thatssogayblog-blog · 9 years
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Losing My Religion For Equality Great read! Some excellent points. Many use religion as a shield to defend their bigotry. What many people don't realize is that religion is the foundation of discrimination for many different minority groups (most specifically women and the gay community).
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thatssogayblog-blog · 9 years
This is everything!
      This is awesome.  There is right and there is wrong.  Discrimination is and always has been wrong.
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thatssogayblog-blog · 9 years
File this under crazy
Image from HRC blog
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of Indiana has gotten plenty of press attention when the Governor of Indiana Mike Pence made it legal to discriminate against the LGBT community (and other minority groups) if that’s what your religion believes in.  There is similar legislation in place now in Arkansas (shocking).  Here is a little nugget of information straight from HRC…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Being a good parent
Being a good parent
I just had such a great moment with my best friend who happens to be a mom with a husband and adorable little boy.  She sent me a little pic of her little boy at daycare.  Her son was being held by a gay man who works at the day care.  I’m assuming he is a teacher or teacher’s assistant.  The point of the conversation was for my friend to show me how much her son loves this particular member of…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
We are living through history
We are living through history
How amazing is this?!
On 3/6, HRC delivered The People’s Brief to the US Supreme Court.  Over 200,000 people added their names to The People’s Brief which asked the Supreme Court to provide marriage equality to same-sex couples in the United States.  The People’s Brief has more signatories than any amicus brief ever submitted to the Supreme Court.  BAM.  
Obergefell v. Hodges is the marriage…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Remember this day
President Obama and Representative John Lewis led thousands in a commemorative march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
There are few points in one’s life where you can pause and say to yourself, “I am living through history”.  This is one of those moments.  50 years ago, many peaceful protestors were brutally assaulted and beaten because they simply had enough.…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Please read and share!
The 2015 HRC Corporate Equality Index report has been released.  This is an extremely important report that highlights where companies rank on their treatment of LGBT employees.  I personally think all companies should have a perfect score of 100 as discrimination is a black and white topic where there are no shades of gray here.
We should all be informed on which companies are doing the right…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
HRC’s “All God’s Children” Ad Features Trailblazing State Legislator Alyce Clarke What a brilliant campaign by HRC! The All God's Children spots will run in Mississippi where I am sure you guess...is not the most gay-friendly state in the USA.  
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Getting involved
I’ve been getting move involved with HRC.  What a great organization.  Talk about people that are working hard on making a difference.  I have also been working on building a LGBT group for the company where I work.  That has been really interesting and highly fulfilling.  Hoping to have that together shortly and get people involved.  You see so many diversity and inclusion groups out there in…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
I'm back
Hi! So sorry I have been MIA for a bit.  Went through a pretty interesting break-up.  I don’t have a space here devoted to relationships but am thinking I should! Net net- always trust your gut.  This past relationship was a lesson in trusting my gut… Will re-focus my energies on things that matter like maintaining this site and would love to hear more from you guys.
All my love.
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
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Joan Rivers: Our Queen We lost an amazing person this week. What can be said about Joan Rivers that hasn't already been said?
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Not only does CVS not sell cigarettes (which shows they care more about health than profits) but they have also included a gay couple (:26 mark) *briefly* in their new commercial.
Good for you CVS :0)
For the record, CVS is not the only pharmacy supporting the gays.  Duane Reade has been the presenting sponsors of the AIDS walk in…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Sexist humor is still sexist So why is it that straight men who are clearly a 2 on the "hot scale" always have something to say about women?
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Anti-gay rant by Vine star: Only gay men have HIV
Anti-gay rant by Vine star: Only gay men have HIV
This is…bad.  Nash Grier, a 16-year old Vine star with 8.7 million followers released this video in April but the video has come under the spotlight.  He’s showing a commercial for an HIV home-testing kit  where they say “Testing for HIV, it’s not a gay thing”.  Grier then says “Yes it is! Fag!” The F word makes me cringe in agony each time I hear it.  Hearing an obnoxious teenage boy screaming…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
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Same-sex parents are the best! File this under DUH and YAASSSSS. A study by Australia's University of Melbourne says that children raised by same-sex couples have better health and well-being compared to their peers.
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
Great organization to donate your clothes/furniture to
I am in the process of re-furnishing my apartment and have some items that I could easily sell for a profit but let’s be real…ain’t nobody got time for that.  So, I take the route I always take and donate.  I live in downtown Manhattan so lugging around clothes or other bulky items is not an option.  We have a donation pick-up at my building which is great.  Or so I thought.
I just found out…
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thatssogayblog-blog · 10 years
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Good for Burger King! Burger King launched the Proud Whopper in San Francisco as part of Pride this year.  WELL DONE!
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