What's got you in a bright mood?"
"Oh, Jimmy! I was chosen to participate in the Great Railway Show!" she exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with joy.
"What? Really? What for?" James asked excitedly, happy for his sister.
"For The Best Decorated Parade! He wants me to be repainted! Oh, I'm so excited!"
And that did it for James. His smile faltered, and he swore that he felt one of his tubes crack.
"The Best Decorated Parade?" he asked meekly.
"Yes!" she exclaimed. "I-!" Then she froze once she saw James' heartbroken face. "Oh…" It dawned on her. "You wanted to be chosen for that, didn't you?"
James frowned and looked away.
"James, listen, I can talk to the Fat Controller and-!"
"Fat chance," James replied bitterly. "The entire day, I've been trying to get chosen for that competition but every single time I do, I get pushed aside and he chooses someone else for something else!"
"Well, you haven't been doing your jobs. I just saw another engine pulling the Honeypot."
"What?" James began to worry. "Who?"
"He was a red tender engine. I'm pretty sure it was that Scottish engine you told me about earlier. I saw him at Wellsworth on my way here."
"Edward! Where was he heading?"
"He was going down the Main Line towards Tidmouth-!"
Once again, James interrupted her with his whistle. "I gotta go! I'll see you later!" And before Emily could say, "Goodbye," he was already far away.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Coaches in a Siding
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A Shed for Edward (Season 21 Episode 13)
Word Count: 413
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
Edward was heading back to Maron after he had nearly veered off the Main Line again, this time at East Maron Junction until the signalman there stopped him. Afraid that it would happen again, he, along with his crew, decided it was best to go back to Maron and see if he could find another engine on his way there or at the station. He headed down to the next station, Cronk, and used the turntable so he could be turned around before heading back.
Finding an engine on the way back was easier than actually getting the help he needed.
Leaving Cronk, engines big and small stormed by with goods trains and passenger trains. As they did, he felt nervous and overwhelmed, not used to engines storming by. He tried asking or grabbing their attention but they seemed far too busy, ignoring his pleas for directions. Just a few moments ago, a grand green tender engine stormed by with a long train of goods with no time to waste.
"M-Maybe I can find James again," he piped up. And as he got closer to East Maron Junction, his eyes perked up. James was rapidly approaching him, coming from the south track that traveled up and over Gordon's Hill.
"James! I-!"
"I'm busy!" hollered the red medium-sized tender engine as he stormed by without slowing down.
"But I jist wantit tae ask-!" Edward sighed as he heard the chuffing quickly subside. "... nevermind," he murmured. His crew patted his cab to console him as they continued their journey to Maron.
When they arrived, Edward came across a set of five honey-yellow coaches sitting on a siding at the station. He stopped, immediately recognizing them.
"James' coaches," he muttered to himself, unaware of who they actually belonged to. "He…" Edward slowly approached the siding. "...abandonit his job?"
"I'm afraid so."
The other red medium-sized tender engine froze. "W-Who?"
"Us, darling! The coaches."
Edward quickly got closer and finally, the face of the first coach came into view. "Och!" he piped up, blushing with embarrassment. "I'm s-sae sorry! I couldnae see you!"
"Ah, very well," said the first coach. "Don't worry, dear."
A quick, soft hum of happiness slipped from him. "Why ur ye all there? Oan a sidin’? Where's James?"
"That red engine canceled our trip and rushed away!" huffed the brake coach.
"I just saw him," said Edward. “W-Why wis he rushin’?”
“We don’t know!” they all exclaimed.
Just then, Edward had an idea.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Special and Red
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Journey Beyond Sodor (2017)
Word Count: 243
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
"I really wished you guys hadn't said anything," scolded James once they were far away.
"But it's true!" they exclaimed in unison.
"You could've at least helped him get to the Mainland!" reprimanded the first coach. "Now you left him stranded at Maron!"
"The Main Line isn't that difficult to travel! It's fairly easy."
"To you, it is!" said the second coach. 
"That engine is a foreigner," followed up the third coach. "They don't know this railway as well as you do, James."
"Why are you guys so obsessed with that engine?" exclaimed James.
"And why were you so rude to him?" piped up the fourth coach.
"Because-!" James panicked, knowing that "because he's red" wouldn't fly by that easily. "Because what does he have that makes him qualified for the Great Race? He doesn't look fast or strong. The four-leader-four-drivers aren't as great as they once were, you know!"
The brake coach hummed. "Well, he did have a nice shade of red. Much nicer than yours, really."
James' eyebrows furrowed and his face scrunched. "Excuse me?"
