Wrote another fairytale inspired story, this time it was just the basic concept of genies, written in a pretty different style to my previous fairytales, it’s more modern
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I saw your thing about the half demon baby with custody rights. Did you ever write that? I'd love to read it.
I never wrote anything for it (I still might some day) but I did do a couple of comics! they’re on my artblog tajdesigns
but if you search the ‘one hell of a family’ tag on my main blog you can read all of the stories other people have written for it! I’ve reblogged and tagged every single one ~
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Due to legal wording, all underaged ghosts, including Johnny 13, Kitty, Youngblood, Dani Phantom and Danny Phantom, must attend school. After all, even ghosts need an education. For some reason.
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At first it Wasn't, and then it Was.
It didn't know where it had come from, or from what it had been born, it didn't have the capacity for such complex thoughts. It had no true form, it was simply There, or perhaps it was Not. It didn't know. It didn't care.
All it knew was that it craved. Craved what? It didn't even know that, not until it came across... something. It would come to learn later that this was an Insect. Small crawling creatures that littered the ground. It consumed the Insect.
It was no longer a formless, thoughtless mass. After consuming the small bug it had gained something, knowledge, senses, a very primitive and basic set of instincts. It learned a concept for the craving, it would later learn the word. Hunger.
It no longer Was, now it Scuttled. It Scuttled across the ground, around blades of grass and under leaves. Other Insects would rustle by it's side, but they would not approach. It was not like them, it had not learned enough to be like them.
It was faster than they were, however, not bound by the same rules of the earth as they were. It did not know such rules existed. It consumed more of the Insects. It learned more of the world that they knew.
And then it consumed something else. Something much larger, soft and furry. It would learn later that this was a Rodent. The Rodent taught it different things, it learned not to Scuttle but to Scurry. It learned of new senses, new concepts.
It discovered that with so much choice it did not have to limit itself to one form. It quite liked the hard glittering carapace of the Insect, but the eyes, ears and nose of the Rodent were far too appealing not to utilise.
It took the form of both creatures, a mesh of segmented limbs and furry features. It liked this new form.
It was able to find new creatures, creatures that were bigger, faster, more clever than it. But not once it consumed them, for once it consumed them it was just as big, just as fast, just as CLEVER as they were.
It remained fond of the Insect carapace, but the senses of the Wolf were far more enticing than those of the Rodent, and the antlers of the Deer made it feel larger and stronger than it truly was. Hooves were tough and strong, but claws were sharp and intimidating. It took both. The fangs of the Spider were venomous, but the jaws of the Wolf were large. It took both.
There was no reason it had to choose only one, it could be anything after all.
But it found that the more it mixed and matched its discoveries the harder it was to lure in fresh prey. It Hungered, it Thirsted. Not just to feed but to learn, to GROW.
It was suddenly limited by the cumbersome body it had crafted for itself. It learned something new.
It could always take its favoured form when it felt like it, but when stalking its prey it had to change. When approaching the Deer it would keep the antlers and the hooves, but it would have to also gain the short haired coat and the soft velvety snout.
It did not look Quite Right. There were things it simply couldn't replicate so easily. Scent, movement, breathing and blinking, all simple things that seemed to make a world of difference to the other Deer. It would approach and they would be wary, it could only get so close before they became startled, suddenly terrified at the Other in their midst. The Other who was so like them but Not.
For every Deer it chased and consumed it learned more of what it was missing. It learned how to mimic the smell of the herd, it learned to blink and flick its ears in the Right way. It even learned to make sounds. There were some sounds that brought the Deer right to it.
The Wolves were trickier. They were far more cunning, harder to catch and harder to fool. It had to learn quite a lot more to outsmart the Wolves.
It did not travel far from it's birthplace, at least not until it got bored. It had learned all it could from the animals in these woods, it wanted to know what else there was. There had to be more to learn. More it could take.
It didn't have to travel far before it came across something New. These were People. It didn't know the word, or any word really, until it had consumed one of the People.
They were clever, so much more clever than the Wolf or the Fox. It had found only a small one, lost from their herd... pack? Family. The People had families. They had wandered, it seemed, and they had been terrified by its appearance. The mixed form it preferred when it was not hunting.
The People were terrified of this form, this Person was so terrified that they couldn't seem to even move. It consumed them, and it Learned.
New concepts, new thoughts and language and feelings and knowledge! These People were so complex, it wanted more.
It watched them, from the tree line. They didn't like to venture far from the paths or the clearings or even each other. They stayed in groups, stuck close to their families. That made things quite difficult.
It didn't consume many at first, it could only wait for them to stray from the path before it could take them, and it learned quickly that not all would be scared still like the first. Some would become violent, most would simply run, People were good at knowing when something wasn't quite like them, it seemed.
It had trouble taking a human form. They were all so different, it could never quite get it Right. Not even the Deer or the Wolves gave it this much trouble. And the People were perceptive, if even one small piece were out of place they would KNOW. They spooked easily and they ran fast.
It thought of perhaps taking a group all at once, just leap into a campsite and simply take them all in one fell swoop, but it had never met a creature that fought back like these before. The others, even the Wolves, would only run in terror, but sometimes People liked to shoot and slash and hit. It didn't know what such things could do to it, for it had never been injured before, so it kept to the tree line and only took those who strayed.
It could wait. It would take time to gather the knowledge and the practice, but it would wait.
It took the form of a Boy, they seemed very common. Younger ones would come to play in the forest, they would be loud and break things. Girls would do so too at times, but they were often scolded by the elder People. They had rules it seemed, about what kind of People could do what. They were fascinating.
It saw many with dark hair, so it took that. They all had differently coloured eyes, so it took the blue ones. It liked the blue ones. It chose the body of someone young, it had a voice that was slightly higher than the adults, but lower than the children.
The teenagers, they were Troublemakers. The smart People who knew the woods well and all dressed the same, the Rangers, would come after the Troublemakers. It liked that. It counted on that.
The People stopped chasing Troublemakers in the woods after a while, too many had never come back. It could not rely on making People follow anymore, People learned not to follow.
So it followed them instead.
It would trail behind a camping party, stand at the edge of their clearing, watching. It would make a noise. A sound it had learned, a crying infant.
The sounds worked at first, it fed well for a time, but again they learned. They were clever these People. It had to change tactics often.
Sounds, smells, sights, it tried many tricks to fool and to lure, and they would all work for some time before the People grew wise. They communicated well these People, they told stories and gave warnings.
It decided that it had learned enough, it was time to take the next step.
It found a campsite, they weren't supposed to do that here, it knew. People got in trouble from the Rangers for making campsites. If they weren't consumed first that is.
It watched as they shared food and stories by a fire. They were adult People, they drank the beverage that made them act strange. Alcohol. They were much easier prey when they drank alcohol.
It took on its boy Person form and approached the campsite. The People did not recognise that it was Other. That it was not One of Them. They asked if it was 'okay'. If it 'needed help'. It made a sound it had heard before, crying. People cried sometimes, and if the young People cried the elder People would always console. They would do anything for it if it cried.
They asked if it was lost, if it had family, how long it had been out here, if they should 'call' somebody. It knew of the concept of 'calling' people, but it had not seen such a concept performed in person. There was no 'signal' out here in the woods.
It cried and it asked for a place to sleep. It had trouble forming sentences that sounded Right. The language of People was complicated, mostly due to the way words were spoken. It could not just say words and make sounds, it had to do them Just Right. It had to speak the words with the correct inflections, it had yet to master such a skill.
But it had learned a cheat. It could speak in any way it wished through cries and tears. People forgave People for speaking strangely when they cried. The People were very invested on easing the distress of young People, they forgave all sorts of behaviours if they did them while crying.
It would sob and cry and wail and use its words in the midst of the distressed sounds. The People would not notice any mistakes it made, they would not notice when it said its words Wrong. They just wanted it to stop crying.
It said there was something out there. Something dangerous. They should all go into the tent together, where it was safe. It couldn't get them inside the tent.
This was a lie, it could certainly get them inside the tent. Even if it wasn't inside with them.
They listened, they hid, most of them anyway. Some of the People stayed outside to guard, to watch. That was fine. It had most of the sleepy, drunk elder People in the tent settled around it. Looking everywhere in fear except for within their midst.
A Person clung to him. They told it everything was okay. They told it everything would be fine. It knew that already.
It consumed all of them, it was easy in such a small space, with half of them already passed out into a hard sleep. It was quick, and it took them by surprise, they barely had the chance to scream.
But noise was made, and the ones guarding came to check. They found the tent empty, it had already taken off into the night. It had plenty of forms that could sneak away without being noticed.
The last People were easy pickings after that.
It felt emboldened by its new experience. It had passed for a Person, they had welcomed it. They had even attempted to care for it, to protect it.
It learned that the elder People would always be easy prey to a younger Person form. But teenage People were harder to fool, teenage People did not feel the responsibility of protecting another. If teenage People heard an infant they would run. If they saw anyone older than themselves they would run. They were afraid. They believed in beasts in the woods who could change forms. They took no chances.
It wanted the teenage People. They were a Challenge. It liked a Challenge.
