the-autonomous · 4 years
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Taking a social media break. Goodbye, for now
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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the-autonomous · 4 years
What Makes The Signs Sexy.
Aries: Their Strength.
Aries are strong, whether we’re talking physically or mentally, it’s their strong aura that easily attracts you to an Aries. They will use that strength to their advantage which only attracts you more.
Taurus: Their Passion.
Taurus is passionate, they will do what they need to in order for you to feel that passion, physically and verbally they will let you know how passionate they are. Their passion in their daily life will reflect in their sexuality; and you’ll like that enough to find it intriguing.
Gemini: Their Straightforwardness.
You might find yourself sexually drawn to a Gemini by how well they ‘get to the point’. They’ll let you know what they want and when they want it. A Gemini will tell it to you straight, and you won’t be able to help but find that confidence sexy.
Cancer: Their Emotion.
Cancer allows their emotions to rule them. So in a sexual state, everything they do will be controlled by their emotion, it could be a sense of heated passion or sorrowful desires that can be what really makes you find them sexy.
Leo: Their Confidence.
Confidence does not mean arrogance. In this case, finding a Leo sexy comes directly from the confidence they have in themselves and what confidence they have in you. They believe highly in their own abilities but will always raise their partner up with them.
Virgo: Their Opinions.
A Virgo’s opinions and beliefs can be the attracting factor. Whether you agree or not you’re intrigued to know more. In a sexual manner, if you’re up for it; Virgos will show you rather than teach you to agree with them.
Libra: Their Submissiveness.
Something Libra’s are good at is listening to their partner. In a sexual state they enjoy pleasing their partner and doing what exactly is going to satisfy the other while getting satisfaction themselves.
Scorpio: Their Mystery.
Being sexually attracted to a Scorpio is nothing new. Their ability to flip their emotions around easily is enticing. Their secrecy could lead you into their mystery, never knowing what to expect or what’s coming from a scorpio.
Sagittarius: Their Energy.
A Sagittarius will always leave you wanting more, and they’ll be up for it if you are. If you’re tired they probably aren’t which will only cause your attraction to grow. Their adventure and ‘never stop’ personality is intriguing to those who are willing to experience it.
Capricorn: Their Dominance.
Capricorns are hard workers in life and that transfers over to the bedroom. Finding them sexy comes from their dominance. They aren’t demanding but their aura will leave you putting them first and wanting to satisfy them.
Aquarius: Their Knowledge.
The mind can be sexy. An Aquarius’ intelligence is what attracts you. Whether it be their ability to spit out textbook facts or simply that they are more experienced; it’s their mind that will get you hooked.
Pisces: Their Generosity.
Although they enjoy being satisfied themselves, it’s their ability to give that attracts one to them more and more. They enjoy giving to their partner almost more than receiving themselves. This can cause you to become invested in a Pisces’ sexuality.
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the-autonomous · 4 years
Ok boomer = a swerve from a gen z kid to their grandpa's generation for ranting abt gen z's lifestyle
Simping = When a man TREASURES a woman who doesn't show feelings or care about him in return, and (in some cases) additionally takes advantage of the simpleton's worship of her for her own gain. Of course this can span across all genders, but simps are, by default, descriptive of men -> women.
👉🏻👈🏻 = trying to be cute, in a shy way. Usually paired with 🥺
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the-autonomous · 4 years
Relationships & Reciprocity
Let’s have a discussion about RECIPROCITY - shall we?
the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another.
This also applies to relationships - of all kinds.  Friendships, business partnerships, intimate relationships, etc..  I could write a lengthy explanation on this, but why use more words than necessary?
Case & Point: Relationships of any kind involve two people.  This means there are two parts to this relationship.  There should always be balance.  One should treat the other exactly how they wish to be treated.  Give as much as you take.  Care as much as you are cared for.  Love as much as you are loved.  You get the picture.  
So if you ever find yourself in a situation where there is vast imbalance - and you try to address it, then find that the other person in the equation refuses to balance the equation, then you have your answer.
Sometimes I lose faith in humanity and the world. Why is this concept so difficult to grasp for some people???
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the-autonomous · 4 years
its ok to still care abt situations that no longer are. or to love people that no longer show love to you. it might not feel good, and the lack of reciprocity might dent your pride. but letting shame taint the integrity of the love you feel by replacing it with scorn or indifference, doesnt protect you. it violates the purity of your spirit.
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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the-autonomous · 4 years
“Every morning my wife and I get booped awake“ 
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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Promotional stills of Michelle Pfeiffer in BATMAN RETURNS (1992).
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the-autonomous · 4 years
Content no one asked for aka the parallels between the relationship of Lizzie McGuire and Paolo Valisari and the relationship between Katara and Jet...here we go!
Girl meets boy and girl is immediately enchanted by the boy:
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Boy shows girl around his home:
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Girl believes boy to be her prince charming:
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Girl realizes that the boy is not who she thought he is and the boy gets humiliated:
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*added bonus each has a friendzoned boy that watches from the sidelines:
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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Memes And Laughs
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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The Good Place 4x04 - “Tinker, Tailor, Demon, Spy” extended scene
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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Get you someone who looks at you the way shrek looks at me when I'm sleeping
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the-autonomous · 4 years
"Murder is okay"
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some words of encouragement from the gaang <3
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the-autonomous · 4 years
Uncle iroh S1 &S2 vs Uncle Iroh S3:
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No, I won’t be taking criticism over this. Proof is under the cut.
Keep reading
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the-autonomous · 4 years
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