"You do have a bright color," said the fourth coach. "Too bright of a color."
"But he's still red!"
"Well if it bothers you so much, then how about you and get yourself repainted with a few decorations?" joked the brake coach.
And James had an idea.
He stopped suddenly, making the Honeypot coaches bump into one another before reversing down the line, back to Maron.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Maron Station
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Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through! (Season 24 Episode 17)
Word Count: 384
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
Later, James pulled into Maron with the Honeypot, and that's when he saw him.
"Oh, not him!" he hissed loudly.
"Who?" asked the coaches, who were typically quiet. The first coach peaked over the engine's tender out of James' cab. His eyes landed on the approaching tender engine.
"H-Hello?" exclaimed Edward. His eyes brightened with relief. "James!" The other red medium-sized tender engine came to a gentle halt at the station, exhausted. "H-Hello!" he huffed out tiredly with as much energy as he could muster.
"Hi," James replied bitterly, immediately looking away. "Aren't you supposed to be heading to the Great Railway Show?"
"Aye," began Edward with a small weak smile before quickly looking down with sorrow, "I got left behind. I wis… I wis hopin you could… m-maybe show me tae the Mainland."
Immediately, the Honeypot coaches chimed in. "James wants to go to the Great Railway Show! He can show you the way!"
Edward's interest was piqued, smiling at the bright red medium-sized tender engine.
“No!" James immediately replied, startling Edward who revved backwards. "I don't want to participate in something silly. I don't need to prove that I’m good at something. I would rather be a really useful engine than a pretty pony." Much to his relief, the guard blew their whistle. "Besides, I'm clearly busy so you'll just have to find another engine!" he hollered as he quickly departed the station without so much of a whistle, leaving Edward behind.
Edward's face dropped. He had been very lucky that the dockside diesel, Salty, had been willing to take him to the Main Line, as it turned out that he was on a branch line called the Brendam Branch Line. Salty had told him to just go east on the Main Line and that he would eventually reach the Vicarstown Drawbridge. Unfortunately, Edward nearly got lost at the West Maron Junction, almost heading into the goods tunnel that went through what was called Gordon's Hill. Thankfully, the signalman had stopped him and geared him in the right direction. He had been hoping another engine could show him the way but he hadn't come across any until then.
His mind swarmed with worry as he puffed along the line.
This is the only chapter that has been slightly edited. There was a section at the end that I cut off as it wasn't really going anywhere. At the time that I wrote it, there was going to be a different ending than you'll see.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - An Engine Like That
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The Great Race (2016)
Word Count: 419
It was the only image of Emily, James, and Philip that I could find 🫠
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
Soon, James was in Tidmouth Yard, shunting around in frustration, having realized that he left behind his goods train at Brendam Docks.
As he worked around, hoping that the red tender engine had left Brendam by now, Emily rolled into the yard. "What's up with you?" she asked.
"Nothing!" James snapped. "Absolutely nothing."
"Well, it doesn't sound like nothing," huffed Emily. "Come on, fess up."
James grumbled before coherently replying, "Some Scottish engine nearly bumped me into the ocean."
"A Scottish engine? Do you mean one of the Scottish twins? Or Duck?"
"No, no, no! A ship of foreign engines arrived, thinking that the railway show was on here instead of the Mainland! One of them bumped into me and I nearly got knocked into the ocean."
"Oh my! But why?"
"I don't know! He was probably jealous, that red copycat!"
"Red co- Oh!" Emily began to laugh. "Ohoho, you're jealous!"
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!" She allowed her laughter to subside for a bit. "Who saved you anyways? Salty and Porter aren't strong enough to pull you back on the rails."
James let out a huff, heavy enough to wheesh steam. "He did."
"Oh?" Emily pondered for a moment. "Huh. Maybe it was an accident."
"I doubt it!"
"Well, did he apologize?"
"Yeah, but-"
"Then it was probably an accident, Jimmy. You're fretting over nothing."
"You wouldn't understand!"
As the two began to bicker, Philip quickly strolled by, having eavesdropped on the conversation. "If you want my advice, James,” he piped up, “I wouldn't pay so much attention to an engine like that!"
Emily and James went quiet. For once, James was interested in what the little diesel boxcab had to say, despite the number of times the diesel boxcab annoyed him to the ends of the Earth.
"Engines like that aren't worth your time! He could've very much lied to you when he apologized."
The two tender engines pondered for a moment as Philip left.
After a few moments of silence, James huffed. "I need to get ready for my passenger trains."
"Don't you have a goods train to pull?" asked Emily.