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"You can have another meal for free if you tell me a story." Elle looked up. "You serious?" she asked, licking a few stray crumbs off her thumb. "Seems like dumb business management." "What do you know about business management?" Cassidy shot back with a barely offended smile, "Do you want a free meal or not?"
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Ouija Board
They thought it would be fun. A silly little prank to give Star and Paulina a bit of a Halloween scare, of course they never considered what might happen, that it might actually work.
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How You've Changed
So I love the idea of Maddie recognising that something is up with Danny and then coming to a wrong (or maybe not? HMMMMM??) but understandable conclusion
I also love uncanny valley horror so this is kinda like a sister story to the one I wrote about how the kids of Caspar High view Danny, but this time from a much… closer perspective
Also I wish tumblr iPad let you add read mores but apparently No
Enjoy ~
Maddie had always considered the possibility of ectoplasmic mutations occurring in humans, in fact she and Jack had put an awful lot of thought into the idea before ever even toying with the notion of bringing up children in the same house as their laboratory.
They knew that the safety gear they worked with in college was less than appropriate considering the volatile and mysterious substances they were working with, but at the time they had been so young and foolish and determined, they didn’t care about consequences or safety protocol, as long as they got answers, as long as they could prove that their work MEANT something.
It was the proto-portal incident that changed everything.
It was then that they realised they had royally hecked up, and though Maddie always felt awful about what happened and regretted it every day of her life, she was at least comforted by one thing.
Ectoplasmic radiation wasn’t deadly.
Sure it could make you violently ill and cause a break out in the most horrific acne the world had ever seen but it wouldn’t KILL you, or even permanently maim you! Though Vlad had been completely cut off from them due to being kept in quarantine, they at the very least were able to keep updated on his recovery by a sympathetic nurse. Vlad may have been furious and temporarily violently ill but he had pulled through seemingly unharmed and unscarred.
This was a breakthrough.
The limits Maddie and Jack could go with their experiments now knowing what ectoplasm was and wasn’t capable of doing to a human body. They of course upped their safety protocols and lab-wear to prevent another Vlad incident but now they knew they were relatively safe from any mutations or illnesses, at least in the short term. Long term effects were still questionable but if Vlad could walk off a shot of concentrated ecto-radiation to the face then what harm could years of mild exposure do?
Maddie still admitted to herself, years later, that this was a naive assumption.
There were a few things she had never considered, those being the effect of ectoplasm on a human who had yet to finish growing, and the effect of ectoplasm on a child she had yet to birth.
When Maddie had Jazz it was her first pregnancy, and it took its toll on her body. She was a strong woman but not particularly large and it was a rough first experience as Jazz had been a particularly hefty baby. She had not done an awful lot of lab-work during those last few months, as heavy as she was she could barely leave the couch.
Jazz had been born after a particularly long labour but without complications, a healthy baby girl, showing no signs of illness or anything else to cause alarm. She was beautiful, she was perfect.
Danny… was not.
Maddie could immediately tell that there was a difference with her second pregnancy, she had not, in fact, known she was pregnant for a great while, unlike Jazz who was planned and expected. She wasn’t a fan of the term ‘accident’, so she and Jack liked to call Danny their 'Little Surprise’.
Maddie did not grow nearly as large as quickly, and the toll the pregnancy took on her was much less this time around, so her work in the lab continued well into the later stages of her pregnancy. Still the small size of her Little Surprise did not bother her, she had been told by everyone that pregnancies wouldn’t always be the same, it was quite expected to be a different experience for a different child.
But there was a problem. She went into labour too early.
There had been some kind of issue, she wasn’t sure what, the doctors weren’t sure either, 'things like this just happen sometimes’ her sister told her. It should have bothered her, she should have insisted on more tests, asked more questions.
But she didn’t.
She was just grateful that in the end her Little Surprise, despite being so small and premature, had been born alive and well, and she left it at that.
It was years later that she mentioned it again, that she asked Jack if they had done the right thing in raising their children in the same house in which they worked. He had told her that nothing had gone wrong so far, they can’t have messed up too badly.
She should have been reassured, but she wasn’t.
Jack, god bless him, was a beautiful loving man, but he was not very observant, he had a talent for missing the obvious let alone the subtle. And it was the subtle that bothered her.
Something was off about her child.
Jazz had grown up normal, she was extremely intelligent and dedicated to anything she put her mind to, and she had kept a considerate distance from their work, having rarely gone down to the basement for anything more than to ask them about something when they were working, and even then it’d be rare that she left the staircase.
Danny, on the other hand, went down there quite often. As a child he was naturally curious, always wanted to know 'why?’ and 'how?’ and 'what are you doing?’ Jack, of course, was enthused. He would bundle Danny up in hazmat suits ten times too big for him and take him on a tour of their most recent experiment.
Maddie should have stopped him, but her little boy looked so cute swimming in that huge suit! She giggled and cooed when she should have picked the rascal up and taken him back upstairs. She should have told him that the lab was a dangerous place and not to play there instead of encouraging his presence.
Where Jazz had grown into a healthy young woman, Danny had remained rail thin regardless of how much he ate, and he would sleep more often than what should have been normal for a child. As a baby, Maddie had simply commented on how well behaved he was at nap time. As a teenager she simply explained it away as regular teenage laziness.
Though Jazz had never been quite as much of a layabout as Danny had been. She never ate as much and she had never been so pale and thin.
Maddie was, in later years, willing to admit that Danny may have had a health problem that she should probably keep her eye on, but it was later still that she finally accepted what she feared to admit.
There was something extremely WRONG with her child.
It started with small changes, nervousness, suspicious behaviour, avoiding them in public. Things she wrote off as him being a teenager, embarrassed by them and their career, the secrecy perhaps a result of dirty magazines or something of the like hidden in his room? She didn’t want to think too hard about such things and so ignored them.
God she was an awful mother.
Even Jack, as unobservant as he was, picked up on it before she did.
'Mads I think Danny might be a ghost.’ this was not the first time he’d made this assumption about their children, it was his explanation for any abnormal behaviour.
'Sweetie remember the last time we thought Jazz was a ghost? If the scanners don’t pick up anything we have nothing to worry about.’
'They’ve picked up on Danny before. That time we thought it was Jazz and got her hair caught in the Fenton Weasel, it might have been pointing to Danny!’
'Jack that scanner wasn’t even finished, it was playing up. Leave Danny alone, being a teenager is hard enough without us throwing accusations around.’
She wished she had listened to him. She had been right about the scanner, she was sure she was… Danny wasn’t a ghost, at least, not a ghost pretending to be their child. He was… he was still their child.
He was just, wrong.
There was the time she had caught him reading when he should have been sleeping. Reading, in the middle of the night, with the lights off. At times she would see him sitting still, abnormally still, like someone had somehow placed a lifelike Danny wax figure at the kitchen table, until he broke his gaze from whatever had been on the wall that had caught his interest so intensely and began eating his cereal like nothing happened.
He wasn’t getting thinner at least, in fact he was actually starting to bulk up for once in his life, but he was definitely getting paler. At times he looked almost white, no not white, there was colour, a cold tint to his skin, blue or maybe green. It would disappear if she looked twice, like the mist she sometimes swore she could see coming from his mouth.
There was another thing Maddie took a long time to put her finger on, there was a point where Danny silently walking into a room and scaring the hell out of her went from endearingly annoying to downright spooky. He would still laugh and tease her when it happened like nothing unusual was going on, nothing had changed, but it had. He had changed. There was no presence, no sound, no warmth, nothing to indicate that he was standing right next to her even when she knew he was. She could see him with her eyes but could not feel him on some other level she didn’t quite understand.
And there was a glow. It was in his eyes, nothing obvious, not like a glow-stick or a flashlight, they were just so… luminescent. In an understated kind of way that just made his eyes appear so bright. He had always had such bright blue eyes but this was something almost ethereal in nature. She knew she wasn’t the only one who had noticed this. Everyone stared at his eyes. Everyone. And it wasn’t in an 'oh my gosh your eyes are so pretty!’ kind of way. She could see it in their faces. Friends, relatives, strangers. They would look at her son’s face and for a moment almost frown before covering it up with a friendly smile. They would try to hide it, but she’d see.
Nobody complemented his eyes any more. It almost felt like some sort of taboo to even mention them.
Maddie considered talking to him about what was going on, he had to be aware of it… he had to be, but he had shown no signs of concern or curiosity about his… situation. Maddie would have to be the one to bring it up, she had to be the one who sat down with him and straight up asked the question.
What question though?
Danny are you aware that you’re strange? Danny is there something wrong with you? Danny have you noticed that something abnormal has been happening to you?
How the heck was a mother supposed to approach this situation sensitively?
In the end she settled for subtlety.
Maddie sat down beside her son on the lounge and turned the tv off, he whined at her. He was in the middle of a show, he seemed so normal in that moment… Until she said the words.
'We need to talk about how you’ve changed.’
There, subtle, non-judgemental, a calm and safe approach. He locked eyes with her and suddenly her heart began to beat double time in her ears, she could feel sweat start to bead along her hairline, her breath caught in her throat.
