thatdamnablekat · 10 years
greetings darl'ns --- making the rounds on this blog. like for a random starter with kat dearest?
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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Our actions are driven by one singular place deep inside.
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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"and here I thought vampires couldn’t love." "funny, I thought the same thing about pirates."
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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AU in which Katherine runs into Hook in Maine.
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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" Is this the bit where you expect me    to run screaming? Or the part where   I'm supposed to be struck by the magic   of the supernatural. Because genuinely,   and I'm not often genuine --- I feel like    neither really fits the mood, "
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
hey this is your friendly reminder to never apologize for your muse being a sexual creature, or for them NOT being a sexual creature. don’t ever apologize for not writing sexual scenes for whatever reason, and don’t ever apologize for doing so and liking it! sex is apart of human nature ( including the lack of interest in it ) therefore you never have to apologize for incorporating it into your character however you chose to.
be unapologetically non-sexual.
be unapologetically sexual.
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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      " Seriously your solution to everything          is point a gun at it, if it moves shoot it,          if it stands still shoot it again. Really --                              all I wanted was you to wear                               the damned dress. "
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
" Love the smell of wet dog in the morning,           remind me why I came home with you            again? And where's the dog? I smell            it but I don't remember one from last            night.. Just how drunk was I? I have to           admit that shower really made me ---           feel completely alive. " 
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    { she's good at acting, feigning innocence when she is the        furthest thing from innocent truly possible. oh sure she was         drunk last night. but getting him to take her somewhere? now        that wasn't innocent. while it may seem that she just needed a        good lay. the truth of the matter was. the lockwood's were more         trouble than they were worth. and so she found herself a new --        pet. because if things went according to her plan? that's exactly        what he'd be. }
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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                     ----- the safest psychotic bitch in town ----       indie rp blog for katherine pierce / katerina petrova based on       season 1, 2 & early 3 at latest. open to rping with duplicates       as well as aus / crossovers. comfortable writing from novella       to one liners. 3 year writing experience on tumblr. skype is       available to mutuals upon request. 
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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         "That's because for being the                  f u n  one, you always                   have a bad feeling. "
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            “I have a bad feeling.”
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
I Put a Spell on You || Screamin’ Jay Hawkins (AHS Version)
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
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       " It's thundering ---                I have an idea. "
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
send one of the following sentences to me for my muses response. mixture of angst, fluff, nsfw and everything inbetween. taken from sources such as movies, tv shows, songs and my own brain. 
"How long have we been down?" 
"Am I supposed to just let you go?" 
"Are you real?" 
"Shut up and kiss me." 
"You look homeless." 
"Do you kids want anything? Some snacks? A condom?" 
"I’m not gay/lesbian." 
"I’m destined to be a crazy cat lady/man." 
"Time won’t change me." 
"It’s empty in the valley of your heart." 
"You did this?" 
"I will hold on hope." 
"Shit, you really are tone deaf." 
"I’d rather burn than boil." 
"I see you found my little…hobby." 
"Never trust a drunk." 
"You have no idea what I’m capable of." 
"Long live the Queen/King" 
"It’s like a warm, wet hug." 
"I predict a riot." 
"I’m in no mood." 
"Is this where we all sing Kum-Bah-Yah?" 
"There’s nothing I hate more than a racist." 
"Well, part of your discretion is falling out of your blouse." 
"Killers don’t wear aprons." 
"As you wish." 
"Word of advice, shithead. Don’t you ever wake up." 
"You’ve never heard of Leonardo Dicaprio?!" 
"If you try to fuck me then I shall fuck you too." 
"Rock and Roll’s the Devils work." 
"You’re a fat loser and you have body odour." 
"I am lost and so alone." 
"I’m asking for your guidance." 
"My father thinks you’re evil." 
"I still have your underwear." 
"I’m pregnant." 
"Show’s over, motherfuckers." 
"Aw dude, this is one gay looking taser." 
"If it wasn’t for you, I’d be dead." 
"If you don’t pay your rent, I’m kicking you out." 
"That is so punk rock!" 
"It’s a nice day for a white wedding." 
“God. This is the loneliest place I’ve ever been and I lived in a tree for eight months.” 
"People are strange." 
"It’s a nice day to start again." 
"I’ve been gone for fourteen days. I could have been gone for more." 
"Do you think he’ll/she’ll ever come home?" 
"They tried to stone me, my dear. It did not work." 
"Get off my son/daughter, you bitch!" 
"Try not to get worried." 
"I’m sure I just need some rest." 
"You light a fire inside of me." 
"I threw my pie for you." 
"I wanna get out of here." 
"Don’t you dare leave me again, [ insert name ]" 
"Life isn’t a Katherine Heigl movie." 
"Why are you so obsessed with him/her?" 
"Of course, my horse." 
"You’re so naive." 
"There’s no such thing as perfect." 
"Imperfection is underrated." 
"It’s such an ugly world for something so beautiful." 
"I’m not fond of asking." 
"You’re so vain, I bet you think this song is about you." 
"Are you challenging me?" 
"This is the best fucking pie I have ever tasted." 
"Little children should be seen and not heard." 
"Imagine me and you, I do. I think about you day and night." 
"You belong to me." 
"I will always wait for you." 
"You’re the magician’s assistant in their dream." 
"Don’t marry her, fuck me." 
"We will never be royals." 
"There must be an angel, playing with my heart." 
"I must be hallucinating." 
"Will you marry me?" 
"We were made to be together." 
"Jesus loves you!" 
"She’s got a boyfriend/girlfriend anyway." 
"Just like me, they long to be, close to you." 
"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard." 
"Bad girls do it well." 
"Don’t you wish your girlfriend/boyfriend was hot like me?" 
"You do not own me." 
"I own you." 
"There’s a difference between wanting something and needing it." 
"Why so serious?" 
"Describe your perfect date." 
”[ insert name here ] is flawless.” 
"Do you have to a pretentious bitch all of the time?" 
"This is our infinity." 
"Ask me again when you learn some manners." 
"When I am with you, there’s no place I’d rather be." 
"Did we really just do that?" 
"At the end of the day, there’ll be nothing but trouble." 
"When will my life begin?" 
"Now that we’re friends, I’ve decided to make you my new project." 
"Look at you as fragile as a flower." 
"Guess I always knew this day was coming." 
"Trust me, pet. Mother knows best." 
"Please, sit. Make yourself at home." 
"I’m allergic to bullshit." 
"Is it your aim to ruin my life?" 
"My fate is in your hands." 
"Go ahead, get mugged and left for dead." 
"I wanna stay inside all day." 
"Are you satisfied?" 
"People will talk." 
"For goodness sake, let us be young." 
"I’m nobody."
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thatdamnablekat · 10 years
Run Boy Run || Woodkid
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