"I… forgot about it."
"Hm, well. I can pull it for you so you don't run late with the Honeypot."
"Of course! Where does it need to be taken to?"
"Got it. I'll see you later, James!" With two whistles and a wheesh from her brakes, Emily set off.
"See you later!" he exclaimed before rushing off to find the Honeypot coaches.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 25 days
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - The Foreign Scottish Engine
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All in Vain (Season 20 Episode 16)
Word Count: 930
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
Once James arrived at Brendam Docks, he headed straight for his assigned goods trains to get it over with and go back to pulling passenger trains. "A splendid engine like me shouldn't be doing this sort of work!" he muttered with fury. Just as he was about to say something else, a ship's horn blasted near the docks as the ship came to the loading area, specifically the engine loading area.
Nobody had used that area in years so when the platform dropped to connect the ship to the docks, everyone stopped and stared, including James, Salty, Porter, and Cranky.
Once the ship and platform were safely connected, engines stormed off the boat, quickly filling Brendam Docks and startling the beings there. The engine, a Scottish tender engine, in the front rushed ahead with excitement. "Och, dear! V-Very busy today! The dockyard, I mean!" he exclaimed inattentively.
The dock manager looked up from his clipboard when he noticed the engines pass by. "Hey, stop! Hold it!" he hollered but they couldn't hear him so he blew his whistle. Thankfully, they all stopped, including the Scottish engine.
Ignoring the immediate groaning of questions from the engines behind the second engine, the dock manager asked loudly, "Where are you all going?"
"To the Great Railway Show, of course!" replied the second engine, a Belgium streamlined tender engine.
"The Great Railway Show is on the Mainland in England! This is the Island of Sodor!"
"The Island o’-?" The Belgium engine's face dropped. "Oh." With a blast of his whistle, he hollered, "Alright, back on the ship!"
Despite the complaining from some of the other engines, everyone reversed back onto the ship. As they did so, the Scottish engine yelled, "H-Hold oan! I'm comin’!" following everyone else. "W-Wait!"
James followed the crowd to the boat. "The Great Railway Show? Are you all really-?"
"Get out of the way, rusty iron!" hollered a large blue Canadian tender engine.
James fumed, huffing heavy clouds of steam. "I'm not the one going backward," he muttered. As the engines boarded the ship, he exclaimed, "Why don't you take me with you all?" He switched lines. "It looks like there's room for one more!" exclaimed James as he braked suddenly at the engine boarding dock.
"Is there somebody missin'?" piped up a small green tank engine with a thick Italian accent. Her expression quickly shifted as she noticed Salty and Porter calling out for an engine rushing towards James.
The large American tender engine only chuckled darkly.
Just as James' expression shifted, the Scottish engine bumped into him from behind with a loud CLANK! James was shoved forwards, making his pony truck dangle from the edge and for him to dip forward, as the other engine gasped in surprise.
"Nonono! Help!" he screamed as he panicked. "I'm going to go overboard!"
"James!" exclaimed Salty and Porter. They rushed forward to the engine-loading docks with many of the dock workers.
James helplessly reversed, dipping back and forth on the edge of the docks.
The workmen quickly grabbed a chain, attached it to the back of the Scottish engine, and connected it to James' tender buffer beam.
"Start pulling!" exclaimed one of the workers.
The Scottish engine struggled as his wheels squealed against the iron rails. Slowly but surely, he managed to pull the bright red medium-sized tender engine back on the rails. Once James was settled down and the workmen began to unchain the engines, cheers roared around the area for the Scottish engine.
"What a rescue!" exclaimed Porter.
Everyone was glad the engine had saved James and that nothing worse had happened.
But James wasn't.
"What is it with all you railway show engines? Charging about like you own the rails!" he fumed as he backed down and switched onto Porter's line. "What makes you so special anyway? Do you think you're better than the rest of us just because-!" He froze once his eyes met the stranger.
The Scottish engine was a tender engine with four leaders and four drivers, painted Indian Red with a lighter red and black used for his lining. His eyes were a warm brass, and he was about the same size as James. "S-Sorry, I’m v-very sorry!” he exclaimed, looking downwards and avoiding eye contact. “No’ ma intention tae bump ye. I-I should've lookit." he said. "I-I didnae ken ye there!"
James didn't answer. He glared at the foreigner, feeling insulted that the engine didn’t even bother looking at him. Great, just what I needed! he thought with a huff and a frown that slowly grew. Another red engine.
Noticing the rising tension, Salty broke the silence. "Uh, thank you for rescuing me. My name is James," he said, glancing at James to the Scottish engine. "What's yours?"