His eyes were locked onto hers with an intensity she thought a human could never possess, perhaps she was correct. The… thing sitting next to her could not possibly be human. He had done nothing. NOTHING to indicate that he meant her harm, there had been no tightening of muscles or fists, no glare or scowl.
He merely had to look at her, and her body immediately wanted out of this room and house and neighbourhood and planet. It wanted AWAY from this, this… whatever it was beside her.
Maddie took a deep shuddering breath, she had faced down enormous beings with teeth and claws and hulking muscles on a body twice her size, but never before in her life had she felt so terrified, so small and out of her depth, and there had been NOTHING TO TRIGGER IT. He had done nothing, he had done NOTHING to make her feel this way and still she did, what was happening? What had her son, her child her Little Surprise, what had… what had she turned him into?
All that work in the lab during her pregnancy, all that exposure at such a young age in an ill-fitting safety suit. It had done things to him, of course it had, what else could have happened? He wasn’t a ghost, not even ghosts struck the sort of abject terror in her heart as her own child did at this moment.
He was something else.
Something her mind recognised wasn’t human but couldn’t recognise as anything else. He wasn’t a ghost, and he wasn’t human. He was something somewhere in between, that had to be it. He had to be somewhere in between…
Maddie drew her tight lips into a forced smile.
'Your grades, you’ve, uh, you’ve gotten better grades this semester, I don’t know what you’re doing different but,’ breathe, she reminded herself, breathe, 'But, but I think you should keep it up.’
A brief pat on the arm later and she was off the lounge and at the door faster than she knew she could move. Then a voice froze her in the doorway.
'Mom,’ he said quietly. She turned, hesitantly, the way she would as a child in a dark room fearing the scary monster she knew might be there just over her shoulder.
Her lanky beanpole of a son had draped himself over the back of the couch, lazy smile spread across his face, warming his icy eyes. Danny was looking at her now, the boy she knew and raised and loved. The fear drained from her quickly, how could she ever be terrified of him? What on earth had struck her in that moment?
'Thanks,’ he said, 'For not… talking about what you came here to talk about.’ He looked away from her, eyes downcast but… still warm. 'You’re not ready.’
There was something wrong with her son, Maddie knew this… but despite it all he was still her son. And whatever she had done to him, he was coping, he was at peace with it, it seemed, and she knew he would never hurt her. Danny would never hurt anyone.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of it, and she feared the day anyone would give him a reason to hurt. Maddie hoped with everything she had that if it were to happen, she would never be there to truly see what she had done to her child.
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'Oh no.'
‘Oh no.’
Tucker hadn’t meant for this to happen. Honestly his tight ass would have paid any amount of money in the world to PREVENT this from happening.
But it had happened. He had looked over at his life long best friend sleeping against his shoulder and had been struck by the very INTIMATE urge to kiss him on his adorable little freckled nose.
This wasn’t a good thing, because said best friend’s GIRLFRIEND was sleeping against his OTHER shoulder, and every time her hair fell across her face he had to nearly bite his own fingers to stop himself from brushing her fringe aside out of her long lashed eyes.
The three of them had sat down for a movie at Sam’s place, it was one of those few calm nights where the ghosts were chilling in the Zone and NOT causing any trouble for once. Danny was absolutely delighted to spend the night with his friends doing something that DIDN’T involve ghosts.
The two lovebirds had sat beside one another on the lounge, holding hands and being, quite frankly, UNBEARABLY adorable. Tucker warned them that he’d sit on them if they didn’t stop being so mushy and things predictably escalated until they were all but a tangle of goofy limbs hanging precariously off the two seater lounge.
By the time Tucker awoke it was late morning and he was seated firmly between Sam and Danny, both having cuddled right up to him in the night, his left arm was warm under Sam’s weight, but his entire right side was borderline numb beneath Danny’s clinging arms. Boy was a leach, he had always been clingy when they shared beds as kids but back then he didn’t have a big ol’ chunk of freezing cold ectoplasm sitting pretty in his chest.
But cold be damned Tucker was squished up with BOTH his crushes practically sleeping on top of him, no force on Earth or in the Zone could possibly make him move right now. He was staying right here where he could stew in his delight and guilt for the rest of eternity.
Until Danny stirred and an arm pressed against his bladder. Heck. He needed to pee, like, really REALLY needed to pee.
Tucker stayed nestled up in the cuddle pile for as long as he could stand it before heaving a sigh so heavy even Thor couldn’t lift it. Somehow he managed to wrangle himself out without waking either of his friends and he waddled to the bathroom to relieve himself.
He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he stood in the cold tiled room. Why. No seriously, WHY. How in the fresh hell did he manage to fall head over heels not only for ONE of his best friends, but BOTH of them, and to top it off they were both DATING each other. He literally could not have picked a worse scenario.
He could wake up one morning with 'Bad Luck Tuck’ tattooed to his forehead and he still couldn’t possibly feel more unlucky than he did in this instant.
It took all of his willpower not to always end his and Sam’s constant meat vs vegan fights by smooching her on those enticingly smooth cheekbones, and Danny was even WORSE. Every time that asshole so much as SMILED Tucker’s heart would start thumping like it was trying to put him into cardiac arrest, it was just all those freckles and that little chip in his tooth and-
Oh God stooooop. He needed to stop, he needed to stop right the heck now before he became the first human being to pass out from overexposure to adorkableness. Honestly? Fuck his friends for being so cute. This was all their fault, they could at least have considered his feelings before growing up to be so adorably kissable.
He’d tried so hard to deny it to himself, he tried SO hard to fall back out of love with them but after waking up that morning nestled between those two precious asshats he realised that he had lost this battle, and he had lost it HARD.
But, at the very least, living with a superhero as your best friend taught you some pretty useful life skills. One of those skills being how to Lie Like a Motherfucker to Everyone You Care About. So without further ado Tucker washed his hands, took a moment to stare his lovestruck gaze away in the mirror, and went back out to throw a shoe at his best friend’s head for making his arm numb through the night.
He loved his friends, he loved them with everything he had and that was why he could never tell them how he felt.
'Oh no.’
Sam was honestly pissed, no scratch that, she was more than pissed. She was FURIOUS. Her rage burned with the intensity of her mother’s artificially whitened teeth, and she couldn’t even take it out on anyone, because the focus of her ire was her own stupid stupid brain.
She had always been equally close to both of her friends, in fact she had only very rarely hung out with one or the other alone, and every time she did it felt just… so uncomfortable. It took a long time to really sort out what that feeling was, but even when she did it made no sense.
It was GUILT, she felt GUILTY. Why did she feel guilty? Danny and Tucker sometimes hung out together without her, and that was fine, she was fine with it, they’d been friends since before she came along, but why couldn’t she do the same?
Every time one of them was over her house without the other it almost felt like she was cheating on someone, and that only got MORE disturbing after she and Danny started dating. Because suddenly? It very well COULD have been cheating.
But it wasn’t. And she kept telling herself it wasn’t. She had never kissed Tucker while she and Danny were dating. They had never even held hands.
But God damn, the realisation that had just struck her was enough to make her want to slap herself for ever becoming such a cliché piece of romance movie tripe.
She had just been sitting there, sipping on her smoothie when Tucker did that Thing. She hated that Thing. That Thing where he’d say something that he knew full well was the vocal equivalent of a tumblr shitpost but he ALSO knew she’d found it fucking hilarious and while she tried her damnedest not to let a smile loose he’d send her a big shit eating grin that made her stomach roll and her tongue feel dry. Yeah, THAT Thing.
She was crushing on Tucker, she was crushing on Tucker so hard. She was head over heels for her best friend, her BOYFRIEND’S best friend. Literally EVERYTHING about this situation was the reason she hated 90% of the movies she ever saw. Love triangles were the worst plague fiction had ever suffered and suddenly she realised it had spread it’s nasty little friendship killing tendrils into her life.
She was determined, however, not to fall into the awful trap that so many would think was inevitable, and she did so by keeping her mouth firmly shut about it. She had the willpower to go face to face against ghosts twice her size, and had been through more than one bout of emotional and mental manipulation by others of the ghostly kind. She was not about to lose this battle with herself and destroy not only her relationship, but also the much more valuable friendship she held with both boys.
Sam got up and gathered everyone’s Nasty Burger food scraps to throw into the bin, taking the brief moment to let her face twist in grief over what she’d have to do. With the rubbish gone and her resolve hardened, she slathered her face in smiles and ease, walking back to the table and acting with the skill and grace of someone who had been lying to protect her best-friend-turned-boyfriend for years. Her true feelings shoved somewhere deep between a pit of self-loathing and the core of her love for the boys she cared more about than anyone on this earth, including herself.
'Oh no.’
Danny was in trouble. Danny was in so so so so SO much trouble.
Honestly? At first he hadn’t even realised he was doing it, Tucker had been his friend for such a long time, it had only seemed natural to invite him out everywhere when he and Sam made plans. But Danny was starting to realise the tension it was causing.
Neither of them said anything but sometimes Danny could pick up on… something. Of course he knew what it was, since he’d started officially dating Sam, Tucker had become somewhat of a third wheel.
