thaumaturgist-h-h · 9 days
existence of punishment implies existence of sin
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 2 months
Something has gone terribly wrong
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 3 months
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Being gangstalked rn
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
TIP IF THE DAY: Cognitohazards don’t work crossdimensionally.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
Oh, believe me, you will learn to appreciate little things, eventually
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
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Meying and yamg
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
Pomegranate rocke’
Rare Rhodochrosite Stalactite Slice found only in Argentina's Capillitas Mine. 📽️ lovingthyselfrocks/IG
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
Thanks to the kind person who just sacrificed their blog to give me a picture of blog killing axolotl. I could’ve found it without you, but I’m still grateful.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
Here is a fun fact that I learned back in the mining days, cameraman never dies.
I’ve seen terrible things happen to cameramen without them ever dying. It’s like a curse ye know? Surveillance was one of the first systems we had to mechanise. So many good guys gone , deep in some hellhole. A bit ironic eh?
This scenario, albeit fictional , brings me many terrible memories.
Short writing prompt:
You’re a cameraman who works for a major film studio. You got hired to work on a horror movie. You’ve noticed some odd things going around on set but you just wave it away as usual backstage crew shenanigans.
Little do you know those things you saw flit out of the corner of your eye and the creatures you thought were pieces from the special effects and prop departments are real.
The moment you realize that what you’ve seen is the actual monster from the horror film you’re contracted to work on, you run. Armed with your camera and your knowledge of the script, you go on a journey to escape this beast.
Why do you keep your camera instead of a weapon? That’s simple: the cameraman never dies.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
This is literally me. Yes, despite what they say about my methods, I am not a villain! Still funny remembering how this exact thing happened back in my days of war with Casey. I completely broke the flow and spend about fifteen minutes rambling about how perditio isn’t as useful as I expected it to be, and that u can’t just chug a litter of this in a bottle to throw like a grenade and that it is useless without refining and so much more. The look on our faces when I we realised what happened.
Looking back, it was probably a big reason why we stopped fighting, I understood that she is just a crybaby and she understood that I’m just autistic.
A supervillain known for going on tangents during a monologue has captured the hero. The hero broke free of the restraints a while ago but pretends to remain captured to see how off topic the supervillain will get.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
TIP OF THE DAY: I am going to KILL the next person I find, with a HAMMER.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
I miss eating food
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Food Art by Alai Ganuza
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
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I started feeding the cats outside my compound, and as a sign of gratitude, I guess, they started bringing me dead rat.
Hell, I didn’t think there even WAS a rat but here it is, I guess, half eaten, right outside my door.
Not in a sense that they started hunting rats, it’s just the same rat and its corpse being brought to me over and over. It has this nasty mark on its back, so it’s kind of identifiable. I don’t know if it gets revived or has 14 (and counting) identical copies of itself, but it makes me question if those cats are abusing the system or not. Farming rat for feline delicacies, I feel being played here. Either way, it’s one rat less, which is universally good.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
TIP OF THE DAY: Knowledge only acquires its value in the process of sharing
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
Each day my kind stoops lower, and yet I get surprised each time.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
TIP OF THE DAY: There are formulas to calculate despair, look it up.
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thaumaturgist-h-h · 4 months
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This is watermelon tourmaline from Colorado, USA 🇺🇸. Visit our Etsy shop to view our selection.
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