"Salty!" James scolded sharply.
But Salty laughed, and the Scottish engine joined, chuckling.
"Don't be silly, James. That can't be their name. That's my name!"
The foreigner's laughter subsided. "Edward. Ma name’s Edward," he chimed with a warm smile.
"Well, I can't stay here all day!" he huffed as he backed straight into Porter.
"James, watch out!" exclaimed the viridian saddle tank engine. It was too late as James bumped him back by accident.
Edward gasped as quietly as he could.
James was flustered. In a desperate attempt to cover his mess up, James huffed back at the other red tender engine. Red. He fumed at the thought. "I have work to do!"
"Hm?" Edward's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his eyes followed the other red tender engine leaving the docks without his goods train.
Disclaimer: they don't fall in love in this story. We do not believe in the "Love at First Sight" trope here. It'll happen later.
For the new readers: If you've noticed that Edward's dialogue is a little weird, that's on purpose. You'll see why as the rest of the chapters are posted. It's important to his character.
OG description: Throwback to when I rewrote the Thomas and Ashima scenes with James and Edward instead in almost one sitting. I went back and cleaned it up once I decided to actually post it. Definitely more self-indulgent lmao
Each scene will have its own chapter so it'll give me the chance to slowly go through and polish them one at a time. :D
A few characters will be swapped out so that it makes more sense (by following EoSR).
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 3 months
You've Got Mail - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Pen Pals (April 1964)
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Goodbye Fat Controller - Season 19 Episode 25
Word Count: 933
He wrote back.
James didn't think Emily's idea would work. Sure, it had worked fine for her but that was her sister. It was someone she knew. Edward was, in the end, a foreign stranger. Yet—
"He actually wrote back!" James exclaimed, seeing the closed envelope Fred, his driver, waved in front of him with a smile. "What did he say? Can you read it, please? Please?"
James' driver chuckled at the ecstatic engine as he looked around. The engine and his crew were in a siding, with a brake van and guard in hand, awaiting clearance. There was a disturbance up the branch line. "I don't see why not, chap. We have plenty of time."
"Open it, then!"
"Calm down!" he scolded. "Not that long ago, you were brooding about."
With a snort, James retorted, "No, I wasn't!"
"We nearly missed the boat."
James huffed, letting his cheeks burn. "Ok, maybe a little."
Satisfied, the elderly raven head pulled out his pocket knife and cut the envelope open from its side. He grabbed it from the opposite end and tapped it against the palm of his hand, getting the letter out. It took a bit but it eventually slipped out and into his hands. The Englishman was about to unfold it, only to see another letter slip out. With a quick reflex, he was able to catch it before it fell onto the tracks and under James. Unlike the first one, there was writing on the outside.
Curious, Fred cleared his throat. "From Quinn Burns, a volunteer of the Furness Railway Trust," his driver read aloud, just as George, James’ fireman, quietly approached them. "I'll read this one first."
"But-!" James began.
"It could be context for what Edward has to say," interrupted his driver. "Might as well know who wrote it for him."
James hummed impatiently, receiving an eye roll from his fireman.
The driver quickly tucked the first letter and the envelope into his pockets. He opened the second letter, pinched the opposite corners between his fingers, as if it were a scroll, cleared his throat, just to get a kick out of James, and read what was written with ink on the thin sheet of paper…
"Greetings to James' crew! 
When the Furness Railway Trust received your engine's letter, we were quite surprised, especially with whom it was addressed. While we were aware of the mishap that led to FR 21 being on the North Western Railway by accident, we were unaware that he had made a friend. And for that, we are very grateful for!
For one, Edward didn’t have, shall we say, stable relationships in the past. When Old Coppernob was around for the Great Railway Show, Edward didn't get along with him. He ignored him the moment they met, so he's been a loner since. Considering what little he's told me about his "prime" days, I can see why.
And two, I don't think I and the rest of my colleagues have ever seen him this happy before, compared to how he reacted when we told him he'd partake in the Great Railway Show once again. Edward told me everything that happened while he was in the NWR. He was initially apprehensive about James but with the little time he spent on the island, he enjoyed his company. We're glad that he's made a friend.
Quinn Burns"
Fred chuckled at seeing James’ face scrunch up, curious by one piece of information, joined by George.
“‘Once again’?” repeated James. “He's been to the show before?”
“Sure seems like it, old chap,” replied his driver, folding the letter back up and tucking it back into the envelope. He proceeded to do the same to the other with no writing on the outside. “Let's see what your friend's got to say,” he continued as he opened the letter, the paper audibly wrinkling.