Danny had never considered his friend to be out of place or unwanted, but he wasn’t sure Sam felt the same way. Maybe she wanted it just to be the two of them, maybe she just wanted some alone time with her boyfriend. She wouldn’t say anything, Danny figured she didn’t want to seem clingy or harsh but, why else would things suddenly start feeling so… weird?
He tried to make the effort to go on at least a couple dates with Sam without inviting Tucker, but honestly he just couldn’t help but think something was missing, and it really didn’t seem to be helping with Sam’s tension. She tried to hide it, she really did, and it wasn’t as though she was bad at it, Danny just knew her too well. Her and Tucker, he was hiding something too.
And Danny was starting to think he knew what it was. They had NOTICED.
He thought he was doing such a good job keeping his feelings from being too obvious, he was used to acting differently around certain people by now (having an alter ego did that to a guy), but obviously his friends knew him too well.
It might have been the touching, yep, yep it definitely could have been the touching. Danny was an extremely touchy person and his gentle caresses and nuzzles weren’t particularly picky about which friend received them. He definitely remembered a time when he straight up snuggled his face right into Tucker’s neck during what was probably an EXTREMELY un-platonic hug.
Other events on the 'Danny is a two timing doofus’ calendar included:
'Holding hands with both Sam AND Tucker while walking down the street.’
'Very delicately running his fingers over Tucker’s leg one time when he’d thrown them on Danny’s lap and honestly there was absolutely nothing heterosexual about that moment.’
'Every time Tucker laughed so hard he snorted Danny thought his heart would straight up melt into a puddle of goo, and then SAM would start doing that super adorable giggle that she was really self conscious of and her trying not to laugh made her pull this fACE and Tucker would lose his mind and start snorting all over again and-’
Danny had to stop himself right there before his heart completely dissolved because for the love of the Ancients his friends were both way too hecking precious for their own good and he loved them, he loved them sooo much. He loved them both.
And they probably knew it.
And boy that meant he was in deep trouble.
Would Sam break up with him? Would this ruin their friendship? Nobody was SAYING anything but Danny knew that stewing over something like this was just going to lead to an explosion of awkward raging teen angst worthy of a place on an MCR album.
If they weren’t gonna bring it up then Danny would just have to… get it out of the way.
Oh boy, he did not want to do this, nuh uh, no sir, he did not want to be standing in his bedroom shifting uncomfortably before his two beautiful, patient, wonderful friends. He would have loved to be sitting BETWEEN them however he deemed such a position to be quite, how the professionals would say, INA-FUCKING-PROPRIATE considering the subject at hand.
No, standing in front of them was slightly better, only slightly because Danny felt like an absolute nervous piece of half human trash. Maybe he could just jump out the window and throw himself into a dumpster, that would speed things along. He would probably end up there by the end of this conversation anyway.
He decided to just do it, stop beating around the blood blossom bush and just get it DONE. Unfortunately Danny hadn’t practiced what he was going to say beforehand, so when he finally resolved to just blurt it all out he literally did… just that.
By the time his brain caught up to his words his dumpster diving plan was sounding significantly more appealing. There was probably some kind of banana skin pun he could have used there but he was far too stressed to figure it out.
Tucker didn’t respond, he appeared to be trying to bury his face into his hat. A kind of wheezing noise was coming out of him, Danny couldn’t tell if it was a good sound or a bad sound. Sam let out a long breath that whistled between her lip piercings.
“Holy shit me too.”
The Tucker sound continued, raising to a nearly imperceptible level. Danny was just beginning to think it might have been a Bad sound when Tucker pulled his face back into the world, his glasses were all fogged up but he stopped making the noise.
Sam and Danny both waited for him to say actual words but Tucker.exe seemed to have stopped working. Once he’d gained his breath he was back to wheezing into his hat. Sam hesitantly put a hand on his back.
“Are you actually okay or are you like, dying?”
Muffled words were said into the hat, none of which could be repeated around children. Danny was juuuust about to start attempting to will himself into spontaneous combustion when he recognised a very distinct sound emanating from the hat.
Snorting, Tucker was snorting like a god damn pig. Danny’s shaky legs gave out below him and he sat on the floor, shoving his face into the carpet as he laughed along with his best friend. He didn’t know what was happening right now, but he was Having Emotions and the floor just seemed like the right place for that.
Also he needed to look somewhere that wasn’t Sam. She was trying not to laugh and she was pulling That Face and Danny just couldn’t handle it right now and really the floor was great why didn’t he spend more time here.
Tucker felt as though he was finally ready to leave the comforting world of Hat Land and face the unbeLIEVABLE realisation that all of his dreams had just come true in a ten second span of time, he felt like he had just been blessed by the gods, his skin was clear, his crops were flourishing and world peace had been established. Today was a good day to start ugly sobbing in front of the two most important people in his life.
“I love both you guys too!!” Tucker half laughed, half cried, and then just straight up cried, “I’ve wa-wanted to smooch you both sooo bad for like, MONTHS!”
The moment his snorting turned to sobbing he was immediately accosted by a pair of equally snotty emotional wrecks. Danny, still on the floor, had plopped his head on Tucker’s lap and just started balling his eyes out, like he was really going for gold in 'Most Tears Shed on One Lap’. Sam, on the other hand, had commandeered Tucker’s upper half for a simple bone breaking, teary hug.
The next few hours were just chock full of used tissues, an inappropriate amount of snacks and some deep, heartfelt discussions about what the fuck their relationship was gonna be.
Honestly they were just happy to be so open and at ease with one another again, the sun poured into Danny’s bedroom window as the three of them dozed in the warm pool of light. Laying across one another, their imagined boundaries finally broken, they could finally talk shit about each other for making them feel so mushy.
“Oh NO.”
Paulina said out loud at the scene before her. Those three dorks were sitting together at their usual lunch table, all bunched up ridiculously close together and if she wasn’t mistaken she had just seen Danny turn around and KISS TUCKER ON THE MOUTH while Sam, his GIRLFRIEND, just watched?!
“Oh yes.” Star deadpanned, not seeming too fazed by the weirdness happening before her.
“I didn’t think those three could get any more confusing, but I have no idea what’s happening over there right now.” Paulina sat back in her chair, arms crossed.
“Really?” Star raised an eyebrow. “You seriously didn’t see this coming? Those three,” she pointed with a delicately painted pink nail, “have been perfect polygamy material for like, three years.”
“Perfect what material?” Paulina’s face was all scrunched up in confusion, her little nose wrinkled up and her lips pursed in just the cutest little pout-
Star’s stomach fluttered alarmingly.
'Oh no.’
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Writting Prompt: since the accident, every time Danny look at his reflection (in the water, mirror, etc) it isn't his, but Phantom image. Even throw the fog, he knows there's Phantom. I think this would be amazing in your style.
ooh okay *cracks knuckles* let’s give it a shot
Danny was partaking in a heated staring competition. Most would say that trying to stare down your own reflection was a futile, possibly even radically fucking stupid thing to try and do. But Danny was that special kind of determined idiot who knew it would probably get him nowhere, but hell he was gonna give that stupid reflection a glare that could melt the entire Far Frozen anyway because he was, quite frankly, getting real hecking tired of its bullshit.
Every time, every SINGLE TIME he caught a glimpse, in a puddle, a shop window, Tucker’s GLASSES, literally ANY even MODERATELY reflective surface, he would nearly jump out of his binder thinking he’d been wandering around as Phantom all day.
Because his reflection, at ALL TIMES now for WHO KNOWS WHAT REASON, was Phantom.
Green eyes, white hair, the whole shebang. His super alter ego was the one in every mirror, pool or pane of glass, staring back with the same surprise that Danny felt upon seeing him there.
Where he shouldn’t be.
Danny didn’t know WHY. He hadn’t ALWAYS been there, it was only kind of recent really. The reflection didn’t act strange or move when it shouldn’t, it was basically just your average every day mirror image.
But it was Phantom.
He spent a good hour of his life that he’d never get back running around, breaking and disposing of every single mirror in his house so that his parents wouldn’t notice, only to catch himself in literally every metal surface down in the lab. In front of his parents.
So after five broken mirrors, about 35 years worth of bad luck and a quick check in with Jazz he realised that he seemed to be the only one who could see anything wrong with his stupid face in his stupid reflection. Which was stupid.
He knew he should be thankful because Secret but he wasn’t thankful.
Because Spite.
Spite was a very powerful motive. It was basically the only reason he’d been glaring at his (new) bedroom mirror for roughly 37 unnecessary and extremely boring minutes.
He tried changing back and forth, he tried willing his reflection to change with him, he tried anything he could think of to make his reflection turn back to normal. But it wouldn’t. Because it was a DICK.
Danny literally had to take photos of himself when buying new clothes in order to make sure they suited him. Because his Phantom half could rock ANY look and that was, quite frankly, offensive. Danny looked maybe half as good as a particularly attractive potato sack on a GOOD day. Why did Phantom get to have the broad shoulders and toned calves?
