thatonelesbian-me ¡ 2 years
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 2 years
free yourself from the idea of insecurity.
you’re not inadequate in any way, you’re you…growing every day in every way whether people see it or not. it’s never a linear journey, enjoy your life.
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 2 years
Being queer saved my life. Often we see queerness as deprivation. But when I look at my life, I saw that queerness demanded an alternative innovation from me. I had to make alternative routes; it made me curious; it made me ask, "Is this enough for me?"
— Ocean Vuong
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 3 years
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
Arizona is my happy place🥺🥰
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
You’ll miss her
you’ll miss her when it’s 2:37am and you’ve woken up, and she’s no longer there to call
you’ll miss her when you’re no longer getting the good morning and goodnight messages, full of affection
you’ll miss her when you’ve had a bad day at work, and no one will listen to you complain like she did
you’ll miss her when you see her laughing in the street, knowing you’re no longer the reason
you’ll miss her when a song comes on that reminds you of her, because you used to blast it in your car while singing to eachother
you’ll miss her when you get a whiff of her perfume on a stranger, and remember the days you were buried in her chest
you’ll miss her when it’s cold at night and the only things you have next to you is your phone devoid of messages and a few tangled sheets
you’ll miss her when the only messages you get are “streaks”
you’ll miss her when you wanna cry and be in her arms again, but she doesn’t even glance at you in the street
you’ll miss her when you see her dancing and you’ll remember all the times she wanted to dance with you and you said no
you’ll miss her when you find yourself talking about her all the time, and you’re not even on her mind
you’ll miss her when the alcohol doesn’t get rid of the thoughts of her smiling in the sunlight in slow motion
you’ll miss her when she no longer complains about her day and is overdramatic about it
you’ll miss her when she doesn’t answer your messages in less than 20 seconds, and when she doesn’t answer your calls
you’ll miss her when it kicks in that she’s no longer there
you’ll miss her when you realise no one genuinely cared for you as hard as she did, no one genuinely loved you with their whole heart like she did
you’ll miss her when you go to reach for her hand and it’s not there
you’ll miss her when she doesn’t send you selfies and videos of her being goofy anymore
you’ll miss her when “i love you” is only something you’ll hear from your mother or best friend
you’ll miss her late at night when you’re laying there alone and you realise you have no one to talk to 
you’ll miss her when you realise no one asks about you as much as she does; if you ate, if you slept okay, if you’re feeling alright, if works okay
you’ll miss her when you don’t have someone annoying you all the time, and you just have silence
you’ll miss her when you drive past somewhere and all you’ll see is her in your arms, laughing that laugh of hers that was enough to warm up the room
you’ll miss her when you realise no one would forgive you like she did, no one would let go of things like she did
you’ll miss her “pinky promise?”s, her “i love youuuuu!”s, her smothering your face with kisses
you’ll miss her thumb tracing your hand as you hold it and the laughs you both shared as you tried to sing
you’ll miss her smile and the way she looked down at the ground or off in the clouds
you’ll miss her getting excited over the most random things like the stars or an animal
you’ll miss the random calls and the messages and the spamming
you’ll miss the “one more kiss goodbye!”s, the “cmonnn it’ll be fun!”s, the “i miss you”s
you’ll miss her smile, her big bright eyes, her soft hands, her lips
you’ll miss it all
but by the time you realise you miss her
and you love her
and you care about her more than you’ve ever cared about anything
it’ll be too late
she’ll be in the arms of another, giving them the love she gave to you
she’ll be sharing that laugh with them and putting her soft lips on theirs
being cradled in another’s arms
have new “our songs” with them and new places to visit
and that’s when it’ll hit you the absolute hardest
when this beautiful, one in a billion girl with the heart of gold, is long gone
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
You say you love me. But if you really loved me it wouldn’t be so easy to ignore me or delete me out of your life so easily.