“Hello there!
In all my years, I didn't expect a letter. Much less from another engine, so I would like to thank you for that, James.
I would love to be ‘pen pals.’ And I have managed to find a way, as you can tell. Mr. Burns is a very nice man. I talk to him the most and he was there when the letter came in.
How have things been? I know not much time has passed but still. We might as well start somewhere, should we not?
By the time this letter reaches you, I’ll be at the British Transport Museum. I'll be there until May. Then I'll go back to Derby for a short while. Until then, I won’t be able to answer. I’m truly sorry. I will try to respond as soon as I get back.
FR 21 Edward
James huffed out steam in a heavy sigh. Of course, something was going on, he thought.
His "Day 1” crew picked up on the disgruntled engine. “Cheer up, old boy,” whispered his fireman, ignoring James’ “I'm not old!” “At least we know when he's going back.”
Knowing Mr. Turner was right, James snorted, eliciting a chuckle from his elderly crew. While this behavior bothered others immensely, this was the norm for the trio. No other crew knew how to handle this particular iron horse.
“We can write back later,” noted Mr. Quill as he heard a nearby shrill. He looked at the source of the sound to see their guard waving his flag. “The line's cleared.”
Satisfied with the suggestion, James agreed. Once his crew settled in, Mr. Quill opened James’ regulator with practiced ease, beginning their journey to the next job.
Alternatively: James and his "should've retired by now Day 1" crew.
They have tried recruiting a new crew for years by this point (Fred + George have been working with James since their late 20s) but previous candidates just couldn't get along with James, and the NWR wasn't about to risk an accident from happening because of that. The NWR will take accidents caused by the engines over the ones caused by the crews ANY DAY.
The way Edward speaks in his letters versus his actual dialogue will be different (but progressively will be the same) since someone is writing for him, as well as guiding him with what he is trying to say.
Correcting myself with this one because I didn't say what I meant to say: Edward DOES know how to speak but the reason why he's speech is broken is due to the sudden change in his life. He did not have to deal with socializing for 4 decades (1923 - 1963), losing that practice. Now that he does interact with others, its become overwhelming. Times have changed, and so has the world around him. He has a lot to adapt to, such as social standards.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 5 months
You've Got Mail - Prologue
Prologue - Opening Letter (April 1964)
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Word Count: 88
Happy 2/5!!! :]
“Hello, Edward!
It’s me, James! I hope this letter reaches you. My crew is writing this for me.
I know we only talked once but I would really like it if we could be “pen pals,” as my driver calls it.  We can be friends writing to one another from time to time. Would you like that? That is if you can find a way?
 I did like talking to you that day, and I hope we can talk some more.
James (North Western Railway No. 5)”
As always, no posting schedule. HOWEVER, updates will purposely be slow because I need to build up EoSR for things to make sense here. TGR 2x5 Roleswap is an AU of EoSR. The chapters I have planned as of writing this, 1 - 7, won't cross over into significant events from EoSR but it'll still be slow. I'm trying to keep it consistent and cohesive here.
Speaking of which, I wrote chapter 1 (and more) before the prologue. Classic muxse move.
I have so many ideas for this fic to the point.
Yes, I know how it ends. Been knowing since the previous installment.
As mentioned in the pinned post, the chapter formatting is going to be somewhat different. This is my first original chapter fic (I'm not counting TGR but There's a Roleswap because its basically a re-write :p). Expect a variety of short and long chapters.
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 7 months
| Welcome |
muxse (@cerenemuxse) | she/her
This is the home to my TGR 2x5 Roleswap AU fics. The first fic has been reblogged from my main but the sequel will be posted here. This blog is being used for the purpose of making it easier to navigate the two stories without the spam on my main account.
There are two stories:
The Great Race but There's a Roleswap (Complete)
Tag: #tgr but there's a roleswap Total Word Count: 9,468
Chapters: 12 The Great Race but I swap Thomas with James and Ashima with Edward. What then? "The Great Race but There's a Roleswap" only contains scene rewrites with key point interaction between Thomas, swapped with James, and Ashima, swapped with Edward. Each scene is its own chapter.
You've Got Mail (Ongoing)
tag: #you've got mail Total Word Count: n/a
Chapters: n/a Sequel to "The Great Race but There's a Roleswap." When Edward receives a letter by James (written with the help of his crew), the pair exchange letters for many years to come. "You've Got Mail" will not follow the same format as the prequel.
#muxse meeps will be used for updates.
Any art of this AU can be found on my main blog or my archive blog, @archiveofmuxse.
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