Danny was aware that being jealous of his own ghost self was weird but he didn’t care because fuck his ghost self he was a douchenozzle and deserved it for not sharing his actual attractiveness with his human half.
Danny felt GOOD in ghost form. He felt strong and determined and a little bit sexy maybe because a guy could only see so many blogs dedicated to his own ass before his self-esteem whacked him in the face with the Almighty Mallet of Confidence and gave him an extra crack on the shins with the baseball bat of Everyone Wants in Your Pants for good measure.
He didn’t feel NEARLY that attractive in his human form. Which sucked. It sucked hard. It sucked worse than the Fenton Weasel when it got caught in your hair, which, as a frame of reference, sucked as hard as a particularly rude analogy that Tucker would probably make but Danny was definitely not comfortable with.
But really, at the end of the day his human half had a lot that his ghost half didn’t. His human half was the part of him that his friends had met and fallen in love with. His human half was the part of him that his parents had tucked into bed and read bedtime stories to. His human half was the part of him that Valerie had cared about enough to want to protect.
From his ghost half.
Actually, now that he thought about it, an awful lot of people hated his ghost half, didn’t they?
Guess the guy didn’t have it quite so awesome. Huh. Satisfied with his pretty easily obtained and unarguably petty victory over LITERALLY HIMSELF, Danny finally dropped the staring contest and went to plan a date with Sam and Tucker. His ghost half could hang out with mirror Sam and Tucker.
Those guys were boring jerks.
286 notes · View notes
Writting Prompt: Danny cries in his sleep, sometimes really loud. And screams. Once he even transform while sleeping. The problem is, he start to doing it when he fall asleep in class. Hope it's good enough to write
angst oh god what is with this phandom and angst okay here’s ur angst with a heavy dose of weird millennial humour because this bitch can’t angst without a metric fuck of comedy sprinkled all over the place
also I’m sick and wrote half of this in the middle of the night while feverish so like, I did my best
“OKAY THIS IS FINE.” Danny said aloud to the floor. He didn’t really intend the floor to be the recipient of his ire but it was where his face was currently planted so it would just have to ding darn diddly deal with it.
Danny had experienced his fair share of being stuck in awkward positions but this one had rivalled many of his top ten, and he hadn’t even been thrown across a room by a ghost to achieve it! Nope, he just fell out of bed.
One arm was flung out before him, the other awkwardly pulled behind his back, still twisted up in his bedsheets, along with his leg. Just the one leg, the other was hanging - in quite a remarkable display of inhuman dexterity - over his shoulder.
All it took was some gut wrenching, heart stopping, bile inducing nightmares. Nothing fancy really, just the visceral image of everyone he loved and cared about DYING from TOO MUCH FIRE right in front of his eyes as he watched helplessly. Yep.
“THIS IS FINE.” Danny said again, a little louder this time. The carpet smelled like feet, Danny decided maybe he should take his eating hole off the gross floor before he caught a foot fungus on his lip. He knew it was possible, it happened to Ricky Marsh once at camp.
Yeah Danny should REEEAAAALLY get his face off that carpet. Right now, yep. He was gonna get up at this very mome-
Jazz heard a loud snore come from Danny’s bedroom. He was supposed to be up half an hour ago, school started in ten minutes. But she knew he had a plate piled high with superhero shenanigans that kept him up at obnoxiously late hours nine nights out of ten. The bags under his eyes could hold all the homework he never got done, with extra space for his unfinished chores.
Jazz was fully prepared to sneak in and firmly tuck him into bed with ghost proof sheets, a lie, an excuse and at least three compromises balanced on her tongue ready to jump at any parent and/or teacher that wanted her brother out of the warm sanctuary of bed today. Then she heard his gentle snores twist into a devastatingly soul crushing little whimper.
Oh boy, that wasn’t good.
Jazz opened her brother’s bedroom door and quietly peered inside to find… no one. He wasn’t there. Typical ghost bullshi-
Jazz had almost closed the door when she heard it again, that tiny little whimper. Was he invisible? She thought to herself, barely acknowledging how fucking weird her life had gotten that that question came so naturally to her.
Jazz padded into the room and found that Danny had, somehow, managed to fall asleep on the floor beside his bed. One leg still hanging in the air via blanket sling, it was almost funny, until he screamed that is.
Jazz nearly jumped out of her spotty blue socks when a noise ripped out of her sleeping brother’s throat, a noise that honestly could have come from the cutting room floor of a horror flick that was deemed too terrifyingly violent to be shown on screens literally anywhere. His back was arched, his mouth wide, hands curled in on themselves, he almost looked as though he were convulsing.
It stopped suddenly, with a gasp and a jolt Danny woke. He didn’t shoot up or flail about, he just laid down on the floor, eyes blearily noticing that there was another person in the room. Jazz sat down by his side as he wiped his face, staring at the tears on his hands.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
Danny glared at her.
“Sorry, standard question.” Jazz mumbled as she unhooked his foot from the clinging bedsheets. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Danny, still laying on the floor, swung his right arm around, it had gone numb and tingly, the kind of numb and tingly that really hecking hurt when he started moving it again, yeesh.
“I had this really gnarly dream,” he started as he massaged his arm, Jazz listened intently. “I ordered a sandwich without mayo but when I bit into it there was mayo like, EVERYWHERE and-”
Jazz dropped a pillow on his face.
“That was rude.” Danny’s muffled voice grumbled.
“If you don’t want to talk about it you can just say so instead of being an asshole.” Jazz huffed as she found a pair of jeans and a shirt that were Clean Enough and threw them at the pillow. “You were crying and screaming, I was WORRIED.”
Danny pulled the pillow and clothes away and looked at his sister, actually looked her in the face. Her eyebrows were pulled tight and she was gnawing on her bottom lip, she really did look worried. Danny sat up and fished a somewhat pungent binder from under his bed, Pariah’s Oath he really needed to do his laundry.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” he stared down at his hands, face suspiciously neutral.
“Okay.” Jazz’s voice was gentle, she wasn’t going to push it, she’d learned a long time ago that it always just made things worse. “That’s okay, just know you can always talk to me, alright?”
Danny stood up and stretched, joints cracking and popping in a way that made Jazz want to barf. He could feel his arm again, thank the Ancients.
“You say that now, but every time a new rocket model comes out-”
“Bye Danny.” Jazz fucked off faster than Johnny’s shadow at dawn, absolutely Not wanting to stick around for another geeky space rant. Danny’s shit eating grin followed her out the door until it clicked shut, suddenly dropping back into the deadass tired face of a student who was entirely convinced that consistent sleep schedules were a myth.
He was not okay, ooooh he was so not okay.
Falling asleep again had been a mistake, a GRAVE mista- no okay, no, that pun was just inappropriate. He’d just had not one, but TWO disgustingly detailed nightmares about Literally Everyone dying, death puns were OFF the table right now.
Regular puns were still on the cards though, he thought to himself as he plopped his Little Pocket Book of Puns on top of a deck of cards sitting on his desk. He was proud of that one, in fact he snapchatted it, his smug face squeezed into the corner of the shot by the words ‘passng chem is off the cards bt my puns arnt’. It was easy to fool people with photos, he only had to pull off one good smile and people thought he was fine.
The flood of horrified snapchats he received in return made him giddy. Everything from a two minute video of Valerie trying not to hurl to a picture of Dash’s middle finger. Danny grinned, his grin looked genuine, it was not.
“This is fine.” he lied.
Danny barely made it through the door before the bell went off, he celebrated his victory with a very brief and offensively outdated dance move before Tucker threw a pen at his head and the teacher told him to sit down before he hurt himself.
Danny’s goofy grin remained plastered onto his face as he sat next to Tucker, who was giving him the kind of look that was usually reserved for the weird surrealist internet videos Nathan always tagged him in on Facebook.
“You are like…” Tucker started, fiddling with the broken nib of his stylus. “Super hyper today what the fu-”
“Language, Foley.” the homeroom teacher deadpanned from behind his book.
“Sorry sir! But seriously what the fuck dude.” Tucker continued at a still very perceptible volume. The teacher sighed heavily.
“It’s cool I’m fine I just got like two hours of sleep and drank five coffees in ten minutes I think I can hear colours.” Danny’s eye twitched.
Tucker didn’t laugh, Danny was trying to be funny but it was like, twelve year old funny. He sighed and lowered his voice.
“You’re having nightmares again aren’t you.” Tucker stared through Danny’s plastic grin with serious eyes. “We talked about this Danny, I told you to STOP faking this shit with me. You know what happens when you don’t get enough sleep, you get really fucking weird.”
“Did you get my snapchat this morning?” Danny asked as though he hadn’t heard a single word his best friend had just said.
“Yes, it was awful and I hate you.” The jab had no bite, Tucker couldn’t stand seeing Danny like this, it was like some awful parody of his friend amped up to eleven. He didn’t bother trying to talk sense into him, sense was gone, sense was out the window, sense was on the next plane to god damn Timbuktu.
Danny’s giddiness didn’t let up a single inch throughout their first couple of morning classes. He had stupid jokes and shitty puns hidden up every sleeve in the building, and the tiniest little thing would set him off giggling. Star smacked a fly with a ruler, Danny literally fell off his chair laughing.