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
You’ll miss her
you’ll miss her when it’s 2:37am and you’ve woken up, and she’s no longer there to call
you’ll miss her when you’re no longer getting the good morning and goodnight messages, full of affection
you’ll miss her when you’ve had a bad day at work, and no one will listen to you complain like she did
you’ll miss her when you see her laughing in the street, knowing you’re no longer the reason
you’ll miss her when a song comes on that reminds you of her, because you used to blast it in your car while singing to eachother
you’ll miss her when you get a whiff of her perfume on a stranger, and remember the days you were buried in her chest
you’ll miss her when it’s cold at night and the only things you have next to you is your phone devoid of messages and a few tangled sheets
you’ll miss her when the only messages you get are “streaks”
you’ll miss her when you wanna cry and be in her arms again, but she doesn’t even glance at you in the street
you’ll miss her when you see her dancing and you’ll remember all the times she wanted to dance with you and you said no
you’ll miss her when you find yourself talking about her all the time, and you’re not even on her mind
you’ll miss her when the alcohol doesn’t get rid of the thoughts of her smiling in the sunlight in slow motion
you’ll miss her when she no longer complains about her day and is overdramatic about it
you’ll miss her when she doesn’t answer your messages in less than 20 seconds, and when she doesn’t answer your calls
you’ll miss her when it kicks in that she’s no longer there
you’ll miss her when you realise no one genuinely cared for you as hard as she did, no one genuinely loved you with their whole heart like she did
you’ll miss her when you go to reach for her hand and it’s not there
you’ll miss her when she doesn’t send you selfies and videos of her being goofy anymore
you’ll miss her when “i love you” is only something you’ll hear from your mother or best friend
you’ll miss her late at night when you’re laying there alone and you realise you have no one to talk to 
you’ll miss her when you realise no one asks about you as much as she does; if you ate, if you slept okay, if you’re feeling alright, if works okay
you’ll miss her when you don’t have someone annoying you all the time, and you just have silence
you’ll miss her when you drive past somewhere and all you’ll see is her in your arms, laughing that laugh of hers that was enough to warm up the room
you’ll miss her when you realise no one would forgive you like she did, no one would let go of things like she did
you’ll miss her “pinky promise?”s, her “i love youuuuu!”s, her smothering your face with kisses
you’ll miss her thumb tracing your hand as you hold it and the laughs you both shared as you tried to sing
you’ll miss her smile and the way she looked down at the ground or off in the clouds
you’ll miss her getting excited over the most random things like the stars or an animal
you’ll miss the random calls and the messages and the spamming
you’ll miss the “one more kiss goodbye!”s, the “cmonnn it’ll be fun!”s, the “i miss you”s
you’ll miss her smile, her big bright eyes, her soft hands, her lips
you’ll miss it all
but by the time you realise you miss her
and you love her
and you care about her more than you’ve ever cared about anything
it’ll be too late
she’ll be in the arms of another, giving them the love she gave to you
she’ll be sharing that laugh with them and putting her soft lips on theirs
being cradled in another’s arms
have new “our songs” with them and new places to visit
and that’s when it’ll hit you the absolute hardest
when this beautiful, one in a billion girl with the heart of gold, is long gone
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
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My 3 yo experienced her first harassment from a boy at preschool, and we’re all feeling tired. We’re talking to her teacher about it - we’re building her confidence to say No.  It’s time to change the way we treat casual harassment. Let’s teach our kids what isn’t appropriate to do to other people, while they are still kids!  Love you all Mayticks
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
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be like Thor, be there to support your loved ones,accept who they are and celebrate them
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
Joey Batey? More like Joey
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
Don’t kill yourself today
Because your Netflix trial still has a week left
Don’t kill yourself today
Because no one else will finish off the chicken in the fridge
Don’t kill yourself today
Because I know for a fact that Starbucks is releasing a new Frappuccino sometime next month
Yes, your mother will miss you
Yes your bully will make a sappy Facebook post about how what a a wonderful person you were
And yes
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
You know that
You’ve known that
Everyone and anyone has been shoving that down your throat since they first learned what the word suicide meant
So don’t kill yourself
Until you finish your shampoo and conditioner at the same time
Don’t kill yourself
Until Doctor Who is finally cancelled
Don’t kill yourself
Until you tell someone your best pasta recipe
Don’t kill yourself
Because I will keep coming up with reasons for you not to
And I need you
To hear all of them
Don’t kill yourself
I love you
You’re important
It’s a bad day
Not a bad life
There is more to this
The world will keep spinning on its axis without you
Think of all the sunrises you’d miss
I know this sounds pointless
But when you’re sitting in front of everything deadly you own
Revising your goodbyes
There will be too much darkness
To see anything else
But this is not about seeing anything else
This is about turning off the lights
This is about finding the bed instead of the noose
This is about giving yourself one more day
Even if it takes ten thousand of those
One more morning’s
“I can’t wait for tomorrow”
This is about staying alive
Because there’s gonna be a new Marvel movie
No one should miss that
This is about staying alive
Because the future is coming
And it’s ready for you
I don’ t need you to see it
I just need you to believe you can make it
Until then
- Hannah Dains
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
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thatonelesbian-me ¡ 5 years
“The ability to sit down with another person and talk for hours, about anything and everything, is more attractive to me than anything else.”
— Koi Fresco (via deeplifequotes)
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