Mr Lancer gave Tucker permission to drag Danny out into the hallway to calm down. Tucker grimaced in apology as he dragged along a snorting Danny by the sleeve, the rest of the class having a good laugh of their own.
“Do you think he’s like, actually on drugs or something?” Tucker heard Paulina whisper not even remotely quietly as they left the room.
The moment the classroom door had closed, Tucker slammed Danny against the wall.
“DUDE! GET. A. GRIP.” Tucker was not even in the general vicinity of fucking around right now. Danny needed to chill his tits before he got into serious trouble, the last thing he needed was a detention lumped on top of the pile of reasons Danny’s life was a train wreck.
Danny clenched his teeth, his eyes were wide, too wide. Then his mouth curled up and a laugh squeezed its way through taught lips. Oh no, not again. Not on Tucker’s watch. Before the next giggle fit could get into full swing Tucker had pulled out his drink bottle, uncapped it, and dumped the entirety of its contents on Danny’s stupid guffawing head.
A cough and a splutter later and Danny was sitting on the floor, the stupid grin officially washed from his face.
“Can we talk like actual human beings now?” Tucker asked, the plastic water bottle thudding emptily on the ground.
“I’m not an ‘actual human being’. So no. I can’t.” Danny’s voice was short and clipped, his expression stony.
Tucker slumped to the floor next to his best friend, ignoring the puddle he was half sitting in. They sat in silence for a bit, listening to Mr Lancer’s muffled voice droning on about adverbs or something. A squeak from someone’s shoe echoed down the empty hall. A fluorescent light flickered. Danny winced.
“You wanna borrow my earphones? I’ve got some chill tunes if you need to like, shut everything out for a bit.” Tucker held the tangled cords out to Danny who promptly stuck them in his ears and buried his face in his arms. It was all just, just too much right now.
He threw his hands over his ears when the bell rang, Tucker put a gentle arm around his shoulder.
“C'mon, it’s about to get really loud out here.” he said quietly, taking Danny by the arm and leading him to their next class. It was history, they were watching a movie. Perfect. Tucker rolled up his jacket and put it on the desk in front of Danny.
“Try and sleep a bit, if you can. You can copy my notes later.”
Tucker was a good friend.
Danny put his head down, Tucker’s chill playlist still thrumming softly in his ears. He didn’t want to sleep, he didn’t want to see everyone die again, but his eyes could barely stay open. He read somewhere online that just laying down and resting was still good for you, even if he didn’t sleep he could still get some energy back at least, maybe.
He was out like a light the moment his head hit Tucker’s jacket.
The dream was never the same. Every time it started as just a regular weird ass dream, he was at the Nasty Burger, but he was sitting at his kitchen table. His friends were there, so was some guy he’d never met, they were talking about monster trucks or… something. The guy he didn’t know was showing him a song he wrote, it was gentle and calm, Danny liked it.
That was when the Guys in White showed up. They’d been there before, but not every time. Danny remembered the last dream he had, vaguely, he didn’t know he was dreaming now, but he knew what was going to happen next.
“RUN!” he tried to scream, but his voice came out strangled and quiet. Sam and Tucker kept chatting, they couldn’t see the danger, the strange guy started playing a different song, he had an acoustic guitar now and was on a stage that wasn’t there before.
The Guys in White aimed their ectoguns, knocking off shots around the entire Nasty Burger, Valerie collapsed behind the counter, had she always been there? Jazz was next, she was reading a book on the lounge that had definitely been there the whole time. Danny kept trying to scream, but his throat just couldn’t make anything more than a strangled rasping noise.
Sam and Tucker collapsed before him, the music changed again, the guy on the stage had a smoking hole in his chest, he was playing a cello now. The music was calm, soft and gentle, it hadn’t stopped during the shooting. The GIW agent at the head of the group turned to Danny, face splitting into an evil grin, flaming hair licking at his temples, it wasn’t a GIW agent any more. It had never been a GIW agent.
Danny tried to transform, he needed to save them, they were dead but he NEEDED to save them, if he could go ghost, if he could change he could fix this. His core felt so far away, the cold chill within him just JUST out of his grasp. Why couldn’t he change? WHY COULDN’T HE CHANGE?
Tucker sat at his desk in the dark classroom, taking halfassed notes about… something something president Washington. Hadn’t they already covered this? A flash at the edge of his vision pulled his tired gaze over to the sleeping mess beside him. Danny made a noise, a whimper? It sounded like he was trying to say something.
“Ru… ru-” Danny muttered, voice broken and, oh god he sounded so terrified.
Tucker’s heart splintered into tiny little pieces, and those tiny pieces shattered until his heart was basically just a pile of powder, really sad and devastated powder. Concentrated melancholy, in powder form. He nudged Danny.
“Danny, Danny wake up. Dude you’re talking in your sleep, WAKE UP.” Tucker was super worried, like beyond overprotective mother worried, if Danny said something incriminating in his sleep, if he said something about PHANTOM-
“Gotta… go-” a strand of silver began to creep through Danny’s dark hair.
Oh fuck.
Tucker shook Danny as violently as he subtly could, he needed to wake up. He needed to wake the fuck up right the fuck right NOW. FUCK. It was panic time, shit was getting dangerously identity revealing up in here and Tucker had to do something about it.
More silver was weaving through Danny’s hair, flickers of a dark, skin tight costume appearing for only the briefest of anxiety inducing moments. They were sitting in the back corner of the room, no one had noticed that anything was wrong yet, but someone would. Someone would notice SOON if Tucker couldn’t get Danny to wAKE THE HECKING FUCK HELL UP.
“Danny I swear to god if you don’t wake up I’m going to kill the rest of you. WAKE. UP.” How was Tucker supposed to wake him up without drawing attention to- oh good lordy fucK HIS HAIR.
Tucker pulled Danny’s hood over his head as quickly as he could nearly half a second after a flash of white overtook his entire scalp. Had anyone noticed?? Tucker glanced around the room, nobody was looking, thank christ Wes wasn’t in this class.
Tucker tucked the white strands into the hood as best he could manage before texting Sam as fast as his fingers would allow.
Sam was in the middle of copying some crap about photosynthesis that she already knew when she felt her phone buzz. It was from Tucker, and if his spelling was anything to go by, he was in trouble.
Sam got the gist.
Pretending she was about to vomit everywhere was an easy way out of the classroom, and from there it was just a quick run to the fire alarm. It wasn’t the first time Sam had pulled off a fake emergency, she smashed the glass and hit the button with no hesitation, fuck the consequences. From there she just had to figure out where Danny and Tucker were, they all had copies of each other’s classes in case of just such emergencies.
History, they had history. She knew which room that was.
Sam took off running, boots thundering through the crowds of students filtering out of their classrooms. Sam could barely hear the alarm over the sound of her heart beat thudding in her ears, she didn’t have time to panic and worry, something was wrong and the most important thing right now was finding out what it was and if her friends were okay.
Someone noticed her through the crowd though. As she smashed through a group of kids coming out of a maths class, one guy caught her gaze, one guy decided to follow. Jesus shit she did NOT have the time for this.
Sam detoured down a seperate hallway, the tall redhead on her tail easily keeping pace, why couldn’t he just mind his own god damn business for once and, you know what? Sam thought, FUCK IT.
Another detour into an empty classroom and she had him. Bursting through the door after her, Wes looked around fervently, expecting to find Danny in some kind of juicy compromising situation. What he got was a surprise boot to the gut and he hit the deck like a sack of bricks.
Sam didn’t waste a second before bolting from the room, Wes had already taken up enough of her precious time.
Wes coughed and wheezed and tried to drag a breath into his aching abdomen, she’d clocked him a damn heavy blow and his body was not cooperating until it had a good few moments to recover from Whatever The Fuck Just Happened.
Damn it he was so close!
“Alright everyone, out onto the parking lot, like we do literally every other week.” The history teacher droned, his voice dry. He didn’t even bother making sure everyone left the room before walking out himself, it was probably a ghost attack anyway. These things lost their sense of urgency after the last fifty billion times, the only reason he didn’t make everyone get back into their seats was for legal reasons and honestly, he could really use the smoke break.
Tucker made a show of getting up to leave, but once he and Danny were the only two left he immediately dropped his shit and whammo’d his fists down on Danny’s desk.
“WAKE UP!” He yelled as Sam slid haphazardly into the room, clocking her hip on the teacher’s desk as she failed to reign in her momentum. She struggled with her footing for a moment before catching herself and racing up to the back of the class.
“Is he okay? What’s happening??” she asked, breathlessly.
Tucker lifted the hood from Danny’s bright-ass silvery hair.
“He’s transforming in his sleep and I can’t get him to wake up.” Tucker rushed out in one breath before grabbing Danny by the shoulders. “WAKE. UP. WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!” Tucker screamed while shaking him with about as much tenderness as an irate Skulker on illegal performance enhancing ghost drugs. Finally, it was enough.
Danny jolted roughly, spasmed almost, and opened his fluorescent green eyes. Sam and Tucker took a quick step back in case he lashed out, but he didn’t. Danny’s hands gripped at the table hard enough to leave gouges in the sharpie-graffiti stained surface as his breath came out laboured and rasping. Tears smeared across his cheeks and dripped from his nose and chin.
He blinked, hard, before finally raising his head from the desk, looking remarkably disoriented. He was still flickering in and out of ghost form, disappearing from view entirely a few times as well, but it was slowing down as he took a few deep, shuddering breaths. Soon enough he was calm enough to stick to one form, human fortunately.
Sam breathed out a sigh and sat heavily on the nearest chair. He was okay and god she needed to sit down and catch the breath she’d left behind in science class.
Tucker sat beside Danny - who was now vigorously rubbing at his face - and took back his earphones, Sam could hear something that sounded like a cello playing through the small speakers
Tucker got through maybe the first two syllables of the standard 'are you okay?’ when he was abruptly cut off by a mildly lisping giggle.
Wes stood half through the doorway, phone out and trained on Danny’s previously unstable form. He looked a little pale and seemed to be having trouble breathing but that didn’t stop a wide shit eating grin from stretching across his freckled cheeks.
“Gotcha.” he sneered before turning on his heel and fleeing in unbridled glee.
Sam had recovered quickly from her previous run, she was on him like the Box Ghost on a roll of bubble wrap. Tucker heard the pounding of two sets of feet followed by a loud THUD, a squeal, and then what sounded suspiciously like a phone being heavily stomped on by a very firmly placed boot. The groaning came after that, punctuated with some extremely foul language that may have been spluttered through a bleeding nose and/or lip.
Sam came back into the room with a crushed phone in one hand and bloody knuckles on the other. She wasn’t dicking around, not today.
“You okay Danny?” she asked, getting only a tired glare in response. “Sorry, standard question.”
Sam picked up Danny’s backpack and put her hand out for him to take, he grasped it gratefully and she pulled him up from his chair as Tucker wound an arm around his waist. With the support of the two actual greatest people in the whole damn world, Danny walked out of the school and into the parking lot where an exasperated principal Ishiyama was counting heads and calling names.
“Equal Rites! What were you three still doing inside? Get into your- Mr Fenton are you alright?” Mr Lancer’s angry stride softened into a quick jog, concern weaving it’s way through his face at the sight of Danny’s red eyes and wet cheeks.
“He uh, had a head on collision with Wes on our way out.” said Sam, like a liar. “Took a corner too fast and copped a hit to the nose so his eyes got all teary, but he’s okay.”
“Wes might need a little help though.” Tucker added on. “We offered but he’s pretty much convinced we just rammed him on purpose and he threatened to tell everyone we beat him up sooo we kinda just left him on the floor.”
Lancer rubbed at his brow, exasperated. He did NOT have the time for Wes shenanigans. He took a quick look at Danny’s face, checking for any bleeding, satisfied when he could find none he sent the three on their way to get their names marked off before he headed back to the school building to find Wes.
“Thanks.” Danny squeezed Sam and Tucker tenderly, never wanting to let them go. He was so glad they were here, he was so glad they were alive.
“Sleepover at my place tonight.” Tucker declared. “No exceptions, there’s gonna be cuddle piles and maybe a pillow fort, but definitely lots of these.” he gave Danny a big ol’ smooch on the forehead and pulled him in for a tight hug. “You’re gonna be fine man, you’ll be okay.”
Sam jumped on and threw her arms around both her boys, pressing her lips against Danny’s cheek.
“We’re not going anywhere, okay? We’re gonna sleep right beside you and tell those fucking nightmares to fuck right off, just like last time.” Sam gave him a hearty thump on the back that might have knocked over a regular human, but Danny barely shifted.
What in Ring and Crown’s name did he ever do to deserve these two.
That night after a coma inducing amount of junk food and soft drink Danny passed out smushed between Sam and Tuck in what was pretty much the most affectionate and down right adorable Danny Sandwich either of them had ever made.
He dreamed of the three of them beating the shit out of Dan with Fenton Anti-Creep Sticks. He hadn’t slept so well in years.
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more Danny Phantom headcanons… because I really need more of those…
A simple question, what does the student body of Casper High think of Danny Fenton?
The answer is… not quite as simple
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Oh my god I actually wrote a fanfic that isn’t an AU or a headcanon or a vague plot-bunny what happened
this was kinda fun to write but I don’t like the ending unnnggg
So yeah this is ’A Knight in Black Lace’ it’s… something, a Paulina and Sam-centric something
“Oh no… oh no oh no oh no oh no.”
Paulina leaned against the sink in the Casper High girl’s bathroom, a white slip covering her body and a pink dress in her hands. She held up the silky material to give it another look over, hoping beyond hope that the damage wasn’t as bad as it had seemed in the darkness of the gym. The dress was beautiful, strapless and form-fitting, it was cool to the touch and shimmered in the light, it made her feel like a magical fairy-tale princess. It was almost perfect, it seemed the only thing it had been missing was a decent seamstress if the huge tear up the side reaching almost to the white, lacy edge of the armpit was any indication.
She had barely managed to make it to the bathroom without the whole thing coming apart and leaving her practically in her underwear in the middle of the dance floor after one little thread had come loose and found its way under her foot. Paulina had never run so fast in her life, especially not in heels.
The bathroom being completely empty was both a blessing and a curse, there was no one to see her in this incredibly embarrassing moment… because they were all waiting for the moment the Prom King and Queen would be crowned, it was supposed to happen any minute now and nobody wanted to miss it.
Paulina felt her eyes burn and quickly blinked away her tears, she already had to deal with a ruined dress, she would not allow her makeup to follow. It wouldn’t be so bad if she hadn’t left her bag at the drinks table, she always kept some lipstick and mascara on her person, of course she’d also have her phone too and would be able to call Star for help. It was like fate was conspiring against her, some otherworldly god had decided that today would be ‘Ruin Paulina’s Life’ day. The only thing that could possibly make any of this worse would be-
“-ly be a minute, it’s not like I care who’s picked anyway.”
The owner of the muffled voice opened the bathroom door with her head over her shoulder, but once she’d finished speaking to whoever was outside she closed the door and turned around. Sam Manson froze for a moment, taking the scene in. A watery eyed Paulina handling a torn piece of pink material.
“What?!” Paulina snapped at the intruder, eyeing her intricately laced, high collared, perfectly intact, gothic, black dress with what she refused to admit was jealousy.
Sam raised an eyebrow and set her shoulders back, ready to retort, but the potential snarky comment died on her lips when Paulina’s mascara began to run down her face as her self control finally broke. Paulina uselessly fanned her face with her hands as she sobbed, though the action seemed to be more self-soothing than practical. Sam watched for no more than a few seconds before heaving a ragged sigh and dragging herself over to the near-hysterical girl with whom she was unfortunately sharing the bathroom.
“Look, give me your dress.” Sam said as she pulled a small white box out of her bag. Paulina gave her a distrustful look instead, Sam rolled her eyes and stuck out her hand. “C’mon, it’s not like I can make it any worse, so let’s see the damage.” She flexed her fingers expectantly.
Paulina clung to the remains of her dress with delicately painted, nails. “What are you going to do?” she asked, her voice ripe with suspicion. Sam opened the little white box in her hands, it was marked with a red cross. Paulina gave it a quizzical glance. “Why did you take a first aid kit to prom?”
Sam opened it up and said, “With the amount of ghost attacks in this town? I’m surprised there aren’t more people carrying them everywhere.” she pulled a small curved needle and a piece of thread out of the box. “This needle’s supposed to be for stitching up injuries but I could probably still use it for a dress.”
Once again she stretched out her hand. Paulina, against her better judgement, hesitantly handed over the useless piece of fabric. Sam shook it out and studied the torn side, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. “It’s not so bad, just a split seam.” Paulina heard her murmur before she promptly turned the dress inside out and began to sew.
Paulina watched in careful silence, keeping a firm eye on Sam’s sewing until her improvised seamstress spoke again. “There’s some mascara and eye-liner and stuff in my bag, you should probably clean yourself up.” Paulina took a glance in the mirror behind her, immediately noticed the black tears streaking her face and quickly made use of the paper towel dispenser to her left.
By the time she’d cleaned up and replaced her make-up Sam had put her first aid kit away. Paulina picked up the dress, looking over it for any signs of tampering, but the only thing wrong with it that she could see was…
“You didn’t finish.” Paulina sniffed and held the dress out, the seam had been sewn up between the armpit and past the waist, but the rest had been left hanging open.
Sam finished packing up and strung her bag over her shoulder. “I ran out of thread, you’ll just be showing off a little leg. It’s not like you’d be the only one, people will probably think your dress looked like that the whole time.”
Paulina ran the fabric through her hands one more time before slipping it over her head. She posed in front of the mirror, turning around and swishing the shimmery fabric. She stood side on and lifted her arm, analysing the seam. It was perfect.
“Wow… you’re really good at this.” Paulina commented. “I didn’t know you could sew.”
Sam looked over her work, a satisfied smile across her lips. “Yeah, my grandma taught me.”
Paulina paused in her posing and turned to Sam, she narrowed her eyes as if she were searching her face for something. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
Sam almost look embarrassed, she turned away and folded her arms. “It’s not that I was trying to be nice… it’s just…” she paused, her hands flew away from her chest as if she could catch the words she fumbled for, “this one time there was a ghost attack at the mall, and when I jumped over a broken wall to hide something yanked my skirt and tore it off, I had to wait in the bathroom for Danny and Tuck to go buy me a skirt to wear home.” for a moment Paulina saw a soft smile grace Sam’s face, “The one they got didn’t fit right but at least I could walk home with it.” the smile faded and Sam’s mask of indifference was in place once again.
There were a few moments of silence before Paulina realised that Sam had nothing else to say. The awkward feeling in the air was almost tangible and Paulina struggled to find the appropriate words to break the silence.
“So…” she began, “You’re not gonna be asking me for any favours after this, are you?” Paulina made sure to keep her tone light, and to lace a playful smirk on her lips. She was delighted when Sam played along.
“God, no way. If I go ‘round asking you for favours, people might think I did something nice for you. Or worse, they’ll think we’re friends.” Sam finished her sentence with a dramatic horrified shudder that almost pulled a giggle from Paulina. Almost. “You better get out there.” Sam nodded towards the door, “I haven’t heard any applause so they probably haven’t crowned anyone yet.” and with a swish of black lace she was out the door.
Paulina glanced into the mirror, checking her make-up one last time before following her saviour back out onto the gym, just in time to hear two names called out. Dash spotted her from across the room and hurried over to walk her up to the stage to collect their crowns. Paulina grinned as she picked out all of her friends clapping and smiling.
The one in black lace had the widest smile of them all.
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More Farm Boy AU, this was ALMOST a story ramble, luckily it turned itself into a fic. Bittersweets ahead.
Danny’s out by the edge of the farm, fixing up a few fences that were blown down during a storm the other night. Scared all the cows half to death, they’ll be getting sour milk for the next month with their luck.
Just as he puts down his toolbox his ghost sense goes off, his eyes flash around the sky, expecting Skulker or Vlad’s vultures. He doesn’t see anything until he turns around and finds an old man leaning on the broken fence a few metres away.
The ghost isn’t like one he’s seen before, the whole of his lean body is the same washed out sepia colour, and there’s no glow to his eyes, just a calming paternal strength set within an aged weather-beaten face. He looks familiar, but Danny can’t place where from.
“I always told mah girls I’d be there for ‘em. I’d look out for ‘em. They were always so strong, they felt like they didn’t need me. They’re prob’ly right.” Rough words escape from cracked, sun-dried lips, a hint of an Irish accent peeking through. The old man takes off his hat and pats some dust from it, revealing the thinning remains of what once might have been curly hair. “But look at me, still here, still worryin’. And as it turns out, it was the wrong one I was worryin’ for.” He heaves a heavy sigh.
Danny slowly approaches the old man and leans on the fence next to him, trying to get a closer look at his face. He’s already decided that he’s no threat, not yet at least. Perhaps he lived here once?
“I never got the chance to say g’bye to little Madsie when mah heart was still kickin’, but after… well I knew a couldn’t get near her like this.” He chuckles, replaces his hat and smiles at Danny, a big toothy grin that instantly sends him back to his old house, his parent’s bedroom, a photo on the dresser of his mother, aunt Alicia and a smiling, tanned, weather beaten face.
Danny’s eyes widen and his grandfather nods at him. “Surprised you recognise me boy, last time I seen you you was barely knee high on me. I used to pick you up with one hand!” he raises a fist, strong muscles coiling beneath his sepia skin. “Drive your mother crazy!”
The belting, rasping laugh he lets out is almost contagious, Danny has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing along with him. Keeping a smile from his face, however, proves to be a futile effort as the corners of his mouth pull themselves up of their own accord.
The old Irishman rattles off a few more chuckles and drops his arm down on his grandson’s shoulders, giving him a friendly shake. “I’m glad you’re here lad. I been lookin’ over little ‘Licia for long enough, I think I can leave her in more capable hands now. Hm?”
Danny wants to say something, but the trust and warmth radiating from this man he hardly knows through any bond beyond blood steals his words.
“I got plenty’a family waitin’ for me on the other side, I better not make ‘em wait much longer, the missus’ll belt me ‘round the ears.” he gives Danny a cheeky wink. “That’s if she still wants an old coot like me, she died much more young an’ pretty. Looked nothin’ like this old haggard thing here.” he roars out another wheezing cackle, had he needed to breath Danny imagines he’d be gasping for air after such an outburst.
The arm on Danny’s shoulders is lifted, as is the warmth that accompanied it. So much different to the usual cold of a ghost’s touch.
Danny turns to watch the old man walk away from the fence into the empty paddock, the long grass doesn’t even notice he’s there, and after a few more fading steps, he isn’t.
Danny blinks himself out the warm, fuzzy haze that’s steadily losing its grip on him and quickly wipes a few stray tears from his face as he resumes his work on the fence. His heart just a little bit lifted.
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Okay you know what since I’m swimming in Allison feels right now I'mma write a thing, a fanficcy crossover thing, ‘cause just because Allison’s dead doesn’t mean she’s gone, she never got to tell Scott about the silver arrows and all her friends are in danger, she’s got some unfinished business man and she’s sure as shit not leaving 'til it’s done
Danny Fenton’s ghost sense going off in the middle of the night is not an unusual occurrence, he can’t even count the amount of late night ghost fights he’s had to wake up for. This is the first time, however, he’s walked down into the basement to find the ghost-of-the-day holding a modern crossbow aimed at his head.
“I need to get to Beacon Hills.” Her grey skin bunches up around her red eyes as they narrow in fierce determination. “I have some business to finish.”
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Unfinished business:
The term wasn’t spectrally exclusive. Vlad only realised this ten years after having his own spectral half violently torn from his body
He wasn’t sure why he didn’t die that day, first by the violent ripping apart of his halves, second by the hands of the monstrous combination his and Daniel’s ghost halves made. Vlad had always wanted to see what kind of effect he could have on the world if he had both his and Daniel’s power at his disposal, but he always imagined being on the stage for this show, the front row seat was not a position he was planning to be in.
He wondered for years why he wasn’t killed right then and there, Daniel had been… blasted to… to pieces with hardly a hesitation, yet this creature had taken a single smug glance towards Vlad before shooting through the ceiling and taking off. Where Vlad didn’t know. Vlad didn’t care.
As the world was destroyed around him Vlad’s castle was left alone, always being the man with a backup plan he had plenty of canned goods stocked to keep him alive for a good number of years, Vlad’s dwindling appetite allowed it to last longer.
He wasn’t sure why he even bothered to eat at all, why he didn’t just let himself waste away, there was nothing left for him on this earth, no Maddie, no Daniel, no power, there was hardly even a world after He had gotten to it. Perhaps Vlad was just being stubborn, perhaps this was his way of rebelling, against what Vlad wasn’t sure. There didn’t seem to be anything worth rebelling against.
Perhaps it was the sheer hopelessness of the situation at hand that kept his rebellious flame going, because if there was anything in this world Vlad hated most it was giving up, a trait he believed he and Daniel had shared. He knew that if it was Daniel sitting here in the dark he would not have backed down, he would not have given up.
He would have kept looking for a way to fix everything, no matter how hopeless it seemed.
And Vlad was not about to be upstage by the memory of his rival.
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Horror movies in Amity Park weren’t the same as they used to be.
Originally they were no different to the horror movies in any old town, most of them sucked, but were still fun for a cheap scare, some of them were genuinely terrifying and had even the toughest of the tough clutching their friend’s hand on the way home, and others were just a gory, badly acted adventure that you’d go see with a bunch of friends on Halloween for a bit of a laugh.
But after you’ve just spent the past hour hiding under the gum smeared underbelly of a Nasty Burger booth table holding your breath and knowing that the hand of a monster could drag you out straight through the metal surface at any given moment… an axe-toting guy in a mask jumping out onto the screen just didn’t have the bite it once did.
People used to see horror movies to add a bit of spice to their average everyday lives, they were fun because they were something unimaginable, something that could never happen to you. It was all just a work of fiction to get your heart pumping and adrenaline surging, there weren’t really monsters that could drag you out of bed in the night, there was nothing to really be frightened of.
But in Amity Park there was.
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because this post is relevant to my interests and I want in on it
Danny Fenton was well known for many things among his school peers.
His absurdly frequent bathroom breaks, his strange ghost hunting parents, all the pencils he owned having their ends chewed clean off, his habit of falling asleep in literally every class…
One thing he was never even remotely well known for was his talent in gym, namely because he had never shown any skill in the realm of sports in his entire teenage life, due mostly to his habit of kicking anything but the ball and his inability to even show up half the time.
Which is why Mrs. Tetslaff’s class stared in stunned confusion as they tried to process how the only person left facing down Dash the-dodgeball-champion Baxter could possibly be scrawny, little Danny can’t-catch-a-ball-to-save-his-life Fenton.
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